Features of estrus in the Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

Breeding Alabais has specific features, which will be discussed in this article. These are discreet, noble and at the same time fearless animals.

Alabais are among the most ancient dog breeds. They are in good health, strong and resilient. They can live 16–17 years, and at the same time they have almost no hereditary diseases.

Features of puberty

In order for future pregnancy and childbirth in Alabai to be successful, thorough preparation is required for mating. To do this, you should know what is typical for the process of puberty in a representative of this breed. Physically, a dog’s body becomes ready for mating and childbirth at the age of 8–12 months.

Nevertheless, it is better not to rush into mating dogs: at 8 months, pregnancy for an animal is a serious test that will entail stress for the body. Moreover, such a problem can affect not only females, but also males. The thing is that mating a dog, if it occurs at too early an age, also causes various diseases, which you will have to fight for quite a long time.

If you look at the recommendations of experts, it is believed that males can be bred at the age of 24 months, and females at 20 months. There is no point in saying that these indicators are truly accurate, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the dog’s puberty. That is why, first of all, you need to pay attention to how your pet is in heat. Most owners focus on the third heat, believing that it is during this period that the bitch is finally ready to mate and bear puppies.

Similar article: How to properly maintain and care for Alabai

Characteristic symptoms

The onset of heat is always accompanied by a change in the bitch's behavior. Depending on the stage, she becomes aggressive, excitable, playful or lazy, slow, drowsy. The dog urinates more frequently and there is an increase in appetite. She stops obeying her owner and does not follow his commands.

There are also physiological symptoms. So, in the first days of proestrus, the loop remains rigid, but scanty bleeding appears. The closer the period of ovulation approaches, the more voluminous and soft the vulva becomes, the mucus is secreted more intensely, and acquires a yellow tint. During estrus, the bitch shows readiness to mate; when in contact with males, she takes a certain position and moves her tail.

Warning symptoms include:

  • state of weakness;
  • refusal to walk and eat;
  • constant thirst;
  • change in the color of urine and feces.

After examination, the veterinarian can identify pathology of the genital organs, genitourinary infection, helminth infection, and severe stress.

All about heat

How many days does an Alabai's heat last, and how to properly care for your four-legged friend during this problematic period - sooner or later every owner of a bitch of this breed will have to face this problem. As a rule, a female dog's first heat begins at the age of two years. There may be minor shifts for a couple of months.

Discharge in Alabais occurs once a year - from August to February. It is at this time that it is recommended to breed a dog. However, there are cases when the Central Asian Shepherd goes into heat twice a year. In this situation, it is better to start mating dogs in the spring.

Remember that mating Alabais, as well as all subsequent concerns associated with the bitch’s pregnancy and subsequent births, will not be cheap. It’s better to weigh the pros and cons in advance if you plan to breed. If the dog participates in exhibitions and receives good marks, its chances of a successful mating will only increase. But if, after several exhibitions, your pet continues to be without an “excellent” rating, it is not recommended to deal with it. Most likely, your costs will not pay off.

Mating technique

You can knit Alabaev freestyle or by hand:

  • free mating
    is applicable when using an experienced male and a positive reaction from the female to him. With this method, the owners of Central Asian Shepherds place the dogs in one enclosure and observe the process of courtship and mating and, if necessary, come to the rescue;
  • manual mating
    is carried out with the help of the owners or a specialist; for the first time, it is better to mate a female or male dog under the supervision of an experienced instructor who helps with mounting and controls the lock. It is highly not recommended to separate the animals before the lock is completed; the owner or instructor helps the dog to take a comfortable position and controls the position of the bitch.

How to prepare and carry out mating

In order for an adult Alabai bitch to successfully become pregnant, it is necessary to prepare for mating. First of all, you are required to regularly keep a special diary. Here, write down in detail the features of each heat, including its frequency, the nature and intensity of discharge, the condition of the loop, as well as the reaction to the male.

In this case, you will accurately determine the moment that is optimal for planning the dog’s mating. About a month and a half before knitting an alabai, be sure to check the health status of your pet. To do this, it is advisable to conduct a special medical analysis, the main purpose of which is to identify hidden anaerobic infections. This includes staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

Similar article: How long do Alabai live and what does it depend on?

As a rule, your pet may not have external manifestations of these ailments. However, it is often these diseases that cause the death of puppies at an early age. A month before the start of estrus, it is also recommended to treat the bitch for skin parasites. Give preference to non-toxic drugs. The mating itself, as a rule, takes place 9–14 days after the start of estrus.

Mating is carried out in two ways:

  • free. This method is applicable if the bitch has already shown a clear interest in the male, and he, in turn, has some experience in this matter;
  • manual. There are times when a bitch does not allow a male dog to approach her. In this case, it is better to put a muzzle on her so that she does not bite him. In this case, during the mating process, you will need to hold your pet by the collar and belly.

In order for the mating of adult Alabais to be effective, the procedure will need to be repeated after 1–2 days. Dogs should be brought together in the morning after an active walk. It is not advisable to feed them before mating.


During pregnancy, the female Alabai needs additional care and attention . You can notice that a dog has given birth only after a month due to swollen nipples and a slightly enlarged belly. Walks should be calm, away from other dogs that could touch or disturb the pregnant woman.

What should you pay attention to the first time?

The first pregnancy for a dog can be stressful if the owner does not show proper attention to the pet. You should be prepared that your dog may experience loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting.

The behavior of the Alabai may also change, and in both directions. At the beginning of pregnancy, a dog shows both apathy to everything that is happening and becomes fussy.

Carefully monitor your pet's condition in order to document the onset of pregnancy in time.


Next in the photo you can see what a pregnant firstborn of the Alabai breed looks like.

How long does it take to bear puppies?

So how long does a pregnant dog walk? On average, an Alabai pregnancy lasts 62-64 days. If the number of puppies is large, then birth can begin on day 57-58. In case there are few of them - on day 65.

On the eve of the birth of the cubs

If this is the first birth for your Alabai, and you are not sure that you can cope, then it is better to call a veterinarian at home.

Before your dog gives birth, make sure you have the area prepared. Stock up:

  • disposable diapers;
  • first aid kit;
  • a notebook and pen where you will record the height and weight of newborn puppies;
  • a basket in which you put them when you clean the place;
  • a bottle of hot water if the bitch does not show proper attention to the puppy;
  • also scissors for cutting the umbilical cord in case the pet cannot cope on its own;
  • latex gloves.

The onset of labor is determined by the following signs:

  1. The dog begins to worry.
  2. The temperature rises to 39 degrees, and the day before it drops to 37.
  3. The animal begins to breathe intermittently.
  4. Within a day, the plug comes out of the loop, closing the opening to the uterus.

You need to make sure that labor begins exactly in the place that you have allocated for this. Prepare all the necessary items and do not leave your dog until the end of the process.

How to prepare for and deliver a baby

When the pregnancy is coming to an end, it is very important to competently provide assistance to your pet. What’s interesting is that Alabais have a large litter: 6–10 puppies; cases of 17–20 babies being born from one bitch are not uncommon. As soon as you notice the first signs of labor, be sure to wash the dog’s perineum and belly with warm water and toilet soap, and then wipe dry. Typically, a dog breeder's task is to monitor a woman in labor and receive newborn puppies. It is recommended to immediately clear their muzzle of mucus and amniotic fluid.

Similar article: How to make your own booth and enclosure for an Alabai

Dog care

If the owner does not plan to arrange a mating, he must show special attention to the bitch when she is in heat. She should only be taken out for walks wearing a muzzle and on a short leash. Moreover, during the period of proestrus and estrus, it is better to walk in places where there are no dogs and children. The most obedient alabai at this time becomes uncontrollable. Therefore, you cannot let go of the leash even for a minute.

Estrus without mating is stress for the body. The owner must provide calm living conditions for the dog. It is prohibited to travel, participate in exhibitions, or change your diet. Due to the vulnerability of the reproductive system, you should not walk for a long time in inclement weather or lie on cold ground or snow. During estrus, the cervical canal remains open. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid swimming in open water, in the bath, or under the shower.

The pet store sells special underwear. It hides odor, prevents the delivery of marks, and protects against infections. But veterinarians do not recommend putting such panties on your dog for a long time. The bitch must do her own hygiene. In addition, the greenhouse effect can cause changes in microflora and cause the growth of pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

Myth four: “money”

Of course, if there were no material benefits, there would be thousands of times fewer purebred dogs on earth. But even here it’s a double-edged sword: if you are wealthy people, then breeding dogs will not bring you significant income, but will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

If there is a need to improve the family budget, then keep in mind that before you receive any income, you will have to invest a lot of money on raising the litter (veterinarian, vaccinations, anthelmintics, high-quality food, advertising, etc.), and the profit can turn out to be not so significant. Cesarean section or intensive care of a puppy can turn an ordinary litter into a golden one.

And this is only if you manage to sell the puppies. You’ve already got the idea - the breed may be unpopular, several litters of your breed may be born at the same time, puppies tend to stay “visiting their mother” for a long time. What's all this for? Now there is an overproduction of puppies, many purebred dogs end up in shelters or foster care, joining the ranks of the homeless, their fate is clearly monitored in advertisements like “I’ll give away an adult dog,” “take it away or euthanize.” There is no need to aggravate an already sad situation.

Maybe someone, after reading this article, will think: “Is it really necessary to get children from my boy (girl)?” Maybe someone will finally consult a veterinarian and make sure that breeding “for health” does not exist. And someone will be concerned about the exhibition career of their pet. Well, that means this article was not written in vain. Let's leave the issues of dog breeding to those who are ready to be responsible for every puppy received from their dogs, who have the necessary skills and knowledge. Because this is very hard work and a huge responsibility.

© Nizhny Novgorod Dog Owners Forum

What to feed

Proper nutrition of a pregnant bitch is the key to a successful pregnancy, childbirth and the birth of healthy, strong offspring. Your pet's diet should be rich in protein, calcium, vitamins and minerals. Particular attention is paid to providing the dog with fresh drinking water around the clock.

In the first month, the feeding regimen does not change; from the 5th week it is recommended to increase the dog’s daily intake weekly. When using ready-made food, it is recommended to switch the animal to food for pregnant dogs. The amount of food during natural feeding increases due to protein products. Feeding from the second half of pregnancy should be frequent, but fractional. You should not allow the animal to overeat, which can cause pathological birth.

During pregnancy, it is mandatory to use vitamins A, D, E, B and mineral calcium supplements when feeding the dog under the supervision of a veterinarian. A lack or excess of calcium can cause eclampsia and the death of a dog in late pregnancy or after birth.

10 days before the expected date of birth of the puppies, it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein foods in the bitch’s diet, which are completely eliminated 5 days before giving birth. If the bitch refuses all types of food and feed, you can feed the pregnant woman meat in small quantities to maintain vital functions.

The diet of a pregnant Alabai with the traditional type of feeding should contain the following products:

  • raw lean beef or veal, boiled sea fish are sources of protein necessary for the formation of all organ systems of the fetus;
  • raw or stewed vegetables (carrots, zucchini, cauliflower), fresh herbs, seaweed, dried fruits, apples - sources of vitamins and microelements;
  • vitamin-mineral complex, brewer's yeast - given before, during and for 2 months after pregnancy;
  • a decoction of raspberry or fennel leaves is a lactogenic agent;
  • vegetable oil and fish oil are sources of fatty acids;
  • cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt are sources of calcium necessary for the formation of the fruit skeleton;
  • clean drinking water to renew amniotic fluid.

Estrus in Alabai: dog behavior at each stage, physiological symptoms

Pregnancy in large breeds, for example, Alabais, lasts within 9 weeks, including three trimesters. Standards have been established for each stage of offspring development. It is difficult to determine on your own the exact date of birth of puppies, especially if more than one mating occurred during estrus.

Full-fledged and healthy puppies are born between 53 and 71 days after fertilization. If you fundamentally need to know the gestation period of the offspring for several matings, it is better to visit a veterinarian and have an ultrasound diagnostic done.

It is possible to independently determine whether a dog is pregnant based on a number of characteristic signs.

Alabai menu

Despite the fact that the breed is large, the shepherd dog does not eat that much. You should not overfeed your dog - this will lead to obesity, which provokes dangerous diseases of the joints and heart.

It is better, if possible, to avoid dry food and tubular bones; offer your dog natural food - meat, vegetables and even fruits. It is necessary to include special vitamins in the diet.

If you still have to feed your dog dry food, it is wise to choose an extra-premium product for large breeds, and until the puppy is three years old, you need to take food with a strengthened composition.

The course of a normal pregnancy

If a dog becomes pregnant, from the first days in the body of the expectant mother, under the influence of hormones, physiological changes begin to occur, unnoticeable at first, but intensifying during pregnancy. In the first 2 weeks after mating, most likely, it will not be possible to observe obvious changes, provided that the bitch is healthy. The dog will continue to eat and behave the same.

2 – 3 week. First trimester. By the end of the first trimester, changes in the dog are noticeable. Rather, psychological due to hormonal origin. The animal may become gentle, seek affection, or withdrawn and solitary. Changes are not defined as confirmation of pregnancy; excessive calmness or lethargy can become a signal of deteriorating health.

During this period, it is important to monitor the general condition of the pet. Signs: fever, dry nose, diarrhea, vomiting, sneezing, genital discharge and whining sounds require consultation with a doctor.

It is possible that the dog is not pregnant, but is sick or became ill during pregnancy. At the initial stage, the puppies are actively forming; the condition of the bitch is extremely important for bearing healthy offspring.

3 – 5 weeks. During this period, pronounced signs appear. The first thing that indicates pregnancy is a change in the color of the nipples. In a pregnant dog they change color to bright. At the specified time, the veterinarian will be able to palpate the puppies, an action available to a person with certain knowledge and skills.

With careful palpation of the dog's sides, it is possible to feel some compactions. For a researcher without experience, food will end up in lumps in the esophagus. From the fifth week, the formed puppies grow quickly and, entering the last trimester, the dog’s belly will noticeably increase in size.

Jumping from heights is extremely dangerous for a dog.

4 – 5 weeks. The period of active growth of the offspring. The dog's waist begins to thicken and its belly becomes rounded. The nipples protrude noticeably on the abdomen, and the surrounding skin becomes lighter. Perhaps the dog’s appetite has remained the same, but the pet does not refuse the supplement. You should not give your pet more food, at the risk of premature weight gain, which will subsequently complicate childbirth.

6 – 9 weeks. In recent weeks, the dog's stomach noticeably drops down - the uterus with puppies occupies almost the entire abdominal cavity. With light palpation, the puppies no longer feel like hard lumps, they become soft and it is possible to feel movements. Speaking about the movement of fetuses, it is not always possible to guarantee to see tremors, if there are many puppies in the litter, the size of the embryos is smaller.

In the period from 2 weeks before the planned birth, the dog begins to look for a suitable place. If the bitch pulls bedding or blankets into a secluded shelter, colorless discharge appears from the vagina; now the dog is in the last weeks of gestation. Vaginal discharge should be alarming if it is excessive, has an odor, and is red or brown in color.

How to test for pregnancy in a large dog

In large breeds, abdominal tone increases to protect their young. For this reason, it is almost impossible to feel pregnancy until later stages.

Not even every specialist can detect the fetus of a large dog by palpation. In addition, if pressure is unsuccessful, the embryo can be damaged, which will most likely lead to the death of the fetus, and with it, provoke premature birth and the loss of the entire litter.

To ensure the safe and healthy development of the offspring, you should contact your veterinarian at the first signs of pregnancy to have the animal examined.

Nuances of caring for a pregnant dog

We will describe the subtleties that are important for the health of the bitch and offspring. Even before mating, it is important to know about the condition of the dog. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take a course of prevention against parasites, internal and external.

Anthelmintics are used 8-9 weeks before the intended mating, and are re-administered 10-14 days before mating. If an anthelmintic has not been used, the deadline for taking the medication is the second week.

Starting from the third week of pregnancy, giving a dog anthelmintic is extremely dangerous. The action, like the presence of parasites, can cause irreversible pathologies in the development of the offspring.

The phenomenon of “false pregnancy” is widely known in veterinary practice. The presence of obvious signs of pregnancy before 6-7 weeks is considered characteristic, and the dog is not fertilized. It is noteworthy that the nipples noticeably enlarge, habits change, and in some cases the bitch begins to look for a place to give birth.

The imaginary condition is caused by hormonal changes and occurs when mating is delayed. The process of releasing the egg was completed, but the bitch released a male. Such fluctuations in hormone levels lead to the phenomenon of false pregnancy. The surest way to determine the condition of an animal is to visit a veterinary hospital.

Source: https://PitomnikDofbali.ru/baza-znanij/alabaj-posle-rodov.html

When is Alabai's first period?

From the moment of acquiring a powerful dog, the owner of a female Central Asian Shepherd dog needs to know when the Alabai begins its first heat.

Future breeders will need this information to correctly determine the optimal age of the dog for the upcoming mating.

It is also very important for owners of bitches who do not plan to breed shepherd dogs not to miss periods of estrus in order to avoid unplanned pregnancy and childbirth of their pet.

What is estrus?

Estrus or estrus is one of the stages of the reproductive cycle in a female dog. Large breed dogs have 1-2 cycles per year. The reproductive cycle of Alabais consists of 4 consecutive stages. At this time, hormonal changes occur, which change the appearance of the dog’s genitals and its behavior.

At the beginning of heat, the Alabai bitch has no desire to communicate with males

Pre-estrus or the beginning of estrus lasts 9-12 days. During this period, the female’s body produces estrogens, which stimulate the maturation of the egg. Swelling of the vulva and the appearance of slight bleeding may be observed. Males are already beginning to show interest in females, but females react quite aggressively to males.

The duration of estrus in the Alabai is 10-15 days. At this time, ovulation occurs and the genitals produce a mucous secretion for better movement of sperm to the egg. Signs of estrus are:

  • softening of the vulva;
  • mucous light yellow discharge from the loop.

Males begin to actively react to the bitch.

The period lasts 60 days. Regardless of whether mating has occurred or not, the hormonal levels in the animal’s body change. Females begin to be aggressive towards males. There is a decrease in swelling and a decrease in mucous discharge.

Anestrus lasts 200-250 days. The resting period of the ovary is characterized by a closed, dense vulva and a calm attitude of the bitch towards the opposite sex.

When does the Alabai start to come into heat?

Hormonal changes in bitches occur immediately after changing teeth. However, puberty of the Alabai occurs at the age of 8-9 months. At this age, females begin to actively become interested in the opposite sex and prepare for the process of procreation. At the same time, the physiological maturity of the female Central Asian Shepherd comes much later, at the age of 1.5 - 2 years.

The first heat of an Alabai can begin as early as 8 months.

Asians are herding dogs. They are forced to move from place to place for a long time. This feature determined the seasonality of the period of sexual arousal, which in Central Asian Shepherds often occurs between August and February.

The Alabai's first estrus occurs at the age of 8–9 months. Sometimes a bitch walks for the first time only at 15-18 months, which is also a physiological norm. The timing of puberty depends on the hormonal development of the individual.

After the first heat, the active growth of the animal stops. Thanks to this, during late estrus, the girl has time to fully develop her bones and muscles. The second time, the period of sexual arousal occurs in the female after 5-8 months.

The Alabai female can have one or two heats per year.

The first heat of an Alabai can be determined by its behavior

Often the first heat passes quite quickly without bloody or mucous discharge. You can understand that a girl has gone on a spree only by a change in the behavior of the bitch and increased interest in the males.

IMPORTANT. From 6-8 months of age, it is recommended to regularly examine the female genitals to monitor the onset of puberty. Mating during the first heat is fraught with a pathological course of pregnancy, childbirth and the death of puppies. This undermines the health of a woman. It is advisable to mate a female for the first time in her third heat at the age of 1.5-2 years.

How to determine the heat of an Alabai?

You can find out about the beginning of the next period of sexual arousal by characteristic signs: changes in the genitals and behavior of the bitch. The onset of estrus is signaled by the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the vulva followed by softening, the external genitalia become loose, soft and brightly colored;
  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • change in the bitch's behavior.

The dog becomes overly affectionate towards members of the household, but very aggressive towards strangers. The girl stops following commands, breaks off the leash, and runs away. She can bite and attacks people and dogs. A bitch in heat can jump over a fence or dig a hole under it. All these tricks are caused by the female’s readiness and desire to procreate. It is during the period of estrus that dogs are mated.

Changes in loop size during estrus by day

On the street, during sexual arousal, the female wags her hindquarters and falls on her front paws. She raises her tail and retracts her vagina, preparing for the mating process. In proestrus, watery hemorrhagic discharge of a pale pink hue is observed. At the stage of sexual arousal they become:

  • mucous;
  • abundant;
  • light yellow color.

A bitch in heat begins to urinate more often, mark her territory on the street and in the apartment, and lick her genitals.

What to do during an Alabai's heat?

Estrus in Alabais lasts on average 21 days from the beginning of pink discharge to an aggressive attitude towards male dogs. The owner of a female Alabai puppy needs to mentally prepare in advance for the troublesome period when the girl begins to become sexually aroused. During the entire period of sexual arousal, it is recommended to keep a notebook. It is necessary to record:

  • age;
  • frequency of estrus;
  • signs and duration of estrus.

This information will be useful in the future for planning or eliminating mating.

For three weeks, the dog should only be taken out for walks wearing a muzzle and on a short leash. It is advisable to take walks in places where there are no children or dogs to avoid inappropriate behavior of the animal.

You should not force your bitch to train or change her diet. Often during the period of proestrus and estrus, the female refuses to eat; you cannot force the animal to eat.

Only raw meat and vegetables can be left in the diet.

During estrus, swimming in open water or in the bathroom is prohibited to prevent infection from entering the open genital tract of the bitch. It is prohibited to vaccinate females in heat.

On the street or in an apartment, it is recommended to wear special underwear that masks the smell and prevents contamination; the animal cannot be kept in it all the time due to the possible development of metritis. In the apartment, the dog must remain in its place and independently remove discharge from the genitals. The female's bedding must be changed frequently for hygienic reasons.

During estrus, Alabai should not be bathed in open waters.

Source: https://ginekologiya-urologiya.ru/menstruaciya/kogda-pervye-mesyachnye-u-alabaya

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