Black Spitz: Pomeranian black and tan or black and white dog

History of appearance

Spitz-type dog breeds have been known for centuries. At first they were very large dogs with a pointed muzzle, erect triangular ears and a fluffy tail curled into a ring.

Black Spitz - little bear

Even experienced dog breeders cannot say for sure when this or that color appeared, but black Spitz dogs have definitely existed a long time ago.

For your information! The breed originates in Germany. It was there that these animals began to be bred as guard dogs. After this, Spitz appeared in England, where they began to breed decorative breeds.

Zonal gray shade

This color is also called silver. Zone-gray Pomeranian Spitz puppies at birth have a shade very close to black. Gradually, the dog’s undercoat gains thickness, and the color becomes lighter, the “orange” becomes similar to a wolf cub.

The zone-gray color has its own distinct characteristics:

  • dark ears;
  • dark muzzle;
  • “glasses” around the eyes;
  • clearly visible eyebrows;
  • black end of tail;
  • light hair on the undercoat;
  • light fur on the forearms;
  • light gray fur on the lower part of the tail;
  • light gray wool on the fringes.

Black color - defect or breed

A Spitz may have a non-standard coat color, and this is not considered a defect. According to canine standards, medium and small representatives of this breed can have a variety of coat colors. The coat can range from white and red to chocolate and black.


White dog: breeds of fluffy white dogs

According to the standard, a black Spitz should have dark skin, as well as an undercoat and nose that are also dark in color. There are situations when, when crossing dogs of different colors, puppies are born with small light spots on the undercoat. In this case, the animals do not meet generally accepted standards, but despite this, they are still allowed to participate in exhibitions.

Note! A black Pomeranian may lighten a little over time. Small discolored areas appear on his undercoat.

A black Spitz's coat should be dense and abundant, consisting of a thick undercoat and long, coarse guard hairs. For purebred representatives of this breed, it should be perfectly smooth, without a hint of waves or curliness. In the neck area, the wool forms a chic collar, which in appearance looks more like a mane.

The coat of purebred representatives of this breed should be harmonious and complete.

Black and white

Another common variety of spotted colors. Representatives of this color can only be crossed with each other. It is not recommended to breed animals with monochromatic representatives of this breed.

Black markings on such animals are located on the ears, tail and muzzle. The black and white Spitz looks very impressive.

Black and white spitz puppy

Black and Tan

This type of dog has a deep black color as its base tone. The Black and Tan Spitz has patches of sable or orange. Tan can be under the eyes, on the chest and paws. This variety of Spitz is very popular.

Spitz black and tan


A fairly common specimen is the chocolate-colored Spitz. In this case, the animal should not have inclusions. Experts recognize only a uniform shade of coat.

For your information! The nose and lips should also be brown. If a puppy has them black, then the dog will not grow up to be a full brown color.

Spitz dark chocolate color

Disqualifying faults

A serious violation leading to disqualification from any show is the presence of white spots on the coat of any color other than white. Sometimes white spots may appear on the tips of the paws and on the chest. However, this will not be a reason for disqualification.

Another violation would be a non-black nose on any Pomeranian other than a brown one. In the latter, the nose usually matches the color of the coat. In winter, orange, light cream and cream Spitz dogs may have a slightly lighter nose. This is not a disadvantage.

Do they differ in character?

Pomeranian and German Spitz: differences

The Dark Spitz is a very intelligent, playful and energetic dog that becomes strongly attached to all family members. In addition, representatives of this species have excellent guard qualities. It is not entirely correct to consider this dog a sofa dog, since he is an excellent protector of his home and family. When uninvited guests appear, the dog will definitely notify its owners about them with heart-rending barking. In some situations, dogs do this so enthusiastically that they need to be stopped.

Important! You should start raising a pet as early as possible, literally from the first moments the dog appears in the house. Among other things, such activities are simply necessary so that the pet does not get bored, since in such a situation it becomes very harmful and noisy.

The black Pomeranian is one of the best options for a family with small children. But still, it should be taken into account that the dog will not tolerate bullying, so you should warn your children about this and carefully monitor their attitude towards the animal. If you treat your pet kindly, he will reciprocate and become very close to all family members.

Due to its fairly docile nature, the animal treats other animals well, even cats. But this does not apply to small animals, such as rodents and birds, since the dog will constantly consider them exclusively as prey.

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by their inquisitiveness and curiosity, so not a single event taking place in the house will be left without his participation. The dog’s investigative inclinations are also noted, thanks to which the animal will look into all corners of the house in search of something new and interesting.

If you have decided to purchase such a small bear cub, then you need to prepare for the fact that the animal will require close attention and affectionate treatment. Otherwise, the dog will feel lonely and abandoned, which will lead to him doing bad things. He will do this not out of harm, but solely to attract attention to himself.

German Spitz black color

Differences in recognition of colors by different standards

Popular color variant of the breed
There is no single standard recognized throughout the world.
For example, a white Spitz is considered one of the standards - such a dog will be recognized by any club. But there are some colors that are recognized by some federations and are considered marriageable in others. This is interesting! The Pomeranian Spitz standard provides for as many as eleven colors - this is much more than most purebred dogs.
Before getting a puppy, and even more so allowing an adult dog to be bred, you need to make sure that this color is acceptable in a particular state. It depends on which federation standards are recognized in it.

Caring for a Spitz with black hair

The Bear Spitz requires systematic care, especially for the coat, the cleaning of which should be given close attention. This is important during the molting period, which occurs twice a year.

How to wash a Spitz

It is recommended to bathe your dog only when necessary. This is explained by the fact that representatives of this breed have very dry and thin skin, which becomes very painful during water procedures.

How to brush a Spitz

You should brush your dog's fur at least twice a week. To do this, you need to purchase a bristle brush. During shedding, brushing is required daily. There is no need to trim the dog. An exception is the fur between the toes, which is recommended to be trimmed to prevent it from matting.

Note! It is recommended to carry out flea treatment every quarter, as otherwise the dog may develop dermatitis.

White shade

The white Pomeranian was bred in Japan and over time there are very few pure white dogs left. Breeders have difficulty producing such puppies, since they mostly appear white only at first glance. Cream colors often predominate.

In order for a white Pomeranian to be able to participate in the exhibition, its color must be snow-white. Yellow spots on the ears are a defect.

The white Spitz has the same situation as the black one - all ancestors must be of the same type, any other shade in the line of sires will easily give tan spots over time or the color of the puppy will become cream.

Owners who choose a white dog must be extremely neat and clean.

How to feed a black German Spitz

Having purchased a Spitz puppy, the first time you need to feed it according to the breeder's plan. In the future, the animal must be provided with a balanced and proper diet, since the dog’s health, good appearance and good mood will directly depend on it.

You can feed a black Spitz:

  • prepared feed;
  • natural products.

Among other things, you can give preference to combined feeding. Each owner must make the choice himself. Regardless of the type chosen, the animal’s body must receive all the necessary substances, vitamins and microelements.

A black Pomeranian can eat anything.

The dark dwarf Spitz is a breed that is distinguished by its rather miniature size, luxurious black coat and attractive appearance. In addition, such dogs are distinguished by courage, vigilance, activity and vocality. This is important to consider before purchasing a puppy.

Choosing a puppy

How to find a good breeder?

The only official canine system in Russia is the RKF. City kennel clubs based on this system can provide the buyer with information about registered Pomeranian litters in the city and current breeders.

Dogs in the kennel or from the breeder must have RKF pedigrees, which the buyer has the right to ask to present. Documents from other cynological organizations do not guarantee full compliance of the Pomeranian Spitz breed with the standard.

By visiting local and regional exhibitions, you can closely communicate with breeders and owners of Pomeranian Spitz and find out all the information you need. On the forums of Spitz lovers you can find a lot of useful tips and get recommendations from the best breeders in Russia.

Prices for puppies

A puppy of the Pomeranian type has a higher cost compared to the German type. What else does the cost of a puppy depend on?

  • Exhibition prospects (pet class, breed class, show class);
  • Color;
  • Titles of the parents of the litter;

It is important to remember that it is difficult to determine future show prospects for a puppy under three months old, so the promise of show prospects for a two-month-old puppy should be alarming.

Recommendations for purchasing a puppy:

  1. A responsible Pomeranian breeder will provide certificates from the puppy's parents and puppy records, as well as demonstrate the puppy's mother and, if possible, father.
  2. It is necessary to pay special attention to the conditions under which the litter is kept. The smell of feces and dirty, inactive puppies should alert you.
  3. Each puppy must have a veterinary passport with notes on double comprehensive vaccination and anthelmintic procedures.
  4. It is recommended to draw up a purchase and sale agreement (in two copies), which will spell out all the obligations and rights of both parties to the transaction.
  5. In the future, you need to follow the breeder’s recommendations for feeding and caring for your Pomeranian.

Despite its cute appearance, the Pomeranian remains a dog and requires to be treated accordingly. You should not buy Pomeranian as a “toy” for children. The Spitz needs training and regular walks. If the dog lacks this, behavioral problems may arise.

The popularity of the Pomeranian has led to a demand for an extreme type that can carry serious health problems.


The most important thing for a Spitz is its cheerfulness. He is always ready for any adventure, is happy to go for a walk and will support his owner in everything. The cheerful disposition and devotion make dogs of this breed the most preferable for friendship and protection.

Loud barking will notify you of the arrival of guests, and the joy from spending time together will be immeasurable.

A properly styled haircut looks elegant

Trimming rules

Pomeranians should be taught to regularly groom their hair from a very early age. The dog's coat should look beautiful and well-groomed; without shaping, it will look disheveled. It will be problematic to cut a Spitz haircut on your own, without special skills.

The animal's ears and groin area require special care and attention. Be sure to carefully remove hairs near the anus for hygiene purposes.

Do not cut off stray hair from a Spitz. Patience and accuracy will be required when sorting out tangles. It is much easier to prevent them by brushing your pet regularly. You need to comb the dog all the way to the skin, the entire undercoat, and not along the surface.

Pomeranians are trimmed not only for exhibition

The pants are carefully shaped on the hind legs, the collar is cut in front, and high-quality tail trimming will help it stay straight and form a beautiful ring.

Attention! Be sure to trim your nails, brush your teeth and ears. The front legs are trimmed like a cat.


Another interesting color option is spotted. Color spots appear evenly across the base color. They can be black, red or gray. A dog with these inclusions on the undercoat is not one of the common variants. To purchase it, you will need to look for a puppy with this color. However, he will stand out noticeably against the background of dogs with “bored” coat colors.

In general, no matter what shade of coat you personally like (“sable”, gray or “orange”), such a dog will certainly become a member of your family. She is cheerful, active and incredibly playful, so she will appeal to both adults and children. Choose a puppy with the color you like and get a real four-legged friend.

Similar article: Description of a friendly and inquisitive Finnish Spitz

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