Comparison of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd: description of the breeds and which pet is easier to keep

Today, many large dog breeds are popular, in particular the Caucasian Alabai. Many legends have arisen around this species. She is confused with both Caucasians and Alabai, especially since there is a certain similarity between them, especially externally. But in fact, the Alabai is a separate breed, although theoretically it is considered a type of Central Asian Shepherd Dog. Caucasians are also classified as a separate breed. And the Caucasian Alabai remains a mestizo, that is, a crossbreed, although in its characteristics it is in no way inferior to purebred animals.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Description of the breed

This is a strong and hardy dog ​​that is suitable for any climatic conditions..

The breed has a rough body type and powerful muscles.

The body is developed, wide and balanced; experts also note its elongation, which is rather a disadvantage of the breed than an advantage.

Neck of medium length with a well-defined scruff.

Read more about what a Caucasian Shepherd looks like here.

The animal’s behavior is noted for its ability to analyze the situation and not give in to panic, and its long security service has endowed the dog with a sense of vigilance, but not without a distrustful attitude towards strangers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the breed:

  • mind;
  • restraint;
  • self-control;
  • ability to analyze and assess the degree of danger;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • attachment to the ward;
  • fearless protector and guard.


  • waywardness;
  • stubbornness;
  • the owner will need patience and perseverance;
  • special coat care (excessive shedding);
  • requires conscientious work on education and training;
  • not suitable for living in an apartment;
  • not suitable for people with weak character.


The character is calm, restrained and not subject to unnecessary excitement.
Only family inspires trust, while outsiders create suspicion . Distrust of strangers dates back to the formation of the breed, when the main purpose of the dog was to guard the house.

Caucasians have a special attitude towards children; they perceive them as their flock.

Character traits

All mixed breeds are considered unpredictable dogs, since when different breeds are crossed, different temperaments are mixed. Matings of other types of shepherds with German shepherds are usually carried out in order to produce more trainable, obedient offspring that will undoubtedly follow the owner’s commands. Alabais are no exception; purebred representatives of the breed are characterized by stubbornness and a tendency to do things at their own discretion, and not according to orders.

It’s good if the crossbreed receives character traits in which the best properties of the German Shepherd are complemented by the characteristics of the Alabai:

  • fearlessness, courage;
  • learning ability, intelligence;
  • excellent ability to guard, protect;
  • endurance, energy;
  • equanimity;
  • devotion to the owner.

Dogs can get along well with other pets. They are kind to small children, however, they should not be left alone without supervision: crossbreeds are large in size and can accidentally push or knock down a child when moving.

Your dog needs moderate exercise regularly to exercise his body and mind. Long walks with active games will allow her to channel her energy into a “peaceful direction.”

A cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai quite easily learns commands, but can become stubborn when executing them and do as it pleases or is convenient. This behavior should be stopped from the age of the puppy. Only through training can the constant desire to dominate be smoothed out.

When inviting guests, owners of a mixed-breed Central Asian Shepherd dog need to take into account that he is wary of all strangers and barks at them. It doesn’t matter to the dog that strangers have entered the territory it protects with its owners. This feature is inherent in the blood.



Alabai, also called the Central Asian Shepherd Dog, has been around for more than four thousand years..

The breed originated from the ancient dogs of Tibet and during its formation was subjected to strict natural selection due to harsh conditions and the eternal struggle with enemies.

This left an imprint on the character and appearance of the dog, which is distinguished by its large stature and physique..

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the breed:

  • mind;
  • calm;
  • moderate appetite;
  • ease of care;
  • distrust of strangers;
  • devoted to the owner;
  • innate protective qualities;


  • stubbornness;
  • dominant and demanding character;
  • requires conscientious work on education and training;
  • tendency to vagrancy;
  • not suitable for people who are afraid of difficulties.

Character traits

The dog is serious, confident and a little proud.

There is a clearly expressed sense of ownership, which clearly manifests itself within its territory; when visiting, it demonstrates calmness and slight indifference.

In matters of home security and attitude towards strangers, males react directly, while females act cautiously and attack at close contact.

Breed training is often aimed at establishing a hierarchy in the family rather than at obedience of the pet.


Differences between representatives of the breeds are noticeable in the character and behavior of individuals. The Caucasian wolfhound is a self-sufficient individual who does not like to be subordinated. The owner must show will and restraint in order to force him to respect himself and unquestioningly carry out commands. At the same time, the Caucasian’s devotion extends exclusively to the owner; other people are perceived by him as strangers.

Alabais are also used to living in freedom, but they are more attached to people and not only to one owner, but to the whole family. The dog is tolerant of children and other pets in the house. He is not inclined to show aggression unnecessarily. It is difficult for Alabai to be alone; he misses his family.

On average, the lifespan of the Central Asian Shepherd is slightly longer than that of the Caucasian: 13 and 11 years, respectively.

Thus, if we compare the two breeds, the Alabai is better suited for living in a house with a family. But the Caucasian will prove himself as an unsurpassed watchman for protecting the territory. He is more aggressive and independent.

The advertisements for sale also offer crossbreeds. A mixed breed of Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd Dog inherits the external features of its parents. He is large, shaggy, adapted to life on the street. However, with a mixture of two different breeds, the character of the cub may be unstable.

Main differences

Let's highlight the differences in general appearance:

External indicatorsCaucasian Shepherd DogCentral asian shepherd dog
HeadLarge, wide at the cheekbonesProportional
EyesSmall, slanting and deep set. Attentive look Widely spaced. Confident look
EarsSet on highLow set
Muzzle shapePointed towards the noseRectangular
WoolCoarse, straight hair and with thick undercoatDense, coat slightly long or short
PawsShorter, but a little thickerMiddle length
TailWrapped in a ring, fluffyOften docked, so the tail is short

A Caucasian is inferior in height to a Central Asian, who on average grows to 70 cm, or even 80 cm, while a Caucasian is 60 cm.

In rare cases, the Caucasian reaches 75 cm, which is still not enough to surpass the Alabai.

The weight of the first ranges from 45-75 kg, the second - 45-80 kg.

However, both dogs have impressive size and well-developed muscles. The difference in life expectancy is small. On average, a Caucasian lives 10-11 years, and an Alabai lives 12-15.

In general, Alabai is larger in size, but a lot depends on nutrition, regularity of activities and walks.

Choosing a puppy

This is a very important and responsible matter. First, visit large exhibitions, where adult animals and Asian Shepherd puppies are always presented.

Here you can agree with the owners of the animals you like about the terms of future purchase. For pedigree breeding, a pedigree approved by cynological clubs in Russia and abroad must be presented.

If you are choosing a dog for guarding, then you will need Asian Shepherd puppies from producers who have a diploma in guard service ("KS").

Watchdogs should be chosen just as carefully. They should be distinguished by balance and obedience. The puppy must not have congenital defects or hereditary diseases.

Therefore, it is better to purchase a dog from a kennel whose “graduates” have proven themselves to be reliable guards.

Ask the baby's parents. The bitch, as a rule, is kept in the kennel, and the male is also a “visitor”. But you need to know that the puppy inherits its mental characteristics and character from its mother. His father “gives” him only physical parameters. You can also familiarize yourself with them in absentia by carefully studying the manufacturer’s form.

Asian Shepherd puppies are ready for a change of residence no earlier than 6-8 weeks after birth. At this time, they have already received their first vaccinations.

Pay attention to the puppy's mobility and leadership qualities. To do this, after throwing, for example, a bunch of keys, place a saucer with a treat next to it.

The puppy who is not afraid to approach the saucer will subsequently become a fearless watchman.

The exterior of the puppy is of great importance. His hair should not be too long - it may turn out that he is a cross between a Caucasian Shepherd and an Asian. A purebred Central Asian Shepherd puppy has a drop-shaped head. The transition from the back of the head to the muzzle is smoothed

Note the massive lower jaw with a scissor bite. The distance between the front paws and the width of the chest should be equal to the width of the palm of an adult

The croup is massive and wide. Asian puppies hold their tail high.

How are they similar?

Both dogs have a large, athletic build and developed, powerful muscles.

Due to their strong build and thick undercoat, pets will keep their owner company wherever he goes..

They have self-control and can tolerate lack of food and drink.


Both participated in the protection of sheep, so they know how to make decisions independently, and the shepherd’s life affected the external and internal appearance of the dogs.

These are hardy and fearless animals.

What is Alabai capable of?

The Asian Alabai, for all its size, is a fairly balanced and calm dog. The breed was bred to protect sheep from wolves and protect homes.

These dogs rarely attack people, although they may bark excessively or simply become wary. This is how they show their owner their importance and their readiness to always protect him. That is why representatives of this breed willingly follow commands, and in general they are not difficult to train.

Such animals are very caring towards children and get along well with them, as with all other family members.

The classic height of representatives of this breed is 50–80 cm, weight is 40–80 kg. They live 12–13 years with good care.

Who is stronger?

The dogs are almost equal in terms of strength, but not in the manner of fighting.

The Caucasian acts fearlessly and is ready to predict the actions of the enemy, while the Alabai is characterized by a quick reaction and the ability to think through actions on the go.

In battle, the shepherd is serious, it is not enough for the dog to defeat the enemy, the law of the ancestors says: the enemy must die.

The Caucasian is distinguished by a massive physique and wins due to strength, when, like the other, he wins with dexterity and cunning.

In a fight it is difficult to predict who will come out on top because each breed has advantages.

Alabai or Caucasian? Who will win?

An article was recently published on the topic “Who is stronger: a Caucasian or a pit bull”

? Despite severe debate in the comments, we decided to continue. Among wolfhounds, there are 2 most common breeds in the CIS - the Caucasian Shepherd Dog (Caucasian) and the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Let's figure out which of them is stronger.

Let's start with the fact that both dogs have approximately the same weight. Alabais, as a rule, weigh between 40-80 kg. Caucasians - 50-80 kg.

The height at the withers is also approximately the same, but Alabais are usually 5-10 cm taller, and Alabais have longer legs. On the other hand, this is compensated for by Caucasians with a stronger backbone.

Caucasians have longer wool, but there is not much difference. Both breeds have excellent guard hair and a dense undercoat.

The Caucasian has a larger muzzle and a slightly more powerful jaw than the Alabai. Another difference is that Alabai have both their ears and tail docked, while Caucasians have only their ears docked.

So far, both breeds are roughly on par.

Now let's look at the character of dogs.

Generally speaking, the Caucasian is a more evil breed. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are more independent and, as they say in the world of dog lovers, “a dog of one owner.” They are characterized by extremely increased dominance and “boil” more sharply when attacking the enemy.

In this regard, Alabais are also far from being lap dogs, but they are kinder. They are more loyal to all members of the family where they live, and attack only when they have weighed the pros and cons.

Which breed is best suited to be kept on the street, on a chain, or as a guard?

Like any large dog, a Caucasian is more comfortable in a private house with a yard than in an apartment.

This is a freedom-loving animal that needs regular exercise and whose impressive shape is ready to scare away an intruder.

This is a worthy candidate for the role of a security guard, whose loyalty and devotion have yet to be earned.

Alabai is one of the best guard dogs, which is ready to become a loyal friend and protector for the family . It is recommended to build relationships on the principles of respect and partnership.

Shepherds are freedom-loving animals and a chain for them is equal to humiliation, as it takes them away from the possibility of free movement and has a bad effect on their morale..

The best option would be a spacious enclosure with a booth.

Ways to avoid unwanted mating

Accidental mating can lead to an unwanted pregnancy in a dog, making it difficult for owners. To prevent this, we will describe a number of ways to avoid troubles with pregnancy, mongrel babies, and the upcoming distribution to kind people. The information is useful as a reminder to inattentive owners who encounter similar cases.

Ways to protect a female from mating:

  • take him out for walks on a short leash; cannot be left out of sight; It is recommended to avoid walking in dog parks during the heat period, and to avoid places where dogs congregate; in case of oversight, try to disperse; if the animals are already in the castle, it is better not to touch the animals, this threatens with psychological and physical injuries.

It is acceptable not to go outside when you are in heat; three weeks is a short period of time to worry. To prevent pregnancy in case of unwanted mating, you should contact a veterinarian within 24 hours from the moment of mating. The doctor will inject the animal with special medications, providing a guarantee of getting rid of the offspring of mongrels. For the remaining time, the female can no longer be mated with another male; she must wait for a new heat.

Who is easier to maintain and care for?

Both animals have thick fur, which not only helps them withstand harsh cold, but also has a habit of shedding in the spring.

Compared to the Caucasian, the coat of the Central Asian is shorter and therefore does not require special care..

The coat looks well-groomed and tangles easily. Nails and teeth require much more care.

To avoid troubles, the Caucasian's coat requires regular brushing, at least 3 times a week. Nails and teeth are also not left without attention.

If the dog lives in an enclosure, this does not exempt the owner from walking; Alabai loves active walks to maintain and develop muscle mass.

How to properly care

Alabai care includes:

  • regular feeding. Food should be balanced, appropriate for the dog’s age, and contain many vitamins;
  • periodic combing and haircuts. If the dog does not live in the north and does not need a thick skin, it can be cut, but the coat will have to be combed constantly;
  • vaccinations. Like any animal, Alabai needs vaccinations, for example, it needs to be vaccinated against rabies;
  • walks. If the yard is small and there is not enough space for the dog, then you will have to constantly walk the Alabai; without walks, he will get bored, become lethargic and inactive.

Regular mating of animals during estrus and subsequent care of puppies are also important.

Note! The Alabai can spend most of the year in an open enclosure; its fur coat protects it from both cold and heat. But it’s better to build a dog house

Features of caring for bitches

The first heat occurs in Central Asian Shepherds at the age of 2 years, but usually breeders do not recommend breeding dogs at this time; it is better to wait at least 1 year. This will avoid multiple pregnancies and miscarriages.

Estrus time is August-September. Estrus occurs once or twice a year, the best time for mating is the end of winter. Pregnancy lasts 60-65 days. You can recognize it by the presence of discharge from the loop, which appears in the third week after mating.

Important! During pregnancy, bitches become aggressive and need increased nutrition; food should be rich in vitamins. Childbirth in most cases goes smoothly

If the bitch is young and there are a lot of puppies, then you should expect them to appear a few days earlier

Childbirth in most cases goes smoothly. If the bitch is young and there are a lot of puppies, then you should expect their appearance a few days earlier.

Feeding a bitch during pregnancy requires a large amount of vitamins


It is better to find out what the alabai eats directly from the breeder. Typically dogs of this size are fed:

  • special feeds;
  • porridge;
  • bones;
  • meat;
  • fish.

An Asian dog's daily diet must include boiled and fresh vegetables and vitamins. You need to feed 2-3 times a day, the dog needs a lot of food, but should not be allowed to become obese. There must be fresh water in the bowl.


Alabais are walked on a leash and muzzle, like most dogs. Children and elderly people should not be entrusted with walking dogs; if the dog is not sufficiently trained or feels like a leader, then it can snatch the leash from a person’s hands and run away in pursuit of a cat or another dog. If the dog is not trained, walk it only away from residential buildings and people. Central Asian shepherd dogs are released into the urban environment on a leash and in a collar only after they have mastered basic commands.

Important! Walk frequently, at least twice a day. The dog needs constant movement, it is not a chain dog, a purebred Alabai needs space

Feeding principle

Caucasians are fed both regular foods and dry food. They can be accustomed to a mixed type of feeding.

The diet of an adult must include meat (for example, beef) in the amount of 0.7 - 1 kg per day, boiled chicken, fish and vegetables.

They also feed cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet), flour and pasta products. Fruits and greens are good for dogs, but in small quantities and raw.

Alabais are not picky in their diet, but are susceptible to joint diseases, so calcium should predominate in the diet.

The list of products includes meat (beef and veal), sea and low-fat fish, raw and boiled vegetables, cereals (rice, buckwheat). It is advised to abstain from chicken.

Prohibited products include:

  • pork;
  • bones;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • citrus fruit;
  • legumes;
  • salted, smoked and canned food;
  • seasonings


Comparison of Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dogs makes it possible to identify similarities between them. They primarily concern the exterior of animals and their purpose.

In appearance, the dogs are similar in large dimensions, which is clearly visible in the presented photos.

  • alabai 0.65 -0.80 m and 40-80 kg;
  • Caucasian 0.60-0.75 m and 45-75 kg.

Both shepherds are guard dogs. They were bred to look after flocks of sheep in pastures, escort trade caravans, and guard homes. Life in the natural environment has developed in animals unpretentiousness, the ability to quickly adapt to conditions, endurance and immunity to disease.

The need to protect the owner’s property determined the style of behavior - wary, attentive. One of the names of the dogs is wolfhound, which indicates their ability to engage in open combat with the gray predator and defeat it.

Caucasians and Central Asians are distinguished by self-esteem, nobility and self-will.

Comparison of breeds by other criteria

Like other herding dogs, these animals benefit from intelligence and intelligence. Herd protection presupposes the ability to adequately assess the situation and make decisions independently.

These are brave dogs that, like their owners, are capable of acting alone.

However, there are many differences in the temperaments of animals . The Caucasian Shepherd Dog values ​​freedom, and therefore obeys its owner with great reluctance, while the Alabai craves attention and approval.

It is difficult for a Caucasian to live in an apartment because he is used to large spaces and physical activity.

And the innate distrust of strangers makes the dog an excellent watchman. Compared to the wolfhound, the Central Asian is cunning and flexible.

This is a calm animal that will be imbued with sympathy for the family, and in relation to children will play the role of nanny.

OptionsCaucasianCentral Asia
AggressivenessMore, everywhereSmaller and on our own territory
Security qualitiesGoodGood
Attitude towards the ownerDevotedDevoted
Attitude towards childrenWaryFriendly
Attitude towards other animalsPatientLoyal towards your own people, aggressive towards strangers

Comparative characteristics

Alabai is a strong guard dog whose homeland is considered to be Turkmenistan. This breed was bred to guard houses and herds. Raising it is difficult, but with the right approach, this animal will become its owner's best friend.

Important! This dog is not suitable for living in an apartment; it needs space. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed

But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs were also bred as a guard breed. But at the same time, it has an even more capricious character than the Alabai. Even with proper training, such an animal recognizes only one owner, whom it considers the main one in the house.

External differences

The main common feature for representatives of both breeds is their large height and weight, which is why owners of private houses pay attention to these dogs. If we talk about other external features of the breeds, then:

  • Alabais have thick and short hair, Caucasian Shepherd Dogs have longer hair with a thick undercoat;
  • Alabai dogs must have their ears and tail docked; for Caucasians, this procedure is at the discretion of the owner;
  • Alabais can have white, gray, reddish and black fur, they can even be spotted. Among Caucasians, gray color is more common, but brown is also common. A characteristic feature is the presence of a dark mask on the face, but there are animals without it.

Thus, despite the external similarity, there are enough differences between representatives of these breeds. And even a person far from cynology can easily figure out where the Alabai is and where the Caucasian Shepherd is. But with mestizos the situation is a little more difficult.


Differences in character and attitude towards a person

What distinguishes these dogs primarily is their character. Alabais are considered not only independent and proud, but even to a certain extent self-confident and arrogant. They relate well to other animals living in the house, and can even get along well with other dogs.

Note! Alabai consider themselves masters only in the territory that they define as their own. Outside of it, they are neutral towards strangers

Alabais, despite their pride and independence, perfectly sense the mood of the owner; often such a dog becomes a good friend to its owner, but only if he raised and trained the puppy from a very tender age.

Alabai motley color

It is interesting that gender differences are noticeable in the character of the Alabais. Males behave more aggressively, they are distinguished by their courage and hostility towards strangers in their territory

Bitches behave more cautiously and can even act with cunning; they turn to direct aggression less often

Caucasians are a breed that is also called loyal to its owner. But at the same time, its representatives show their feelings very restrainedly and are more independent and self-sufficient compared to the Alabai. In addition, Caucasians choose only one owner, and can show aggression towards other family members. It will take a lot of work to eradicate it. This is also the difference between the breeds, since Alabai are neutral towards the family.

For your information! If we compare the life expectancy of representatives of these breeds, then for Alabais it is on average slightly longer - 12-15 years. While Caucasian Shepherd dogs live on average 10-11 years.

Price difference

The price is determined by many factors:

  • pedigree;
  • size (large puppies from a litter are more expensive)
  • gender (the price of females is obviously higher, since they are responsible for procreation);
  • coat color;
  • age and development (puppy costs are included in the price);
  • delivery address.

The cost of a Caucasian is on average 15 thousand rubles, but can vary from 6 to 60 thousand rubles.

The cost of an Alabai puppy ranges from 10 to 100 thousand rubles, and a purebred Alabai costs an average of 25 thousand rubles.

Useful video

Description of the Caucasian Shepherd and Alabai breeds

Thus, the Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherds are very interesting breed groups that are trying to be driven into the framework of average breeds, instead of dividing each group into several breeds and continuing selection in this direction. As a result of such a monstrous policy of our dog handlers, the oldest endemic dogs of Central Asia and the Caucasus may disappear from the face of the earth.

Recommended articles: Caucasian Shepherd Dog: guardian of your home Training a Caucasian Shepherd Dog is not easy, important and interesting.

Which breed should you choose?

It's difficult to conclude who is better.

A lot comes down to the future owner and whether he or she will reach an understanding with the pet.


It is important to remember that the breeds have a big difference in character, so if the owner intends to raise the animal alone, then feel free to take a Caucasian Shepherd.

An Alabai who will intentionally seek attention to his person will get along well with a large family . The desire to show off has already become a habit with this dog and has almost become part of the character of this breed.

Dog fighting

Both breeds became famous for competing in dog fights. Moreover, both occupy second position in the list of the best, right behind the pit bull.

Dog fighting appeared many centuries ago; even the ancient Romans pitted dogs against each other, as well as against bears, elephants and other large animals for fun. In the 19th century, these fights were called sports, and in the 20th century they began to earn big money from it.

Today, dog fighting is prohibited in 50 countries, and officially permitted in only three. The most brutal battles are held in the United States, and the organizers of these events are persecuted more than anywhere else. Even spectators of underground clubs can go to jail for a long time.

See also: Hachiko: Akita Inu dog breed

Dog fights - Alabai versus Caucasian Shepherd are held quite often and are the most spectacular. All blood lovers gather there. And, if in Europe they want to see who is stronger, then in America the whole point lies in who will win, that is, who will survive. To be fair, it should be noted that in states where dog fighting is legal, a veterinarian is present, and the fighting itself never ends in the death of the animal.

If you are interested in blood sport, train your pet well, take care of it and let it rest after each fight. Some do the opposite - they treat the dog terribly, do not feed it and beat it to provoke aggression. Some of them even inject drugs into their pets to make them stronger and angrier. But you and I are adequate people, aren’t we? Is the health or even the life of your beloved dog worth this “black” money?..

Cross between Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd

This crossbreeding occurs at an amateur level, so do not expect the development of a new breed. In appearance, these are charming cubs who are called mestizos.

They represent something in between the two parents.

The puppies are large, easy to train and always inherit the watchdog, security and fighting qualities of their ancestors . They are also distrustful of strangers and are zealously ready to protect their territory.

Caucasian and Central Asian shepherd dogs are not lap dogs with large and tremulous eyes. These are large animals, ready to defend their family and home.

A stubborn character and a tendency to dominate also do not add attractiveness to the overall picture . Not every owner is ready to fight for leadership in the house.

Still, the breed of these dogs was formed over many centuries, and therefore the dogs retained the best qualities, tested by time.

Who are the mestizos?

Translated from French, mestizo means a mixture. In our case, it is a mixture of different qualities of different breeds. It occurs when the breed of the parent dogs is unknown or the crossing occurs by accident. Mestizos are also born from crossing purebred dogs. But since the offspring were not bred into a separate breed, they do not have documents and are classified as mongrels.

In most cases, mixed breeds appear in dogs that are similar in size. Their appearance is unpredictable, but individual features of both parents will be visible in the most unexpected ways.

You can meet a formidable bull terrier mixed breed who is sincerely perplexed and wonders why everyone shy away from him instead of just petting him.

Dogs, in whose veins the blood of genetically distant parents flows, often surpass their purebred counterparts in intelligence. They are more resilient and rarely get sick. But the fact that the inheritance of characteristic breed character traits cannot be clearly traced is a big drawback. Purebred animals are more predictable in this regard.

Metis (photo)


For a dog to feel good and be healthy, it needs the right diet. If you prefer dry food, do not buy cheap options. Premium products have a truly balanced and natural composition, enriched with vitamins and microelements. Cheap analogues can only harm the animal.

You cannot feed your dog sweets, flour, fatty or canned foods. Bones are required, but non-tubular bones are allowed. In this regard, beef ones are ideal. You can also give offal. The basis of natural nutrition is meat.

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