Doberman in the family - is a Doberman a good family dog?

Are Dobermans good family dogs? Most likely yes. Dobermans are highly intelligent, people-oriented, loyal, loving and protective dogs.

If attention is paid to early socialization and training, they can make excellent pets.

Although Dobermans generally make excellent, loyal pets, there are certainly differences in personality between individual Dobermans.

The key is to recognize a Doberman puppy that will grow up to work well in your family. Additionally, early exposure to small children and other pets will ensure a very well-rounded dog.

In the photo is my beloved dog Tsvetana, who unfortunately died.

Doberman Temperament Review

This is a general overview of the temperament and personality traits that are most common in a Doberman Pinscher to help you decide how he might fit into your family.

You may be in love with a breed, but don't be afraid to look for another breed if you don't think those traits will work well in your family.

High intelligence:

According to PetMD, Dobermans are among the top five smartest dog breeds in the world. This intelligence means that they are easy to train, but also easily bored. They will work well in an active family that still has rules and boundaries that need to be respected.


these dogs are naturally incredibly loyal and bond very well with their family. They do have a tendency to pick one family member and bond exclusively with them, but they also enjoy being just "part of the pack."

People orientation:

Dobermans are very good with people and will look you straight in the eyes while you are talking to them. They are often called "Velcro" because they will always follow you everywhere. They are very adept at understanding what you expect from them, which is a great quality to have in a pet.

Loving and affectionate:

The modern Doberman can be as loving and affectionate as any lapdog. Be prepared for your 200-pound Doberman to climb into your lap at every opportunity and beg to let you sleep in your bed at night.


Originally bred as personal protection dogs, Doberman Pinschers are excellent guard dogs. They will almost always sleep facing the door for safety reasons and will not hesitate to protect your family if necessary.

High demands on physical activity:

Since Dobermans are a working breed, they need a lot of exercise and do well in a home with a large fenced yard with plenty of room to run and play. This is a great quality if you have active kids who also benefit from getting tired in the backyard from time to time.

These traits are typical of Dobermans, but each dog does have its own unique personality.

Brief data

Name: Doberman.

Country where the breed was bred: Germany.

Date of appearance of the Doberman: 1890

Height: up to 72 cm (males), up to 68 cm (females).

Body weight: 45 kg (males), 35 kg (females).

How long do Dobermans live: up to 14 years.

Dobermans in the family

Overall, these dogs are very versatile and can adapt to a wide variety of situations. Their intelligence and how attuned they are to people helps with this. By nature, Doberman Pinschers are pack animals and love the feeling of belonging to a family or group.

You will find that any Doberman you own will quickly become attached to your family and they don't like to be away from the group.

In fact, the Doberman loves the feeling of being with the pack so much that it is often possible to walk them off-leash on a regular basis. Of course, this depends on the training the dog receives and its environment.

If well socialized from an early age, Dobermans are also excellent with children, can work well with many other pets, will be protective of the family, and make an excellent loyal companion.

Price for training with a dog trainer

Type of workoutprice, rub.
Obedience for puppies1800
Correction of aggression300
Group classes900
Classes on site9500

The Doberman is an intelligent and brave breed. This is a wonderful companion and protector. It is important to have constant contact with the animal so that it knows that it is loved.

Raising a pet should be strict, but not cruel.

To prevent your dog from growing up aggressive and uncontrollable, it is important to train him correctly. A canine specialist can help with this.

Dobermans and children

Doberman Pinschers tend to get along well with the children they are raised with. They are excellent at being gentle and tolerant with small children and babies.

They can also get along well with all children if they are socialized from an early age. We'll talk more about how to properly socialize them later in this article.

The Doberman is an affectionate dog.

They love to give and receive. Dobermans were bred to be very people-oriented, which has the effect of being an affectionate dog. These dogs really appreciate hugs, endless caresses and kisses on the face. In fact, your Doberman may require affection too often. Free them from their children and they will get all the love they can handle.

Doberman is a good defender

Because Dobermans were originally bred as personal protection dogs, they have a natural instinct to protect their owners. This is especially true for anyone whose dog spends a lot of time with them, and I'm willing to bet that your kids will spend a lot of time with your Doberman. Without any training, Dobermans will naturally spring into action if your children are in danger.


If raised correctly, they can be incredibly tolerant of their family members. Poking, prodding, rough hugs from an excited child - none of this will affect your Doberman. Just make sure they get used to it from an early age.

Exercise Partners: This is a working dog breed and they tend to have endless energy, which is great if you have restless children.

In fact, Dobermans need plenty of exercise throughout the day to keep them happy, so close relationships with active children tend to benefit both the children and the dog. TO

When a dog is well trained, you will find that you can leave him home alone for longer periods of time, they tend to be less destructive (especially during teething) and generally healthier.

What do you need to buy?

A standard set, like all dogs, but the characteristics of the breed must be taken into account.


A collar is not only an accessory, but also an important part of everyday life . He must:

  • be the size of the neck so that the dog does not slip out of it during a walk;
  • comfortable (especially for a puppy);
  • durable so that it does not tear during training.

Which is better?

  1. It is not recommended to use a strict collar (parfos), since the Doberman has short hair and no undercoat.
  2. The chain looks beautiful and elegant, but it is fragile. Suitable for shows and walking a trained dog.
  3. A canvas or leather strap is suitable for both a puppy and an adult dog (soft and durable).
  4. It is ideal for an adult Doberman to have several collars (for different purposes).


Dobermans must be muzzled in public places. It makes no difference what material it is made of, the main thing is that it meets the following characteristics:

  • small weight;
  • fastening strength of all components;
  • should not block the animal’s air supply;
  • reliable fixation on the muzzle.


The Doberman does not need a harness, but a strong leash, given its strength, power and impulsiveness.

Tape measure and chain will not work. It is better to purchase a recommended durable leash made of leather or canvas .


If you adopted a Doberman to guard your house on the street, then:

  • Accustom your puppy to life in an enclosure from childhood.
  • It should be spacious.
  • Heated.
  • Equip the booth with heating.

Dobermans with other animals

Any pets that your Doberman is used to, or better yet, grown up with, will be fine. However, problems arise when you introduce an adult dog to a small furry pet.

Large barnyard animals are fine, but you will need to keep a close eye on your dog first. If they appear scared or protective around the animal (this can be the case with very large animals such as horses), this could spell disaster.

With other dogs:

Doberman Pinschers usually get along well in the home with other dogs of the opposite sex. If you must have two dogs of the same sex in your home, females usually get along better with other females.

However, two male Dobermans, or even one male Doberman and one male of any other breed, can be a difficult situation.

While dog breeds that are the same size as your Doberman are best, owners have also found success raising Dobermans with much smaller dogs in the same household.

I have written another article on this topic which includes a compatibility list for Dobermans and small dogs here.

With cats:

There doesn't seem to be a rule that applies to Dobermans in general regarding how they get along with cats, and it seems to depend on the individual dog's temperament.

They are both natural predators, which really helps them get along, but the cat is small and furry, which is one of the worst types of animals you can encounter with a Doberman.

To answer this question, conducted a survey of Doberman Pins owners. In the survey, 28% said their Doberman gets along very well with cats, 47% said they get along “okay,” and 25% said they don’t get along very well.

If you can introduce your Doberman to your cat while he is still a puppy, you will have a much better chance of success.

For more information about how well cats and Dobermans get along, including the best way to introduce them for the first time, see the article Can Dobermans Get Along with Cats?.

With other types of pets: Although each dog's personality is different, they generally get along well with other large animals. It can then handle horses and other large farm animals well if presented correctly.

However, Dobermans do not generally get along well with smaller, furry pets such as guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits and ferrets.

Doberman owners report some success when introducing their dogs to rabbits at a young age, but introducing an adult Doberman to any of these common pets can have disastrous consequences.

The best chance of getting your Doberman to get along with any other pet is to introduce him at a young age. The younger the better, so that when they become strong and strong adults, they become accustomed to your pets and don't feel the instinct to hunt or chase them.

OKD - general training course

You can start taking your six-month-old puppy to classes with a professional. Trainings take place both individually and in groups.

The OKD system was developed in the Russian Federation and is a set of exercises that disciplines the animal. This is necessary as part of the training of service dogs.

For a Doberman, OKD can be very beneficial, even if it is just a house dog. This training will make your pet more obedient and calmer.

In the future, a Doberman with an OKD diploma can become a bodyguard or hunter.

Early socialization is the key to success

Whether it's children, other dogs, or other types of pets, the underlying theme here is that early socialization is the key to success. When a Doberman is a young puppy, everything is interesting to him.

Exposing them to as many situations, people, and other animals as possible will help them become well-rounded adults.

This is especially true for children. When my Doberman was a little puppy, we brought as many children and other dogs as we could to him. He is very used to children petting him, pulling his ears, pulling his ears and worse.

Since all dogs can defend their food, my wife and I used to put our hands in his food bowl while he was eating, forcing him to stop eating and wait for us to remove our hands so he could continue.

He's now almost six years old, weighs about 90 pounds, and kids or anyone else just can't handle him. When it comes to children, he is the most gentle dog I have ever had.

They can tug and pull him as much as they want, and if it's too hard for him, he'll just walk away. Our child can put his hand in the bowl or even directly in his mouth while chewing on his favorite toy and it just won't give him pause.

He will immediately stop eating the food or chewing the toy and wait. I simply cannot stress enough the importance of early socialization for the Doberman.

Take him to the dog park, to family gatherings where there is a big loud group with a lot of people, let the neighborhood kids play with your sweet new puppy.

Just do as much as you can when they are young and you will have a gentle giant when they become adults.


Dobermans have good health, but like every breed there are weaknesses: poor blood clotting, vision problems, hip dysplasia (especially older dogs), diseases of the thyroid gland and heart muscle. Albinism or even cancer occurs.

Another dangerous disease is narcolepsy. This is a condition in which the animal has little control over its sleep-wake transitions. In this case, the pet becomes lethargic, loses appetite and responds worse to commands.

Guard dog instincts

The Doberman Pinscher breed was originally created in the 1800s by a tax collector who needed a dog for personal protection while collecting taxes.

He had many qualities that he believed were ideal for a guard dog. As a result, Dobermans have a natural instinct to protect those they bond with.

However, modern Dobermans are much gentler than their counterparts many generations ago. Breeders have done a good job of breeding out some of the aggressive traits found in these dogs, even just a few decades ago.

They are now great family companions who love their owners, they are affectionate and love to cuddle but will certainly protect you.

What to feed?

We do not recommend saving on food , as it directly affects the physical characteristics and health of the pet.

Dry food

If you are a busy person and you do not have time to prepare a complete diet, then use special mixtures. They must be appropriate for the dog's age. Give preference to Premium class food. There should be no sudden transition from one food to another.


If you decide to feed your pet natural food, then stick to a special balanced menu. It is different for each age.

Menu for the week

Meals for the day roughly look like this: cook porridge (500-900 grams) in broth or water, cut offal or meat into it (500-1000 grams), as well as some grated vegetables (100-200 grams).

You cannot feed:

  • manna;
  • pearl barley;
  • corn porridge.

Two to three times a week, meat is replaced with fish. Doberman should not be given: cutlets, sausages and sausages - all this causes gastritis and even ulcers in the dog. Sugar and potatoes are also contraindicated.

It is useful to arrange (for a healthy dog) a fasting day once a week consisting of crackers and water.

Common Doberman defensive behaviors:

  • Always sleeps facing the door or between you and the bedroom door.
  • Stays close to you in new surroundings.
  • Increased protective instincts when approaching large people and animals.
  • Heightened protective instincts when people approach you with a large stick or other dangerous objects in their hands.

You will probably notice that your Doberman will always sleep facing the door to your room, so he is prepared for anything that comes through it. They will stick close to you, especially if they are with you in a new place or walking in a new area of ​​town.

Even the most beautiful, well-socialized Doberman will become protective if it senses that its owner is in danger. They will do it wrong, and if they truly believe that you are in danger, you can expect your Doberman to sacrifice himself to protect you without a second thought.

There is a common myth about this breed that states that Dobermans are prone to sudden aggression towards their owners for no apparent reason.

Disqualifying Faults

Significant defects due to which a dog is not allowed to participate in exhibitions are:

  • discrepancy between the appearance and gender of the animal (female in male type and vice versa);
  • yellow or blue eyes;
  • malocclusion;
  • wavy or elongated coat;
  • presence of hairless areas;
  • white spots;
  • lack of teeth;
  • excessive nervousness, cowardice, aggression.

Excessive nervousness is a disqualifying fault.

Exercise requirements

One of the most important aspects when deciding whether a Doberman is right for your family is to consider how active your family is. These dogs need a lot of exercise to keep them happy and relieve stress.

If your family is constantly walking or biking, hiking, or just running around playing outdoor games, then this would be a great dog for you. In fact, you may find that your Doberman will outplay your children and tire them out. If your family is less active and stays at home a lot, this may not be the best choice.

There are many dog ​​breeds that are bred as companion dogs and they will be completely happy to spend hours relaxing on your lap in the house. The Doberman Pinscher is not one of them.

Puppy cost

You can buy a dog for 15-40 thousand rubles. In elite nurseries, prices reach 55 thousand rubles. The cost of puppies sold through advertisements or on the poultry market is lower. However, such an animal can grow into a dog that does not look like a Doberman. Pet class pets are considered the cheapest. They are not allowed to participate in exhibitions and breeding because they have subtle defects in the exterior. An animal of this category is suitable for a person who wants to have a companion.

Breed-class dogs are suitable for breeding, the cost starts from 25 thousand rubles. The show category Dobermans are considered the most expensive. They are born infrequently, so they cost from 50 thousand rubles.

Final thoughts

I am often asked for my opinion on Dobermans living in various situations and I can tell you that I have no hesitation in recommending Dobermans for families. They have so many qualities that make them work incredibly well in families and even with small children.

My decision to buy a Doberman for my family was the perfect decision for me. When I leave home, I like to know that my dog ​​is there with my wife and kids.

When we have a big family and it's a big chaotic scene with lots of kids tugging and tugging at our dog, I'm so happy I have a gentle giant.

Do you know which Doberman is best for your family? To find out, read my article Doberman boy or Doberman girl - who is better to get?


Whether this is necessary is up to you to decide.

Why do this?

  1. First of all, for beauty, since high protruding ears and a short tail are the distinctive features of the Doberman breed.
  2. To eliminate vulnerability in combat.
  3. For medicinal purposes.

At what age?

Ear cropping in puppies is done before the tail . In 5-7 days (bleeding will be less and healing will be faster) or 5-8 weeks.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

Special clips are used for the selected shape, but not more than 2/5 of the ears. There is no need to feed on this day.

On one's own

Without experience and relevant knowledge, cropping a dog's ears and tail is not recommended.


It is better to use the services of a professional veterinarian. It will be more expensive, but with less trauma for the pet, since the operation will be performed under anesthesia.

Undocked dog with ears and tail and photo

Today, undocked Dobermans are recognized as a full-fledged breed, and are increasingly winning at exhibitions. Germany, England, Holland, Scandinavia and Austria have already introduced a ban on this operation. Below you can see a photo of a Doberman with undocked ears and tail:


The shape of the ears is created in proportion to the size of the head . It is important that this is done by a specialist. After all, Doberman ears are a source of pride for the owner. As a result, they should stand like horns.

Ear placement

This process is long and painstaking. We need to be patient. The dog will have to wear a special “crown”, and you will constantly have to glue the ears with adhesive tape, adjusting the shape.

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