Line of dog food brand "Grandorf"

Grandorf Lamb and Rice Puppy Food contains 60% dietary lamb and turkey, ideal for puppies' sensitive digestive systems. It also contains essential proteins, healthy fats, amino acids and vitamins that guarantee optimal energy value for the healthy growth and development of the puppy. No added artificial colors or flavors.

Suitable for puppies of all breeds from 3 weeks. And also for pregnant and lactating females of small and medium breeds.

general characteristics

Grandorf food is produced in Belgium and Italy. Although the brand was founded in France more than 50 years ago.

The highest class food is “holistic”. This suggests that it contains only natural ingredients that are close to the natural nutrition of dogs.

The company's owners claim that food is developed based on the advice of veterinarians and professional breeders, taking into account the wishes of customers.

Did you know? In ancient China, the latest way to protect the emperor was a small Pekingese dog sitting in his sleeve. If necessary, the dog jumped out of there, rushing at the ill-wisher.

Product line

Grandorf has dry food for animals that are very prone to allergies (Sensitive category), wet, grain-free and low-grain. I’ll tell you about all of them in more detail.


Most Grandorf products fall into this category. The composition may contain several types of meat:

Here it can be found in dehydrated form. This is meat flour, which is considered a very healthy product. There is also raw meat. Carbohydrates are represented by rice, brown or regular. Its shell has been removed, so it is only a source of calories.

In grain-free feeds, the source of carbohydrates is sweet potato. There are also carbohydrates in dried vegetables (spinach, chicory, etc.). There are also flax seeds here. Miniature krill shrimp meat is a source of not only protein, but also antioxidants. Important components of Grandorf products are probiotics, omega-3, DL-methionine, chondroitin, glucosamine, antioxidant complex, vitamins and herbs. Carob flour is not only a useful component, but also affects the stool of animals, fixing it.

Feed dosage depends on weight. Give as directed. Be sure to give the animal water.

Pros. The composition is the most natural. It contains chondroitin and glucosamine, which are necessary for animal joints. There are rare but necessary components for a pet. Grandorf food contains 27% protein and is a high-quality protein. Meat stated 60%. It is difficult to say whether the low amount of fat in this brand of food is a disadvantage. If you are the owner of a dog who lives mainly in an apartment, and all activity comes down to a couple of quiet walks a day, this is a plus. Grain-free foods contain little or no legumes. It is these foods that often cause indigestion in animals. If the pet lives in a private house and moves actively all day long, this is a minus.

Feed composition

Now let’s talk in more detail about the composition of Granddorf dog food. It does not contain beets or corn, which are considered one of the “empty” fillers (they are usually added to cheap food to “dilute” meat).

The food does not contain artificial fillers, chicken, by-products, soy, or dyes (chicken is only in one of the subtypes of food for puppies). It contains a large percentage of meat: lamb, duck, rabbit, veal, turkey, fish.

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All foods contain a hypoallergenic product - rice - a source of such essential carbohydrates.

There is also Antarctic krill - a small crustacean that is placed as a kind of filler that has beneficial properties. It is considered to be much better, for example, than corn.

Apples and spinach help restore digestion. Good skin, claws, fur - all this thanks to flaxseed. And brewer's yeast helps improve metabolism and increase resistance to stress.

Grandorf also contains various herbs (for example, rosemary, chicory) that are beneficial for the whole body.

Important! All components of Grandorf are completely natural, which is necessary to avoid food allergies.

The difference between Grandorf dog food

All Grandorf lines are created without the use of hazardous components; they do not lead to allergies in dogs. This was the result of eliminating the use of cereals with gluten and plant proteins.

But unpolished rice grains are used because they are considered safe for the dog.

Any type of Grandorf canned food is approved for feeding dogs with food allergies.

  • No rice is added to this line. Therefore, its components are completely absorbed and have a positive effect on the skin and fur of the animal.
  • It does not suffer from indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, which allows it to form a strong immune system.

Many people think that such quality costs a lot of money? In fact, thanks to the development of production, the price of Grandorf feed is at the level of competitors, which has become the reason for its enormous popularity in Russia.

Food with live probiotics

Food with live probiotics is a real breakthrough. There are about a billion beneficial bacteria per kilo of this product. By eating this food every day, your dog will be able to restore his intestinal microflora without any problems (wherever it is written “for adult dogs”, it means dogs over 1 year old).

4 Meat & Brown Mini

For adult dogs of small breeds. It contains 60% meat (turkey, lamb, duck, rabbit). Proteins - 27%, fats - 15%. Metabolic energy - 4.111 Kcal/kg.

4 Meat & Brown All breeds

Designed for all adult dogs. It also contains 60% meat (turkey, lamb, duck, rabbit). Proteins - 25%, fats - 15%. Metabolic energy - 3.960 Kcal/kg.

Types of dog food Grandorf

Unfortunately, the composition of Grandorf dog food does not change depending on the breed. But lines are offered based on the size and age of the pets.

Types of Grandorf food by age

  1. For puppies 3 - 18 weeks old.
  2. Line (Junior) for puppies from 4 months.
  3. For adult dogs.
  4. Universal type of nutrition.

These lines have almost identical contents of the main nutritional components. But the size of the croquet is taken into account. This is necessary to create an obstacle to swallowing. The dog is forced to chew the food.

Grandorf food type by size

  1. Mini. Suitable for the smallest breeds. Added essential dietary fiber and active substances.
  2. Medium. Ideal for high-quality nutrition of dogs weighing 10 - 30 kg.
  3. Maxi. Complete nutrition for large breed dogs. Chondroprotectors have been added, which are necessary to improve the condition of ligaments and joints, since they bear a very heavy load. This helps maintain the health of the cartilage surfaces in the joints.

Low grain

Low-grain "Grandorf" is perfect for a growing dog's body, as well as for dogs with delicate stomachs.

Lamb with rice

“Lamb with rice” comes with various marks:

  • Puppies - this “Grandorf” is for any puppies from 3 weeks, pregnant/nursing females of small/medium breeds.
  • Juniors - for juniors from 4 months, medium or large bitches during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Mini - for adult small dogs.
  • Medium - for adult medium-sized dogs.
  • Maxi - for adult large dogs (from 15 months).

In all these subspecies, 60% of the meat is lamb and turkey.
And, of course, whole white rice. Pedigree dog food is a representative of the economical class.

White fish with rice

This food is given to adult dogs. It contains 60% ocean fish (cod, herring). Proteins - 25%, fats - 14%. Metabolic energy - 4,050 Kcal/kg.


Analysis % Protein: 29.0 Fat: 18.0 Omega-6: 3.2 Omega-3: 0.7 Ash: 7.5 Fiber: 3.0 Moisture: 9.0 Calcium (Ca): 1.4 Phosphorus (P): 1.0 Vitamins (mg/kg) Vitamin A: 20,000 Vitamin D3: 2,000 Vitamin E (a-tocopherol): 150 Vitamin B1: 12.3; B2:10.0; B6: 7.0; B12: 60.0 Vitamin C: 100.0 Pantothenic acid: 50.0 Choline: 1250.0 Folic acid: 2.5 Biotin: 300.0 Niacin: 50.0 Trace elements (mg/kg) Iron (E1): 90.0 Copper (E4): 13.0 Zinc (E6): 100.0 Manganese (E5): 40.0 Cobalt (E3): 1.5 Iodine (E2) : 1.5 Selenium (E8): 0.2 Glucosamine: 1.500 Chondroitin: 1.000 MSM: 40 Antioxidants (mg/kg) Natural antioxidant complex (Rosemary, Grapefruit, Orange, Turmeric and Syzygium extract): 300 Amino acids (mg/kg) Taurine: 1,000


Grain-free Grandorf contains a very large amount of meat. Even the most picky eaters will like this type of food. And the structure of the granules will also help clean the four-legged teeth.

Good for dogs with hypersensitive skin and weakened fur, pets with delicate stomachs, and allergy sufferers.

Duck with sweet potato

Also for any adult dogs. 60% meat - duck, turkey; 0% grains. Proteins - 26%, fats - 16%. Metabolic energy - 4.120 Kcal/kg.

Rabbit with sweet potato

For all adult dogs. 60% meat - rabbit, turkey; 0% grains. Proteins - 25%, fats - 15%. Metabolic energy - 4.120 Kcal/kg.

Did you know? The New Zealand Animal Welfare Society conducted an experiment during which three dogs learned to drive a car in a straight line and even swerve!

Dosage rules for Grandorf dog food

Many dog ​​owners believe that they can go without feeding their pet for a long time, and then fill the bowl full, because, “It will do, what will happen to him?” In fact, a dog is a living organism in many ways identical to a human.

Maintaining health requires regular and balanced nutrition.

  • But it is necessary to take into account the age, weight and way of life of the animal.
  • For example, a dog living in a kennel should eat more because it needs a lot of energy to maintain a normal body temperature.
  • More food should be given to pregnant or lactating bitches.

Tip: When eating dry food, full access to water is ensured. Adding a wet look will not solve the problem, in fact, combining is not recommended.

It is very important to feed the appropriate type of food. If the food is intended for an adult dog, it can harm the puppy.

The approximate serving quantity is written on each package. But in some cases, you can consult a veterinarian.

Now we understand why Grandorf food is very popular in Russia. This became possible thanks to the convenient release form. It can be given to pets with allergies and digestive problems. Owners are pleased to see how their pet consumes food with pleasure and is always in a great mood.

Wet food

Wet food "Grandorf" perfectly combines very important and useful ingredients that are necessary for the health and activity of a four-legged dog at the highest level.

This line has several varieties: “Chicken with Rice Puppies”, “Veal”, “Lamb”, “Rabbit”, “Turkey”. They contain 80% meat.

Wet nutrition is good because:

  • keeps the cardiovascular system in good shape.
  • increases immunity.
  • improves digestion and metabolism.
  • strengthens joints.

Daily feeding rate

Recommended Daily Value in grams for puppies of all breeds
Adult dog weight (kg)weaning2 months4 months6 months8 months10-12 months

Feed "Grandorf": advantages and disadvantages

Of course, like any other dog food, Grandorf has its pros and cons, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with before making your choice.

About the advantages

  • The food has an excellent composition, rich in meat.
  • Using only natural products.
  • Doesn't contain a lot of unnecessary fillers.
  • It contains many useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Rich in substances beneficial for the musculoskeletal system.
  • Its cost is relatively small.

About the manufacturer

Little is known. Grandorf is a Russian company, but its production facilities are located in Belgian and Italian factories. The name itself comes from the word big and the name of a mythological character who had the guise of a large dog. You can translate the name of the product as big dog. The low price is due to the fact that this dog food cannot be found in stores and markets; it is sold only via the Internet, but there are no markups.


Dehydrated lamb, dehydrated turkey, whole brown rice, fresh lamb, fresh turkey, turkey fat, chicory extract (natural source of FOS and inulin), carob meal, dried apple, dried Antarctic krill (natural source of EPA and DHA), brewer's yeast (a natural source of MOS), taurine, glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), cranberry extract, Yucca Schidigera, natural antioxidant complex (rosemary, grapefruit, orange, turmeric and syzygium extract).

Preserved with vitamin C, rosemary and a mixture of natural tocopherols (a source of natural vitamin E).

Metabolic energy is: 4,110 kcal/kg.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Grandorf is a rather controversial dog food. It has both disadvantages and advantages.
  2. The advantages include the absence of harmful components and allergens. There is no wheat, dyes, soy, beets, GMOs, corn, or artificial flavors.
  3. The food consists of 60% meat and satisfies all the dog’s protein needs.
  4. The disadvantages include a small amount of fiber.
  5. The line includes high-quality grain-free and low-grain foods.

Choosing what and how to feed your dog is your task. And the health of the dog depends on your choice. In order to choose the right diet for your pet, you may have to conduct more than one experiment. Tell us in the comments about your food experiments.

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General conclusions

After reviewing Grandorf food, we were particularly impressed by its composition. However, the way the company treats consumers is alarming. She is not inclined to share information about her activities, so ambiguity regarding this food remains. We were never able to find out who this brand was intended for . All we know is that the company sells food for dogs and cats on the Russian market.

It is not possible to find out about this food for dogs and cats in Italy, France or any other European country. It is impossible to find companies from which one could buy it. You can obtain any information only through the distributor’s website, which is registered to a private person, information about which is hidden to the public.

What reasons are there to trust the ingredients listed on the bag? Unfortunately, we were unable to find any.

Therefore, it is difficult to expect that companies that lease their own facilities to other food manufacturing companies will be able to offer high-quality food for dogs and cats. At the same time, European companies remain completely out of the risk zone, since they have nothing to do with the feed in question.

Dry food GRANDORF Lamb/Rice Adult Mini for adult dogs of small breeds with lamb and rice

Why do 80% of our customers return?

Because most of them support us and our mission to create a culture of healthy eating and pet ownership.

We are grateful to them for this! Thank you!

What else are we good at?

  • Our assortment. We have selected only high-quality food from the holistic and super-premium classes. We DO NOT sell food whose quality we doubt.
  • Professional advice. We have accumulated extensive experience in selecting food for pets of different breeds and characteristics. We are ready to share it. If you have any questions, call! We will select the right nutrition and tell you what to pay attention to specifically in your case.
  • Quality guarantee. We purchase all products only from importers and official distributors, which guarantees their authenticity and high quality. Product quality is our highest priority.

Grandorf brand food is produced in Italy and Belgium and belongs to the holistic class. Grandorf lines are distinguished by a high content of natural meat, the mass fraction of which reaches up to 60%, which is close to the natural nutrition of animals. Protein sources include lamb, turkey, fish, duck or rabbit depending on the type of food.

The food of this brand is hypoallergenic due to the absence of potentially allergy-causing ingredients in both dry and wet diets - grains, offal, chicken and chicken fat are completely excluded from the composition of these foods.

To strengthen the immune system and improve digestion, prebiotics have been added to the recipe.

During preparation, minimal heat treatment is used, in which the raw material is heated to no more than 80 degrees, which allows you to preserve maximum nutrients.

Our opinion:

Belgian food Grandorf, thanks to its unique composition that does not contain chicken, has gained great popularity in the Russian market. This natural and hypoallergenic food is suitable for animals prone to allergies and pets with digestive problems. Consists of holistic components selected according to the principle of carnivore nutrition.

Dry food does not contain chicken. You won't find it as a protein source or as chicken fat. The composition contains only turkey, rabbit, lamb and duck.

The line includes food for small, medium and large breeds. Separately, the manufacturer has highlighted a grain-free line and hypoallergenic food with fish.

Complete wet dog food in pate form contains 80% meat and is suitable for pets with sensitive digestion.

Dietary food GRANDORF for adult dogs of small breeds, lamb with rice (Lamb/Rice Adult Mini). It is a complete food for adult dogs of small breeds. Thanks to the special structure and size of the granules, it promotes mechanical cleaning of teeth and removal of plaque. Release form: 0.7 cm granules. Suitable for animals prone to allergies and those dogs that have digestive problems. Consists of holistic components selected according to the principle of carnivore nutrition. The food contains 70% high-quality dietary lamb and turkey meat. Contains proteins – 27%, fats – 15%. The carefully selected composition of the food contains a preventive complex of chondroprotectors, an optimal balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids, which provide your pet with the necessary energy, beneficial vitamins and minerals. Energy value 4110 kcal/kg. Does not contain wheat, corn, beets, organ meats, eggs, chicken, chicken fat, salt, sugar, colors, artificial flavors or fillers, soy or GMOs.

Dehydrated and fresh lamb meat. Tender, dietary, it is easily digestible and has low fat content. Suitable for animals with sensitive digestion. It is a source of protein, B vitamins, magnesium and sodium.

Dehydrated and fresh turkey meat is an animal source of protein, vitamins and amino acids. Positively affects the growth and development of muscles, brain and heart function of the animal.

Whole brown rice is the least allergenic grain. A source of complex carbohydrates and vegetable protein that give strength and energy to your pet. Responsible for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Turkey fat is an animal source of Omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins D and E, choline and silene.

Chicory extract is a natural source of FOS and the prebiotic inulin. Supports the health of the digestive system and regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens the natural immunity of animals.

Carob flour is a vegetable source of cellulose, vitamins B, E and A, fructose, sucrose, maltose, and minerals. Strengthens the immune system and protects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract from the effects of heavy metals.

Dried apple is a source of pectin fiber, minerals, and carbohydrates. Normalizes the digestive system, strengthens the immune system.

Dried Antarctic krill is a natural source of Omega-3 fatty acids, including docosohexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Beneficial for the nervous system, heart and vision of the animal, supports the structure and function of cells.

Brewer's yeast contains B vitamins, protein and antioxidants. Helps prevent skin diseases and vitamin deficiencies of group B. They have a general strengthening effect and normalize the functioning of the central nervous system.

Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid. Plays an important role in bile production, heart function, visual acuity and eye health.

Glucosamine is a polysaccharide that prevents joint diseases in dogs.

Chondroitin is a polysaccharide that helps improve joint function.

Tocopherols (Extract of Rosemary, Grapefruit, Orange, Turmeric and Syzygium) are natural sources of vitamin E. Support the immune system, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

What the manufacturer says about the food:


  • Antarctic krill (bioelements, bioactive proteins, Omega-3 phospholipids).
  • Carob flour (natural digestive bioregulator).
  • SYNOX 3D (complex of natural antioxidants).
  • Hypoallergenic composition of HOLISTIC class ingredients.
  • 70% high quality meat in the feed.
  • More than 10 beneficial properties for your pet's health.
  • Natural complex of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
  • Optimal balance of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Preventive complex of chondroprotectors.
  • The formulas are preserved thanks to natural preservatives – vitamins C and E.
  • Low feeding rate.

Each granule of this formula is highly nutritious, packed with energy and vitamins from selected nutritional and beneficial ingredients.

A low daily feeding rate provides the pet with the necessary energy and all the beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Gentle manufacturing technology (less than 80°C).

In the production of this food, only natural ingredients and gentle low-temperature manufacturing technology (less than 80°C) are used, which preserves beneficial vitamins from all natural ingredients in the food.


  • Cardiovascular protection.
  • Support a healthy immune system.
  • Improved digestion and reduced food allergies.
  • Improving metabolism and maintaining ideal weight.
  • Support beneficial and reduce pathogenic microflora.
  • Tartar prevention and oral care.
  • Improvement of coat and skin.
  • Strengthening joints and developing muscles.
  • Support and strengthen vision.
  • Prevention of urinary tract.

Shelf life: 12 months.


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