Metis Alabai: description, character traits, care and education, photo

Central Asian Shepherds are reliable guards, but they are characterized by waywardness and stubbornness, which makes them difficult to raise and train. To balance the obstinate and rebellious nature of these animals and make them more submissive and calm, breeders sometimes cross their pets with other dog breeds. Alabai, crossed with a German shepherd, has a friendly and easy-going disposition, thanks to which he can be called an ideal pet that will become not only a watchman, but also an affectionate friend for the whole family.

Cross between Alabai and German Shepherd

This combination occurs quite often. Wanting to get a loyal dog with outstanding characteristics, people prefer to breed mainly these two breeds. The offspring are large, with very recognizable characteristics. A photo of a mixed breed Alabai and a German shepherd leaves no doubt that it was representatives of these breeds who took part in the breeding - the puppies are always very similar to their parents. Dogs have thick fur, with a pronounced undercoat, making it quite acceptable to keep them in an outdoor enclosure.

In the wild, the pet has more opportunity to move freely without experiencing significant restrictions.

Are there large external differences between the two breeds?

The difference between the German and East European Shepherd is considered to be this feature: the latter is famous for its massive physique and height, which exceeds the norm of the former by 10 cm.

The main differences include the nuances of body structure:

  • lack of back tilt in Easterners;
  • European Shepherds have long forelimbs and shorter hind limbs.

Important! Each subspecies has a different type of movement. Purebred Europeans move at a measured and free trot, while Easterners move at a fast and sweeping gait.

Character traits

A mixed breed of Shepherd and Alabai is an amazingly beautiful and noble dog. The animal is distinguished by its immense devotion to humans. It is ready to serve him with the undivided loyalty that one can imagine. This is why the dog quickly gets used to following commands. A mixed breed of Alabai and German Shepherd is the ultimate dream of many people who are partial to large breed dogs. Such a dog will not only be able to protect you from any danger, but will also become a wonderful friend. Thanks to its impressive size, it makes a proper impression. It's not scary to go out late at night. Ill-wishers will actually think several times before approaching an animal. The dog has an excellent sense of its own territory. For this reason, she will not let strangers get close, and will not allow anyone to harm the owner.

Features of care

Of course, it is not enough just to have the desire to have a mixed breed of Shepherd and Alabai. It is necessary to properly care for the dog so that it has the opportunity to live in complete well-being. The dog needs to be brushed regularly, and during the shedding period it needs to be done daily. Otherwise, you won't be able to get rid of clumps of fur; it will be everywhere. Even if the dog is kept in the yard, it must be carefully looked after. A caring owner is always concerned about providing his pet with a balanced diet and making his life exciting and interesting. The condition of the fur of your four-legged friend depends on the quality of food.

Raising a puppy

The dog must necessarily realize its natural potential. Metis Alabai will become an excellent watchman who will serve a person faithfully. He will make a devoted friend who will be able to provide reliable protection in any situation. Of course, this is provided that the owner regularly exercises his pet. The Alabai mestizo should not be allowed to idle; he must be taught to perform certain tasks from childhood. For this purpose, a person must either deal with the dog himself or entrust this matter to a professional. Raising a puppy should begin from the moment you bring it into the house. There is no need to wait for a special occasion to occur, otherwise you could waste precious time, which will certainly create additional difficulties in the future. Socialization of a young dog is an extremely important issue, which is an integral part of the education process. A puppy should not grow up fearful, apathetic, or aggressive towards his own people. If the owner does not properly raise the pet, you should not be surprised that the dog exhibits some strange behavior. Given the strong genes of the German Shepherd, it is necessary to take these points into account in advance. A photo of a mixed breed of Alabai and Shepherd immediately makes it possible to understand what breeds of dogs took part in the breeding. Of course, the puppies turn out very beautiful.

Cross between Alabai and Labrador

This option also occurs quite often. Both dogs are similar in build and character. The mixed breed of Alabai and Labrador is usually kind, calm and incredibly beautiful. It is worth noting that it is better to breed light-colored dogs with each other, then the difference will not be so noticeable.

Fawn Labradors are similar in build to the Central Asian Shepherd. People ignorant of cynology can even easily confuse these completely different breeds with each other.

Cheerful disposition

The Alabai and Labrador mix puppy is incredibly active. Numerous observations show that he is often ready to ruin the things that are next to him. For this reason, he should not be left alone for a long time. Otherwise, he will chew everything that you leave in his field of vision: shoes, various interior items. The cheerful character of this dog can be called groovy: she is always ready for new adventures. It is good to take such a friend with you on long walks to give him the opportunity to run around and satisfy his hunting instincts. You will enjoy playing with your dog outdoors.


Both Labrador and Alabai have luxurious fur coats. Of course, such coat requires proper care. The mixed breed needs to be brushed regularly. Regular bathing will also be beneficial. By washing you can get rid of lost hair, especially during shedding periods. For this purpose, it is necessary to choose a suitable shampoo for the dog.

You should bathe your four-legged friend at least once every two months. Only then will the animal look presentable and well-groomed. Such a miracle also needs to be fed correctly: with professional dry food or high-quality natural food.


For a dog to feel good and be healthy, it needs the right diet. If you prefer dry food, do not buy cheap options. Premium products have a truly balanced and natural composition, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Cheap analogues can only harm the animal.

You cannot feed your dog sweets, flour, fatty or canned foods. Bones are required, but non-tubular bones are allowed. In this regard, beef ones are ideal. You can also give offal. The basis of natural nutrition is meat.

Alabai-husky cross

An interesting combination that not every person has ever been able to see with their own eyes. The mixed breed of Alabai and Husky evokes, if not delight, then at least tenderness. It is known that both breeds are incredibly beautiful. The characteristic color of the husky makes the dog have a unique appearance. For this reason, many people literally fall in love with her at first sight. Of course, the animal looks very impressive, but you need to pay attention to the fact that appearance is not everything. It is much more important to understand whether you can really cope with raising your pet.

Interesting facts about Alabai

Asians have a very capricious character and will never mindlessly, automatically follow commands. They evaluate their feasibility and only then implement them. These dogs have a strong character, so you should start training them from an early age. Under no circumstances should you beat or humiliate them, since such behavior can destroy the animal’s psyche and turn it into a real monster. It is better to entrust the education of Alabai to a specialist.

Interesting Facts:

  • Alabai puppies are prone to food aggression and this is not considered a deviation in the normal development of the psyche;
  • An Asian must be in contact with the outside world, and not sit constantly in an enclosure or on a chain, otherwise in a fairly short period she will become aggressive;
  • Snakes, spiders and even scorpions are afraid of dogs of this breed, therefore, where the Alabai dog lives, there will never be reptiles.

Many who raised an Asian incorrectly are themselves afraid of their pet. For this reason, he spends more and more time on the chain, becoming even more aggressive and completely uncontrollable.

Being descendants of ancient dogs that accompanied nomads in Asia, Alabais inherited excellent health and strong immunity to many diseases. The “Achilles heel” of Asian Shepherds is the musculoskeletal system.

Despite the fact that Asians are among the ten largest dog breeds, they occupy only the eighth place of honor. Among the Alabais there are absolute champions. For example, a male with the characteristic nickname Bulldozer. His height was about 2 meters, and his weight reached 125 kg.


We must admit that the character of this animal is not at all simple. The combination of the characters of the Husky and the Central Asian Shepherd creates a rather complex character. If a dog is also not raised correctly, very soon it will stop obeying a person. The Alabai and Husky mix needs to be raised by a person with a strong will and a stable nervous system. Otherwise, the individual will very soon feel that he cannot cope with the responsibilities assigned to him.

The willfulness of the Husky is inherent at the genetic level, while the character of the Alabai presupposes a certain dependence on the person. It is only natural that a cross between two breeds will lead to some unpredictability in the mixed breed. If a dog suddenly notices something interesting, it may stop obeying its owner for a short time. You need to be prepared for this if you intend to purchase a cross between a Central Asian Shepherd and a Husky.

Comparative characteristics

Alabai is a strong guard dog whose homeland is considered to be Turkmenistan. This breed was bred to guard houses and herds. Raising it is difficult, but with the right approach, this animal will become its owner's best friend.

Important! This dog is not suitable for living in an apartment; it needs space. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed

But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed. But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

External differences

The main common feature for representatives of both breeds is their large height and weight, which is why owners of private houses pay attention to these dogs. If we talk about other external features of the breeds, then:

  • Alabais have thick and short hair, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have longer hair with a thick undercoat;
  • Alabai dogs must have their ears and tail docked; for Caucasians, this procedure is at the discretion of the owner;
  • Alabais can have white, gray, reddish and black fur, they can even be spotted. Among Caucasians, gray color is more common, but brown is also common. A characteristic feature is the presence of a dark mask on the face, but there are animals without it.

Thus, despite the external similarity, there are enough differences between representatives of these breeds. And even a person far from cynology can easily figure out where the Alabai is and where the Caucasian Shepherd is. But with mestizos the situation is a little more difficult.

Differences in character and attitude towards a person

What distinguishes these dogs primarily is their character. Alabais are considered not only independent and proud, but even to a certain extent self-confident and arrogant. They relate well to other animals living in the house, and can even get along well with other dogs.

Note! Alabai consider themselves masters only in the territory that they define as their own. Outside of it, they are neutral towards strangers

Alabais, despite their pride and independence, perfectly sense the mood of the owner; often such a dog becomes a good friend to its owner, but only if he raised and trained the puppy from a very tender age.

Alabai motley color

It is interesting that gender differences are noticeable in the character of the Alabais. Males behave more aggressively, they are distinguished by their courage and hostility towards strangers in their territory

Bitches behave more cautiously and can even act with cunning; they turn to direct aggression less often

Caucasians are a breed that is also called loyal to its owner. But at the same time, its representatives show their feelings very restrainedly and are more independent and self-sufficient compared to the Alabai. In addition, Caucasians choose only one owner, and can show aggression towards other family members. It will take a lot of work to eradicate it. This is also the difference between the breeds, since Alabai are neutral towards the family.

For your information! If we compare the life expectancy of representatives of these breeds, then for Alabais it is on average slightly longer - 12-15 years. While Caucasian Shepherd dogs live on average 10-11 years.

How to care

This question is quite difficult and requires certain knowledge. You also need to know how to properly care for a mestizo. In any case, the dog should look presentable and visually attractive. It is recommended to brush the dog regularly so that the dog’s hair does not form unsightly tangles and lie all over the house. For this purpose, you need to purchase several special combs. Your pet should be accustomed to this procedure gradually. The dog should be washed with a special shampoo as needed.

Consistent parenting

When you bring a puppy into your home, you should not let the situation take its course. If you don’t want him to chew everything off you, you need to hide all valuables away. It is highly not recommended to leave your pet alone for a long time. Bored, he can destroy the entire apartment just because he feels scared or uncomfortable. Education must be consistent.

This way the puppy will gradually learn acceptable norms of behavior and will not cause damage to the surrounding area. Any prohibitions must be justified and not excessive. It is recommended to reward the dog for decent behavior in each specific case. This is the only way your pet will soon understand what is allowed and what actions will cause immediate disapproval from the owner.

Mixed Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai

Few people are able to recognize this option at first glance. Despite the fact that the appearance of the Caucasian Shepherd is quite characteristic, not everyone recognizes it. The fact is that the Alabai genes mislead some people. The offspring have long thick hair and are large in size. The mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd actually looks quite impressive. A puppy of one and a half to two months looks like a clumsy bear cub. At the same time, it would not occur to an inexperienced person to start joking with the baby, fearing an unforeseen reaction. Most will still prefer to stay away from the big dog.

Who is stronger?

There are a lot of videos on the Internet “Alabai vs. Caucasian Shepherd – fight”, where you can clearly see who is stronger. Although everything directly depends on the care of the dog, its character, devotion to the owner, and training. Everything is very individual, which is why it is so difficult to find an answer.

From the point of view of character and speed of reactions, the Caucasian wins. He is fearless, aggressive, ready to jump on the enemy without further ado. This is a murder weapon, full of courage and the desire to show who is in charge. He is smarter than Alabai, able to quickly understand the enemy’s fighting technique and predict the next blows. Therefore, at dog fights, the Caucasian Shepherd is treated with fear, and not everyone will dare to put their dog against it.

However, Alabai is larger and also smart

He is ready to show his owner his devotion, to earn respect and attention, even in this way. He does what the owner tells him to do and always does it well.

The Asian’s reaction is also quick and clear, and his actions are thought out in advance. He does not give the enemy a break, attacking constantly, directing all his power to strikes. His grip is iron - it is almost impossible to get out of his mouth. Therefore, Alabai is considered the “angel of death” in dog fights.

It is impossible to say who is stronger. Representatives of both breeds have almost equal strength, they are distinguished only by the manner of fighting, aggressiveness and desire to please the owner. Little depends on the weight and height of the animal, since the saying “the larger the closet, the louder it falls” also applies to fighting dogs. Victory is often a matter of chance. But most dog breeders still vote for the Alabai. He does not act on emotions, which distinguishes him favorably from the Caucasian Shepherd Dog.

Dog's temper

This dog is perfect for protection. Thanks to the genes of the Caucasian Shepherd Dog, a mixed breed can grow into a rather vicious dog that will not allow strangers onto the doorstep. Security qualities can be very valuable if the dog is needed as a permanent guard. Some mestizos can be aggressive and seem somewhat uncontrollable from the outside. In fact, a lot depends on upbringing, on how aware the owner is of the responsibility entrusted to him.

You need to be able to interact correctly with a dog. It must be remembered that an animal cannot be bad. Only in the hands of a person does a dog sometimes become cowardly, aggressive or even dangerous to others. The willful nature of a dog can be used for good purposes. A person must show tact, wisdom and not forget about individual responsibility.

Mongrel or purebred dog?

Mixed breed, half-breed, mestizo - all these terms refer to a dog obtained by crossing two purebred breeds with a clear set of certain qualities. There is still debate about whether a mestizo is a mongrel.

A mongrel, or, as many joke, a “nobleman,” is obtained by randomly repeatedly mating several generations of different breeds. Both purebred dogs and similar mongrels can participate in the process. The result is a dog whose appearance is almost impossible to identify the breeds that participated in its creation.

Most mongrels resemble the first dogs that people domesticated many centuries ago. They have common features:

  • erect ears;
  • muscular paws;
  • wariness in gaze;
  • long, curling tail.

Mixed breeds are considered to be the results of the first crossing of two purebred dogs. It can be either random or planned, with the goal of obtaining unusual puppies. Unlike mongrels, whose gene pool is extremely diverse, it is more likely to guess what a mestizo will turn out to be.

In principle, random mixed breeds can also be called mongrels. That is why they cannot participate in exhibitions and all kinds of competitions. Despite this, such dogs can become loyal and loving companions.

Proper care

Few people would dare to choose such a large animal as a pet. Thick hair and large size are the main characteristics of the mixed breed Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Of course, you need to be able to properly care for her. Such a pet must be combed every day to avoid excessive contamination of the apartment or summer cottage. To make the coat shiny and healthy, it is recommended to decide in advance on the correct feeding. If the owner opts for a natural diet, then it is necessary to remember that the dog’s diet must include beef. It is unacceptable to constantly try to replace it with offal.

How much does alabai cost?

There are a number of objective and subjective factors that determine the cost of an Alabai puppy. These include:

  • exterior. Experts distinguish between excellent, good, simple and very simple. The price gradation is directly proportional to the assessment;
  • signs (or lack thereof) of tribal marriage. This should be of greater concern to those who plan to participate in exhibitions or want to become a breeder. A dog with a plembrace is not suitable for this application. And don’t even doubt that he can become just a good friend and a reliable guard for you;
  • puppy coat color. White alabai will cost much more.

The cost may also be affected by where the breeder lives. Statistics show that in Moscow and the region prices are higher than in the periphery.

Contrary to popular belief, the size of the puppy does not particularly affect the price. Nature alone knows what exactly your pet will be like as an adult.

The average prices for small Alabais start from 15 thousand rubles - most often these dogs have a breed, puppies of a simple exterior will cost in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles, for an Asian “with a future” you will have to pay at least 30 thousand rubles.

Benefits of Parenting

The temperament of the mixed breed Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd is distinguished by its complex character. If you indulge a dog in everything, the result will be an untamed pet that will not obey at all. The owner must be consistent in his upbringing and try to make as few mistakes as possible. The future of the dog depends on how much he can invest in the development of the puppy. You should always remember that it is easy to spoil the character of an animal, but correcting the mistake will be quite difficult.

Education should be approached thoroughly, without making significant mistakes. If you initially spoil a dog, it will become difficult to re-educate it in the future. For this reason, it is recommended to purchase small puppies. The most suitable age for handing over a baby to a new owner is two to three months. It is during this period that attachment is best formed. A person has the opportunity to raise a puppy the way he wants, to make him an excellent guard or just a furry friend.

Thus, a cross between two breeds sometimes looks quite interesting. The photo of the Alabai mestizo certainly attracts attention. True breed connoisseurs will most likely want to see their favorite traits in their four-legged friend. Without a doubt, such dogs are perfect for guarding a private home. It is better to refuse to keep them in an apartment because their fur is too thick and their size is quite impressive.

Expert recommendations

Even despite their balanced psyche and good trainability, the character of Caucasian Shepherd Dogs remains dominant. They need to demonstrate their leadership qualities at all costs. To overcome this desire and turn it in a positive direction, it is necessary to take into account important nuances in upbringing. All of them are structured and presented in the form of a convenient table.

Table 3. Recommendations for training “Caucasians”

Character Nuances of education Training and education Features of positive and negative reinforcement Wolfhounds are very proud animals. Under no circumstances should you use an electric collar when training, shout loudly if the puppy does not obey, and it is strictly forbidden to hit your pet. Otherwise, the Caucasian Shepherd will grow up embittered and become dangerous for the owner and others. Unconditional obedience can only be achieved by setting clear goals for the pet. To carry out commands, the dog must understand the logic of the actions that are required of it. The little “Caucasian” can be taught commands during active play, so that the pet’s interest in learning awakens. As the dog gets older, games become the dog's responsibility. You cannot start learning a new skill without fully mastering the previous one. Each lesson must be repeated more than once. Every time after the correct execution of a command or any other action, you need to praise your pet. You can encourage him with pleasant words, strokes or treats. The offending pet should be scolded, but without raising your voice. The owner's reaction should not be late: punishment must occur before 5 minutes have passed from the moment the offense was committed. The wolfhound's genes still contain hidden aggression, which helps the dog protect its pack. The owner, who cannot subdue the dog, will no longer be able to slow down his attempts to attack the stranger. Attacks on defenseless people must be stopped at the very beginning. Until 4 months of age, raising and training a puppy falls entirely on the shoulders of one owner. No one else should be allowed to pet, give food or raise a pet. Otherwise, the owner will never become an authority and leader for the pet, so he will not obey. If the owner understands during the training process that the dog is not self-confident, it can be supported by the presence of a stronger “Caucasian”. When raising a young male, preference can be given to a stronger male, and when raising a female, preference can be given to a healthy and confident male. If a small puppy has done something wrong, it is enough to take him by the scruff of the neck and shake him. An already grown puppy needs to be pulled by the leash. Actions must be reinforced with the command “No!”, said in a stern voice, but without shouting. There is no need to try to suppress the natural instincts that were passed on to the dog along with the genes of their ancestors.

Otherwise, your four-legged friend will turn into a weak creature that does not know how to perform its functions or will become an uncontrollable beast. When starting to raise a “Caucasian,” you should pay maximum attention to the three most important commands: “Stop!”, “Near!” and “Come to me!” You should never be disappointed in your four-legged friend. If he can’t follow commands, train again and again, practice your skills diligently

Even the laziest dog can be trained and made an obedient guard. A puppy who has misbehaved on a walk cannot be punished after being called to you.

Otherwise, the phrase “Come to me!” will be associated with getting a thrashing. The command is easily reinforced at home: the pet needs to put food in a bowl and call it to you

Adult Caucasian Shepherd

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