How many puppies does a Husky have? Getting ready for childbirth

Having a good friend and an intelligent animal in the person of a husky bitch, you, of course, had thoughts about the continuation of the offspring of these dogs. A cheerful and easy-going character in tandem with high intelligence, which is inherent in this species, captivates many. They are wonderfully disposed towards humans, hardy and non-aggressive, amenable to training, and able to think. They are unpretentious in care, can easily tolerate different temperatures and can get along with both your child and other pets. These and other advantages and advantages of the breed push you to the decision to get offspring from four-legged pets. But before you arrange a mating for your dog, it is worth considering several nuances and rules.

First of all, you need to understand that you are breeding puppies, first of all, for yourself, and not for sale. They will need to be dealt with, devote time, and incur certain material expenses. If you don’t have such an opportunity or desire, then you shouldn’t do it.


Many people think that all problems are solved as soon as a buyer is found, but this is not true. Sometimes it is very difficult to find a worthy owner for kids. No one can guarantee that a person will not decide to move, change his lifestyle, and that, at the same time, everyone, the pet will not fade into the tenth plane.

There are often cases when a potential owner, although it would seem to carefully listen to the recommendations and instructions of the breeder, but having adopted the animal, neglects everything he had previously heard and neglects the health and education of his pet. If you are still confident in your abilities and are ready to take responsibility for the life of your pet’s kids, then it’s time to find a suitable candidate for the role of “dad”.

How is pregnancy going?

Within 2-3 weeks the dog is as active as if nothing bothered him.
For almost the entire first half of pregnancy, it is difficult to say whether the husky is expecting puppies. In the second half of pregnancy, the dog becomes more careful. She does not make sudden movements, does not jump, prefers to sleep more and just lie down

Some huskies lose their appetite, while others, on the contrary, can eat a double portion of their favorite food at once.

Literally 2 weeks before birth, the fetuses begin to actively move, causing discomfort to the mother. Therefore, the husky girl lies with her paws spread out, giving her offspring more space for intrauterine play.

How long does it take to bear puppies?

Huskies bear puppies for an average of 9 weeks, which equates to 2 months - 60-62 days. But each dog’s body is individual, the duration of pregnancy varies, and viable offspring may be born later - at 72, or earlier - at 58 days.

It happens that due to illness, injury, exhaustion, obesity, old age or excessive youth, a husky begins to give birth prematurely.

And if, after 72 days from the moment of mating, the girl is still walking without signs of the onset of labor, she will need to contact a veterinarian and perform a cesarean section.

How many puppies are born to a husky?

The number of puppies in the litter depends on the age of the husky, its genetic predisposition, and health.

As a rule, a dog that whelps for the first time gives birth to no more than 4-5 cubs, regardless of its age. The number of babies is also affected by the erroneous determination of the mating date.

A young dog bearing offspring not for the first time can give birth to 5, 8 or even 12 babies. Older dogs give birth to fewer puppies, there may be 5 of them, and in the last birth, 1.

Useful video

During the gestation period, the pug's nutrition must be treated with increased care. Feed your dog only high-quality products or specialized premium and super-premium food.

The pet’s body spends a lot of strength and energy on the formation of babies, their nutrition, milk production and preparation for lactation. Food for a pregnant pug should be as enriched as possible with beneficial vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In the second half of pregnancy (after 30 days), the following products can be added to the diet:

  1. Kefir, yogurt.
  2. Cottage cheese.
  3. Boiled egg yolk.
  4. Boiled fish.
  5. Boiled meat.
  6. Cheese.
  7. Raw vegetables and fruits.
  8. Cereals.

Don't forget about mineral supplements. Choose foods containing vitamins:

  1. A - carrots, fish oil, liver, dance, egg yolk, pine cabbage.
  2. B - green peas, tomatoes, cabbage, buckwheat and oatmeal, wheat bread, milk, meat, kidneys, liver, fish, eggs, cherries, potatoes, peppers, strawberries, beets, apples, rice, etc.
  3. E - salmon, dried apricots, vegetable oil, olive oil, etc.
  4. D - milk, egg yolk, cod liver, parsley, dill, kefir, cottage cheese, milk, hard cheeses, salmon, cod, animal by-products (kidneys, liver), chum salmon, pink salmon, carp, trout, herring, mackerel, etc. d.

The number of meals is increased to 3 times a day.

A girl in this position must be walked for at least 2 hours. Experts note the particular benefits of such walks for the expectant mother.

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How long does pregnancy last for a cat
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First trimester

Second trimester

Third trimester



The fourth month marks the transition of your baby to your “full board”. Now he will receive nutrients from you through a fully formed common organ - the placenta. Almost until the end of pregnancy, it will be the main metabolic organ of the fetus.

The developing body of a child is very demanding, so you will have to strictly monitor the “supply” of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Glucose is the main source of energy for the baby, amino acids are the building material for new cells, and fats are necessary for building the substance of the brain and lungs. All these components actively penetrate to the baby through the placenta from your body. However, you should not think that the placenta is permeable to absolutely all substances. It becomes a barrier to antibiotics and many other substances dangerous to the child. That is why, from the moment it finally matures, doctors begin to treat diseases that require the use of serious medications.

In the 4th month of pregnancy, the baby’s brain continues to grow and develop, more reflexes appear, the baby fidgets, begins to clench his hands into fists, grimace, and pull his thumb into his mouth. By the 16th week, the baby’s movements become more confident and begin to be quite clearly felt by the mother. Typically, in 10 minutes, your baby will make three movements, which can be recorded with special devices. You will feel only 1 movement during this time. Of course, in the 4th month you will still have to listen in the hope of feeling how your baby moves, but a little later his kicks and turns will become very noticeable.

At 14-15 weeks, the fetus begins to make respiratory movements. Of course, this is not breathing as we understand it; the lungs do not expand and the glottis remains half closed. These are simply movements of the muscles of the chest and diaphragm. Breathing movements improve fetal blood circulation and train the respiratory system for the moment of the first breath. During “breathing,” a small amount of amniotic fluid enters the lungs, so if they contain pathogenic microorganisms, the baby develops an intrauterine infection, and subsequently pneumonia.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, active hardening of the fetal bones occurs, and calcium begins to be deposited in them. The rudiments of all baby teeth are laid. The already fairly well-formed thyroid gland plays a major role in calcium metabolism. The bones lengthen, the legs become proportional to the body, and the first pair of ribs are formed. The head is no longer pressed so tightly to the chest, the chin, bridge of the nose and nose are clearly defined on the face. The eyes are approaching their normal position, although they are still covered by fused eyelids. The baby's skin is very thin; small blood vessels are visible through it, giving the entire skin a bright red color.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, your child's first hair appears. This, of course, is not the hair that you have to carefully sort through, stroke and comb, it’s just a fluff called lanugo

Thin hairs are abundantly saturated and glued with sebaceous secretions secreted by the baby's skin, and become an important part of the integument that protects the baby's skin from irritation and the action of substances contained in the amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid, on the one hand, is actively replenished with the baby’s urine, on the other hand, it is absorbed through the placenta into the mother’s bloodstream and is renewed 8-10 times a day. This exchange process makes it possible to maintain a more or less chemically constant environment and a sterile “children’s pool.”

At the end of the fourth month of pregnancy, the baby’s body weight is already 120 grams, his “height” is as much as 16 cm, the diameter of the head is 32.1 cm, the tummy is 31.6 cm, and the chest is 31.9 cm.

Interesting Facts

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Recovery of an animal after feeding and birth

Bearing puppies and subsequent births are accompanied by large energy expenditures. The only way to quickly restore the body after suffering stress is high-quality nutrition. In this case, we are talking not only about good products, but also about vitamin complexes. They contain seaweed, sulfur and fatty acids.

After the end of labor, you need to carefully examine the mammary glands of the bitch. Often small puppies injure them with their mouth or tongue while feeding. Small cracks may appear on them, which hurt and cause discomfort. Damaged areas must be treated with a special paste or ointment.

How do you know when a dog is ready for breeding?

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There are several ways to determine whether a bitch is ready for breeding:

  • medical - the method consists of taking a smear from the dog’s vagina and testing it in a laboratory;
  • visual - if the husky is ready for mating, she raises her tail, her loop is enlarged, her nipples swell, the discharge becomes light pink;
  • mathematical - ovulation occurs 11-14 days after proestrus, 1-2 days before this is the most suitable time for mating.


To determine the day of ovulation in a dog, you should record the dates of each heat.

Males are physically ready for mating already at six months, but should not be untied before 1.5 years. If there are plans to make money from matings, the pet should be trained in advance and mated for the first time at the age of 10 months, choosing a calm, experienced bitch for this.

What are the dangers of poor nutrition?

Unbalanced food, small amounts of vitamins in food, irregular feeding - all this leads to a lack of nutrients in the dog. As a result, the mother's risk of complications after childbirth increases. Babies, without receiving sufficient nutrients from milk, will grow weak, slowly and, most often, develop incorrectly. For example, a lack of calcium will affect the bones of puppies and bitches, problems with the skeleton, joints, and muscles.

If a dog does not get enough nutrients, not only does she suffer, but also her puppies

To prevent this, it is important to take into account not only the dog’s condition, but also its physiological characteristics. Advice to owners interested in what to feed a shepherd after giving birth will differ from the recommendations given to owners of other breeds. First of all, the size of the dog matters. Your little Yorkie needs more soft, liquid food. It is imperative to reduce the amount of boiled meat and broth in the first days of recovery. At the same time, large pets, for example, Labradors, can consume this product within three days.

How many puppies are born?

Husky heat: when does it start, how long does it last and how often does it happen?

The size of the litter depends on the bitch's heredity, her individual characteristics and age. As a rule, husky bitches over 7-8 years old have small litters, while younger dogs give birth to an average of 5-12 puppies.

You should not expect a large litter from a bitch who is giving birth for the first time. Most often this is due to an incorrectly chosen mating date - often the husky owner makes a mistake and bleeds his dog earlier or later than necessary. Therefore, 4-5 puppies are usually born in the first litter.

If in the future the owner of the bitch takes into account and corrects the mistakes made, there is a high probability that subsequent litters will consist of 8-12 puppies.


Puberty in huskies is the time when the formation of the dog's reproductive system is completed. The pet is physiologically prepared to produce its offspring. In this regard, there are differences between females and males - males are ready for mating earlier than females.

At the same time, veterinarians and zoologists do not recommend mating immediately after reaching maturity, because in most cases young dogs are not psychologically prepared for mating. In addition, if mated incorrectly, the female can damage her genitals. Due to the injuries caused, infertility may develop.


In males, puberty occurs at the age of 8 months. During this period, only the structure of the reproductive organs is completed, while other tissues only continue to form. If you arrange for him to mate before a year, the following unpleasant consequences may occur:

  1. Underdevelopment of skeletal muscles, rupture of muscle tissue on the back. In a young male dog, against the background of general excitability, the muscle tone along the spine and in the pelvic area increases. With a sharp contraction of the muscles, fragile fibers can rupture, which will lead to sagging of the back and problems with movement. In addition, pain can cause psychological trauma.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body lead to a change in the dog’s character. The dog becomes difficult to control and the animal cannot be trained. The pet is able to escape from the owner.
  3. A young male will give a small litter or will not be able to fertilize a female

The most suitable age for mating a male is 2-2.5 years. With earlier mating, the owner may jeopardize the health of the pet.


Puberty of female huskies occurs at the age of 8-12 months. During this period, they experience their first heat, so she can immediately become pregnant and bring puppies. At the same time, early mating has a negative impact on the dog’s body. In addition, there is a risk of having offspring with various congenital diseases.

Mating is possible only during the onset of 3 heats at the age of 20 months.


Puppies are gestated for about 9 weeks; a significant decrease or increase in this period is a reason to consult a specialist. In general, pregnancy proceeds calmly and does not require any additional care or special nutrition.

On the contrary, it is recommended not to change your pet’s diet, as this may harm her, but it is worth adding foods containing protein to it, and after a month spent in pregnancy, increase the portion by 10%. Another important point is mobility.

Many owners limit the bitch in this or, on the contrary, do not change the degree of load, leaving it the same as it was before mating, but this cannot be done. A four-legged animal needs movement, but not to the same extent as before.

On average, a husky has about 10 babies for the first time, but no one can tell you exactly how many puppies are born to a husky, since this is individual for each individual. Experience shows that individuals of this breed have from 1 to 15 babies. If you want to know the number of offspring more accurately, it is better to contact a specialist and perform an ultrasound.


Usually the bitch is asked to be brought to the male, since the male feels much calmer in his territory and does not require more time to get used to. If the animals have not met each other before, then it is better to be present for some time to make sure that they get along. In general, “Chukche dogs,” guided by their instincts, cope without human intervention, unlike many other dogs. Sometimes the owner holds the female .

Some breeders still prefer to be present during the mating process - in this matter the decision is yours. Often, after the first time, a repeat visit is made, this prevents the possibility that not all eggs are fertilized. But this trip is already the choice of the expectant mother.

Do not make any decisions before 72 hours, this is when sperm is active. During this couple of days, it is recommended to observe your household, namely, the manifestation of activity towards male dogs. If the pet resists re-breeding, then you should not do this. Otherwise, another meeting is possible.

At what age can you adopt a Husky?

Experienced dog breeders believe that dogs can be taken home after 7 months of life. At this age, primary socialization begins; huskies become more flexible and curious about learning. It is believed that the age of 6-7 months is the most acceptable period for training and learning various commands. Adults can also be taken from nurseries.

It must be taken into account that adult dogs in most cases have some kind of tragic experience (death of the previous owner, frequent changes of owners, placement in a shelter). Therefore, these animals may show distrust of the new owner for some time. However, with a polite and kind attitude towards your pet, this dismissive barrier will soon disappear.

Diet for eclampsia

Pugs and Jack Russell Terriers often develop eclampsia after giving birth. This disease occurs due to a lack of calcium in the body. The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • shortness of breath and increased heart rate;
  • deterioration of coordination and loss of balance;
  • weakness, due to which the dog may be unconscious;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dilated pupils;
  • convulsions.

During treatment of eclampsia, it is better to exclude solid foods from the diet. Instead, the pet is given more broths and soups.

Preparing the dog

Before mating, approximately 30 days in advance, it is necessary to treat the dog against ectoparasites and helminths, and, if necessary, to vaccinate.

In addition, you need to collect cultures and pass a bacteriological analysis, the results of which will show whether the animal has viral herpes, streptococcus, staphylococcus or any other hidden infections that can worsen the husky’s condition and cause the death of the litter.

About half an hour before mating, the bitch needs to be fed and walked, but the male should not be fed.

Only a completely healthy dog ​​that is not overweight or signs of exhaustion can be bred.

Should I give dry food?

People who do not know what to feed a husky after giving birth or a nursing chihuahua often immediately give their pets dry food. However, in reality, you should not give such food thoughtlessly. It is necessary to figure out in advance what food can be given.

For lactating animals, complexes containing no more than 25% protein are suitable. Before feeding, open food must be soaked in water. It should not be given in dry form, as this can negatively affect digestion.

Broths and soups are a must-have in your pet’s diet.

How long does it take to bear puppies?

Huskies typically stay pregnant for 60-63 days. But these are only average data; in practice, how long a dog bears puppies depends on many factors, including the conditions of keeping the dog, the correctness of the care provided to it, the health of the bitch and its characteristics.

It should also be remembered that the first pregnancy is usually longer than subsequent ones.

If 57-72 days pass from the start of pregnancy to birth and newborn huskies do not have any developmental defects, they have every chance of surviving.


If 73 days have passed since the breeding day and labor has not begun, you must take the dog to a veterinarian who will perform a cesarean section.

How does a husky give birth, how to understand that it has started and how to treat it at home

The fact that the husky will give birth in the near future can be judged by:

  • refusal to eat about a day before giving birth;
  • decrease in body temperature to 36.5 °C;
  • noticeable movement of puppies;
  • restlessness and rapid breathing of the bitch;
  • the appearance of milk;
  • the dog's desire to hide in a secluded place.

You can also understand that a dog has started giving birth by the fact that the dog began to scratch the floor and the bedding on which it was lying in an attempt to make some kind of “nest” for itself.

The birth of a husky consists of several stages:

  • preparation - the beginning of contractions, opening of the cervical canal, the stage has no externally noticeable signs and lasts 2-12 hours;
  • fetal hatching - after the uterus is fully dilated, puppies begin to appear, the stage is accompanied by contractions and pushing;
  • postpartum period - begins from the moment the last puppy appears and lasts until the end of the lactation period.

Before giving birth to a husky, you need to prepare:

  • clean bedding;
  • medium-sized, sharp sterile scissors;
  • iodine or brilliant green;
  • threads for tying the umbilical cord;
  • a notepad and pen for recording the time of birth of the puppies, their gender, weight and color.

First, the bitch’s water breaks, then she begins to push, and the cervix opens.

The puppy appears in the amniotic sac, which the bitch chews; if she does not do this, you need to tear it apart yourself in the area of ​​the newborn’s head, and clean his mouth of mucus with a napkin. Afterwards you need to bandage and cut the umbilical cord. Approximately 20-40 minutes pass between the appearance of puppies.

After the puppy is born, the placenta should come out, their number should match the size of the litter.

If the birth takes place without complications, the bitch will do everything herself and the breeder just needs to be close to the pet, observe the process, accept the puppies, support and calm the dog.

You need to agree with your doctor in advance and keep his phone number handy in case of unforeseen complications.

What needs to be prepared?

Active preparation begins already in the last month of pregnancy, 7-10 days before the expected date. At this time, a maternity nest and a pen for the expectant mother and her offspring are being prepared. The bitch is gradually accustomed to this place, allowed to get used to it, and made it cozy for her.

Required preparation:

  • Place. This is usually a box with tight walls, easy access for humans and the ability for the mother to easily leave the area. For representatives of small breeds (such as Yorkies, Chihuahuas), a medium-sized cardboard or plastic box is suitable. For medium-sized breeds, such as pugs, you need something larger. But for large dogs (German shepherds, huskies, St. Bernards) it is best to arrange such a rookery right in their booths in the enclosure, or build a special large box with strong walls. The dog should fit freely in its nest, but be able to rest against the walls with its paws and back; it will need this during childbirth.
  • Set up a pen or playpen for the puppies to move around in the first weeks. The walls should be high enough, but not prevent the woman in labor from leaving it.
  • Provide thermal and light conditions in the selected room. Any draft, overheating or hypothermia can be fatal for small dogs, so it is recommended to maintain the room temperature at 28 degrees, gradually reducing it to 20 degrees over the course of a month. It is also worth considering that bright light is painful for animals starting to open their eyes, so thick curtains on the windows and soft artificial light will be a good solution in the first weeks.
  • Remove all valuable coverings. Childbirth is messy, so you'll need a supply of spare diapers and towels, and clothes that you won't mind throwing away if something happens. It is better to remove carpets from the room.
  • Just before giving up the burden, the bitch, due to nerves and pain, begins to chew on everything that comes to hand, so remove everything valuable from its reach.
  • Cleanliness is the key to the health of the mother and future offspring, so it is necessary to regularly not only wash and vacuum all rooms, but also disinfect them. Do not approach the mother or babies in street clothes, shoes or with unwashed hands.

Breeding Siberian Huskies requires close attention from owners. The owner must know how long pregnancy lasts in husky dogs in order to prepare in advance for childbirth. In addition, he is obliged to provide the pet with competent care and create a proper diet.

How to understand that a husky is pregnant

The husky girl is a great expert at hiding pregnancy. Sometimes even experienced breeders cannot tell from their dog that she is pregnant.

Signs that a husky dog ​​is pregnant do not appear immediately, and this can only be judged indirectly.

If a husky has conceived offspring, after 2-3 weeks the following changes in her behavior and appearance can be noted:

  1. The girl refuses to eat, even her favorite treats. Loss of appetite may be associated with toxicosis.
  2. The previously playful dog shows apathy, sleeps more and plays little.
  3. If the husky has previously given birth, then after the end of the second week of pregnancy her nipples will begin to swell.

After 3 weeks from the moment of conception, the Husky's pregnancy becomes more obvious.

The expectant mother does not feel well, she is overcome by toxicosis, and may vomit. Viscous discharge begins to appear from the loop, but without blood, transparent

It is important to pay special attention to the discharge. Blood impurities indicate an imminent miscarriage, and unpleasant odors or coloring indicate a genital tract infection

After 4-5 weeks, signs of pregnancy are as follows:

  1. The dog's belly becomes round and its sides noticeably widen.
  2. The fur around the nipples falls out to make it easier for puppies to get to the milk.
  3. Appetite increases noticeably.
  4. At week 5, the husky gains weight.

After 8 weeks, the abdomen is clearly visible and sags. The dog's nipples are quite swollen, and colostrum may already be released from them.

With the help of palpation, you can guess that pregnancy is occurring, but only a veterinarian or an experienced breeder should palpate the dog’s tummy.

For earlier diagnosis, the following methods are used:

  • starting from the 21st day of mating, they are tested to detect the hormone relaxin;
  • From day 24 you can do an ultrasound of the uterus.

It is not possible to find out about the pregnancy of the Siberian Husky breed before. If the girl ran away from home during estrus and the owner does not want a future possible birth, the veterinarian may recommend administering the steroid hormone Mesalina on the 7th day after possible mating.

But breeders unanimously insist that it is better for a dog to give birth than to terminate a pregnancy. Mesalin has many side effects, including disruption of estrus cycles, inflammatory processes in the uterus, bleeding, and so on.

Signs of false pregnancy

A false pregnancy is very similar to a real one. The husky girl begins to actively prepare the place for childbirth, her nipples swell, and milk may even appear. But if the belly is not growing and there are no signs of the puppies moving, it is worth taking her to the vet.

False pregnancy can be calculated using the following methods already at 14-16 days from the date of mating:

  • blood test for hormones;
  • performing an ultrasound.

Postpartum toxicosis

There are cases when representatives of miniature breeds exhibit postpartum toxicosis. It is accompanied by convulsions, fear of light, fever and shortness of breath. You should not self-medicate; it is better to immediately seek help from a veterinarian. He will examine your pet and prescribe effective treatment.

A nursing dog needs careful care. In this case, special attention should be paid to the diet. Every dog ​​breeder should know what to feed a postpartum dog and what foods it is better to avoid.


About a day before the birth of the offspring, the mother stops eating and looks for a suitable place. This is usually a secluded, semi-enclosed space. The dog sometimes brings his own bedding or blanket there.

But the place chosen by the animal is not always convenient for the breeder, so he must arrange and provide a secluded corner with his own hands. For those who don’t like to “bother too much,” so-called “maternity boxes” are available for sale.

It is better to lay a foam bedding inside, so that it would be more convenient for future newborns to cling to when they look for their mother. Before labor itself begins, prepare a box containing a heating pad covered with a towel. You will also need to keep a basin of hot water and a clean towel ready.

When the process has begun, you need to be present, be close to the bitch and “keep your finger on the pulse of events.” Excessive excitement and panic are not appropriate here; you must be collected and control the situation. Fruits can appear at different intervals, either every 15 minutes or an hour.

The pet, having given birth to a baby, gnaws the umbilical cord itself and gets rid of the placenta by eating it. You become witnesses to that exciting moment when puppies open their eyes, looking at this world for the first time.

Place newborns in a prepared box with a warm heating pad, as they are not yet able to maintain their own body temperature and cool quickly. If the animal pushes for more than two hours, it is necessary to call a veterinarian, since the lives of both the female and her children are in possible danger. As soon as you are convinced that the woman in labor has completely whelped, the bitch should, perhaps even forcefully, be taken out for a short walk so that she can defecate, and subsequently, she and her offspring should be shown to the veterinarian.

The babies will need to be wiped with a towel, dipped in water prepared in advance, and carefully clean their eyes, and then returned to the mother. You should not take puppies away from your husky and interfere too often; she may not like it. But the pleasant worries do not end there; many more joys and troubles await you as the little representatives of this breed grow up.

Education University: Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. Year of graduation: 2010. Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine. Experience I have experience working in a veterinary clinic for more than 7 years. Experience of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed"

Preparing puppies for sale

At three weeks of age, deworming should be carried out. It is recommended to repeat this procedure in the fifth, eighth and twelfth weeks.

It would be a good idea to vaccinate your puppies. The first vaccination is carried out at 2 months.

After 3 weeks, babies can move independently and begin to actively explore the world around them. To prevent them from harming themselves, it is necessary to increase the walls of the arena. It is also important to ensure that the floor is not slippery.

Dogs must be socialized before being sold. To do this, pick them up more often, communicate with them, and play. Timely socialization will save the future owner from unnecessary hassle associated with raising a puppy.

How does a husky go into heat?

The process usually takes 21 days. However, it is the emptying that proceeds much faster. Dog handlers do not recommend breeding a dog during this period. To produce full-fledged offspring, it is better to wait 3-4 cycles. The next heat after the start will begin after 4-7 months. It will consist of the following stages:

  1. Proestrus. The initial period during which hormones are released. At this time, the dog’s body begins to prepare for possible conception. External signs of proestrus include swelling of the loop and the discharge of mucous discharge from it with bloody inclusions. The female's behavior may change. The duration of proestrus is about 9 days.
  2. Estrus. At this time, the dog ovulates. It is believed that during this period the female becomes completely ready for fertilization. The period of estrus is from 5 to 9 days. The discharge becomes more transparent. If you press on a dog's tailbone, it will raise its tail.
  3. Metaestrus. During this period, the female ceases to be interested in males. The heat is almost over. The discharge ends and the loop becomes its usual size.
  4. Anestrus. This is the name given to the period that lasts from the end of a heat cycle to the start of a new one.



Estrus, or estrus, is the first sign that a dog has reached the age of puberty. The first heat may not be very pronounced, and therefore the dog owner must carefully monitor his pet to prevent unwanted mating.

How to determine

Determining when a dog is in heat is not difficult. About a month before the emptying, the bitch’s behavior changes: she can become disobedient, stubborn and even angry, and she can also begin to eat heavily in order to prepare the body for subsequent blood loss.
Actually, the onset of estrus is marked by the enlargement of the dog’s external genitalia (loop). If you put a little pressure on the loop, a pinkish discharge will appear. On the street, the dog urinates more often and sometimes marks its territory. In addition, male dogs begin to pay attention to her.

At what age is the first heat

The first heat in husky bitches can begin at any time after changing teeth, so from about six months of age you need to be prepared for this. The start date for the first emptying can shift either upward or downward. This is primarily due to hereditary factors, but it can also be influenced by the conditions in which the dog is kept, as well as whether it has suffered from something serious or not.

How many days does it last

The average duration of estrus is 21 days. In this case, estrus is divided into three periods: proestrus, estrus and metestrus. The time period between estrus is called anestrus. In husky bitches it lasts about 10–12 months.

Estrus periods:

  • Proestrus is the beginning of empty space. Usually lasts until 9–11 days. It is characterized by swelling of the loop and the appearance of bloody discharge. At this time, the bitch is already attracted to males, but at the same time she herself rejects their advances.
  • Estrus, also known as the rut. It starts somewhere on the 9-11th day and sometimes continues until the 20th day from the start of estrus. At this time, the bitch is capable of fertilization, she willingly flirts with males and responds to their advances. The owner needs to be especially careful so that the dog does not run away and get mated on its own.
  • Metestrus is the final period of estrus. It begins approximately on the 19th day from the start of emptying, but the timing of its onset may shift up or down. At this time, the bitch loses the ability to conceive, she again begins to snap at the males and drive them away. The bloody discharge stops, but mucus may still be released.

After metestrus comes anestrus - a period when the female has no sexual activity. It continues until the start of the next empty space.

How many times a year

Huskies belong to the northern breeds of dogs; they were bred in conditions where it is possible to get a healthy full litter only in the warm season. These dogs shed once every 10–12 months, meaning a female husky can only have one shed in a year.

Signs of real and false pregnancy

Signs of a real pregnancy include:

  • lack of appetite in the first weeks, its increase in the middle of the term;
  • changes in mood and lifestyle, drowsiness, reluctance to play usual games;
  • toxicosis, vomiting at 3-5 weeks;
  • swelling of the nipples;
  • weight gain, movement in the abdominal area;
  • discharge of light secretion from the nipples;
  • the appearance of mucous transparent discharge.

A false pregnancy in a husky manifests itself in much the same way as a real one. Dogs begin to eat intensively, preparing a place for future births. In some cases, they even produce colostrum from their nipples. However, if, with such symptoms, the abdomen remains unchanged in size, and when palpating it there are no signs of the puppies moving, then this should alert the owners.

Such symptoms indicate a false pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to visit a veterinarian and undergo a hormonal examination. Huskies are also required to undergo an ultrasound.

What is the danger of an imaginary pregnancy?

Imaginary pregnancy is a rather dangerous condition for adults. It leads to the development of some serious pathologies:

  • mastitis;
  • mental disorders;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • inflammatory processes in the genital area.

A false position leads to strong hormonal changes, which not all husky girls can mentally withstand; in this case, their risk of going crazy increases. If you ignore a dangerous condition, it may reappear periodically, causing even greater harm to your pet’s health.

What to do if your dog has a weak maternal instinct

If the mother does not try to eat her offspring and does not behave very aggressively, then there is a possibility that her maternal instinct will awaken in the near future. You need to understand that the dog is very tired and stressed, so you should not force newborns near it so that it does not become even more angry. The owners need to give the mother time for her to come to her senses.

Important! If the female categorically refuses to accept and feed the puppies, then it is better to temporarily find a nursing mother for them who can shelter the refusers.

It often happens that husky mothers behave quite aggressively; they do not want to accept their offspring and even try to eat them. This suggests that the dogs have experienced severe stress, and their body has suffered a hormonal surge. In the first days after childbirth, this behavior can be considered normal. At this time, you can give your dog vitamins to help him recover faster. However, if no improvement is observed, then it is better to visit a veterinarian and undergo a comprehensive examination. Such behavior may signal mental disorders.

Female with her offspring

Husky pregnancy is a responsible process that owners must carefully monitor. Most often, it happens that it is simply impossible to detect the position of females in the first stages. Dogs are masters at hiding pregnancy. You can tell that a Husky is expecting offspring by a temporary lack of appetite and decreased physical activity. The position is also indicated by discharge from the nipples, rounding of the abdomen, and movements in it when touched. How long pregnancy lasts in Husky dogs depends on the characteristics of their body and age. On average, the duration is 2 months.

Features of pregnancy

Before you understand how long pregnant husky dogs walk, you need to familiarize yourself with the behavior of females during such a difficult period.

In the first week, the Husky's positions are as active as always. They run and frolic, play their favorite games. This condition can last up to 3 weeks, making it almost impossible for owners to determine pregnancy.

At 3-5 weeks the animal becomes more cautious and restrained. At this stage, you can notice his refusal to make sudden movements and active games. The husky sleeps more and more or just lies in his place.

As for appetite, everything is individual. Some individuals completely lose their cravings for their favorite food due to severe toxicosis. Others, on the contrary, begin to eat 2 times more.

After 4-5 weeks, the puppies begin to move, the dog’s belly increases and becomes rounded. Most often during this period they lie in their place with their paws outstretched.

How long does it take to bear puppies?

How long a Husky's pregnancy lasts depends on the characteristics of their body. According to average calculations, the duration is 9 weeks. Consequently, their pregnancy lasts about 2 months.

It is worth considering that all individuals are individual, so there may be minor differences in terms of up or down. How many huskies carry puppies from the day of mating - some dogs give birth to puppies on the 72nd day of pregnancy, for others it lasts 58 days.

Sometimes animals may go into premature labor. This most often happens due to old age, poor nutrition, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Possible complications during pregnancy

Both giving birth too early and giving birth to your Husky too late are dangerous to your health. They can lead to the development of complications in the form of inflammatory processes, progression of tumor tumors, and the formation of mental disorders.

Premature birth can harm the health of newborn husky babies. Another risk during pregnancy is a long absence of childbirth after mating.

You should also call a doctor in the following cases:

  • the pushing stopped, but not all the placenta came out;
  • the dog stopped trying to push, but not all puppies were born;
  • the husky continues to have contractions, although all the babies have already come out;
  • after childbirth, the mother developed convulsions;
  • After the birth of the offspring, the mother began to behave awkwardly and insecurely.

It is also worth consulting a doctor if your dog in labor has a very high fever.

Sterilization and castration

If mating with subsequent production of offspring is not planned, it is recommended to sterilize the female at the age of 6 to 18 months. Early removal of reproductive system organs can lead to health problems and hormonal imbalances in the animal’s body. Sterilization after the age of 8-9 years is also poorly tolerated by an older pet.

A male dog should be castrated after puberty, but not before he reaches one year of age. If a male's testicles are removed at 3-4 months, his further development may be disrupted.

Important . Before scheduled sterilization or castration, it is necessary to pass all tests. The dog must be completely healthy to undergo surgery without harm.

Mating is carried out on the territory of the dog. Dogs usually do everything on their own, without the participation of the owner. To obtain healthy offspring, the owner of the female must carefully take care of his pet during the entire pregnancy period. The dog must receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. In this case, the animal will tolerate pregnancy more easily and can give birth to offspring without complications.

How does childbirth go?

Owners who have purchased a female husky should have a general understanding of the approaching birth of their dogs. This way you can alleviate your pet’s condition by taking him to the vet in a timely manner.

Signs of approaching labor

Husky labor is approaching with the following auxiliary symptoms:

  • a sharp change in rectal temperature up to 37.5 degrees;
  • enlargement of the abdomen and the appearance of active movement inside it;
  • sudden loss of appetite, some females completely refuse food on the eve of contractions (but it is worth considering that some individuals, on the contrary, begin to eat even more);
  • Milk appears from the husky's swollen nipples;
  • owners may detect tachycardia and rapid breathing in the pet;
  • the general behavior of the female is characterized as anxious and restless;
  • The husky girl herself is trying to arrange a bed for her future offspring.

How many puppies are born

How many puppies a husky gives birth to depends on the age of the female. If this is her first birth, then up to 10 babies may be born. Sometimes the number of puppies reaches 15 pieces.

If a girl’s birth is not her first, she usually gives birth to 2-7 puppies. There are no exact indicators. It all depends on the husky’s body, its lifestyle and diet, and the presence of certain chronic diseases.

What to feed your dog after giving birth

When the Husky's pregnancy is successful, it is worth taking care of the mother's proper nutrition during the rehabilitation period.

Immediately after the birth of the offspring, you need to pour her some milk with glucose and a few drops of cognac. This drink will help the female to cheer up and come to her senses.

In the first 2-3 days after birth, it is strictly forbidden to give the Husky mother meat, cereals and other hard-to-digest foods. It is best to focus on fermented milk products.

3-4 days after birth, you can gradually return to your previous diet. The duration of abstinence from meat is 1 week. The mother's menu should include foods rich in vitamins, vegetable proteins and minerals.

After 2-3 months of motherhood, dogs tend to become weaker. This happens due to the fact that small puppies suck out all the useful components from their mother. To compensate for their deficiency, it is necessary to enrich the mother’s diet with protein foods and multivitamin complexes.

What to feed a nursing dog?

During pregnancy, the female's body needs a balanced and nutritious diet with the necessary content of vitamins A, E and mineral components.

  • In the first 4 weeks of embryonic development of puppies, their mother does not need a sharp change in nutrition or an increase in the volume of portions.
  • After a month, the owner should increase the amount of protein food consumed weekly by 10%. In addition to proteins, the dog should receive mineral supplements, a multivitamin complex, herbs and fresh vegetables.
  • If your husky was fed premium and super-premium food before pregnancy, there is no need to switch it to a natural diet. It is recommended to give your dog special food for pregnant women or puppies.
  • If at week 6 your pet needs to be fed 3 times a day, then from week 7 you should increase the feeding frequency to 4 times a day.
  • From the 8th week of pregnancy, it is recommended to replace meat with fish fillet from the diet. However, it should be given 1.5 times more than a serving of meat.
  • At 9 weeks before the 3-4 day of the expected birth date, fish fillets should be excluded from the diet and the amount of food should be reduced by 25%. 72 hours before the birth of puppies, the frequency of feeding the animal should be increased. In this case, there is no need to increase the volume of portions; it is necessary to divide the entire daily food intake into 5-6 parts and give them to the dog every 2-3 hours.

Pregnancy, periods of gestation

Ideally, the gestation period for puppies is 63 days, but if there are more cubs in the litter, then the birth comes earlier, and vice versa, if there are fewer, a few days later. The duration of gestation depends on some other factors: the age of the bitch, breed, living conditions and feeding. In total, taking into account all the errors, 56-72 days of pregnancy are considered normal.

As a rule, the more puppies (large breeds have up to 15 cubs in a litter), the easier the birth. As practice shows, with a small number of puppies, low labor activity may be observed due to insufficient stimulation of the uterus.

The early period includes the first three weeks of pregnancy, when the dog’s lifestyle practically does not change, the animal is still active and sociable. In some cases, toxicosis may occur.

In the period from 3 to 6 weeks, the bitch becomes more cautious and less active, eats well and gains weight. In the last 6-8.5 weeks, the pet becomes lethargic, anxious, practically does not go for walks and begins to build a “nest”

In the last 6-8.5 weeks, the pet becomes lethargic, anxious, practically does not go for walks and begins to build a “nest”.

Possible complications

Once a husky has given birth safely, there is a high chance of postpartum complications. In the following cases, you need to call a veterinarian:

  • not all the afterbirths came out, but the attempts stopped;
  • Not all puppies were born, lumps are still palpable, but the dog has stopped pushing;
  • the dog continues to push, even though all the puppies have already been born;
  • cramps after childbirth;
  • temperature increase;
  • after birth, the dog’s gait is uncertain, clumsy, this may indicate a lack of calcium;
  • mastitis.

Pregnancy and childbirth in huskies, although small, are still different from other breeds

It is very important that the owner thinks carefully about his decision to breed a dog, because carrying babies and further caring for them will slightly spoil the pet’s exterior

True, with proper postpartum care, within a couple of months the husky will again be the same beauty, even better!

Yorkie pregnancy by day: table

The Yorkie pregnancy calendar gives the novice dog breeder an idea of ​​how the intrauterine development of fetuses proceeds. The table also describes changes in the behavior of a pregnant bitch at one or another stage of bearing puppies.

DeadlinesStages of fetal development, physiological and mental changes in a pregnant woman
0-6 days (1st week)This time is set aside for the first and control matings. After one attempt, the dog may not become pregnant.
Repeated mating is carried out 2 days after the previous one.
After successful mating, the male’s sperm enters the female’s fallopian tubes approximately on the 3rd day.
On the 4th day, the process of fertilization of the eggs begins. During this period, the dog can still not be limited in outdoor games.
From 7 to 14 days (2nd week)Fertilized eggs enter the bitch's uterus, where the formation of the embryonic membrane occurs. The embryonic cells undergo division and attach to the lining of the uterus.
The placenta is forming. The size of the embryos by this time reaches 0.5-0.6 mm.
From 14 to 21 days (3 weeks)By the end of the second week, the embryos reach at least 1 mm in size. The embryos receive nutrition through the uterine placenta.
During this period, future puppies begin to develop internal organs, the central nervous system and the supporting apparatus.
This is one of the most important stages in the development of embryonic fetuses. That is why at this time the bitch should not be exposed to stress factors or excessive stress.
A pregnant woman needs proper nutrition and rest. Carrying out any antiparasitic treatments and vaccinations is prohibited.
Any unfavorable factor from 2 to 3 weeks can lead to disruptions in the development of embryos.
Towards the beginning of the 3rd week, the embryos reach 2 mm in size and take on the body shape characteristic of puppies.
During this period, the bitch experiences a slight increase in nipples, which become brighter, and a slight thinning of the hair around them.
From 21 to 28 days (4 weeks)From day 21, the placenta completes its formation.
The size of the embryos reaches 0.5 cm, and by the end of the third week - 1.1.5 cm.
During this period, embryonic fetuses are easily distinguishable on ultrasound. They can also be felt by palpating the belly of a pregnant Yorkie.
The dog is limited in excessive activity and physical exertion.
At this stage, the Yorkshire Terrier begins to develop clear secretory discharge from the loop.
From 28 to 35 days (5 weeks)The period of “calcification” of the head bones, the development of adnexal horny formations in the form of mustaches, claws, and the reproductive system.
By the fifth week, each fetus measures 2 cm in size and weighs 20% of birth weight.
By this time, the volume of amniotic fluid increases, which is why embryos can no longer be felt in the belly of a pregnant Yorkie.
The bitch gains weight, her appetite increases, and her stomach takes on a rounded shape.
The dog is switched to a diet for pregnant women with a high protein content.
At this stage, veterinarians recommend an ultrasound scan to check for any abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Also, an ultrasound examination at the 5th week will show the number of puppies in the pregnant woman.
From 35 to 42 days (6 weeks)By 6 weeks, all major systems have been formed in Yorkie embryos. Intrauterine fetuses grow rapidly and reach 5 cm by the 39th day of pregnancy.
The bitch's belly increases significantly, her nipples become larger and darker. The diet of a pregnant Yorkie is increased by 20% compared to the usual diet.
From 42 to 49 days (7 weeks)By this point, the intrauterine fetuses have completely completed their formation, but continue to grow. At 7 weeks of pregnancy they reach 9 cm.
The female undergoes intense molting and hair loss in the abdominal area is observed.
Yorkie actively licks the nipples, becomes more restless and begins to search for the birthing place.
From 49 to 57 days (8 weeks)By day 50, embryos reach 75% of their birth weight. The bitch produces colostrum from her nipples.
The puppies begin to move in the stomach. By the 57th day, the dog owner should be prepared that the Yorkie may go into labor at any moment.
From 57 to 65 days (9 weeks)From day 57, intrauterine fetuses become overgrown with fur. They become very large and occupy the entire uterine cavity.
The puppies' movements almost completely stop.
The Yorkie's uterus begins to contract intensively, which leads to the discharge of amniotic fluid and the beginning of the labor process.

Consequences of poor nutrition

Some dog breeders believe that poor nutrition cannot harm the dog. However, it is an illiterate diet that is the main cause of eclampsia. In this case, the disease may not appear immediately, but after a month.

Another common problem that occurs due to poor nutrition is indigestion. Most often, dogs have difficulty digesting food if they are fed only dairy products. To normalize digestion, you need to add more rice porridge to your diet. You should also consult your doctor. He may prescribe probiotics or sorbents.

Poor nutrition of the mother can also negatively affect the health of newborn dogs. Their immunity is weakened, which in the future can cause the development of various diseases. Often, due to a weakened immune system, skin and infectious diseases begin to appear.

How does childbirth go?

Husky births usually occur without complications. The dog lies down on the bed, worries, and breathes heavily. The average duration of this period is 12-24 hours. During this time, the husky begins to give birth and her water breaks (clear fluid leaks from the vagina).

In case of birth complications, the dog should be helped by a veterinarian

After this, the attempts begin. After 5-10 strong contractions, the first puppy is born. It should be born within 4 hours. No more than two hours should pass between the births of subsequent babies.

Important! If your dog's water breaks or contractions have already begun, but the first puppy is not born within 3-4 hours, you need to call a veterinarian as soon as possible. This may indicate the presence of a dead fetus in the womb that cannot pass through the birth canal

How many times does a Bichon Frize give birth?

The Bichon Frize needs regular walks, and they can be small, but always active. Bichon females usually give birth to 3-4 puppies, and in most cases the births occur without complications.

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