Russian Tsvetnaya: a playful companion for the whole family

A small decorative dog, bred in Russia, has a toy appearance. Despite its cute and harmless appearance, the miniature animal has a strong character, developed intelligence and good memory. The Russian colored lapdog will get along well in a family with children. She loves affection, care and attention very much, but she also requires regular care. Therefore, when purchasing a pet of this breed, the future owner must understand that at the same time he is taking on certain obligations.

History of the breed

The breed occupies an important place in the description of this dog. The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is a young breed, bred in the middle of the last century. A group of enthusiasts under the leadership of Zhanetta Avgustovna Chesnokova decided to breed a new decorative dwarf dog that would become a national treasure of the country and would be available to any class.

This thorny path continues now: the FCI has not recognized the Russian Colored Lapdog breed, some experts are confident that it is identical to another lapdog - the Bolognese. Like-minded people today are doing everything to change the organization’s decision regarding this breed.

The beginning of the formation of the breed is considered to be 1951. It was then that the black puppy Tin-Tin was born from two lap dogs. During breeding, there were difficulties with the phenotype: there were few suitable decorative dogs. The parents of the first Russian lapdog are the white male Trifon, brought from Hungary, and the coffee lapdog Zhu Zhu, bought from a touring circus.

Subsequently, different dogs were used for selection: Shih Tzu, lapdogs, miniature poodles, Pekingese, Lhasa Apso and even attractive mongrels. In 1966, a breed standard was developed and approved by the Kennel Council.

In the 80-90s of the 20th century, the popularity of the breed in Leningrad began to decline. But in Moscow, everything happened the other way around: lap dogs even participated in various exhibitions. Large nurseries exist and compete to this day. The breed has a small population.


There are several types of lap dogs. They are united by several parameters: miniature, friendliness and lush fur. Mostly women like to have such dogs. Let's consider the popular types of lapdogs, except Russian:

Bichon Frize. The second name of the dog is “little lion”. These are small and very fluffy dogs that resemble stuffed animals. The Bichon Frize is a good decorative breed, perfect for apartment living.

Havanskaya. This dog was bred by crossing other types from this group. He is small, has a pleasant appearance, very sweet and affectionate.

Bolognese. The dog's homeland is France. She is considered the most sociable lap dog.

Coton de Tulear. A very mischievous and nimble dog. He is filled with energy. The homeland of Coton de Tulear is the famous island of Madagascar.

Maltese. One of the oldest representatives of this group of dogs. The Maltese is very fluffy.

Levchen. The dog is very similar to a large Persian cat. He is just as graceful and fluffy. They cut it so that it resembles a decorative lion with a lush mane.

Description of the breed

The breed has certain characteristics, despite the diversity within it today.


This dog is famous for its fur. It is easy to understand from the name of the breed that the Russian colored lapdog is distinguished by a luxurious palette of colors.


  • Black;
  • Fawn;
  • Gray;
  • Delicate creamy;
  • Redheads;
  • Black-and-white;
  • Brindle;
  • Brown.

You will also find decorative dogs with tan marks; the dominant colors are gray and black. But remember that spotted or white dogs do not fit into the breed standards, so they will not be able to participate in exhibitions. But small white markings on the chest and toes are acceptable (though not desirable).


The lapdog is a small, proportional dog with a slightly elongated body. She looks harmonious thanks to her strong bones and dense curly coat. The pet's head is proportional and of medium size. The neck is set high and does not differ in either width or length. The dog's chest is deep, the withers are moderately expressed. Small parallel paws give the Russian Colored a light gait. Due to its successful build, the dog moves freely and gracefully.

Weight and height

The desired height does not exceed 26 centimeters, but overly small decorative dogs are not welcome. The weight of both males and females does not exceed 4-6 kilograms.

Breed standard

For Russian coloreds there are strict norms of proportions and color. The following are considered categorical defects: a short tail, lack of growth on the face, underbite and other dental defects, white marks occupying more than 1/5 of the body. Here are the strict requirements for a dog’s constitution:

  • The height of a typical Russian lap dog does not exceed 20-26 centimeters, and the weight ranges between 1.5 and 4 kilograms;
  • The muzzle is one third of the length of the head. The skull is rounded, convex, and the occipital protuberance is lost against the background of the muzzle. The lapdog has a scissor bite, the teeth are white and miniature. The color of the head can be black or the color of the coat;
  • The dog's skin is elastic and soft, the coat varies in the number of curls. The skin is shiny, and the silky hair is long and thick. Colors allowed for representatives of the breed are all except white. It is important that the color is solid; spots are not allowed by the standards;
  • The eyes are round and dark, the ears are set high. They have the shape of a rounded triangle and hang on cartilages;
  • The back with a short loin is flat and wide. The stomach is tucked, and the chest is elongated and sloping. The joints are strong and resilient. The hind legs are arched and slightly smaller than the front legs.

Russian colored lapdog - reviews

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When we decided to adopt a dog, we did not determine exactly what breed it should be. Just make sure it’s small. They placed an ad in the newspaper and waited for a call. Many people approached with the desire to give a puppy, but for some reason my mother singled out the call from our mother’s owner. Probably fate))) We came to choose a puppy from the litter when they were a week old. They lay like real intellectuals! The fence was lined with books. The mother of the puppies greeted us very cordially. And she even seemed to brag about her children. And then we fell in love with our dog once and for all. Now she is already 13 years old. I simply cannot imagine my life without her. For a family, especially with children, this is just a great option! Good nature, playfulness, tenderness... You can’t list everything. And most importantly, our dog, when someone in the family swears, always comes to calm people down. Or he defends the one who is being shouted at, lies between him and the offender and looks so reproachfully. It's impossible not to calm down! Or he tries to distract the screaming person, he will lick his hands and wag his tail. If someone is sick, sit next to you. And the eyes are so sad, sad. Everyone, everyone, everyone! I recommend this breed. Not only Russian colored dogs, but all lap dogs in general.



not a rodent, loyal


this miracle has no downside

When eleven years ago we chose a dog for ourselves, the main thing for us was that it would not chew furniture, shoes, and so on. The club advised us to buy a Russian colored lapdog. We got a fluffy brown beauty. Eleven years later, I can safely say that she has not chewed on more than one item in our house in her life. When I was a puppy, I loved to steal newspapers and tear them into small pieces. She also loved to collect all her socks and hide them behind the sofa. This is a very intelligent and loyal breed. Walks outside without a leash. It crosses the road nearby. She gave birth to four puppies twice, but one died both times. We bought our puppies for a break. We always cut it for summer. Weighs no more than 5 kilos.


We lived with a Russian lap dog for 18 years. He was an amazing dog who didn’t cause us much trouble and was a true friend and family member. He was seriously ill only once in his life, but we got him out of it quickly. He suffered greatly only in the last 2 years (slowly he became deaf, and in the end he became blind). He also left quietly and calmly...

Advantages of the breed:

  1. Cheerful disposition. Such dogs have more than enough joy, they constantly run, jump and push their curious nose everywhere. You come home tired, angry, and a cheerful friend is running around you.
  2. Beautiful! Ours was very beautiful - all black, curly, and his paws, shirt front and butt were white. As children, all puppies are cute, clumsy and funny.
  3. Unforgiving. Even when you shout and lightly slap, our dog pouts for appearance’s sake, but after a couple of minutes he doesn’t remember anything and starts jumping around you again.
  4. Smart! We didn’t really teach any commands, but the dog picked up our habits on the fly. When we were getting ready to leave, no matter how hard we tried to do everything quietly, he still understood and began to whine pitifully. When we came home and he made a puddle somewhere, we couldn’t find the dog for a long time))
  5. Friendly, naive and pure at heart.
  6. Long-lived. Our friends' lapdog lived less, but about 12 years. With good nutrition and care, lap dogs live a very long time.
  7. Unpretentious. I already wrote that our dog was almost never sick. We only did the required vaccinations, wormed the dog and that’s it.

The disadvantages are difficult to identify. The only thing is that they bark a lot over trifles)) Our dog was a bully and a bit of a coward (he rushed at big dogs and then quickly ran away from them).

I recommend this breed. If you have children, then the lapdog will become a true friend. The only obstacle would be an allergy, since our dog was shedding a lot of hair. Thank God, no one got sick, we just cleaned the rugs more often.


Wow what a dog)


In our family there lived an obachka - a cross between a Russian colored lapdog and a small mongrel. Great friend! He truly was not just a dog, but a member of the family! He gave us just over 13 happy years and last year he flew off to the rainbow... Our handsome man...

I couldn’t stand it and a year later I decided to get myself a dog, and so that it would be as similar as possible to our previous dog. Of course, the choice fell on the Russian colored lapdog. It didn’t take me very long to choose. I looked at several nurseries on the Internet. If anyone is interested, I can send you a link to the nursery where I finally found my miracle.

It was important to me that the breeder really raised the dogs with love, and not engaged in soulless breeding. And I found one!

My puppy is a non-standard color: chocolate with white spots. This one is not suitable for subsequent breeding, it’s a color defect, but I’m not going to breed. This will be my friend, my walking companion, my son.

Cute face, miniature size, great character. Russian colored lapdogs are, without exaggeration, smart dogs. They quickly become toilet trained. If you want a diaper, you want to go outside. Some people don’t have time to walk their dog often, so they train them to wear diapers. I really like to walk. That's why we are now learning to go to the toilet outside.

The Russian colored lapdog loves to take long walks. Although the dog is small (it grows to a maximum of 5 kg), it is hardy. At the same time, this dog is unpretentious. If there is no time to take a long walk with her or the weather is bad, then she can easily spend the day at home. At the same time, she will not howl, go crazy and destroy everything in the house. He will simply sleep peacefully on a rug or on his bed.

By the way, you can endlessly observe the behavior of Russian colored women! Those smart eyes, that little wet nose, that bouncy ball... And how funny he stretches out on the floor when he’s resting! Sheer joy!

It’s impossible to walk down the street calmly: everyone is lisping.

The Russian colored lapdog is a rather rare breed, or rather not very popular or popular in Russia, not to mention abroad. Therefore, many are surprised when they see it and ask what kind of breed it is.


1. does not shed - more precisely, it sheds, but the fur does not fall out anywhere and does not stick to clothes. It gets stuck in his long wavy fur and can only be combed out.

2. if you scratch your dog once every 3 days, there will be no problems with pellets - and brushing does not take much time. The shell is small in size, and the fur is quite easy to comb

3. excellent character. Easy to train obedient dog

4. low weight - she eats little , although she has an excellent appetite. But don't be fooled by her pleading eyes. Otherwise, you can tear your stomach. The main thing here is to adhere to normal nutrition.

Advice: be sure to allow her to meet other dogs so that she is not afraid of them in the future. Cowardice does not suit the Russian color. We have a small problem: tall dogs (such as retrievers) do not pay attention to us. They just don’t see my baby. But we already have spaniels and Maltese dogs as friends. It's fun to watch them chase each other.

I ADVISE EVERYONE TO GET A RUSSIAN COLOR DOG! Let this breed become the pride of our country!



Ray of happiness =)



3 years ago this miracle appeared in our family, whose name is Elka! When we got her, she was 1 year old. But surprisingly, the dog settled in right away, and already on the first day she felt at home. The average weight of lap dogs is 4-6 kg. The coat of the Russian colored lapdog, like that of the Yorkshire terrier and the Maltese lapdog, is long and very silky, but does not require such careful care. This breed is not suitable for exhibitions and is not in demand. An affectionate dog with a balanced character. Easily trained in various commands. Proud and courageous. She is not cowardly, but also does not attack everyone over trifles. She is not fussy about food, Elya eats our earthly food. He loves pears and apples very much. These dogs are suitable for both single people and married couples. They will be devoted and faithful friends if they know that they are loved. They are very loving, get along well with children and are very attached to their owners. If you decide to get a dog, have no doubt that a Russian colored lapdog will fill your home with happiness. She will be an excellent travel companion on the road and will not let you get bored alone. Very curious, she climbed into a bucket of white paint))) I had to go get a haircut!!! Elya and Jean

Not a joke


What are the benefits of friendship?


They're just excluded

I found the dog on the street in March last year in very poor condition. When I took her in my arms, excuse the expression, I couldn’t understand where the back was and where the front was)) It was a pitiful sight - an overgrown black creature that someone had doused with white paint! The paint splashed onto the head, left ear, eye and part of the muzzle, and most likely got into the mouth. The paint near the mouth hung like a solid crust, from which the dog could not fully close its mouth. The tangles, icicles and a piece of wire wound around the paw fell into the background... When the dog was washed, the paint was cut off and the paw was bandaged, it turned into a “Russian colored lapdog.” The question of a nickname arose... without thinking for a long time, they unanimously decided to call it Chupocabra, a terrible and incomprehensible beast . And since the name is quite strange, we simply call it CHUPA. The breed is easy to care for, not whimsical. She does not show aggression, she is a contact dog, I would classify her as a companion dog! Very excellent quality, not picky, eats what they give, can of course twist his nose, but here the owner is a gentleman)) Friends, this breed is fading away and will soon become extinct! Nowadays, pocket breeds are in great demand - Maltese, Yorkie, Toy, Jack Russell and so on. If you decide to buy a dog, choose the “Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka” breed. My Chupusya tells you WOOF.


Good day, dear readers!

I decided to write a review about this sweet creation of nature!

Sometimes life goes on as usual, you don’t notice how time passes, home, work, routine... And so it took me a long time to decide to get a dog. For me, having a dog at home is like giving birth to a child, the same responsibility. I’ve never understood people who first shout that they want a dog, and then throw it away somewhere, or give it into kind hands..., or into the care of a shelter... My heart breaks. When I was little, I grew up with a dog, which is probably why I have such a love for animals, namely these loyal friends!

My husband and I are still ready for this. To be honest, the dog was needed for the soul, not for exhibitions, shows, and everything else. I searched on regular websites and advertisements, but the first item was not the breeder, but the Russian colored lap dog)))***

As a result, on a cold winter evening, I came across a website... honestly, I don’t remember which one, and I saw that my sunshine was for sale. The price was 8000 rubles (2013), the puppy is 7 months old, considered a teenager, and the price is not high. I chose a day off, waited for my husband and we went to the maternity hospital)))))))))))))

The conditions for keeping the dogs were terrible, firstly, they were sitting on the street, in an enclosure, and on the street there was a minus, albeit not a big one (February), secondly, there was a pen for goats nearby, so the smells were still there, thirdly, they were all overgrown, hungry, unhappy kids...

I saw it on the website and liked the dark cable, when we had already arrived at the place, my husband caught it, and he was so cowered, scared, and there was another white cable, so arrogant, it climbed right into his hands and squeaked. Well, the owner said: “Take the light one, he’s a small fighter!” “In general, I won’t tell you for a long time, we decided to take the light one.

They brought this miracle home, he sat on my lap in the car, calmly, behaved well, fed him meat, and laid a diaper at the entrance, laughed, they say, go there to pee... Then my husband and I froze, we looked, we were sitting peeing.... THAT'S SO YES! From the first time I understood where to go. We washed him, dried him with a hairdryer, didn’t take anything in advance, washed him with a clean line shampoo, and only then, they took everything from the pet supply store.

He has now lived with us for 2 years, I don’t understand how we lived without him before. You come home, he’s happy, his tail wags, he brings his favorite toy, the sun is always waiting at home.

As for care, I read it here, yes, the dog is not smooth-haired, but she DOES NOT shed. Your clothes will NOT always have hair in them; there is no hair at home.

We decided to feed him not food, but natural food. He eats meat with us, cutlets, loves buckwheat, loves ice cream)) In general, everything that we eat ourselves goes to him. Sometimes I buy him treats for dogs, like for teeth, or all sorts of sausages.

The vaccinations were done as soon as he was adopted, and after 2 weeks he can be walked, but I went out with him before that, as I taught him that he had to go to the toilet outside. and he squatted and walked. Gradually I stopped buying diapers, but we go for walks in the morning before work, at lunch if we have time, and in the evening at night. More often he walks for 5-15 minutes. That's enough to run around.

A very smart dog, affectionate, of course, with his own character, but he is our favorite, and we jokingly call him “Sonny”))) He is already responding)

He reacts well to children, never bites, growls only if we tease him, and if he doesn’t like something, he goes away and sits under the sofa.

The eyes are a weak point - this is not true. We need to watch this and not miss it. You just get up every morning, wash your face, and go about your business. So is the dog. Get up, wipe his eyes and no more problems or redness. The dog needs basic care.

The dog has an excellent character. Calm, the main thing at the initial stage is to teach him to go to the toilet where he needs to, to scold him if he does something wrong, but not to hit him!!! In order for the dog to immediately understand by voice, this cannot be done.

If you dream of a dog, then this is 100% out of 100!!!!


Anastasia 2389


Cute teddy bear



I met Rich, that’s the dog’s name, at work. My responsibilities included living with the dog 5/7, buying it, walking it and feeding it. Of course I had fears, because this is an animal, and also an adult of 7 years. But all my fears disappeared after the first seconds of communication. This is an incredible creation. Smart, sweet, kind, positive, playful. And now everything is in order. Dogs are very obedient, they have their own habits, they understand their owner perfectly even without words. For example, Richard had his own nest where he slept, and he even put his toys there. If he needs to go to the toilet, he will definitely ask or wait for a walk. These dogs are not picky when it comes to food and eat very little. They are very playful and positive, it feels like they are smiling all the time. These are wonderful and loyal friends. Although I looked after him and spent more time, as soon as the owners arrived, he simply went crazy, there was so much joy in his eyes. Crazy dancing, screaming, dai, that's how they meet their friend. This is a great gift for both a child and an adult, because it is a true friend who always encourages, amuses and pleases every minute spent together.



A beautiful and intelligent dog, very affectionate, a good companion, easy to train, does not require much care and attention; leaves no fur anywhere


The eyes become very watery because of the fur, heart problems and nausea in the car can occur; it is undesirable to leave one for more than a few hours - he gets very bored

We bought a Russian colored lap dog for 10,000 rubles. A four-month-old puppy. Four days after the acquisition, he learned to ask to go outside to relieve himself, and quickly got used to the family. Now he (this boy) is more than four years old. Very affectionate, easy to train, smart, really doesn’t like to be left at home alone - communication is always needed. I learned to go for walks myself - we let him out 3-4 times a day (we live in a private house). Does not run away from the site; when you need to go home, he barks at the door and lets you in. The character is very good. He doesn't bark in vain. Very sociable, playful. Clean, there is no shedding, the fur just needs to be combed. At night he sleeps in turns with each family member at his feet; if desired, he can be trained to a place. He sleeps a lot during the day and loves to snuggle next to a person. He eats almost everything you give him, but he doesn’t like it when he’s given something sticky (porridge, for example), and then you have to wipe his face. Maintenance is easy. Wash it about once a month, comb it every two days, maybe a little less often. One of the difficulties: be sure to watch your eyes! Wool often gets in there, they get watery, it’s better to make an elastic band. What other difficulties and illnesses have we encountered... In the car I get very motion sick; if a family member was away for a long time and suddenly arrived, the dog would choke from happiness... so that’s it. In general, the dog is very charming, obedient and smart. All family members and friends really like it.



Kind and patient, gets along with children



We adopted a puppy several years ago. The puppy turned out to be surprisingly very smart. I only went to the toilet to buy a newspaper in a certain place. My children were 2 and 3 years old at the time. The puppy hid from them all the time until he grew up a little. But when he grew up, he didn’t leave them. She loves children and when they come from kindergarten she jumps with happiness. For us, she is a ringing bell, even though she knows everyone’s neighbors and is used to them, she still won’t let us near the apartment until we say so. One minus is that he loves to chew children's toys. But the children no longer throw them around. Another advantage is the wool, I cut it several times a year and can get creative with the hairstyle.


Charm itself

Elena 1805

It took us a long time to choose our dog. They wanted a small, cute one with a good character. Just not a Yorkie or a Toy, there are already too many of them, and I didn’t really like their character. We decided on a colored lap dog. At first there was one dog, now there are two. They have been living with us for 5 years. It's impossible to imagine a better friend! What requirements are usually put forward when they want to buy a dog for an apartment? Small, beautiful, obedient, smart, neat, not annoying, not noisy, not aggressive, no problems with cleaning hair... All this is about our dogs. We did not regret for one minute that we purchased a dog of this particular breed. They are good for a person of any age, because... They feel their mood and character well. If the owner is tired, the dog will not bother you, it will simply be nearby. If the owner has a desire to chat and play, they are always happy about it. Well, in addition to their excellent character, lapdogs have a chic appearance, they are very cute dogs (just don’t confuse them with mongrels, which are often passed off as Russian colored dogs). They practically do not shed their fur; in any case, the hair of short-haired dogs causes more problems when cleaning an apartment, because... gets stuck in carpets, upholstery, bedding, etc. Long bologna hair is very easy to remove, this was also a big plus for us. In general, I recommend it to anyone who wants to buy love and devotion with money.


I really like this breed!


Good afternoon

I decided to write a review after an unsuccessful acquaintance with the Russian Colored lapdog breed.

I'll tell you in order... In August, my Yorkie girl suddenly died. She had a wonderful, friendly character, even on the street people said, wow, what a kind dog you have.

So, two months passed and I decided to buy a puppy, but only of a different breed. The choice fell on the Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog, as I read that the dog is in good health, friendly, etc. I realized that there are not many nurseries in our city. The choice fell on a country nursery, as it turned out later. The nursery offered me an 8-month-old girl, cheaper, since not all of the teeth had come out. Moreover, she asked what kind of character she was. The normal character is mischievous, like all puppies. I agreed. In the end, I picked up the puppy at the apartment and brought it from out of town. It cracked like an aspen leaf and smelled very unpleasant. It was a pity, I took it. I thought I’d wash it and warm it up.

At first she behaved very carefully, which is understandable. She only recognized me. She behaved very aggressively towards other family members. She rushed and barked. We endured it for 1.5 months, we thought he would get used to it. The last straw was when my sister came to visit. She began to behave like a wild animal. I wrote to the breeder about the problems. So she suggested contacting a dog handler. Apparently she knew that she was like this... In the end, she returned the dog and breathed a sigh of relief... Of course, she did not return the money to me.

Character and behavioral characteristics

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is still quite diverse, so each dog of this breed has its own character. There are similar traits that distinguish this breed.

Russian colored lapdogs are social creatures, but unobtrusive. The lapdog interacts with children (dog fur is hypoallergenic) and adults. It is not recommended to have them if the children are very young: without realizing it, they can hurt your pet. They get along well with strangers and other animals.

The breed is characterized by calmness. The dog becomes attached to its owner and cannot be alone. She is playful, affectionate, good-natured, hardy. Despite its size, the Russian colored lapdog is ready to protect its owner from threats. She easily adapts to new conditions and tolerates travel calmly.

Always remember that a colored lapdog is not a toy or a piece of furniture.

Education and training

Training is an important part of life for any breed. The Russian Tsvetnaya is a smart dog that strives to please its beloved owner. Therefore, teaching both elementary and complex tricks is quite simple. The training process should be carried out gently: the Russian colored lapdog is vulnerable and even in adulthood it is difficult to tolerate rude treatment.

When you bring a colored puppy home, you first need to accustom it to its name. It is better to do this when calling the dog for a meal. After that, help adapt to the new environment, family. It is not necessary to teach your dog any unusual commands. It is enough that the dog understands where its place is, responds to its name, and asks to go outside.

Remember that the Russian lapdog does not feel well alone, so it can make a mess in the house in your absence. Let your pet understand that this is not possible. Don’t hit your pet, just show dissatisfaction and strictly convey that this is wrong.


  • Proper nutrition becomes the guarantor of your pet’s immunity. Keep an eye on him from the birth of your Russian Colored puppy: dogs are prone to gastrointestinal diseases (pyloric stenosis, hypoglycemia);
  • Don't forget about routine vaccinations. According to the standards, three are made for the first year of life, and after that one for each year;
  • Due to special selection requirements, some developmental pathologies occur (cryptorchidism, hydrocephalus, heart defects);
  • Skin and internal parasites threaten not just itching and discomfort for the animal, but also health problems (yeast dermatitis). Therefore, systematically treat your Russian colored lapdog, especially during the period when ticks are active;
  • The dog is prone to dental diseases (periodontal disease, tartar deposits) and acute eye problems (glaucoma, distichiasis, retinal atrophy).

With careful care from the owner, the life expectancy of a lapdog is from 12 to 16 years without serious diseases.

Care and maintenance

The Russian colored lapdog requires constant care. To prevent hygiene procedures from being stressful for your dog, teach grooming while still a puppy. The pet will not get used to it right away.

  • Eyes. This breed often suffers from eye problems. Due to poor heredity or poor quality care, ophthalmological diseases can develop. Long hair on your pet's face can damage the cornea: pin the hair up or tie it with an elastic band. The eyes should be wiped frequently with a sponge or cotton wool soaked in soothing drops.
  • Wool. It requires careful care. Brush the coat every day with a bone or plastic comb. Wash once every two to three weeks. Choose your shampoo carefully. Comb before washing. It is not recommended to scratch wet hair. Also keep an eye on the length. If you are not confident in your abilities, consult a specialist.
  • Claws, paws. Keep a close eye on your dog's pads. Do not allow it to dry out, wash after a walk (especially if the asphalt is sprinkled with salt and chemicals). Carefully trim the hair between your fingers and pads. If the claws do not grind down, they need to be trimmed periodically with special scissors.
  • Ears. Dogs also have hair inside their shells. Clean your pet's ears regularly and pluck hairs.
  • Oral cavity. Make sure your baby teeth fall out on time. After purchasing the necessary supplies at the pet store, brush your dog’s teeth.
  • Walks. Although it is possible to train your pet to use a litter box, you still need to walk him two to three times a day. The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is an active dog and therefore needs constant walking.

Model Maltese haircut

Model haircuts are very diverse. Maltese with such hairstyles look like a plush toy. Especially if fur up to 10 centimeters long is left all over the body. The most common model haircut is the Korean Maltese haircut.

The Korean or Japanese style is to create a “doll” appearance for the dog. The Maltese is given ear-tails, stylish braids are made, the shape of legs is created, under fluffy skirts, all kinds of bows, flowers are tied, and so on. After such a transformation, lap dogs become like “anime” girls. This appearance does not leave passersby indifferent. They usually look at the Maltese with admiration.


The Russian Tsvetna is considered a small breed, so you will need few resources to feed the dog. But feeding depends on the age of the lapdog:

  • For two-month-old colored puppies, mother's milk is enough. Later there is a transition to dog food. Up to four months, the animal’s skeleton strengthens and increases in size. At this stage, feed the dog about 6 times a day. Make sure that the portions are small: two tablespoons per kilogram of live weight is enough. Give your puppy plenty of clean water from a bowl or drinking bowl. Immediately teach your dog that food and drink are located in a certain corner;
  • From 4 months to 6 months, reduce the number of meals to 3, but do it slowly. Use both natural food (fish, rabbit meat, liver, etc.) and ready-made premium dry mixtures. Russian lapdogs are famous for their canine charisma and love of life, so they easily manage to beg for goodies. Try not to give in: these dogs often have weight problems. To prevent obesity or underweight, weigh and monitor your dog once every two weeks.


It makes no sense to say that nutrition plays almost the leading role in the formation of canine immunity. Breeders at offline meetings and on the Internet loudly argue among themselves which is better - factory feed or natural products.

Black Russian lapdog puppies

And the owner and his pet solve this issue quietly and peacefully in their kitchen. In the end, this is a purely individual matter. Is it convenient for the owner to feed the dog dry food? Great. The main thing is to ensure that the food is of high quality, and also measure doses in accordance with the standards prescribed on the packaging. Vitamins and minerals are already included in the diet, so there is no need to worry about it further. In addition, the packaging is convenient to take on trips.

Do you have enough time for daily cooking? Also a great option, although more troublesome. But there will always be variety in the bowl. The dog will happily eat meat, sea fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals, and sour milk. The lapdog especially reveres quail eggs.

In both cases, it is important to provide the dog with drinking water by placing the bowl in a place accessible to the animal. Any owner of the breed should know that Russian lapdog puppies eat up to six times the first three months, and then every month one feeding is removed

By the age of one year, the dog eats twice a day, but does not remain hungry, because the amount of food in the plate has gradually increased.

The general rule for all breeders is not to feed the dog from your table, despite its sad and sad look. You should not give sweets, smoked foods, salty foods, potatoes, legumes, as well as foods that lead to gas formation.

Price and where to buy a puppy

It is not easy to buy a lapdog; these dogs are not very common in the world. The breed is small in number. It is best to buy puppies from kennels. Find the address, talk to the breeder, and carefully get to know the parents of the future pet. Deviations in the health and appearance of adult dogs can affect the condition of a colored puppy.

Be sensitive to the dog's living conditions.

The breeder will give you various advice throughout the lapdog's life cycle. Depending on the conditions of the animal, its appearance and other details, the price ranges from 100 to 800 dollars. Sometimes nurseries provide lifelong veterinary support.

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