Royal Canin dog food: reviews and composition analysis

The owner decides how to feed the dog. One of the ways is food “from the table”, when the animal gets the same products as the rest of the family. Natural food is healthy, rich in protein, affordable, but it is recommended to create a specific diet, excluding food that is harmful to your pet. Veterinarians advise owners of purebred dogs to combine natural food with factory-made food, and in some cases, finally settle on an industrial product. French Royal Canin dog food is a highly advertised premium food in Russia. The global brand specializes in the production of dry and canned foods suitable for various breeds and age groups.

Detailed composition of Royal Canin

as premium food. This means that the buyer should see meat in the first positions in the food composition, that is, the protein component, followed by carbohydrates, fats, prebiotics, vitamins and microelements. Many dog ​​owners are upset by the fact that proteins take third place, and the percentage of substances contained is not indicated. The food is oversaturated with cheap corn and unknown ingredients.

Analysis of dry food components

  1. Plant proteins. They are less digestible than animals; the manufacturer does not indicate the percentage content and types of plants from which the protein is obtained.
  2. Rice cereal. A quickly digestible carbohydrate with high energy value.
  3. Degraded proteins. This is a powder made from poultry meat production waste.
  4. Chicken by-product meal. It is obtained by grinding the remains of butchered carcasses (feet, beaks, bones). A source of protein and amino acids, but obtained from cheap, low quality products.
  5. Brown rice Increases calorie content and is easily digestible.
  6. Corn. In some types of dry food, the ingredient leads in quantity. Added to increase the calorie content of the product.
  7. Chicken fat. A source of Omega-6 acids that are beneficial for the dog’s body.
  8. Wheat gluten. Second-rate vegetable protein, poor in amino acids and vitamins.
  9. Cellulose. Some foods use beet pulp, which has a positive effect on sugar levels and intestinal health.
  10. Fructooligosaccharides are prebiotics to improve dog digestion.
  11. Yeast. A source of B vitamins and healthy saccharides.

Other components include processing aids, including stabilizers, water absorbents, antioxidants and preservatives.

Review of ProPlan cat food

ProPlan is a premium cat food that has a completely balanced composition. It is worth noting that the ProPlan veterinary line is often classified as super premium food, as it is of higher quality. Another important fact is that two more cat foods are released under the Purina brand - Purina Cat Chow and Purina ONE. The first food is economy class, and the second is a more decent food. Therefore, you should not confuse them.

ProPlan cat food contains 40% protein, which is completely suitable for healthy animals. However, it is worth understanding in more detail. In Pro Plan, a large amount of this indicator is vegetable proteins (soy flour, corn gluten), which are not at all desirable for a cat’s menu. Moreover, corn is used because it is cheap, but it is the one that is most harmful to cats (in many animals it can lead to hair loss and various allergic reactions).

Purina ProPlan cat food contains real chicken (even in duck or salmon flavored varieties), which is of course a plus. “By-product meal” (ground waste, such as paws, heads) is also a useful ingredient for your pet. But there are also quite dubious components - animal fat and liver. It’s as if there’s nothing wrong with it, but too much liver is harmful for a cat, and the manufacturer does not specify what exactly the origin of “animal fat” is.

Among the cereal crops, ProPlan contains both ingredients suitable for cats, for example, rice, and strong allergens (for example, wheat flour). Additionally, some versions of Purina ProPlan contain cellulose powder, which can also cause allergic reactions in your cat. In conclusion, it is worth noting the presence in these foods of pribiotics and enzymes that are useful for cat digestion, which are usually a feature of the super premium class.

Features of the composition of wet food

It is recommended to supplement the dry diet with canned food. The manufacturer does not reveal its secrets; wet food packages contain very scant information about the composition of the product.

  • Meat, vegetable by-products;
  • cereals;
  • minerals;
  • fats;
  • sources of carbohydrates.

There are no exact values, the percentage of content is not indicated. The amount of vitamins and minerals is prescribed per 1 kg of product, 85 g per pack.

The omega-6 fatty acid included in the feed performs an important function in the synthesis of vitamin D and affects the production of retinol in the animal’s liver. The lack of these substances negatively affects the appearance of the dog's coat and leads to skin diseases.

Feeding tips and tricks

When feeding dry food from this company, like any other, be sure to have a bowl of clean, fresh water nearby. Dry food requires a lot of water to digest, and you need to make sure your dog is quenching his thirst.

According to veterinarians, food containing grains can attract insects and rodents, so it is important to properly store opened packages. They should not only be put in a dark and cool place, but also carefully closed: a plastic sealed container is best. This will not only protect the diet from spoilage by pests, but will also leave it fresh and aromatic.

It is best, according to reviews, to keep food on the top shelves of cabinets, and also take them in small packages. This makes them more convenient to store and reduces the risk of edible granules oxidizing in air.

Wet food is sealed in airtight packaging and can be stored unopened longer than dry food. Dry diets are usually good for 1-1.5 years, while wet diets can be consumed after 3 years.

The packaging of wet menus is also convenient: since their shelf life in open packaging is no more than 2-3 days, they are packaged in small jars or bags for one meal of the animal. Veterinarians insist in their reviews that you thoroughly wash your pet’s bowl after each meal of wet food to avoid the growth of bacteria and the appearance of insects.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive reviews from veterinarians highlight the advantages of Royal Canin food:

  1. A special line contains a special composition suitable for dogs with digestive problems, pregnant and lactating females.
  2. Availability. You can buy dry or canned French food at an affordable price in any pet store.
  3. An assortment that includes the ability to choose food for breed, size, and age.
  4. Contents of vitamin and mineral supplements.

But consumers highlight many disadvantages of Royal Canin:

  • there is no percentage ratio of the components of the composition;
  • the packaging does not contain information about the quality and origin of raw materials;
  • it is not indicated what preservatives and other additives are used;
  • Russian-made food is inferior to its foreign counterpart, according to dog breeders;
  • Some lines contain the harmful antioxidant E-310.

Questionable ingredients - gluten, gluten, powdered cellulose, feed yeast, vegetable oil.

Vitamin-mineral complex contains:

  • iron, zinc, biotin, taurine, calcium;
  • tocopherol acetate, manganese, copper, L-carnitine, sodium, magnesium.

Pros and cons of premium food

Premium cat food is not nearly as high quality as super-premium food or food from the holistic line, but they are not as expensive. The quality and composition of the components in them is much better than in economy class feed. Premium food already contains real meat (albeit in small quantities), but also still contains a variety of substitutes, preservatives and the like. In simple terms, we can say that such food is not dangerous to the cat’s health, but it is also not desirable.

Many cat owners choose premium food , as they are a compromise between price and quality. The advantages of such food include greater nutritional value than in economy class, due to which the animal eats much smaller portions and, accordingly, the load on the kidneys will be less, there will be less excrement, and so on. Among the disadvantages of premium food are the already mentioned preservatives, chemical flavoring additives and aromas. However, animals in good health can live their entire lives on this food without any problems.

Royal Canin food line

When choosing industrial food - dry or canned, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the dog’s body, age, breed, activity. The owner must take care of a balanced diet, a sufficient amount of protein, the presence of vitamins, minerals, and useful components.

Royal Canin products are sold in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. The assortment is wide, and the price of premium food is considered average.

For puppies

Babies grow quickly, they need a lot of protein for health and proper development, calcium to strengthen bones, teeth, vitamins, as well as hypoallergenic food. There is dry food produced for puppies of small breeds, the emphasis of its composition is on weight gain. There are types of food for large individuals that help form the correct skeleton.

This is interesting: 10 hypoallergenic foods for puppies

For newborn puppies and nursing females:

  • Mini starter – recommended for decorative indoor dogs;
  • Giant – food with this marking is suitable for large breed puppies;
  • Medium – for medium-sized dogs;
  • babydog milk is a substitute for mother's milk or an additive if necessary when there is insufficient quantity.

The starting line of Royal Canin food contains a set of nutrients, minerals, and vitamin complexes that can complement natural nutrition. Dry croquettes are soaked in milk or water.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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If, after starting complementary feeding, your dog has a reaction in the form of allergic rashes or digestive problems, you should consult a veterinarian and look for another food option for him.

When no problems arise, an older puppy from 2 months to a year is switched to dry complete dog food marked Junior on the package.

  1. Mini - in the first positions in the composition are poultry meat, vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. Calcium chelate stimulates digestion, fish oil affects the health of the coat. The food is recommended for strengthening the immune system of small dogs with sensitive intestines.
  2. Yorkshire – designed for feeding Yorkshire terriers. These animals often get sick and are prone to allergic reactions and gastrointestinal disorders. The finished mixture has a beneficial effect on the balance of microflora and strengthens the Yorkie's immune system. The convenient format in the form of granules and cookies is suitable for the small jaw of the animal.
  3. Medium Junior – designed for puppies up to one year old, belonging to medium breeds of dogs (Labradors, retrievers, Dalmatians, poodles, hounds). Contains a complex supplement of vitamins, minerals, fish oil and fiber.
  4. Giant or Active Junior - this food contains a lot of calcium, which strengthens the bone structure and joints of large breed puppies.
  5. Urban – recommended for kids growing up in large and polluted cities.

The price for a package of Royal Canin premium industrial feed depends on the type, composition and volume of the product.

For an adult dog

A pet at the age of 12-15 months is given food for the rest of its life. The Royal Canin adult line is a continuation of the food suitable for puppies.

  1. Adult – standard and high-quality food for different dogs. The corresponding breed is marked or drawn on the packaging.
  2. Urban Adult – recommended for pets exposed to stress, noise, and living in polluted cities.
  3. Indoor – supports the health of small indoor dogs.
  4. Endurance 4800, Agility – suitable for animals with increased physical activity.

For dogs over 8-10 years old, special diets of dry or wet Royal Canin food have been developed in the form of canned food. Owners will find numbers on the packaging indicating nutritional recommendations based on the pet's age.

Medicinal and dietary feeds

The Royal Canin veterinary ready-to-eat line deserves special attention. A dog can get the disease at any age or be born with the defect.

  1. Cardiac is a special food for dogs with abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.
  2. Gastro Intenstila Low Fat – low fat content, suitable for pets with poor digestion.
  3. Fiber Response with a higher percentage of fiber - designed for a dog's special diet.
  4. Weight Control - food recommended for overweight pets.
  5. Calm is used to reduce stress and during the adaptation period.
  6. Diabetic – for diabetes mellitus.
  7. Skin Care – suitable for severe allergic reactions and skin rashes.
  8. Neutered is a specially developed food for neutered animals.
  9. Renal – used by animals with acute renal failure.
  10. Hypoallergenic or Sensitivity Control - hypoallergenic food.
  11. Gastro - prescribed for dogs with gastrointestinal disorders.
  12. Urinary – prevention of the development of urolithiasis.
  13. Mobility – for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Dry granules or canned food of a special series are recommended for the treatment or prevention of diseases, as well as during the period of recovery and rehabilitation of the animal.

List of premium cat foods

Premium cat food brands include the following: Purina Pro Plan, Royal Canin, Iams, Hills, Feline Perfection, Fitmin. It is worth noting that very often Royal Canin food and Hills food are often classified as super-premium. This is due to the fact that their medicinal food lines are of very high quality. However, regular food of these brands is not as good as super-premium food, and therefore it is a mistake to attribute them to it.


The French one has been operating since 1967. The first production in the city of Emargue specialized in the production of dry food for German shepherds. A few years later, the range was expanded, and a whole line of special packaging appeared for purebred dogs and cats, puppies, large pets, and animals with digestive problems.

Over time, factories appeared in other countries: Germany, Finland, Argentina, USA, Brazil. Domestic production works according to the standards of the French company, preserving the original composition. Despite this, many dog ​​owners are convinced of the low quality of food produced in the Russian Federation.

Photo gallery

Photo 1. Diet for large dogs

Photo 2. Menu for dogs living in the city

Photo 3. Food for aging small dogs

The better than others

No premium pet food has such a wide range as Royal Canin. Sixteen types of dry and canned food for puppies, more than 20 for adult dogs, plus a separate therapeutic and preventive line. It is possible to meet the needs of representatives of any breed with different characteristics. With this choice, food has a relatively low price and is freely available.

Diet Dermatology

Some dogs may suffer from allergic reactions and individual intolerances. Due to improper nutrition, your pet may begin to lose hair, develop wounds, and develop a weak appetite.

To save your dog from suffering, you need to choose hypoallergenic food. The medical nutrition of this Royal Canin line is a unique source of proteins. The food has an anti-inflammatory effect on the dog's skin. The diet contains a very low percentage of allergic substances.

The composition includes corn starch, coconut oil, vegetable fiber, free amino acids and so on. There are 388 kcal per 100 grams of product. The food is contraindicated for dogs with pancreatitis and hyperlipidemia.

Dosage per day

A dog owner who prefers commercially produced food should carefully study the procedure and feeding standards. The serving size is calculated based on the height, weight, and physical activity of the animal. The features of its content are taken into account. For example, during the cold season, a lot of calories are spent on heating the body, so food should be nutritious and the portions should be larger.

The dosages and daily consumption rates are prescribed on the packages; the owner just needs to pay attention to the details.

  • Do not exceed the recommended dose; overfeeding leads to obesity and serious health problems for your pet;
  • premium or holistic food is more economical than usual, since these categories have a more nutritious composition;
  • If the dog is hungry and does not eat enough, it means there is not enough protein in the food. It is worth adding an additional complex of vitamins and minerals to your diet.

Puppies eat at least 5 times a day in small portions. At the age of 4 to 6 months, they are fed a little less often, gradually reducing the number of meals to two times. The nutrition of sick animals is adjusted by the treating veterinarian, and pregnant and lactating females need to increase the portions.

Daily value for an adult dog:

Weight, kgAmount of food in grams according to the dog’s activity
up to 450-6030-40
19-29up to 300180-200

For puppies of small breeds, the recommended daily dose of dry food is 180-450 g. Medium-sized babies will need 400-600 g, and large animals from 600 g to 1 kg.

Reviews of Royal Canin food

Feedback from specialists and consumers provides additional information that cannot be found on the official website or in product descriptions from sellers.

Veterinarian review

This story was told by a friend, a veterinarian at a pet clinic at a kennel club. The owner brought in a dog that had thickened skin on its paws. They itched and hair fell out. External remedies did not help, I suspected a food allergy.

Royal Canin Hypoallergenic food did not help. I prescribed Royal Canin Anallergenic for dogs for allergies and food intolerances. There is no protein in the food, only hydrolyzed feather meal. A month and a half later, the dog’s owner came to thank him. I advised that the dog be switched to Anallergenic food for life.

Customer Reviews

Customers shared their opinions about the food in the following reviews:

Nastya: my pet, a Spitz, is a notoriously picky person. If she doesn't like the food, she goes hungry. I gave up several foods until I settled on Royal Canin for small breeds. I liked that the dosage was written on the packaging and there was a lot of useful information. The granules are small, the pet eats with pleasure, and the fur is shiny.

Maria: I have been using this food for a long time. The bag has a convenient zipper. The granules are small and greasy, but I feed them according to the norm and the dog is not gaining weight.

Natalya: Hello everyone. I purchased Royal Canin with chicken for small breed puppies. Two and a half months later, a rash appeared on the skin. The vet said it was a chicken allergy. I replaced dry food with food without chicken. After 2 weeks the rash went away. I think Royal Canin is a good food, but I’m not happy with the price. There are better quality products for the same price.

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Reviews from veterinarians

Sinyatina Ekaterina: “For owners of furry clients, I recommend only Royal Canin food from the veterinary line. The diet includes more than 50 types of dry options and canned food with a composition enriched with healthy ingredients with an optimal level of calorie content. I won’t recommend everyday varieties of food; they contain controversial ingredients, a lot of corn or rice, and a poor composition. Properly selected nutrition is the key to the healthy functioning of all important systems in the animal’s body.”

Titov Leonid: “I buy special food marked Yorkshire for my Yorkshire terriers. The breed is picky, it took a long time to find the right option, the dogs refused everything. With the help of Royal Canin, I finally solved the problem, but I advise you to choose European production, dogs eat it better.”

Sushchenko Alevtina: “I recommend that owners of animals with digestive problems, allergies or developmental defects pay attention to a special therapeutic and preventive line of food. The composition is selected taking into account the dog’s characteristics, enriched with useful substances, fiber, and vitamins.”

Properly selected food for a dog is evidenced by its healthy shiny and glossy coat, as well as active behavior, playfulness, mobility, and constant body weight. But if she refuses to eat, has skin problems, constipation, or decreased activity, it is recommended to replace dry or wet food with another option.

What should you pay attention to before purchasing?

Before you decide to buy food, you should study the reviews and recommendations of breeders of your particular breed. If the majority of owners praise the diet, and even more so, it is recommended by the nursery from which the dog was taken, then you can safely offer it to your pet.

As already mentioned, for some dog breeds, Royal Canin has provided separate ready-made diets, but if there are none, then you can choose a product based on the size of the pet. The brand has a line for small, medium, large and giant animals.

According to consumer reviews, it is better to buy food in one trusted place, in sealed bags, avoiding loose goods. In some pharmacies, they may become stale, stored incorrectly and, as a result, lose their smell and appetizing to the dog.

Don’t be afraid of the prices for animal food, because experienced breeders never tire of repeating that the price of good nutritious food is equal to the price of its main component - protein. This means it varies within the price per kilogram of a piece of meat or fresh poultry.

Who produces this food?

Royal Canin was born in France in 1967. The original product was specifically designed for German Shepherds. But over time, the developers expanded the range and created a sample menu for other breeds.

Currently, the company's production complexes are located in 11 countries. They all work according to French standards. Thanks to massive advertising, the product became recognizable everywhere. It is especially popular among novice dog breeders.

Line by breed

It is well known that representatives of some cat breeds require a special approach to nutrition. Royal Canin has developed a whole line of food specifically for some specific breeds.

Canadian Sphynx

  • Sphynx Adult is food for cats over one year of age. High calorie triangular croquettes provide the Sphynx with the proper amount of energy he requires. Nutrients support the protective functions of the skin. Taurine with fatty acids has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. And the required minerals contained in the composition ensure the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Sphynx Kitten – small triangular kibble for Sphynx kittens.

Siamese cat

Royal Canin has developed a special dry food for representatives of this breed: Siamese Adult.
When long-faced Siamese cats chew ring-shaped croquettes, they provide an opportunity to control the amount of food consumed. Siamese Adult contains 2 times more protein than fat. This helps to build enough muscle and also prevents obesity. L-carnitine helps metabolic processes in the pet's body. LIPs improve digestion.

Probiotics help ensure balanced bowel function. Nutrients support healthy skin and a shiny coat. And the unique mineral content keeps the genitourinary system in shape.

Maine Coon

  • Maine Coon Adult. Gnawing large cube-shaped croquettes by pets of the above breed perfectly cleanses their oral cavity. Special fatty acids contained in the product help strengthen Maine Coon bones. Taurine supports normal functioning of the heart muscle. Maine Coon Adult also contains nutrients and a unique set of minerals.
  • Maine Coon (in sauce) – wet canned food for pets from 15 months of age.
  • Maine Coon Kitten – dry croquettes for small Maine Coons.
  • Maine Coon Kitten (in sauce).

Persian cats

  • Persian Adult. Oval kibble of dry food for adult Persian cats are made with a special texture to facilitate gripping and also encourage chewing. Fatty acids maintain normal skin and coat condition. The fiber contained in the food promotes the smooth removal of long, dense hair that has been accidentally swallowed from the animal’s body. LIPs improve digestion. Probiotics help ensure balanced bowel function. And the unique mineral content keeps the genitourinary system in shape.
  • Persian (in pate) – wet product for adult Persian cats.
  • Persian Kitten – dry croquettes for little “Persians”

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Adult – dry croquettes for representatives of the above breed from 1 year.
Sulfur-containing amino acids and vitamins help maintain the normal condition of the cat's coat and skin. The fiber contained in the food promotes the smooth removal of long, dense hair that has been accidentally swallowed from the animal’s body.

Bengal breed

For such pets, Royal Canin produces a special dry product, Bengal Adult.
The LIPs contained in the food improve digestion. Probiotics with fiber help promote balanced bowel function. Bengal Adult contains 2 times more protein than fat. This helps to build a sufficient amount of muscle. Specially selected amino acids, as well as Omega 3 and Omega 6, will ensure the healthy appearance and shine of your Bengal's coat.

The unique mineral content supports the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.

British shorthair breed

  • British Shorthair Adult - large convex dry kibble specially made for British cats. By chewing on such foods, pets additionally cleanse their oral cavity. Sufficient protein content helps in maintaining the muscle tone of the animal. Special fatty acids contained in the product help strengthen bones. Taurine has a positive effect on the cat's cardiovascular system. A balanced composition of minerals supports the normal functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • British Shorthair (in sauce) – wet food for British dogs from 1 year of age.
  • British Shorthair Kitten – dry croquettes for British Shorthair kittens.

What breeds is this food suitable for?

Breed health nutrition – created for purebred pets. It takes into account individual requirements for proteins, vitamins and nutrition.

The premium diet is recommended for the following breeds:

  • Afghan Hound;
  • Bedlington Terrier;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Jack Russell Terrier;
  • miniature schnauzer;
  • Italian Greyhound;
  • Newfoundland;
  • German Pinscher;
  • Russian colored lapdog;
  • Pomeranian Spitz;
  • Pekingese;
  • small poodle.

The developers took care of the individual shape of croquettes for bulldogs, for example. It corresponds to the special anatomical structure of the pet’s jaw. And in the German Shepherd’s diet, the emphasis is on components that strengthen the joints.

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