Man's faithful friends: 14 of the most loyal dog breeds

One of the most important qualities for which dogs are valued is their loyalty. Such a character trait is sometimes very difficult to find in a person, but it is much easier to find in this wonderful animal. Books are written, films and TV series are made about the loyalty of dogs.

First published: 08/04/2020


A friend who will not leave you in trouble will always come to the rescue and protect. What can a person do to deserve such an attitude towards himself, and what can he give in return? Cozy, warm and dry shelter, tasty regular food, care, care and a little attention - this is all that will make your pet happy. But perhaps a little more attention would not be amiss.

Loyal comrades can perfectly combine a cheerful, mischievous disposition and at the same time be formidable defenders, defending their territory and their beloved owner. There are small and large breeds of dogs that are not suitable as guards, but they are always nearby, cheer you up and love you no less.

Without a person, it is not so easy for a dog to survive alone, because first of all it is a domestic animal, not a wild animal. Good upbringing helps to tame your pet's temper, find a common language with him and enhances the best qualities of the dog.

We present the rating of the TOP 14 loyal dog breeds. The review was compiled by our editorial experts based on reviews from owners, dog handlers and analysis of other Internet resources.


  1. German Shepherd
  2. Labrador
  3. Akita Inu
  4. Collie
  5. Doberman
  6. Sheltie
  7. West Siberian Laika
  8. Russian toy terrier
  9. Rottweiler
  10. Boxer
  11. Dachshund
  12. Saint Bernard
  13. Pitbull
  14. Bullmastiff


For example, a puppy named Betsy, born in the capital of Austria in 2002, without long hours of training, already at the age of 10 weeks, carried out the command “sit” and brought, at the request of the owners, objects that they named. Isn't this the smartest dog in Austria?

Subsequently, the owners noticed that their dog understood the meaning of spoken words after hearing them only two or three times, and after training, Betsy learned to recognize objects captured in photographs. The smartest dog.

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Doberman Pinscher

The breed was developed in the 19th century. It received its name in honor of its creator, Friedrich Louis Dauberman. He worked as a policeman and tax collector and, due to the danger of such a profession, needed a devoted friend and protector who would always and everywhere accompany the owner, helping him in this difficult matter. In addition, Frederick had to deal with stray dogs, which increased the need for a brave, vigilant, hardy defender.

The Doberman Pinscher turned out to be just like that – with excellent working skills as a watchdog and a house dog. The prototype of the new variety was the miniature pinscher. It was he who inspired the breeder to create an enlarged copy.

Friedrich Dobermann did not record his activities on paper, so modern versions of the origin of the breed are only guesses. There is reason to believe that in order to consolidate the necessary characteristics, the ancestors of the Beauceron, Rottweiler and German Pinscher were involved in breeding. Also included were the English Greyhound, German Shepherd, Great Dane, Pointer, Setter, Greyhound and Black and Tan Terrier.

It is surprising that such a combination of a wide variety of bloodlines led to the emergence of an ideal breed - exactly the way the author intended it.

Dobermans are famous for their high intelligence and obedience. Such qualities allow them to be trained and trained with extraordinary ease.

All these years and to this day, the Doberman continues to be one of the most loyal and reliable breeds that has ever existed on Earth. And although its representatives still enjoy a reputation as guard dogs, they have long outgrown their status and turned into adored, loving and gentle family members.

What about the rest?

When the question arises which breed of dog is the smartest and most devoted, cynologists believe that it is not a matter of intelligence, but sensitivity. For example, an animal gets used to the daily routine and therefore, half an hour before the owner returns from work, sits at the door and waits for him. And then the owner believes that he has the smartest dog. Or, on the contrary, some claim that their dog is stupid because he spoils things, although he has already been punished for this. However, in reality, this is a natural need to do something and they simply pay little attention to the animal. A developed brain requires new impressions; if there are none, the dog gets bored. Dog experts believe that the state of mind should be assessed not in the laboratory, but in natural conditions, in order to determine which breeds are smarter. For example, stray dogs cross the road at a green traffic light or at a pedestrian crossing, but no one teaches them this, they learned it themselves.

And if your pet is not included in the 10 smartest breeds that are easiest to train, then there is no need to worry. After all, dog handlers believe that the ability to train is not the key criterion. A number of breeds are bred specifically to solve certain problems. Animal companions must understand a person perfectly and follow his instructions. Hunting species are less human-oriented. The Newfoundland, as a representative of water dogs, makes independent decisions and is therefore difficult to train, but this does not mean that it is not smart. Therefore, the smartest dog breeds in the world are not limited to a dozen. The list includes Welsh Corgis, all Belgian Shepherds, Collies, German Shorthaired Pointers, English Spaniels, Miniature Schnauzers, Mountain Dogs, Pomeranians and many others.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier

This dog is also known as the "nanny dog" because of his love for children. They show extraordinary tenderness and care towards the little members of their family. Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong attachment to all household members and unwavering devotion to the owner.

The breed needs early socialization. The sooner training and education begin, the more docile and friendly the pet will behave with other dogs and people.


Despite its tiny dimensions, the baby is not devoid of character and is capable of casting a daring glance at a person, even if this person is his own master. But, on the other hand, there is nothing more pleasant for a Chihuahua than sitting in the arms of its owner, looking at the world from above.

This cute little dog loves her people and expects affection and treats in return.

Chi is one of the longest-living dogs, so there will be quite enough time to get to know each other better and become attached to each other, to enjoy a happy relationship with one of the most loyal and loving creatures (although still not enough).

Chihuahuas are known for their ability to form strong bonds with one person in the entire family. In some cases, they can choose a few lucky ones worthy of entering the pet’s inner circle. This does not mean at all that the baby is not at all friendly with strangers or other pets. Chihuahuas are sociable dogs that love attention.

Even small dog breeds need training. When it comes to good manners, there are no size limits.

Welsh Corgi Pembroke

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi also appeared in Great Britain; according to legend, puppies were given to humanity by fairies, who previously used them as sled dogs. Therefore, there is still a saddle-shaped spot on the back. Outwardly, this is a small dog that is distinguished by its activity, good nature, patience and affection for its owner. They get along easily with other animals, adore children, and are never capricious. The commands are memorized the second time, but they can even be taught to perform circus acts.


Bernese Mountain Dog

Dogs are eternal puppies: positive, active, active, love games, although older pets are rather lazy. One of the best options for family life, they quickly get used to members of the household and get along with others. They love children, take care of them, are tolerant of mischief and pranks, and will never offend someone who is weaker.

The breed is similar to the brethren, but is distinguished by a stronger physique, long thick hair and an intimidating appearance. Although appearances are deceptive, because in the family they behave good-naturedly and docilely. They are indifferent and tactful towards strangers, but if they sense danger, they will protect property and family.

  • Zennens get along well with cats and often allow them to sleep on them. They do not react to small rodents and birds, and rarely come into conflict with their fellows.
  • Despite the fact that until the age of 3-4 years the pet remains a puppy, it learns slowly, it is ready to listen and obey its owner. He needs affection and praise, otherwise the animal will not feel needed.

Akita Inu

Probably everyone knows the touching story of Hachiko, who returned to the train station every day for 10 years after the death of his master in the hope of meeting him after a long separation. Based on this incredibly dramatic, heartbreaking story, the wonderful film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend” was made. It is simply impossible to watch it without tears.

The incredible dog, who amazed the world with miracles of devotion, love, and affection for his loved one, was a representative of the Akita Inu breed - one of the six purebred national breeds of Japan.

The charming Akita is characterized by a cool, reserved behavior towards strangers. But the dog is 200 percent loyal to its family. She is affectionate, sociable, and playful with them.

If from an early age you teach your furry baby to communicate with other dogs, cats, and people, then most likely in the future she will be inclined to let them into her personal space.

This versatile breed is independent-minded, patient, and highly trainable. On the one hand, the Akita can be wayward, but on the other hand, it demonstrates obedience and amazing devotion. The pet is sensitive and receptive, needs love, affection and constant communication with a person.

The Akita can be a formidable and valiant protector, a hard-working working dog, and a gentle and loving pet for its family. Once you gain the trust of this sweet creature, your faithful life partner will accompany your person for many, many years.

Xoloitzcuintle (Sholoitzcuintle)

Also known as the Mexican Hairless Dog. The breed is very ancient - for more than 3000 years, Xolos have been faithful companions for people.

Representatives of the breed need time to meet new people and get used to them. And as soon as a person, in the opinion of the xolo, is worthy of maximum trust, the dog will become his most faithful friend for life.

The Aztecs were so convinced of the xolo's devotion that they gave them the status of a guide to the afterlife. The dog’s loyalty was so significant and strong for them that it extended beyond the boundaries of earthly life. It is not surprising that Anubis, the ancient Egyptian god of funerary rituals and mummification, is depicted with a dog's head, strongly reminiscent of a xolo.


Research conducted at the turn of the present and last centuries in Germany with the participation of the collie Rico, who knew more than 260 words, forced scientists to admit that the level of development of this dog corresponds to the level of development of a child in the first years of life, when the baby begins to memorize the words of the human language.

As a result of three years of observations of Rico, it turned out that the dog has logical thinking: when a new thing was added to familiar objects, he brought it at the request of the owner, although he had not heard its name before. As the researchers were convinced, the dog could establish a connection between a new object and an unfamiliar word, although it was not specially trained to do so.

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In one of the tests conducted by scientists, Rico accurately brought 38 out of 40 toys by name, and new words, many of which he memorized the first time, remained in his memory a month after the end of the daily test sessions.


Thanks to their unusual ears, they are affectionately called butterfly dogs. They have an ancient history. Noble people and kings kept Papillons at their palaces. These cute little charmers bring joy to your home. With their cheerful barking, funny “bells” will report to the owner about the latest news.

Little Papillons are a fashionable, elegant breed and are ready to accompany a person twenty-four hours a day.

They are able to amaze the imagination with extraordinary mental abilities. “Butterflies” instantly remember and carry out many commands. They do this with pleasure and without much difficulty. Their main task is to please those who love them. In exchange for their owner's love, they are ready to walk on their hind legs and dance the waltz.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

At first, dogs of this breed played the role of a companion for the richest and most influential people in Europe. Besides loyalty, the most important trait of a spaniel is patience. The fact is that the dogs had to sit for hours in a strict aristocratic environment, unable to move or utter an extra sound.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is very sociable and, interestingly, prefers to communicate using loud yapping. Good learning ability and extraordinary intellectual abilities (including excellent memory) make it easy to train and educate them, teaching them good manners.

Representatives of the breed get along easily with members of the owner's family, as well as with other pets, including cats. Spaniels are cheerful, energetic, and playful not only when they are young, but also when they are old. Therefore, the ideal owner for this dog would be a person who is active, not lazy and not too busy. Only in this situation can you organize daily long walks outside.

Cavaliers need to be trained from early puppyhood.

Cavaliers are emotional dogs, so treating them too harshly or lack of attention can cause stress in the animal. This condition, in turn, can lead to illness in the pet.


Dogs of this breed form a very strong, unbreakable bond with their family. Boxers are very patient with children and show little or no aggression towards others. At the same time, they behave warily and distrustfully with strangers.

The Boxer is the most playful dog among the guard breeds. The pet remains playful throughout its life.

Representatives of the breed are easy to train. The dogs successfully complete both general training and protective guard training. Thanks to this, the boxer copes well with police work, as a watchdog or bodyguard dog. The poise and high intelligence of boxers allows them to be used as guides for blind people.

Loyalty, poise, calmness, playfulness are the main features of this breed.


As legend has it, the ruler of the kingdom of Gwynedd, Llywelyn the Great, who lived in the 13th century, had a favorite dog, Gellert. One day, getting ready to go hunting, Llywelyn blew his horn, calling the dogs. Everyone came except Gellert.

Llywelyn went hunting without waiting for the dog. Upon his return, Gellert, cheerfully wagging his tail, greeted his owner, but something was wrong with him... The dog was covered in blood. Llywelyn immediately thought of his little son and rushed to the chambers.

Something unimaginable was happening in the castle. The baby's cradle was overturned and empty, and the floor was stained with blood. Assuming the worst, the king drew his sword and hacked Gellert to death.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend

And suddenly he heard a baby crying. The child was lying on the floor, and a huge dead wolf was lying next to him. It turned out that Gellert saved the baby from a terrible death from wolf fangs by killing the dangerous animal that attacked him. The prince buried his beloved dog with full honors.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend. In their version, the dog's name was Ginfort, and she saved the child not from a wolf, but from a snake. And Ginfort, unlike Gellert, received more than just a magnificent funeral. For several centuries, the faithful dog was considered a local saint, despite the opposition of the official church.

German Shepherd

It’s time for these beauties to create their own guide on what the most faithful dog should be. The “German” is self-confident, calm and incredibly devoted to his owner. It's no surprise that there are many stories of German Shepherds doing heroic things for their people.

The dog of this breed is a real Velcro, burdock, bath leaf and tail of the owner. They will follow a person anywhere, even through fire and water, just to always be with him. The main thing is to love, teach and protect your pet, and then he will become your best friend for life.

The German Shepherd is ready to risk its life to protect its loved ones. This is one of the most important qualities of the breed, which makes them the best army and police dogs.

Saint Bernard

Another loyal and reliable furry companion with a proud, independent character. He is calm, well-mannered, good-natured and self-confident. The dog of this breed is so smart and independent that it can make its own decisions without the owner’s command and even contrary to his instructions. But due to his high intelligence, the independent actions of the St. Bernard often turn out to be more correct and timely.

A powerful dog with a big heart and incredible patience. This is especially evident when the pet communicates with children. Even the most obsessive actions will not be able to enrage the dog. Representatives of this breed are simply not capable of showing anger and aggression. This is a specific feature of the St. Bernard.


These gentle giants are known for their patience and unusual devotion to their family. They get along well with children, which is why they received the nickname “nanny dog.” This breed was bred to save drowning people and has always coped with this task perfectly. At the genetic level, they have a desire to help a person and protect him from harm.

Nowadays, many “rescuers” no less successfully and with great pleasure appear in the role of a caring, devoted and loving pet. The owners speak of him only as the best and most devoted friend for the whole family.

Weighing 45-70 kg, the adorable giant Newfie is the largest of all the breeds that find themselves on the list of the most loyal dogs.


The menacing expression of the muzzle of representatives of this breed does not at all contradict such a remarkable quality of the Rottweiler as boundless loyalty to the owner. Rotty fans proudly proclaim their amazing friendships with their pets. But such a result can only be achieved with socialization skills instilled in puppyhood.

Rottweilers have a sensitive nature: they are uncomfortable being at home alone, without the attention of their owner.

Representatives of the breed are wary of strangers and do not trust anyone except their family. That is why Rotties have gained fame as a guard dog. They need a calm, firm, confident “pack leader”, otherwise the dog will take on this role. If the owner is ready to spend time training and properly raising his ward, if he is looking for loyalty, protection and stability in a future friend, then the Rottweiler breed is just for him.

With a responsible approach to raising your pet, the dog will become a wonderful family companion, strong, confident and loving friend.

Raising loyalty in a pet

The most loyal dogs live next to an attentive and caring owner. Habits and character can be adjusted if you take care of your pet. To raise a loyal companion, you must follow three rules:

  • constancy;
  • subsequence;
  • gradualism.

Rare dog breeds: the most unusual in the world

The rules shouldn't change every day. A person should stand firmly on his own, and not indulge an animal. Punishment follows the offense immediately so that the dog has a cause-and-effect relationship. Every correctly executed command is rewarded. The load should be age appropriate.

Important! The more time the owner spends with the dog, the more closely it becomes attached to him.

Golden retriever

Dogs of this breed are extremely sociable and love literally everyone and everyone, while expecting mutual feelings from both loved ones and strangers. They simply love to be the center of attention. This pet is ideal for an active, energetic owner who has a lot of free time.

It takes a long time for a retriever to get used to a new owner, so gaining trust at first can be difficult. This point is relevant for those owners who adopt babies from their own hands or from a shelter. In order for the dog to feel comfortable and get used to the environment and new people as quickly as possible, it is necessary to provide it with stable conditions, peace and take maximum care of the pet.

To consolidate a trusting relationship, it is worth resorting to joint games and training (mental and physical).

The Golden Retriever is a truly devoted friend, a sweet and cheerful dog, whose endless energy and charming puppy smile can hardly leave anyone indifferent. The dog loves life, but most of all he values ​​his family, being a faithful and reliable companion for all household members.


An article about Rico's abilities, published in Science magazine in 2004, prompted other scientists to test the breed's intelligence. The result was stunning: a dog named Chaser, tested for three years by American psychologists, was able to recognize the names of more than a thousand different objects.

Chaser, like Rico, unfailingly brought new toys to his owners, the names of which were previously unfamiliar to him. As experimenters John Pilley and Elliston Reid later established, Chaser remembered the names of the toys used in the experiments even two years after the end of the tests. A large number of tests carried out convinced scientists that this is definitely the smartest dog, no matter what breed it has.

According to the examiners, the intelligence of this dog was higher than that of great apes.

What training skills do owners need? Many collie owners did not need special training courses or experience in this matter; they learned to understand them on their own.

Monument to a dog named Belyash, “Chelyabinsk Hachiko” (Russia, Chelyabinsk)

For two years, a dog lived at a tram stop and was given the nickname Belyash by residents of the city of Chelyabinsk. It was called “Hachiko from ChMZ” or “Chelyabinsk Hachiko”. The story of this mongrel dog is also tragic. He lost his owner - he was hit by a car near a tram stop. Belyash did not want this place, he stayed here to wait for his master. Kind people took care of him, fed him, tried to shelter him. However, the dog refused any help except food. He didn't stay here, no matter what. Neither the severe Ural frost nor the cold rains frightened him.

Unfortunately, Belyash died under the wheels of a car, there was too much traffic on this street.

In memory of the loyalty of Chelyabinsk Hachiko, it was decided to erect a monument. It was necessary to collect 630 thousand rubles. State Duma deputy Andrei Baryshev was able to give the main amount of 500 thousand. The remaining money was collected over three years.

The author of the sculpture is Alla Davidovich. Chelyabinsk residents fell in love with this monument as well as with a living dog named Belyash. Many residents and guests of this city come here to stroke his back and nose, and make a cherished wish.

Yorkshire Terrier

This little dog is one of the cutest and most gentle creatures that live in the world. In addition, Yorkies are famous for their strong attachment to their owner and his family members. This is one of the most loyal breeds in the world.

There are known cases when faithful pets helped miners clear work areas of rodents. Another fearless dog constantly accompanied a World War II pilot into battle. Probably every happy owner of a Yorkie has more than once become convinced of the unshakable devotion of this gentle and loving creature.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Regardless of the breed, a pet with a calm behavior is distinguished by health and care.
  2. Among the large representatives, the most self-possessed are considered to be “mountain” dogs, whose purpose is to be close to people. Italian mastiffs who adore family have proven themselves to be excellent breeds.
  3. Medium-sized dogs with luxurious fur and highly developed intelligence will understand commands and serve humans. Many of them have a developed instinct of a hunter, a driver, which requires activity.
  4. Small dogs are more convenient to keep, but among them there are representatives who bark loudly and are nervous. For adults, “Japanese” or “Chinese” are convenient. The real fun is poodles that perform simple tricks and commands.
  5. Raising a calm dog is the owner’s responsibility. You need to know the basic characteristics, be able to handle the animal, be attentive and understand.

What else affects learning?

How did it happen that your pet, although not included in the best dog breeds for training, remembers commands perfectly? Learning ability is not least influenced by the character of the pet, its relationship with the owner and discipline. Each pet is an individual. Even within the same litter, puppies differ from each other: some are more friendly, while others prefer peace and solitude. Training takes place taking into account all the characteristics of four-legged animals: their breed, character, temperament, personal qualities.

Even if your pet does not belong to any “obedient” breed, and you can only guess about its pedigree, it doesn’t matter! We will be happy to help you with this! Dog training with a canine handler is a great way to build a relationship with your pet, teach it commands and instill discipline.

Cocker Spaniel

One has only to look into those kind brown eyes of a cocker spaniel, and tenderness for such a sweet and good-natured creature instantly takes possession of you.

If you want to have a four-legged friend who will be absolutely happy to be next to your loved one, who will have a nice conversation with other pets, as well as with small children, then a dog of this breed is simply an ideal find.

The beauty with silky fur easily adapts to new living conditions. The dog feels great both in an ordinary city apartment and in a private house.


The famous British breed was bred to hunt in packs, which explains their strong attachment to other dogs and the leader of the pack - the person. These dogs also build strong relationships with children that last the pet’s entire life.

Beagles have a powerful charm and today have practically lost their hunting status, turning into exemplary family pets, selflessly devoted to their owner and household members.

The Beagle is an incredibly clean breed, making it ideal for keeping at home.

However, if desired, the pet can be used in hunting hare, partridge, and pheasant. The dog can retrieve prey from the water, including fish. In such cases, the ideal place for your pet to live would be a country house, rather than an ordinary city apartment.

Beagles are difficult to train, so they are not suitable for novice dog owners. To train such an animal, it is necessary to show determination and firmness.


0 These long dogs follow their beloved owner everywhere with their tail. They are easy to train; it only takes them a few minutes to remember a command. Dachshunds cannot be forced into anything, otherwise they can become stubborn, but it is very easy to get them interested in playing. Dachshunds love their owner so much that they absolutely cannot bear to let him go to work even for a few hours. They are ready not to part with their owner even for a minute.


The well-known film about Lassie made the collie breed incredibly popular (akin to the German shepherd from the Austrian TV series “Commissar Rex”). The television version created the image of an ideal dog - smart, incredibly loyal, brave, cheerful and kind. The real version of the collie is one hundred percent justified by the movie version. In addition, the dog gets along well with other pets and children.

Experts note that Collies require a lot of exercise, so this breed is only suitable for an active owner.


Due to their voluminous haircuts and interesting appearance, sometimes one gets the impression (more from the photo) that poodles are decorative dogs. In fact, this is a brave, hunting breed. In terms of intelligence, the poodle is slightly inferior to the border collie, so it is ranked 2nd in the ranking of the smartest dog breeds. A developed mind, quick wit, and the ability to grasp everything on the fly ensured the popularity of the breed. It is suitable for all families and people of any age. However, we need a person who will walk a lot and actively with the animal. Without physical activity, the pet's character deteriorates: it stops obeying, barks and chews things. The poodle has an excellent memory, so it easily learns various tricks and happily performs them.

Famous examples of canine devotion from history

Loyal dogs delight and move people to tears. Perhaps the most famous example of canine fidelity is Hachiko.

The story took place in 1925 in Japan. H. Ueno was a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every evening, Hachiko met him at the train station. One day Ueno did not return. He died at work from a heart attack. However, Hachiko continued to go to the station every evening and wait for the owner until late at night.

Many dogs cannot live without a person

For your information! The dog was taken by Ueno's relatives, but she still came to the station for 9 years until her death.

Russia also has its own Hachiko. In 2014, the story of a red dog that sat on the side of the Yekaterinburg-Krasnoufimsk highway for two years topped the rating of the most touching events. The faithful dog watched the cars passing by, as if he was waiting for someone. People put forward two versions: the dog was thrown to the side of the road or the owner died at this place. The drivers fed the redhead, and some even took him away with them. However, the dog returns to its original place.


In the 17th century, the great warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, or simply Shivaji, lived in India. He declared himself a defender of the oppressed and took the path of fighting the invaders. Shivaji is still known today as the founder of the Maratha Empire and the national hero of India. But, as legends say, the warrior did not perform great deeds alone.

Until 2012, the Wagha monument was very popular among most of the community

Shivaji had his dog Vagha by his side for many years. When the Maratha ruler died, he was burned at the stake, according to local tradition. But Wagha could not survive parting with her master and jumped after his body into the flames. Subsequently, many monuments were erected in honor of Shivaji. And one of the memorials is dedicated to the faithful dog of the country's national hero.

Until 2012, the Wagha monument was very popular among most of the community. However, he also had opponents. They argued that the story about the dog was just a legend and that the monument to the animal was an insult to the memory of the national hero. One not very wonderful day, a group of opponents of the monument smashed the pedestal and threw the bronze figure of the animal from the pedestal. 73 people were arrested in connection with the vandalism, but the monument has not been restored to this day.

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