White Doberman: characteristics, origin, character traits.

Having a dog means having a friend, but sometimes such friends are sold too expensive or, on the contrary, cheap. In this case, there must be some conditions and factors that influenced the cost of a particular breed.

One of the most popular now is the Doberman. But how to choose the right dog of this breed and how much money does it really cost? If you are impatient, then summarizing the information about the cost, we can conclude that in Russia a dog will cost from 15 to 100 thousand rubles . But, these prices are provided for puppies with documents. If you decide to buy a dog without documents, you will spend an average of 10,000 rubles .

Breed standard

The international organization of cynologists FCI initially accepted only the black color of Doberman Pinschers. A little later, brown was approved. Dogs of this white breed are considered the result of a gene mutation, and therefore have poor health, aggressive or, conversely, apathetic character. Breeders from America and England developed isabella and blue colors. However, they also faced a fiasco - the standard was not approved. Breeding white Dobermans is considered useless: the animals are afraid of everything and react poorly to light. This is a serious obstacle to fulfilling their main purpose - protecting the home and the owner.

Breed characteristics

White Dobermans are unusual and very beautiful. Their sense of affection is very developed; without their owner, they begin to feel sad. In order for a dog to feel comfortable, he needs a leader, a leader - and this is his owner. Dogs are characterized by unpredictable behavior and unstable psyche: they can be aggressive and sometimes get scared by rustling noises. They are difficult to train.

Appearance and special features of the breed

Albinos are distinguished by light (white or cream) fur, blue eyes and the same light lips and nose. The white gene is not associated with genes that are responsible for pigmentation - a small white puppy will not change color. There are no other external differences from their black or brown brothers: a muscular body, high paws, a wide neck and powerful jaws. The genetic experiment affected the eyes and vision of the Doberman - the retina is poorly developed, which explains photophobia. In the future, complete blindness and deafness may occur.

general description

The weight of an adult dog reaches 30 - 46 kg, the height at the withers reaches 72 cm. The animal belongs to the category of medium-sized dogs. The head is slightly elongated, wedge-shaped, with well-developed brow ridges. A smooth transition from the flat forehead to the muzzle is noticeable. Dobermans have a powerful jaw with white teeth and a scissor bite. The lips fit tightly to the teeth. The eyes are almond-shaped, light in color. Cropped ears stand in proportion to the head, set high and pointed. The neck is muscular, set high and long. Well developed withers.

The back is strong and short, slightly convex loin, sloping wide croup. The chest is oval-shaped, wide, and according to the standard should reach the elbow joint. The abdomen is moderately tucked and looks like a beautiful arch from below. The tail must be docked - only 3 vertebrae are allowed to remain. The fore and hind legs are muscular, toned and straight. Characterized by straight forearms and elbows that are pressed tightly to the chest. The hocks are strong and elastic, sloping, long shins. Paws are balled, arched. White Dobermans have short, sparse fur than their relatives.

Distinctive features

Weight30-45 kg
Height68-72 cm
Woolwhite or light cream color with a slight bronze tint.
Eyes.blue almond-shaped. Abnormal development of the retina can cause the dog to become blind and deaf.
Noselight pink
Headwedge-shaped with powerful jaws
Necklong, muscular
Backstrong short
Character traitstimidity, nervousness

Possible defects

The ideal Doberman is a square-shaped dog

If we talk about the disadvantages, they include:

  • high legs;
  • sparse fur with long hair;
  • completely white color or white spots;
  • weak bones;
  • aggressiveness;
  • close-set ears;
  • clubfoot;
  • very sloping croup.

The back of such a dog can be hunchbacked, which not only spoils the appearance, but also causes discomfort to the animal. There are individuals who are too timid, which is not typical for the breed.

Disqualifying faults

The white Doberman will not be allowed to participate in international exhibitions, since albinism is a complex and harmful mutation of the dog’s entire body, and not just an unusual coat color. White color is a clear reason for disqualification. The International Organization of Cynologists does not recognize such dogs.

Lifespan: how many years does he live?

If you provide the animal with good care, its average life expectancy (from 7 to 10 years) can increase to 15 years. The white Doberman is a dog whose health can hardly be called strong.

Price examples

As already mentioned, you can buy a dog for 8,000 or 100,000 rubles. Now you know what factors influence price formation. Let's take two specific examples to fully grasp the information and analyze the data.

  • A Doberman puppy is sold in Moscow, show class (the most expensive) for 50,000 rubles. This is not to say that the litter is valuable, but the class is high. This will be a pearl, because the breed is often exhibited at exhibitions. It is difficult to find such a dog without documents.
  • The puppy is sold in Chelyabinsk for 20,000 rubles, pet class. All necessary documents are available. If there is little demand in the city, then the price will be reduced, and the availability of papers is important, because sales in the provinces are often carried out without them.

Character and psyche

White Dobermans are completely unpredictable dogs. They are cowardly and afraid of unfamiliar sounds. This dog is not suitable for protection and protection

Unlike his “dark brother”, the white dog will become a wonderful friend for the whole family - he is easy-going and shy. It is very important for such pets to feel like part of the family and to be treated with care.

The animal does not have a quick reaction to the situation - they are slow and have poor vision, so it is difficult for them to recognize a threat. In addition, dogs are characterized by nervousness - their behavior is sometimes inappropriate and unexpected. A pronounced character trait is a sense of ownership. In addition to the negative aspects, there are also positive ones - the dog is extremely loyal. He needs to obey the leader. During training, he will only follow the commands of the person he is confident in. When training, each command should be spoken in a confident, calm, but authoritative tone. If your pet follows the command correctly, you can reward him with a dog treat.

Use and purpose of the breed

Initially, the dog was bred for security and service purposes. But the white Doberman, due to its nature and complications, lost its protective skills, leaving only the function of a reliable companion.

Historical reference

The white Doberman was artificially bred in the 70s of the 20th century.

For the first time, a female of the usual dark brown color gave birth to an albino puppy in 1976. Once the puppy reached reproductive age, attempts were made to cross the born albino bitch with a Doberman male of normal color. The experiment was not a success: the puppy was born brown.

White Dobermans are considered very rare.

Subsequently, an albino puppy was nevertheless born after mating a white mother with her normal-colored son.

All white representatives of the breed in the United States are descendants of the first albino bitch. Therefore, white people are considered an incomplete albino.

How to care

Albinos cannot be kept in enclosures - in addition to eye problems, these representatives of the breed are very cold. They need home warmth. If a Doberman has been exposed to the cold for a long time, he may catch a cold. In the worst case, death due to hypothermia is possible. Actively comb your pet during shedding, bathe as necessary. The basic rule is to devote enough time to the animal, more active physical activity, a balanced diet + vitamin complex.

Walks should follow a standard route - if you change it, it can provoke a surge of panic and anger. These should be places far from roads and busy highways, noise. Since there is little hair on the dog, be careful with exposure to the sun - direct rays can cause burns. To prevent the animal from being injured, avoid areas with obstacles. In winter, your pet should be dressed warmly - warm dog jackets with a deep hood should be added to his wardrobe (ears freeze very quickly). To prevent your pet from catching a cold, buy him a raincoat for wet weather.


White Dobermans have problems with their teeth, so you should not chew hard plastic toys often. The best option is soft rubber or latex, as well as edible treats made from meat and bone meal or offal.


Due to the absence of undercoat, the coat can simply be gently wiped with napkins or cloth 2 – 3 times a week. The dog must be wormed and treated for skin parasites. It is important not to forget about trimming nails. If this is not done, the dog will feel discomfort when walking due to long nails or will limp. The ears should be periodically cleaned of wax and dirt with a cotton swab. Doberman's teeth need care: they need to be brushed at least 2 - 3 times a week. For dogs, a separate paste and brush are selected, which can be purchased at a veterinary store. Dobermans need water treatments no more than 2 – 3 times a year. Only products for smooth-haired dogs are used.


White Dobermans are susceptible to very specific diseases. For example, this is a fear of light - the owners close the windows, since the dog can bump into all the obstacles and objects that surround it. In addition, they may suffer from the following health problems:

  • allergic reactions;
  • eye diseases;
  • cancer diseases;
  • dermatitis, eczema;
  • baldness;
  • poor blood clotting is a problem that cannot be eliminated.

Hip dysplasia can affect all dogs of this breed. This is a genetic disease in which the dog becomes lame on its hind legs. You can only get rid of it through surgery, but rehabilitation is difficult and time-consuming.

Origin, history, creation

The Doberman dog as a breed was formed in Germany at the end of the 19th century. But it was then called the Thuringian Pinscher, after the name of the place of Thuringia, where Friedrich Louis Dobermann bred it.

Despite the fact that the formation of the breed is relatively recent, there is no accurate information about the origin of the breed. Information about the Doberman's breeding process has not been recorded anywhere, so the dog's history is based on guesswork and its similarities with other breeds.

The idea to develop a suitable service dog came to Doberman when, while working as a night policeman and tax collector, he realized that no breed satisfied his requirements. He dreamed of a hardy, intelligent, alert dog of medium height and smooth fur.

Friedrich Louis Dobermann was a regular at dog shows, where he looked for animals that could give rise to his dream breed. It is assumed that at the initial stage of crossbreeding, shepherd dogs such as shepherd dogs were used - the ancestors of the Beaucerons, Old German pinschers, butcher dogs - the ancestors of the Rottweilers. But this is not the whole list. Researchers include the Blue Great Dane, English Mastiff, Pointer, Greyhound, and Gordon Setter. The debate about who is the ancestor of this fantastically hardy breed continues to this day.

Doberman is the focus of the positive qualities inherent in many breeds:

  • the color and length of the hair may have come from a smooth-haired pinscher;
  • phenotype and fighting character - from the Rottweiler;
  • herding qualities - from shepherd dogs;
  • love for hunting and flair - from hunting breeds.

The original name of the breed was changed to “Doberman Pinscher” in 1894, and in the middle of the 20th century the final version “Doberman” was officially recognized.

How to feed?

A distinctive feature of the white Dobermann is its strong tendency to react. Everything a dog eats must be carefully considered. You need to feed the dog 2 times a day, preferably after a walk. Do not forget about vitamin complexes and supplements - you should consult your veterinarian about this. In winter, food should be higher in calories - this is due to the body’s need to actively warm itself.

Dry food or natural products?

If your dog eats dry food, it is better to give preference to the “holistic” or “super premium” class. If he initially ate only natural food, it is important to take care of its freshness. An approximate diet for an adult should contain the following products:

  • 1 kg of raw meat - chicken, lamb or beef. Pork is considered a fatty variety that is on the prohibited list;
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • offal – liver, kidneys, hearts, lungs;
  • greens, vegetables - zucchini, carrots, beets, tomatoes;
  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk;
  • porridge – oatmeal, rice, buckwheat.

The daily portion of an adult dog must be calculated individually, depending on activity, health and duration of walks.

What is forbidden to feed?

If you do not want to harm your pet, you need to know what you should never feed him.

List of prohibited products:

  • smoked meats;
  • pearl barley and semolina;
  • sausages;
  • sweets;
  • potato;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • corn porridge;
  • bakery products.

Do not treat your Doberman with fatty or salty foods. Avoid feeding fried foods. Completely exclude canned food and semi-finished products from the menu - the dishes must be fresh! Whole milk is also prohibited - it acts as a laxative and can cause gastrointestinal upset.

Nuances when choosing a Doberman: what to look for

If you want to save every ruble, you need to be prepared that, probably, your pet will not be a participant in breeding, will not take prizes, and no one will give guarantees related to excellent psyche and working qualities.
It’s not for nothing that they say that it is impossible to buy a Mercedes for the price of a Zaporozhets. And this rule always works, no matter what area it applies to. When choosing a Doberman puppy, it is advisable to contact an experienced breeder in the nursery so that you have the opportunity to see the entire litter. As you know, champion boys are often given to bitches of very different quality, and therefore there is no guarantee that every puppy will take the paternal inheritance. Meanwhile, the owners of breeding bitches, in turn, value their charges and their reputation, and therefore will not breed them with a mediocre dog.

How to choose a puppy?

It is very important to pre-select a nursery - it should deal with one breed. You should not buy a baby who is younger than 2 months. Be sure to check your documents and veterinary passport. It is important to pay attention to the baby’s behavior - if the puppy is healthy, he will play and behave confidently. Mucous membranes, ears, eyes should be clean, and the coat should be shiny. It is advisable to study the pedigree - the pedigree branch should not be crossed and repeated, and the ancestors should not be repeated.

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