Reviews from owners about the Cane Corso breed: description of the character and external features of the pets

Dogs of the Cane Corso breed are distinguished by their strength, muscular physique, but at the same time external elegance.

Many dog ​​breeders claim that this breed originates from the ancient Roman Molossians, who, in turn, came from the east.

They took part in the campaigns of the Roman legionnaires, and then began to accompany the farmers of Italy in order to protect herds, houses and when hunting large forest game.

For this reason, Italian dogs were called Cane Corso, which literally means “a dog that guards fenced property.”

History of the breed

The Cane Corso is one of the most ancient breeds . Therefore, it is not possible to determine the exact date of birth of the Cane Corso.

Even ancient Roman historians mentioned this breed in their works. It says that large, muscular dogs were brought to Rome and Greece for the purpose of taking part in gladiatorial fights. These were the ancestors of the Cane Corso.

Gradually, hunters and warriors began to use the breed for their own interests . The dog began to take part in the military campaigns of Roman legionnaires.

Further, the Cane Corso is mentioned during the Middle Ages. Now there were no more gladiatorial fights, and the dog of this breed was “retrained” as a service dog.

Perhaps the dog would have continued to be used in military and martial arts if it had been popular with the lords . But at that time it was not so popular, and only peasants kept dogs for the purpose of doing everyday work.

Despite many years of benefit from these dogs, by the beginning of World War II the breed was on the verge of extinction. But altruistic people appeared, thanks to whom it was possible to preserve the purebred properties of the dog.

Dog care

  1. It is necessary to wash your dog regularly, especially since they love this task very much.
  2. The Cane Corso's diet must be balanced in composition, since a lack of certain elements can lead to health problems.
  3. Walking the dog should be done either before meals or a couple of hours after.
  4. It is necessary to keep a dog of this breed in a warm room; they are not suitable for living on the street, since they do not have a warm undercoat.
  5. Before the pet's first birthday, it must be carried down the stairs in your arms, otherwise bone formation may occur incorrectly.
  6. Walks with the dog should be long, combined with intense training, games, and running.
  7. Dogs of this breed do not like heat and it is better to walk less at this time.

REFERENCE! During the hot season, walks should be taken early in the morning or late in the evening, when there is no scorching sun.

  1. The coat needs daily brushing. In addition, she needs periodic flea treatment.
  2. You need to clean your ears at least once a week. To do this, soak the gauze in a special solution from the pharmacy.

By reading the positive and negative traits of Cane Corso dogs, collected from reviews of their owners, you can determine for yourself whether it is acceptable for you to own a dog of this breed.

Brief description and character

For this versatile dog, close communication with its owner is important.

The emotional connection with him comes almost in the first place . The pet also treats other family members with special warmth, especially if there are children in the house.

But the owner occupies a fundamental place in the life of dogs of this breed.

The breed is characterized by excellent memory and intellectual abilities; Corso dogs get along well with other pets, in addition, they begin to patronize them and take patronage over them.

If there are other dogs in the house, conflicts between them are extremely rare..

Aggression can occur towards other dogs of the same sex as the Cane Corso, and this trait is especially pronounced in young and teenage dogs.


Despite the fact that these Italian dogs get along well with children, it is still not worth leaving your small infant, or even older children, alone with a pet.

A baby may unconsciously cause discomfort to the dog, to which it may respond with spontaneous aggression.

This remark applies more to males, who are a little more aggressive, more active and louder than females. Females are softer, more compliant and patient.

The protective properties of the breed appear already at a young age; this trait is characteristic of the Cane Corso as the dominant one..

The territory in which the dog lives will be under its careful supervision, and aggressive qualities appear after a year, when the dog gets stronger physically.

There is no point in making a dog angry on purpose, as the psyche of a young dog becomes unbalanced and such traits as aggression and hot temper predominate..

About the character traits of the Cane Corso

Dog Cane Corso - reviews about the breed

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12/11/2020 at 18:03


I’ll write my review while I still remember the dog as a puppy. At the time of writing she is 5.5 months old. They took him at 1.5 months, a little early, but it was difficult to find a good puppy at 3-4 months. They took me from afar, the child traveled to me for 2 days by pet taxi. She handled it well. In terms of upbringing: from 1.5-3 months we constantly argued with her because she wanted to go to the sofa, to the bed, to the kitchen (we have a kitchen and a nursery forbidden for her - it lies in the doorway). She cursed desperately and persistently climbed into places she couldn’t, BUT! after 1-1.5 months the child got used to the nickname, understood what is NOT possible and what is POSSIBLE. by 2 months, she learned the command to sit, sit and hold, stopped biting by 3 months (we screamed when bitten strongly, this is important! We took out all the squeakers from the toys so that she wouldn’t think it was a game). In moments of strong argument with the puppy, the cat came and authoritatively brought up with a paw in the face, now the cat is an absolute authority, calms down just with a look)) The dog is excellent! When I took it, I immediately realized that I would be training with a dog handler. At the moment we have 2 of them: for obedience and for tracking work (that’s how I wanted it). Dog handlers have different approaches, I appreciate everyone’s advice, but I also think with my own head. We have been working with a dog handler since he was 4 months old. Yes, this is not a shepherd dog that you showed it to 3 times, then it did everything, a creative approach is needed: ours does not tolerate violence against its person in any way - neither by a leash, nor by a collar, nor by hanging it - this is not our method. Only with affection, play, using affection for the owner, curiosity. She stubbornly fought to “apport” - she didn’t take any piece of wood (and if the corse rests, you can’t move it with any scream or force), BUT! They found out that she simply didn’t like the item, so they exchanged it for a rag roller—she took it the first time. Guard 10 points, vigilance 10 points, grab an object and tray 10 points, obedience 10 points. He can do everything, he tries very hard, but you need to turn on your brain and your powers of observation, you need to understand it. I recommend it to those who have the opportunity and strength to devote at least 3 hours a day to their dog for walks/activities, incl. active. The dog is an athlete, it desperately needs a fit! Regarding fur and drool - we don’t have them, perhaps because the structure of the muzzle is not very flattened, perhaps bitches drool less, BUT this did not bother me at all when I was choosing the breed. 30 minutes a day - just lie next to him on the floor, stroke him. She suffers a lot without her owners, she waits like Hachiko - nothing can distract her - no games with other dogs, no food, nothing, now she no longer whines without us when we leave her at home alone, but at first she whined and howled - the neighbors said... Maintenance costs in month: Royal Canin 4000 (you can throw slippers at me for feeding Corsas with this food, you have the right), dog handlers 7000 (divide in half by 1 dog handler), leash toys 1000, vitamins 1000, chewers 1000. This is the minimum. Veterinary services - individually. So consider, think - can you at least afford to maintain a “fashionable” breed financially? Can you give her that much time to study? - YES? - go ahead and get the puppy. NO? - Thank you for not getting a Corsas, because you won’t torture yourself or the dog.

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We bought a Cane Corso at 5 months old, she was sitting on a chain, skinny, sick, hungry. Now we are already 2.5 years old and I don’t need anyone better than Konik, there’s no drooling, I listen with one word, and now we have 9 little puppies. I I kept a shepherd, a French and an English bulldog, I’m happy with the dog


I’ve had a Corso for 20 years, it’s an ordinary apartment. You need to walk a lot, be sure to work with a dog handler. Bitches do not drool, and there is no smell from a well-groomed dog. Yes, the character is simply there, but there is a carriage of beauty and love, and a small cart. And it’s true: a Corso is better, only two Corsos.


Before you get a Cane Corso breed, think carefully. Not everything is as good and smooth as the breeders write. Drool, hair everywhere during the molting period... no matter what they feed, eat some kind of nasty thing on the street in the lungs. Bruises from love Corso darkness, all over body. Eating furniture out of boredom is constant. There is always dominance over the weak (children are meant). My husband is her owner, but she wants to bend me too. Sometimes she doesn’t listen, she growls. I won’t have such a breed again. And even if they attack you , then for some reason this breed also wants to bite you, and not the attacker.



Does not require special personal care


Sick breed

The Kene Corso dog breed ranks second in the category of the largest dogs in the world; they can reach very large sizes and weights (up to 70 kg).

This dog constantly requires exercise and exercise, as it is a sporty and athletic breed. It is very easy to care for, you only need to wash it when it starts to smell bad and you also need to cut off any pieces of fur that have become crumpled. And the dog will look well-groomed and beautiful.

She is not squeamish about food and can eat almost anything.

This breed, despite its physical fitness, is very sickly and requires personal care, specifically for health reasons.

Kene Corso can be aggressive towards strangers, but he is very loyal to his owner.


Disadvantage: there is none. Advantages: the dog is a human being. I fell in love with the breed after my friends got a puppy. He grew up before our eyes. Then I read a lot about this breed. I talked with breeders and collected information about them. That is, I prepared thoroughly for buying a puppy. Now my girl is 3 years old. This is the best, smart, beautiful, respectable breed. And my dog. Intonation is enough for the dog to understand what is possible and what is not. Yes. For Molossians, the parcel with the brain arrives with a delay. Not earlier than 2.5 years. And we overcame some difficulties. But we dealt with them easily. Dogs of this breed are VERY smart. Protecting your territory is in your blood. I have NEVER been afraid to leave my child alone with her. Cane Corsos are people-oriented. Apart from the owners, NO ONE is needed in this life. We are on the street, even when we walk, not a step away from me. The circle will hold out and run back to me. Only mom and Marina. CHILD. There's no other way to call it. And when you read comments about drooling, stubbornness (someone called it stupidity), or matted hairballs, bruises, and something else, I want to say one thing☝️.... all of the above are the shortcomings of the people themselves, their careless owners. This means that people got a beautiful puppy without thinking about it, without calculating their strengths and ability to handle such dogs, then they themselves begin to whine about what kind of dog is naughty, but it turns out that it is drooling, and it turns out that it grows even bigger, and we thought it would be small and fluffy, etc. After which they begin to kill their dog to someone else. In normal competent hands, this is a dog - a person. She knows how, she understands everything. Strength, power, grace at the same time, beauty is combined in the Cane Corso. There is a lot more that can be said about them.


But I don’t know, our corso is smart...and yours needs vitamins


I love my Corsican)))... lives in an apartment (while I’m finishing the house)… doesn’t chew anything, doesn’t touch wires, I read the negative reviews and the question arose: gentlemen, are you sure you have a Cone Corso? maybe some kind of alien creature? because everything described above is absolutely far from my Dores. She ONLY drools when she looks at food (she doesn’t pick it up without a command) and when she’s nervous... She doesn’t vacuum (that is, she doesn’t pick it up from the ground)... I actually work with her A LOT!!! Just a lot. 4-5 hours a day, minimum. On weekends, he’s always with me. But she is smart and very obedient. They know us well in the city and they even allow her to go into the supermarket... In general, you need to work with a dog (any dog)!!!





  • smells like dog
  • slobber
  • snores

My Corsa is 4 years old, I wouldn’t get this breed a second time. There were pit bulls, which I love dearly, there were Afghans, there was a VEO shepherd.

She is stubborn, like all Molossians, she will smell like a dog exactly a month after washing, in the summer she bathes only in ponds, she lives on the property, so if she passes by, you can suffocate. It eats everything it finds, it’s impossible to go into the forest, it’s all ours. It eats up cats' poop if you don't have time to clean it up; even chickens' poop tries to eat up if you don't take care. At the same time, she does not go hungry, in her youth she grew up on a bunch of vitamins, beef tripe, cottage cheese, etc... that is, she tried in every possible way to replenish her diet and wean her from caprophagia. useless. Three friends of mine behave the same way. All the furniture in the house is drooling, he sits at the table and drools like ropes, you tell him to leave a hundred times, until you bark and he won’t leave. For me, this breed has more disadvantages than advantages... I fell for the advertisement of the ideal dog.



  • Power and beauty
  • courage and affection
  • wonderful defender


  • long growing dog
  • requires mandatory training
  • drool

I started getting acquainted with the breed by reading reviews here. So I decided to write now too. I have a 1 year 3 month old male. We adopted him when he was 4.5 months old.

Well what can I say now? The impression is twofold, it’s difficult to describe harmoniously...

First of all, this breed is definitely not for beginners. While the puppy is small, let’s say up to 5-6 months, the main difficulties, like all puppies, are toileting, gnawing on things, I’ll also add that due to its size it turns out to be quite clumsy games, it gave us all enough bruises))) )). But then character began to emerge. At 7-8 months, the puppy is already quite impressive in size and weight, and it is difficult to walk with him. It’s difficult to even hold on to it if he sees something ahead that interests him. The breed is, in principle, VERY strong, I would say stronger than the wildest assumptions. Closer to the year, aggression towards dogs appeared (although the family lives with two more dogs of different breeds, but these are their own). Walking became very difficult. You can’t let such a dog go without a leash even in a forest park (people are afraid), and on a leash it’s very difficult to “walk” it... And there’s a lot of activity, you can’t get by with 15-minute walks, otherwise it will be a “madhouse” at home. And in general, due to the size of the dog, any of its unwanted actions both on the street and especially at home cause destruction and other troubles. Bumps, bruises, eaten furniture and things, sore elbow joints, because “vomiting” on a walk unexpectedly and with lightning speed... In general, to be completely honest, at that time my soul was very vague, to the point of “why did we start such a dog?! »

In short, we realized that a dog must not only be loved and fed, but also raised. And that we certainly won’t get by on our own. He’s just stronger)))) And that we were already “a little late” - but there were reasons for that - we took him from very bad hands, while there was stress, while we treated and fattened him, while we docked his ears and tail, while he was healing... Well, in general, 7 months later we went to the training site and signed up for the group. And only now, after 8 months of regular training, we began to understand and truly enjoy the breed! Not immediately, of course - don’t expect instant results! The first classes were similar to sumo wrestling) because he didn’t want to do what he needed to do, and simply walking “next to me” looked like rolling me in the snow, then dragging me to wherever he wanted - to play, not to study! And then there was despair... and disappointment in the breed, in the dog handlers, in the site, in general in everything... But the same dog handlers reassured me and convinced me that I just need to persistently continue my studies, that this is a breed of long development, and even though I’m already 7-8 months old , but this is not a shepherd dog, for example... according to the psyche of a Corso at this age, he is still just a puppy. In general, we just continued to regularly engage in OKD, and now also protective training.

In short, only now, not quickly and not smoothly, the male became obedient, adequate, works PERFECTLY for protection (they started training him early, from 8-9 months, although they recommend not earlier than a year and a half, but our temperament could not wait any longer...), works as well as, or even better than, adult dogs. Thanks to our instructor - he is super professional. Obedience, of course, is not ideal in our country, as they show in videos on YouTube, but he hears and obeys commands, the main thing is for the owners to be vigilant in order to give the right command in time))))) for example, when other dogs approach. In the city we walk ONLY on the team Nearby, collecting admiring glances from passers-by, because the dog is really huge, very stately and beautiful. Nice )))))

And yet - it’s only now that he has become... well, how can I put it... wiser, or something. Transform into an adult dog. And then for some periods, an adult, calm, dignified, noble dog walks by, who will not leave anyone indifferent, simply attracts attention... and then suddenly the puppy is a fool! Bananas in the ears, the rest of the tail like a propeller - and skipping! Hold me seven! )))) So these are really dogs of late development, I think they will finally calm down and settle down by the age of two, or even three...

Well, in everyday life: from the minuses

  • I want to mention the drool... although it’s not particularly “sprinkly”. Drool everywhere. Clothing suffers especially, as dog drool is difficult to wash off. It's easy to slip on another puddle of drool on the kitchen floor.
  • He snores so much that his son comes down from the second floor at night to push him))))
  • It fits into the car with difficulty. Well, this is what kind of car someone has, of course.
  • In cold weather it freezes. Including wet, windy and rainy. In the cold, after 10 minutes he begins to shake and tuck his paws - go home!!!


  • You’ll forgive and forget everything when this 50 kilo carcass presses its side (practically smearing it on the wall), licks your face and sits at your feet. And he turns his head around to see if the enemy is hiding somewhere? ) And accompanies me everywhere, even at the station, what if someone plans to offend me? A formidable beast, but caresses like a kitten...
  • Not intrusive at home.
  • Not a food specialist. You can kick him out of the kitchen, and he will lie down in the corner of the corridor (try to drive a Labrador away from the table!!!!)

And in general, I haven’t yet known a better breed - because the more effort education requires, the more valuable the result! But I recommend starting it only for those who are ready for this effort. Otherwise, you will grow an uncontrollable car and you will regret a hundred times that you didn’t get something simpler)))) Good luck to everyone!


Our bunny was almost 12...We didn't make it a month.... It's funny to read negative reviews - WHO ARE YOU TURNING UP? A friend, a dog or a gutta-percha toy?! Bose passed away at the time of writing 4 days ago. This is a best friend, this is a family member who is incredibly painful to lose. This is the most devoted creature who understands your being, loves you infinitely and breathes only for you. The only problem is drool)))


To be honest, I read negative reviews and don’t understand that when you got such a dog, you couldn’t read about it. We have a Corso, a girl, one year old. There is drool, there are bruises from playing, there is an end to repairs, but she is like our child. Very affectionate, growing up with two children.


A very large dog, very expensive to keep, he will feel bad in an apartment.


My boy's name is Oliver, 2.10 years old, I was once at a show in Ryazan, in 2022.08.05 the rating was excellent, the dog is simply EXCELLENT, as much as I read and watched about this breed, the more I fell in love with him, but those who are not experienced with new products of this breed should contact specialists, in a word, this breed is the best, loyal and kind to children

Olga St


  • true friend
  • good dog
  • doesn't smell
  • security is in the blood
  • protects with one look
  • trains well


  • There are no significant disadvantages!
  • joint vulnerability

In January 2015, I found a devoted Cane Corso friend. I recommend it to everyone who has the opportunity and desire to walk their dog well, this is its basic need. This dog has a lot of energy, especially as a puppy. If given good walking, it behaves like a rug at home. Practically does not bark, only if it suggests some kind of threat to the owners. Very affectionate, sociable, well trained. We don’t have any problems with drooling, I think it depends on the structure of the muzzle. She was accustomed to the street from the age of 1.5 months (at this age they took her), at home they went to diapers, they immediately stopped doing the big ones, and the small ones from 4.5 months. although now she may be tellingly cheating if she is offended by me.

Otherwise, he asks to go outside if it’s an inopportune time, comes to the door and sits down if he has the urge. The appetite is great, he loves bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, raw and scalded seeds) - the height of bliss. I advise you not to skimp on food, as it is necessary to contain glucosamine (the breed has problems with joints. It is important to avoid their appearance until 1.5 years). Additionally, I give medications with glucosamine courses, they are quite expensive. About 5-7 thousand a month is spent on maintaining my girl, I don’t feel sorry for it at all, but you need to realize this when you buy such a big dog. She can eat perfectly well from the table, she doesn’t suffer from pickiness, but this will affect her health, I can’t risk it, I treat her like my youngest daughter, all the best to her as a baby. The ears were cropped themselves, the breeder did not do this, I would have rather paid extra, because the sight is not for the faint of heart, and for another 3 weeks they wore a collar so as not to scratch them. Unfortunately, because of this, I could not adapt to sleeping with this plastic, and I gave up. She allowed me to fall asleep on the sofa with me, I felt so sorry for her being so small, so now sometimes the three of us sleep together, but this doesn’t bother us despite our size. I deworm once a quarter, taking this into account, I wash my paws every time after a walk with pleasure. We wash ourselves if we get dirty. despite recommendations 2-3 times a year, with special zoo shampoos or tar soap. I consider training with a dog handler mandatory, since the dog is large, and in order not to frighten others, it must obey commands without question.

We started at 4 months, and by 8 months very good results were visible. She really frightens those around her with her appearance, although in all her time she has never shown aggression towards either people or dogs, she even plays with small dogs very carefully. despite his 40 kg. But people can be unbearably evil; anyone who adopts a dog larger than a Spitz will have to deal with these. Sometimes I just regret that muzzles are not provided for people, but this is a problem for all dog breeders, regardless of breed. My cane is very affectionate, devoted, understands the nuances of her voice, I communicate with her as with a person, I have never physically punished her, only with words, she understands everything. Sometimes she is stubborn, for example, during a walk or class, then I act like I would with a child, switch my attention, and then she again does what she needs. It’s difficult to overreact, an attempt to force someone to do it by force is met with resistance from all 40 kg, I can’t and don’t want to hit. She is very attached, she can cry when I leave, I teach her gradually, sometimes I give her “Fospassim,” a homeopathic drug that relieves stress. He doesn’t like new places, he’s reluctant to get out of the car, although he can handle even long trips just fine, he looks like you’re not going to leave me.

She sleeps in the car almost all the time, if she gets up, it means she needs to go for a walk, until she caught this feature, she inflated it on the bedding a couple of times. In general, this is my new love. If you want unconditional love, take a Cane Corso!!!!!


Our guy will soon be 7)))) This is our FIRST dog, I hope not the last... Two years of life are DAILY work OKD. But the results are amazing: the dog is kind, obedient, patient with children. A month ago we got a cat: the kitten is alive))) They live together. They haven’t spoiled or chewed a single thing: I bought chewing toys once a week, maybe that’s why everything is safe and sound)))) We don’t want any other breed))))) One minus is drooling... But that’s it there's nothing you can do, no one is perfect, not even us people)))


my cane lived for almost 12 years, there were no complaints, there was hardly any drooling before eating (what dog doesn’t have that before eating?) protection, devotion, love for all his little brothers, I can’t list how many abandoned kittens he raised... and he had a special love for his daughter’s Chihuahua , I’ve never seen such adoration for anyone else in the city, so here it is


My carne cors grew up from a kennel and became very aggressive... we also went to a dog handler, but it didn’t help for long. He attacked dogs and men; I couldn’t handle him; I walked at night at two o’clock and in the morning at five, and then I gave him up; it was constant torture and nerves...



  • Mind
  • Strength and at the same time Kindness
  • Excellent trainability
  • Appearance, power
  • “Reinforced concrete” psyche
  • Unobtrusiveness
  • Minimal care


  • Absence of male Cane Corso

I read the comments, some made me smile, and some made me laugh out loud, from comments like a certain cheh1303 and Kene Corso about “...cutting scraps of wool that have become crumpled.” What kind of Kene Corso is that??? Where has it been seen that a Cane Corso needs to cut off the pieces of fur that have become matted (damn, I’m writing this, but I’m rolling around laughing)??? I adopted my bitch at 2.5 months!!! After 5 poops at home, and another two weeks of rare peeing, I learned to ask to go outside (but I had to run outside at the first sign/urge, 100 times a day)!!!

Someone writes that keeping an apartment is bad for a pet!!! Of course, it’s bad when the owner treats his pet inappropriately, since walking requires at least an hour, at least 2 times a day for an adult dog, as well as constant physical and mental stress!!! I walked mine (there was such an opportunity) for 1.5-2.5 hours three times a day, up to a year and one month (then the first holiday came, and the walks had to be reduced)!!! At the same time, we live in a one-room apartment, me, my wife, our daughter, 2 years 3 months old, and our son was born on May 9, and there is enough space for everyone (sofas, beds for the pet, an absolute taboo)!!!

While she was a puppy, there was one problem, she is not a food eater, so she had difficulty feeding 4 times, now she has grown up (we are 1 year 3 months old, at the time of writing), and now she eats 2 times a day without problems (if she kicks out, then I prescribe vitamin “G” for a day, and my appetite wakes up again)!!! We eat a natural diet, which includes a minimum of rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, fermented milk products, eggs, and the lion's share is taken by meat/poultry by-products, fish and meat... We do not feed from the table, since our food is boiled/fried/baked, and I give her everything only in raw form (except for cereals, of course)!!! Therefore, there is no need for vitamins and supplements!!! The dog is healthy...

We rarely bathe in the bathroom, only in very extreme cases, but she loves to swim... She doesn’t like the heat (it would seem that she’s Italian), but she’s crazy about winter, snow and snowdrifts!!! In winter we don’t “get dressed”, although at -30..-35 she gets cold, especially when standing still, during such periods we had to shorten our walk to 30-40 minutes, and the rest of the winter we walk for hours!!! In the summer we will resume swimming on the river (luckily I went/learned to swim myself), and in the winter we will begin to master water-pulling (by this period she will be almost 2 years old, so light physical activity will only be beneficial, knowing her power, agility and endurance)!!! In conclusion, I would like to say that the person who said that “A Cane Corso is better, there can only be two Cane Corsos” was right!!!

Izyaslav **

My friend has a Cane Corso, a girl. A dog with character requires serious training and time to train. But in general the dog is cute, especially the puppies. But puppies of all breeds are cute. The only thing is that the dog needs to walk and move a lot, so it’s not the best option for keeping it in an apartment.



Sweethearts are kind


They love money, they can find it and eat it

The Cane Corso dog breed is very beautiful, sweet and friendly, black gray and chocolate gray in color, the most important thing is that they are very, very affectionate to the owner, they love to take long walks and run, they can also be kept at home and love affection very much.


and mine was aggressive, they walked around with a muzzle and a stricter... he hated it if they walked screaming and the children annoyed him, although we don’t have children and no one offended him, but he loved his own and the dog handler didn’t help either, maybe he tried to protect his own, but didn’t touch the dogs, and a stranger, if he had been without a muzzle, would not have left, but he did not attack everyone, but selectively

Artem 7876


  • true friend
  • good dog
  • security
  • security is in the blood
  • protects with one look
  • loves children very much
  • the best friend you can imagine
  • trains well


  • short lifespan
  • joint vulnerability

A magnificent breed, it loves its owner very much, it often shows this, but its instincts take over and in the dark it rushes at people who (run, scream, appear abruptly), but has never bitten, just barks and tries to correct itself. I have a girl, she is 8 months old, with dogs who are friendly to her and she is always happy to see her. He only drools when he runs. He loves to play. Now this is my favorite breed.



  • true friend
  • doesn't smell
  • protects with one look
  • loves children very much
  • the best friend you can imagine
  • the smartest creature
  • trains well


  • there are no downsides)

I have a Cane Corso girl, Unya, she is 4 years old, oh well, it’s a miracle and not a breed!!!!!!! so good, obedient, easily gives in to commands, likes to play, run, but really likes to beg, for example: eat something, and starts whining and drooling, but that’s nothing to worry about! the most important thing is that the dog is loyal and smart) she is also very funny, I love my dog ​​very much!!!! and there are no downsides to this breed.


I live in a country house. The neighbors have a Cane Corso. Amazing dog. Excellent psyche, excellent security qualities. They have three children and no problems communicating with children. They worked with a dog handler. The only thing is that the dog needs to walk and move a lot, so it’s not the best option for keeping it in an apartment.


Our fifth family member


  • protects with one look
  • loves children very much
  • the best friend you can imagine
  • the smartest creature
  • trains well


  • short lifespan

Our name is also Hera. Gerunya, Geraska, etc. Everything that is written above about a dog of this breed is the true truth. The only thing I don't agree with is the drool. We don't have any towels hanging anywhere. She only drools if you eat something tasty in front of her face. So no dog can resist here. And the fact that she’s a weasel is true. Licking, jumping, climbing on arms - you're always welcome. And of course - the look. My friend says that all you have to do is look at Hera, and you will give everything in the world. The child is allowed everything. When he gets really fed up, he just gets up and leaves.

As a child, I once gnawed and kicked the baseboard when no one was home. One suggestion was enough to prevent this from happening again. And once I took a liking to my sister’s sandals. Neither before nor after did I show any interest in shoes. In general, the mere presence of Hera in the house gives great pleasure. She is already six years old. And I also don’t even want to think about how long we will be together.


We have two girls in our house, it’s terrible when I’m walking with my dog ​​and an adult girl passes by, it’s very scary because when we were a puppy we walked past, she attacked my dog ​​and tried to bite, and the young girl is just terrible, just like the owners, she simply hates dogs.

Lyudmila Biryukova

For me, the Cane Corso is the most ideal dog. There is not enough space to write too much about this breed. So I’ll say it briefly - I love these dogs.

????????? !

A friend of mine has a Corsica in a country house))) ) is the cutest creature) ) and his grandson are digging through the beds of strawberries together)) ) A dog with an amazing character... he is good at guarding if he senses danger : )

At the OKD there was a short girl in our group - a very sweet little girl :) she studies well)))

External characteristics

The height of a male is 64-67 cm, that of a female is 60-64 cm.

The weight of an adult male is 45-50 kg, a mature female is 40-45 kg.

Read more about breed sizes and standards here.

The dog's physique is muscular and strong, with lean and powerful muscles; in appearance, the Cane Corso is not devoid of elegance..

The length of the head is 36% of the height of the animal at the withers.

The breed has a well-developed coat and an undercoat. This is due to the fact that Cane Corso dogs are considered to be very hard working, have watchdog skills and must withstand any weather conditions.

Coat color
may vary :

  • black;
  • gray, different shades;
  • light and dark red
  • red fawn;
  • brindle.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

  • beautiful exterior;
  • elegant;
  • faithful and devoted;
  • balanced and calm;
  • with high intellectual abilities;
  • impeccable security and service qualities;
  • loyal attitude towards children and other pets;
  • tender and affectionate.
  • need long active walks;
  • demonstrate a huge appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • Professional training will definitely be required;
  • suitable only for active people;
  • expensive maintenance;
  • possible joint problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the breed:

  • The psyche of a dog is absolutely plastic; if desired, a puppy can be raised into an easy-going family pet or a formidable guard dog.
  • Strong attachment of the animal to household members.
  • In an apartment, the Cane Corso feels just as comfortable as in the yard. The dog does not get underfoot, preferring to behave quietly and calmly, being close to its owner.
  • It lends itself well to training, even a beginner in this matter can handle it.
  • The breed's loyalty to small children.
  • Coexistence in the same territory with other animals.


  • There is a risk of purchasing a puppy with an unstable psyche, or one that is cowardly and distrustful.
  • The Cane Corso salivates profusely. Moreover, this liquid can flow everywhere and onto everything.
  • This short-haired animal sheds all year round. Therefore, be prepared to constantly come across pet fur.
  • Due to the Cane Corso's good appetite, you will have to spend a decent amount of money on maintaining the dog.
  • As the dog grows, it requires more attention and care.

How do you look after Thor?

Thor always sheds, perhaps more during the season. Moreover, small needles dig into clothes and furniture. During shedding, we comb out the undercoat with a furminator, and the rest of the time we use a special mitten so that less hair falls around the house.

We wash the Torah as it gets dirty. I can’t say that Cane Corsos don’t smell at all - when it’s humid, the smell appears, but in general there is no dog smell from him.

Photo: wikipet. ru

We also clean Thor’s teeth and ears and trim his nails. We clean our ears about once every two weeks, and brush our teeth every evening after eating. We trim the claws as needed - less often in the summer, as they wear down on the asphalt, which does not happen in the winter.

From experience: In the cold season, Thor warms up by actively moving. However, if the frost is more than -25 degrees, it is not recommended to take your Cane Corso for long walks. But since we have a jacket and the walks are always quite active, it’s impossible to freeze.

In the summer, if it's very hot, we put a cooling vest on Thor, and generally try not to go out in the sun.

When Thor was little, we did not train him to go to the toilet in diapers - we were not too lazy to take him to the grass several times a day, even during quarantine. The last puddle was at home at about 4 months, then he learned to endure it. Although until he was 6–7 months old, we walked Thor 3–4 times a day. Two walks were quite long, and in the middle of the day they took about 30 minutes.

From experience: Now Thor walks twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, for about 1.5 - 2 hours. If it's very hot, we limit ourselves to 1 hour. During the walk, we practice commands, train endurance, and if there is good company, Thor communicates with his fellow tribesmen for quite a long time.

Interesting Facts

  • The word "corso" comes from the Latin cohors , meaning "farm protector, guardian".
  • The animal has well-developed night vision. This feature is highly valued by hunters.
  • Roman legionnaires dressed dogs in heavy steel armor and unleashed them against enemy cavalry.
  • A Cane Corso can easily subdue an angry buffalo.
  • In Europe, the animal is used to guard large pawn shops and expensive boutiques.

The meaning of life for a dog is its owner. The animal will do everything to please its loved one. The dog needs to be given a lot of time, effort and attention. In return you will receive boundless love and devotion. The Cane Corso is suitable for experienced dog breeders who can provide the dog with decent living conditions.

Training and education

Training at home can fully replace working with a dog handler. The most important thing is that raising a puppy begins on time. Until all vaccinations are completed, classes are held at home, the owner’s task is to teach the pet basic commands: lie down, sit, come to me, no. Commands are taught according to the general principle: reward for the slightest obedience. It is important to determine what the puppy's favorite treat is, then show it, extend your hand, then say the command loudly, helping him sit or lie down. After completing it independently, the pet receives a reward.

Puppy training begins from the moment the collar is put on. Attempts will certainly begin to get rid of it; the owner must be patient, forcing him not to wear an uncomfortable new attribute by force, but with affection. It’s enough just to lure the puppy with an interesting game, it’s easy to do, the main thing is to take the time. Much of the outcome of training depends not on the breed, but on the upbringing.

It is important to decide on a name by the time the puppy moves into the house, so that from the first days you can address him correctly. Popular nicknames for boys are Archie, Nortis, White, Dustin, for girls - Molly, Tori, Ollie, Terra, Tracy.


Cane Corsos are very active animals, so it is important to provide their body with enough food to replenish their strength and energy. The diet can be represented by dry industrial food or natural food. In the latter option, four-legged pets need to be fed:

  • milk (puppies);
  • fermented milk products (yogurt, kefir, cheese, cottage cheese);
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • eggs;
  • meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef);
  • beef bones;
  • vegetables (carrots, cabbage);
  • berries (raspberries, cherries and pitted apricots);
  • fruits (apples);
  • butter;
  • porridge;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes.

It is prohibited to include in the diet:

  • pork;
  • bird bones;
  • pickled dishes;
  • boiled bones;
  • salo;
  • seasonings;
  • sweet and salty foods;
  • fat;
  • mayonnaise;
  • vinegar;
  • ketchup;
  • mustard.

If the choice falls on industrial food, you will need to select it taking into account the breed and needs of the dog. On average, an adult should eat about 800 grams of dry food daily.

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