Poodle Haircuts: Standard (60+ images)

The Poodle breed has many amazing qualities and characteristics, and among its most exciting elements are the different Poodle haircuts.

That's why we will give you a lot of tips and ideas here.

Your little friend can get a few different fur hairstyles: the dog can be neatly trimmed all over, or a cut that consists of elaborate cuts—this requires blending or growing and shaving to achieve the pom-pom effect.

If you have a Poodle, you can choose to have your dog's hair trimmed to a specific length or simply trimmed to a specific length.

According to AKC standards, cuts should be based on the age of the poodle.

We'll take a look at them.

Watching the well-balanced poodle put on a full show, one might wonder what is practical for all the pom-poms and poufs.

Today's shows are equal parts whimsical and practical.

The practical part comes from the past when owners had to keep their hunting dogs visible (crest) but all light (thus partially shaving the body) for poodles to work as "water" hunting dogs.

However, some French nobles who had elaborate pompadours wanted their dog's fur to be similar to their own haircut and thus they clipped poodles and this is where the fancy part came from .

Standard daily or show clips and grooming basics are the same for miniature poodles , toy poodles , and standard poodles.

In the regular class at Westminster Level there are two cutting styles that are acceptable for poodles of any size.

These are the " Continental " and the " English Saddle " and their appearance is very similar, but the Continental includes greater shaving of the hindquarters.

However, these are just two of all poodle grooming styles - there are many others you can choose from.

Should poodle haircuts be short or long?

This decision is only yours!

We will help you make a decision, and you should understand that each of them has its pros and cons.

Here are a few questions you can answer before choosing a hairstyle:

• Do I like long hair more than short hair?

• Will my free time be enough to care for a dog if its hair is long?

• Will I have time to brush my dog's hair daily?

Typically, the things that determine the length of your dog's haircut are the daily routines of the family.

If the owners have children and are very busy, they usually have a short haircut, since if the hair is long, the dog will need more grooming.

Some owners don't want to have to frequently brush, bathe, and brush their poodles, so they trim their dog as short as possible, but most don't expect results.


The dog should be groomed regularly, even if its hair is cut short.

Brushing, trimming and bathing are still necessary, but will be easier and shorter if the dog has short hair.

When should you get your poodle's first haircut?

This is actually also your business.

It's best to take your time because once the puppy's hair is trimmed, puppies seem to grow very quickly.

A good suggestion if you won't be taking your dog to a show is to trim the hair before the coat begins to change, which means between six and nine months of age.

Should you do poodle cuts yourself or visit a professional groomer?

You can choose from several options, the main ones being the following:

• Visit to a professional grooming salon.

• Make an appointment with a professional groomer to visit your home, an option that many salons offer.

• Choose a freelance groomer.

Some people practice grooming as a second job, and although this option may be cheaper, you need to be sure that the person knows what they are doing.

has enough experience, has the necessary quality tools and has enough understanding when it comes to caring for a pet.

Otherwise, the grooming session could turn into a disaster.

Of course, if you visit a groomer's home, there will be some inconvenient moments - like you having to wait in the kitchen or something like that.

• Do your own pruning.

This process is not something that is impossible for you to do.

Of course, you must learn grooming techniques and provide yourself with all the tools you will need.

If a person wants to learn how to care for it, then he is quite capable of understanding it, but you have to do it step by step.

Basic haircuts are not difficult to learn. However, if you want your pet to look stylish, you're better off visiting a professional grooming studio.

Those who simply want certain parts of their dog's body trimmed are able to do so themselves.


For people who decide to use a professional groomer, be sure to make sure that the groomer is experienced and knows how to handle pets.

Although it costs more, when you go to a professional, you not only get a quality haircut, but also the safety of your pet, and the professionals use professional tools that are pre-sanitized and sanitized before each use.

Features of grooming

Shedding is a natural process that frees the coat from dead hair follicles. The hair of a representative of the French breed also has a certain lifespan, but does not fall out on its own. A fluffy pet does not stain furniture and floors, since all the hairs remain inside the undercoat. Without regular combing, they roll up and form tangles.

The frilly appearance of most poodle haircuts is not due to aesthetics. When hunting, the animal must be safe and comfortable, so its appearance presupposes the presence of the following attributes:

  • a pompom on the tail that protects against thorns;
  • a forelock on the head, tied with a ribbon and not interfering with tracking prey;
  • a mane on the chest that prevents hypothermia in an icy pond;
  • hairless paws, facilitating movements when swimming.

Now that the poodle has ceased to be used for hunting, the grooming procedure has acquired a slightly different need. A clipped poodle is less likely to suffer from dermatological and ophthalmological diseases. Timely removal of dead hair protects the skin from irritation, and trimmed bangs do not spoil vision.

Particular attention is paid to show dogs. Having a hairstyle is a must for participants in exhibition events. According to their purpose, they are divided into hygienic and model. The first is done weekly to all representatives of the breed, the second - 3 times a year for companion animals and 6 times a year for competitors.

Thanks to the obedient nature of a smart pet, it is easy to trim it yourself, but for the first time it is better to visit a professional grooming salon. Regular visits to the groomer become a habit, and the dog even begins to enjoy it. Many pets are easy to handle without prior tying. The only negative is the duration of the process, depending on the size of the animal. If a haircut for a miniature poodle takes about 1 hour, then for a royal one you will have to allocate at least 3 hours.

Various care options

Full groom

This grooming service is one of the most popular.

It is quite complex and the dog will go through many procedures.

First, the groomer combs the pet, removes dead hair and cleans the ear canals with a special lotion.

They are going to trim the dog's nails, after which the paw sections are trimmed.

Then it's bath time.

The groomer will only use professional shampoos and conditioners.

Once this procedure is completed, the groomer will use a towel and hair dryer to dry the dog.

The next step is very important - cleaning, where all tangles must be carefully removed.

The ones listed above are the basic Full Groom procedures.

Only when this is done will the cutting process begin. You can choose between different styles or simply tell the groomer what you want.

A professional groomer does more than just cut off excess hair. They will also form lines on the head, legs and chest.

Full Groom is the best service for people who really want their poodles to look fashionable and appreciate the quality of a dog's appearance.

Sanitary finishing for poodles

Not the expensive service that sometimes confuses people because they think it only involves cutting the parts around the genitals and anus.

The procedure begins with combing, after which the groomer cuts and shapes the tail.

The next important step is trimming the area around the anus - this is part of maintaining hygiene.

Then comes the next step - cleaning the ear canals (a special lotion will be used by the groomer) and the eye area.

The areas below and around the paw pads will be done and the nails could be cut if necessary.

This service consists of trimming and shaping those areas that need to be kept short to prevent irritation and maintain proper dog hygiene.

The genitals, anus and paw pads must be trimmed.

Eyes and ears were cleaned.

Keeping these areas clean and short at all times can help you prevent future problems.

Bathing and drying

Bathing and drying a poodle is a simple process, but it does require some skill. Bathe your dog with warm water, rinsing off the shampoo thoroughly, as skin irritation may occur where it remains during drying. Since the poodle has a dense coat, it can take a long time to wash off.

Take your time and carry out the procedure carefully. Make sure that water and shampoo do not get into the eyes.

You can treat the area around the eyes with petroleum jelly or mineral oil. After shampoo, use dog conditioner, which will make the coat more manageable. Squeeze out excess moisture, dry your pet with a towel, let it shake off and proceed to blow-drying.

Similar article: Rules for the care and basics of keeping a poodle

Shaved poodle? Can you shave your poodle in the summer?

People usually think that shaving their dogs in the summer is a very good idea.

In fact, if you shave your dog, it will deprive him of his natural temperature regulating system.

Thus, he will feel the heat even more and will be susceptible to sunburn.

If the coat is very short, UV rays can penetrate it easily, but the skin is not visible, so it is difficult to tell if the dog has a sunburn.

So, if your dog has an initial burn, we probably won't notice it unless the case is more severe - like skin peeling, etc.

If you shave your dog to less than 1 inch of fur in the summer, the pet should stay inside during the hottest hours.

You must remember that this makes the pet much more vulnerable to overheating, sunburn and the elements.

Thus, if you plan to spend a lot of time outside on hot days, you may want to avoid shaving.

However, if you stay indoors and keep your dog indoors or in cool shade, shaving is fine.

Most scientists and veterinarians say that it is extremely important for a dog to have a decent amount of fur because this will keep the air trapped and the fur will protect the pet from the heat and sun.

They don't recommend shaving, but agree that it's beneficial to shave single-coverage dogs as long as you take sun and temperature precautions.

If the dog has hair less than an inch long, the dog will be less comfortable and will have a harder time staying cool.

This takes away the skin's natural protection, making temperature regulation more difficult.

However, if you fail to brush your dog, it will result in poor matting, which will prevent the fur from protecting the skin.

So, if you are unable to brush your dog regularly, it may be better to shave it and consider other types of protection.

Description of the breed

The Royal Poodle is a decorative dog whose homeland is beautiful France. The ancestors of the breed are hunting dogs. In fact, there are several types of poodles, and they differ from each other in size. The Royal is the largest representative of this dog breed. People with allergies quite often have a genetic predisposition to diseases of the eyes (cataracts) and skin.

Appearance and standard

The royal or large poodle is described as a beautiful, slender, hardy dog ​​with an unforgettable appearance. He is harmoniously built, square in shape, has a strong and muscular body, slender legs, and a proportional head. The height at the withers of an adult varies from 45 to 60 cm. The back is straight with a strong loin. The Poodle gives the impression of an energetic, strong, but at the same time light dog.

The ears are hanging, long, almond-shaped eyes, with a lively and intelligent look. The tail is set high, usually docked to half or 1/3, but can be long.

The peculiarity of the Royal Poodle is its magnificent coat, which seems to be plush to the touch. It comes in two types - corded and curly. A dog's curly hair is thick, dense, long, elastic - if you stroke a poodle, the hair will immediately return to its original state. It takes the form of rings, curls and requires mandatory trimming, which is difficult to do at home.

The second type of wool, corded, has the following description: hard, thick, thin hair that can be formed into strands up to 20 cm long. This type is less common than curly.

The color of a poodle can be solid black, brown, white, apricot, gray. You can see what a show dog looks like in the video.


The Large Poodle skillfully combines playfulness and activity with a special dignity that is unique to it. He loves to fool around and at the same time knows how to present himself to guests in such a way that you will not be ashamed. The Poodle is a socially oriented breed that can easily find a common language with everyone. He gets along well with both large families and single people.

Due to its good nature, the large poodle feels good in the company of other pets. The dog also loves children very much and is ready to play with them for hours.

It is not for nothing that Royal Poodles are famous for their lively and intelligent character; they are very attentive and learn everything quickly. They are in second place in the ranking of the smartest dog breeds. Poodles can be used in hunting, for search service, and in the USSR they were even included in the list of service dog breeds.

The Royal Poodle can handle almost any activity. In France, the breed is even used to search for truffle mushrooms - its keen sense of smell helps in this. In general, this is a wonderful companion, a friend of children, an athlete and even a security guard. In the video you can meet trained poodles.

Poodle Hairstyles: Some Helpful Tips

If you decide to change your poodle's hairstyle or get a haircut, you can do it yourself if you have enough experience with grooming, but if you don't, it's best to leave it to the professionals.

You might want to talk to a groomer first and see if they are suitable for the job.

First, you need to understand if this groomer has the experience you want in cutting haircuts.

The groomer may not have experience with this haircut on poodles, but with other breeds, which is also good.

Try asking for more information and asking for photos to see the groomer's work.

Also, while you can simply tell the groomer what kind of hairstyle you want, it's best to take a photo that shows a poodle cut as it will be easier on both you and the groomer.


When you're considering what hairstyle you want for your poodle, you'll of course be thinking about whether the cut looks nice, but you shouldn't forget to take into account whether you'll be able to keep it.

What is the secret of the beauty of Lviv?

Representatives of this sign need to be in the spotlight.
A passion for sweets can spoil the natural beauty of Leo. Vessels may also be visible on the skin of the face. The skin of the face, neck and hands requires careful care; it needs to be regularly moisturized and nourished.

Direct sunlight is harmful; sunbathing is best in the shade. Hair is usually not a problem.

When treating and caring for the skin, it is recommended to use natural products of sunny colors: orange citrus fruits, yellow honey, egg yolks, ripe bananas, pineapples, carrot juice are also suitable.

How to choose makeup for Leo?

Girls born under this constellation always stand out from their surroundings. The beauty of Leo is always emphasized by decorative cosmetics. Their eyes are clearly defined, their harsh makeup hides their true sensuality, which is revealed only by their lips, which are emphatically sexy.

Eyebrows have a strict line, which emphasizes their tendency towards clarity and unambiguity.

Cosmetics of such women are always from expensive brands, luxury skin care products, visits to salons - these are the secrets of Leo’s flawless makeup. Prestigious names emphasize the royal position of this sign.

The best hairstyles for the Leo sign

Lush styling, similar to a mane, is shown to this sign. A hair brush, hair dryer and styling products will be good helpers. Leo's hairstyle can be single-layered or multi-layered. The haircut should open the temples and not allow the hair to fall on the face.

Hair combed to the back of the head attracts the fiery energy of representatives of this sign.

You can lightly curl your hair, this will add volume and soften the clear lines of your makeup. The right Leo hairstyle adds vitality and self-confidence.

What scent is suitable for Leo?

The ideal scent for Leo would be a combination of a classic floral scent with noble woody notes. Narcissus will inspire representatives of this sign and restore optimism.

A reflection of the leadership qualities of a man of this sign will be following fashion; they choose scents that are elegant and dynamic, refined and subtle. Deep scent of incense, fresh notes of lemon balm, woody notes of pine.

Perfume for a Leo woman is a way to captivate a man, to show her passion, they are very picky and sensitive to the finest notes. They are not afraid of the heavy aroma of geranium; they choose spicy shades. The recommended scents are rosemary and heliotrope.

Here are some of the most popular haircuts for toy, miniature and standard poodles:

Poodle show cut

If you're going to show off your poodle in proper shape, the right cut is Lion Trim , which is traditional.

There are four Poodle Lion finishes available and we list them below:

Poodle Puppy Cut

You can only breed a poodle puppy for show if the poodle is under 1 year old.

Many dog ​​owners choose this clip because it keeps the poodle's body completely covered and leaves no skin exposed except for the paws.

If the skin is exposed and pressed against carpeting or exposed to the sun, or the dog plays outside, sores can develop.

A poodle puppy clip consists of shaving the poodle's throat, face, base of the tail, and paws, with the entire leg visible.

If you choose this option, you can also have the end of the puppy's tail with a pom pom.

The groomer will use scissors and everything to remove uneven hair so that the puppy's coat has a smooth, neat, unbroken line.

Continental Poodle Clip

If you are planning to show off your poodle in shape, keep in mind that the Continental Poodle clip is only approved for dogs 1 year of age or older.

The continental cut consists of close shaving of the legs, face, base of the tail, hind quarter (towards the pommel area, while the rosettes of the thigh are not shaved) and the front legs - between the elbow and the dog.

The bag area will be cut to have some shape but will remain very long.

The other part that will be long is the top knot, which needs to be pulled into the ponytail.

A large pompom will be made on the dog's tail.

The groomer starts the pumps over the hocks and wrists and ends over the legs, making the scissors round.

Above the hip joint there will be hip rosettes in places.

Depending on the variety of poodle, the hip rosettes will be about 1/2 or 1 inch apart and rounded off with scissors.

The end of the pack will be 1/2 to 1 inch behind the last rib.

The start of the hip rosettes is only 1/2 inch from the end of the bag.

Modified Continental Poodle Clip

The AKC only mentions the English Saddle and the Continental, but conformation wise this clip is also allowed because the only difference is that there are no hip rosettes.

English saddle clip

The groomer will carefully shave the base of the tail, the crescent on the side, the face, the division between the poms on the paws and hind legs, and the front leg (between the pack and pom), while they will leave the pack fairly full and shaped it with scissors.

The top knot of the head will be long. The groomer should put it in the tail.

The front legs will have long legs that should start above the carpal joint and the end should be just above the legs. T

he will use scissors to trim the area along the sides and hips and make them look like a smooth blanket.

The pump on the tail will be shaped like a ball. The hind legs will have rounded ridges that are evenly spaced.

The groomer will create a lower pump between the hocks and feet.

Additionally, the groomer will shape the fur between the knee area and the lower chest area (1 to 1/2 inches above it, depending on your pet's size).

Why do they do it?

A lion haircut is performed in order to give the pet an elegant look, hide flaws and highlight the advantages of the physique..

If the owner of a poodle plans to use his pet to participate in various international exhibitions, then a lion haircut is simply a must.

It, like the “English saddle”, “continental” and “English lion”, belongs to the standards, but other types of haircuts are considered a home option.

Other poodle clips

Sports Clip

This is the most popular video in the UK.

It consists of a thorough shave of the base of the tail, throat, feet and face.

The groomer will shape the top of the head like a hat with scissors.

They will also scissor or trim the legs and the rest of the body to follow the outline.

The coat will be short - about 1 inch long.

The hair on the legs may be slightly longer than the hair on the body, and there will be a fluffy pom-pom at the end of the tail.

Poodle Scandinavian Clip

AKC does not accept this type of finish. However, the Scandinavian Clip Poodle is popular in all European countries such as Germany, Sweden, France, Italy and others.

This could also be called the " Second Puppy Clip ".

The groomer will either twist the top hair into a bun or rip it off. The legs will have very low hair covering all but a few of the paws.

This type of clip does not expose the skin, but does give the Poodle a cute shape.

Hair grows quickly, so the clip may soon lose its shape. So, about 5 days before the show, it needs to be retouched.

Poodle Kennel Clip

The AKC does not allow this clip for the show and it is just a pet clip, which could easily be done.

It consists of carefully shaving only the base of the tail, feet and face, while keeping the body hair short and shaped by the groomer using scissors.

The hair on the tail and topknot will be longer than the hair on the body, and the length of the latter depends on the dog's owner.

Some people choose to leave their dog's body hair longer when it's cold and shorten it when it's hot.

Lamb poodle

A poodle lamb clip differs from a kennel clip only in that it leaves the wool longer.

Bikini clip

Also called Summer Clip or Miami Clip.

The groomer will carefully shave the dog's legs, face and base of the tail, leaving the body coat medium-sized and fluffy, shaping it with scissors.

The lower part of the legs will be turned into a pump that starts above the wrist and ends above the legs.

It is up to the owner to decide how long the hair should be left in, but most want it very short.

Dutch clip

A very interesting clip where the base of the tail, belly band, legs and face of the poodle will be carefully shaved.

The belt may be either wide or finely shaved, while the legs, tail and top of the head will be bushy.

The groomer will also create lines between the hips and between the withers, as well as along the spine.

Cord Coat

People don't usually think of corded poodles, but some owners want their dog's coat to hang on the cords, but if that's the case, you can't clean the coat and separate the cords by hand.

This option used to be very popular for many years, but now most people don't have the time to maintain a coat - braid it, clean it and dry it - which is why it's so rare these days.

Even if owners want this look, they usually avoid it because it is difficult to achieve and maintain this hairstyle.

Which machine to choose

Yorkie boy and girl haircut: how to cut it

How to trim a poodle's hair yourself? It is necessary to choose a special device for grooming dogs. The difference in devices depends on weight, durability, price, operating time without overheating, and ergonomics.

Note! If you have several dogs, it is better to buy a professional electric machine with an electric motor and gearbox. If the dog is alone, then the choice is a device with a vibration drive and rigidly fixed knives. The device should have a function for adjusting hair length 0.5-3 mm or 0.5-15 mm.

Popular models:

  • German manufacturers - Moser, Aesculap;
  • American brands - Wahl Clipper Corporation, Oster.

Before purchasing equipment, it is better to seek advice from professionals.

Here are more photos of Toy, Miniature and Standard Poodle Haircuts:





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