Should we wait for the continuation of the cartoon “Volt”?

The first part of the animated film "Volt" was released in 2008.
The cartoon was well received by both viewers and critics. Fans have been talking about a sequel for over 12 years, but it is still unknown for sure whether it will happen. Why is the release of the second part in doubt, and what rumors about the cartoon are circulating in the world in 2020? Attention!
The exact release date of the cartoon “Volt 2” You can find out the exact release date of the cartoon “Volt 2” and watch the trailer or review of the previous part at the bottom of this page.

History Edit

He was born in a nursery, from where he was taken by the girl Penny, the new owner. After some time, they begin filming a movie, where Penny begins to be in danger - in connection with this, Penny's father gives the dog superpowers that will help Volt protect his owner. While starring in a blockbuster, Volt does not even suspect that he is the hero of a popular series. This is exactly what the production team needs - they want the dog to believe that he is saving Penny from mortal danger. One of the episodes ends unsuccessfully - Volt is very worried that he could not save his owner for the first time, so at the first opportunity he breaks out of the trailer when the cats open the hatch. Volt, completely unable to live in the real world, constantly gets into trouble and cannot understand why his superpowers no longer work. Bolt doesn’t know how to find Penny, but sees a lead in finding the black cat - she knows where her owner, Dr. Calico, hid his prey!

The pigeons lead Volt to an ordinary yard cat, Mitten, who kept the entire pigeon quarter at bay. She thinks Bolt is crazy, but then she realizes that he is an ordinary Hollywood dog who has lived all his life in a trailer and wants to return to the “homeland” of films, where his owner is. Volt finds Mitten deceptive and unfair, so he cancels the agreement with her in the same way as she canceled the day before with the pigeons. Now he promises to release the black and white cat when they find Penny.

During the journey, it turns out that Volt knows nothing at all about real life: he is practically helpless and simply does not know about the feeling of hunger, comparing the rumbling in his stomach with the effect of some kind of poison. Mitten helps Volt socialize, introducing him to the real world.

On the way, they meet the hamster Rino, an ardent fan of Bolt, who also considers Mitten to be Green-Eyes’ henchman (Calico) and tries in every possible way to check her for lice.

Superpowers Edit

  1. Super-bark is a strong sound wave that destroys everything in its path.
  2. Laser Gaze - The ability to melt and destroy objects using a green laser from the eyes.
  3. Super Strength - Volt is able to bend steel bars with his front paws, break walls with his forehead, and hold heavy objects in his teeth without any effort.
  4. Speed ​​- Volt can outrun trains and helicopters with ease.
  5. Powerful Jump - Volt, due to his strong front and rear limbs, can jump to unnaturally high heights and lengths.
  6. Powerful blow - with a blow from his paw, Volt can knock a person out of consciousness.


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Time really flies at a terrible speed, friends. Today the cartoon "Volt" celebrates the 7th anniversary of its premiere. In honor of one of our favorite Disney dogs, we've put together a list of 9 little-known facts about the cartoon. Are you ready to share this knowledge with us? Great. Enjoy reading!

1. One of the animators brought a giant transparent ball into the studio.

To relieve stress, and also to understand Rino’s way of thinking, the animators rode around the halls of the studio on this huge ball, climbing inside.

2. The voice of Mitten, Susie Essman, did not change her voice and tone while working on the cartoon.

Typically, actors change their voices slightly, creating a unique tone and manner of speech for each new character, but the director of the film liked Susie Essman's voice so much that he convinced her not to change anything.

3. To create Bolt's TV show, the animators took inspiration from the films of director and producer Michael Bay, who directed Transformers, Armageddon, Pearl Harbor and The Island.

4. A hamster was brought on board the creative team to help bring Reno to life.

Initially, the image of Reno was inspired by a chinchilla owned by John Lasseter. To get a better idea of ​​how hamsters move using plastic balls, the team had to get a pet. They gave him the name Doink.

5. The actors voicing Mitten and Bolt have never met.

Despite sharing many scenes, actors Susie Essman (Mitten) and John Travolta (Bolt) have never recorded together.

6. The cameramen managed to film the reaction of actor Mark Walton at the moment when he found out that he had received the role of Reno.

Typically, before actors begin recording in the studio, they read their lines during a mock interview. When Mark Walton came to audition for the role of the hamster Reno, the directors liked his performance so much that they immediately approved him. But before telling him this, they asked Mark to come for another reading and inserted the phrase “I am the voice of Reno” into the script text. Since all rehearsals are filmed in the archives, there is a recording of the actor’s reaction to this news.

7. Many of the buildings shown in the cartoon have real prototypes.

To ensure that the surrounding streets had a realistic look, the team of creators used photographs of real streets and buildings. For believability, shadows and lighting of houses play an important role, so the team of creators had to visit Los Angeles, a trailer park in Ohio, the streets of New York, the docks of San Francisco and even the desert surrounding Las Vegas. Later, photographs taken in these places were used by artists to create videos. In fact, the hotels and casinos shown in prices on the streets of Las Vegas are absolutely real.

8. The artistic style of the cartoon was inspired by Edward Hopper and his paintings.

Instead of relying entirely on CG graphics, the animators took a softer approach, drawing inspiration from the paintings of American artist Edward Hopper. They found a way to recreate his brush stroke technique on the computer to create three-dimensional landscapes in 3D paintings using 2D graphics.

9. The White German Shepherd breed was taken as the basis for the image of Volt.

Although the Volta breed was never voiced in the cartoon, animator Joe Mosher, who worked on creating the image of the main character, indicated that a white German shepherd puppy was taken as the basis. This is quite easy to determine by its huge ears and bushy tail.



  • According to dates in posters and magazines, Volt was born in January 2003.
  • Penny adopted Bolt from the Silverlake Animal Shelter, also located in Michigan.
  • There was a real-world equivalent of Bolt: a German Shepherd named Rin Tin Tin. He starred in numerous films (popular ones include Rin Tin Tin Saves His Master
    Rin Tin Tin's Heroic Act
    ), had fans all over the world, and his image hung at every turn. They drew comics about him, made toys, figurines, brochures, and he even hosted his own show on the radio. And in Hollywood he has his own star on the Walk of Fame.
  • Volt is often referred to as a White Swiss Shepherd, although the creators confirmed that Volt was based on several dog breeds, the main one being the White Swiss Shepherd. It is noteworthy that in the first concepts of the version of the cartoon by B. Howard, Volt is depicted entirely as a Swiss shepherd, but later admixtures of other breeds were added to the image.

Note during nomination[ ]

At the request of the participant, during the nomination to the IP, some corrections were made by him himself regarding the rubric of the article. I, as a nominator, presented the available information in logical and chronological order: preamble → plot → actors → main film premieres → reviews and ratings → features → creation process → box office, nominations, recognition → additional information (discs, books), etc. That is, it was like that. This is how the ADDvokat member ended up finalizing the article, which I completely disagree with. There is no consensus, no one is interested. I spoke negatively about this and asked to return it as it was. —- PretenderrsTalk18:30, December 1, 2011 (UTC)

Of course, I had to return it myself —- PretenderrsTalk08:37, December 3, 2011 (UTC)

Release date, rumors. What do officials say?

NamePremiererelease date
Volt 2WorldUnknown

Volt 2 release date
The release date of the continuation of the cartoon remains unknown all the years since the release of the first part. Despite the fact that it has not been officially announced that a sequel will not appear, the creator of Bolt responds to fans on Twitter: “Unfortunately, a sequel is unlikely.”

In 2022, rumors appeared that the release was announced for November 2019, but, alas, it never took place.

The story of “Volta” has reached its logical conclusion and, despite the fact that it can be continued, the creators apparently do not see the point in this.

The story of the brave dog was a huge success around the world, but the box office in the USA and Canada left much to be desired. This also influenced the decision to film the sequel.

Estimated release date of the cartoon "Volt 2" According to official data, the release of the cartoon "Volt 2" is not yet planned.

Hello. I want to tell you about one not the most popular, but, nevertheless, excellent children's cartoon without violence and horror. The cartoon is called “Bolt” - a story about friendship between people and animals, about the injustice of the world and all sorts of troubles that help you understand that peace and friendship are more important than anything else.

Cartoon Bolt is a full-length cartoon from Walt Disney Animation Studios. The US premiere took place on November 17, 2008 in Los Angeles. Nominated for an Oscar as best animated project in 2008.

The concept of the cartoon is the tender relationship of a dog and a girl against the backdrop of the unreal world created by the film studio and reality, life. A dog named Volt goes through “all the circles of hell” to prove his devotion to man. An interesting, energetic plot, according to which viewers saw two types of reality - the world of the film set with its props and special effects, and the real world, where everything is much more serious, where there are no superpowers, but there are concepts of friendship and mutual assistance. The cartoon successfully combined storylines that interested both children and adults. According to the plot of the cartoon, Volt is an integral part of the animated series, which endowed him with special supernatural abilities. But the real world, in which he found himself by the will of fate, “deprived” him of the gift of power. Despite this injustice, Volt and his friends get home and save the girl Penny, who almost died in the movie pavilion. A girl named Penny and her dog Volt participated in the filming of a television series in which Volt was endowed with superpowers using fantastic technology. According to the plot of the series, Penny and Bolt confronted the vile villain - Dr. Calico (aka Green-Eyed, a cat lover), who kidnapped Penny's father, a scientist who turned Volt into a super dog. My son loves to repeat the words of Penny's dad: “I changed him...You have nothing to fear, you are not alone...You have Volt!” After another victory over an entire army of Green-Eyes mercenaries who were trying to kidnap Penny to blackmail her father, who refused to work to the detriment of humanity, the shooting day ended, but not for Volt. According to the cunning and greedy filmmakers, the dog should not have known that he was just an actor, and his abilities - an ultrasonic Super-bark, eyes shooting with lasers, the ability to outrun missiles - were only the result of the use of ultra-modern filming technologies. “As long as the dog believes, the viewer believes” is the director’s motto and the goal of the Hollywood agent of the real Penny, who sincerely loved Bolt even outside the script. He lived in a trailer at a film studio and saw nothing except the film set, and therefore knew nothing about the life of a real dog. Penny was not allowed to take Volt home for the weekend. The channel's management told the director that not all viewers want to see the same thing: the girl is in danger, and Volt constantly saves her. I myself wouldn’t be delighted, to be honest, to watch a bunch of episodes about the same thing. So, in order to cause realistic despair in Volt’s soul (to raise the channel’s ratings), according to the modified script, Green-Eyed was able to kidnap Penny and promised that the dog would never see his owner again. After filming this episode, Bolt was locked in his trailer, from where he managed to escape to free Penny. In an unsuccessful attempt to break through the window of a building in the real world, Volt lost consciousness and fell into a box of styrofoam. The box was packaged as a parcel and sent from Los Angeles to New York without noticing the dog in it. The U-Haul truck and its crew unwittingly took part in the journey of the main characters, without realizing it. Volt found himself in a strange city in real life, in which everything is not the same as in the movies, but he did not know this, but was sure that superpowers he will be helped in his search for Penny. Since for Bolt all cats are allies of the green-eyed villain Calico, he captured a completely different one - a stray cat named Mitten, tied him to his leash and promised to release her after they find Penny. After some time, Mittens realized who Volt was, and since she still had nowhere to go, she began to teach him to adapt to the conditions of the real world, which Volt had never been to. Sometimes she even sympathized when his attempts to use superpowers failed. In one of the campsites, they accidentally met a hamster, Rino, who was obsessed with TV series and action films. Rino lived in a comfortable plastic ball and did not leave the TV screen all day long. Bolt was his favorite movie character. Fearless Rhino asked Volt to take him with him to help find his owner. Along the way, Volt finally became convinced that all his fantastic skills were just a fiction, but he discovered that he also had other abilities - the real ones that dogs have. Traveling on foot, in cars and trains, day and night, in the heat and rain, the travelers became bosom friends. During a stop in Las Vegas, Mitten, thinking that suddenly both Penny and her concern for Volt were also a fiction, suggested that he not return home, but stay on the street in comfortable boxes. Mittens experienced human lies and ingratitude when she, a former domestic cat, was thrown out onto the street with her claws cut off, with which she frightened the local pigeons, forcing them to pay tribute to her. Bolt couldn't believe that Penny was faking it, and he had a glimmer of hope that it wasn't so. Having reached Hollywood and his film studio, Bolt, seeing that he had been replaced with another dog, was very upset. He wandered back, meeting Mitten, who nevertheless risked following him and helping him to the end. Moving away from the pavilions, Volt heard the call of the mistress, who was in trouble. A strong fire engulfed the entire building. With the help of his friends, he entered the burning building and helped Penny, who was trapped among the falling burning scenery and filming equipment, to get out. Since the exit was blocked, Volt and Penny headed towards the ventilation hatch. A very narrow ventilation hole allowed only the dog to escape, but the dog remained with Penny, who, after inhaling toxic smoke, fell unconscious. Remembering the Super Woof, Volt began to bark with all his might. The faint sound of a dog barking intensified in the ventilation duct and was heard by the firefighters. They dismantled the wall next to the ventilation and pulled out the girl and her unconscious dog, who had turned ashen gray from the smoke. After this incident, Penny stopped working at the film studio, and moved to live in a country house with her mother. Their friends stayed with them - Bolt, Mitten and Rhino. The cartoon is very kind, positive, just mega kind. Such truths as mutual assistance, devotion, fidelity and sincerity of relationships rise to the surface. And falsehood, lies, as always, are defeated. The majority of viewers and critics positively characterized the main idea and quality of execution of the animated film "Volt". The presence of smart, subtle and understandable humor, the absence of vulgarity made it a quality family film

Personally, I was delighted with how Bolt fit into the life of an ordinary dog. This is real joke! Mitten taught him to get food using “make a face”)) Very cute, very! Another interesting thing I would say is the stupid pigeons. These “komikazes” are so funny and express themselves in such interesting language that they have become, in my opinion, the spice of the cartoon.

Very nice music and songs in the cartoon. Perky and cheerful. "I Thought I Lost You" and "Barking at the Moon". As conceived by the filmmakers, it was necessary to use a vocal composition that conveys the experiences of the two main characters who found each other after a long separation. As a result, Miley Cyrus co-wrote the song “I Thought I Lost You” with her producer Jeffrey Steele, which Miley sang with John Travolta It turned out that the usual voice-over song turned out to be so successful that it was even nominated for a Golden Globe Award, awarded by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association. American alternative rock singer and actress Jenny Lewis performed the song “Barking At The Moon”, which sounded during the trip of Volt, Mittens and Rhino across America 3901907-Jenny-Lewis-Barking-at-the-Moon-Mp3.html. According to the director of the cartoon, Byron Howard, Lewis managed to subtly feel the main idea of ​​the cartoon and create a certain transition from the dynamic compositions of the Volt series to the animated and nostalgic music, breathing the “American dream”, which, in principle, was required. My favorite translation of this song into Russian is called “There is no home better than your own, because your home is dearer than anything else” is no+home+better+than your own+after all+your+home+everything+ relatives/.

The trailer for the cartoon Volt can be viewed here:

Cartoon characters Volt

My man is in danger! Volt is a white dog. There is no exact information about where he was born and who his parents are, however, according to the general chronology of the film, magazine covers and newspapers, Volt was born around January 2003. Penny adopted him at the age of about 8 months from the Silverlake Animal Rescue shelter. After some time, Volt, along with Penny, began to participate in the filming of the action show "Volt", and the creators of the show, using the latest technology on the set, convinced the dog that he had fantastic abilities that would help deal with villains. One day, accidentally finding himself in the real world in a strange city, Volt became convinced that he was an ordinary dog. But this did not stop him from remaining a hero, devoted to his owner Penny, whom he saved from death, risking his life when he returned home with the help of new friends. He spent his subsequent life in a country house where Penny's family moved. This life seemed more interesting to him, where he could become a real dog.

You can buy Volta here: https:/ / https://www. Penny Bolt, you are my smart girl. I love you Penny Penny is a twelve-year-old girl who, like Bolt, participated in the filming of a television show. She truly loved her dog outside of filming, and not just in the script. But she was not allowed to take Volt home for the weekend, so that he would be absolutely sure that he was a superdog, and there were villains around. When Volt got lost, Penny was very worried and missed him. After an accident on the set, she moved to the countryside with her mother and Bolt.

You can buy Penny here:


I'm worried about the number of crazy people around me. Mitten Mitten is a stray cat from New York. Mitten once had a house, but one day her owners moved and left the cat on the street with its claws removed. The hard life on the streets made her become a pessimist with a sarcastic sense of humor; the struggle with competitors left her fur constantly disheveled and left marks on her left ear. Mitten was forced to trick the city pigeons into giving up part of their profits under the pretext of personal protection. One day she was captured by the dog Volt, who thought that Mitten was an ally of the villains who kidnapped his owner. She had to help the dog get home and teach him to be a real dog. Subsequently, she remained to live in the house of the Volta family.

You can buy the Mitten here: .com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=disney+bolt&sprefix=Disney+Bolt+pe%2Ctoys-and-games%2C234&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Adisney+bolt Reno

Chic-a-a-arno! Rino Rino is an optimistic, desperate and restless hamster obsessed with television series and action movies. He lived in a comfortable plastic walking ball in a trailer. Rino, delighted with the evening action show "Volt", loved adventure, dreamed of getting out of his measured life and accomplishing a feat. According to him, one day he had a once-in-a-lifetime chance - he met his hero Volt in real life and, together with the captive cat Mitten, helped him get to his owner and accomplish a real feat. Subsequently he stayed to live with his new friends

You can buy Reno here:

Watch the cartoon and enjoy the excellent performance of the characters!

Thank you for your attention.

What could the next part hypothetically be about?

The final scene of the first part of the cartoon

In the second part of "Volt", viewers could see the continuation of the adventures of the trio - Volt, Mittens and Dino. Now they live far from the world of cinema, and Volt will have to adapt to ordinary living conditions.

Penny will probably be a little older and face some teenage problems. The girl refused to participate in the series and began to live an ordinary life. Will she regret her decision?

The idea of ​​the first cartoon was the true values ​​in human (and animal) life - family, love and friendship. Viewers loved the film so much for its kindness and deep message about prioritization. In the second part, the creators will certainly have to support the previous idea, again showing how important it is to make the right choice.

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