A cross between a shepherd and a Rottweiler (Malchover): description of the breed

A cross between a Rottweiler and a Shepherd is a service dog that combines such qualities as guard and protective functions, balance and a calm disposition.

The concept of "mestizo"

In any breeding, the main type of crossing is purebred. The addition of other blood is permissible only in rare cases. But sometimes there is a need to get a dog that combines the characteristics of two breeds.

The breed was named Malkhover

The most striking examples:

  • The Caucasian Shepherd was crossed with the Saint Bernard. As a result, we managed to get a Moscow guard dog that had the appearance of a St. Bernard and the character of a Caucasian Shepherd.
  • The mixed breed of Alabai and Rottweiler was distinguished by a strong physique, powerful muscles and thick hair. These dogs were perfect for home guarding.
  • The Pitweiler is a mix of Pitbull and Rottweiler. Such pets are distinguished by fearlessness, endurance, and energy. The hybrid requires seriousness from the owner, since without constant training he goes crazy.
  • Sometimes you can find a cross between a mongrel and a Rottweiler. This combination is unpredictable. Such a dog can be unbalanced and aggressive.

Crossbreeding is very risky, as you can never be sure what qualities will be passed on to the litter. Hybrids may be healthier. Some small breeds have many problems due to close relationships.

Interesting! Infusion of other blood can correct the defects. However, such work should be done by experienced breeders.

How to feed?


With natural nutrition, the pet’s menu should consist of:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • buckwheat, rice and barley porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits.

You will also need to take additional vitamins and minerals.

You should not give Rottweilers:

  • tubular bones;
  • pork;
  • pickles, smoked meats, seasonings;
  • pasta and bakery products;
  • potatoes and legumes;
  • semolina;
  • sweets;
  • freshwater fish.

It is prohibited to feed dogs leftovers from the communal table.

Food must be warm. Feeding cold or too hot foods leads to the development of gastritis.

If we are talking about ready-made food, then it should be premium, super-premium or holistic.

The most popular brands of feed:

  • Hill`s;
  • Royal Canin;
  • Eukanuba;
  • Purina Pro Plan.

Due to the tendency of Rottweilers to overeat and become obese, it is necessary to adhere to a feeding schedule and control portion sizes and the number of calories consumed.

A little history

A cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd appeared in the mid-20th century. The breed is considered young and still little known throughout the world. Germany became her homeland. A group of Germans set out to get new dogs with a stable psyche and balanced character. Particular attention was paid to the level of health.

The best representatives of the breeds were selected for the work. The first mixed breeds of Rottweilers and German Shepherds definitely pleased the breeders. Hybrids were distinguished by high trainability, obedience, and good health.

Further crossing allowed only the best qualities to be consolidated in the new breed. Therefore, the breeders decided to present the Rottweiler-Shepherd mix to the professional canine society.

Rottweiler and Shepherd

However, experts refused to recognize the new breed. In their opinion, mestizos do not have a stable set of characteristics, and the results of selection are not yet permanent. At this stage, the targeted work on breeding a new breed ended.

Interesting! Some dog breeders make their own hybrids and sell puppies.

The Rottweiler-Shepherd mix is ​​considered to be versatile and has excellent working qualities. This breed is popularly called Malkhover, and it is popular among connoisseurs of unusual dogs.

German Shepherd – the standard of devotion

The ranking of the most loyal dogs is opened by the German Shepherd, whose ancestors are considered to be wolves of the Bronze Age. The first breeder of this breed was Captain von Stefanitz, and the world learned about the German Shepherd in 1882, at the Hanover Exhibition. The main advantages of the dog are exceptional devotion, intelligence, courage, and good fighting qualities. In addition, it is a reliable guide for the blind, as well as a watchman and protector of the owner’s property. However, the dog’s character is not aggressive - if such traits do appear, this is rather a cost of upbringing.

Did you know that during World War II, German shepherds successfully “worked” as messengers, signalmen, orderlies and sappers? Many seriously wounded soldiers were able to survive only thanks to these four-legged heroes, who found and pulled them out of the battlefield.

Detailed description

It is difficult to accurately characterize a mixture, since puppies inherit traits from both parents. What they will have in common is large size, proportionate body, muscularity.

External data

Malchover is a dog that is more similar to a Rottweiler. The dog has a toned, slender body, a wide chest and a straight back. The paws are very long and thin.

The Rottweiler/Shepherd mix has more characteristics of the former breed. The Malchover's head is medium in size with a convex forehead, with a noticeable occipital protuberance. The muzzle narrows towards the nose.

The nose is large, black with large nostrils. The jaws should be equal in length and have a scissor bite. The ears are drooping and triangular in shape. The tail is long and straight.

The Malchover has a hard, short and coarse coat. The most common color is black with tan markings on the paws and belly.

Interesting fact! The cross between a Rottweiler and a German Shepherd looks impressive. Therefore, such dogs are used to guard the territory and protect the owner.

Males reach a height of 70 cm at the withers, females 65 cm. The average weight of an individual is 50 kg. Such pets are not suitable for apartment living. Therefore, it is better to keep Malchover outside or in an enclosure.

Crossbreed options

Currently, quite productive breeding work is being carried out to create mixed breeds of retrievers and other dog breeds. Below are descriptions of the external and behavioral characteristics of various Labrador mixes.

With shepherds

Labrador and Shepherd mixes are fairly large dogs that come in a variety of colors. Adults weigh approximately 45-50 kg. To obtain a mixed breed, German, Caucasian or East European shepherd dogs are chosen.

Labrador/German Shepherd mix

Labrador and shepherd mixes are quite active, playful and good-natured animals. Such pets will make excellent companions. After all, due to their timidity, they are not able to perform security functions.

Dogs will need to be fed special hypoallergenic food, since these animals are prone to allergies to certain foods, as well as indoor plants.

With a Dalmatian

Externally, mixed breeds of a retriever and a Dalmatian resemble spotted Labradors. True, they weigh a little less. In addition, nature has endowed such dogs with longer limbs.

Representatives of a crossbreed are usually distinguished by the following character traits:

  • smart,
  • unperturbed,
  • charismatic,
  • friendly.

They harmoniously combine the qualities of a guard and a companion.

With a poodle

The Poodle mix, otherwise known as the Labradoodle, is the most sought after hybrid. The fact is that the fur of such pets is endowed with hypoallergenic characteristics. Even people with allergies can keep Labradoodles.

These are medium sized dogs. They have long drooping ears and medium-length curly fur. There are representatives of several colors:

Labradoodles are creatures that are endlessly loyal to their owner. They are easy-going and also extremely efficient.

With husky

The Husky mix is ​​called Labski. Such pets have a medium build, short hair, especially expressive blue eyes and elongated ears. There are pets of a wide variety of colors.

Labski's distinctive character traits:

  • tendency to dominate
  • cleverness,
  • restlessness,
  • love for children.

Note! Labski dogs have an exceptional sense of smell. They are often used to search for explosive objects and drugs.

With Shar Peis

A mix of Shar Pei and Labrador retrievers produces dogs of medium to large size with long legs. Light folds are also possible in the forehead, cheeks and sides. Often these pets have a solid color of black, red or white.

A puppy from a cross between a retriever and a sharpei, with proper care and competent training, will grow up to be a kind and devoted four-legged friend. Shar Peis are more aggressive and cautious in expressing their feelings compared to Labradors. So, if the pet’s character contains more genes from the Shar Pei breed, the dog will become an excellent guard.

With a pit bull

Medium-sized, smooth-haired dogs. They are characterized by a large muzzle and drooping ears. The above-mentioned mestizos are black or chocolate in color.

This is a playful, friendly, and also quite active animal.

Note! There is a small risk that the puppy's personality will be dominated by pit bull genes. In this case, the pet may grow up to be aggressive.

Labrador and dachshund mixes

These are short animals with drooping ears, an elongated body, short legs and smooth coat of the same tone. Colors can be very different.

The character of the retriever/dachshund mix is ​​dominated by love for children, playfulness, and restlessness.

Features of behavior

Both the Rottweiler and the German Shepherd have complex personalities. Dogs of these breeds require constant training with the owner and supervision by a dog handler. The dogs are trained not only in general training, but also in protective guard duty.

Malchover has absorbed the qualities of both parents

Rottweilers are fearless, self-confident and have a balanced character. A dog of this breed will perfectly guard the territory.

German Shepherds are more focused on cooperation with humans. This breed can be called one of the most important among service dogs. The dog will be pliable and easy to train.

Malkhover absorbed the character of both parents. The crossbreed has a high level of intelligence, obedience and intelligence. The puppy will demonstrate a balanced character.

Important! Negative qualities include obstinacy, pride and excessive independence.

At the same time, malchover shows activity and mobility. He will enjoy outdoor games, running and long walks. Metis will get real pleasure from joint activities.

The dog is very dependent on the owner and will suffer from long periods of loneliness. Therefore, malchover is not suitable for busy people. You need to constantly train your pet and spend long hours together.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to compare different breeds, write down their pros and cons. This will give you an idea of ​​each dog. You should not rush to conclusions, since the pet will live for at least 10 years and you need to approach its choice responsibly.

Malkhover is able to withstand any physical activity. You can use it for cross-country running, obstacle courses, agility and other active sports.

Malkhover is a serious dog; the description of the breed does not give a complete picture of its characteristics. Such a pet requires strictness from the owner. Metis has an obstinate and stubborn character, so it will be difficult for a beginner to cope with him.

Shepherd Bulldog

The Bulldog and German Shepherd mix is ​​a large, powerful and strong dog. Her weight is 27-40 kg. It is distinguished by non-marking wool of a wide variety of colors - from brindle to black, from fawn to spotted. If the animal takes after its bulldog parent, it may have breathing problems due to its short nose.

As for temperament, this is a brave, smart, self-confident dog. An excellent watchdog, he needs training if the dog is taken for home keeping.

Shugi (nops) are funny crossbreeds of a German shepherd and a pug, a “product” of artificial insemination. They do not inherit their parent's breathing problems (due to the pug's flattened face).

The maximum weight of such a pet is 14 kg. This is a stocky animal with an easy-to-groom coat. Shugs are valued for their intelligence and energy, cheerful and friendly disposition. This is a family dog ​​for a small apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each breed has its own pros and cons. Malhover's strength is its excellent protective and guarding abilities. Metis is distinguished by a high level of health, affection for the owner and other family members.

Such a dog will not bark for no reason and disturb the owner. With proper training, your pet will become an excellent friend and protector. Thanks to its endurance, a malkhover can accompany its person everywhere.

The hybrid does not whine or bark for no reason.

But the mixture also has negative sides:

  • Aggressive attitude towards other pets, especially small ones. Therefore, you should not get a dog if there are already pets in the house.
  • Intolerance towards children. The dog will not patiently tolerate the tricks of a child, especially if he is small. It needs to be isolated from the child or the puppy should not be taken into a family with children.

Due to the fact that the Rottweiler blood predominates in the crossbreed, Malchover can negatively perceive any guests. Instinct tells him to behave this way around strangers.

Another disadvantage of the hybrid is the difficulty of walking. Malhover needs to be taken out only on a leash and with a muzzle; he can only be released in the forest where there are no people. In other cases, you will have to limit your pet’s movements.

It is advisable to work with the dog under the supervision of a dog handler. He will show you how to teach different commands and suggest solutions to difficult situations. This is especially important for those who have little experience communicating with animals.

Training begins from the first month of the puppy’s life

With proper upbringing, Malkhover will become a devoted friend. He becomes nervous and aggressive towards people only when there is a lack of communication.

How to choose?

When buying a dog, it is always important to remember that it is not only a “want”, but also a responsibility for the life of another creature.
It’s easier to start communicating with a dog when it’s still a puppy. In this case, the owner will be able to become a full-fledged authority and raise exactly the kind of pet he needs. You need to understand that a dog requires attention and certain investments. This includes time, emotions, activities with the animal, and money (for example, for arranging a sleeping place, food, vaccinations, and so on).

In order to distinguish a crossbreed from a purebred dog, there are “helpers” - international breed standards. They describe what a representative of the subspecies should look like. If there are significant differences, then most likely it is a mestizo. In some dogs, this may be a decrease in the number of teeth or a change in the ratio between the length and height of the body, or a different color. Also, crossbreeds always have the external characteristics of both of their parents. In any case, it is worth consulting with a specialist before purchasing a puppy.

Rules for choosing a puppy

In most cases, a hybrid is bred for official purposes, for example, home security. In this case, you need to carefully examine the litter and choose the bravest puppy.

To check, they use a simple test: they throw a bunch of keys in front of the kids and see who runs away and who doesn’t. A puppy who is not scared and comes up will do.

Another way to check is to observe the attitude towards a stranger. If the baby himself approaches the guest and smells him, then everything is fine. Malchover is an unrecognized breed, so metrics are not given for the puppy.

The owner can install a chip with personal information himself. The baby must be vaccinated according to schedule. Although in good health, he may suffer seriously from infections.

Important! The veterinarian knows what vaccinations to give. You must strictly follow his recommendations.

Before buying a puppy, it is advisable to look at its parents. From them you can get an idea of ​​what the children will be like. You need to pay attention to the exterior and behavior.

What the puppy eats also matters. From the first days of his appearance in the house, he must be provided with a nutritious diet. The baby is fed 5-6 times a day (about 150 g serving), gradually reducing this amount to 2 times.

The basis of proper nutrition for Malkhover is raw meat and offal. For example, in one feeding they give 100 g of beef and 50 g of beef heart. Additionally, a raw chicken egg is poured into the meat.

Malchover is a German Shepherd-Rottweiler mix. This dog is suitable for home guarding, but it requires special treatment.

In Germany, a cross between a Rottweiler and a Shepherd is called a Malchover. By crossing two breeds, German breeders pursued certain goals and achieved good results. What exactly they were trying to achieve, and what you can expect from crossing a Rottweiler with other dog breeds, you will learn from this article.

Diet of German Shepherds

As soon as you get a German Shepherd puppy, you should make sure that its diet is balanced. At first, you need to feed the baby the same food that the breeder treated him to, gradually expanding his menu. The metabolism of puppies is more intense than that of mature four-legged animals, so they should be given food in small portions, but much more often.

The number of meals is directly related to the age of the pet:

  1. At two months of age, six meals a day are fed;
  2. At six months of age, the dog begins to eat three to four times a day;
  3. Closer to ten months of age, the shepherd dog eats twice a day.

Dogs can eat specialized ready-made food or natural food. The main thing is that the food is balanced, rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It is very useful to add milk and other dairy products, especially cottage cheese, to the diet of puppies. At two months of age, the menu includes 100 to 200 grams of raw meat, excluding pork. At the same time, puppies begin to be given cartilage, and then they are also fed boiled eggs, offal, and fish.

In order for the puppy to grow quickly, become stronger and fully develop, it must be provided with proper and healthy nutrition. This will protect him from various diseases and ailments, make the pet’s life happy and cloudless, and contacting a veterinarian will only occur as part of a routine preventive examination.

Mongrel or purebred dog?

Mixed breed, half-breed, mestizo - all these terms refer to a dog obtained by crossing two purebred breeds with a clear set of certain qualities. There is still debate about whether a mestizo is a mongrel.

A mongrel, or, as many joke, a “nobleman,” is obtained by randomly repeatedly mating several generations of different breeds. Both purebred dogs and similar mongrels can participate in the process. The result is a dog whose appearance is almost impossible to identify the breeds that participated in its creation.

Most mongrels resemble the first dogs that people domesticated many centuries ago. They have common features:

  • erect ears;
  • muscular paws;
  • wariness in gaze;
  • long, curling tail.

Mixed breeds are considered to be the results of the first crossing of two purebred dogs. It can be either random or planned, with the goal of obtaining unusual puppies. Unlike mongrels, whose gene pool is extremely diverse, it is more likely to guess what a mestizo will turn out to be.

In principle, random mixed breeds can also be called mongrels. That is why they cannot participate in exhibitions and all kinds of competitions. Despite this, such dogs can become loyal and loving companions.

Retriever colors

What does a cross between a Husky and a Spitz look like: description, breeds and basic rules for caring for a Pomsky

The Labrador Retriever breed standard FCI No. 122 C/8.1 implies different colors.

In total, three varieties are recognized by the classification:

  1. Black Labrador.
  2. Yellow-red, called fawn.
  3. Brown Labrador, called chocolate.

Let's take a closer look at them. Initially, the Labrador Retriever standard assumed only one type - black. It was he who was adopted by the British Kennel Club in 1903 and the black dogs were called the English Labrador.

Cute photos of Labradors.

They still exist in large numbers today, have a very deep, even black color, and in terms of the quality of their coat, the black Labrador is wire-haired. No photo can convey what a black dog really looks like, since its fur shimmers in all shades of black in daylight.

Fawn Labrador is often confused with the Golden Retriever because they have a similar color. Dogs have a rich range of colors, ranging from white, light cream, to bright red, almost fox-colored. Quite often it is the white color with a faint yellow stripe on the back that is found.

Fawn are smoother coated and softer to the touch. But in the case of active games, it is much easier for them to get dirty. The fawn Labrador Retriever standard was recognized in 1924 by the American Club and the first mention of this dog sounds like the “American Labrador”.

The chocolate Labrador was not immediately recognized, but this color was obtained by crossing black and fawn. Representatives of the chocolate breed have 3 color gradations: standard, light chocolate and dark chocolate. In addition, their eye color can vary from bright yellow to dark hazel.

A unique feature of the chocolate Labrador is the likelihood of simply burning out in the sun in the summer, which makes determining its color difficult. Therefore, it is better for active exhibitors to stay in the shade in the summer and also include seaweed in their diet in order to enhance the pigment.

Breeding versus plain mating

It is fundamentally wrong to consider selection work to create a new breed and random or “for the sake of curiosity” mating as the same thing. To develop a new breed, breeders do a tremendous amount of work. Their goal is to consolidate the necessary mental qualities and physical characteristics in the breed through long and tough selection.

It was precisely these goals that the breeders from the former GDR pursued when crossing the Rottweiler and the German Shepherd. They wanted to breed a harmoniously built, hardy and mentally balanced dog, which is exactly what they achieved. The breed was called Malchover, but it never received official recognition.

However, fans of the Rottweiler-German Shepherd hybrid still exist. After all, such versatile dogs do an excellent job with protective, guard, search and security services. But, despite the loyalty, activity and obedience taken from the shepherd, mestizos have the stubbornness, aggression and dominance of Rottweilers. Therefore, to keep the dog under control, the owner must have leadership qualities.

Types of "Germans"

Representatives of this breed can be short-haired or long-haired. In the first species the coat is thick and hard, on the tail, neck and hind legs it is softer and longer, the undercoat lies tightly to the body, in the second the coat is long, soft, slightly wavy, the undercoat is weakly expressed.

Also, German Shepherds are divided into types according to the breeding line:

  • exhibition - purebred individuals with an exterior as close as possible to the standard;
  • working – have a denser and squat build;
  • Shepherd dogs of East Germany are heavy, strong dogs with a massive body and a large head;
  • American – these dogs are taller than their German relatives and have an angular build;
  • Czech – outwardly they look like shepherd dogs from East Germany, but have a more docile and calm character;
  • Belarusian Shepherds are strong and hardy dogs with dark or spotted hair, obtained by crossing German and Central Asian Shepherds and Russian Laikas;
  • British - they are characterized by a long, stocky body and short legs.

In addition, as a result of breeding work on crossing German shepherds with other animals, such breed varieties as the Czech Wolfhound, American Shilohound, Dutch Sarlouz Wulfhound, and English Utonogan were obtained.

Healthy dog ​​with an unpredictable character

It is believed that mestizos take the best from their parents, and this opinion is not groundless. Hybrids often have good health, since they do not inherit genetic diseases from their ancestors. But this does not mean that the mixed breed will never get sick, because poor living conditions can undermine any dog’s immunity.

The character of hybrids may not be as good as their health. There is a fifty-fifty chance that crossing two different breeds can either balance out negative traits or enhance them.

Take, for example, a cross between a Rottweiler and a Caucasian Shepherd. Both breeds have a dominant character and are capable of showing aggression. Two options are possible: either absolute calm (naturally, when the owner and his family are safe), or a redoubled desire to be a leader and sudden outbursts of anger towards strangers. In any case, such a mestizo needs a firm hand from the owner and constant training.

But if you cross a Rottweiler with an American Bulldog, then there is a risk of getting an explosive mixture of activity and viciousness. And although breeders managed to reduce as much as possible the aggression and pursuit instinct in bulldogs, they remained at the genetic level. However, the dog can be as lazy as a Rottweiler.

Don't forget about the sizes. No one can give a 100% guarantee that a tiny puppy will not turn into a huge bear. A mixed breed of Rottweiler and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) can grow to the size of a Rottweiler and weigh about 50 kilograms. Or it can reach 70-100 kilograms, because the Alabai is one of the largest dogs in the world.

The same results can be expected when crossing a Rottweiler with a Tibetan Mastiff, St. Bernard or other large breeds. The size of a puppy's paws can indicate the dog's future size, but it is not an exact measurement.

Among fans of hybridization, there is an opinion that the participation of a Rottweiler in crossing can produce a mixed breed similar to the American Pit Bull Terrier. That is, the dog may have good nature, loyalty to the environment, stubbornness, endurance, a desire to reach the end, activity controlled by aggression.


There are various options for crossing this breed. There are known cases when mixed breeds appeared from a sharpei and a hound, a mongrel, a rottweiler and many others. However, there are the most popular crossing options. Let's talk about their description and main features in more detail.

With chow chow

This type can be recognized as one of the most common and in demand. It not only has an attractive appearance, but is also considered a very successful combination. The combination of genes led to the introduction to the world of an independent dog, devoted to its owner and excellent for performing security functions.

Fans of such mestizos say that they are very reminiscent of bear cubs. In general it is a Shar Pei, but overgrown with fur. The maximum height of doggies is about 53 centimeters, weight can reach 20 kilograms. These dogs are famous for their lack of aggression, attachment to their owner, and excellent guard qualities.

With a shepherd

The most popular breed is the Shar Pei crossed with the German Shepherd. Externally, the dogs are more reminiscent of a Shar Pei, with the exception of the colors, in which the zonal color predominates. They have short fur, a sickle-shaped tail, a wide muzzle and erect ears. The accepted name for such mixed breeds is the German Shar-Pei.

These dogs are distinguished by their intelligence and tenacious mind. The dog is easy to train and knows how to adapt to its owner. However, the owners note the waywardness of German Shar-Peis. For this reason, it is recommended to own them only for those who have a strong character and experience communicating with animals.

The dog has an average height of about 50 centimeters, weight - around 20-22 kilograms. However, when crossing not with “Germans”, but with other shepherd dogs, these indicators may differ slightly. Puppies of this type are obtained as a result of random mating with dogs such as “Caucasians”, “Central Asians”, and East European Shepherds.

With husky

The appearance of a Shar Pei mixed with a Husky is very specific, with the genes of the second breed being dominant in this case. Even amazing eye color is inherited. The main difference is that the fur of mestizos is shorter than that of a husky, and the undercoat is not developed at all. Dogs require active physical activity, as they have restlessness and an eccentric nature.

In general, owners value these dogs for their intelligence, loyalty and lack of aggression. Mestizos are great at interacting with children and are very loving. They love to play and can indulge, so their behavior needs to be corrected through education and training. The animals are about 50 centimeters tall and weigh about 20 kilograms.

With a boxer

These mixed breeds have a muscular build, although in general they are very similar to Shar-Peis, with the exception of the ears, which are often larger. The tail is not curled and can be docked. The dogs have reddish fur, the muzzle is decorated with a black mask, and some individuals have a white spot on the chest.

This crossbreed has a very good-natured and friendly character. They make loyal friends and excellent guards. Shar Pei Boxers adore children, but they are wary of strangers. The sizes, as in the case of previous varieties, are average.

With Staffordshire Terrier

Not the most successful mixture, since the play of genes can negatively affect the character of the dog. At a tender age, mixed breeds exhibit folds; over time, the dogs become more and more like Staffords. The weight of doggies is larger, reaching 30 kilograms, with a standard height of about 50 centimeters. This is due to the presence of developed muscles.

Such dogs have a rather complex character. There may be outbursts of aggression and problems with parenting.

With a pit bull

This mixture is also characterized by unpredictability. The appearance of babies, like their character, can only be determined after birth. The height can be completely different, the color too. Most have a black mask on their face, like a pit bull.

Shar Pei Pit Bulls have a muscular build that is sometimes wrinkled.

With a husky

And these mestizos are simply adorable. Outwardly, they are similar to huskies, except for the color of the fur, which is most often inherited from the second parent. Dogs make excellent guards; they are very obedient and loyal to their owners. Can be used as sled dogs.

With alabai

Many fans of such mestizos compare them with “Central Asians.” The dogs resemble these shepherds both in appearance and in character. May have folds on the body and drooping eyebrows. These are quite large animals with dense hair, usually light in color, and small ears. The tail is most often docked.

A dog is a big responsibility

Before purchasing a hybrid puppy, you need to take a closer look at its behavior while it is still small. Thus, you can roughly imagine what kind of character he will have in the future.

If you have no experience and lack confidence in your abilities, it is better not to take on such an important task as purchasing a mestizo. After all, not every owner is capable of becoming a good mentor and leader. Without education and proper training, a funny fluffy ball can grow into an uncontrollable leader-aggressor.

Who is better to buy a Rottweiler or a Pitbull?

Pitbull. A good pit bull can't do everything, but it can do a lot. A properly built dog with a good psyche will show results in almost any work. The pit bull is highly trainable and is capable of achieving high results in any direction, since this particular breed of dog is distinguished by high intelligence, a boundless desire to win and a willingness to reach any of the most difficult heights for the sake of its owner. The Pit Bull Terrier successfully copes with any of the purposes chosen for it by the owner: companion, guard, fighter, athlete, hunter, show dog and just a pet. Pit bulls take prizes in sports competitions in mondjoring, weightpulling, agility, screedjoring, obedience, and other sports. A characteristic feature of a pit bull is its friendliness. They are affectionate with adults, children, and guests. But a pit bull will not hesitate to stop any hostile person. One of the inherent traits of a pit bull is the ability to distinguish good from bad. A pit bull is ready to give its life for its owner at any moment. By its nature, the pit bull terrier is not inclined to try to take a leading position in the family. The pit bull is an independent, but extremely devoted dog to its owner, always striving to bring joy to its owner and please him. This is a noble, morally and physically strong dog. All these excellent character traits make this dog a family favorite.

Dog fights where a Rottweiler competes against an Alabai, Pitbull or Doberman can have any outcome. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each dog, level of training, weight category. Some dogs are characterized by aggression, which plays an important role in a fight, others are not interested in participating in a fight, and others are too kind for such an event.

Malhover's appearance

A mix of a German Shepherd and a Rottweiler is a very successful combination. After all, both breeds have a similar appearance. These are medium-large pets with well-developed muscles, harmoniously built hind and forelimbs, and are naturally strong and powerful. A puppy born from a shepherd mother and a Rottweiler father, or vice versa, will look like both parents.

Let's look at the external features that are inherent in Malkhover:

  • Tight figure, slender paws.
  • Wide chest and straight back.
  • Drop ears.
  • The coat cannot be called a fur coat; it is inherited from the Rottweiler: the coat of the mestizos is short, has no undercoat, and is very coarse.
  • In most cases, the crossbreed has the following color shades: coal black with yellowish or reddish spots on the abdominal part, mouth, legs, neck and chest. The back is always coal.
  • The nose is dark, the muzzle is reddish-black, with a charcoal transition to the head.
  • The claws are also dark in color, the eyes are brown or dark, the same almond-shaped as those of the German Shepherd.
  • The tail is shorter than that of a shepherd, slightly arched, and not very fluffy.

Down with stereotypes

In the past, dog fighting was a brutal, bloody spectacle used by breeders for profit. Some breeds were specially bred and then trained to participate in battles. Each owner of the future participant tried to get from him fearlessness and readiness to engage in battle with any opponent, sometimes until his last breath.

Cruel fun has sunk into oblivion; now open dog fighting is officially prohibited. But the “fighting dog” stereotype remains. Many people still believe that such dog breeds are uncontrollable, aggressive and ready to attack at any moment.

However, their opinion is wrong. Yes, initially the task of fighting breeds was to persecute their own kind. But not people. After all, before the fight, each participant calmly stood near the gathered crowd and endured the inspection of the judges monitoring the fairness of the fight. Naturally, such a past has left its mark - many dogs are genetically predisposed to varying degrees to show aggression.

But with proper upbringing and training, dogs will not show the evil side of their character unnecessarily. If the dog does not listen to the owner, shows excessive aggression, and rushes at passers-by, it means that the owner did not raise him well. Or specially trained.

In general, modern “fighters” are the owners of good physical shape, strict and, in most cases, balanced character. Now they are used only to serve humans.

Diseases of the Russian Wolfhund

The new breed is still too young to talk about systematic observations and conclusions about the heredity of these dogs. There is no reliable data on the average life expectancy of the Russian Wolfhund, but other Wolfhunds live a long time, up to fifteen to twenty years, so there is someone to take a good example from.

“Wild” wolf blood ensured good health for the Wolfhund

It is all the more important to select only genetically proven sires for further breeding work. The Alaskan Malamute is famous for its excellent health, and the infusion of “wild” wolf blood also worked to strengthen the immunity of the hybrid offspring

But there are no perfectly healthy animals, and the new breed also has some typical problems:

  • hip dysplasia - in this case, the disease is more often provoked by poor quality breeding of a large dog;
  • osteoarthritis - the result of abnormal growth of knee cartilage and bones;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • short-term bouts of vomiting or indigestion.

Dysplasia is the most dangerous disease in this series; it can have very serious consequences for the animal. The first manifestations of the disease become noticeable after four months. After lying down after sleep, the puppy suddenly begins to limp on one or both hind legs; then he walks around and the lameness disappears. But this is an alarming signal, and a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed.

The problem develops as quickly as the puppy grows and gains weight - soon he will feel discomfort and pain in the joints, his hind legs will drag, or he will even lose the ability to move independently. The disease is diagnosed in the early stages using radiographic examination. Dysplasia is treated with medication or, in the most difficult cases, through surgery.

Training allows testable combat

To consolidate various service qualities for working dogs, special test fights were invented. Also, combat tests allow you to find out which of the participants put up for battle is stronger, more savvy, more agile, and braver. During a fight, you can notice the advantages and disadvantages of a dog, which you may not know about in everyday life.

Test fights are events supervised by experienced keyologists, but in no case are officially prohibited bloody dog ​​fights.

For each test fight there are strict sporting rules, violation of which leads to fines or disqualification of participants. Those who violate Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (cruelty to animals) can expect fines, compulsory or correctional labor, or restriction of freedom for up to one year, or arrest for up to six months.

Examples of fighting breeds

There is no strict classification of which breed is considered a fighting breed. This definition can be assigned to any dog ​​suitable for protective, guard, or guard duty. However, all dogs must have common parameters:

  • massive head;
  • muscular neck;
  • strong physique;
  • outer coverings that can withstand bites from other animals;
  • small muscular paws, thanks to which the dog can run quickly and for a long time;
  • powerful jaws;
  • courage;
  • devotion;
  • obedience;
  • endurance.

Rottweiler, Alabai, Caucasian Shepherd Dog, Pit Bull (American Pit Bull Terrier), Staff (American Staffordshire Terrier), American Bulldog and other breeds fit this description.

Interestingly, the Labrador Retriever also meets the above parameters. But this breed cannot be classified as a fighting breed. It's all about the character of the dog. He is very kind and friendly. It can be used in hunting, rescue or detective services, and in sports. He can even become a guide, but not a security guard or bodyguard.

If you pit a Rottweiler against a Labrador, then, of course, the Rottweiler will be stronger, even a poorly trained one. After all, dogs of this breed have aggression. The Labrador has no anger at all. And the grip of the powerful jaws is so “soft” that the Rottweiler may not feel anything.

Color inheritance

Color is one of the main elements of a dog’s appearance. To one degree or another, it characterizes whether the animal belongs to the purebred line of its breed. Some deviations in color from standard norms do not in any way affect its constitutional features. Others are considered unwanted defects. They reduce the value of the dog, making it unsuitable for breeding.

Pedigree breeding of Rottweilers must comply with certain rules that do not allow dogs with a non-standard coat color. Such dogs indicate that their pedigree is contaminated with the blood of other breeds.

Because of this, puppies develop defects. For example, some colors are directly related to the structure of the coat. If the hairs are too brittle or short, the Rottweiler will not be able to adapt to bad weather conditions. This reduces its performance.

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