Pros and cons of Shih Tzu dogs (according to owner reviews)

The Shih Tzu is one of the oldest dog breeds. In truth, the roots of this dog come from China. We can frankly say that this is a Chinese dog. Tibet is recognized as the homeland of Shih Tzu. History gives us information that in 1653 the well-known Dalai Lama from Tibet made a gift to the emperor.

The gift consisted of many Shih Tzu dogs. Then this breed became forbidden and could only belong to the emperor’s family. The emperor subsequently, at his discretion, gave gifts to others in the form of such a dog. However, such gifts were made exclusively to high-ranking officials.

It happened that Shih Tzu was obtained illegally. Soon, when this information was found out, such people were immediately executed. According to some documents that are still preserved to this day, Shih Tzu came from Byzantium at the beginning of the seventh century. That is, the breed has not only Chinese, but also European roots. However, there is no specific place of origin of this breed.

Later, the Shih Tzu was returned to Europe. All this was done only thanks to the Ambassador of Norway. This event took place at the end of the 1930s. One of the female Shih Tzu breeds was presented to the Ambassador of Norway. He had a goal - the offspring of this breed. Therefore, he acquired several Shih Tzu males and began to actively breed this breed.

This dog is small in size and quite shaggy. It is this breed that has the longest hair throughout its entire body. Usually, as a rule, these dogs are multi-colored. Their color is dominated by white, brown, black and other colors. It very rarely happens that a puppy is born the same color.

It may also be difficult if you set out to find a black or pure white Shih Tzu. You can find similarities to white dogs, but their fur is not saturated with white color. It is very rare to see this breed in white, but with a predominant shade of vanilla. Anyone who does not understand this breed may even confuse this charming dog with a Maltese.

Reviews of Shih Tzu from owners of dogs of this breed

The Shih Tzu is a unique dog. Despite its small size, it has a lion's character. At first glance, it may seem that the dog is too arrogant and proud. Actually this is not true. She simply cannot stand indifference to her person, but at the same time she will never seem intrusive. Reviews about Shih Tzu are usually always good. As soon as you look at this dog, it starts wagging its tail joyfully. She also knows by her glance when she should move away. Let's take a closer look at reviews of the Shih Tzu breed from owners - those who know the soul of these little creatures.

Reviews about the Shih Tzu dog

, writes Sergey

My wife's dream came true. We finally bought a Shih Tzu dog, even though we have two children and also a cat. When they brought Donut home, joy knew no bounds.

Shih Tzu dog, photo shared by Anna Kazarina.

Donut turned out to be a very active and cheerful dog. He even got along with a cat that was twice his size. Although the Shih Tzu is a show dog, we bought it exclusively for ourselves. He already knows how to jump on the sofa and loves to sleep with us. I used to treat dogs “in no way,” but now, when you come home and your Donut greets you as if he hadn’t seen him for a month, there is nothing more pleasant.

Be prepared for your Shih Tzu to need brushing and bows every day. But believe me, it is pleasant for both the dog and you. Walking around the city, we do not go unnoticed. This royal and graceful gait evokes admiration and tenderness in those around him. By the way, it does not cause allergies and does not shed. I tested it myself, my wife is allergic.

One fine day we went to the lake and took Donut with us. We were a little worried about him, since not all dogs can swim. But once Donut got into the water, it was no longer possible to pull him out of there. He played and swam like a little child. In general, I recommend the Shih Tzu to everyone - a smart, beautiful and low-maintenance dog. By the way, it is especially suitable for families with children.

Owner reviews of Shih Tzu

, writes Elena

My husband wanted to buy this dog. I didn't mind. Since I had previously read literature about these dogs, I had no problems with care. By the way, we named our Shih Tzu Smart.

Shih Tzu at an exhibition, photo shared by Maya Bagautdinova.

As they write everywhere on the Internet, Shih Tzus are not picky eaters - this is the real truth. Sometimes it seems to me that my Smart’s stomach is bottomless. No matter how much he eats, he will still pretend as if he was never fed. He eats everything: porridge with meat or milk, loves vegetables: tomatoes and potatoes. He really likes boiled fish, sour cream and cottage cheese (but only fatty cheese). Sometimes I give him vitamins to strengthen his joints and improve the condition of his coat. As soon as the word “vitamins” comes out of my mouth, Smart appears out of nowhere and sits on his paws, waiting for a tasty treat. By the way, he doesn’t pick up any “undereaters” on the street, which is very good.

The fact that Shih Tzus do not shed is an absolute lie. If you don't brush them, you risk being as fluffy as your dog. We can say that Shih Tzus have virtually no “dog” smell. Its only odorous places are its muzzle and forehead. The muzzle becomes dirty from food (and these dogs eat with their eyebrows, mustache, and beard). Well, I can’t explain why there are “problems” with the fur on the forehead, where there is a pronounced dog smell. I would like to note that my Smart endures all washing procedures stoically, and when we return home, he runs to the bathroom and exposes each paw for washing.

The Shih Tzu's coat is quite difficult to care for. If you do not comb it every day, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid tangles. The dog needs to be cut and constantly have ponytails on its head. Since our dog does not participate in exhibitions, we decided to take a simpler route - once a year in the summer we cut our hair bald. Well, besides, several times a year we give him a puppy haircut.

One problem these dogs have is eating their own excrement. All you have to do is turn away for a second and the feces disappear. We struggled with this problem for quite a long time: through ignoring, pop-newspaper therapy, shaming, and we finally overcame it.


Shih Tzus have received mostly positive reviews from their owners. The breed is rated as affectionate, loyal and intelligent. The dogs are praised for their beauty and sophistication in appearance. Breeders emphasize the following advantages of babies:

  • openness, goodwill, tolerance;
  • intelligence, understanding;
  • love, loyalty to family members;
  • playfulness.

The small size of the pet allows you to keep it in a city apartment. Dogs easily get used to relieving themselves in a tray with litter, so they do not need frequent long walks outside. This makes the Shih Tzu a good companion for older people.

A valuable property of the breed is its hypoallergenic wool. Long pile does not cause an allergic reaction in people. In addition, doggies do not have an unpleasant odor due to their natural cleanliness and frequent water procedures.

The dogs are unpretentious in feeding; they eat natural food and dry food with equal appetite.

Shih Tzus do not have the habit of expressing their feelings loudly. They hardly bark. Their ingenuity and intelligence allow them to quickly learn commands and be easy to train.

Pros and cons of the Shih Tzu breed

As you have seen, reviews from owners about Shih Tzu are mostly good. So, their main advantages:

  • can be trained to the tray;
  • beauty;
  • friendliness and good disposition;
  • it is not necessary to walk her often;
  • nice wool;

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  • You should not leave your Shih Tzu alone for a long time, because he is dependent on human society;
  • dogs are not “toys” for children;
  • not security guards;
  • requires increased attention.

History of the breed

The past of Tibetan dogs is surrounded by a large number of myths and speculations. Buddhist legends say that representatives of the breed played the role of companion to the Buddha himself and accompanied him everywhere. If any danger arose for the owner, the dog transformed into a lion and stood up to protect the spiritual leader.

Today, dog experts are debating where exactly Shih Tzus come from, but most versions are not supported by proven facts, and therefore no one seriously considers them. The same applies to the ancestors of dogs, who they were is still unknown. According to DNA tests, the genes of small dogs have minor differences from those of wolves.

In Tibet, Shih Tzus served as cattle herders. Changes in the lives of four-legged animals occurred at the moment when the Dalai Lama presented a pair of puppies as a gift to the local ruler. From that time on, the breed was elevated to the rank of imperial.

Interesting fact. Dogs lived at the court of the ruler of China, and with some officials. There was an opinion that if the emperor presented a Shih Tzu as a gift, then a person in public service had committed some outstanding act.

Description of the breed, characteristics

This breed is interesting because the standard allows for the presence of any colors; colors can be either solid or variegated. As for the other features, they are as follows:

  • weight, minimum – 4.5 kg, maximum – no more than 8 kg;
  • height at the withers - adult representatives should not be higher than 27 cm;
  • colors, most dogs are variegated in color, consisting of white, black or brown. It is very rare to meet a black representative or a white one with a delicate vanilla tint. The latter coloration is considered extremely rare;
  • life expectancy, the average here is about 15 years, but very often pets live much longer;
  • character traits, the dogs are suitable for apartment living and are ideal for families with children. Shih Tzus are easy to train; finding a common language with such a dog is quite simple. Coat care is considered a significant difficulty;
  • thinking abilities - four-legged animals have amazing intelligence;
  • The potential of a guard, due to their small size, Shih Tzus cannot be guards; at most they can raise a voice when a stranger appears on the threshold of the apartment.

A few words about education

Raising a Shih Tzu is a pleasure. They are obedient and quickly understand what is wanted from them. Although this is not a working breed, the dogs easily remember basic commands. With due diligence, they can perform small tricks: bring slippers, newspapers, ask, overcome obstacles.

Additionally, you can do agility or freestyle.

Chrysanthemum dogs are sensitive. Harsh upbringing is not acceptable. A reprimand in a menacing voice will be sufficient as punishment.

Taking care of your health: how to avoid diseases and prolong your life

The Shih Tzu is a strong breed. Some representatives lived up to 20 years. With proper care, the pet will delight its owners for 15–16 years.


The owner of the nursery must be asked for documents confirming vaccination. If the puppy has not yet had vaccinations, they are given according to the scheme:

  • 1st course – at 8 – 9 weeks;
  • 2nd course – at 10 – 12 weeks;
  • subsequently – annually.

Shih Tzus are vaccinated against:

  • plague;
  • rabies;
  • parovirus enteritis;
  • parainfluenza;
  • leptospirosis;
  • Lyme disease.

After vaccination they are quarantined for 2 - 3 weeks. During this period, walks and contact with other animals, especially stray ones, are prohibited.

Possible diseases and their prevention

Shih Tzus are prone to certain diseases:

  • Eye pathologies.
    The most common cases are distichiasis, entropion, cataracts, and corneal ulceration. The first two diseases cannot be prevented. To avoid the rest, you need to wash your eyes daily, remove oxides and dirt, and include foods containing vitamin A or vitamin complexes in your diet.
  • Urolithiasis
    . Most often found in males. It develops against a background of low mobility, excess protein and lack of water in the diet.
  • Disorders of the digestive system.
    For prevention, you should not overfeed your Shih Tzu, give fatty meat, or unhealthy treats: sweets, baked goods, bones.
  • Allergies.
    If itching, rash, or hair loss occurs, it is necessary to identify the allergen. As a rule, this is something from food or grooming products. The provoking factor must be eliminated.
  • Heart disease and tracheal collapse.
    Genetically determined diseases. Before buying a puppy, you need to make sure that its parents do not have such pathologies. However, this will only reduce the likelihood of getting a sick puppy, but will not reduce the risk to zero.
  • Diseases of intervertebral discs
    . To avoid problems with bones and joints, the dog is prohibited from climbing onto high surfaces and jumping off beds, sofas, and tables.

Until 3 months of age, care must be taken to ensure that the puppy does not go up or down stairs. This can cause the hind legs to become bent.

An unpretentious companion: keeping a pet at home

Shih Tzus are unpretentious in their maintenance. They easily adapt to life in a country house and a noisy metropolis. They get along perfectly in multi-storey buildings - even a one-room studio apartment will seem like a luxury apartment to the dog.

The chrysanthemum dog is primarily a companion. She must constantly be with people. Putting her in an enclosure is a crime.

The place is arranged in a cozy place, but in such a way that the pet can monitor everything that is happening in the house. It should not be in a draft, near heating appliances or air conditioners.

Decorative dogs can be trained to go to the toilet on a cat tray or a special diaper.

We recommend reading: TOP 10 dog breeds for apartment living

Nutrition is the basis of a pet’s health and activity

An important aspect of proper care is proper feeding. Natural nutrition is considered ideal.

A natural food diet should include:

  • raw meat and offal;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • additional ingredients - eggs, nuts, vegetable oils.

You can choose high-quality premium food. The most popular among owners are Royal Canin, Acana, Origine, Eukubana. Choose products from a special line for small breeds and taking into account the age of the pet.

The dog should not be overfed. She is prone to obesity. On a natural basis, vitamin-mineral complexes will not be superfluous.

We recommend reading: How to properly feed your dog natural food?

Care and maintenance

The dog has a beautiful coat that is very difficult to care for. Therefore, those who are careless or have a lack of time are clearly not on their way with this dog. The brushing process for this breed should be added to the list of daily routine tasks. From time to time, your Shih Tzu will need a haircut .

Just as with other breeds, attention will need to be paid to the ears, which need to be cleaned, the nails, which need to be trimmed weekly, and the eyes, which need to be cleaned. In a word, if the owner is a groomer, then the dog is very lucky. Without proper maintenance, the dog runs the risk of acquiring the appearance of an unkempt dog, and if hygiene measures are violated, this is even fraught with diseases.

Shih Tzu is great for apartment living

So, to care for the fur you will need at least two tools - a metal brush and a comb. With their help, not only combing is carried out, but also the prevention of tangles. After all, it is very difficult to get rid of the latter in the future; you will have to cut it off. Brushing a dog requires knowledge of certain technologies.

So, it will be convenient to divide the woolen tracks on the back into several separate ones, and then comb each of them. Despite the capriciousness of their fur, it is not recommended to bathe dogs more than twice a month. The water should be quite warm, about 40 degrees.

This procedure requires the use of special shampoos. During the process, it is important to carefully treat the anal glands, as they often become inflamed. After bathing, the dog is dried with a hairdryer.

Shih Tzu on a walk

Shih Tzus with light fur are the most difficult to care for. Of course, the Shih Tzu looks impressive in the photo , and in life, without any Photoshop or additional retouching, it has a very impressive appearance, but this is exactly the situation where beauty requires sacrifice. Well, or just a lot of time. And if there is none, then you should entrust the care to professionals, although this is an additional expense item.

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