How to recognize pregnancy and how long does a dog carrying puppies walk?


Females are ready for mating on the 15-16th day of estrus. If the mating is successful, then pregnancy occurs. In Rottweilers, pregnancy lasts from 8 to 10 weeks, with an average of 9.

In the first month, the female does not need any additional care. The only thing that the owner must remember is that during this period the pet is more susceptible to infectious and viral diseases due to decreased immunity. Pregnant females are not dewormed, and their fur is not treated with products against fleas and other parasites.

An increase in body temperature and a change in the behavior of the pregnant female will indicate that childbirth is near. Colostrum begins to be released from the enlarged nipples. To give birth, the owner must prepare a large number of clean towels, disinfectants, oilcloth or disposable diapers. For puppies you need to have a large box with soft bedding. To cut the umbilical cord and tie it, you will need scissors and a thick, coarse thread. It is advisable for Rottweiler owners who will be delivering their pets for the first time to enlist the support of a veterinarian.


Rottweiler in heat

The first heat in a Rottweiler bitch occurs at 6–12 months and is then observed 2 times a year. The interval between estrus in a Rottweiler is 6 – 7 months. If estrus has not occurred by 12 months, you should consult a veterinarian.

According to the rules of the Belarusian Canine Association, Rottweiler females are allowed to breed at the age of 20 months, males - from 18 months.

If a Rottweiler female older than 4 years is used for mating, a veterinarian's consultation is necessary.

Remember that “mating for health” is nothing more than a myth. Only perfectly healthy dogs (both physically and mentally) should be allowed to breed.

About 1.5 months before mating, it is necessary to give the dogs anthelmintic. A stud dog should receive a diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins A and E, group B, microelements and proteins.

Pregnancy period

After a productive mating, the bitches become pregnant, lasting approximately 9 weeks. However, childbirth may occur prematurely or, conversely, the gestational age is extended by an average of 1 week. Nevertheless, in both cases, the probability of giving birth to normal, healthy puppies is quite high; you just need to prepare for the birth in advance and be able to properly assist a puppying dog.

Until the 4th week of pregnancy, the development and growth of the fetuses are quite weakly expressed, so at this time the dog does not yet need a special regime of maintenance and feeding. However, the dog’s susceptibility to infectious diseases increases during this period. In addition, she has a negative reaction to medications and chemicals. Therefore, the use of antiparasitic and other medications should be avoided during the entire period of the dog’s pregnancy.

If the first half of pregnancy occurs in the winter, then the dog should regularly receive vitamin supplements (vitamins A and D, the preparations Tetravit and Trivit are also recommended). Your veterinarian will help you calculate the individual dosage of minerals and vitamins.

The food of a pregnant bitch should contain a large amount of minerals, especially calcium (this has already been discussed above). You can give her calcium gluconate or calcium glycerophosphate, available in tablet or powder form. It is recommended to feed calcium gluconate in combination with phytin tablets, which promotes the proper formation of bone tissue.

After the 4th week of pregnancy, the dog should be examined by a veterinarian. Between the 4th and 5th weeks, he can already determine the number of puppies being carried by feeling the lumps in the bitch’s belly. From the 5th to 6th weeks of pregnancy, palpation is extremely undesirable. During the 8th week, the heads of the fetuses are formed and their movement is noted.

From the 4th to the 6th week you need to feed the dog 3 times a day, and the total daily norm should be increased by introducing additional amounts of meat and fish food, cottage cheese, milk, porridges boiled in milk, and soups into the diet. The daily dose of minerals at this time increases almost 2 times. In the second half of pregnancy, the dog should receive pureed raw fruits and vegetables as a supplement, and the amount of carbohydrate foods should be reduced. During the period from the 30th to the 60th day of pregnancy, it is useful to feed the bitch with bone meal (2 tablespoons per day) and vitamin A (5-6 drops daily).

Despite the need for additional nutrition, overfeeding your dog is not recommended. Too much weight gain can cause difficult births.

Starting from the 6th week of pregnancy, too active, active games should be excluded from the dog’s daily routine; during this period, she needs a gentle regimen. However, the duration of walks can remain the same, unless the dog is tired from being outside for a long time. In this case, it is advisable to replace 2 long walks with several short ones.

On average, pregnancy in dogs lasts 59-64 days, but depending on hereditary factors and the number of puppies, the gestation period can vary (decreased if there are a large number of puppies or increased if there are few). With low fertility and post-term pregnancy, the likelihood of a large pregnancy increases, because In the last days of intrauterine development, puppies actively gain weight.

Diagnosis of pregnancy.

In the first half of pregnancy, it can only be determined by bone signs (for example, after about the 20th day, the dog may show signs of toxicosis - nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, discharge of transparent viscous mucus from the loop). Another way to determine pregnancy is to take measurements between matings of the chest girth behind the elbows and the abdominal girth in the groin area; if after the 35th day of pregnancy the second girth exceeds the first, this is an additional sign of pregnancy. From day 35, a pregnant dog's nipples may become swollen and pink. From day 21, puppies can be seen on ultrasound.

Feeding during pregnancy.

Until the 35th day of pregnancy, the dog is fed in the same way as it was fed before mating. After day 35, the need for nutrients, microelements, minerals and vitamins increases. If the dog eats dry food, then in the second half of pregnancy it should be switched to specialized food for pregnant and lactating bitches, or if such food is not in your food line, then to food for puppies. When feeding dry food, it is not necessary to add vitamin and mineral supplements. If the dog is on natural feeding, then the amount of food it consumes per day must be increased by 50%, ideally by introducing additional feeding. In addition to natural food, it is necessary to give vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant and lactating bitches in the dosage indicated on the packaging.

Physical activity and walks.

Until the 35th day of pregnancy, restrictions on exercise and walking are not required. In the second half of pregnancy, the bitch herself begins to take care and move more slowly, so it is advisable to walk away from other dogs and limit outdoor games (stick, ball, etc.). In recent weeks, it is advisable to walk on a leash to avoid unexpected stress and dangers. Walks should be long (at least 1-2 hours 2-3 times a day), because The ease of childbirth depends on good physical shape. In the last few days, it is advisable to walk not far from home, so that if labor suddenly begins, you will not end up in a difficult situation.

Harbingers of approaching birth.

Most dogs experience a drop in body temperature a day before giving birth. In order not to miss this drop, you need to know the normal average daily fluctuations in your dog’s body temperature. To do this, it is necessary to measure rectal temperature daily from 55-57 days 2-3 times a day and record the results. As the due date approaches, the temperature can drop either gradually over several days, or suddenly, but the difference between the norm and the prenatal minimum temperature should be 1-1.5 degrees. From this moment on, it is necessary to closely monitor the dog, because... after the temperature drops, labor usually occurs within 12-24 hours. A few hours before birth, the temperature rises to normal. Also, 3-4 days before giving birth, the dog’s stomach drops (the dog’s back looks thin from above, the upper part of the abdomen is sunken, and the lower part is rounded). 2-3 days before giving birth, the dog may become restless, dig, “build a nest,” breathe frequently, and urination becomes more frequent due to a drooping belly. Closer warning signs of labor (about a day before) are refusal to eat (not typical for all dogs), vomiting, and diarrhea.



At the moment of contraction, the dog experiences pain, so it seems that it is looking at one point, focusing on its internal state, it can look back at its tail, grunt, moan. The contraction phase lasts 12-24 hours, so the first 5-8 hours of contractions are hardly noticeable, the intervals between them are large. An inexperienced owner should carefully monitor the dog and pay attention to the following symptoms: gradually, as the intervals between contractions decrease, the dog’s tail drops, the eyes turn red, the front and hind limbs (sometimes the whole body) begin to tremble, the abdominal muscles are in good shape (“ “stone belly effect”), when walking, the bitch strains her hind limbs (“wooden gait”), hunches her back, often licks the loop and mammary glands; when lying down, the dog tosses and turns from side to side (as if looking for a comfortable position). A transparent grayish mucous discharge (mucus plug) appears. If your dog has watery, thin, bloody or green discharge, you should immediately consult a specialist, these symptoms indicate serious complications. 2-3 hours before birth, the body temperature usually rises to 37.8-38.0 degrees, the dog is extremely excited, digs, often asks to go outside, can tear up the bedding, tries to retire to a place of its choice, and actively licks itself. The need for frequent walks is due to the desire of the bitch to completely empty her intestines and bladder, which is necessary for a normal birth process. Try to walk the dog at an early stage of contractions so that the birth does not find her in unsanitary conditions (in the entrance, in the elevator, on the street). This is most likely to happen to a young first-born bitch. Reducing the intervals between contractions to 10-15 minutes means the labor phase is approaching.


Gradually, frequent contractions turn into attempts; the position of the bitch can be different: standing, sitting (placing her paws on one side) or lying down (more often in large breeds). At the same time, the dog's tail is characteristically retracted, forming a sickle-shaped shape, with the tip down. From the moment of pushing, the first puppy should appear no later than 2 hours. If the interval is longer, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. The puppy is located in two bladders: water and fetal. First, a water bladder appears, which itself can rupture in the birth canal or the bitch ruptures it. Soon after this, the first puppy appears. It can come forward through the birth canal with the head or hind limbs - both positions are normal. When positioned head-first, the puppy's paws are located under the chin, the head comes out with the muzzle forward. When positioned with the hind limbs forward, the paws and tail appear from the loop. When the water bladder ruptures in the birth canal, grayish amniotic fluid flows out of the loop. Normally, the first puppy usually appears within 20-60 minutes. So, the puppy was born. The shell should be broken immediately. The easiest way is to grab it under the puppy's chin and remove it like a stocking. Free the puppy's mouth and nose from mucus with a cotton cloth; knitted cotton fabric, washed or boiled many times, cut into napkins (size 40x40 cm for large breeds and 20x20 cm for small breeds) is best suited for this purpose. If the puppy comes out with an afterbirth, cut the umbilical cord (at least 2 cm away from the puppy’s tummy for small breeds, at least 4 cm for large breeds), using blunt scissors (the effect of biting with teeth). then, using two fingers, carefully move the liquid toward the umbilical cord from the puppy's tummy to the edge of the cut. If the umbilical cord is bleeding, squeeze the cut edge of the umbilical cord and hold for 20-30 seconds. You can treat the edge of the cut with hydrogen peroxide, brilliant green or potassium permanganate, diluted to the color of a ripe cherry. If even after this the umbilical cord bleeds, tie it with a snap or nylon thread (no closer than 1 cm from the puppy’s tummy). In the case when the puppy comes out, but the placenta (baby place) remains in the uterus, try to pull it out with even, smooth movements, taking into account the bitch’s efforts (it is convenient to hold the umbilical cord with a piece of gauze). The umbilical cord may break in the birth canal, then the puppy will come out without an amniotic membrane, or with a membrane, but without an afterbirth. Make sure that the umbilical cord is not too short and does not bleed. Dry your puppy with a cotton diaper (a waffle towel works best). Sometimes a puppy lingers in the birth canal for a long time without amniotic sac - this leads to asphyxia (impaired breathing and oxygen starvation). Try to restore breathing by vigorously rubbing your chest with a rough cloth (waffle towel). There is another way (as a last resort) when the owner can suck out the amniotic fluid with his mouth from the respiratory tract of a newborn puppy. But remember that this manipulation must be carried out extremely carefully, taking into account the minimal lung capacity of a newborn puppy. In some cases, cordiamine is used to revive a puppy (in ampoules, no more than 1-3 drops on the puppy’s tongue, depending on the breed). Sometimes pouring warm water (45-50 degrees for 2-3 seconds) has a good effect on resuscitating a puppy. Watch the bitch carefully, because... There have been cases when a bitch bites the umbilical cord too close to the umbilical ring, which leads to the formation of an open hernia and the death of the puppy. With large fetuses or weak labor, the puppy may get stuck in the bitch’s birth canal: when pushing, the muzzle or hind legs show, and when relaxing, the pushing goes back. In this case, try to hold the emerging part of the body, and with the next push, try to carefully and smoothly pull it towards the exit of the loop. However, do not forget about possible birth injuries, so force is not needed here. On average, normal intervals between puppies are 30-40 minutes, so if your dog pushes without success for more than two hours, be sure to consult a doctor. Bitches have primary and secondary birth weaknesses during childbirth. Some bitches are genetically (hereditarily) predisposed to primary birth weakness.

Secondary labor weakness occurs during multiple, protracted labor, when the walls of the uterus are greatly stretched, the muscles partially lose their contractility, the dog strains for a long time and becomes overtired. If difficulties arise during the birth of the first puppy, it is better to call a veterinarian (obstetrician). The use of stimulant drugs or other medications without special knowledge or consultation with a specialist is inappropriate, as it may lead to uterine rupture or cervical spasm, which will require surgical intervention. Example of normal birth in large dogs (pregnancy with eight puppies): first puppy - an hour after the onset of labor; the second - after 40 minutes; third - after 35 minutes; fourth - after 30 minutes; fifth - after 1 hour 20 minutes; sixth - after 45 minutes; seventh - in 50 minutes; eighth - in 1 hour 10 minutes; that is, from the exit of the first puppy to the eighth, approximately seven hours pass. In a hopeless situation, when there is no way to contact a specialist, the intervals between puppies exceed two hours, labor is sluggish and there is a threat of loss of puppies, stimulants can be used, but only after the pregnant uterus has been released by at least 30% (for example, at 9-10 puppies after 3-4 puppies). Activity of the stimulating drug: 1 ml = 5 units (1 ampoule is calculated for approximately 50-60 kg of body weight). For large breeds, a single dose is 1-2 units (0.2-0.4 ml), for small breeds of dogs (0.05-0.1 ml, intramuscularly). An overdose of stimulant medications can have side effects and should be handled very carefully. In case of overdose, stimulant drugs cause strong contractions of the uterus, for approximately 30-40 minutes, which further leads to some atony (relaxation of the uterus) and an increase in the duration of the birth process (to possible partial loss of puppies). Due to the above data, try to use stimulants in as small doses as possible and as late as possible. Keep in mind that if you use the stimulator once, you will be forced to make repeated injections throughout the birth. The stimulator is useless when the bitch has been pushing to no avail for three or more hours. This indicates an incorrect presentation (position) of the puppy, or its large size, which requires immediate intervention from a specialist.

During a normal birth, 50-100 ml of amniotic fluid comes out with each puppy in large breeds, 15-50 ml in small breeds. There is one placenta per puppy, but occasionally identical twins occur, in which case one placenta will have two umbilical cords. I advise you to save all afterbirths until the end of childbirth (in cold water, in a container with a lid) so that the bitch does not have access to them. If there are fewer afterbirths than puppies born, carefully examine them: perhaps there were identical twins in the litter. If one placenta or several placenta is retained in the uterus, this causes green discharge (this is normal during childbirth). Usually, at the end of labor, retained placenta comes out within 2-6 hours. Delay of placenta for more than 6 hours can cause inflammation in the uterus (endometritis), which leads to serious complications and requires specialist intervention. It is very important to monitor the frequency and color of postpartum discharge, which normally should be bloody brown and mucous; if the placenta is delayed, it will have a green tint. The frequency of discharge is every 1.5-2 hours, especially while feeding puppies (during feeding puppies, natural oxytocin is produced and causes uterine contractions). Postpartum discharge is called lochia, the postpartum period is called lochal. If the cervix spasms, lochia accumulates and can also cause inflammation (lochiometritis). Therefore, if there is no discharge, it is also better to consult a specialist. During childbirth, the dog can be given water (30-35 degrees), in small portions and often. A single large volume of liquid may cause a bitch to vomit. In order to make sure that the birth is complete, you can try to carefully palpate the bitch for the presence of puppies; if the result of the examination does not reassure you, I advise you to consult a specialist.

So, IT IS NECESSARY TO CALL A DOCTOR OR CONTACT THE CLINIC: -if the bitch has infertility, large fetus; -if the dog is postterm (pregnancy is more than 65-67 days); -if your dog has bloody, brown or green discharge during pregnancy or at the beginning of labor; -if the dog pushes to no avail for more than 2 hours; - if the dog has weak labor, a lot of time passes between attempts, or they have stopped altogether; - if during childbirth the discharge from the loop is very profuse, bloody, especially scarlet in color (see a doctor immediately, because uterine bleeding is possible); - if you are not sure that the dog gave birth to all the puppies (and in general it is advisable to call a doctor after the birth to make sure that there are no puppies in the uterus); - if after birth all the placenta did not come out or there were dead puppies, and the dog’s body temperature is above 39.5.

Elena Niklonskaya, veterinarian.

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Toxicosis of pregnancy

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Pregnancy period

Gestation period After productive mating, bitches become pregnant, lasting approximately 9 weeks. However, childbirth may occur prematurely or, conversely, the gestational age is extended by an average of 1 week. However, in both cases the probability of birth

Pregnancy period

Gestation period After productive mating, bitches become pregnant, lasting approximately 9 weeks. However, childbirth may occur prematurely or, conversely, the gestational age is extended by an average of 1 week. However, in both cases the probability of birth

Dates of pregnancy

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Toxicosis of pregnancy

Toxicosis of pregnancy Toxicosis is a painful condition that occurs due to changes in the body caused by pregnancy. Symptoms of toxicosis appear on the 20-22nd day after mating and are expressed in apathy, periodic nausea and vomiting. A change in appetite occurs:

Before pregnancy

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Possible problems

If, when meeting a male dog, he does not experience sexual attraction to a female dog, she may not be ready for fertilization yet. You can try to breed Rottweilers and walk with them for half an hour. If, when you try again, the male still does not get excited, you will have to postpone the mating to the next day.

This can also happen because the dog is tired from previous matings, doesn’t feel well, he doesn’t like his partner, she has a weak odor, or the dog is simply not in the mood.

Sometimes the bitch refuses mating, pushes away her partner, and shows aggression. Most likely it's a matter of character. Dominant females often do not allow weak-willed males to approach them. Of course, you can try mating the next day. But if you fail again, you will have to change your partner.

Some owners are faced with a situation where ejaculation occurs past the bitch’s vagina. In this case, it is better to take an hour break, taking the bitch as far as possible. Short breaks are also taken when a male dog cannot mount for a long time.

If the owner of the bitch does not know the exact date of the onset of estrus, to be completely sure, it is advisable to carry out another mating in a day or two. Repeated mating will not harm even in the case where the dog was last bred four to five months ago. On the first day he may have low sperm activity.

After mating, the owner of the bitch will have to keep her locked up for the next ten to fifteen days and walk her only on a leash to avoid accidental mating. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting puppies from different males, which completely devalues ​​them.

If you have experience in breeding dogs, please share your experience in the comments.

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How to tell if a dog is pregnant or not

Signs of pregnancy appear in dogs 2-3 weeks after mating. These include:

  • nipple enlargement;
  • changes in eating behavior;
  • unusual aggression and isolation or, conversely, excessive attention to the owner;
  • drowsiness;
  • decreased activity;
  • signs of toxicosis;
  • increased frequency of urination, incontinence;
  • clear vaginal discharge;
  • increase in abdominal volume.

If mating has occurred, and there are no signs of pregnancy within a month, the dog can be taken to a veterinarian who knows how to understand that the dog is pregnant. He will take a blood test and accurately determine whether your pet is expecting puppies.

When to breed a bitch?

» >FCI close inbreeding is not allowed)… So, the male has been selected. On what day of estrus should I breed? The easiest way, but I’ll tell you right away – not the best. From the moment of the first drop of blood in the bitch we count 10 days and on the 11th day we breed. This is a classic countdown. Moment one. There are females whose heat does not follow the classic formula. You may not see the moment of the first drop, because the bitch is so clean, she licks herself so well that they notice the heat a week after it starts. There are females in whom the onset of estrus occurs secretly, without discharge. There are females whose ovulation days (fertilization of eggs) are not the classic 10-14, but 16-19 and even 21-23. Second moment. We observe the bitch's discharge. At the beginning of estrus, the discharge is bright red. By the time of mating, they turn pale and become pale pink, and after 3-5 days they gradually turn red, and at the end of estrus - the color of overripe cherries. But there is a better, more progressive method for determining the day of mating. You are contacting a qualified veterinarian. He takes a drop of saliva from the bitch, takes a swab from the vagina and, looking through a microscope, tells you whether or not the bitch is ready for mating.

So, the bitch is ready and you go to the dog. A male breeds a female on his territory. If you are untying a bitch for the first time, then the dog should already be experienced, having untied another bitch, and vice versa. If this is the first mating for a dog and a bitch, then very often serious problems arise. They just don't know what they should do with each other. In nature, young male dogs learn from experienced adults. In such cases, it is better to seek the help of a qualified instructor if you do not know what to do and how to help the dog. After the mating has taken place, it is advisable to do a control mating a day later. So, we have passed the first stage.

Rottweiler. Mating and pregnancy

Duration of pregnancy in different dogs

How long a dog bears puppies depends on the breed of the pet. The larger the breed, the more time it takes to form the fetus. On average, pregnancy lasts up to 60 days for small dogs, up to 65 for medium-sized dogs, and up to 72 for large dogs. The period is counted from the last mating.

The timing of how long pregnant dogs walk is approximate - the exact duration of gestation of puppies depends on the size of the mother, her diet, lifestyle, activity, and heredity.

We are looking for a partner and agreeing on mating

You can find a suitable partner at exhibitions, kennels or kennel clubs. In such places there is always the opportunity to get advice or recommendations from experienced breeders. If you don’t have time to go around, private advertisements in newspapers or on thematic websites will help out.

Having decided on a partner for your Rottweiler, carefully read his documents: pedigree, permission to breed and veterinary passport, which should contain notes on vaccinations and deworming (deworming).

The owners are required to show the dog so that you can make sure that it does not have any physical or mental abnormalities. You must also provide similar documents and show your Rottweiler. Decide in advance on the timing of mating and the method of payment to avoid possible embarrassment or conflicts.

To prevent the mating from falling through due to unforeseen situations, it is advisable to find a backup partner. In any case, Rottweilers must match each other in height and age.

Factors influencing gestational age

The duration of gestation of puppies depends on many factors.

  1. Number of previous births. The first pregnancy will be significantly longer than subsequent ones. The difference can be up to 7 days.
  2. Pet activity. If the dog is active, she will most likely give birth to puppies earlier.
  3. Age and size. Small dogs give birth faster than large ones. And animals aged 7-8 years bear their offspring longer.
  4. Number of puppies. The more puppies in the litter, the shorter the pregnancy. If there are few of them, they grow larger and take longer to form.

The bitch is different

The bitch's body is structured differently. Reproductive function and arousal are triggered at certain moments when the bitch's egg matures. This process is called estrus.

If she is healthy, eats properly and lives in normal conditions, estrus repeats every six months, at approximately the same time. However, illness or individual characteristics may delay the onset of estrus.

The fact that the bitch has gone into heat is indicated by changes in her behavior. She begins to become noticeably nervous or stops responding to the world around her; she may get out of control, become aggressive, or, on the contrary, become too affectionate and playful. Physical changes may also be noticed. The female's genitals become noticeably enlarged and a reddish discharge appears. She may urinate frequently.

Estrus lasts twenty to twenty-five days. For the first seven to nine days, the dog is aggressive towards its suitors and may bite them. From the ninth to the fourteenth day, the volume of discharge decreases, becoming lighter and more transparent. By the end of the second week, the discharge may stop for a while.

From the eleventh to the fourteenth day, the eggs mature and are released from the ovary. These are the most favorable days for fertilization. Her behavior also indicates that the bitch is ready for mating. She accepts the males' courtship and takes an unambiguous pose: she squats slightly and moves her tail to the side.

From the fourteenth to the twenty-fifth day, regardless of whether mating has occurred or not, the bitch continues to have a small discharge. By the end of the heat, they stop completely, the behavior and size of the genitals return to normal, and interest in male dogs disappears until the next heat.

Labor did not start on time

It may happen that the dog's pregnancy has already passed, but labor does not begin. This often happens during the first pregnancy and in older dogs. This option is also possible if pregnancy occurs with pathologies.

In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian who will examine the pet, determine its condition and, if necessary, prescribe induction of pregnancy. If this is not done, inflammatory processes may begin: then both the puppies and their mother will die.

Care features

On the eve of the first estrus, the female may experience discharge from the loop, juvenile vaginitis containing a small amount of pus. There is no need to worry, this phenomenon is normal. Everything will return to normal as soon as the heat passes. If this does not happen, then it is worth undergoing an examination to identify various pathologies.

To make the estrus period more hygienic (especially for estrus in dogs kept in an apartment), you can purchase elastic panties for one-time use. They will prevent your dog from leaving bloody spots around the house. But still, you should not wear them all the time; veterinarians advise allowing the female to remove the discharge on her own by licking it.

During the first heat, the dog may not understand how to behave, so it is worth teaching it to remove spots. And to do this you need to remove carpets and rugs from the floor.

During the period of heat, the dog requires care:

  • You should avoid long walks in winter to prevent your pet from catching a cold;
  • There is no need to take her out to places where other dogs gather;
  • Walks are strictly on a leash.

If suddenly it was not possible to prevent an unwanted mating, then it is forbidden to give the dog drugs to help terminate the pregnancy. This will cause significant health problems for the pet, which lead to infertility in the dog.

An important factor is keeping the dog during heat. If you do not plan to breed a dog and get puppies from her, at the first sign of estrus you need to start taking precautions:

  • Keep a close eye on your dog while walking and avoid all contact with dogs of the opposite sex.
  • Walk your dog on a short leash: even the most well-mannered and docile pet can run away during heat, not paying attention to any commands.
  • Do not allow your dog to mate - it is impossible to separate the animals during intercourse.
  • Do not take your dog while in heat to competitions or shows. This will cause anxiety among the male dogs present at the show. During heat, a dog does not respond well to commands and can be disobedient.

How to care for a pregnant dog

In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the offspring to be born healthy, the dog must be given special care.


The feeding regimen after pregnancy will have to be adjusted, because now the dog must provide all its offspring with useful substances. But you need to change the diet only 3-4 weeks after mating and pregnancy - if you overfeed your pet, she may have a miscarriage, become obese, and worsen chronic diseases.

After the first month of pregnancy, the amount of food should be gradually increased. By the time of delivery, half the standard volume should be added to the serving size. If your dog refuses to eat, you should not force him to eat. It is better to carefully monitor her behavior and feed her as soon as her appetite awakens.

If your dog has a balanced diet, then there is no need to change it or introduce new foods. For animals on ready-made food, you need to switch to special mixtures for pregnant women - they contain all the useful substances necessary for this situation. For those who eat natural food, it is better to start giving special vitamins. They are prescribed only by a doctor.

During pregnancy, dogs often become thirsty, so you need to provide them with constant access to water. It is better to place several additional drinking bowls around the apartment, especially in those places where your pet most often visits. The water needs to be changed every 12 hours.

Walking and activity

A pregnant dog definitely needs to go for a walk to breathe fresh air, gain strength and relax. Because of their position, they get tired faster, so long hikes should be avoided. It is better to walk more often, but less time.

You also need to monitor the dog’s activity while walking. Most often, they themselves feel when they need to run less, but young animals can overestimate their position. In this case, it is better to take the pet home. Also, you should not allow your dog to play with other animals - they can accidentally harm it and even cause a miscarriage.


A pregnant dog’s hygiene needs to be monitored more carefully, since due to its position it is more difficult for it to take care of itself. It is better not to bathe her unless absolutely necessary - choosing the appropriate water temperature will be difficult, especially since not everyone can easily tolerate water treatments.

You especially need to monitor her genitals - clear liquid may be released from them. If the dog does not lick itself, then you need to wash it with warm water. This should not be done two weeks before giving birth.

Some people may experience incontinence during pregnancy. You cannot scold an animal for this; you need to clean up after it as quickly as possible so as not to provoke the appearance of parasites. After giving birth, the dog's behavior will return to normal.

Preparing for childbirth

Further, knowing how long a dog carries puppies , labor may begin suddenly, and the owners may not have enough time to quickly collect everything they need. Therefore, tools need to be prepared in advance. For everything to go smoothly, you will need:

  • clean towels;
  • gloves;
  • cotton wool;
  • alcohol;
  • a box lined with unwanted blankets;
  • scales for weighing puppies.

Sometimes the intervention of a veterinarian may be necessary, so you need to find one in advance and agree on a possible call. You cannot do without the help of specialists if the dog is small, the pregnancy was difficult, or complications arose during previous births.

Giving birth to a Rottweiler

Prepare everything you need for childbirth. You will need:

  • Clean towels.
  • Large box for puppies.
  • Scissors for cutting the umbilical cord with rounded ends.
  • Alcohol for hand disinfection.
  • Scales for weighing puppies.
  • Coarse, thick thread (for tying the umbilical cord).
  • Oilcloth or tarpaulin (large piece).
  • A bowl of clean water for the dog.
  • The vet's phone number if anything goes wrong.

As a rule, the owner is only required to be nearby and make sure that everything goes well. If complications occur, contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Pathologies of pregnancy in dogs

Despite the fact that most often pregnancy and childbirth go smoothly, you need to be prepared for sudden situations.

Ectopic pregnancy

A pregnancy is called ectopic if one or more fetuses develop in the body rather than in the uterus. This is a dangerous condition that can threaten the life and health of both the mother and offspring. It manifests itself as severe toxicosis, pain, and a noticeable decrease in the animal’s activity. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian: he will be able to alleviate the pet’s condition, explain how to behave in this situation, and deliver the baby as safely as possible.

Preparing dogs for mating

Absolutely healthy Rottweilers that are in normal condition - not too thin or fat - can be allowed to breed. Overweight dogs should be taken for walks as often as possible.

In any case, exercise and fresh air will not be superfluous, especially for bitches. Exercise strengthens muscles, which contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth.

It is advisable to put Rottweilers suffering from obesity on a rice diet - feed them rice porridge with the addition of vegetables and fruits for two weeks. Meat can be given two to three times a week or daily, but in small portions.

A month before mating, the diet of Rottweilers should be diversified with mineral supplements and products containing vitamins A, E, B, proteins, micro and macroelements. Within two weeks, male dogs begin to add twenty grams of vegetable oil to their menu daily. Bitches will need supplemental calcium in the form of medications and natural products. For example, you can give Calcefit-15 and calcined cottage cheese.

During the preparatory period, Rottweilers should not be allowed to become hypothermic or create stressful situations for them. A month and a half before mating, dogs are given the required vaccinations and deworming.

It is advisable to have the bitch's blood tested for brucellosis and campylobacteriosis. These diseases can cause great harm to the health of the bitch and future puppies.

On X-day, Rottweilers are fed four hours before mating, and given a good walk an hour before the event. If mating is scheduled for the morning, the dogs are not fed. A male dog can take a warm shower without detergents. But it is not advisable to wash the bitch - you can accidentally introduce an infection or wash away the specific smell that attracts males.

When to deworm a pregnant dog

It is not recommended to give deworming tablets to a dog in this position. It is better to carry out the treatment at least 14 days before mating. If this was not done on time, it is better to postpone the procedure until after childbirth. If worms cause severe discomfort to the animal, you can give her tablets no earlier than after the 40th day after mating. Under no circumstances should you buy the pills yourself. First you need to show your pet to a doctor: he will determine the need for treatment and select a special drug that will not harm the puppies.

When is human help needed?

The help of a professional will come in handy if your wet-nose has not previously bred, and you yourself are a novice dog breeder. The specialist will also assist when it comes to mating purebred animals, which have strict requirements. A knowledgeable person will calculate favorable days for mating, carefully study the characteristics of both partners and will personally be present at the mating.

Also, invite a specialist or experienced breeder to attend the female's birth to prevent possible complications. The services of such people may seem expensive to you, but it is advisable to play it safe and pay rather than treat your friend later after an unsuccessful meeting or pregnancy with negative consequences.

Termination of pregnancy in dogs

Sometimes the owners decide to terminate the pregnancy. This is used if the pet runs away during heat, if the pregnancy is not proceeding correctly, or in the event of a mating of a small bitch with a large male. The procedure cannot be carried out without a doctor’s prescription - this can lead to complications and even death of the animal.

The easiest way is hormone therapy. The veterinarian gives pills that prevent the fetus from implanting in the uterus, and abortion occurs within 7 days. The procedure is carried out only in the first month, it does not harm health and does not interfere with further reproduction. In some cases, surgery is performed to remove the fetuses. This is more dangerous and is most often carried out only for health reasons - in case of a frozen or large pregnancy.

The technical side of knitting

It is better to carry out mating in a place familiar to the male, so that he feels confident and shows more activity. There should be no distractions: cars, people, other dogs. You need to take drinking water and Vaseline with you in case the bitch is low on lubrication.

The bitch must be muzzled - even the kindest dog can behave unpredictably during mating. She should also have a strong collar that she can hold on to in an aggressive mood. If an evil bitch bites a dog hard, he may refuse to breed for a long time.

If Rottweilers have already had experience, you can use free mating. The bitch and the male are taken in turn into a free room or enclosure and given time to get acquainted and sniff. If the male decides to mount, and the female does not mind, then natural mating occurs.

If one of the partners is mating for the first time and cannot understand what to do, you will have to use hand mating, that is, help the Rottweilers yourself. For owners who do not have experience, we recommend inviting a specialist to help with difficulties.

The manual method is also suitable in case of aggression from the bitch. The owner of the bitch must hold her by the collar throughout the entire mating until the dogs separate. If the male turns out to be angry, then he is also muzzled.

As with free-breeding, Rottweilers are given time to get to know each other at first. Then the owner supports the dog under the stomach with his hand or knee so that he does not crouch at the wrong moment.

When a male tries to mount, you can slightly move the bitch's body so that her genitals are close to the partner's organs. You are allowed to push the male dog a little, but you cannot touch his genitals.

Having carried out the mounting, the male begins to move rhythmically. The bitch continues to be supported at this time. If she sits down suddenly, she can injure herself and her partner. When ejaculation occurs, the male's genitals become engorged with blood, forming a so-called knot. It keeps the dogs separated for some time. This condition is called gluing or locking. It usually lasts from ten to forty-five minutes.

For convenience, the male throws his hind paw over his partner and stands with his back to her. If he fails, he will have to carefully help. Rottweilers cannot be forcibly separated during locking, otherwise their genitals may be injured.

When the dogs are free, they are taken to different places and given time to rest, clean up, and drink some water. Half an hour later, the Rottweilers are walked, but separately. You can feed after two to three hours.

Last days before giving birth

Before giving birth, the dog's behavior changes. She sleeps more, doesn’t want to go outside, and doesn’t move much. Animals often scratch with their claws, looking for a secluded corner to give birth to their offspring. At this time, it is imperative to arrange a comfortable place for childbirth and get used to it. Within a few days, the animals become calmer, and immediately before contractions, on the contrary, they become restless and nervous. The owner should be nearby, but not worry the dog or intrude. You should not force feed her or take her for a walk.

On what day of heat should a dog be bred?

The question of what day of heat a dog can be bred on is relevant for many owners of females, especially breeders. Thoroughbred animals must be born to a chosen tribemate so that the offspring are not only purebred, but also healthy. It happens that it takes a very long time to find a partner for an expectant mother; sometimes a male dog is brought from abroad, which is expensive. Therefore, it is important to avoid mistakes and determine exactly on what day the bitch can be bred.

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