16 of the kindest dog breeds - man's true friends

A dog is man's friend. This statement perfectly reveals the essence of the relationship between a pet and its owner. When getting an animal, everyone expects the devotion and love that comes from it. A dog should show friendliness not only to its owner, who is its leader and “leader,” but also to other family members.

First published: 04/23/2020

Photo: pixabay.com

The pet, in turn, must also receive proper care and the necessary portion of affection and care. After all, we know that the character of a dog depends equally on both genetic predispositions and the upbringing received.

In the modern world, people prefer to have purebred animals. It’s not for nothing that over the years, breeders have bred animals with certain characteristics of character and behavior. The disadvantage of such manipulations was chronic diseases and a tendency to certain ailments in dogs that had been subjected to inbreeding for many years. But buyers are still willing to pay a lot of money for purebred puppies, carefully choosing them from the nursery.

Of course, it is impossible to clearly divide dogs into good and evil. As already mentioned, the process of education plays an important role in this. A negative environment in which a puppy grows up can lead to depression, fear, fearfulness or aggression. But there are breeds that do not lose their optimism and liveliness of character even in harsh conditions. These are the ones we will talk about today.

How can you generally determine how soft and kind a dog’s character is? It’s very simple - in relation to others:

  • To the owner.
  • To the rest of the family (especially children).
  • To strangers.
  • To other animals.

A friendly pet will always find a “common language” with the owner, with any child and even with a cat (despite popular prejudices about their mutual dislike). Such animals are absolutely non-hostile and open to others. But you should understand that such a dog will not become a good guard, because it perceives even an unwanted guest in the house as a good friend.

There are various cynological federations, associations, clubs (including international ones) all over the world. Each of them makes their own lists of the smartest/beautiful/biggest, etc. dogs. Sometimes these lists coincide, sometimes they don’t.

We have compiled for you our rating of the kindest dogs. Our experts have selected 16 of the best breeds that are suitable for a small apartment or a country plot, for single people or for large families, for active or slightly lazy owners.

RatingCountry of origin
1. Labrador RetrieverCanada
2. MalteseSouthern Europe
3. Golden RetrieverGreat Britain
4. HuskyUSA/Russia
5. ChihuahuaMexico
6. English Toy SpanielEngland
7. CollieScotland
8. St. BernardItaly/Switzerland
9. PapillonFrance
10. DachshundGermany
11. PugChina
12. PoodleFrance
13. Basset HoundGreat Britain
14. Irish WolfhoundIreland
15. English BulldogGreat Britain
16. BobtailGreat Britain

Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are a hardy and large breed of dog. The height at the withers of the Saint Bernard exceeds 70 cm.

The name of the breed comes from the name of the monastery of St. Bernard (Saint-Bernard). Dogs living in the high alpine areas were used by local monks and ordinary residents for:

  • transportation of goods;
  • avalanche warnings;
  • rescue operations in the mountains.

Saint Bernard: Wikipedia
The most famous representative of the breed is the dog Barry, who saved more than 40 people from avalanches.

Saint Bernards are very loyal dogs and are easy to train. They obey their owners unquestioningly and get along well with children. St. Bernards treat small children with great care and affection.

An easy-going and friendly Saint Bernard will become a good family member. However, he needs a lot of space in a house or apartment.

English Mastiff

The English Mastiff is an ancient breed of dog, the largest mastiff and Great Dane in Europe. Mastiffs were known back in Ancient Rome, where they performed many functions:

  • participated in military operations and gladiatorial fights;
  • used in hunting large animals;
  • guarded the houses.

Roman rulers highly valued mastiffs: their strength in battle was equal to several infantrymen. Modern Mastiffs no longer have the need to fight and are often purchased as a family dog.

English Mastiff: Wikipedia

Although the English Mastiff looks intimidating, the American Kennel Club describes its personality as good-natured. Mastiffs are obedient and patient dogs. They treat family members with kindness and love. Although mastiffs are wary of strangers, they show aggression solely to protect their family from attack.

Belgian Shepherd

They are unusually kind creatures, their only drawback is the fact that they constantly need to give their warmth and care, the attention of their owner. If you cannot give this, then it would be better to think about other breeds that are less demanding.

But in all other respects, it is Belgian Shepherds that are an exquisite combination of their beauty, aristocratic grace, nobility in posture, and incredible kindness. Moreover, this kindness and tenderness is expressed both towards people and other animals.

Alaskan Malamute

It is distinguished by its kindness and devoted love towards its owner, although such a Malamute must be kept strictly so as not to spoil it. He will not make an excellent nanny for children, although Malamutes are friendly towards children and never show aggression.

At the same time, Malamutes also treat strangers kindly, although in case of real danger they will always try to stand up for their owner and not let him be offended. But you shouldn’t keep such a dog in an apartment; the best option for such a pet would be a private home.

Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is one of the kindest dog breeds in the world. They are very cheerful, friendly and to some extent frivolous dogs.

Labradors were developed in the 1800s. Despite the name, the breed does not originate from Labrador, but from neighboring Newfoundland (Canada). The breed originated from crossing a small Newfoundland, a retriever, a foxhound and a setter.

Labrador Retriever: Wikipedia

The Labrador Retriever is the most popular breed in 2022, according to the American Kennel Club. Originally bred for hunting, the modern Labrador Retriever is primarily a family dog. He gets along well with all family members, although for very young children he may be too noisy and hyperactive.

According to Animal Planet, Labradors can perform different functions in the service of humans:

  • to be guide dogs;
  • save people;
  • serve at customs.

Pomeranian Spitz

Pomeranian Spitz are distinguished by the fact that they love their owner incredibly much, even to the point that these dogs try to please their owners, looking into their eyes in order to guess all their desires. And if you show them a little attention, they will repay them with a strong manifestation of kindness and tenderness.

These dogs are incredibly fond of children, are relatively easy to train and are easy to train. An excellent choice for children and adults, although we should not forget that heavy loads are undesirable for such dogs.

Top kindest dogs

We have selected 35 dog breeds with a good character. Among them were both miniature ones and real giants among these animals.

English bulldog

An adult English Bulldog is a lazy but very kind dog. She enjoys spending time on the couch with her owner and avoids physical activity. Tolerant of other animals and small children, but loves attention to themselves. The disadvantages of the breed include a lot of noise at night, during meals. A puppy can be purchased from 40,000 ₽.

English Mastiff

This is a real giant with a peaceful character. Despite their impressive size (males reach up to 76 cm at the withers), they have a peaceful and friendly disposition. English Mastiffs rarely express aggression and are difficult to anger. They love to spend time with family members and are distinguished by their strong attachment to their owner. Due to their natural stubbornness, they are difficult to train and are reluctant to learn new commands. The cost starts from 70,000 ₽.

Basset Hound

This breed is an excellent choice for those who spend a lot of time at home. The Basset Hound is a hound with low paws and a stocky build. Despite their appearance, they are capable of achieving high speeds, especially when used for hunting. Representatives of the breed are highly intelligent, but due to their stubborn nature, they are reluctant to learn commands. The dogs not only have a decorative appearance, but also a kind character and get along with children. Price from 20,000 ₽.

White Swiss Shepherd

This dog breed combines intelligence, beauty and friendliness. Outwardly, they resemble traditional German Shepherds and are distinguished by their snow-white coat color. A positive feature is an affectionate and friendly disposition; the dog gets along easily with other animals and children. They have excellent health and remain playful and active even in old age. When choosing this breed, you should evaluate your physical capabilities; an adult needs regular exercise. You can buy a puppy from 30,000 ₽.

Belgian Shepherd (Groenendael)

The breed combines the characteristics of a companion and a guard. This is an active dog with a recognizable appearance; their long black hair is a real decoration of the exterior of the body. The Belgian Shepherd is suitable for families with children, but they rarely show playfulness. Although kind and trainable, the breed is not recommended for beginners. The average price is 40,000 ₽.

Bernese Mountain Dog

This is an affectionate and kind dog, whose good-natured expression expresses a smile. The Bernese Mountain Dog is a giant dog, but its large size is combined with charm and a peaceful nature. Dogs as adults have an innate sense of tact and sense the mood of their owner. Suitable for families with small children. A puppy can be purchased for 20,000 ₽.


The breed belongs to the ancient greyhounds, which today have retained their appearance and phenomenal sense of smell. With proper training, they become a hunting assistant, but also feel comfortable as a companion. Despite their formidable appearance, they have a good-natured character and find a common language with other animals. Cost from 50,000 ₽.


The traditional herding dog from England is now becoming a full-fledged family member and companion. They are prized for their friendly nature, good looks and innate intelligence. They are often used to treat children with psychological problems, as well as as a guide. The faithful bobtail gets along well in urban environments and does not need physical exercise. It is difficult to find puppies in Russia; the price starts from 70,000 ₽.


Representatives of this large, smooth-haired breed are known as one of the best nannies among dogs. They have a balanced psyche, friendliness and flexible disposition. Boxers are sociable animals; they love attention from people, but they are often distrustful of strangers. Competent education from puppyhood is important; harsh training methods can lead to manifestations of aggression. Cost from 25,000 ₽.

Border Collie

A dog of this breed harmoniously combines working ability and love for people. Originally bred to work in the pasture, today more and more people are getting Border Collies as a companion. They are the smartest dogs in the world, learning complex tricks. With proper upbringing, they show boundless kindness and love for the family. Price from 30,000 ₽.

Boston Terrier

Dogs of this breed are known for their cheerfulness and playful disposition, which persists even into old age. They are equally happy to spend time on the couch or a long walk. Among dog handlers, the Boston Terrier is considered one of the most conflict-free dogs; they rarely show aggression or hunting passion. Puppies can be bought for 25,000 ₽.


Among all the hounds, this dog stands out with its aristocratic beauty and unique coat, reminiscent of velor to the touch. They are loved by dog ​​breeders for their calm and kind character, ability to learn, and universal hunting qualities. The Weimaraner is less and less often bred for working purposes; it is more often a decorative dog that becomes a responsive companion. The cost starts from 30,000 ₽.

Welsh Corgi Cardigan

Outwardly, these clumsy dogs with short legs love physical activity and games. They have an innate friendliness and peaceful attitude towards other animals and people. Corgis are endlessly devoted to their owner and can feel sad when they are alone. Advantages of the breed: kindness, decorativeness and ability to adapt. Price – 50,000 ₽.


These dogs have a controversial reputation, early socialization and training are important. When properly raised, black and white Dalmatians are friendly and calm and rarely express aggression. Thanks to their innate intelligence, they are often used in the service, as postmen. There are also disadvantages - a whole set of genetic diseases, stubbornness. You can buy a puppy from 10,000 ₽.


Due to their innate kindness towards people and calm temperament, Doberman Pinschers are used to work in hospices. Beneath the intimidating appearance lies friendliness and affection. They are easy to train; it is advisable to start training them as early as possible. Dogs of this breed are easy to keep and care for, but long walks are recommended. Cost from 25,000 ₽.

West Siberian Laika

Despite its outstanding hunting qualities, the Laika is distinguished by its love for its owner and family. They are addicted to communication and games, but with insufficient physical activity they can exhibit destructive behavior. The dog is easy to care for and can feel comfortable in a small apartment. Price from 10,000 ₽.

Golden retriever

Dogs of this breed are one of the best companions for humans, and are also excellent at hunting. They love children and active games, long walks. Retrievers are distinguished by their intelligence and ability to learn, and never show aggression towards other people. Despite the good disposition, proper education and physical activity are required from puppyhood. The breed is recommended for beginners. You can buy a puppy from 30,000 ₽.

Irish Wolfhound

These giants have a big and kind heart. Despite their terrifying appearance and height at the withers of 79 cm, wolfhounds are distinguished by their endless patience. They make poor watchdogs; today these dogs are bred as companions. Disadvantages include a short life and difficult coat care, trimming is required. Cost from 70,000 ₽.

Irish Setter

Representatives of this breed are sociable dogs that do not tolerate loneliness well. They have a friendly character and are always drawn to their owner. Originally bred for hunting, today setters have become family therapists and companions. Behind the good nature lies a stubborn character, and there may be problems with learning. Coat care is also difficult, requiring washing and combing. You can buy a setter from 25,000 ₽.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

These dogs are cheerful homebodies with a good-natured character. They easily cope with the role of a nanny and a reliable companion. The advantage of the breed is its stable character; spaniels are not subject to sudden mood swings. They get along easily with cats and other animals. It is important to take into account that they do not tolerate loneliness well, and without attention they can create a mess in the house. It is recommended to purchase a puppy from a nursery, price from 40,000 ₽.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Representatives of this herding breed are easily recognized by their elongated nose, sly look and long hair. Collies are an excellent choice for novice dog breeders; pets do not require serious exercise, learn quickly and are easy to maintain. They have a calm character and are good-natured towards people and animals. Cost from 25,000 ₽.


These energetic dogs are still used for hunting, so when choosing, it is worth considering that serious physical activity is required. Shorthaired Pointers are universal; they are equally at home in the role of a service or working dog, as well as a companion. Frequent absence of the owner at home can lead to protest by the pet, he begins to demonstrate destructive and aggressive behavior. You can buy a puppy from 15,000 ₽.

Labrador Retriever

Labradors have long been among the kindest dogs in the world. They are ideal companions with no tendency towards aggression. They get along well with other animals and get along well with children. Due to its balanced psyche and intelligence, it is often used for training as a therapist and guide. Disadvantages include a tendency to obesity; nutritional control is required. Cost from 10,000 ₽.


The owners fell in love with them for their decorative appearance, hypoallergenic wool and emotional character. When properly trained, Maltese dogs make good companions. Unlike many small dogs, they have a balanced character and kindness. They also note their natural ability to learn; Maltese dogs master circus tricks. The average price is 45,000 ₽.


They are ancient dogs, bred for many centuries as a human companion. Pugs have a cheerful and friendly character and are easy to live in an apartment. Show kindness to animals, family members and strangers. You can buy a puppy from 2000 ₽.

German Shepherd

Over many years as a service dog, German Shepherds have retained their boundless love for humans. This breed is able to adapt to any conditions and is suitable for beginners. Despite their innate friendliness, the formation of a stable character requires proper education and training. Cost from 15,000 ₽.

German dog

These are large and aristocratic dogs. Their balanced psyche and calmness are combined with their enormous size. Great Danes are affectionate and friendly dogs that love all family members. They are easy to maintain, but it is important to provide enough space for a giant to live comfortably. The price starts from 35,000 ₽.

Norwich Terrier

One of the smallest terriers that have retained all the qualities inherent in the group. They have unbridled energy and love for people. They love games and communication, but without an owner they can express dissatisfaction by barking. Due to difficult care and the need for trimming, they are not suitable for novice owners. The cost of puppies is from 50,000 ₽.


These powerful giants have a passion for water and a kind heart. They almost never express aggression, they are calm and friendly. They treat children patiently and often become real nannies. Innate friendliness does not allow the Newfoundland to become a guard dog; they are taken as a friend. Price from 25,000 ₽.


When properly raised, the Continental Toy Spaniel becomes a true member of the family. They love attention and communication, prefer active games. Dogs of this breed are easily distinguished by their graceful ears, which resemble the wingspan of a butterfly. You can buy a Papillon from 25,000 ₽.

Russian hunting spaniel

The breed has not yet been recognized, but the Russian spaniel has become a favorite of many families. This is a universal dog with a balanced psyche and innate intelligence. They make both excellent hunters and companions. When choosing a spaniel as a pet, you should remember that they require serious physical activity. Cost from 10,000 ₽.

Samoyed husky

The oldest breed was bred in Siberia to take care of small children. Samoyeds are good-natured family dogs that are easy to keep and care for. They require moderate exercise, but training is advisable. Due to their sociability and attractive appearance, they are always the center of attention. Price from 40,000 ₽.

Saint Bernard

These giant dogs have a peaceful nature, which is why they are often kept as family members. They get along easily with other pets and love the company of small children. Even into adulthood they remain playful. Disadvantages include heat intolerance and increased salivation. Saint Bernards can be bought from 30,000 ₽.


Siberian Huskies were bred for sled dogs, but today they are more often found as companion dogs. They combine boundless energy and love for people. Despite their reputation as a crazy dog, they have a unique friendliness and kindness. Not recommended for beginner dog breeders; strict training and stress are required. Cost from 20,000 ₽.


They have been ranked first among other decorative dogs for many years. Chihuahuas combine decorative appearance, kindness and love for their owners. Despite their small size, they require serious physical and intellectual stress. Price from 10,000 ₽.

Japanese Spitz

The breed was bred as a companion, so they have the necessary qualities of a dog for a home. They need moderate activity but love to play. The Japanese Spitz is not characterized by mood swings and aggressiveness; they are restrained, silent dogs, tuned to communicate with people. You can buy a puppy from 25,000 ₽.

Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frize is a toy dog ​​breed bred in France. The name of the breed translates as 'curly lap dog'.

The ancestors of the Bichon Frize are medieval lapdogs. They were used in the navy to catch rodents. After gaining popularity among the nobility, these dogs were “exempted” from labor duties.

According to the breed standard, dogs must have a height at the withers of 23–28 cm, with smaller individuals being more valued.

Bichon Frize: Wikipedia

Bichon Frize dogs are playful, cheerful, inquisitive and brave, and do not show aggression. They get along well with their owners and are trainable, although they have a somewhat contradictory character.

Basset Hound

The name of the Basset Hound breed comes from basset hound (literally - 'low hound'). The Basset Hound's ancestors originated in medieval France. Basset Hounds brought to Britain were mixed with Bloodhounds and Beagles to form the Basset Hound breed.

Dogs of this breed are very sociable and cheerful. According to the authoritative resource TopDog, the basset hound is the “clown” in the dog world: he constantly makes people laugh. Basset Hounds are sometimes pampered as toy dogs.

Dogs of this breed are loyal to their owners, get along well with children and are friendly with strangers. Basset Hounds love to be part of a pack or family and do not tolerate loneliness well. A dog of this breed left for a long time needs the company of another dog or cat.

Maltese lapdog

Some people think that small breed dogs are distinguished by their angry and very bad character. But this is far from true and this opinion is erroneous. For example, representatives of the Maltese breed are distinguished by their unprecedented kindness, and, moreover, this particular breed of dog is absolutely harmless for those who suffer from allergies to animal fur.

One has only to note the fact that, being kind and affectionate creatures, they are very fond of their owner if they do not see him for a long time. That’s why you can often see lap dogs being carried around with them, because their size allows it. So the Maltese dog will be an excellent friend for anyone.

Read Japanese dogs - 14 of man's best friends

Bernese Mountain Dog

Dogs are eternal puppies: positive, active, active, love games, although older pets are rather lazy. One of the best options for family life, they quickly get used to members of the household and get along with others. They love children, take care of them, are tolerant of mischief and pranks, and will never offend someone who is weaker.

The breed is similar to the brethren, but is distinguished by a stronger physique, long thick hair and an intimidating appearance. Although appearances are deceptive, because in the family they behave good-naturedly and docilely. They are indifferent and tactful towards strangers, but if they sense danger, they will protect property and family.

Bernese can be very shy. They are often shy in front of new people or around other pets. With proper socialization, this character trait does not appear.

  • Zennens get along well with cats and often allow them to sleep on them. They do not react to small rodents and birds, and rarely come into conflict with their fellows.
  • Despite the fact that until the age of 3-4 years the pet remains a puppy, it learns slowly, it is ready to listen and obey its owner. He needs affection and praise, otherwise the animal will not feel needed.

Irish wolfhound

Irish Wolfhounds are distinguished by their very impressive size, although inside they are the kindest and sweetest creatures, their heart is very responsive and tender. They show their kindness even to strangers, you just need to pet them a little and show a little affection.

But to keep them, you will need quite a lot of space, since they are impressive in size. Again, you will have to walk a lot with such a dog, but all this is more than compensated for by the kindness and affection on the part of this pet.

Types of canine intelligence

After much research, Canadian psychology professor Stanley Coren was able to determine what affects the mental abilities of pets, classify information and identify the main types of canine intelligence:

  • Instinctive

This type, although to varying degrees, is observed in all dogs. It is laid down at the genetic level. Dogs instinctively follow the scent, find their way home, and on a subconscious level bark at strangers, protecting the house and their owners.

  • Obedience

Quite often this type is called “working” intelligence, which characterizes a dog’s ability to understand what is required of it, the speed with which they remember and carry out commands, and recognize the intonation of a person’s voice. The level of intelligence of obedience is determined according to several criteria: composure, duration of attention, ability to work.

  • Adapted

Determines how effectively the animal uses the acquired skills in practice, how quickly it assimilates information, makes decisions, and adapts to an unfamiliar environment. This also includes such a criterion as the ability to use the experience of past tasks to complete new ones.

Taken together, these types characterize the general level of intelligence of dogs.


This breed is distinguished by extraordinary energy, has a cheerful and kind character, and is very active. It is worth noting that there are dwarf poodles and ordinary ones. An excellent choice for those people who are allergic to animals, in addition, they can get along well with children.

Read Top 20 smartest dogs - breeds with a high level of intelligence

Poodles spend most of their lives playing, giving their owner pleasure from communication. In the event that the owner cannot spend time with the dog for a long time, it is necessary to choose a friend of a different breed.

Where to buy a purebred puppy

You should choose a purebred puppy in special professional nurseries where they breed the breed. Find information on the Internet about the availability of nurseries in the city or in nearby cities. It is acceptable to obtain information from a veterinary clinic or a kennel club.

As a rule, puppies in nurseries are provided with appropriate documentation about their origin, health status and the presence of preventive vaccinations. Experienced and professional breeders will share information about the representatives of the breed being bred and provide advice after purchasing a pet.

When buying a puppy, inspect a number of nurseries, compare the condition of the puppies, the conditions of detention. If you don’t like any of the kids offered, it is possible to agree on a puppy to order. In the allotted time, you will be able to thoroughly prepare for purchasing an animal, financially and psychologically.

Samoyed husky

The Samoyed Laika is one of the 14 oldest dog breeds. According to biologist Brigitte von Holdt, the DNA of Samoyeds is more similar to that of a wolf than to the genetic code of other dogs.

Samoyeds were domesticated in the northern regions to ride sleds and help herdsmen. Among the northern peoples, Samoyeds are family members. They sleep and share food with their owners. Dogs of this breed are very hardy; their double-layer coat helps them withstand temperatures down to –60 °C.

Samoyed: Wikipedia

Samoyeds are very sociable. They are playful and have a huge amount of energy that needs to be released every day. Samoyeds treat children with great tenderness and caution.

These dogs are real fun. However, they have a very independent personality and can be difficult to train.

Boston Terrier

The Boston Terrier is a very lively breed that manages to win the hearts of everyone, its family members as well as strangers.

© shutterstock

This is a very playful and cheerful dog who entertains those around him with his pranks.

The Boston Terrier is ideal for those who are looking not only for companionship, but also for a small dog that can be taken with them anywhere.


Pugs are a breed of decorative dogs. Pugs originated in ancient China and were bred for the imperial family. The characteristic folds on the forehead of these dogs are similar to Chinese characters. They were called the imperial seal. Pugs came to Europe in the 16th century, and thanks to Queen Victoria they became very popular among the aristocracy.

Pug: Wikipedia

Pugs have facial expressions that are similar to humans. They can reflect on the face:

  • astonishment;
  • happiness;
  • curiosity.

According to the American Club, the pug is an ideal family dog. They are happy in town or country, with children or the elderly, as the only pet or in a pack.

Peace-loving pugs are among the smallest dogs in the world. They get along with everyone. They have a calm and balanced character and a charming appearance.

Golden retriever

The Labrador Retriever's cousins, the Golden Retriever, were also developed from small Newfoundland breeds in the 19th century. Pure retrievers contain the blood of setters, bloodhounds and the now extinct tweed water spaniels.

Golden Retriever: Wikipedia

Retrievers are therapy dogs. They have a gentle and empathetic character, and are restless optimists. Retrievers are good as companions for a child or an elderly person. Their peaceful nature allows them to get along with other animals.

Retrievers have an excellent sense of smell and can be used for official purposes to search for drugs, explosives or missing people. These dogs love water very much and will not miss the opportunity to swim.


Laughing dog. Indeed, a distinctive feature is a boisterous laugh. Pets make a sound similar to “ha-ha” while playing or walking.

The breed is considered the most affectionate among hunting dogs. Bloodhounds genetically cannot be evil and aggressive, which is why they are very similar to Bassets - their close relatives. In a family, the pet is flexible, loving, endlessly devoted to its owners, makes friends with others, and senses a person’s mood.

Dogs dote on children. They never attack people, they are kind even to strangers. They react calmly to cats, but their hunting instinct does not allow them to make friends with small animals.

  • They also look clumsy; due to the specific structure of their muzzle, they are often slobbery and unkempt. But dog breeders consider this feature a cute addition, because the folds of skin make the pet look like a plush toy.
  • The negative aspects of the breed are stubbornness and laziness. Animals are not trained very well and may not specifically follow commands.
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