The best dog breeds for children in an apartment and the whole family

We have already written about the most beautiful dog breeds. Today, in a short advice article based on the findings of experts and experienced dog breeders, we will look at the best family dog ​​breeds.

There are many factors to consider before getting a dog. This is primarily the style and lifestyle of your family, and whether a new living creature will fit into it. After all, your pet will radically change your life, you will have to adapt to its needs.

An important factor is the dog’s attitude towards children, and in general towards others. Although a lot depends on how you raise your pet. That's why this list is very subjective, but most-beauty wants to share it with you nonetheless.

List of the best family dog ​​breeds:



Animals of this breed are sincere, playful and inquisitive, so they are easily included in any events taking place in the family.

The Beagle is a very kind and cheerful dog, always wanting to be the center of attention when surrounded by a lot of people. You will have to walk with them a lot, because they cannot stay in one place for a long time, and are constantly eager to explore something.

They get along without problems and love children. They will always find a common language with other animals in the house and strangers.



One of the best family dogs according to many dog ​​breeders. Boxers are loyal and level-headed. Although Boxer puppies require more walks and vigorous play to keep them comfortable.

They do not tolerate hot weather, and on hot days it is best to stay indoors with it. They get carried away while playing, so be careful not to knock your children over, as the breed is stocky and tall.

With proper upbringing and training, a Boxer will become a good guard for your home and a devoted friend, capable of protecting all family members.


Breeds to Avoid

Children need to be taught how to behave around dogs. However, if your children are more difficult to tame than dogs, then some breeds to exclude from consideration are Akitas, Chow Chows and Huskies. These dogs likely won't tolerate children walking all over them, pulling their hair, staring at them, running around, or screaming and squealing. These breeds are more aloof and independent. Also, some small dogs with big personalities that may not want kids tugging at them and challenging them are Chihuahuas, Pekingese, and Shih Tzus.


Bulldogs will endure energetic games with children, as they have a calm and balanced disposition.

The Bulldog is perfect for keeping in a city apartment or country house. They do not like long walks, so this will not cause much trouble. Good-natured, they easily become attached to home, family, and favorite place in the house.

Because of their calm disposition, they are often called “sofa-watchdogs,” and because of their phlegmatic nature, they do not require much attention.



He treats children very well, and you cannot find a better teacher and protector for them. They have absolutely no hunting instinct and are completely non-aggressive towards people.

Newfoundland is very different from its cousins. A smart dog, and as experts note, it tends to make independent decisions, depending on the situation.

They love to feel useful in the family and are excellent swimmers, so the Newfoundland is simply irreplaceable as a lifeguard. They enjoy learning all sorts of tricks.



This German service breed is distinguished by endurance, energy, fearlessness, aggressiveness and excellent guarding qualities. The appearance of such a dog is quite menacing. An attacker will think hard before visiting the territory that is under the protection of a Rottweiler. Before making decisions in unusual conditions, he waits a little, after which he bravely rushes at an outsider, powerfully attacks and knocks him down. The capture is performed with the entire mouth. Well-developed leadership qualities can be difficult to train.


A gentle and affectionate dog that gets along well with children. This breed is often called "Lassie", due to the popular film in which the breed's famous dog actor starred.

Collies are an ideal option for families who are deciding to have a pet for the first time. They are very energetic and resilient, excellent companions, but can also act as watchmen and security guards.

It should be noted that collies occupy a leading position in intellectual development among their brothers, and since they were formed as a herding breed, they easily cover long distances both in the city and over rough terrain.


Alaskan Malamute

Although they were originally bred to hunt powerful prey such as bears and seals, today's Alaskan Malamutes are fully domesticated, gentle giants that make great additions to an active family. This breed has a naturally friendly nature, which causes them to greet the most unfamiliar people as friends rather than enemies; for this reason, they do not make excellent guard dogs.

Breed overview:

  • Group : working
  • Height : from 55 to 68 cm at the shoulder
  • Weight : from 34 to 45 kg or more
  • Coat and color : thick double coat in many color variations
  • Lifespan : 10 to 12 years

American Water Spaniel

It’s hard to find another water lover in the whole world, that’s why they’re called that. They will be happy to go with you on a long walk and play with the children.

Water spaniels get along well with other pets, are not aggressive towards strangers, and easily adapt to living conditions.

But it must be remembered that keeping it in an apartment will require long walks, which will promote the proper development and health of the American Water Spaniel.

Irish Setter

Bright red setters get along easily with families and love large groups of people. A cheerful, energetic, truly family dog ​​who enjoys playing with children.

Does not become attached to a specific person, and treats everyone living in the house equally. They enjoy walking and spend most of their time in the yard, so families who have a country house should get them.

Irish Setters are friendly and temperamental, easy to train, very intelligent and loyal. For hunting lovers it is difficult to find a better assistant and friend.


Family dog ​​#9: Husky

Husky looks very similar to a wolf, but has no family ties with it. This is an intelligent, hardy dog ​​that you can safely get if you have a child in the house. A husky is completely devoid of aggression, so if you explain to a child what can/cannot be done with a dog, there is nothing to be afraid of. With a husky you can run races together, ride a bike, sled, go on a hike - it’s not yet known which of you will get tired first.

The Husky is an active dog and enjoys running a lot, so if your family prefers movement and an active lifestyle, this is the best option for you.


A living, gentle and affectionate toy in your home. At the same time, poodles are a proud and elegant breed, full of self-esteem.

They care equally about all family members, become attached to children, and are excellent educators. Due to the nature of their fur, they require careful care.

Poodles are very playful and energetic and can be taught all kinds of tricks, making them the most popular circus performers. In any activity they are patient and responsible, and work with eagerness and enviable passion.


German Shepherd

German Shepherds have long served as hunting and herding dogs in Germany. They are often trained as service dogs and work with police, search and rescue, and the military due to their intelligence and hard work ethic. When it comes to choosing a family dog ​​breed, this breed is incredibly loyal and loving, making it an ideal choice for an active family.

(Read about the most loyal dog breeds here.)

Breed overview:

  • Group : collective
  • Height : from 56 to 66 cm at the shoulder
  • Weight : from 27 to 45 kg
  • Coat and Color : A medium-length, coarse double coat in a variety of colors including brown, black, fawn and dusky
  • Lifespan : 7 to 10 years

Labrador Retriever

An excellent companion and friend, the Labrador Retweeter is very popular among dog breeders around the world. An intelligent and active dog, it adapts to the home environment without any problems and is affectionate towards children.

Hyperactive, they love long walks and active games. An indispensable assistant in hunting, unpretentious in maintenance and care.

According to reviews from amateurs and experts, the Labrador is ideal for home keeping and becomes a faithful friend and indispensable assistant in the family’s everyday life.


Pros and cons of buying a four-legged pet

Dogs can be household helpers, hunting companions, guards or bloodhounds. In ordinary urban families, the dog most often becomes a companion pet. What does this mean? The dog is taken into the house as a friend. It can enliven everyday life, brighten up leisure time and give a lot of positive emotions. Children love to play with pets and at the same time learn responsibility and respect for the creatures dependent on them.

American Water Spaniel

The negative aspects of purchasing a dog include the time and effort that must be spent on caring for the pet. Buying a purebred puppy and caring for it can also be expensive. However, if a family can afford a dog, the emotional payoff will certainly be worth the investment.

Important! Every dog ​​needs minimal training and education.

Golden retriever

One of the most gentle and affectionate dogs. These sweet, caring animals are trusting and not shy.

They love to play and walk with children, often acting as a guard and protector. When playing with babies, they behave very carefully and carefully so as not to knock down or injure the child.

The long coat of the Retweeter requires a lot of care, but even so, they are considered the best pets among the entire diversity of the canine world. The editors of most-beauty highly recommend these dogs to you, but only if you have enough free time and a considerable amount of space.


German dog

Calm, loyal and weighing 200 pounds, the adult Great Dane is a gentle giant of the canine world. But don't let their massive stature fool you - these royal dogs are calm and require only a few walks a day once they're past puppyhood. Great Danes love children, although they can knock over a child simply by bumping into them.

Breed overview:

  • Group : working
  • Height : from 71 to 86 cm at the shoulder
  • Weight : from 45 to 90 kg
  • Coat and Color : Short, smooth coat in yellow, fawn, blue, black or brindle
  • Lifespan : 6 to 8 years

Basset Hound

Wonderful pets, playful and cheerful. They like to live at home, so there are almost no problems with them.

They easily realize their penchant for curiosity and research in the yard or in parks during walks. Gentle and caring dogs take first place in the world in terms of ear size.

Every new thing will not go unnoticed by them, and during walks it is better to let them off the leash, as they like to be constantly on the move.


Bernese Mountain Dog

A strong and agile, self-confident breed easily gets along in the house and will bring a lot of joy and positive emotions to its owners.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is not aggressive towards strangers, but happily performs security and watchdog functions. It becomes attached to its owner and becomes a loyal friend for life. If you get a mountain dog, you will have to work hard caring for its long hair.

Despite its large size, it is a very good-natured and affectionate dog, happy to take part in all family events, play and get along with children of different ages.


Children age 3+

In this category of childhood, it is permissible to have any breed of dog, but be sure to take into account their disposition, character, and very carefully monitor the upbringing and behavior of the child with the dog at a young age. If a dog, especially fighting breeds, is not oppressed as a puppy, then a child will become its most hidden treasure, which must be protected, loved, caressed, cared for, played and respected. After all, this is her only owner who loves her just like that.

Of these dogs, it is best to choose a shepherd, boxer, Rottweiler, or St. Bernard.

Now that you have found out the top 10 best dogs for children, you can make your choice. But the most important thing to remember is that it doesn’t matter whether it’s a poodle or a big Rottweiler, the main thing is to love and educate the dog, and also feed it! If you follow these three simple rules, the dog will never harm its little owner.

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Breton epañol

Sports families, where walking, cycling and running are an integral part of life, these cute dogs are ideal.

They will be happy to play ball and other outdoor games with children. They do not like to be alone, but at the same time they sometimes prefer quiet time.

Very sensitive and gentle animals. It was they who provided invaluable assistance to rescuers during the search for people under the rubble during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

It is better to keep this dog in a country house, where it will have space to play and walk. Very sociable, they love noisy companies and the company of children of all ages.

They become strongly attached to their owners, so it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long period. They are active, temperamental and fearless, despite their small size.

They require special and long-term attention, so if you have a busy work schedule, you should consider another pet.


Curly Retriever

A tireless and good-swimming curly-haired retriever will undoubtedly bring variety to your life and make you change your plans a little. They enjoy playing with children and easily switch from active, energetic play to calmer behavior.

This is an ideal walking partner. They have an extraordinary and memorable appearance and are ideal hunters. In addition, they are often used as water rescuers. And at home they will become indispensable protectors and watchmen.


Irish Wolfhound

Don’t be scared by the name, because despite their size, these are cute and gentle creatures. They are soft, sensitive and very patient. There will be no problems with other animals living in the house. They enjoy playing with children and care for them tenderly.

Irish Wolfhounds are very active, so they require constant walks and exercise. They are reserved with strangers, but are ready to help at any moment and protect their owners. With proper upbringing and training, they can grow up to be excellent guards and watchmen for your home.


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