Dogs are man's best friends. Dog's devotion

Throughout human history, the dog has remained a reliable friend. But there is a difference between breed and breed. Each dog has its own temperament and character. Are the most loyal dogs worth it? Yes! This is especially important when choosing a puppy, because you are welcoming a new family member into your home. The most loyal dogs are an amazing thing among us. For the sake of man, they overcome fear and sacrifice their lives. Their affection is touching and not always explainable.


More than 20 thousand years ago, primitive man brought a completely wild wolf into his home. It took thousands of years for the predator to unlearn its habits and become a domestic animal. Initially, animals (dogs) guarded the house and, sensing danger, gave a signal. These creatures have well-developed hearing and sense of smell, so they can hear and feel things that are beyond the control of humans. A dog is a naturally excellent hunter. She enjoyed hunting with her owner, tracking and driving game. When man tamed other animals, dogs also became responsible for guarding livestock.

German Shepherd

A protective dog by nature, the German Shepherd is renowned for its intelligence and adaptability. The German Shepherd is generally a very energetic dog, but is also a loyal and affectionate dog. She is friendly to other dogs, especially those she met as a puppy.

Role in human history

Archaeologists have discovered dog bones during excavations of ancient human settlements, which indicates long-standing connections between people and these animals. Since then, it has been believed that dogs have been man's best friend throughout history. In Ancient Egypt there was a belief that the dog was a symbol of the kingdom of the dead. The Egyptians worshiped her and gave her the status of a deity. Ancient frescoes depict dogs sitting next to the pharaoh. They accompanied their leader to the world of the dead. Separate sarcophagi were built for the dogs and they were buried with honor. In Ancient Greece and Rome, fighting dogs were bred. Thus, in the army of Alexander the Great there was a detachment that consisted of more than 5 thousand animals. Four-legged warriors were shackled in armor and sent into battle. The dead animals were buried with honors, like glorious heroes. In Rus', people most often took a dog with them on a hunt. Well-known hunting breeds, distinguished by speed, endurance, agility and courage, were bred especially for this activity. According to historical data, Tsar Peter I had a messenger dog that carried orders and letters. Our little brothers also used such abilities during the Great Patriotic War. Messenger dogs quietly passed by the enemy and carried important messages. During the war, field hospitals had ambulance dogs. They searched for the wounded on the field, each with a bag of medicine strapped to her back. Many soldiers owe their lives to four-legged rescuers. Therefore, we can easily say that dogs are man's best friends. In some countries there are four-legged postmen who deliver telegrams and letters high into the mountains to tourist centers. Dogs are man’s best friends, they will always come to his aid and will not leave him in difficult times. Thanks to this quality, these animals are used in the search for missing people. There are hundreds of cases where a dog pulled people out of the water, found those lost in the forest or in the mountains, and looked for victims in the rubble after earthquakes.

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Dog devotion

What is a dog's loyalty? Is this feeling measurable and definable? Maybe it’s just the attachment of a living creature to a person or gratitude for affection and care? It's very difficult to figure this out. Some scientists believe that at a certain period dogs develop a need for an owner, for the subordination of a stronger individual. Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human ones. The loyalty of dogs, like the friendship of people, must be treasured. After all, friendship and devotion are a priceless gift that is given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that subtly feel a connection with their owner. The behavior of the four-legged pet reflects the traits of its owner. Regardless of a person’s character, a dog has been and remains the most loyal creature. Even after death, she does not leave her friend: she gives various signs, warning of danger or foreshadowing significant events in life. People have repeatedly reported visions at night or visits from ghost dogs that protected them from trouble and death.

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound, an animal with long ears, folds on the skin of the neck and head, short legs, a disproportionately long body and a languid look, evokes pity among many.

These animals always seem sad. They are affectionate and sociable pets who are good with people and love children. They are curious and extremely slow, have a keen sense of smell and a short memory. They can easily get lost if they follow a scent they like.

Basset hounds do not require intense exercise. Regular walks are enough for them.

Relationships between children and dogs

Many dogs become very attached to children. A four-legged pet will become not only a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A devoted dog will never offend a child; it touchingly calms and plays, rejoices uncontrollably at the sight of a little friend, and worries when he is sick. It is children's sincerity and purity that attracts animals. It is not surprising that children at school write the essay “A Dog is Man’s Best Friend.” After all, you can give many examples of such friendship, both well-known and from your own life. Schoolchildren talk with delight about the dog Hachiko, who met her owner at the station every day and continued to faithfully wait even after his death. Children describe stories related to dog monuments known throughout the world, as well as stories that happened in their neighborhood in their hometown.

English toy spaniel

The English Toy Spaniel is ideal for older people, as it does not require intense physical activity.
He has a timid character. He can get confused in the presence of strangers and never shows aggression. The toy spaniel does not like to be alone. All he needs to be happy is the person next to him. These animals do not need entertainment and active games.

Toy spaniels do not need long walks and runs. Due to their short legs, physical activity is difficult for them. They get tired quickly. This feature should be taken into account if you decide to get a toy spaniel.

Get a dog - change yourself and your life

The dog will always be next to the person, ready to come to his aid in any extreme situation. For thousands of years it has faithfully served, fearlessly protected, saved from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe that four-legged friends help cure some psychological diseases. A person who makes such a friend changes his character radically, he becomes more sympathetic and kinder. There are people who believe that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, upon reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the appearance of a dog in the house, a person is forced to become more responsible, take care of the pet, take into account its needs, which means that his selfishness decreases. While walking a four-legged friend, the owner fights laziness and begins to engage in active recreation or even sports. Here are a few facts that answer the question of why a dog is man's best friend:

  • a dog helps you gain confidence in yourself;
  • the person becomes relaxed and sociable;
  • the feeling of loneliness goes away;
  • relationships with relatives, loved ones and friends become more harmonious;
  • confidence in achieving the goal is gained;
  • the dog becomes a companion, assistant and guard.

A dog is an animal rightfully considered man's best friend.

Portuguese diver

This breed was bred to hunt fish, retrieve lost or broken nets, and act as a courier from ship to shore. They are ideal for people with allergies and make great friends: they are loving, independent, intelligent and easy to train. Representatives of this breed love affection and are friendly with strangers. But remember that, as with many large dogs, boredom can be deadly for these dogs.

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This dog looks incredibly cute. The most famous Newfoundland is from the book Peter Pan. In the book, this dog is a real favorite of children, but in reality the situation is usually exactly the same. These gentle giants are very friendly, easy to train, and their docile nature is widely known. The Newfoundland is a dog that can swim perfectly, this breed is trained to save drowning people. One of these dogs even saved Napoleon Bonaparte.


Corgis are incredibly popular, all thanks to their playful and sweet nature. According to Welsh mythology, fairies ride on these dogs. Corgis are shy around strangers, but are good with children and love to please their owners. They look very funny: they have big ears and an elongated torso. Carefully monitor the diet of such a pet: corgis tend to overeat and quickly gain excess weight, which can harm their health.


Because of their incredible intelligence, beagles are used by police and airports. For example, they sniff luggage in search of illegal substances. Thanks to their friendly nature and cute appearance, beagles do not frighten passengers. This breed is distinguished by good health and an even temperament, which is suitable for families with small children. Most often, beagles are surrendered to shelters because owners are annoyed by their howling. Training will help you avoid the problem: start teaching your dog to howl less from the very first months. In this case, nothing will interfere with you in the future.


This breed is the most popular in many countries. These are obedient and loyal dogs that get along with children and other animals. Labradors are smart, they serve as guides for the blind and help autistic people. They excel as therapy dogs and can work as police officers. Such a dog will suit even a family that has never had a dog before; you will definitely get along with your pet!

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