Pregnancy and childbirth in a dachshund - signs of pregnancy, how long it lasts, how birth goes, care after birth

Hunters and ordinary dog ​​breeders prefer to own a small funny dachshund. Representatives of the miniature breed are faithful, devoted, and can become true companions. Girls are especially strongly attached to the owner, the main troubles with which occur during the period of estrus, organizing mating and the birth of offspring. It takes a lot of effort to bear and feed puppies, so during pregnancy and childbirth the dachshund needs to be given maximum attention. The health of the mother and newborn babies depends on maintenance, feeding and care during this period.

How can you tell if your dachshund is pregnant?

It is recommended to breed dachshunds not during the first heat, but during the third, when the dog is 1.5-2 years old and is fully formed physically and psychologically to become pregnant. In the first month it is very difficult to determine whether fertilization has occurred. From the fourth week after conception, signs of pregnancy appear:

  • mucous discharge from the loop;
  • toxicosis of a pregnant woman (nausea and vomiting);
  • nipples become brighter than usual and increase in size;
  • a pregnant dachshund's belly grows in volume;
  • appetite changes - in the first month it may decrease, in the second it may increase.

It is guaranteed to know that a dachshund has become pregnant starting from the fourth week after conception with the help of special studies - measuring hormonal levels, a test or an ultrasound. Starting from the second month, the veterinarian determines the number of dachshunds in the pregnant woman by palpation. The owner should not do this on his own, so as not to harm the babies.

Rules for caring for an expectant mother

A veterinarian can tell you about the specifics of caring for expectant mothers. During this period, it is forbidden to vaccinate the dachshund, wait for worming - do this after the birth of the babies. It is recommended to perform similar procedures before mating. You should not bathe a pregnant dachshund - she may catch a cold, and as a result, spontaneous abortion may occur. If your dog gets dirty during a walk, simply wipe it with wet wipes or a damp cloth, but only indoors. From the second month onwards, it is worth protecting your dachshund from stress and physical activity.

But activity is also important, walking, moving around - the dog must move. The duration of the walk depends on the pet’s well-being - she will tell you when it’s best to go home. The basic rule is to observe and monitor the health, behavior and well-being of your pet, and control the appearance of discharge.

Pregnancy by days and months

The duration of pregnancy is about two months. During this time, changes occur:

DayWhat's happening
1Fertilization as a result of mating.
2Repeated mating, the gradual movement of sperm to fully formed eggs.
3Sperm in the uterine tubes.
5-11The eggs enter the uterus.
12-14Formation of embryos.
15The embryos begin to form internal organs.
16Embryos reach a length of 1 mm.
17The central nervous system, head and torso develop.
18-19The length of the fetus is 2 mm, internal organs continue to form.
20-24The placenta, heart, liver, organs of hearing, vision, smell, jaws are formed, the embryo reaches 1 cm.
25-29Teeth, front and hind limbs are growing.
30-32Hair appears on the 2 cm long embryo.
33The fruit increases to 2.7 cm.
34-36The pregnant bitch becomes calm and her appetite improves.
37-40The skeletal system of dachshunds is growing, their length is 6.5 cm.
41-44The fruits can be palpated.
45-49The abdomen increases in volume.
50-52The dachshunds begin to move, drops of milk may appear in the nipples.
53-54A pregnant dog makes a nest and licks itself.
55-58The fruits reach a length of 8-12 cm, milk arrives.
59-62The puppies are fully developed and ready to be born.
63-65A pregnant bitch refuses to eat, her body temperature drops, and labor begins.

Like most other breeds, a pregnant dachshund carries puppies for 58-68 days, after which hormonal levels change and the uterus begins to contract.

What to feed a pregnant dachshund?

A pregnant dog needs to be fed properly. In the first three weeks, after the bitch becomes pregnant, her menu does not change fundamentally. The main part of the diet should be lean boiled meat (veal, chicken, rabbit), sea fish and chicken egg yolks. In the fourth week, the volume of servings for a pregnant dog is increased by 10%, and by the end of the second month - by 50%. It is worth increasing the frequency of feedings to 3-4 times.

You should not mix industrial and natural food; they should be given in a separate meal. At any stage of pregnancy, it is necessary to ensure constant access to fresh, clean water, which is changed several times a day.

Choosing the right food

After a year, it is recommended to switch the dog to two meals a day. The diet can consist only of dry food, natural products or a mixed type. It is important to remember that it is forbidden to give food and natural products at the same time.

The following factors influence the choice of food:

  • How active is the pet and how old (months) is it?
  • composition and nutritional value of feed.

Many dachshund owners choose dry food and consider their decision to be justified and correct. This is because the food is developed and produced according to certain standards. The norm is calculated individually, depending on the weight, age, and activity of the dog. An adult dachshund eats 150 grams of dry food per day.

All feed is divided into segments. These are: economy and premium class, there is also a super-premium class.

The more affordable the price of food, the lower the concentration of meat and energy value. Unscrupulous manufacturers add a lot of chemical elements and dyes, which enhance the taste, saving on quality. There are no nutrients, vitamins, or minerals in such feeds, because they contain only by-products. Accordingly, in order for the pet to be satisfied with such food, the dose must be doubled.

Premium segment foods are expensive, this is important to consider before choosing a diet. They are quite filling because they contain natural meat, vitamin and mineral complexes. These include the active substances of Royal Canina, ProPlan, Acan, Grandorf and others. Unlike budget companies, premium segment manufacturers do not use preservatives or flavor enhancers. Also, in the composition of feed, meat always comes first.

The minimum protein level is 20 percent. The remaining components are calculated depending on the amount of protein. Dogs over 6 years old can buy food with a protein content of 15 percent or more.

Signs of false pregnancy

It happens that a dachshund develops a false pregnancy. It is similar in characteristics to a normal one, but the dog does not bear puppies, and it does not have the opportunity to become pregnant. The condition appears against the background of hormonal imbalance. Most often, it develops when estrus ends and the corpus luteum is still functioning. After a signal arrives in the brain, the body begins to prepare to bear offspring. The effect is explained by the production of the endocrine gland of the pregnancy hormone in the absence of conception. During this period, the dog loses its appetite and refuses to eat; it has constant mood swings - from playful to apathetic. Often taxi drivers become lethargic and want to be alone. The nipples become enlarged, swollen, and milk may be released from them.

It is necessary to walk the dog more often, to divert its attention to games, training and communication. If the imaginary pregnant period lasts longer than 2-3 months, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe drug therapy.

Preliminary preparation for mating

The first thing to do is to choose a pair for the bitch. The male must correspond to the breed standard and exterior, the characters of the dogs must fully correspond. The male in question should not be inferior to your girl in any respect, because puppies from a simple manufacturer are not at all wildly popular among buyers and breeders. Check to see if the male is physically and mentally healthy and suitable in age.

It is important to prepare for pregnancy 1 – 1.5 months before the expected estrus. Take your dog to a veterinary clinic, conduct a comprehensive examination, and check for infectious diseases (streptococcus, staphylococcus, herpes, etc.). It is important to treat against ticks and worms, lice, and fleas. After a week, worm the animal. After the onset of estrus, your pet is ready for mating already on the 12th – 15th day. It is recommended to plan mating for the first half of the day, preferably in the morning.

When the “bride” meets the “groom”, be careful: an inexperienced male may well make mistakes, show excessive aggression or agitation. If the animals do not find a common language, postpone mating and show them to a specialist.

Subtleties you need to know about

How can you determine a dachshund’s readiness to mate with males:

  • she pulls her tail back;
  • flirts with “men”;
  • reacts sharply to stroking the back, raising the tail;
  • light discharge appears.

If, after the appearance of all these key points, mating is carried out immediately, the desired pregnancy may not occur at all. If the opposite happens and it occurs, there will be very few puppies in the litter. There are certain deviations from the norm that prevent a dog from giving birth to healthy offspring:

  • very light, almost invisible discharge;
  • throughout all days of the cycle, discharge is scanty;
  • the dog “loop” is very rigid and of the usual size;
  • The female behaves aggressively towards dogs of the opposite sex and does not allow anyone to approach her.

To quickly secure a “marriage” between two animals, just watch how your dog is in heat. It is the individual characteristics and characteristics that will help you accurately determine the time for mating. For dachshunds that are not yet a year old, mating is contraindicated for many reasons:

  • the “bride” is not yet mature at all and is not psychologically ready for a confrontation;
  • the dachshund has not gained the necessary body weight that will help her bear puppies;
  • the body of a “young” dachshund is not yet fully formed, only a mature dog is able to bear offspring for the entire term without problems;
  • at this age there is a risk of having underdeveloped or very weak babies;
  • childbirth occurs with serious complications and leads to health problems.

If a small, immature pet becomes pregnant, her metabolism (metabolism) is disrupted, and due to feeding, a lot of vital calcium is removed from the body. To accurately determine the favorable period for crossing, you can contact your veterinarian at the clinic. In the laboratory, material is taken for a smear, which will help to find out the stage of the cycle.

Dogs also have their own menstrual cycle, consisting of 4 stages:

  1. Proestrus is a period that lasts approximately 9-10 days. The dog's appetite and behavior change dramatically; the dog may not eat at all or eat everything in its path. The vulva begins to swell and a small reddish discharge begins to appear. At this stage, the bitch is not yet ready for mating.
  2. Estrus - lasts 2 weeks, discharge is yellowish or brownish, but there is less of it. The swelling of the vulva subsides, while touching itself, the dog raises its pelvis and moves its tail slightly to the side.
  3. Metatrus – lasts from 2 months to 150 days. The dachshund has noticeable changes in behavior and the swelling of the vulva has almost subsided. Males are now completely uninterested in the animal.
  4. Anestrus - the dog completely calms down, ovarian activity decreases.

It is important to know how to properly prepare a male dog for mating. Boys can be bred from 12 to 15 months, and in order for the male to feel good, 3–4 matings are arranged per year. If the male is not untied, he normally tolerates the company of females, which cannot be said about a sexually mature and untied male. As a rule, the process takes place on the territory of the male dog - he feels much more confident and calm in his area. There is no need to create special conditions for pets. However, if at least one part of the couple shows anxiety, uncertainty or gives in, it is important to save a favorite toy or treat for such a moment.

Precursors of childbirth in a dachshund girl

Most often, taxi drivers carry pregnancy calmly, without complications. The owner needs to know about the main signs of impending labor in order to prepare in time. The main symptoms of an approaching birth include:

  • restless behavior of a pregnant bitch;
  • change in appetite;
  • sagging of the pregnant belly and hair loss on it;
  • the dog asks to go outside and immediately rushes home;
  • the dachshunds stop pushing and become quiet in their stomachs;
  • The pregnant woman's body temperature drops to 37 ⁰C;
  • Gray or white mucus is released from the vagina;
  • nipples swell;
  • heart rate and breathing increase.

Just before a pregnant bitch begins to give birth, her water breaks. The owner needs to be nearby, especially if it is the first birth.

When the kids grow up

The babies are now one month old. The list of what to feed a Dachshund puppy is supplemented with buckwheat and vegetables or chicken soup with finely grated or boiled carrots and well-cooked rice. Some babies willingly gnaw on raw whole carrots - they can be given as a toy and a dental exercise machine. If you are going to feed your puppies with ready-made food in the future, you can gradually accustom them to it from the age of one month. However, most veterinarians and experienced dog breeders advise feeding Dachshund puppies natural food for up to six months; If desired, you can switch them to food later and without any particular difficulties.

How does a bitch give birth?

If the dachshund stops thrashing around and lies down on a pre-prepared place, the muscles of her pregnant belly are apparently contracting, which means she has begun to give birth. Childbirth includes several stages. The first of these is contractions, during which the vaginal muscles relax, the uterus contracts and its cervix opens slightly. The duration of the stage is from 5 to 12 hours.

The next stage is childbirth. The pregnant woman’s water breaks, the abdominal muscles contract, and baby dachshunds appear through the birth canal at intervals of 0.5-3 hours.

After each baby, the placenta is separated. The process must be controlled so that the afterbirth does not remain inside. The pregnant bitch is trying to eat him. Letting her do this more than twice is unacceptable.

During a normal birth, the dog copes with everything on its own. Newborn dachshunds are freed from the hymen and umbilical cord, wiped with a diaper and applied to the mother's nipple. She licks the dachshunds very actively. This helps to improve their digestion and breathing, and stimulates the production of milk in the bitch herself. The gender and time of birth of each baby is recorded in a notebook. Taxis can be weighed, but if the mother reacts nervously, the procedure should be postponed to a later date. After the birth is over, the whole family is transferred to the den and the dog is given a drink.

Some tips for male dog owners

To properly breed a purebred dog, it is important to know not only about the female, but also about the male. Stud dogs are divided into several types: experienced, moderate temperament, difficult to breed, uninterested.

It is very important for further breeding activities to properly untie, and for this it is necessary to select a non-aggressive bitch, preferably an experienced one. Mating should be done on the dog’s territory so that he feels confident .

When a person chooses a pet, he pays attention to the breed in accordance with his taste. Small, loyal and friendly dachshunds have captured many human hearts. This breed is easy to breed and care for, but the owner needs to know the dog's characteristics.

How to properly care for a dog during the postpartum period

Immediately after labor stops, the dog drinks a lot and eats little. There is no need to worry about this, because after 2-3 days her appetite will be restored. A nursing bitch should be given high-calorie, fortified food several times a day at intervals of 6 hours. The menu should include protein foods (lean meat, offal, sea fish, seafood), milk, cottage cheese, kefir, vegetables and cereals. Provide constant access to clean, fresh water.

During the first week after the birth of the dachshunds, you should invite a veterinarian to examine the bitch and puppies. Even in the absence of external signs of possible complications, the dog’s well-being should be monitored by measuring its body temperature daily. If you have diarrhea, vomiting, frequent urination, depression, refusal to eat and fever, you should consult a veterinarian, since the symptoms are signs of pyometra - inflammation of the uterine cavity.

The location of the dog and dachshunds should be cozy, isolated from other animals. The air temperature in the room is maintained at least +24 ⁰С. If necessary, the box with the family is covered with a blanket. The bedding is changed twice a day when the dachshund is walked.

Why is there no heat

The absence or regular delay of estrus can be due to a number of factors:

  • inflammation of the uterus;
  • pituitary dysfunction;
  • disruption of the ovaries and thyroid gland;
  • tumors;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • cyst formation;
  • congenital and hereditary pathologies.

You won't be able to make a diagnosis yourself. Therefore, a thorough examination at a veterinary clinic is required.

Estrus and pregnancy in Dachshunds are quite easy. You just need to support the dog and help it become a happy mother.

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