What does an Alabai look like: breed standard, comparison of height with a person, color options, descriptions and photos of varieties

Alabai, or, as it is more correct to call a representative of this breed, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog (SAO) is a large, brave, strong dog with a developed innate instinct of a hunter and guard.

Alabais rank 8th among the largest dogs in the world.

Despite their impressive size and menacing appearance, these beautiful animals look very harmonious and even graceful in appearance.

However, the restrained power, which cannot be overlooked in the alabai, inspires respect and even fear.

This article presents the types of the Alabai breed with their names, descriptions and photographs.

Breed standard

Central Asian Shepherds are large, well-proportioned dogs with well-developed muscles hidden under fairly thick skin.

An adult male of this breed grows at the withers to at least 70 cm and weighs at least 50 kg, and an adult female reaches a height of at least 62-65 cm with a body weight of 40 kg.


Due to sudden outbursts of aggression, these animals are listed as dangerous breeds in Russia and Ukraine and are banned in Denmark.

To meet the breed standard , Alabais must have:

  • strong, muscular body with developed bones;
  • wide chest, rounded ribs;
  • straight back;
  • wide and short loin;
  • toned stomach;
  • short neck with developed muscles;
  • massive, wide head, almost rectangular in format;
  • pronounced brow ridges;
  • the forehead is wide and flat, the stop is not clearly expressed;
  • the nose is straight, large black or brown;
  • the eyes are round, set far apart, the iris is dark;
  • scissor bite;
  • paws are straight, long, muscular;
  • ears are small, triangular, hanging;
  • the tail is thick, saber-shaped, set low.

Alabai can be undocked , with ears and a tail of natural length, but in countries where docking is not prohibited by law, this procedure is traditionally carried out.

Origin of the species

Dog experts suggest that the history of the Alabai breed began at least 4 thousand years ago. This is indicated by a figurine depicting a dog found during archaeological excavations. According to scientists, this figurine was made around 2000 BC.

The terracotta figurine is clear evidence that already in ancient times, Alabais had their ears and tail docked.

The breed was bred through folk selection. Nomadic tribes tried to create ideal guard dogs and shepherds: powerful, hardy, unpretentious. To do this, different species were crossed, and it is difficult to clearly say which breed the Alabai belongs to. The ancestors of the current generations of shepherd dogs are called Molossians, ancient Asian dogs, herding breeds and fighting dogs of Mesopotamia. One of the closest relatives is the Tibetan Mastiff.

Due to the nomadic lifestyle of the breeders, the distribution of dogs was also great. These dogs were known in many regions, the territory of which stretched from the shores of the Caspian Sea to China in width, and from the Southern Urals to the border with Afghanistan in length. That is why the breed is called the Central Asian Shepherd (CAO in its abbreviated form).

A natural question arises: then who is Alabai? The dogs also owe this name to the vast geography of their distribution. This word comes from the Turkic term “ala” (spotted), to which the eastern suffix “bai” (analogous to the Russian –ist) was added. In other words, the name emphasizes the spotted color characteristic of most individuals.

The breed is officially called Alabai or Central Asian Shepherd, but there are many regional nicknames. In Tajikistan, such dogs are called “Chuponi”, in Uzbekistan – “Buribasar”, in Kazakhstan – “Tobet”. Different types of Central Asian Shepherds are bred in more than a dozen countries, so the variety of names is understandable.

Speaking about historical facts, it is worth paying special attention to the purpose of the breed. After all, the way the Alabai were used in ancient times influenced the characteristics of the modern dog.

Initially, the purpose of breeding individuals was to protect nomadic carts and livestock. The animals were forced to endure long marches in the heat with dignity and bravely fight wild predators. For their fearlessness and great strength, these dogs were given the nickname Asian wolfhound.

Some of the natural skills were inherited by the current CAO. But thanks to the efforts of domestic breeders, dogs have become more “domesticated”: such individuals are distinguished by a balanced disposition, friendliness towards people and little aggression towards other animals. This is how a smooth transition begins from ancient history to the character and description of the Alabai breed of the modern type.

Related article:

Dangerous dog breeds - lists of the TOP 10 breeds abroad and in Russia . It may also be interesting to read in a separate article which dog breeds are the most dangerous.

The size of a dog compared to a person

A comparison of the size of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog next to a person can be shown by its height at the withers or when it stands on its hind legs.

Thus, the average height of adult Alabais at the withers is at least 70, and more often 80 cm, which indicates that the head of a pet of this size will be almost at the level of the knees of a person of average height.

Standing on their hind legs, these dogs can be the same height as their owner or even taller.

So, when the largest, in fact, even huge, Alabai in the territory of the former USSR, nicknamed Bulldozer , stood on its hind legs, its height was about 2 m, which exceeded the height of its owner.

Care and maintenance

The structure of the coat allows the Alabai to be considered an unpretentious breed; even after a night on the ground, just a few minutes allow the dog to be relatively clean. It is not recommended to bathe dogs frequently, no more than twice a year. The Central Asian Shepherd sheds just like many others - twice a year, at which time it is necessary to comb out the dead hair.

There is no need to trim your nails or clean your ears on a schedule. All this is done as needed, rarely more than once a year.

Nutrition: 5 rules of feeding

Looking at the size of such a pet, you need to understand that it eats a lot. Alabai eats about 2-3 liters of porridge a day, but everything is very individual. Such dogs can eat both natural and dry food. These 5 rules will help you feed the Alabai correctly:

  1. The diet must contain meat, at least 10% of the total food mass;
  2. It is considered normal when the Alabai's ribs are not visible, but they are easy to feel. Do not overfeed or torture dogs with restrictions.
  3. Do not introduce CAO to premium food, it is not cheap;
  4. It is better to switch your dog to dry food in the summer, when natural food quickly deteriorates in the open air;
  5. The basis of the diet can be oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porridge.

The transition from natural food to dry food is not always easy, since high-quality food does not contain flavorings or flavor enhancers. The Alabai diet must be balanced; it most often includes the following products:

  • Raw meat, chicken;
  • By-products;
  • Fish;
  • Buckwheat, rice or oatmeal;
  • Dairy products;
  • Chicken eggs;
  • Vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, Central Asian Shepherds can suffer from chocolate, pork, potatoes, white bread and semolina. You need to be careful with pearl barley porridge, canned food and spicy foods.

You can often hear complaints from owners of this breed that the Alabai has been eating poorly since childhood for 2 years, but what does “eating poorly” mean? The fact that huge South Asian, Turkish, Uzbek or Tajik alabai eat in buckets is a common myth. Usually, 1 liter of food per meal is enough for a Central Asian Shepherd Dog.

Diet chart for a purebred dog for a week:

Read Dogs similar to Akita Inu but different sizes

Monday FridaySaturdaySunday
0.5-1 kg of meat1.5 kg meat by-products0.5 kg vegetables
0.5 kg buckwheat or rice0.5 kg oatmeal1 kg cottage cheese
0.3 kg vegetables0.3 kg crackers1 liter of kefir or milk
1 chicken egg0.3 kg of cereal of your choice

Particular attention to diet should be determined in the period up to one year. If an adult dog eats junk food without any problems, this can lead to serious consequences for a puppy. Puppies are usually given food containing more vitamins and minerals. It is during this period that owners usually add special vitamin supplements to the food.

Content: at home or on the street?

These dogs are definitely not suitable for keeping in an ordinary city apartment, with the exception of apartments with an area of ​​120 square meters or more. Such large dogs are well suited for guarding private homes. We can confidently say that a chained dog, or one placed in an enclosure, will be much happier than his brother locked in an apartment.

It is important to accustom the Alabai to an enclosure if you intend to keep it there. Dog handlers recommend throwing treats into the cage and when the pet runs into the enclosure after it, be sure to praise and encourage the dog. Training lasts more than one day, but even the most experienced trainers use this method.

Owners note that Central Asian Shepherds tolerate frost well. At the same time, it is important to insulate the floor of the booth with straw, and the walls can be lined with foam plastic; at the entrance, you can hang a thick carpet curtain. Be sure to teach your dog to enter the aisle of a kennel with a curtain. Even in frosty weather of 20 degrees, it is not recommended to invite the CAO into the house. If the dog is on a chain and is not used to severe frosts, it is better to let him out at night to run around the closed area of ​​the house.


A dog breeder buying an Alabai must understand that such a large dog needs long walks every day. You need to walk your North Asian Shepherd dog for at least an hour and a half a day. It is considered normal to walk 3-4 hours a day. The dog should be allowed to feel different types of surfaces with its paws (soil, crushed stone, cones in the forest, asphalt).

When purchasing a Central Asian Shepherd puppy, be prepared to meet the needs of this breed!

Does an Alabai need clothes?

SAOs have good and durable wool, they do not freeze at temperatures down to minus 20 degrees, so it is not worth purchasing clothes for Alabai for warmth. The dog may need a durable overall that will protect the dog's body when walking in the forest. A raincoat or blanket can protect your dog from the rain if you keep your dog indoors. In other cases, buying clothes for such a dog is pointless.

Character and temperament

Alabais are distinguished by calmness, self-confidence, balanced character and stable psyche. These are proud and independent animals, accustomed to making their own decisions and capable of obeying only those who prove their unconditional leadership.

Representatives of this breed have a developed territorial instinct, so they are wary and even aggressive towards strangers. These are brave, strong dogs who, if they sense that they or their family are in danger, will not hesitate to rush at the offender, even if he is larger.

Central Asian Shepherds are smart animals, they remember commands quite quickly and understand perfectly well what their owner wants from them. However, their inherent stubbornness, independence, predominance of protective instincts and tendency to dominate complicate the training process.


Without proper training and early socialization, these dogs grow up uncontrollable and aggressive.

They can get along with other pets only after they have proven their leadership to them, which means that skirmishes and fights are almost inevitable at first. They will treat other people's animals with indifference only if they are properly and timely socialized; otherwise, all cats, birds, rodents and even dogs will be perceived by Alabai only as objects of hunting.

It is better not to have representatives of this breed in families with children under at least 6-7 years of age. Alabais are quite patient with children, but only if they respect their personal boundaries, which should not be expected from children. In addition, a large dog can accidentally startle, push or injure a child.

Character of Central Asian Shepherds

It’s clear what Asian dogs look like, but how does an Alabai behave next to a person? Is a dog dangerous, which, if it stands up to its full height, will turn into a powerful two-meter colossus? Or is he kind, friendly and will never show aggression without reason? To answer these questions, it is necessary to study the characteristics of the psyche and intelligence of these animals.

Typical qualities and habits

Alabai, like all other Asian dog breeds, is distinguished by its independent, proud oriental character. This dog is always on his own mind, which is why he is decisive, self-confident, and fearless. What distinguishes Asians from clearly aggressive types of dogs is their acquired poise: the dog will never enter into conflict without a good reason.

Nomadic breeders bred a special guard breed of dogs, the Alabai, and not fighting dogs, much less killers. Therefore, anger is a quality that is considered a defect for these individuals. Overly aggressive Asian Shepherds were deliberately shot to achieve a calm and balanced temperament in the breed.

This restraint and a peculiar, truly oriental, detachment from stimuli are the characteristics with which the Alabai stands out among other representatives of the large-sized Canine family. The temperament of Central Asian Shepherds is calm, even mysterious in some ways. At the same time, females have a more dynamic and playful disposition than males.

Gender differences also appear in the security service. When trying to enter the territory of a stranger, the Alabai girl will burst into barking and block the way. Asian dogs have more aggressive behavior: they rush at the enemy with lightning speed, without bothering with warnings.

An Asian Shepherd puppy is always happy to make friends with people. The pet will equally love and protect all family members. A very interesting feature of these dogs is their extraordinary sensitivity to the mood of their owners. The dog will not bother the owners, but will gladly support the game and exchange of affection if the owners are in a good mood.

However, strangers to the Alabai breed remain suspicious. CAO is always on alert with guests, neighbors and passers-by. The slightest provocation from a stranger can cause an aggressive reaction from the pet, so while still a small puppy, the dog must undergo a course of training and proper socialization in society.

Another not the best characteristic of the Alabai breed is its bias towards small animals. An ill-mannered dog can easily break off the leash and chase a cat or small dog. Such situations must be nipped in the bud from the very childhood of the pet.

Perception of training

CAOs are distinguished by a long period of maturation. Individuals develop fully physically and mentally by the age of 3. Moreover, with age, Alabai dog puppies increasingly show a tendency towards dominance: the playful fluffy ball turns into a natural wolfhound and strives in every way to show its leadership. At this time, it is especially impossible to allow an Alabai to put himself on the same level as a person.

The owner must become the unquestioning leader for the Asian Shepherd!

Puppy training begins at two months of age. Classes must be systematic and last at least half an hour. First of all, the pet learns to respond to its nickname, and then all the basic commands are systematically learned. By 7 months, an Alabai dog should understand typical orders: Sit! Place! Ugh! To me! It is forbidden! and so on.

The average Asian Shepherd will not obey easily - its temperament is too capricious and independent. Therefore, when raising a dog you will have to show a lot of patience and ingenuity. Alabai interact very well with incentive training methods. Give your pet a treat after each command, and the dog will remember the benefits of obedient behavior. An affectionate word, praise, a friendly ruffle of the scruff of the neck are also excellent methods to win over the CAO to your side.

Alabai is a herding dog of nomads, and protecting her “herd” or “convoy” is in her blood. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful about the socialization of your pet. The dog should not show excessive wariness towards strangers or rush at relatives. Proper upbringing will turn the CAO into a cute pet, and the absence of strict boundaries will result in the dog’s unpredictability of behavior, because unblocked natural instincts can awaken at any moment.

Photos of popular species and their descriptions

Alabai is a common dog breed, especially in Asian countries. And each of them has its own vision of the ideal representative of this breed. Additionally, the appearance of each breed variety varies depending on its natural habitat.


The Tibetan Alabai is a large, shaggy and muscular dog with harmonious proportions and a moderately elongated body. Males grow to at least 70 cm at the withers with a body weight of 50 kg, females are 65 cm tall and weigh 40 kg.


They are considered the descendants of Tibetan mastiffs, which, after entering Central Asia, began to acquire features characteristic of modern Alabai.

These are guard dogs, not fighting dogs, but they can fend for themselves and protect their owner. They have a tendency to dominate and can get along with other animals only if they recognize their leadership qualities.

Turkmen Alabai
are fierce and independent, but also loyal, self-confident and have a balanced character and stable psyche.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are freedom-loving animals that will not obey anyone except their owner, in whom they will see the leader and leader. They are much more aggressive and impetuous than the Turkmen Alabais.
They do not require special care and live an average of 14-15 years. Height at the withers is about 65-75 cm, and body weight is 50-75 kg. Most often these dogs are used for protection. Due to their high degree of aggressiveness, such dogs must be kept with the utmost care.

Turkish Kangal

Representatives of the Turkish Kangal breed have been used since ancient times as fighting dogs, protectors and hunters.

These are obedient dogs, distinguished by speed, courage, endurance, vigilance, distrust and the ability to make decisions independently, assessing the situation. They are kind and flexible and get along well with other animals.

Height at the withers reaches 70-80 cm, weight – 55-65 kg. The coat can be gray-yellow or gray-brown.

Kyrgyz wolfhound (debit)

The breed is on the verge of extinction.

These wolfhounds were used primarily for herding. These are large, powerful animals with thick and straight hair; they can be either short- or long-haired. They have a calm character and are obedient. They grow up to 70-76 cm at the withers and weigh 40-70 kg.

Uzbek buribasar

Compared to other varieties of Alabai, the Uzbek Buribasar has a miniature stature, an elongated body and an elongated muzzle.

Smart, flexible, reserved dogs.

Kazakh tobet

Strong, hardy, large animals, reaching a height of 77 cm and a weight of about 45-65 kg. The coat is coarse and thick, piebald or spotted color is acceptable. They get along well with other animals and have a good guard instinct.

At the moment, the species is on the verge of extinction.


The Siberian Alabai is a cross between a German Shepherd and a Siberian Husky. A large dog with thick fur. Characterized by a high level of intelligence, sociability, obedience and developed security and protective instincts.


These dogs are larger than the Turkmen Alabay, have a heavier shape and resemble St. Bernards. Good-natured and reserved animals, good shepherds and loyal friends.

Alaskan Malamute)

There are 2 types of Malamutes: Kotzebue (with a wolf-colored coat) and M'Lut (coat of black and white, sable and white, white and blue). They grow up to 77 cm at the withers and weigh 55 kg. Friendly, intelligent, but sometimes overly stubborn dogs.

Armenian (Gampr)

These are viable, independent, self-sufficient dogs with short or long coats. Height is 65-78 cm, weight is approximately 60 kg.

Alabai from Afghanistan

One of the oldest dogs with a refined body, up to 75 cm tall and weighing 30-45 kg. Wool can be black, white, red, blue and other colors. Willful animals with a tendency to dominate.

Raising and training the breed

Alabai is a dog that needs to be raised competently. Training is needed regularly, at least half an hour. Since the shepherd is willful, the owner will have to make every effort to involve the Alabai in the learning process.

It is important to reward for correctly executed commands during training. Alabai becomes attached to the territory of residence and the household members of the owner. As he grows up, qualities such as guarding and protecting those people and places to which he has become attached appear. And at this moment it is important to control how the Alabai treats strangers.

Do not allow the puppy to jump with its paws on household members. When he grows up, it will be problematic to stand on his feet from a weight of 50 kg.

Alabama boys are much easier to train. But girls are not so obedient, they are much more cunning. Much in the life of a shepherd will depend on training and upbringing. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the training process to professionals.

Photos and descriptions of colors

The Alabai coat can be not only white or black and white, there are many possible variations of its color.


There are no albinos among the Alabais, even in the absence of a coloring pigment in the coat of these dogs, which is why it looks snow-white; the lips, nose and eyelids of the Alabais are colored black or brown.


Red fur can have many shades: yellow-golden, fawn, light beige, reddish-red and copper-brown. The coat may be solid red or have white markings on the chest, belly, paws and face.

Dogs with a color called wolf look especially attractive: the main color of their coat is bright red or has a gray-brown tint, the hairs on the stomach, neck and chest are white, and the lower part of the forehead, cheeks and area around the eyes are black or dark -gray.


The coat can be solid black or have dark brown, white or red spots.

The most common coat color of Alabais is a combination of black and white. If the main color of the coat is white, then black spots are located on the back, hind legs and top of the dogs head. In the case when the fur is black, the belly, chest and lower part of the paws of the Alabai are painted white.


The tiger alabai is the owner of wool, the color of which is combined with gray, brown or yellowish-golden colors. On the back, neck, croup and limbs there are dark stripes located transversely and closing into rings on the chest and belly.

Many individuals with this color have almost black fur on their faces, making it appear as if they are wearing masks.


Brown coat color varies from pure brown to brown.


In accordance with the standard, silver-blue and chocolate coat colors are considered unacceptable - it is believed that coat of such colors is characteristic of dogs that are a cross between an Alabai and a Great Dane or a German Shepherd.

How to care for Alabai

This breed is not particularly fastidious in care. But it is necessary to provide sufficient care for pets.

Content Features

Characteristics of the dog The Asian Shepherd eloquently says that living in an apartment is not the best option for this animal. A physically strong and large dog needs an active lifestyle, which can only be provided by long walks and long distance travel.

The best accommodation option for such dogs is a country house with a spacious area where you can set up an enclosure with a booth.

Related article:

German Shepherd - description of the breed, characteristics, standards, care, photographs. Perhaps, while reading about the Asian Shepherd, it will also be interesting to read about another excellent guard dog, the German Shepherd.

Hygiene issues

The specifics of caring for the Alabai breed are not complicated. The dog is regularly combed, slightly increasing the number of procedures during seasonal molting. The animal's eyes are systematically washed, its ears are cleaned, and its mouth is examined. Bathing is required no more than once a month, but after washing the dog you need to dry it.

Feeding the dog

In terms of nutrition, the main characteristic of the Asian Shepherd dog is its great love for fresh meat. Beef or veal makes up 70% of the dog's diet. If you need to replace natural food with dry food, then you should choose premium products (ProPlan, Hills, Pronature).

You cannot give flour, sweet, or salty SAO. In addition to meat, cereals, vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, eggs, and low-fat sea fish are desirable. Food portions should not be excessive and balanced.

Taking care of your health

In order for a healthy Alabai to grow up, attention should be paid to his well-being from an early age. It is recommended to use nutritional supplements for the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system, since ligaments and joints are problem areas for Asian Shepherds. Other ailments of CAO include:

  • Obesity;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Volvulus of the stomach/intestines.

It is worth noting that diseases appear mainly due to improper care of the pet.

Smooth-haired and long-haired dogs

Central Asian Shepherd Dogs have a coat consisting of 3 layers: dense undercoat, outer coat, and guard hairs. The hairs are thick and hard, dense and erect.

The area of ​​natural residence of the Alabai affects their appearance, including the length of their coat. Depending on the length of the hairs, Alabai are divided into two types - long-haired and smooth-haired.


Alabais living in mountainous areas are more massive, their subcutaneous fatty tissue is better developed, and the outer hair of such dogs is longer - 7-10 cm, fluffy. They have a well-developed mane and decorative hair on the withers, behind the ears, in the riding breeches and on the back of the tail.

Thanks to their low center of gravity, these dogs can maintain balance during mountain treks. They have a balanced nervous system, a well-developed vestibular apparatus and do not need constant contact with humans.

Long-haired Alabai do not require an insulated enclosure in winter; they tolerate any frost well.

The long-haired Central Asian dog is common in Turkmenistan, but it has not yet been recognized as an independent breed; officially it is a mongrel.


Dogs living in steppe regions have lighter bones and higher legs, they are more mobile and have a smooth (3-5 cm in length) coat. The short-haired Alabai has a more active psyche, it is more sociable and easier to train.

Their coat is uniform throughout the body, shortened on the front side of the paws and slightly lengthened at the withers.

How much does a Central Asian Shepherd cost?

The Alabai puppy is evaluated depending on its suitability for the breed. There are three classes of “suitability” of dogs:

  • Pet. The individual will not produce purebred offspring, but will be a good guard. The average price is 15,000 rubles.
  • Breed. Typical purebred CAO. Estimated at 15,000 – 20,000 rubles.
  • Show. Unique purebred Alabai. For such a puppy, breeders will ask for at least 30,000 rubles.

When purchasing a dog, do not forget to check that the documentation is correct.

Mini-Alabai - a defect or a separate breed?

Central Asian Shepherds that have not reached the height at the withers established by the standard (the so-called mini) are considered a defective breed.

Such deviations can arise as a result of genetic changes, interbreed mating, the purpose of which was to produce smaller dogs, or as a result of a lack in the puppy’s body of vitamins, macro- and microelements necessary for proper and healthy growth and development.

However, small representatives of the breed, which are quite suitable for keeping even in city apartments, are in demand among those who like Central Asian Shepherds, but a number of reasons do not allow them to have such a pet.


As a rule, a small (dwarf) representative of the breed, in addition to stunting, has other deviations in appearance and health problems.

Alabai health

The breed is endowed with good immunity and excellent health. When an animal gets sick, the reason is due to improper husbandry or genetics. Problems with legs, the musculoskeletal system, and obesity are associated with an inactive lifestyle.

An unhealthy diet leads to diabetes.

Vitamin supplements are included in the diet. Once every three months, effective drugs must be given for helminths. A visit to the veterinarian and routine vaccination will ensure that the Alabai will be healthy and active.

Are boys different from girls?

During the first 6 months of life, the exterior of Alabai dogs is identical in males and females, and it is impossible to determine the gender of a puppy just by looking at it.

When dogs reach the age of 9-10 months, their exterior differences are already pronounced. The male's height at the withers reaches 80 cm, he weighs about 70 kg and has a massive overweight body and a bear-like large head. the girl, in turn, has a more graceful silhouette, she grows up to 70 cm at the withers and weighs 60 kg.

Estrus, mating and birth of Alabais

Breeding Alabais requires knowledge of the organization of mating, estrus, pregnancy, and childbirth. Properly organized mating will help produce healthy offspring, which can then be sold at a profit or kept for yourself.

Alabais are in heat

The female becomes physiologically mature by the age of two years; before this period they cannot be mated. The CAO usually comes into heat once a year, from late summer to late winter. But there are cases of estrus twice a year, in autumn and spring. If the owner does not plan to breed puppies, then it is better to sterilize the bitch.

Alabaev mating

Alabais are usually bred in the fall, at which time the number of puppies sold increases noticeably and the price drops. To sell your litter more profitably, you should try to breed in the spring in order to put the litter up for sale by summer. Only completely healthy representatives with all documents confirming their breed affiliation are eligible for breeding.

The first mating should occur between the ages of two years for a female and a male, but the male should be slightly older. Mating is carried out exclusively on the territory of the male dog, where he will feel calm. After the first act, you will need to do it again after 2-3 days, this is done to ensure a positive result.


The gestation period for puppies in female Central Asian Shepherd dogs is 58-65 days. The litter may be born faster due to the large mass or during the first pregnancy, but the deviation usually does not extend beyond one or two days.

The first sign of pregnancy in a bitch is the appearance of mucous discharge from the loop. They usually appear 15-20 days after mating. After a month, you can already notice other symptoms of pregnancy - the belly increases in volume, the nipples swell and slight hair loss is observed.


A week before giving birth, the female’s nesting instinct is triggered. It is best to provide her with such a place yourself; select a convenient place for the dog and accessible to the owner. You need to make sure that the female does not climb into hard-to-reach places to give birth; you will be able to get puppies from there only after a couple of months.

Typically, a female Alabai gives birth to 6-8 puppies, which is quite a lot. In cases of more puppies in the litter, their mortality increases. The stronger puppies survive.

How to choose a puppy?

Before buying an Alabai puppy , you need to find out from the breeder the age of the bitch and the size of the litter. So, if the bitch is older than 8 years old or more than 5 puppies were born in the litter, then the likelihood of them developing serious diseases increases significantly.

It is also necessary to examine the puppy - if the Alabai is purebred and healthy, it has:

  • smooth, “plush”, shiny coat without dandruff and bald patches;
  • clean skin without rashes and inflammations;
  • scissor bite;
  • pink mucous membranes;
  • clear eyes without signs of souring and increased lacrimation;
  • clean ears without unpleasant odor or discharge.


In addition, the puppy should not have a bloated belly, excess weight or, on the contrary, signs of exhaustion or parasites. He should be active, playful and inquisitive.

How long do Alabai live: 3 rules for a healthy dog

The life expectancy of Central Asian Shepherds is on average 12-15 years. The lifespan depends on the conditions of detention: a dog will live longer at home than on the street. For a healthy and long life you need to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Alabai must have all standard vaccinations;
  2. Feeding should be balanced and moderate;
  3. The dog must lead an active lifestyle (walks);

Common diseases

This is a healthy breed with no genetically transmitted diseases. At the same time, improper maintenance can provoke obesity, heart attacks, joint diseases, and hypothyroidism. Often, elderly Alabais develop hip dysplasia. The reason for this is the large size of the animal. To prevent joint problems, you can give your dog special supplements.

Veterinarian Roman Baranyak agreed to answer frequently asked questions in private regarding diseases of Central Asian Shepherds:

Denis Paparampam: Why does my Alabai eat poorly? We give him porridge with a small amount of meat, he eats about 1/3 of the saucepan.

R. Baranyak: You need to understand all aspects of your pet’s problem. First of all, what size is this “saucepan”? How often do you give your dog the same porridge? Often dog owners think in stereotypes that CAO should eat in buckets, but this is not true. These dogs are not as voracious as people usually think. But if the dog does not eat at all, there may be many reasons that are best determined when visiting the clinic.

Margarita: My Alabai is limping. There is one peculiarity here: in the absence of any fights since last fall, he limps on his front paw. Now it’s January and I see that he’s already limping on his hind leg. I don’t understand what to do, it hurts to look at a previously completely healthy dog.

R. Baranyak: If no wounds or abrasions were noticed on the animal’s body, then the problem may be in the joints. Typically, such problems in CAO develop closer to 10 years of age. First of all, I recommend immediately visiting your nearest veterinarian. Secondly, start taking chondroprotectors, for example Gelacan or Chondrolon. But it would be best if a specialist examines the dog and prescribes proper treatment.

Vladimir: The dog’s eyes constantly fester, what could be the reason and how to fix it?

R. Baranyak: First of all, you need to establish the cause; it could be allergies, infections, injuries, or simply the anatomical features of a particular dog. Unfortunately, I cannot make a diagnosis through such a short, non-specific question. The eyes should be carefully wiped with a cotton pad moistened with Albucid.

Vitya: The dog is constantly shaking his head, what could it be?

R. Baranyak: Most often, the reason for this behavior is a problem with the ears. These could be manifestations of allergies, mites, otitis media or something else. Look inside your dog's ear. I will not prescribe treatment because there are no details.


Timely vaccination will protect any dog ​​from many dangerous diseases. Central Asian Shepherds are vaccinated according to the following scheme:

  1. At 2-3 months the first vaccination against plague, enteritis, and rabies takes place;
  2. At 5-8 months, vaccinations are given against parainfluenza, viral hepatitis and letospirosis;
  3. Further vaccination takes place once a year.

Read Review of the Australian Silkie Terrier breed (+photo)

It must be remembered that sick dogs with weak immune systems should not be vaccinated.

Negative reviews from owners

Winston032: From the first day we acquired our Alabai puppy, we have been struggling with food allergies. The cattle breeder kept silent about the fact that the puppy’s parents suffered from allergic reactions. Most importantly, to this day we cannot determine what exactly causes such reactions. The dog is constantly itching and shaking his head. We change food twice a week. Already tired of Alabai. Be careful when buying puppies, this can cause problems for a long time.

Maradona: Be prepared to fight the Asian character from the first days of your life together. If you dream of a big, balanced dog, maybe this will happen, only in 2-3 years. Until then, you will have to beat against the rock of “his greatness” every day. You will spend a lot of money on training basic knowledge; dog handlers don’t work for vodka now.

Ryndych: You say it’s a myth that it eats a lot? My dog ​​is real and eats half a 12 liter bucket of porridge a day. You will say that this is not little. Well, so be it, but I’m ready to exchange dogs with someone and take something smaller for myself. Dry food you say? This should only work for this Alabai if you don’t give him cheap dry food.

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