What you need to know before getting a Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkshire Terriers are miniature toy dogs. The breed is very popular due to its charming appearance, small size and playful, friendly nature. Many people perceive these dogs as toys; they dress them up in dresses, do their hair, and carry them in their arms. But the Yorkie is a true terrier - energetic, courageous, loyal and intelligent. He requires not only care and affection, but also serious education. Before getting a dog of this breed, you need to study its description, character traits, pros and cons, and reviews from owners.
  • History of the origin of the Yorkshire Terrier breed
  • Description of appearance
  • Body type
  • Limbs
  • Wool
  • Colors
  • Varieties
  • Personality of Yorkshire Terriers
      Features of education and training
  • Care for Yorkshire Terriers
  • Nutrition
  • Health
  • How to buy a puppy
  • Photos/videos from Instagram users
  • Breed characteristics

    Attitude towards children (5 out of 5): Attitude towards strangers (2 out of 5): Cost of maintenance (2 out of 5): Health (4 out of 5): Price (3 out of 5): Picky eating (3 out of 5): Training (3 out of 5):Shedding (2 out of 5):Grooming Needs (4 out of 5):Sociability Needs (5 out of 5):Aggression (2 out of 5):Activity (3 out of 5):Intelligence (4 out of 5) ):Noise (3 out of 5):Security qualities (4 out of 5):Size (1 out of 5):
    * Characteristics of the breed are based on the assessment of site experts and reviews of owners. Data are averages and may not reflect the behavior of an individual individual. Unfortunately, it is impossible to take into account all the individual characteristics of a single pet.

    Brief historical background

    The dog for catching mice and other rodents began to be used before cats, which in the Middle Ages were considered assistants of dark forces. Therefore, special breeds were bred that enjoyed special privileges.

    The dogs were kept on farms, ships and barns, where they could sneak into narrow crevices.
    Bloody sports were also developed, where a large number of rodents were released into the arena and dogs were unleashed on them. Bets were placed on how quickly the dog could catch everyone. Interesting information! The terrier rat catcher Billy was noted in history, who was able to catch 100 rats in 12 minutes.
    A representative of this breed, Jacko, was able to catch more than a thousand rodents in 24 hours. But often the dogs that caught mice were injured on the job because they gathered in packs and attacked the hunters.

    General characteristics of Yorkshire Terriers

    Yorkshire Terriers are small, energetic dogs with long, beautiful hair and a doll-like appearance. Many people get them as a decorative dog, a living toy. But this pet needs a lot of attention and care. Its long, silky fur, similar in structure to human hair, grows throughout its life. Therefore, it needs to be trimmed regularly and combed daily.

    York is capable of becoming a devoted friend and faithful companion to all family members. Loves to play with children, accompany the owner on walks and travel. This is a smart, delicate, hardy dog. Suitable for older people, it can brighten up loneliness.

    country of originGreat Britain
    weightup to 3 kg
    height18-20 cm
    life expectancy13-16 years old
    intelligencevery smart
    trainingeasy to give in
    need for caretall, difficult to care for coat
    attitude towards lonelinesscan't stand it, they're very sad
    security qualitiesgood


    The Yorkshire Terrier is suitable for any person, even an inexperienced dog breeder, who is willing to pay attention to him. This dog has many advantages:

    • the small stature of Yorkshire terriers allows you to have such a pet in a small apartment;
    • can be carried in your arms or taken with you on a trip;
    • due to the absence of undercoat and special structure, the wool does not cause allergies, there is no shedding;
    • these dogs are loyal and loyal;
    • cute, cheerful and good-natured;
    • get along well with children and other pets, provided they grew up together;
    • they have a beautiful appearance, they can do their hair, dress them up;
    • they are smart, quick-witted, independent;
    • are easy to train;
    • clean, do not smell like dogs;
    • you can be toilet trained at home using a diaper, you don’t have to take them for walks regularly;
    • a good guard, boldly rushes to protect the owner;
    • Compared to other decorative breeds, Yorkies are more resilient, active and healthy.


    But the Yorkshire Terrier is not a pet for everyone. You shouldn't get one if you don't have time to care for and communicate with the dog. There are not many disadvantages of the breed, but you also need to know about them before deciding to buy a puppy. Yorkshire Terriers:

    • They cannot stand loneliness, they are very sad without their owner;
    • require complex coat care, they need to be cut and bathed frequently - 2-3 times a month, using special cosmetics;
    • cunning, independent, energetic, without proper upbringing they turn into a spoiled child;
    • have low self-esteem, with frequent punishment they develop complexes and develop bad habits;
    • prone to neurasthenia, timidity, and prone to stress;
    • due to sensitive digestion, they need carefully selected feeding;
    • in harsh climatic conditions, they require mandatory warm clothing;
    • are not able to survive without a person, so a subcutaneous chip or address tag is needed.

    The video will tell you about the pros and cons of these dogs:

    Description of appearance

    The first breed standard was adopted at the end of the 19th century. But it changed several times, and took on its modern form in 1954. According to him, Yorkshire terriers are small dogs with long hair. They have a compact, graceful body, proportionally built, with a proud posture. They belong to the decorative breeds, according to the ICF classification - to terriers, to the toy terriers section. Varieties such as Biewer, Biro, Choco, Goldust, Micro and Chorkie are not recognized by the standard.

    The size of these dogs is from 15 to 23 cm. The weight of the Yorkshire Terrier can be from 2.3 to 3.2 kg. Those dogs that participate in exhibitions should not weigh more than 3 kg. Varieties of mini and super-mini weighing up to 2 kg, which are popular in Russia, do not meet the standard and are not allowed for mating.


    The head is small and flat. The muzzle is moderately elongated. The bite is even, scissor-shaped. The ears are triangular in shape, set high and fairly close to each other, and should stand upright. The eyes are small, dark, with black eyelids. The expression is intelligent, attentive.

    A common variety of Yorkies with a shorter muzzle and large protruding eyes. It's called a baby face. These dogs do not meet the standard, but they look cute, so they are popular.

    Body type

    The Yorkshire Terrier is built harmoniously and proportionally. The body is muscular, strong, but elegant. The neck is quite long, the ribs are not prominent, the back is straight. These dogs have a proud posture, despite their small size, they look important. The tail is heavily covered with hair; it used to be docked to medium length, but now this is rarely done. It should be straight, the dog holds it slightly above the line of the back.


    The limbs are smooth, straight, heavily covered with hair. The front legs are thin, the elbows are directed back and pressed to the body. The hindquarters are muscular and the hock joints are moderately pronounced. The paws are rounded, the claws are black.

    Beautiful photos will complement the description of the Yorkie’s appearance:


    The Yorkie's coat is often referred to as hair. She has a special structure, no undercoat and grows constantly. The coat is thin, silky, straight. If the dog is not trimmed, it hangs down on both sides of the body to the ground, separated by a straight parting on the back.

    The coat should be shiny, not fluffy. It is long on the paws, tail, and head. So that the hair does not interfere with the dog's gaze, it is collected in a ponytail on the top of the head. They are often trimmed by doing different haircuts on their own or at grooming salons.


    The Yorkshire Terrier has one color recognized by the standard. The color of the fur on the body ranges from black to silver-gray, usually steel bluish. On the head, paws and chest there are golden or reddish-brown shades. The hair is lighter at the ends and darker at the roots. The color is even, there should be no admixtures of other colors.

    There are chocolate-colored Yorkies with black and white fur. These colors are not recognized by the standard. In such dogs, the coat may have an irregular structure - wavy, harsher.


    There are several varieties of Yorkshire Terriers. They are not recognized by all canine organizations and are often not allowed into exhibitions. These are mixed breed dogs or with slight deviations from the standard:

    • Biewer is larger, with a developed undercoat, and the color is white, black or chocolate;
    • Golddust is a fairly large dog with a strong skeleton and a stable psyche;
    • biro with a small head, coat color includes golden, chocolate, white;
    • mini – weight does not exceed 2 kg, less emotional;
    • super-mini – weight up to 1.3 kg, good-natured and capricious, very painful

    Photos show the types of colors and breed varieties of Yorkies:

    Character and behavior

    Characteristics of the breed will be incomplete without describing the temperament of these animals. Pets resemble small children - they are just as spontaneous, curious, cheerful and friendly. Adult Yorkshire Terriers never refuse to play. They are characterized by some recklessness and stubbornness. Dogs love to bully other four-legged animals that are larger than them.

    Despite its small size, the Yorkshire Terrier's character is bold and generally balanced. It combines tender love for family and wariness towards strangers.

    The character of a Yorkie boy is more domineering. Males are prone to dominance and often try to dominate the owner. Girls are more flexible and affectionate, they need communication and general attention.

    Facts about Yorkies

    Despite the fact that all dogs demonstrate individual characteristics, representatives of the breed still have some special features, and we decided to write about these facts in more detail. So, be prepared for:


    Yorkshire terriers demonstrate masculinity and fearlessness - these dogs are ready to challenge even those animals that are several times their size. However, in crowded places these creatures show caution.


    Quite a high level of intelligence by dog ​​standards - despite the miniature size of the head, these dogs have a fairly high level of intelligence. They demonstrate attentiveness, curiosity, are quick and easy to train, and, with proper upbringing, demonstrate excellent manners.


    Stubbornness and perseverance - it is always easy to understand what a Yorkie wants, since he shows increased interest in his goals and is very persistent when it comes to achieving them. So, if your Yorkie decides to play, he will definitely encourage you to play too. You won’t even notice how you start throwing him a ball, which he will bring to you.


    Independence - quite often, many Yorkshire Terrier owners encounter difficulties in the process of training and raising their dogs. They demonstrate their independence and refuse to follow commands. How can this be, since we mentioned their obedience above? Animal psychologists say that it is very important to establish contact with the animal and earn its respect. If you achieve this, the Yorkie will listen to you unquestioningly and quickly carry out all your commands.


    Cheerfulness and lack of aggression - these animals are absolutely not aggressive, they bite extremely rarely and only in circumstances where cruelty or aggression has been shown towards them. They quickly get used to the new environment and get along well with other pets. But it is better to refuse to keep Yorkshire terriers and rodents together. Genetic memory tells them that rats, mice and hamsters need to be exterminated, and not be friends with them.

    Personality of the Yorkshire Terrier

    Yorkshire Terriers consider themselves masters of the house, while experiencing the most tender feelings for their owner and needing his attention. Like all terriers, they are very energetic, hardy, and have good reactions. Yorkies are very brave dogs, ready to defend their home and owner without hesitation. They are smart and easy to train.

    The gait of the Yorkshire Terrier expresses self-confidence and even some arrogance. Walking without a leash, in the wild, he explores the world with curiosity, loves to sniff everything carefully, and listens to unfamiliar sounds with visible anxiety. Despite their ostentatious independence, Yorkies try to keep their owner in sight, and if they do not detect him, they become worried.

    These cute dogs are very friendly and easily find a “common language” with other animals living in the house. When communicating with strangers, the individual traits and peculiarities of the upbringing of each Yorkshire terrier are revealed: some are ready to bark at any stranger, others are ready to almost “kiss” a dog that runs up to him, especially a relative.

    Yorkshire Terrier


    Yorkshire Terriers are excellent companions and good friends. If you dream of a small dog, you have the time and opportunity to surround it with your warmth and care, be sure to take a closer look at small Yorkies. Maybe they can become your pets? They will repay you for your choice with their devotion and love.

    Yorkshire Terriers will instantly captivate the hearts of their owners. They did the same with the entire editorial staff of the TopCafe.su website. This is where we end our article, but we ask you to be active in the comments. Write whether you or your loved ones have Yorkshire terriers, and also what kind they are. We are sure that this article is being read by people who are thinking about getting dogs of this breed.

    Editor's note: This article has been updated since its original publication on November 11, 2022.


    Separately, I would like to say about those puppies in whose veins the blood of purebred Yorkies and representatives of other dog breeds flows. They have no breed value, but a layman might think that they meet breed standards. Such puppies cost much less than purebred ones, do not have documents, and it is strictly forbidden to involve them in breeding, since they will no longer be able to produce purebred offspring. But as an option for a dog for the soul, mixed breeds of large Yorkies can be considered.

    Recommendations for choosing a puppy

    If you are interested in the facts about representatives of this breed, and are not left indifferent by the photos of cute Yorkies, you are planning to purchase a puppy of this breed, do not rush to buy it from the first ad you come across. There is a great risk of buying a mestizo or being deceived by pseudo-breeders.

    Be sure to pay attention to such points as:

    • Parents of a purebred Yorkie must have a package of documents, including a certificate of participation in exhibitions, a pedigree, and a veterinary passport with notes on all vaccinations. The puppy must also have documents.
    • You definitely need to look at the breeders’ living conditions for the puppy, as well as at its parents. The first will allow you to see in what conditions the puppy lives and what he can do, what he is accustomed to, the second - you will have the opportunity to evaluate the behavior of the parents and guess how your puppy will behave in the future.
    • It is not recommended to purchase a puppy without the first vaccination and before 3 months. Especially if you have no previous experience with dogs, you spend all your time at work and there will be no one especially to care for the puppy.
    • The breeder must provide information to the buyer about the features of caring for representatives of the breed and tell them what the puppies are fed.
    • Be prepared that a purebred Yorkshire Terrier puppy will not be cheap. However, when you buy him, you can be sure that in the future he will show you only the best traits of his breed.

    What do Yorkshire Terriers look like?

    Yorkies are one of the smallest dogs and are more popular than many other dogs. The breed got its name in the 19th century in England. The ancestors of modern Yorkshire Terriers hunted rats on farms and in mines.

    Yorkies have a miniature, proportional body. The head is small, slightly flattened on top, ears erect. The tail is usually docked to halfway.

    Wool is the special pride of Yorkshire terriers.

    Yorkies have medium-length hair, straight, silky, shiny, non-fluffy, and the structure resembles human hair. The color from the back of the head to the tip of the tail is dark steel, on the chest and paws it is golden brown. There is no undercoat, so the dogs practically do not shed. Thanks to this feature, Yorkshire terriers cause allergies less often than many other breeds. Although they cannot be called completely hypoallergenic. The reaction of the human body can be caused, for example, by dog ​​dandruff.

    Take note

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