Description and features of caring for the Kerry Blue Terrier

Pets of the Kerry Blue Terrier breed have abundant and curled hair. A well-defined mustache and beard add color to these pets. Regular grooming of the Kerry Blue Terrier is the key to your pet's chic appearance and well-being. It is not easy to cut a dog's hair so that it retains the characteristic silhouette features required by the standard. The most hassle-free way to achieve a neat appearance for your pet is to contact experienced dog groomers.

Professionals who have mastered different Kerry Blue Terrier haircuts will be able to choose an option for your pet that will highlight the dog’s advantages. And minor exterior flaws will remain invisible.

How to cut a Kerry Blue Terrier

You may want to trim the fur of your favorite four-legged animal yourself, thinking that this is an easy task. But it is preferable to entrust the pet’s haircut to experienced people who thoroughly understand the intricacies of the breed. Grooming a Kerry Blue Terrier is a creative process for them. The craftsmen have special shampoos for dogs, intricate tools and bold ideas in their arsenal. Grooming Kerry Blue Terriers is only permissible according to certain rules.

Kerry Blue Terrier haircut diagram:

  • Before cutting, the animal must be washed and the hair dried with a hairdryer.
  • Kerry Blue ears should be cut against the grain. Use scissors to carefully trim the edges so that the ear resembles the shape of the letter V.
  • The front of the neck is cut with a clipper.
  • With a harmonious haircut, the pet's bangs begin in the area where the transition from the forehead to the face is visible.
  • The dog's forehead should be trimmed with a pad.
  • The hair above the bangs is kept short, and between the ears it is slightly longer.
  • So that the fur that forms the eyebrows does not interfere with the dog’s vision, it is cut on the side near the eyes.
  • It is important to harmoniously trim the dog's beard.
  • The shape of the head of pets of this breed should resemble a rectangular parallelepiped.
  • Anything that goes beyond the lines established by the standard is removed.
  • The dog's shoulders and neck are cut short (with scissors).

Of course, cutting a Kerry Blue Terrier involves many more techniques than are listed here. Only a master can figure out how to cut a curly-haired fidget and what tools to use to trim the fur on a certain area of ​​the dog’s body.

Breed standard

The Kerry Blue Terrier became a domestic dog, but did not lose the hunting instincts of its Irish ancestors. To this day, experienced owners reject angry or cowardly puppies.

Kerry Blue Terriers are friendly dogs, children's favorites and smart assistants to their owners. The playfulness of the Irish does not fade with age: they are resilient and strong. During walks, puppies will actively search and dig tirelessly.

Animals of this breed are stubborn and willful from childhood. The puppies will definitely find something to “answer” to their owner’s scolding. At the same time, they are obedient and devoted to their owner. Professionals say that these dogs are easy to train.

Important! Kerry Blue Terrier puppies are very attached to their owner. Choose a different breed if your home sits empty a lot. Otherwise, they will be sad, howl, and chew on sofas or armchairs.

"Blue dogs" look strong and elegant. They are compact, with well-developed dense muscles. Blue Kerry terriers have inherited a wary facial expression. A striking feature of the breed is its special coat. It is monochromatic, thick, silky, and almost does not shed. Puppies are born black, but by the age of 1.5 years they finally acquire a light or dark bluish color.

The gender type of Kerry Blue Terriers is well defined; the height of males reaches 49.5 cm, and that of females reaches 48 cm. The average weight is 15–18 kg. The breed of these dogs has many distinctive features, which are evaluated by competition commissions and breeders. The main characteristics are presented below.

CharacterEnergetic, smart, active dog. Well trained. Slowness, excitability.Cowardice, aggression, uncontrollability or indifference.
Body typeProportionally pumped up with a developed skeleton. The skin is soft and flexible. Weak muscles.Skinny or fat body. Wrinkles or folds. General frailty.
FormatAlmost square.Minor deviations from the standard.Stretched or short.
WoolHomogeneous, soft and thick with curls. Covers the dog's body tightly. Not silky enough, dull. Poor quality haircut. Pronounced disadvantages of the breed.
ColorGray-blue.Brown shade of fur.
HeadElongated, with a slight stop. The nose is black with wide nostrils. Gums and palate are dark. Tangible stop, short head, Light shades on the gums or palate.
EarsThin, small, proportional, forming a triangle. Fit tightly to the dog's head. Loose, disproportionately large, too heavy or low.
EyesDark or dark walnut, medium, well set. Insightful. Too big or light.
TeethLarge, white, arranged linearly. Pincer or scissor bite. Yellow coating, small size, abrasions. Lack of linearity. Fallen, carious or broken.
NeckMuscular, proportional, larger than the head. The dog's scruff is outlined. Short or low set.Weak, disproportionately small or large.
WithersIt is clearly expressed and smoothly turns into a straight line.Small, large or narrow.
BackSmooth, small, muscular.Weak or slightly uneven.
Small of the backInflated, medium, convex.Smooth, narrow or elongated.
CroupPowerful, sharp, large.Smooth, long.Small.
TailCut into thirds, large, even, standing upright.Small, roughly cut.Uncut, horizontal, hanging.
BreastConvex flexible ribs, oval, proportionally large chest.Too small or large.
StomachSmooth, fit.Slightly emaciated or sagging.
LimbsStrong, muscular. The dog's bones are strong. The rear ones are wider than the front ones. The joints on the knees are pronounced. Paws and claws are compact and strong. Frail, too long, with a large distance between the paws.
MovementsActive, driven, direct.Slow, oblique direction, short steps.

Important! Pronounced defects put an end to the dog career of representatives of the breed.

There's plenty to choose from

Cutting the head of a Kerry Blue Terrier requires special skills and effort. If you cut a dog's hair so that its head becomes round, it will be a serious mistake. At the same time, certain experiments with the appearance of a four-legged fashionista are quite acceptable. Calling a specialist to your home will save owners from many of the difficulties associated with hairdressing procedures. Masters can trim your dog’s existing haircut, which is overgrown, or they can please your pet with an exclusive hairstyle.

The following haircuts are very popular:

  • Model.
  • Exhibition.
  • Elegant haircut for boys.
  • Girlish option.
  • Short haircut (ideal for the hot season).

Having discussed all the options for Kerry Blue Terrier haircuts with the hairdresser, you can choose the one that will be the most attractive for you and, of course, the most comfortable for your pet.

Veterinary services (services not listed in the price list are provided at a negotiated price.)

Name of veterinary services Cost, rub.)
Initial appointment 300,00
Repeated appointment 100,00
Initial appointment with a specialist (surgeon, traumatologist, ornithologist, exotic animals, etc.) 500,00
Repeated appointment with a specialist 300,00
Consultation with a veterinarian 0, 00
Consultation with a veterinarian based on test results without an animal 150,00
Consultation for owners without animals by a specialist 0,00
Fixation of small breeds of cats and dogs 100,00-300,00
Fixing an aggressive animal 500,00-1000,00
Calling a veterinarian to your home 500,00
Calling a veterinary specialist to your home for medical procedures (excluding medications and manipulations) from 500.00
Vaccination of animals with clinical examination:
— imported rabies vaccine 1300,00
— imported vaccine without rabies 900, 00
— imported vaccine for cats with chlamydia without rabies 1000,00
— imported vaccine for dogs with caronovirus without rabies 1000,00
- rabies vaccine 450,00
— vaccination against ringworm (Vakderm, Vakderm F) 500,00
- vaccination of rabbits 500,00
Registration of a veterinary passport 100,00
Administration of medications: intramuscular, subcutaneous, oral, ophthalmic, drip, intravenous through a catheter, perrectum (without the cost of drugs) 50,00
Intravenous administration of drugs (without the cost of drugs) 100,00
Intravenous, drip administration of drugs, without the cost of drugs 1 hour 500,00
Autohemotherapy 1 procedure 300,00
Treatment of piroplasmosis From 850.00
- infiltration 1 procedure 750,00
- conduction, nerve ganglion 1 procedure 1000,00
-epidural 1 procedure 3000,00
Placement of an intravenous catheter 500,00
Removing the IV catheter 150,00
Taking blood samples from a vein 200,00
Subcutaneous infusion 300,00
Puncture for cytological analysis 1 procedure 200,00
Abdominal or thoracic puncture 1000,00
Aspiration of fluid for ascites 400,00-1200,00
Cystocentesis with urine aspiration 400,00-800,00
Probing of the esophagus 1 procedure 1200,00
Obstetrics 1 hour 1650,00
Bladder catheterization:
— cats/cats 1000,00
— females/males 1800,00/1300,00
Bladder sanitation 200,00
Cleaning the paranal glands 300,00
Cleansing enema 700,00
Removing feces from the intestines during coprostasis 300,00-500,00
Sanitation of the ears and ear canal 300,00
Dressing wounds 1 wound 100,00-500,00
Treatment of the wound surface 1 wound 150,00-500,00
Removing Ixodid ticks 1 tick 150,00
Taking and examining scrapings 1 analysis 550,00
Chipping 650,00
Reading the microchip number 0,00
Nail trimming 300,00
Beak Trimming 300,00
Magnetotherapy 1 procedure 100,00
Irradiation with UV lamp “Sun” 1 procedure 100,00
Darsonvalization 1 procedure 100,00
Oxygenation 1 hour 150,00
Sanitary animal grooming:
– small animals (up to 5 kg) 1000,00
– medium animals (over 5 kg to 15 kg) 2000,00
- large animals 2100,00 — 4000,00
Sanitary washing of animals:
– small animals (up to 5 kg) 500,00
– medium animals (over 5 kg to 15 kg) 1500,00-2500,00
- large animals 2500,00- 5000,00
Plaster cast application (without reduction):
– small breeds of dogs and cats 1 bandage 750,00
-large dog breeds 1 bandage 1600,00
Removing the plaster cast:
– small breeds of dogs and cats 1 bandage 500,00
- large breeds of dogs 1 bandage 1000,00
Bone reduction 1 fracture 3150,00
Reduction of dislocation 1 procedure From 1600.00
Treatment of surgical sutures

(excluding drug costs)

1 procedure 50,00-150,00
Removing stitches 1 area of ​​operations will interfere. 300,00
Opening abscesses, hematomas, etc.:
- without installing drainage 1 wound 1000,00
— with installation of drainage 1 wound 1100,00-3500,00
Injury to a veterinarian by aggressive animals, depending on the severity 1000,00-10000,00
Premedication 350,00
Animal sedation 450,00
General anesthesia:
- cat 500,00 – 800,00
– dog up to 5 kg 500,00- 1000,00
– dog up to 10 kg 100,00- 1300,00
– dog up to 20 kg 1500,00- 2300,00
– dog up to 30 kg 3000,00
– dog up to 40 kg 3000,00-5000,00
- for every 10 kg 500,00
Observation of the functional parameters of the animal’s vital organs during surgery (with incubation) 1 hour 300,00
1st category of complexity (papillomas, skin defects, third eyelid adenoma, dewclaw amputation) 1600,00
2nd category of complexity (hernia repair, lymphodenectomy, resection of paranal sinuses, bougienage of the nasolacrimal duct, phlegmon.) 2000,00- 3500,00
3rd category of complexity (castration of cryptorchids, cosmetology, reposition of the eyeball, diagnostic laparotomy, urethrostomy, cesarean section and pyometra in cats.) 3600,00- 5500,00
4th category of complexity (tumor resection of the skin, plastic surgery, cystotomy, rectal prolapse, intussusception, rectal diverticulum, cesarean section and pyometra in dogs) from 5600.00
5th category of complexity (extrafocal osteosynthesis, limb amputation, rhinotomy, pancreatic resection, esophagoplasty, liver resection, gastric volvulus, excision of part of the stomach, sarcoma; for the removal of several tumors, the fee is charged in multiples of their number). from 6500.00
Castration, sterilization (surgical intervention):
- cats 1800,00
- cat 1200,00
— males weighing up to 5 kg. 2100,00
— males with body weight from 5 kg to 15 kg 3200,00-5500,00
— males with a body weight of 15 kg from 5000.00
— females up to 5 kg 2750,00
– females with body weight from 5 kg to 15 kg 3150,00-5500,00
– females with body weight from 15 kg to 30 kg 5000,00-7500,00
— with body weight from 30 kg from 7500.00
Amputation of vestigial phalanges in dogs:
- up to 2 weeks of age

(with local anesthesia)

one phalanx 400,00
- from 2 to 4 weeks of age one phalanx 600,00
-over 4 weeks of age one phalanx 1100,00
Tail amputation in dogs:
-up to 10 days of age

(with local anesthesia)

- from 10 to 2 months of age 1100,00
-over 2 months of age 1650,00
Ear cropping in dogs:
-up to 10 days of age

(with local anesthesia)

- from 10 days to 3 months of age 3000,00
-over 3 months of age 4000,00
Dental services:
Ultrasound removal of tartar the entire oral cavity 1000,00
Mechanical removal of tartar for 1 tooth 200,00
Tooth extraction:
- milk teeth in cats for 1 tooth 350,00
- permanent teeth in cats for 1 tooth 600,00
— cat/dog fang removal for 1 tooth 1000,00
- milk and permanent teeth in dogs and rodents for 1 tooth 350,00-600,00
Chipping (trimming) of incisors in rodents 300,00
Laboratory diagnostics
General urine analysis 1 research 500,00
Express urine diagnostics 6 indicators 550,00
Taking blood samples 200,00
General stool analysis 1 research 600,00
General clinical blood test 1 research 600,00
Biochemical blood tests 12 indicators 1100,00
— determination of total protein 1 research 90,00
— determination of direct bilirubin 1 research 90,00
- determination of total bilirubin 1 research 90,00
- determination of urea 1 research 90,00
- determination of amylase 1 research 90,00
determination of gammaglutamine transferase 1 research 90,00
— determination of alkaline phosphatase 1 research 90,00
— determination of glucose 1 research 90,00
- determination of creatinine 1 research 90,00
- definition of AST


1 research 90,00
- determination of ALT

(alanine aminotransferase)

1 research 90,00
— determination of lactate dehydrogenase 1 research 90,00
- determination of iron 1 research 90,00
— determination of calcium 1 research 90,00
- determination of magnesium 1 research 90,00
— determination of inorganic phosphorus 1 research 90,00
— determination of protein fractions 1 research 90,00
— determination of pancreatic amylase 1 research 450,00
- determination of total cholesterol 1 research 90,00
— determination of tringlycerides 1 research 90,00
Determination of hormones in blood serum:
- progesterone 1 research 1000,00
- estradiol 1 research 1000,00
- testosterone 1 research 1400,00
Testing for blood parasitic diseases 1 research 1000,00
Helminthocoprological research 1 research 550,00
Microscopic examinations for dermatophytes, demodicosis and ectoparasites 1 research 650,00
Vaginal cytology 1 research 3800,00
Histological examination of biological material 1 research 4500,00
Cytological examination of tumors 1 research 3500,00
Clinical diagnosis:
Examination of bone tissue 1 photo 1000,00
Ultrasound (ultrasound examination) of the entire abdominal cavity abdomen 1500,00
Ultrasound 1 area 550,00
Ophthalmoscopy 1 research 300,00
Otoscopy 1 research 300,00
Electrocardiography (ECG) 1 research 500,00
Echocardiography, Doppler study of blood flow of internal organs and peripheral vessels 1 research 1300,00
Wood's lamp test for microsporia 200
Keeping an animal in a hospital

(price does not include treatment and food):

- small animals (hamsters, rats, ferrets, etc.) and birds per day 300,00
– cats and dogs (up to 5 kg) per day 500,00
– dogs up to 15 kg per day 800,00
– cats and dogs (over 15 kg) per day 1000,00
— infectious, cats and dogs (up to 5 kg) per day 800,00
Euthanasia of animals:
- up to 5 kg 1000,00
– over 5 kg to 10 kg 1100,00-1600,00
— over 10 kg to 20 kg 1700,00-2100,00
— over 20 kg to 30 kg 2100,00-2700,00
- small rodents 300,00
Animal cremation (general):
- up to 5 kg 1000,00
– over 5 kg to 10 kg 2000,00
— over 10 kg to 20 kg 2500,00
-over 20 kg to 40 kg 3500,00
— over 40 kg to 50 kg 4000,00
— over 50 kg to 60 kg 4500,00
— over 50 kg to 60 kg 7000,00
— over 60 kg to 70 kg 7500,00
— over 70 kg to 80 kg 8500,00
— over 80 kg to 90 kg 10000,00
— over 90 kg to 100 kg 15000,00
- small rodents 500,00
Individual cremation:
- cat up to 4 kg 3500,00
- dog depending on weight 4000,00- 10000,00
- video report 2000,00
— photo report 1000,00
- with presence 5000,00

Grooming salon services:

Sports clipper haircut (bathing + haircut)

Small dogs 2300rub 1.5 hours
Medium dogs 2300rub 2 hours
Big dogs 2500rub 2.5 hours
Spaniels, cockers (bathing, grooming) 2300rub 2 hours
Spaniels, cockers (model haircut) 3000rub 3 hours

Small breeds (bathing+cutting+shaping)

Shih Tzu 2500rub 2 hours
Pekingese 2500rub 2 hours
Bichon 2500rub 2 hours
Maltipoo 2500rub 2 hours
York 2300rub 2 hours
Bolonka 2300rub 2 hours
Spitz dwarf 2300rub 2 hours
Naked dog 2300rub 2 hours

Poodles (sporty haircut, lamb haircut + bathing)

Toy 2300rub 2 hours
Medium (small) 3000rub 2 hours
Dwarf 2300rub 2 hours
Royal (large) 3000rub 2.5 hours

Poodles (lion cut, Scandinavian lion cut + bathing)

Toy 2500rub 2.5 hours
Medium (small) 3000rub 2.5 hours
Dwarf 2500rub 2.5 hours
Royal (large) 3000rub 3.5 hours

Poodles (modern style haircut + bathing)

Toy 2500rub 2.5 hours
Medium(small) 3000rub 3 hours
Dwarf 2500rub 3 hours
Royal(large) 3000rub 4 hours

Schnauzers (grooming + bathing)

Giant Schnauzer 3000rub 4 hours
Miniature Schnauzer 3000rub 3 hours
Miniature Schnauzer 2500rub 2 hours

Terriers (haircut + trimming + bathing)

Erdel 3000rub 3 hours
Kerry blue 2500rub 3.5 hours

Terriers (haircut + trimming + bathing)

Welsh 2500rub 3 hours
Fox 2500rub 3 hours
Scotch 2500rub 3 hours

Terriers (haircut + trimming + bathing)

West Highland White 2500rub 3 hours
Wheat 2500rub 4 hours
Sky 2300rub 2.5 hours
Australian 2300rub 2 hours

Terriers (haircut + trimming + bathing)

Jack Russell 2300rub 2 hours
Toy 2300rub 1,5 hour

Bathing and drying smooth-haired and short-haired dogs

Small dogs 1000r 1,5 hour
Medium dogs 1500rub 1,5 hour
Big dogs 2000rub 1,5 hour

Comb, bathe (de-shed, shape) for two groomers

Collie 3000rub 4-5 hours
South Russian Shepherd 3000rub 4-5 hours
Bobtail 4000rub 4-5 hours
Newfoundland 4000rub 4-5 hours

Comb, bathe (de-shed, shape) for two groomers

Saint Bernard 4000rub 4-5 hours
Chow chow 4000rub 4-5 hours
German Shepherd 2500rub 4-5 hours

Comb, bathe (de-shed, shape) for two groomers

Golden Retriever 2500rub 4-5 hours
Spitz (medium, large) 3000rub 4-5 hours
Laika (straight wool) 3000rub 4-5 hours

Comb, bathe (de-shed, shape) for two groomers

Afghan Hound 3000rub 4-5 hours
Labrador 2000rub 2 hours
Rottweler 2000rub 2 hours
Husky 2000rub 2 hours


Wash + dry 2000rub 1 hour
Removing tangles (1 piece) 500r 10-15 min
Haircut (not including injection) 2000rub 2 hours
Combing 2000rub 2 hours
Wash + haircut 2500rub 1 hour
hourly wage in rubles
Coefficient for aggressive dogs and cats from 1000r
Neglect (matts, long hair, heavy soiling) from 1000r
Trimming from 1000r 1 hour
detailed work
Hygiene areas (face, paws, ears) 500-1200rub
Fixation 500r

Veterinary clinic

  • Animal vaccination

  • Veterinarian appointment

  • Animal surgery

  • Therapy for cats and dogs

  • Microchipping of dogs

  • Euthanasia of animals

  • Microchipping of dogs

Veterinary laboratory

  • Histology

  • Skin examination for dermatitis

  • Blood test for cat, dog

  • Blood test for babesiosis (cytoplasmosis)

  • Urine and stool tests

  • Cytology

Animal diagnostics

  • Diagnosis of infectious and invasive diseases

  • Digital diagnostics for animals

  • Ultrasound for pets

  • X-ray for animals

  • Electrocardiography (ECG)

Animal foster care

  • Day hospital

  • Intensive therapy

  • Infectious diseases hospital

  • 24-hour hospital

  • Zoohotel

Animal surgery

  • Reduction of dislocations in dogs and cats

  • Castration

  • C-section

  • Treatment of fractures of any complexity

  • Surgical treatment of joint pathology

  • Urolithiasis disease

  • Abdominal surgery on animals

  • Sterilization


  • Dermatologist

  • Oncologist

  • Veterinarian – Ophthalmologist

  • Visual diagnostics specialist (ultrasound, x-ray)

  • Exotic animal doctor

  • Dentist

  • Therapist

  • Traumatologist

  • Ophthalmologist

  • Surgeon

Grooming salon

  • Dog washing

  • Cheek washing

  • Beak trimming

  • Nail trimming

  • Haircut hygienic

  • Model dog haircut

Veterinary care at home

  • Assistance in childbirth for animals

  • Emergency vet visit

  • Groomer at home

  • Vaccination at home

  • Animal surgeries at home

To make the owner more comfortable

By contacting the salon, you will be convinced that the modern Kerry Blue haircut is a pleasant addition to your dog’s image. In addition, you won’t have to worry about your pet’s unpredictable reactions; experienced groomers will be able to organize the process in such a way that the dog will not panic or be picky. Sometimes getting to a dog stylist is simply unrealistic. Being busy at work and having small children can cause thoughts about grooming your dog to fade into the background. An excellent solution would be to call a specialist to groom your Kerry Blue Terrier at home. Groomers will groom your dog right in your own home.

For professional groomers, the Kerry Blue Terrier haircut standard is the main guideline that helps them avoid mistakes. Masters know how to maintain the line between fashion and the necessary characteristics of the breed, which cannot be encroached upon. This means that after a haircut, your pet will look organic and stylish.


In general, the breed is very healthy, resistant to various viral diseases and adapted to various climatic conditions. Compared to other purebred breeds, Kerry breeds are less susceptible to hereditary diseases and pathologies, in fact they are quite rare.

Not often, but Kerry Blue Terriers have:

  • Hypothyroidism: a disease of the thyroid gland.
  • Skin cysts: Kerry often experiences bumps, these are epidermal cysts or sebaceous cysts and usually do not cause problems.
  • Keratoses: Keratoses (nose and foot) are the formation of calluses, warts and calluses on the feet or nose. Often, painful corns can be inherited. Keratoses can be removed surgically or treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids.
  • Cataract: Causes clouding of the lens of the eye, resulting in poor vision. The dog's eyes will be cloudy. Cataracts usually occur in old age and can sometimes be removed with surgery.
  • Dry Eye: Keratoconjunctivitis sicca and pigmentary keratitis are two conditions that Kerry blues have and can occur simultaneously or separately. Dry eye occurs when the tear gland does not produce enough moisture.
  • Chronic otitis externa: This is a chronic infection of the external ear canal, often caused by excessive hair in the ear, which encourages the growth of bacteria and fungi.
  • Progressive neuronal abiotrophy (PNA): This is a rare inherited nerve disorder. Symptoms usually appear between 2 and 6 months of age.
  • Hip dysplasia
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