We prepare treats for dogs with our own hands: recipes from liver and lung and broth

All dogs are food eaters to a greater or lesser extent. They are ready to go to the ends of the earth for a tasty morsel. Therefore, goodies are a powerful reward.

They are used:

  • during training;
  • to encourage desired behavior;
  • if you need to give the dog medicine;
  • after veterinary procedures as a consolation.

Snacks for dogs are divided into 2 groups - homemade and industrially made.

In the article we will talk about natural (homemade) treats: which products will bring benefits and not harm, what treats can be given to dogs and how to prepare them yourself.

Cooking on your own

Homemade cookies are used as a treat It differs from “human” in the absence of sugar and salt. For sweetness, add honey, dried fruits, dried apricots or something similar to the dough.

Unsweetened cookies are made by adding dried liver, nuts, lung, tripe.

Making cookies for your pet is not difficult . This requires:

  • flour 130 gr.;
  • egg;
  • oatmeal – 80 gr.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tsp;
  • half an apple;
  • dried apricots – 5-6 pcs.;
  • honey – 1 tsp.

Cloves are added for aroma and taste. You need to grind the rolled oats, mix it with wheat flour, add an egg, sweetener, and butter. So that the dough can be kneaded, you should add grated apple . The resulting stiff dough should be rolled out and sprinkled with finely chopped dried apricots. Fold the circle in half and roll it out.

After this, cut out squares, hearts, seeds and any other shapes of a convenient size from the dough.

Baking time – 20-30 minutes.

At what age should it be given?

The next question to answer is: at what age can dogs be given dried lung as a treat?

It must be said right away that small puppies cannot be fed with it. A weak stomach may not be able to digest hard food, which will cause upset or vomiting.

From about three months you can introduce it into the diet. First, little by little and thoroughly chopping. It is best to pass the dried lung through a meat grinder and mix it into porridge or other familiar, wet food. If after one or two meals there are no noticeable disruptions in the intestines, the portion can be gradually increased.

Treat bag

A bag that attaches to your belt, which is convenient for adding reward pieces, is sold in many pet stores. But so that it matches the color of your outfit, is of the required size, and can accommodate a bottle of water, you can sew it yourself .
The fabric of the bag should be waterproof so that the food does not get damaged. Most often it is made with a round or oval bottom, cylindrical sides and a cord tightened at the top.

It is important to attach a carabiner for easy fastening to jeans.

To make it convenient to get the food , but at the same time it does not fall out when running or bending, you should replace the lace with an elastic band.

Can I give it raw?

Some breeders, even knowing how to dry lungs for dogs in the oven, wonder: is it possible to give it raw? The answer here is quite clear - no. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, elasticity. No matter how much a dog chews a lung, it still won’t be able to gnaw through it like meat or liver. You'll have to swallow. As a result, a dog, especially a small one, may well choke. Even if the owner is nearby, it is not a fact that he will be able to help. And a dog mad with fear may well commit rash actions.

It would seem that the lung can be cut into small pieces that do not even need to be chewed much. Not a bad move, but when using this product, dogs often experience diarrhea and vomiting. Therefore, it has to be rejected too.

An additional disadvantage is the possibility of infection by parasites. While liver and meat undergo strict controls before sale, this does not apply to lungs. So, giving it to your pet without proper heat treatment, you risk infecting it with worms, which will be very difficult to get rid of.

How to make dog treats at home?

You can make treats based on broth . Such encouragement will be inexpensive, high quality and very tasty. For it you need:

  • 200 ml oatmeal;
  • 200-400 ml of grated cheese;
  • egg;
  • 300-400 ml chicken or beef broth;
  • 200 ml wheat germ;
  • 200 ml bran;
  • 100 ml soy flour;
  • 100 ml milk powder;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • a quarter spoon of salt;
  • 200 ml corn flour;
  • at least 600 ml flour.

Mix ingredients, excluding flour, in a blender. After thorough mixing, add flour. The amount depends on the required consistency. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm. Place the resulting layer on a baking sheet. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 150 degrees. Bake for 60 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave for an hour and a half.

Important! If you roll out the dough too thick, the treats won't be crispy and won't last long.

To ensure proper drying, the dough sheet can be turned over and left to dry.

The resulting kilogram of cookies must be stored in tightly closed containers .

Peanut treat


  • 2 cups of flour.
  • ½ cup peanut butter.
  • 2 eggs.
  • Water.


  • Mixing - add eggs to flour, then peanut butter.
  • Add water to the resulting mass until it reaches the consistency of a stiff dough.
  • Roll out the dough into a sheet.
  • Using a glass or any mold, make small pieces.
  • Place the cookies on parchment paper and bake at 180–200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Liver delicacy

Dogs love liver, so for a treat made from this product they will be ready to repeat and repeat the exercise.

To make it, you need to take fresh liver, optionally garlic and a little oil to apply to a baking sheet.

  1. You should not prepare a large amount of treats for the first time: not all dogs like liver, or the animal will develop an allergy. Stomach problems are especially likely in dogs that are not accustomed to such food.
  2. The function of the liver is filtration. Therefore, before starting cooking, you should soak it for 2-4 hours . This will remove harmful substances from it that settle during filtration.
  3. During soaking, the water will become cloudy, so it needs to be replaced. You can start cooking when the water remains clear .
  4. The fat present on the liver must be cut off.
  5. Garlic can destroy microbes, have a positive effect on the immune system, and has a pleasant smell. Please note that some animals cannot tolerate the smell of garlic .
  6. If you are not sure of the freshness of the liver, it must be boiled for 3-5 minutes.
  7. Cut the product into cubes. The size of the piece should allow you to eat it at a time.
  8. Prepared in two ways:
      Place the pieces in a heatproof bowl in the microwave. Cook at the lowest power for 25-40 minutes;
  • dry in the oven at minimum temperature for about 20-30 minutes. The baking tray must be greased with oil.
  • Cooking time should be adjusted based on the size of the pieces. Check for doneness during cooking. The treat should be moderately tough . Keep refrigerated. Use within 5-7 days.
  • Photo of preparing dog treats from liver:

    Ginger apples


    • 1 cup brown rice flour.
    • 1 cup apple, diced.
    • 2/3 cup plain yogurt.
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil.


    • Mix flour, yogurt and butter.
    • Roll apples in the mixture.
    • The resulting treats can be placed in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes or baked at temperatures up to 130 degrees for 10–20 minutes.
    • If your dog is not allergic, you can add a little honey to each cube before baking.

    "Yummy" made from light

    A very convenient treat for training while walking. Dry lung does not stain your purse and hands, it is cheap, useful, and can be stored for a long time.

    To prepare it, you need to take a fresh product and cut it into pieces . It is necessary to take into account not only the size of the dog, but also the fact that when dried, the pieces shrink by about half. It is advisable to freeze the lung before cooking, otherwise it will be difficult to cut.

    Place the pieces evenly on a greased baking sheet. Dry at 180 degrees. The degree depends on the need. If the pieces turn out a little damp, they will have to be stored in the refrigerator. Well-dried “crackers” can be stored in a sealed container for several months .

    Photo of preparing treats for dogs from lung:

    What are the benefits of homemade treats?

    Unlike store-bought delicacies, homemade food is made without the addition of harmful ingredients and contains what your dog needs. At home, you can prepare treats for specific needs: pamper your dog one-time or make small treats, choose the caloric content of food in accordance with your pet’s weight and physique.

    Fruits and vegetables will improve digestion, meat and offal will saturate the body with protein and healthy fats. The added vitamins will help improve the condition of the coat, cope with vitamin deficiency, and improve the dog’s health. Teeth cleaning treats for dogs relieve the owner of the need to torment the animal with a toothbrush.

    Bread crackers

    It may be hard to believe, but most dogs love bread crumbs. It is best to use grain bread for them. Spend money on your pet; he doesn’t need many delicacies. 1/5 of a loaf of bread is enough for the lesson. The bread is cut into cubes and placed in a preheated oven and heated there for about 10 minutes. During this time, the pieces have time to become covered with a crispy crust, while the center remains soft.

    After the crackers have cooled, they are poured into a jar or bag, and to add an attractive aroma to the crackers, you can put a piece of sausage. The bread is very quickly saturated with aroma, causing the animal's appetite.

    Vegetables and fruits

    It is also necessary to diversify your pet's diet. Fruits or vegetables are perfect for this. The ideal option is apples, pears, carrots or even bananas. All these products must be given in dried form. If your pet is not allergic to any of the foods listed, feel free to experiment to find a product that will truly delight and attract your pet while aiding in its learning.

    It’s so easy to make amazingly tasty and attractive treats for your dog that are affordable, natural and healthy. Now classes will become much more exciting and fun.

    Vegetable stew with goat milk

    Ingredients (for a 1.5 liter pan)


    • 1/2 eggplant.
    • 1 zucchini.
    • 1 carrot.
    • 1 bell pepper.
    • 1 tomato.
    • 1/2 apple.
    • A little cauliflower.
    • 1 clove of garlic.
    • 2 cups goat milk.


    Everything is very simple:

    1. Finely chop the vegetables.
    2. Pour milk and simmer for 40-50 minutes over low heat.
    3. The dish is ready.

    Porridge for Dzhekushka (option 1)

    Let's decide on the products, and then move on to the actual preparation.

    Ingredients (for about 3 liter saucepan)

    Let's take:

    • Beef or veal heart: 1-1.5 kg. (The heart can be replaced with any beef (trimmings, cheeks, kaltyk), lamb or turkey).
    • 70-100 gr. rice
    • 1 carrot.
    • 1/2 zucchini.
    • Some fresh pumpkin.
    • Greens (dill, parsley).
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.


    1. Cook the beef heart in a saucepan for about 20 minutes.

    2. While the broth is cooking, cut the herbs and vegetables into small cubes (approximately 0.7 x 0.7 mm). Many recipes for dogs call for chopping vegetables on a coarse grater, but I would advise cutting them into cubes - this is useful for cleaning plaque.

    3. When the meat is cooked, take it out of the pan and place it on a separate plate. Usually, I pour 2/3 of the broth into a separate container, and leave 1/3 in the pan, then add water there and cook the rice in the diluted broth. You can, of course, not drain it, but pour the rice directly into the cooked broth and cook it in it. But many dogs do not digest meat broth well and can cause allergic reactions. That's why I do it this way.

    4. So, add the rice to the broth diluted with water and cook until done. 5. While the rice is cooking, so as not to waste time, cut the boiled beef into cubes (about the same as vegetables - 0.7x0.7 mm). If you make the meat cubes larger, then during feeding the dog will simply pick them out of the porridge and leave the vegetables (they are such tricky ones). 6. Well, the rice is cooked. Place the chopped heart in the pan and mix well. I usually let this mixture cool slightly to room temperature before adding vegetables and herbs. I do this so that the vegetables do not cook and lose their beneficial properties.

    7. Well, in conclusion, I put vegetables and herbs in the pan, add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and mix well.

    Well, the porridge for Dzhekushka is ready. Bon appetit my furry!


    When I first started making jerky, I used a regular plastic food dehydrator. The same one at the base of which the fan and heater are located, on top there is a round dryer, which is covered with a lid. At first this seemed like a very good option to me. But then I realized that I needed to buy something stronger.

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    So I bought a stainless steel dehydrator with metal stands, and the heat control ranges from 70 to 35 degrees, and you can put 10-12 kg of meat in it at a time. Such kitchen devices cost quite a lot - 16-17 thousand rubles. But over the course of a year, you'll save a lot more than just buying treats. I've had this dehydrator for about three years now. So I guess it was a great investment.

    The only thing you will need is a good sharp knife and a cutting board.

    Curd balls

    Suitable as feeding for both adult dogs and puppies

    Despite the lack of meat components, this delicacy is enjoyed by many four-legged friends. In addition, cottage cheese contains calcium, which strengthens bones, which is especially useful during the period of growth and aging of the dog.


    • low-fat cottage cheese - 100 g;
    • butter - 25 g;
    • oat flakes - 100 g.


    1. Grind the flakes into fine crumbs.
    2. Mix cottage cheese with heated oil.
    3. Combine everything into a homogeneous paste and form into balls.
    4. Bake the resulting balls in the oven. Baking time: 25–30 minutes.

    Porridge “Tasty Mix”

    Ingredients (for about 3 liter saucepan)

    Let's take these products:

    • Beef meat on the bone (approximately 300 g).
    • Beef lung or beef heart (approximately 200-300 g). The lung boils very well, but the heart, on the contrary, boils down. Therefore, if you take the lung, then you need a little less of it, and a larger heart.
    • 1/2 cup rice.
    • 1/2 cup buckwheat.
    • 1 carrot.
    • 1/2 zucchini.
    • 1/2 eggplant (can be replaced with pumpkin).
    • 1/2 bell pepper.
    • 1 small tomato.
    • Greens (dill, parsley), or dried seaweed.
    • 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.
    • You can add a clove of garlic.


    Let's perform the following manipulations:

    1. Boil the beef on the bone for about 20 minutes. When the broth is cooked, you need to remove the meat from the bone and throw away the bone itself (boiled bones are harmful to dogs). Be sure to strain the broth through a sieve so that there are no bone fragments left that could cut your dog's internal organs.
    2. While the meat broth is cooking, peel the vegetables.
    3. Take a lung or a heart.
    4. We cut the vegetables into small cubes (approximately 0.7x0.7 mm), or grate them.
    5. Cut the lung or heart into small cubes.
    6. We take rice and buckwheat.
    7. Cut the boiled meat, removed from the bone, and put it, along with the lungs and cereals, into a boiling broth, then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Many people add chopped vegetables and meat right away. But, as in the first recipe, I am of the opinion that it is better to add vegetables to the porridge when it is already ready, so that they do not lose their beneficial properties.
    8. When the porridge is ready, add chopped greens or seaweed. If you take seaweed, then before adding it to the porridge, pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes, since the cabbage increases in volume very much.
    9. Add 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil and mix well. The porridge is ready.

    What kind of treat can you offer your pet?

    There are two types of treats for dogs: homemade and store-bought. Let's look at each one.

    Shop treats

    Of course, from time to time I buy Jackusika treats at the store. You don’t always have time to cook some tasty treat, but you still want to pamper your “rodent”.

    The range of treats and treats for dogs offered in stores is very diverse: toothpick treats, training snacks, cookies, sausages, jerky and dried meat, tails, hooves, ears, dried tripe, pieces of lung... You just fall into a stupor: what could you buy?!

    All bags are bright and beautiful, with appetite-tempting pictures depicting fresh grains, vegetables and meat with a golden brown crust.

    But don’t rush to grab the first package you like off the shelf and run to the checkout. After all, as they say, they greet you only by their clothes, but they see you off... But we won’t think about how they see you off... I’ll try to at least tell you a little about what exactly I pay attention to when choosing a purchased treat, so as not to harm my beloved little tail.

    The most important thing to pay attention to is where the treat was produced. If this is China, you should know that in China there are no regulations, standards or technologies for the production of animal products. Products for four-legged animals are produced without any control and their use is initially considered potentially risky.

    As for Russian manufacturers, everything here is extremely simple. Yes, there are norms, yes, there is control. But, unfortunately, our reality is such that we have to rely on the integrity of the manufacturer. Everything will depend on the specific batch of goods: hope that the raw materials will be of high quality, and the preparation technologies are strictly observed. Unfortunately, this is also a kind of roulette.

    I usually carefully study the composition of the contents of the bags. All main components are listed in descending order. The first - the content of which is the maximum.

    Be sure to read everything to the end. If the delicacy contains flavor enhancers, artificial colors and preservatives, then it is better not to take such treats.

    As for manufacturers, several brands are currently leading the market: Titbit, Village Delicacies, Triol, Biff, Pedigree.

    Unfortunately, lately the reviews about these branded treats have not been positive at all. Something from the category of “pampered with a treat, but barely pumped out.” Communities are even created on social networks where dog breeders share “horror stories” of the consequences of eating store-bought treats. The most common consequences are disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, vomiting and long-term treatment. And if you look carefully at the back side of beautiful packaging, you will see that many “brands” are simply silent about the composition of the products, and this is the first indicator of a low-quality product. On some, it is directly written: “Manufactured in China.”

    When choosing purchased treats and treats for your dog, be sure to study the composition of the product and pay attention to where the product was produced!

    Of course, not a single manufacturer of snacks and treats for dogs has the goal of killing the animal. But, unfortunately, there are many cases of poisoning and even death after eating such treats.

    When buying a ready-made treat for your beloved pet, you are taking a kind of risk. There can be a 100% guarantee only if you yourself prepare a tasty morsel for your favorite shilopopik.

    Homemade dog treats

    I want to tell you what you can offer your beloved pet as a natural homemade treat and what goodies I pamper my Jackusie with.

    The simplest thing you can pamper your pet with is pieces of vegetables and fruits. Apple, carrot, cucumber, pear, banana. Everything your dog loves. But remember: everything is good in moderation. Excessive consumption of fruit treats can lead to diabetes in dogs.

    Many people, especially novice dog breeders, often ask: “Is it possible to give a dog bones as a treat?” It is possible, but not all. Read about which bones can be given to dogs and which are strictly contraindicated.

    As for our “bone dishes”, specifically from bones, from time to time, we give Jack these raw lamb or beef thighs or legs.

    I prefer to give lamb ones as they are much smaller in size. Our dog is still small, and the huge leg of beef is too big for him. If you have a large breed dog, then it will deal with such a leg quickly.

    What you need to consider if you give your pet these bones:

    • Firstly, they must be hard enough.
    • Under no circumstances should the bones be chopped. The bone must be intact. This is necessary so that the animal cannot bite off and swallow a piece or splinter of bone.
    • It is best to give the bone raw, after freezing it for 2-3 days. Why raw? Yes, because when boiled, this delicacy can cause intestinal obstruction.

    Beef marrow bones will be an excellent delicacy. Their structure is quite hard, so even the most toothy dog ​​is unlikely to be able to chew them. But even the most gastronomically fastidious dog will not refuse to feast on the tasty contents (the brain).

    The most important thing you need to pay attention to when buying such brain bones is the evenness of the cut, so that there are no nicks or splinters, so that the dog does not injure its mouth and tongue. I buy these bones in supermarkets. They are delivered there from factories where cutting is done industrially - smoothly, without any notches. Jack is happy to deal with such a tasty treat.

    If your pet does not know how to gnaw and gnaw bones, and you are still afraid to give them, you can safely treat him to beef throat (trachea). The trachea consists of hard cartilage. In addition to being an excellent chew, it is also an irreplaceable source of gelatin, which is good for bones and joints. Even if your dog swallows a piece of this delicacy, nothing bad will happen.

    Deer antlers can be an excellent alternative to bones. This is a tasty, healthy and, most importantly, safe solid treat for dogs.

    If you love to cook, you can make your own delicious treats. By preparing a treat for your pet yourself, you can be 100% sure that it will not only be tasty, but also not harmful to health.

    There are many recipes for homemade treats that you can use to simply pamper your favorite barbosie, and which can be prepared as a reward for training.

    Homemade cookies

    Many dog ​​owners note that absolutely any dog ​​likes this treat. In addition, it is very convenient to use, as it does not stain your hands and is stored for a long time. There can be a lot of recipes. Let's share a few of them:

    • chicken liver, oatmeal, eggs and a clove of garlic are minced in a meat grinder to obtain a fairly thick, homogeneous mass. You can bake it on a baking sheet in one layer. After the finished cookies have cooled, simply cut them into portions;
    • whole grain flour, carrots, water, a little vegetable oil, a little dried apricots. Everything is crushed, mixed and baked, just like liver cookies;
    • rolled oats, liver or lung, herbs, tomato paste, garlic, a little meat broth, egg. The consistency is thick sour cream. Also bake on parchment and cut into manageable pieces.

    Place in a dog's diet

    Beef lung is a valuable part of a dog's diet, but due to the abundance of connective tissue, it must be strictly dosed.

    Lung is completely unsuitable as the basis of a diet. An excess of this by-product in the feed causes serious gastrointestinal disorders.

    But to enrich the menu it is used with great success. It is not given in its pure form, but mixed with cereals. Buckwheat, rice, and millet are well suited for this purpose. You can enrich the dish even more by adding cottage cheese or eggs.

    You can give the lung twice a week, but not more often.

    Treat for training

    This by-product is often used as a reward for good behavior, when teaching commands and training. Low calorie content and almost complete absence of fat in this case turn into the main advantage - the pet will receive the desired reward, but will not be satisfied and will continue to exercise with excitement.

    But if the lung is given to the dog during walks or activities, then the weight of the pieces eaten must be subtracted from the total diet. If the dog is overfed with lungs, then diarrhea or other unpleasant phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract will certainly begin. The owner must monitor the correct dosage, since the animal constantly begs for treats, and if it is not limited, it will eat until it gets sick.

    Is it possible for a puppy to have a lung?

    Beef lung is contraindicated for a very small puppy. You can start introducing your pet to the lungs at three months of age. It is thoroughly boiled, ground in a meat grinder or blender and mixed in small portions into the porridge.

    If the puppy tolerates such food well, the amount is gradually increased to the norm established for a particular breed.

    Who can and who can't

    It is impossible to say that there are breeds for which lungs are prohibited. Prohibitions arise solely due to individual intolerance to the product. Allergic reactions to the lung are more common among some breeds than others.

    These breeds include:

    • English and French bulldogs (there are fewer negative reactions among other types of bulldogs);
    • Dalmatians;
    • East European Shepherds;
    • American Staffordshire Terriers;
    • Shar-Pei.

    Lung should be introduced into the diet of these dogs with extreme caution, given in small portions, and carefully monitored for their well-being.

    Is it possible to marinate meat before drying?

    If desired, you can marinate the meat a little beforehand. But it is worth considering that some ingredients can cause allergies, and some should never be given in large quantities (everyone knows that dogs should not eat salty foods, garlic, or chocolate).

    Marinade ideas

    What can be added to the marinade:

    • Egg,
    • Sunflower oil,
    • A little salt and garlic (just a drop, to enhance the taste),
    • Ginger,
    • Apple bite,
    • Natural juices (apple, carrot, pumpkin),
    • Honey (can be given to dogs, it gives a special taste and sweetness, but you also need a little of it, 1/3-1/2 teaspoon per half kilo of meat),
    • Sour cream,
    • Processed soft cheese or cheese ground into puree.

    Cookies with meat flavor


    • Whole wheat flour
    • Oats.
    • Flax-seed.
    • Beef broth.
    • Peanut butter.


    • We take all ingredients in a 1:1 ratio, except for the broth.
    • Mix and add broth until you get a mass similar to thick sour cream.
    • Place in mounds on a baking sheet.
    • Bake for 20 minutes at a temperature of 160–180 degrees.

    Cheese pits

    This dish does not contain unnecessary ingredients that are harmful to the dog’s health.

    To prepare the delicacy, it is better to take low-fat cheese.


    • hard cheese - 100 g;
    • buckwheat flour - 250 g;
    • yogurt, preferably without additives - 100 g;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 70–80 ml.


    1. Finely grate the cheese and knead all ingredients.
    2. Make flat bones from the resulting dough.
    3. Bake at 140°C.

    You can only give this treat to your dog when it has completely cooled down.

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