Maltese dog: pros and cons of the breed. Reviews from adult dog owners

Today we will return to the opinions of our readers, fortunately there are several about the Maltese. We recently published reviews of the French Bulldog, now it’s Maltese’s turn. To better understand and appreciate the pros and cons of the breed, it is better to listen to reviews from owners of Maltese dogs. As is already customary with us, there will be no moderation. I apologize in advance for some pearls of our readers and some, somewhat free interpretation of the rules of the Russian language. I leave everything as it was written by the author of the review.

Thanks to everyone for the texts and photographs. They provide an additional opportunity to evaluate subtle features of the breed.


My review is addressed primarily to those who are thinking about buying a puppy and cannot decide whether to get a dog at all, especially if they have not had such experience before.
There is probably no point in going into detail about the fact that lap dogs are incredibly sweet and beautiful, they give a lot of positive emotions and make you forget about all your problems. Personally, having met a Maltese from a friend, I could no longer forget those amazing black eyes and pretty little face, this playful fluffy little ball couldn’t get out of my head, and the idea of ​​purchasing a puppy became obsessive.

I read a lot about lap dogs before purchasing, consulted with breeders, studied articles and forums, was warned about how much effort and patience it takes to raise a puppy, but to be honest, I didn’t expect how difficult it would actually be.

Dear owners of Maltese dogs, I simply bow to you! I try to be a good housewife, because after all, I took responsibility for a living creature, but how difficult it is!

Firstly, the dog is sensitive to my absence from home. Every morning he gets nervous when I leave for work, and every evening he goes crazy with joy when I return (although I don’t pay attention to the breeder’s advice and don’t encourage such madness).

Secondly, it requires enormous care. Every morning and evening - wash the eyes, clean the muzzle, powder the mustache (if this is not done, then ugly red tear tracks begin to form). It must be combed out every day, otherwise the silk fur gathers in “icicles” and tangles may form. Wash, brush teeth, blow dry - at least once a week.

Thirdly, not everything is so simple with the toilet. Lapdogs, like other small dogs, can relieve themselves at home - on a diaper or in a tray. All dogs are different, some very quickly understand what is required of them, while others do their business anywhere for up to a year. Although I tried to follow all the recommendations for diaper training, I still did not part with a mop and detergents every day. This, you know, is upsetting. And even though over time the puppy began to wear a diaper, every other time he misses and pees on the very edge or even past, so cleaning and cleaning again...

Fourthly, Maltese dogs are quite expensive dogs to keep. Their shampoos, conditioners, drops, food and various accessories cost quite a lot of money, not to mention how much you will have to spend if you cut your pet's hair (and you will probably do this if you get a dog not for exhibitions, but for Houses). Exhibition copies mean even more effort and money.

Fifthly, I started to develop an allergy to my pet, although it is believed that Maltese dogs are hypoallergenic dogs, because... they have no undercoat. But, as you know, allergies occur not so much to wool, but to waste products - saliva, secretions, dandruff, etc. When I removed the diaper from my room, my allergies decreased significantly.

I would also like to add that lapdogs are not animals that can sit or lie quietly, regardless of what their owner is doing. They are always with you, at your feet, licking, playing, demanding a lot of attention, you need to tinker with them like little children.

Maltese - reviews about the breed

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It took a long time to choose. We were thinking about getting a Yorkie or Pinscher. And finally they chose a wonderful creature - a Maltese. We immediately fell in love with her. Kind, sweet, affectionate, a real cat-dog. You can hug her for half a day. You don't need to walk with her much. The only downside is grooming. The fur needs to be brushed every day. We cut it short, now we only need to comb the ears and tail. But we miss her old look and long fur. They made her her own corner in the room. They put out a box of toys and a bed. She loves spending time there.

Alla the Sun

For me, it’s the best anti-stress, and just handsome. Smart, affectionate, and the most faithful friend. Our Khabi is already 5 months old. We bought a dog at the market when she was 2 months old and already had a whole bunch of diseases (gastrointestinal tract disorders, worms, fungus in the ears). We were treated for a couple of months, then finally got vaccinated!

I still can’t find food.. We tried Royal for puppies, Royal pates for puppies, then Royal anti-allergenic, and the last one we are eating now is “Savarra” - and still his eyes water, and his ears have to be constantly cleaned - I think this is how allergies manifest themselves .

We visit the veterinarian regularly, and seem to listen to their advice.

Please advise in the comments what you feed? and what really helps effectively?? I'm really looking forward to your advice.

The Maltese breed, in my opinion, is very whimsical.

1. The dog’s fur needs to be constantly looked after (dripping once a week for sure, or even 2 times...depending on how we walk, then drying with a hairdryer and a comb.). Comb every evening, otherwise there will be tangles and tangles.

2. Does not shed, no allergies. (I have a terrible allergy to the fur of many cats and dogs, which manifests itself within 5 minutes of interaction with the pet; on Maltese there is no allergy at all!!!)

Trips to the groomer once every 2 months. I bought thinning scissors and cut Khabi myself.

3. Hair in the ears should be plucked with tweezers about once a month. And once or twice a week, clean your ears with cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

4. Trim nails once every two weeks.

5. Loves an active lifestyle. Take a walk, run.

There are also many positive qualities!!!

1. We learned to “walk” in a diaper in a couple of weeks.

2. When the owners go to bed - repeats. He lies down next to him and sleeps.

3. Cannot climb onto a sofa, chair or table without assistance.

4. He loves children very much, playing with children even with strangers.

5. Hippoallergenic

6. At 5 months he already knows the commands: fu, nelhya, place, and to me.

My advice. Buy a puppy from a trusted owner or a professional breeder, check the vaccinations of his parents in veterinary passports, you also need to see his parents and the house where he lives.


We wanted to adopt the Shih Tzu breed, but when we saw this little gentle miracle, we realized that this was our dog. We'll take it for free. She has been living with us for 2 years, and during these two years we have never regretted accepting Lucy (that’s what we called her) into our family. But before her, we already had a cat named Lisa, she was 6 years old. They thought they would tear each other apart, but thank God they immediately found a common language. The dog is friendly, affectionate and very, very sweet. I recommend it to everyone!


My Sam has been living with me for 2 months.

All my life before this I had always only had cats. Because my parents said, when you grow up, you’ll buy one. But, I started to have an allergy to my cat and I was on pills, then she was diagnosed with cancer and she died. And that’s exactly it. After that, I got this miracle. To say that everything is so easy is not. But the dog is quite smart and trainable. For 2 months he knows how to give me a paw, bring me a toy, and understands the command - voice - depending on the mood. And today we mastered the command to run and lie down with him. We don’t go outside anymore; yesterday we got our last vaccination. And we'll go in a week. We have problems with our eyes - he doesn’t like to wash them very much. I’m still a little afraid of the bath, a little cowardly. Because the wool is white, I wash it every/every other day. We made friends with the diaper right away, thank God. But sometimes it misses. I feed dry food.

Do I wish I had a dog? Definitely not.


Hi all!!! I have had a wonderful, smart dog for three years now!!! All my life I wanted a dog, but somehow never got around to buying one. How can I imagine that I have to get up in the morning to go for a walk, everything at home will be chewed up, and the desire to have someone will disappear)) And I don’t like cats, but they have always lived at home))

In general, I took an already adult male from the hands, in that family they had played enough with him and they didn’t need him. The dog was tortured, pressed, and the appearance was terrible... I felt very sorry, I took it for myself. The first days we looked closely at each other. He walked around looking around the apartment, sniffing. And I was thinking about when to take him outside, what to treat him with, etc. The first time I walked him on a leash, he behaved very obediently and did not pull anywhere. It was more difficult with his appetite; he refused almost everything, because the dog had been poorly fed before, and he was very thin. After some time, the appetite appeared, but again there was no stable food, he could eat it today and not tomorrow.

Three years have passed, we are very accustomed to each other. He walks outside without a leash. Very obedient, understands like a person! Others run after cats, mine doesn’t need them at all. In relation to other dogs he behaves calmly and not cockily!

Anyone who has decided to get a lapdog, get one, don’t even think about it!!! This dog is suitable for both grandmother and family who have no experience in keeping dogs!!! So I recommend!!!



Cute, playful, do not make noise, trainable, do not eat much, do not need to be walked.


Difficult care for hair and eyes.

Let's start with the personality: The breed is very playful and does not like to be left at home alone, and they are very cute. They can be taught commands, for example, my puppy has already learned 3 commands (Sit, stand and come to me). They eat little, you can just fill the bowl with food, they will eat as much as they need. The dog does not have to be walked, they can go for a diaper. They make little noise (mostly when they play with you) The most difficult thing is grooming, dogs grow long hair that reaches the floor. Therefore, you need to wash your pet weekly, wipe its eyes every day (since they water and leave brown marks), comb them every day, sometimes cut their nails, and clean their ears. To make grooming easier, you can trim them. They are very devoted to their owner, if there are several people in the family, then the dog will choose one owner, the rest will become its best friends! And its price ranges from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles!

Yana 90


beautiful, playful, who doesn’t particularly like barking dogs - an ideal option!


not detected!

Literally 2 days ago they gave me a New Year’s gift, it’s a wonderful miracle! At first I was very worried whether we would get along, since my husband and I love peace and tranquility, but the trouble was over! The puppy has adapted perfectly to our apartment! He very quickly found a place for himself and when he spent the very first night with us, he whined a little and went to sleep in his “place”! Today is the second day and he “almost definitely” goes to the toilet on the diaper (sometimes he misses, sits on the edge of the diaper) I never thought that I would be so happy that the dog goes to the toilet where it needs to be! my joy knows no bounds, a very smart and capable puppy! So, if anyone doubts whether to buy this breed of dog or not, then don’t hesitate to take it, you won’t regret it!




My dog ​​is only a year old. She’s so smart, she goes potty and never barks in vain.



affectionate, cheerful disposition, does not chew anything unnecessary, no need for walks, no smell


sometimes prone to excessive barking, brush the coat every day, wash the eyes (keep the face clean)

Just 4 months ago, my husband and I adopted a wonderful puppy named Barney. I’ll say right away that I’ve been in love with this breed for a long time and tried to persuade my husband to buy a puppy for almost two years! But now we dote on this miracle dog. Maltese are very smart and obedient pets, they easily make contact with strangers, and they love children very much. He is a very active and lively boy, but at the same time, if everyone is busy, he will always find something to do on his own. This is my first dog, and I think I made the right choice; it’s hard to imagine a more affectionate, devoted and sweet creature. I will say right away that you need to be very responsible when choosing a breeder, so that the dog is purebred and healthy. A competent breeder will always advise on the care and maintenance of these babies.


I have. very good dog. he just doesn't bark. very smart and with character. I'm crazy about her.



Beautiful appearance, small size, devoted to owner




This miracle has been living with us for a month. This is very little to advise anyone, but I will say a few words to those who have not owned dogs, but really want to. We bought him as a 2-month-old puppy, we really wanted him, the whole family was waiting for him, like the arrival of a child. And then he appeared: for the first few days he didn’t let me sleep at night, he shit all over the apartment (although he often sat on the diaper). I tried to limit the space, it doesn’t matter - I started him up with a voice that wasn’t my own, if I approached, he would fall silent, if I walked away, there would be screams. Thoughts began to come to mind: “I’ll sell it to hell.” In general, within a month we somehow got used to the diaper (I began to monitor him, direct him to the right place), but there are still errors. Now he starts biting, you pick him up, but he’s happy to try, so he does what he bites his hands, because of this the children don’t want to play with him. Constantly gets under your feet, will fall under your feet unnoticed, when you hear someone already stepping on it. In general, having a dog in the first place is a big concern. Maybe he will become smarter with age, we are trying to educate and train him ourselves. Before you buy, carefully weigh the pros and cons.



The cutest creature in the world




I love Maltese very much, they are simply wonderful. I had a girl named Vika! We were best friends with her. This breed is suitable as a companion dog. She lives well even in an apartment. The only thing is that she is very sensual. But overall excellent.



The best friend


Some difficulties in care


Growing up, I never had pets. When I started living separately, the decision to buy a dog came spontaneously. My husband and I went to the market to buy groceries and stopped near stalls selling all kinds of pets. In principle, I have always been indifferent to dogs, but when I saw this little white, fluffy little ball, I had only one thought - I want it!!!!)) We didn’t hesitate, we took the breeder’s phone number and the next day we went to pick up the baby. They took a boy, not a mini, a standard one. And for two years now he has been making us happy every day! Difficulties arise, of course, such as caring for the hair and eyes. Maltese are very prone to eye diseases, in this case droplets save us. The coat must be thoroughly combed every day, otherwise tangles will cause problems with cutting. At first, when I wasn’t quite used to combing, I was a little nervous about the dog, and at the pet salon I had to cut the poor thing’s hair bald. Now I don’t allow this to happen! Otherwise, this sweetest creature brings only joy and positive emotions!!!


The kindest decorative-room, smart and decent


I had a Maltese - she was not only barking, but very angry towards strangers, I gave her away after she bit a neighbor's boy and he began to stutter and they dragged me to the police...


very lively dogs, beautiful, gentle, it’s normal to live in apartments, well, like other breeds, and I want a Maltese, if they gave me a lapdog, I was happy and the Maltese is super



1.5 kg adult, non-shedding, 4 tablespoons of food per day, friendly, lives about 17 years


price 50-60 thousand rubles. Expensive.


My dog ​​recently died. We adopted her from the shelter back in 2003. She made us happy for 7 years. Children don’t greet you like a dog in the evening when you come home from work. She loves just like that, for nothing. And then the time came when our Tyapa reached its maximum age and she was gone. It was a real grief in our family. Then I told myself that I didn’t want to see any more animals in the house. But my heart was breaking and I didn’t know how to fill this vacuum. No one meets you, no one is happy, no need to go for a walk. And there’s a lot more that you don’t need to do. Emptiness. My husband began to slowly talk about getting another dog. At first I didn’t want to hear it, but then I finally decided. It took us a long time to choose which one to take. And we decided to proceed from the fact that it would have the maximum possible lifespan; further, it should not be large, since we often travel and will need to take it with us. It must be fluffy, but there must be hair instead of fur - such dogs do not shed and there is no hair from shedding in the house. Well, we started looking. And the main thing is that we only wanted a girl, an affectionate one. Why haven't we changed our minds? Because we understood - we take it for a long time. chose the Maltese dog, or in another way they are called “Maltese”. This is just a miracle. Of course, while she is still a puppy, she has to take care of a lot. But the joy from communication is incomparable. We've had her for 1 month now. Very pleased. He is friends with the cat. she generally mistook her for her kitten. In the evening we are warmly greeted at the door. And she suits all our wishes: she does not shed, she weighs 1.5 kg as an adult, her height is correspondingly small, she eats 4 tablespoons a day. Well, everything else is a matter of habit. For now we are accustomed to wearing a diaper, and a little later when we start going outside these problems will disappear. The only thing that’s wrong is the price of such a puppy - a girl costs 50-60 thousand rubles and a boy about 40. We started looking, maybe someone would give such a puppy away, they didn’t find it, but they found a girl for 27,000 rubles. And, believe me, I don’t feel sorry for such beauty. Their lifespan is about 17 years. Now it makes us all happy. And of course, I remember and love my first dog. I wish everyone to acquire a quadruple friend. And there will be no need for medications in the house.


Very cheerful and cute dogs



Smart, funny, beautiful.


Is whimsical in food


A year and a half ago, we bought a wonderful puppy. We were inseparable the whole time. I considered her a member of my family and fulfilled all her whims and whims. She slept with me, ate with me, was with me always and everywhere. We understood each other from the spot. And now it's over, she betrayed me. Yesterday her children were born, I helped her in childbirth and was happy for her. That's all. I don’t exist for her anymore, she growls at me, doesn’t want to see me. For her now only children exist, but what about me. I would never have thought that a dog could cause such feelings of jealousy; it’s even nice to experience them. In general, congratulate me, I have become a grandmother. I gave birth to three excellent Maltese girls. So, life is just beginning. After all, I will have three small toys again. Little Maltese are the funniest puppies. As they grow older, they become more serious. It’s not for nothing that they say that dogs are the smartest dogs, believe me it’s true.


Once upon a time, the lapdog was a symbol of a lap dog and my dream, which was not destined to come true. This snow-white lump with black button eyes is sheer charm and the embodiment of comfort and peace in the apartment!!!!!!



Affectionate, flexible, obedient, smart, does not cause trouble, does not stink, does not shed, is not noisy.


cannot prepare her own food and pour water into a bowl


Recently, our family also welcomed a Maltese puppy. My husband was categorically against small breeds, but a month later... his opinion changed. Our snow-white girl has become the second child who makes us happy every day. And no money is spared for this affectionate cloud running around the house and asking to be held in your arms. Lala sleeps in a cradle-bed, she learned to pee on her diaper quickly, although sometimes we miss it. Very understanding and smart. As for the financial side, if you spend money on this miracle, you will spend it with pleasure, it won’t pull you by the bootstraps. By the way, for those who are afraid of caring for a Maltese, I give advice DO NOT READ REVIEWS ON THE INTERNET ABOUT THE DIFFICULTY IN CARE OF A DOG OF THIS BREED, all the reviews are too exaggerated and embellished, or the reviews are left by those people who have simply never had a dog of this breed... There is always an alternative to expensive ones shampoos, conditioners and any other chemically dangerous advertised cosmetics. The Internet is vast, and many people offer their own inexpensive methods of caring for a Maltese.



she's all a plus




I've had dogs all my life. the latter lived with us for 12 years, then she passed away, I live with my parents and they said that there would be no more animals at home, because the death of our dog was very detrimental, we lost a family member. Several years passed, I went online looking for small breeds of dogs, saw this miracle and fell in love. I made an agreement with the breeder, went to another city, decided whoever comes first, I’ll take him, but when I saw one puppy, I immediately realized that I didn’t want anyone. I bought it, brought it, my mother asked, who is this???? I say, this is Loya, she will live with us, to which my mother said that she would never feed her, never clean her, never caress her. Well, now my mother is offended when Loya sleeps with me all night and doesn’t come to her. This is a family favorite!!! everyone is crazy about her. A very smart, beautiful, obedient, affectionate dog. how I love coming home after a hard day at work, tired, in no mood, and she greets me, kisses me, and all the bad things go away. This is such a miracle, such happiness. she became the favorite of all friends, relatives, neighbors and everyone, everyone. She is a terrible provocateur, she will bark at all the animals, but she is also such a coward that she immediately hides. Of course, what we struggle with is the streaks under our eyes, but this is nothing compared to the love that it gives

Origin story

The Maltese or dwarf bichon is rightly considered one of the most ancient dog breeds. Images of four-legged dogs of this species are found even in ancient Greek sources, and today scientists have come to the conclusion that even in those days these cute dogs were the favorites of the Hellenic nobility.

Legend has it that the furry beauties were first bred on the island of Malta, where the modern name comes from - “Maltese” can be translated from Italian as “Maltese” or “Maltese”. Be that as it may, modern science claims that the Maltese dog does not owe its origin to Malta, Bologna, or any other place in Europe. The most common versions say that such a dog was first bred in ancient China, although there is a more exotic theory of origin associated with the Philippines. In any case, the animal’s homeland is considered to be East or Southeast Asia, and from there the lapdogs could, with numerous transfers, get to Malta, which became the springboard for the conquest of Europe.

There is another, relatively unpopular theory about where the Maltese came from. According to it, there are sources claiming that at the turn of our era, on the island of Meleda near modern Croatia, there were dogs that were distinguished by their unusual beauty. At that time, the Malta was called exactly the same or very similar, and in the 16th century, with the growing popularity of this breed in the neighboring regions of Italy, the names were simply mixed up. It is assumed that the small size of toy poodles and spaniels could be directly related to the emergence of a new breed.

In ancient times, a small dog was valued not only for its cute appearance, but also for its practicality - at first it could be used to effectively fight rodents that plagued Europe. Over time, representatives of the breed, thanks to the work of breeders, became noticeably prettier and turned into a typical companion - in fact, a beautiful toy for rich people. Already during the Renaissance, many outstanding artists of those times depicted Maltese dogs in their masterpieces. So, you can see this little dog in the paintings of such recognized masters of painting as Rubens, Goya or Landseer.

History of the Maltipoo breed

The history of the appearance of the Maltipoo has several main versions. According to historians, the breed first appeared in the 80s of the last century and began to actively spread throughout the world. There are 3 main versions about why the breeders decided to get a similar breed.

  1. The theory of breeding a hypoallergenic breed. According to her, Maltipoo appeared when breeders tried to create a new breed that was absolutely safe for allergy sufferers. To do this, two breeds that do not cause allergies were crossed many times in a row until the breeders achieved the desired effect.
  2. The theory of the ideal dog. According to it, crossing took place according to the principle: puppies of two purebred breeds are able to absorb all the best. According to breeders, the Maltipoo has absorbed the best characteristics from their ancestors - the Maltese and Toy Poodle.
  3. The unique puppy theory. If you believe this theory, then a crossbreed of two purebred breeds absorbs very different qualities, becoming a completely new and unique breed. This applies to external signs, character and behavioral characteristics, which is why they decided to breed the breed. Most breeders, breeders and historians are inclined to this version of the appearance of the Maltipoo as the main one.

Today the Maltipoo is the world's most famous breed of designer dog. They are very playful, cheerful, loving, intelligent and have a fairly flexible character.

How to choose a puppy

  1. You can pick up a puppy at the age of 2 months, but some believe that it is better to buy older dogs (5-6 months), because then they are almost fully formed and have acquired a natural adult appearance.
  2. You can buy Maltese both in an official nursery and from a private person. In the second case, the puppy is unlikely to have the necessary documents and vaccinations, and in addition, there is a risk of getting an unhealthy pet. A good customer will present all the necessary papers: veterinary passport, dog’s pedigree, and tell everything that interests the buyer. If possible, you should look at the puppy's parents.
  3. Small lap dogs should be mischievous, with clean short hair and suitable parameters. The price depends on the status of the pet's parents and its external characteristics.

Without a pedigree, a Maltese will cost 5,000-7,000 thousand, but a show-class puppy (intended for exhibitions) will cost 25,000 or more.

The Maltese dog will be able to give its owner tenderness and affection. They will be devoted and obedient to their family, and are suitable even for a beginner. But caring for the coat of these dogs can really pose challenges that not everyone can handle.

Reviews and evaluation of maltipoo characteristics


We have a puppy of this breed, a girl. Bought it a couple of months ago. We took it from a trusted breeder, where our friends had previously taken the same dog. The price turned out to be tidy - 110 thousand rubles. But the puppy fully meets all the requirements. Absolutely healthy, vaccinated, strong baby. My wife and son were satisfied (I won’t lie, I was too). The breed itself is very interesting, their character is unique. Our girl is also a security guard, protects us from loud noises and barks at the door when someone comes. I recommend it to everyone, although the dog is expensive, it is very charming.


I met this breed completely by accident. My sister gave it to her daughter for her birthday. When I found out that the puppy costs 80 thousand, I simply twirled my finger at my temple. But it turned out - in vain. When I met their busi, I realized that I had never met more mischievous and charming dogs in my life. This beauty is very obedient and trainable. At just 9 months old, the puppy already knew at least 7 commands, something that not every shepherd dog can learn right away. I’m begging a guy for the same dog. Now we are looking for conscientious breeders with reasonable prices.


I first bought a Maltipoo puppy 4 years ago. Two weeks ago I couldn’t resist and bought my Sam a friend of the same breed. These dogs are incredibly adorable. Since I live on my own, 4 years ago I decided to get a cat and accidentally came across an advertisement for the sale of such puppies in Moscow. I drove 150 kilometers for this miracle and have no regrets. If anyone is feeling lonely, it's because you don't have a Maltipoo!


Origin history and interesting facts

The Maltese dog - Maltese - is an ancient, or even the oldest breed on Earth, which lived together with the ancestors of large Molossian dogs more than 2 thousand years ago. This was proven by Sir Charles Darwin, who discovered a description of such dogs based on documents from the 6th century BC. Images and figurines of similar animals were discovered during excavations in the cities of Ancient Egypt, Hellas and Rome.

It is believed that the history of the Maltese breed originates from the Mediterranean. On the island of Malta, which is credited with being the source of the name of the breed, these dogs were also found, but the name was given to lapdogs from the Latin “malat” - harbor - key infrastructure facilities of the ancient world.

It’s hard to believe, but these salon aristocrats were originally a terror of rats, and sailors willingly kept these miniature hunters in ports and took them with them on voyages. But the beauty and sophistication of these animals were appreciated by the nobility of those times.

These miniature beauties spread throughout Europe even before our era and even visited China. By the way, according to one version, representatives of the breed took part in the selection of the favorites of the emperors of the Middle Kingdom - Pekingese.

Over the next 2 thousand years, little changed for the Maltese. They accompanied aristocrats and ruling persons, appeared on the canvases of great artists - Goya, Rubens - and delighted humanity with their beauty and friendly disposition.

Walking and exercise

Reviews from owners of Maltese dogs (mini and standard) always mention their temperament. These mischievous and playful creatures love to run and jump. They thrive on movement and cannot sit still for long periods of time. With a lack of physical activity, the dog begins to get bored and even get sick. That’s why you need to play with her regularly.

Many owners train their pets to use a litter box and believe that they do not need to be taken outside. In fact, these miniature creatures require regular walks in the fresh air. Since they do not have undercoat, it is recommended to dress them in warm overalls in the winter. At the same time, it is important to ensure that clothing does not hinder the dog’s movements and reliably protects it from the cold.

TOP nicknames

The choice of name for a Maltese dog is limited only by imagination. You can emphasize the ancient origins and connections of the breed with high society, or you can proceed from the appearance and cheerful character of these dogs.

Nicknames for the Maltese “boy”:

  • Antoine;
  • Martin;
  • Oscar;
  • Henry;
  • Wagner;
  • Marshmallow;
  • Marseilles;
  • Narcissus;
  • Emir;
  • Ramses.

Nicknames for Maltese “girls”:

  • Charlotte;
  • Matilda;
  • Lucinda;
  • Snezhanna/Snowflake;
  • Blondie;
  • Emmy;
  • Gertrude;
  • Juliette;
  • Milady;
  • Shelley.

The pet's name should be euphonious, easy to remember or have an abbreviated version, and also not be consonant with commands.


The Maltese is a small dog, the parameters of which depend on the country of origin. American-bred animals grow up to 20-25 cm and weigh 1.8-2.7 kg. Dogs born in Italy weigh between 3-4 kg. Moreover, male Maltese dogs are not much larger than girls.

On a relatively large, wide head with a rectangular muzzle, a smooth bridge of the nose, dry lips and strong jaws, there are expressive, shiny eyes surrounded by dark eyelids, and triangular, semi-erect ears with rounded tips.

The straight neck smoothly transitions into slightly protruding withers, a straight back and a slightly lowered croup, ending with the base of a saber-shaped, curved tail. Under the moderately elongated body with a deep chest and rounded ribs there are two pairs of strong bony limbs with paws gathered into a ball. But the main calling card of the dog is its luxurious flowing snow-white coat. It is this feature that Maltese owners highlight in their reviews.

Choosing a puppy

The Maltese is currently at the peak of popularity among miniature dogs, so purchasing a puppy will not be difficult.

It is better to purchase puppies from specialized nurseries

On the territory of the Russian Federation there are several nurseries engaged in breeding Maltese:

  • "Black Diamond" in Moscow;
  • "SUN KHARIZMA" in Nizhny Novgorod;
  • "Sax-Leons" in Krasnodar;
  • "Pearl Valley" in Novosibirsk;
  • "Maltel" - Yoshkar-Ola;
  • "Star Destino" - Moscow;
  • “Wind of Dreams” - Tyumen.

When choosing a puppy, the owner should pay attention to the baby's documents. The breeder also provides information about vaccinations and deworming

When buying a puppy, you need to check the documents for the dog

When choosing a puppy from a litter, pay attention to the following factors:

  • exterior. The puppy should have a deep chest, proportional body size, and a wide, elongated back. The bite should be scissor-shaped. The neck is not too long. The limbs are straight;
  • color You can choose any color you like as a pet. However, for participation in exhibitions and breeding, it is worth choosing a white color;
  • wool quality. In the future, a puppy with silky hair will boast perfect plumage. But coarse-haired and curly-haired cubs are not a marriage.

It is necessary to pay attention not only to the puppies, but also to the parents

When meeting a puppy, it is important to pay attention to the baby’s parents. The exterior, as well as the habits of adult relatives, will say a lot about the future pet.

Character, behavioral characteristics

Distinctive character traits of the Maltese dog: energy, fearlessness, curiosity. Representatives of the breed are active and capable of infecting those around them with inexhaustible energy and optimism. Adult, well-mannered dogs show restraint and behave with self-esteem.

Learning ability

Maltese dogs are often stubborn and therefore do not respond well to training. However, they are intelligent, smart, have a good memory and, with the right approach, are able to learn the necessary commands.

Attitude towards the owner and children

Maltese are wonderful companions; they try to stay close to a person all the time. Loneliness and indifference are hard to bear. They adapt well to the character traits of the people around them and can keep company in any of their owner’s hobbies. The dogs are very affectionate, kind and friendly. They are funny and playful, so you won’t get bored with such a pet.

Maltese dogs are very loyal; in case of danger, they are able to boldly defend their owner. For children, the pet will be an excellent playmate. You can entrust a dog to a child aged 7-10 years. Representatives of the breed are not aggressive, but puppies may bite during play or during the period of teeth change.

Attitude towards strangers

They are wary of strangers. Representatives of the breed have a rather impressive voice. If there is a suspicious noise, they can scare away an intruder by barking.

Attitude towards pets

Lapdogs are friendly towards their relatives and get along well with other pets. On the street they tend to be aggressive towards unfamiliar dogs, they can attack a larger opponent and get seriously injured.

Features of care

The Maltese is a gentle creature, the maintenance of which is considered a painstaking, but not too difficult task, which anyone can easily cope with. The animal's luxurious fur coat requires the most attention. Without proper care, it quickly loses its attractiveness and becomes tangled. Insufficiently grown puppy hair needs to be combed and straightened daily to keep it straight.

During the coat change period, which falls at the age of 12-18 months, you will have to use special “papillot” clips. The animal must be gradually taught to calmly treat these devices and not tear them down. For those who do not plan to show their pet at exhibitions and do not want to waste time fiddling with curlers, we can recommend giving your Maltese a haircut. From the photos of dogs that have been to the grooming salon, it is clear that a short hairstyle not only makes them attractive, but also helps them survive the summer heat more easily.

The eyes and ears of the animal require no less attention. They need to be wiped regularly with a cotton swab soaked in a special composition. You will also have to periodically brush your pet's teeth and trim overgrown nails. The latter must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the blood vessels.

It is equally important to regularly vaccinate the animal and carry out routine treatments against external and internal parasites. These simple procedures will help improve the health of your Maltese and prolong its life.

Breed Features

The first mention of these decorative dogs, according to some versions of scientists, dates back to the times of the ancient Egyptians. Evidence is provided by wall paintings depicting creatures similar to the Maltese. Disputes about the origin of this dog are still going on. Some believe that the breed originated in Malta, others believe that the birthplace of the breed was China, from where it was brought to Europe.

Now the bulk of the breeders are located in Italy; it was this country, after the first exhibition in 1864, that officially declared the standards of this breed and called itself its homeland.

Dogs were brought to Russia in 1812 during the Patriotic War. They were maintained by royalty.

The color of dogs is most often white, there are other color variations, but they are considered a fault. The description of the standard is as follows: the lap dog's coat should fall in long strands and reach the floor. The head is oval, the ears are set high and have a triangular shape, often hidden behind long hair.

Dogs' noses are black, round, not elongated. The jaws should be evenly adjacent to each other. Dogs' eyes are slightly protruding and should be dark in color.

The height of dogs reaches 20-22 cm, in some males it can be 24-25 cm. The physique is quite elegant, the back is straight

It is worth paying attention to the weight: according to standards, it should be from 2 to 3 kg

A distinctive characteristic is the playful and friendly disposition of dogs. Since they are light in weight, they can be easily carried in your arms.


It is worth getting a dog of this breed only if the future owner considers the dog as an investment. After all, to buy a Maltipoo “cheaply”.

Even swindlers who have little connection with genuine breeders and sell dogs by hand or via the Internet know a lot about pricing and will not waste time setting competitive prices.

In general, it is worth adding that this breed is considered elite these days and many of its representatives belong to show business stars, both domestic and foreign. Among the Russian stars who practice dog breeding are the lead singer of the group “Hands Up” Sergei Zhukov and his wife, ex-soloist of the group “Slivki” Regina Burd. Among the Hollywood crowd, owners of Maltipoo include Uma Thurman, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson and even the brutal Sylvester Stallone, who is, with great stretch, associated with a fragile fashionable dog under his arm.

It is not surprising that the price for a Maltipoo sometimes reaches such heights that are not spoken about out loud. There are even several boutiques in Russia that sell dogs of this breed. According to some sources, their cost starts from 20 thousand rubles, but, most likely, this is not entirely correct data.

Other sources give a minimum price of $2,000 . And this is despite the fact that it is a stretch for a maltipoo to be classified as a purebred dog! In addition, these animals cannot be bred, because hybrids cannot produce themselves.

However, these days exclusivity - and this is the main trait in the breed - pays well. And even despite the difficulty in breeding puppies, finding representatives of this breed for the purpose of further acquisition will not be much effort. True, you won’t be able to buy a dog at exhibition events, but the second proven method – breeders – will work well. In addition, you can order a four-legged friend from a pet store, which will deliver the animal anywhere.

Pros of the Maltese

The advantages of the breed include the following factors:

  • Funny appearance. These dogs have large round eyes and a snow-white coat. It is very difficult to resist such charm! In addition, these dogs are endowed with charisma, are able to find an approach to everyone and are cheerful.
  • Lifespan. On average it is 14–16 years old. By dog ​​standards, this is a lot: representatives of giant breeds sometimes do not live to be 10 years old.
  • Attitude towards other animals, children and guests. It can be difficult for a Maltese only with very young children, if they do not yet understand how to communicate with a dog. They enjoy playing with older children (over 4 years old). The Maltese gets along easily with cats and other dogs. This dog is not afraid of guests and quickly gets to know them.
  • Cleanliness. The Maltese's coat itself gets dirty worse than that of fluffy breeds. However, it is white, and therefore even dust will be clearly visible on it.
  • Possibility of apartment maintenance. The average weight of a dog is 3 kg, so even one room for a lapdog is a whole playground. Although Maltese are active, they only need to do some homework.
  • Playful character. The lapdog gladly supports any activity. The children will be delighted.
  • Fast adaptation. Maltese can travel relatively easily. Most representatives of the breed ride comfortably in a car.
  • Attachment. Lapdogs get used to their owners and family members. They can happily interact with guests, but still try to stay close to the owners. If someone from the family leaves for a long time, the dog gets bored.
  • Small size. The Maltese is a very small dog, so it is easier to care for it, and it requires much less food than the giants.
  • They can relieve themselves in the tray. A lapdog can be trained to use a tray or diaper so as not to expose it to unnecessary stress in winter. The tray should have low sides, otherwise it will be difficult for the dog to get out of it.
  • Low cost. The average price of a puppy is 15,000 rubles. This is a relatively low cost: representatives of rare breeds can cost from 100,000 rubles. and higher.

Education and training

Maltipus are smart, but not without natural stubbornness, therefore, in order to raise and train such a pet, you will have to take into account its character. You cannot be too harsh, despotic, physical force, scream or swing at the dog. The “stick” method is not suitable for these dogs; the “carrot” method helps much better here - praise, treats, approval, respectful attitude.

The owner needs the following:

  • training must be consistent;
  • it is advisable to follow a regime, allocating a certain time for training;
  • the owner must let the pet understand that he is the leader, which means that his demands must be fulfilled unquestioningly;
  • no rudeness, but firmness must be shown.

You can start training from the first days your pet appears in the house. Even a 2-month-old puppy is able to learn basic commands and understand what can be done and what is prohibited.


Not only the dog’s health, but also its appearance depends on the quality of nutrition. The Maltese breed is prone to obesity, so you need to monitor your pet’s diet from the first days. A puppy under 6 months of age is fed four times a day. The breeder will recommend the optimal menu, focusing on the puppy’s nutrition in the first months of life.

From 6 to 12 months, the pet eats three times a day. At this time, his diet is gradually replaced by an adult diet. With the onset of the year, the dog switches to “adult” food and eats 2 times a day. You can read below about what foods should be included in the diet of a Maltese dog if it is kept on a natural diet.

Natural food for the Maltese

Maintenance and care

Maltipoo puppies settle into their new home very quickly. It will take very little time for the dog to begin to get used to the rhythm of life at home, the environment, and new neighbors in the form of other pets. Dogs are very smart, they quickly remember the rules of behavior in the house. If desired, they can be trained to wear a diaper. Maltipus are very curious, it is important that there are no small things or parts of children's toys scattered around the house that the dog could accidentally swallow.

You can keep a Maltipoo even in a small city apartment; these dogs take up very little space, but it is advisable that they have their own cozy bed, located in a secluded corner. The Maltipoo should receive sufficient exercise every day. The best option would be to walk in the park near your house. If you can’t go outside due to weather conditions, you should definitely play with your pet indoors, helping to expend accumulated energy.


It is advisable to brush the Maltipo's coat daily. As it grows, about 2-3 times a year, get a haircut. You can bathe a puppy from the age of two months. In the future, this is done approximately once every 3-4 weeks. Be sure to use shampoos and conditioners that make combing easier. After bathing, you can let the Maltipoo dry on its own or use a hair dryer.

Hygiene procedures

Your pet's eyes and ears also need regular care. It is advisable to wipe the eyes daily, removing accumulated dust and secretions. Especially in light-colored dogs, where darkened tear ducts are more visible. Ears are cleaned as needed. Some Maltipoo have problems with their anal glands, which also need to be cleaned. Regularly, the Maltipoo needs to trim its nails to the optimal length. In the cold season, it is best to protect the nose and paw pads of the Maltipoo from frost by lubricating it with wax-based cream. Many pet owners ignore the need to brush their dog's teeth, but such a trifle can prevent many problems in the future. It is advisable to brush your teeth daily or at least 1-2 times a week.

a brief description of

  • height – 21-25 cm;
  • weight – 3-4 kg.


  • height – 20-23 cm;
  • weight – 3-4 kg.

Cost of Maltese puppies:

  1. Show class: from 60 thousand rubles.
  2. Breed class: from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Pet class: 10-30 thousand rubles.
  4. Without class: up to 10 thousand rubles.

Life expectancy: 12-14 years.

Yes, they do. In addition, such a pet will be a good companion for pensioners, as well as children over 10 years old. For allergy sufferers, Maltese, as a rule, does not cause a negative reaction in the body.

Not suitable for: elderly, sick, and overly irritable people.

At least once a day for 15 minutes. Active games and exercises are very important; the dog should run around enough.
Due to the lack of undercoat at low temperatures, the dog will freeze during a walk, so it is better to purchase overalls - demi-season and insulated winter ones.

It is also recommended to buy boots. Shoes will protect your paws from damage from the reagents used to melt the ice.

Representatives of the breed have no undercoat and hardly shed. To maintain an impressive appearance, your pet must be brushed daily at any time of the year.
Yes, it is desirable if the lapdog does not take part in exhibitions. This will make grooming easier. At the request of the owner, it can be cut short or just shortened slightly.
Maltese are very sensitive, so they can make noise when there are suspicious sounds or when a stranger appears on their territory. The small pet is capable of actively protecting its owner and even biting the enemy.
No, not recommended. This is a fragile, gentle dog; a small child can accidentally injure it. Children aged 7-10 years can be allowed to play with a lapdog.


  1. They have a light, cheerful disposition.
  2. Properly raised pets are very disciplined.
  3. Convenient for keeping in small apartments.
  4. They eat little.
  5. You can train him to the tray.
  6. Loyal to the owner.
  7. They have a high degree of adaptability to the psychology of the people around them.
  8. Friendly with children.
  9. They love to play, especially outdoor games.
  10. They are non-conflicting and get along well with other pets.
  1. They require attention and proper education.
  2. They cannot stand loneliness.
  3. Careful care is required, including the coat.
  4. They are picky eaters and prone to obesity.
  5. If they are irresponsible, they become uncontrollable.
  6. Due to lack of attention, lack of active games, and walks, destructive behavior appears.
  7. Not very trainable

Features of breeding Maltipoo

There are two types of this designer breed:

  • First generation mixed breeds (F1 hybrids) – puppies from a poodle and a Maltese;
  • Dogs of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. generations (hybrids F2, F3, F4) – puppies from two maltipoo.

Many breeders breed according to their own selection criteria. This does not contribute to the path to the standard and establishment of the breed in the relevant organizations. Therefore, crossing Maltipoos with each other at this stage of the breed’s development is not encouraged.

Only purebred Maltese dogs and poodles should take part in Maltipoo breeding. Low quality parents accordingly produce low quality puppies.

First generation hybrids are valued primarily. Puppies of the second and subsequent generations will be more similar to one of the parents, and will also acquire their own characteristics, and therefore will no longer fully meet the preliminary standard. Of course, this does not matter greatly if you need a dog, as they say, for the soul.

Description of the Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog breed, characteristics

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is a cheerful and cheerful dog that gets along well with all family members: both adults and children. She has a very affectionate and peaceful character. At the same time, the lapdog is quite courageous, brave and decisive, which makes it, although small, a brave defender of its owners.

Character of Russian colored lapdogs

These small dogs, despite their frivolous appearance, are very devoted to their owner. While still in puppyhood, a colored lapdog becomes so attached to a person that any separation from its owner turns into torture for it. Therefore, it is not advisable for people who are away from home for a long time to have dogs of this breed.

The colored lapdog gets along with other pets without problems. In addition, she adores teenage children, but this dog has difficulty finding a common language with very young children. After all, a baby, not understanding what he is doing, can cause pain to the dog, and she can bite him in response. Therefore, if there is a small child in the family, then it is better to hold off on purchasing a colored lapdog.

The Russian colored lapdog is a very nimble dog that loves to frolic and play, so this breed is unlikely to be suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Color of Russian colored lapdogs

Small decorative companion dogs can be of absolutely any color. Except white! White puppies were once strictly culled. Why? Everything is very simple. An original Russian breed of lapdog was developed. And if the domestic breed turned out to be white, many problematic questions would arise regarding its identity with other types of exclusively white lapdogs, such as the French (Bichon Frize), Maltese, Havanese and others. The following colors are considered the most common:

  • Black,
  • Brown,
  • Beige,
  • Grey,
  • Black and gray and tan.

Breed standard Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka

The breed is not recognized by the FCI.

This is a compact dog with a harmonious build and a slightly elongated body. The main characteristics include the following:

  • The height at the withers of dogs is 20–26 cm, weight is 1.5–4 kg. The length of the body must exceed the height of the animal by 15%. The chest corresponds to half the size of the dog at the withers.
  • The length of the muzzle should be equal to 1/3 of the head. The dog has a round, slightly convex skull. The occipital protuberance is little noticeable. The nose is small, the earlobe can be black or have a fur color. The muzzle tapers slightly towards the nose.
  • The eyes are round, dark. The ears are triangular, hanging on cartilage, the tips have a rounded shape.
  • Scissor bite.
  • The back is wide and level. The loin is short and has a slight convexity. The croup is wide, rounded with pronounced muscles. The chest is oval, long, reaching the elbows. The stomach is tucked.
  • The shoulder blades are slightly sloping and well muscled. The paws on the forelimbs are round in shape. The thighs are muscular and slightly inclined.
  • The hock joints are strong, dry, and the articulation angles are moderate. The hind legs are oval in shape and inferior in size to the forelegs. The tail is covered with long hair and curled into a ring shape.
  • The skin is elastic without folds. The coat is long, thick, shiny, wavy (with different curl sizes).
  • The lapdog can be gray and tan, black and tan, red, cream, brown, grey, fawn, black, but must be a solid color. Spotting is regarded as a breed defect. The standard also does not allow white color.
  • Life expectancy exceeds 15 years, during which the pet does not lose interest in the outside world.

A peculiarity of this breed is the change in color during the first years of life.


  • Dog
  • Long-eared cats
  • Cat meowing
  • Alexandrian parrot
  • Why does a cat need a mustache?
  • Rescue dogs

Maltipus are very small and cute dogs that resemble glamorous teddy bears in their appearance. They do not shed and have a hypoallergenic coat, so they can live in the same home with people suffering from allergic diseases .

Maltipoo is a small dog, reaching a height of 12-35 cm and weighing 1.5-3.5 kg. The color of a dog's fur coat can be very diverse, but in most cases light shades predominate: apricot, white. Due to its appearance, as well as its miniature size, fluffy and soft fur, the animal can be confused with a plush toy.

In addition, Maltipoo is used for canister therapy treatment. This is a relatively new method of treating neuroemotional diseases. It implies psycho-emotional contact between a dog and a person - dogs are able to have a positive effect on the patient’s psyche when walking with them or simply observing animals in enclosures. A small dog with constant activity and a cheerful appearance will help you cure stress and depression.

Coat types and colors

Future owners should know that the designer breed has three types of coat:

  • Silky and straight – this type of coat is inherited from the lap dog and is the most desirable because it is the easiest to care for. The fur is soft, dense or medium density, not prone to matting and allows for various haircuts.
  • The curly coat, like that of a poodle, is soft, wiry and very dense. Shedding in such dogs is less pronounced, but the hair is more prone to matting.
  • The wavy, wiry coat is the rarest type in this breed (inherited from Poodles) and the most undesirable.

The most popular and sought after color remains white. But there may also be other brighter shades or combinations of two or more colors.

Main colors:

  • White;
  • Brown;
  • Grey;
  • Apricot;
  • Cream;
  • Black (not in its pure form, it always shimmers with white or other light shades).

How to choose a puppy

Due to the high cost of dogs, the Maltese breed is not as common as other decorative dogs. This is a plus - there is less risk of stumbling upon an unscrupulous breeder selling sick or puppies that do not meet breed requirements.

Maltese puppies: photos.

However, scammers are everywhere. Therefore, before buying a Maltese dog you need to:

  • check the pedigrees of the producers and the metrics of the Maltese puppy;
  • look at the parents (at least the bitch) live;
  • examine the Maltese puppies - they should be healthy, playful, not afraid of extraneous, loud sounds;
  • Take a dog handler or an experienced breeder with you - they will determine how well the kittens’ exterior meets the standard requirements.

The Maltese is an elite dog. If the owner plans to engage in breeding, you need to take the choice of a sire seriously - a male or a female

Pay attention to genetic data, certificates and awards, breed qualities

History of the origin of the breed

Maltese Scientists claim that the Maltese (another name for the lapdog) is one of the oldest breeds. Charles Darwin established that its first representatives appeared in the 6th century BC. This information is confirmed by ancient Greek paintings on vases, which depict dogs surprisingly similar to Maltese dogs. In manuscripts, the dogs were originally called Melite, after the island of Melita (present-day Malta).

But there are also opinions that the breed was brought to the island by merchants from Europe or China. It is known that the sweet and cheerful Bolonka immediately gained popularity in aristocratic circles. The presence of a dog of this breed in the house indicated the high status and sufficient financial position of the owner, along with silks and jewelry. Most often, ladies got a compact, snow-white dog, carrying it in their hands or baskets.

The breed was brought to England only in 55 BC. legionnaires and traders from Rome. The first exhibition took place in 1862. The most worthy representatives of the breed were in France at the end of the 19th century. Royalty, such as Queens Mary Stuart and Victoria, adored the Maltese and enjoyed showing them off to the public, after dressing the dog in expensive clothes and jewelry. The high popularity of the Maltese breed gave impetus to the development of specialized nurseries that have been striving for an impeccable gene pool for decades.

But that's not all. If there is demand, there will be supply. The noble lady was not distinguished by great physical strength and, of course, she wanted to reduce the weight of her favorite, who was pulling her hand during a social event. Well, if so, individuals of small size and lighter weight were most valued. These were the ones that were selected for further breeding. Moreover, after several generations, ultra-small dogs were bred, which were no longer deliberately crossed with representatives of the standard Maltese breed. Such individuals cost three or more times more, which means they were a more prestigious option than the standard Maltese.

They had a height of 15 to 20 centimeters and a weight of 1.5 - 2.5 kilograms. Males, of course, were a couple of centimeters taller than females. This is how a separate branch of the breed was developed - the Maltese mini.

Education and training

Reviews from owners of Maltese dogs sometimes include complaints about inappropriate behavior of their pets. Moreover, many owners sincerely do not understand that they themselves are the root cause of such problems and believe that a tiny dog ​​does not need training. In fact, the Miniature Maltese should be raised in the same way as its larger counterparts. Of course, you can't do an IPO with her like you can with a German Shepherd or Malinois. But it is possible and necessary to instill in her the basics of correct behavior. Moreover, it is advisable to do this from an early age.

With a little persistence and patience, in just a few months you will have a sane and obedient dog, capable of following simple commands. Maltese are naturally endowed with excellent memory and the ability to concentrate, so if desired, they can be taught simple circus tricks.

Maltese - how to choose a puppy?

Another exciting question for future owners is how much a Maltese dog costs. A purebred puppy from a reputable nursery can cost $500-1000. You can buy a dog for $180-250.

Regardless of where you buy Maltese puppies, before purchasing a new friend, you should pay attention to:

  1. Anatomical structure of the baby
    : height, bite, shape of the back, length of the tail, shape of the paws, reproductive organs in males.
  2. Wool and skin
    . The color of the coat is allowed only white, without spots or other markings. Fluffiness does not affect the breed standard in any way, so you can buy pets with fine fur.
  3. Character and disposition
    . The puppy must be curious and friendly, without aggressive displays towards the buyer. However, some wariness towards strangers is also allowed.

Wool and its color types

Future owners of the breed should understand that Maltipoos differ in their coat types. There are 3 types in total:

  • Straight and silky. Maltipoo got this type of coat from lapdogs. It is most popular among owners. This is explained by its ease of care and unpretentiousness. Their coat is soft, it is not prone to matting and is easy to trim. Density can be high or medium.
  • Wavy and hard. This type of coat is very rare in this breed of dog. This coat is inherited from the poodle and is considered undesirable. But still, this type of wool also finds its lovers among owners, as it looks very interesting.
  • Curly and thick. This coat is very soft and resembles that of a poodle. This type of hair is prone to matting. Such pets need timely haircuts throughout their lives.

Photo of a Maltipoo dog
As for colors, in this case the most classic and favorite among potential owners is white color. But are there others? even more vibrant and interesting types of colors that combine several or one color. Among them:

  • Brown;
  • Grey;
  • Cream;
  • Peach.

Black coloring is also not uncommon for Maltipoos. However, this coat color is never absolute, as it always casts white or some other light type of shade.

Positive aspects of the content

In general, keeping a Maltese is not difficult. She doesn't need a lot of space and easily gets along in small apartments. All you need is a cozy place, a lounger, toys and a couple of bowls.

The advantages of keeping lapdogs include cleanliness. Often dogs themselves ask to wipe their faces after eating, obediently wait for their paws to be washed, and happily let them brush and bathe.

Another positive side is easy upbringing. Maltese is smart and tries to please family members. She quickly gets used to the toilet, is naughty only in puppyhood, and learns the rules of behavior and basic commands without any problems. It is enough to explain several times what needs to be done. If desired, she can be taught tricks.

Maltese is ideal for families with children. She is calm and non-aggressive. However, it is not worth getting a dog for a child under 10 years old. The baby does not yet know how to properly handle the animal and may injure the fragile dog.

Often the Maltese is purchased by older people and those who have little time. The dog does not need frequent and long walks. He easily learns to go to the toilet in the cat litter box. A one-hour walk once a day will be enough. And if the weather is inclement, you can skip the daily ritual.


In fact, maltipus are mestizos, so each dog has its own character traits.

But it is still possible to identify a number of common features inherent in most representatives of the species:

  • they inherited high intelligence from poodles;
  • dogs remain playful throughout their lives;
  • dogs are positive, inquisitive and energetic;
  • Maltipus are devoid of aggression and are happy to communicate with everyone - people and animals; even a cat or rodent can become a true friend for such a dog.

Of course, adult dogs are devoid of puppy hyperactivity and are not averse to lounging next to their beloved owner. But they also love to explore all corners of the house - not a single change will pass their curious nose.

Maltipoos are an excellent option for families with children, but keep in mind that children, even without meaning to, can harm the graceful little dogs.

Like Maltese and Poodles, the dogs resulting from their crossing love their family very much and become attached to all members of the family. They need affection, kindness and attention.

Loneliness is contraindicated for these dogs; they begin to feel sad and sad, experiencing severe melancholy. Therefore, if all family members are away from home most of the time, and there is no opportunity to take this little one with you, then you should not consider him as a pet.

Maltipoo are active animals that love to run, jump, and play. They are happy to go outside, but here the owner needs to keep an eye on the pet, keeping it on a leash. This measure is necessary for the safety of the dog himself - in the event of any threat, the baby cannot stand up for itself.

Often these kids are kidnapped because they fearlessly approach strangers. There is also a risk that larger brothers may offend such a delicate, small creature. In a quiet, calm place you can let the dog run freely. Dogs of this breed are very loyal, they often look into the owner’s eyes, as if saying: “Well, what else can I do to please you?”

Positive traits

Tiny representatives of secular society have quite a lot of advantages.

  • Dimensions. Thanks to their decorative size, they will be comfortable in apartments and small spaces. You can go into shops and shopping centers with them.
  • Shedding. Maltese dogs generally do not shed, this is their great advantage.
  • Training abilities. Being smart and quick-witted, they are easy to train, especially if you teach them in a playful manner.
  • Health. Many decorative dogs have genetic diseases and pathologies, but the Maltese is not one of them. With proper care, these dogs will not get sick and will live a very long time.
  • These animals are suitable for people with allergies to dog and cat hair.
  • Friendliness. Pets are very good with adults and children. For them, the owner becomes the center of the universe, and strangers are more an object of interest than aggression.

Health and life expectancy

There is an opinion that mestizos do not inherit the genetic diseases of their parents. They even came up with a concept for this: “hybrid power.”

However, some Maltipoo have a congenital predisposition to breed-specific diseases of their ancestors, including:

  • “Trembling” syndrome (common among white dogs);
  • Dislocation of the kneecap;
  • Dental problems;
  • Progressive retinal atrophy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Cardiomyopathy;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Paradoxically, hypoallergenic dogs very often suffer from allergies themselves.

It is important that owners do not forget about disease prevention. The priority measures are: vaccination of the animal, regular treatment for internal and external parasites, and preventive examination by a veterinarian. Average life expectancy: 13-14 years.

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