The fastest dog breeds - list, description, maximum speed, photos and videos

While some dog breeds were bred to produce a calm pet or a patient guard capable of sitting on a chain without a long daily walk, others were created for hunting. And from a hunter, even from herding dogs, speed is required. What dogs are capable of developing it to the maximum in order to catch up and overtake all their own kind, and at the same time many other animals? It turns out that research has already been carried out - there are accurate speed indicators for different breeds, according to which you can determine the “fastest” dogs!

Dog running speed

The running speed of a dog directly depends on the breed. Body type, fast and long legs determine the quality and duration of the race. The average running speed of domestic dogs is 10 to 15 km/h, which is not so different from human running. The average person who does not play sports runs at a speed of 8 to 12 km/h.

However, there are dog breeds that are designed for running. The speed they can reach is almost phenomenal, like the speed of a car within the city - above 60 km/h. Naturally, lap dogs belonging to decorative breeds cannot develop such a speed. As a result of selection, they lost the need to run anywhere to escape other predatory animals or to get food for themselves.

Guard and service dogs are not known for their running speed. For example, the popular German Shepherd service dog can reach speeds of up to 35 km/h, on par with Doberman Pinschers and Caucasian Shepherds. This is due to the structure of their body and muscles. Hunting breeds are considered the fastest among dogs.

No. 8. German Shepherd – 48 km per hour

The German Shepherd is the second most popular breed in the world. Originally used for herding sheep. Today, the shepherd dog is used in police and military work, as a guide for the disabled, for detecting drugs and explosives, and in search and rescue work. Loyal, caring, friendly dog ​​is ideal for a family, easy to train and very intelligent.

Champions among dogs

The need to accelerate while running at high speed is necessary for dogs of hunting breeds. This is due to their main task - to catch up with faster prey. Hunting a hare running at speeds of up to 50 km/h or a fox running at speeds of 45 km/h is not possible if the animal cannot catch up and overtake it.

It has been noted that bears reach speeds of up to 50 km/h, and wild boars over 40 km/h. Therefore, dogs of hunting breeds, in the course of natural selection, became the fastest. The following breeds are prominent representatives and champions among dogs in terms of running speed.

Deerhound - Scottish deer hound

A rare breed of deer hounds, they are valued for their speed, courage and intelligence. She was bred for only one purpose - to track the tracks of artiodactyls and bait victims during unarmed hunting.

The speed of a running, accelerated deerhound can reach 55 km/h. When hunting, deerhounds are energetic and tireless. They are willing to chase their prey for hours, making marching dashes in search of prey.


The Greyhound rightfully occupies a leading position among all dog breeds in terms of running speed. The maximum speed that such a dog can develop is 67.3 km/h. This fact is reflected in the Guinness Book of Records. The Greyhound is an English greyhound, a tall dog, reaching about 75 cm at the withers. Their skeleton is quite light, and their limbs are long and muscular, which allows these dogs not only to quickly develop speed, but also to successfully drive game. It is worth noting that their running speed is high, but not long. These dogs are not hardy over long distances.

Jack Russell Terrier – 61 km/h

Country of origin:



25–30 cm


5–8 kg


up to 14 years old

The Jack Russell Terrier is a small dog with an elongated and strong body. These dogs are considered one of the fastest. Despite their rather short limbs, such pets can easily catch up with a car.

In ancient times, these terriers were used for burrow hunting for foxes and other small animals. Nowadays, they have become excellent companions for humans. Due to their small size, such dogs can be kept in city apartments.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very hardy and active animal. He needs a sufficient number of special toys, otherwise the dog will begin to spoil things in the house.

Persian Greyhound or Saluki

Dogs of this breed are slightly inferior in speed to English greyhounds, although they are also capable of reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h. A distinct advantage of the Persian Greyhound breed is their endurance. These dogs can run for hours chasing down game. Salukis have a light skeleton, not reaching a weight of 30 kg, with dimensions at the withers of up to 79 cm. A dry and lean physique can raise a lot of doubts about the physical strength and endurance of animals. At the same time, there is documentary evidence of Salukis driving antelopes, whose speed while running is over 60 km/h.


It would seem that Dalmatians were bred solely for beauty; their spotted coloring is visible from afar and immediately lifts the mood. However, the speed qualities of the motley black and white dogs are impressive - Dalmatians easily reach 60 km per hour , ahead of greyhounds. The breed has ancient historical roots, with the first paintings of Dalmatians dating back to the 1600s. They were bred for protection and simply as companions, and they needed speed to keep up with the carriage in which the owner was riding.

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Dalmatians and horses

After all, he might be attacked on the way, and dog protection has always been highly valued! Today, Dalmatians remain devoted guards and friends of humans; the breed is assessed as human-oriented, however, such a dog should be trained from puppyhood, because they are sometimes prone to amateur activities and are overly independent. But if they treat themselves properly, these dogs get along with children and other pets and communicate a lot with their owners. They are short-haired, born pure white, and grow up to 60 cm as adults.

Siberian Husky

A well-known dog breed formed in the Russian Far East. At one time it was officially recognized in the United States. They differ from greyhound and hunting dog breeds in their speed - up to 50 km/h, but at the same time they have special endurance. Thanks to their natural endurance, Siberian Huskies are ready to work in the most severe frosts and carry heavy loads. A husky harness can cover distances of over 450 km. At the same time, animals practically do not require rest. Dogs do not exceed 60 cm at the withers, and their weight reaches 30 kg. Curious dogs enjoy hunting, although they are not hunting breeds.

Author and presenter of the column: Veterinarian Nikolay Evgenievich Smirnov

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Whippet – 55 km/h

Country of origin:



41–50 cm


12.5–13.5 kg


up to 14 years old

The Whippet is a small hound of English origin. Initially, such dogs were used to hunt hares and other small game. Representatives of this breed could independently catch up with a wild animal. Later, these dogs began to be used as rat catchers.

In modern conditions, these hounds are most often used as companions. In addition, whippets successfully participate in dog racing.

They are the fastest runners of the small breeds.

In the process of movement, the whippet carries its front legs far forward, and its hind legs help the dog push off well.

Hungarian Vizsla – 64 km/h

Country of origin:



up to 64 cm


up to 27 kg


12–14 years old

The Hungarian Vizsla is a hunting dog breed characterized by excellent working qualities. It was bred as a gun dog, which is constantly close to the hunter and, if necessary, brings him prey.

Vizslas are distinguished by their increased hard work and endurance. These fast dogs won't be able to sit idle. They need regular active play outdoors.

The pet's movements are light and free. The gallop of such a dog is continuous. During a jump, the animal can instantly change the direction of movement.

Gallery: the fastest horses in the world (25 photos)

Half a century has passed, and only in 1993 a horse named Oniol Roll managed to develop exactly the same speed as the record holder. But he never managed to run faster!

This record has been repeated many times in the history of the race. Third place belongs to the horse named Siglevi Slave. The horse covered a distance of 804 meters at a speed of 69.3 km/hour. A remarkable result, but taking into account that he did not have a rider at that moment.

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So, the list of the fastest horses in the world remains as follows:

  1. Beach Rackit (76.6 km/h);
  2. Oniol Roll (76.6 km/h);
  3. Siglevi Slave (69.3 km/h);
  4. John Henry (60 km/h).

A little about the leader

The Greyhound is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. Photos of the animal can be viewed online. But our ancestors (in the 6th century BC) depicted their pet even on household utensils. Despite the fact that Greyhounds are large in size, this does not prevent them from being elegant and graceful. Smooth coat, slender constitution, narrow head, long neck, long and muscular legs, deep chest - English greyhounds have all this, and it is these qualities that make them ideal hunting assistants. At the same time, oddly enough, unlike its other greyhound relatives, the greyhound can be called a sloth, thanks to which it copes well with the role of a companion and dog-friend. Another quality that adds to this breed’s popularity is that it has a stable psyche and excellent health. So, with good care, representatives of this breed live up to 15 years and retain all their qualities, including speed. By the way, due to its speed limit, a representative of this breed is classified as both hunting and sporting. If there is a unique runner in the world of pets, it is the greyhound, which has long been at the top of the top 10 fastest dogs.

As for the origin, today there are several versions of the appearance of the English greyhound:

  • according to the first version, the ancestor of the English greyhound is the Asian greyhound (Saluki or Slugi);
  • according to the second version, the ancestor of the greyhound is a Celtic dog, which was brought to the territory of Foggy Albion somewhere in 500 AD. e.

The fact that the English greyhound is a high-status breed is evidenced by the following historical fact - only members of the nobility, and only the very rich, had the right to breed representatives of this species.

If you look at photos of such breeds as:

  • Whipplet and Irish Wolfhound;
  • Deerhound and Galgo;
  • Hungarian agar and setter:
  • pointer, great dane and doberman,

then you can clearly trace the presence of certain features of English greyhounds, and this means that greyhounds were used in the selection process of these breeds.

Due to its excellent health, a dog of this sporting breed does not require any special care, except perhaps more activity and physical exercise. But when walking an animal, you need to remember that a hound and a greyhound are two very different things. That is, the greyhound is positioned as a sprinter who cannot run for hours, but like a cheetah it makes one lightning-fast dash. That is, during a walk, the English greyhound must be as active as possible for a minimum amount of time, after which the sprinter turns into a calm and almost slow animal.

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