Man's faithful friends: 14 of the most loyal dog breeds

One of the most important qualities for which dogs are valued is their loyalty. Such a character trait is sometimes very difficult to find in a person, but it is much easier to find in this wonderful animal. Books are written, films and TV series are made about the loyalty of dogs.

First published: 08/04/2020


A friend who will not leave you in trouble will always come to the rescue and protect. What can a person do to deserve such an attitude towards himself, and what can he give in return? Cozy, warm and dry shelter, tasty regular food, care, care and a little attention - this is all that will make your pet happy. But perhaps a little more attention would not be amiss.

Loyal comrades can perfectly combine a cheerful, mischievous disposition and at the same time be formidable defenders, defending their territory and their beloved owner. There are small and large breeds of dogs that are not suitable as guards, but they are always nearby, cheer you up and love you no less.

Without a person, it is not so easy for a dog to survive alone, because first of all it is a domestic animal, not a wild animal. Good upbringing helps to tame your pet's temper, find a common language with him and enhances the best qualities of the dog.

We present the rating of the TOP 14 loyal dog breeds. The review was compiled by our editorial experts based on reviews from owners, dog handlers and analysis of other Internet resources.


  1. German Shepherd
  2. Labrador
  3. Akita Inu
  4. Collie
  5. Doberman
  6. Sheltie
  7. West Siberian Laika
  8. Russian toy terrier
  9. Rottweiler
  10. Boxer
  11. Dachshund
  12. Saint Bernard
  13. Pitbull
  14. Bullmastiff

German Shepherds

German Shepherds are extremely intelligent animals, but their main quality is devotion to their owner. Initially, they were bred to protect farms, but later it turned out that dogs of this breed are capable of protecting people and performing the duties of a search engine and rescuer.

German Shepherds are easy to train and can remember many commands. At the same time, they are sincerely devoted to their owner and can react independently in extreme situations, showing incredible courage and bravery. There are many cases where German shepherds saved people's lives, sometimes even risking their own.

The natural intelligence of this breed makes them very sensitive animals. They will always sense something is wrong and will never leave their owner in trouble.


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On the eleventh line is the dachshund. Despite their small size, funny pets are characterized by a bright personality, strong character, incredible courage, and also a high level of intelligence. It is believed that an independent variety appeared in the 16th century. The ancestors of modern individuals were German short-legged Bracket hounds. From the latter, dachshunds inherited small limbs. This helped the little ones to easily maneuver in narrow holes. Thus, the tailed animals successfully coped with badger raids on farmland. The bark of the dachshund is surprisingly powerful and loud. According to the German Tekel Club, these dogs not only have a strong character, but also a heightened sense of self-esteem.

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Cheerful Labradors are loved by many. No wonder it is considered to be the most loyal dog in the world. Animals have incredible intuition, courageous character and loyalty. They are sensitive to the condition of their household members and always express their readiness to support.

Labradors are very sociable, so they have difficulty withstanding separation. The emotional expression of their feelings speaks of sincere devotion to their owner.

Bichon Frize

Little Bichons are loyal companion dogs. It is not worth assigning security duties to them; they are rather cowardly, and in case of danger they will try to hide. But many owners of these pets talk about their spiritual qualities. They get very bored in the absence of their family members, worry when someone is sad, and always try to cheer them up with tricks or games.

They always accurately determine their place near a person, so they prefer to sleep nearby. Bichons are very sociable. You can always share news with them, they will listen to you carefully.

Important! A dog's loyalty depends on its upbringing. Most often, they reciprocate the person’s attitude towards them.


Poodles are reliable companions and loyal pets. They are not intended for protection, but they can always be nearby, supporting and helping with their participation.

Many owners of these dogs believe that their pets understand what they are talking about with them, since the expression in their eyes always matches the tone and topic of the conversation. If someone in the family gets sick, poodles will never leave his side and, if necessary, will call for help. They always show kindness and loyalty to their owners.

Cocker Spaniel

One has only to look into those kind brown eyes of a cocker spaniel, and tenderness for such a sweet and good-natured creature instantly takes possession of you.

If you want to have a four-legged friend who will be absolutely happy to be next to your loved one, who will have a nice conversation with other pets, as well as with small children, then a dog of this breed is simply an ideal find.

The beauty with silky fur easily adapts to new living conditions. The dog feels great both in an ordinary city apartment and in a private house.


The rugged looking Doberman has earned the title of “the most loyal dog breed in the world.” For more than a century and a half, these animals have been in the service of humans. Their main duty is protection, and they cope with it brilliantly. Strong and brave dogs will never allow their owner or his family members to be offended.

Dobermans will always obey all commands exactly and will not show aggression not only towards a person, but even towards other pets who live in the same house with him. Obviously, feeling their strength, they know how to control themselves. But when it comes to their direct duties, Dobermans would rather sacrifice themselves than leave their human friend in trouble.

Important! Dobermans are very loyal dogs, and they will protect their owner in any situation. Even if someone in their presence raised their voice at the owner, Dobermans will warn the offender by growling. You should not test the loyalty of dogs of this breed.


Despite its tiny dimensions, the baby is not devoid of character and is capable of casting a daring glance at a person, even if this person is his own master. But, on the other hand, there is nothing more pleasant for a Chihuahua than sitting in the arms of its owner, looking at the world from above.

This cute little dog loves her people and expects affection and treats in return.

Chi is one of the longest-living dogs, so there will be quite enough time to get to know each other better and become attached to each other, to enjoy a happy relationship with one of the most loyal and loving creatures (although still not enough).

Chihuahuas are known for their ability to form strong bonds with one person in the entire family. In some cases, they can choose a few lucky ones worthy of entering the pet’s inner circle. This does not mean at all that the baby is not at all friendly with strangers or other pets. Chihuahuas are sociable dogs that love attention.

Even small dog breeds need training. When it comes to good manners, there are no size limits.


Boxers are considered stupid, but in fact you just need to find an approach to them. They are extremely loyal to their masters and will give their lives for them without hesitation if necessary. They willingly join in any game, need the constant presence of their beloved owner, and can even be obsessive in the fight for his undivided attention. Therefore, dogs need to be raised from childhood if you do not want to be endlessly licked and loved for the next 15-20 years.


All representatives of terriers love their owners more than is possible to imagine, regardless of the size and characteristics of a particular breed. Although some terriers can have a rather complex character, this problem can be easily resolved with the help of proper education and training. Terriers are active and life-loving dogs; there will always be noise and commotion in your home; together with children, the terrier will form a real gang.


Rottweilers have been in the service of humans for a long time, and this has instilled in them such a quality as loyalty. Dogs of this breed are very trainable and upbringing. If he is taught to protect his family, he will never allow anyone who lives in his house to be offended.

Despite their outward aggressiveness, Rottweilers are capable of showing the most tender feelings towards those who live with them. They are very sad if one of their household members is not around for a long time. And they are very happy to meet you.

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are distinguished by incredible devotion to their owner. Naturally calm, these animals always know that protection is required from them, so they will never offend anyone and will always come to the rescue.

For St. Bernards, the owner is, first of all, a friend, so they sincerely express their devotion. They can stand on the road for a long time and listen, but as soon as they recognize the steps of their owner, they will rush to meet him.

If a St. Bernard lives in the house, you can safely leave small children with him. He, like a huge warm nanny, will watch over them, since loyalty is very important to him.


Collies are always deservedly included in the ratings of “The Most Loyal Dog Breeds.” These animals get along well with all family members and express boundless love and loyalty to them.

Dogs of this breed are excellent companions who will happily play with children and calm the household in their own way, if necessary. At the same time, the animal will never chicken out or hide if it needs to be protected.

Akita Inu

Dogs of this breed are restrained in their displays of emotions, like real Japanese, but they have an incredibly loyal character. For them, the owner becomes a faithful friend, whom they take care of in their own way, protecting from strangers, showing concern and readiness to help.

Akita Inu have a calm, reserved character and a natural mind. They are obedient and caring, and will never allow their owner to be offended.

Important! The famous Hachiko, an Akita Inu dog, is recognized throughout the world as man's most faithful and devoted friend.


This is a type of collie that differs from its older brothers in color and diminutiveness. But they have a lot of devotion and love for their owner. Shelties have a very difficult time with any separation from their owner, they can even get sick from melancholy, so get ready to take your pet with you everywhere. Shelties are friendly and sweet, making the best companions for life.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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