Bathing dogs - why, how often and how correctly it should be done,

Washing a dog is a necessary hygienic procedure that will help get rid of not only dirty fur and unpleasant odors, but will also help maintain your pet’s health in good condition.

Photo: amy_buthod

In nature, dogs do not wash themselves in water; they clean their coat mechanically on grass, snow or sand. Therefore, your pet should be accustomed to the washing procedure from childhood, so that for the dog it becomes commonplace and does not cause rejection.

When and how often should you wash your dog?

As a rule, physiologically dogs need bathing with detergents (including special additives and effects) twice a year - when shedding. This makes it easier to shed old fur and gain an aesthetic appearance.

How often to bathe a dog

To care for your pet's fur and skin, veterinarians recommend washing it no more than once every 1-2 months.

If your pet lives in the yard, then you will not have to worry about bathing it often. But if you are the owner of a long-haired dog with soft fur, especially if it regularly participates in exhibitions, then be prepared for frequent water treatments.

Despite the fact that smooth-haired dogs produce more sebum, it is recommended to wash them no more than once every two months, but using a special shampoo for short-haired dogs, which cleanses the coat well and helps maintain its normal appearance longer.

Photo: mountainpugs

Long-haired dogs can be bathed more often, once a month, with a shampoo designed specifically for them, as their coat requires special care. For breeds with soft coats, you can additionally use a coat conditioner to make brushing easier.

Hairless (hairless) dogs also need to be bathed with a special shampoo and not often. It is recommended to additionally use moisturizing creams or oils that restore skin unprotected by fur.

Domestic dogs of small breeds, which are rarely outdoors, should be bathed even less frequently - approximately once every three months. The exception is the Yorkshire Terrier and Papillon - the characteristics of their skin intensively producing sebum make bathing necessary every one to two weeks.

When to bathe a dog

There are a number of other cases when washing your dog is necessary.

The dog got dirty.

Dogs are active and curious and get dirty quite often: sometimes by accident, but often they can deliberately roll out in dust, dirt, or, succumbing to ancient instincts, even in garbage and feces.

You can't do without swimming here. Photo: Kol Tregaskes

Hygiene procedures cannot be avoided here.

We need to get rid of the “dog” smell.

Also, washing a pet is indicated when a specific dog smell (dog smell) appears, if this causes inconvenience to the owner.

Skin problems.

For some diseases (fleas, ticks, fungal skin infections), the veterinarian may prescribe bathing your pet using special products with a therapeutic effect.

Upcoming exhibition.

Before exhibitions, dogs are usually thoroughly bathed and their coats are brought into the most aesthetic form possible.

Upcoming haircut.

A couple of days before shearing, the animal must also be bathed so that the fur is clean before this procedure and you can see how it lies.

In general, you are unlikely to be able to avoid washing your pet, but remember that excessively bathing your dog, especially with the use of detergents, can harm it - dry out the skin, which will lead to deterioration of the coat, itching, loss of the natural protective layer, and may also cause allergies.

Don't rush to wash your pet every time he gets dirty. This should be done when the dirt cannot be removed by combing.

It is most effective and safe to have your pet washed by a professional groomer. Grooming is a set of measures to care for the appearance of an animal (hygienic bathing, trimming nails, cutting and caring for the coat, brushing teeth, washing eyes and ears), one might say a beauty salon for animals.

The dog is being bathed by a professional groomer. Photo: Bennilover

Grooming is carried out by specialists who will find an approach to the dog and carry out the procedure as quickly and efficiently as possible. We will tell you how to properly wash your pet at home.

Selection of detergents for dog skin type

The question may arise - how to wash a dog if there is no shampoo? Everything is simple here - you can use baby shampoo with a sufficient content of lecithin and lanolin. If you don’t even have baby shampoo on hand, rinse your pet’s skin with plain warm water.

Animals that have rolled around in dirt or garbage should never be washed with soap! It is better to break the egg yolks into the water and mix them thoroughly. Use the resulting mixture as a rinse, thoroughly massaging the skin and then rinsing it off with a stream of water.

Attention! If your dog's coat becomes dull, this is the first sign that the detergent you are using is not suitable for your pet.

Dog smell - how to get rid of odor

How to wash a dog so that it doesn’t smell like a dog is another pressing question that arises for many dog ​​breeders. You should immediately take into account that healthy pets will not smell, since this is unnatural in nature for a predator. The appearance of an aroma is a signal of poor (incorrect) care for the dog.

Tip: Do not spray your dog with perfume or deodorant! These manipulations can not only ruin the animal’s fur and harm the skin, but can also easily deprive the pet of its sense of smell!

To get rid of dog smell, it is recommended to perform the following manipulations:

  • Regularly wash the rug on which your puppy sleeps (at least once every two weeks);
  • Constantly wipe the place where the dog rests;
  • Stress – out of fear, a puppy can secrete a special secretion that will only increase the level of unpleasant aroma;
  • Constantly monitor the condition of your dog’s ears – just enough of them for the aroma to spread throughout the entire room;
  • Monitor the condition of the coat. Constantly comb out excess fur;
  • A pet diet can solve the problem. Eliminate all junk food from his diet. If the amber disappears during proper nutrition, it means your pet is allergic to some product;
  • To eliminate a weak unpleasant odor, special dog perfumes are sold;
  • You can also get rid of ambergris by wiping the dog’s fur with a solution of water and vinegar. Remember, the procedure should not be repeated more than once a month.

Pay attention to such a factor as the use of dog deodorants - by masking the aroma, you can miss the manifestation of symptoms of possible diseases. If nothing helps and the unpleasant dog smell remains? Are symptoms of the disease starting to appear? Let's take our pet with us and hurry to the veterinary clinic! You won’t be able to make a diagnosis on your own, but an examination will help you avoid the development of the disease. Now it will be easy to bathe your dog. Following the simplest rules for caring for your “baby” will avoid many problems, while the dog will be clean, tidy and energetic.

Currently reading:

  1. Is it worth it or not to include natural food in your dog’s diet?
  2. Seven Signs and Remedies for Getting Rid of Fleas in Dogs
  3. Games to choose for training a dog
  4. The American Cocker Spaniel is an adroit hunter and loyal friend.

Wash your paws after a walk

After a walk, a dog's paws usually need to be treated to remove dirt, especially if they live in an apartment.

If the weather is dry outside and the dog is running on asphalt or grass, then sometimes it is enough to wipe the paws with a damp cloth; it is convenient to brush off the sand with a special soft brush.

If the dog has soiled its paws with dirt, and perhaps not only them, then it is best to wash the contaminated parts with warm water. But if your pet got into some kind of unpleasant substance (and dogs are very skillful at finding this kind of thing), then be sure to use dog shampoo or soap for daily use to wash it off (for example, Gulen , Four Paws , Shoe Zooarena brands and Pchelodar - shampoos, liquid soap, sprays for cleaning paws).

Photo: Phil Everatt

You can wash your paws after a walk either using a special basin right in the hallway, or in the bathroom, where you will either have to carry your pet (suitable for small dogs) or walk it along the corridor (large dogs will be difficult to carry and place in the bath).

To wash paws in a basin, you need to select a container of a suitable size depending on the size of the dog. It is better to use a basin with a wire rack and pour warm water from the ladle onto the paws so as not to dip them in dirty water. For small dogs, you can use a new, unused cat litter box. After washing each paw, wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

The most convenient way to wash paws in the bathroom is with a shower - a stream of water perfectly cleanses dirt. You should wipe your paws dry after completing the procedure.

If you use a hygiene product to wash your paws, first dilute it in a small amount of water. Then apply to paws and massage lightly, then rinse thoroughly. Do not put too much pressure on the pads, as there may be microtraumas on them after a walk. Sprays are simply applied to the paws and wiped with a cloth.

After washing and drying the paws, inspect the pads for any damage (peeling, cracks, irritation). If detected, it is recommended to apply a special cream or spray to care for paw pads (for example, Pchelodar , Care , Trixie ).

Private homes often have a separate shower section for dogs.

Paw washers of different sizes

There is also a special device for washing dog paws - a paw washer. This is a container shaped like a vase or a large mug; inside there are soft brushes, and on top there is a restrictive rubber band that prevents water from splashing. Before use, pour water into the paw washer, then simply insert the dog’s paw and make several up and down movements with the device.

When to start bathing your puppy

Little crumbs love to explore the world around them, so they are always trying to climb somewhere, usually this is the farthest dirty corner. Even if they are only at home and not walking outside, they can still get very dirty. What to do in this situation when you can bathe the puppy. After all, experts advise bathing dogs no earlier than 3 months.

At what age can you bathe your pet?

When you can still bathe a puppy for the first time depends on many circumstances. First of all, how many months did the dog move into your apartment? Then it is important where he came from. What conditions surrounded the newborn puppy at the beginning of its existence.

  1. Newborn puppies from the street. If you pick up a dog from the street, then before letting it run around the apartment, it must be washed, regardless of age. It is better to weaken your immune system and be clean than to bring home a bunch of infectious diseases. You will most likely need anti-flea medication.
  2. What to do with newborn puppies that do not have a mother. If it so happens that you are feeding the baby yourself, and there is no mother to lick it, then you need to wipe the baby with a damp cloth. This will be quite enough.
  3. A puppy purchased from a breeder. Usually he is taken away at 3 months, when all vaccinations have been completed. Therefore, you can wash it if necessary. But it’s better to let it adapt to the new place for a couple of weeks, and only wash dirty paws after a walk.

So, when can you wash your beloved dog? Of course, you can't do without common sense here. If your pet is covered in dirt, naturally it needs to be bathed, even if its vaccinations have not yet been completed. And so try to live until a certain point without water procedures.

For the first time

And yet, from how many months can you bathe a dog? The most ideal option is for at least two weeks to pass after vaccinations. In principle, a small dog should not have an unpleasant odor. The animal begins to smell like a dog during puberty, at the time of estrus. But if you overdo it with hygiene, constantly washing your four-legged friend, then, on the contrary, it will start to smell like a dog even more. With frequent washing, the sebaceous glands cannot function properly. They secrete oil more intensely to lubricate the fur, so the smell of a freshly washed dog increases.

Newly born puppies should not be bathed. Their mother will handle this task. Nature arranged everything. As long as the cubs are cared for by the mother dog, their cleanliness is normal. She licks her offspring and bathing will only do harm and wash away the natural protection. Therefore, newborn puppies should not be touched or dragged to the bathroom.

But it happens that my mother is gone. What to do then? When should and can you wash your puppy? The main thing is to adhere to the rule that blind cubs cannot be bathed. You need to wait until the eyes open. And still, you can bathe the puppy for the first time only if the baby is completely smeared in dirt or feces. Otherwise, it is best to use wet wipes and carefully remove dirt with their help.

But if water procedures cannot be avoided, then after bathing it is necessary to wrap the baby well in a dry soft towel. This is necessary in order to avoid hypothermia. Gently wrap the baby in a towel and place it on your chest to keep it warm. And unless strictly necessary, veterinarians recommend carrying out water procedures after three months of age and all the necessary vaccinations.

1.5 and 2 months

At what age is it necessary and possible to wash a puppy? The question here is months. If you look specifically at the months, then you definitely can’t bathe a one-month-old dog; if absolutely necessary, use a napkin. But it’s still better to wash a two-month old baby than to wipe it if it’s heavily soiled, and only if it’s heavily soiled. And so, in principle, an animal should not be purchased until three months old. Therefore, the answer is simple: until the age of three months, the puppy is cared for by its mother. Previously, the puppy had nothing to do with you. But cases are different. Therefore, wipe with napkins for up to three months until you get vaccinated. But still, ideally, bathe a puppy for the first time at six months. One-month and two-month-old puppies must be with their mother. If you don’t have it, I repeat again, use napkins.

When to bathe a puppy

We have already found out when you can start bathing your purchased puppy. The best time for bath procedures is after 3-6 months. But after what circumstances have not yet been sorted out. Of course, pets are washed depending on how dirty they are. If your friend is slightly dirty, you shouldn’t give him a full bath, just wipe him thoroughly with a damp cloth.

If the puppy has long hair, comb it, use a brush to remove sand and dry grass that has become tangled in the fur after a walk. But sometimes you need the dog to look perfect. For example, if you want to participate in exhibitions and competitions and have purchased a toy terrier puppy, then you can give the puppy a full bath so that its coat shines and you get the highest score for appearance, but do not forget about the age limits. An exhibition is good, but the main thing is the health and well-being of the baby, and frequent bathing is not beneficial.

Before and after the first vaccination

It is very important for a young breeder to know that it is impossible to wash small puppies before the first vaccination; after birth, they are licked by the mother. As for after vaccination, at least 2-3 weeks should pass. Newly born baby animals have very weak immunity, so this rule should not be neglected. If there is an urgent need to bathe the puppy, then 3 days must pass before vaccination, otherwise there will be disastrous consequences.

Do I need to wash after a walk?

Again, I will repeat that we already know from how many months it is necessary and possible to wash a dog, no younger than 3 months. But of course, this does not mean that as soon as we turn 3 months or six months old, we begin to wash the poor dog almost every day. Then everything also depends on the amount of pollution. There is no need to give your dog a full bath after each walk. Just wash your paws. To do this, pour a little warm water into a specially prepared basin; if the paws are very dirty, add dog shampoo there. Place your paws in the basin one by one, first the front ones, then the back ones, and wipe each paw dry.

For long-haired breeds of puppies, the beard is also washed. Stores sell products that can be used every day. It happens that diarrhea or constipation occurs, then wipe the puppy’s bottom with a damp cloth or a wet, clean rag. It is very important to accustom the puppy to such procedures from a young age, then in the future they will not be difficult for both the owner and the pet.

If the puppy is extremely dirty

Frequent bathing is not recommended for any dog ​​in general. If you abuse water procedures, the lubricant that protects the animal’s skin will not have time to recover. But it happens that the foolish thing gets so dirty that it’s impossible to do without water. Then it is worth remembering the precautionary rules. Ears should be plugged with cotton swabs, water should not be poured on the head, and the hair of the head should be wiped with a cloth. The shampoo is chosen according to age; you should not wash the baby with a product for an adult dog, otherwise it can cause itchy skin. After a wet event, wrap a large towel around the dog, making sure there are no open windows. If you have bathed the restless person, then on this day you can no longer go outside.

Preparing for a swim

Before you start thoroughly washing your dog, you should first examine it for open wounds and other injuries for which bathing is not recommended.

You should also comb your pet thoroughly and remove any tangles, especially for long-haired breeds.

Before washing the room, you should close the windows, avoid drafts and cool air temperatures, since after bathing a wet dog will dry for several hours and may become hypothermic.

Don't forget to place a rubber mat or towel on the bottom of the bathtub or shower stall to prevent paws from sliding across the surface and claws from damaging the surface itself.

Keep in mind that after bathing, the dog will definitely shake himself off and splashes will fly everywhere, so prepare the room for this in advance, and also be prepared - wear suitable clothes, preferably with long sleeves, as the dog may accidentally scratch you.

Stock up on enough towels to absorb as much moisture as possible from your pet's fur after bathing and prevent this moisture from ending up throughout the house.

Where is the best place to wash your dog?

The choice of where to bathe your dog depends primarily on its size. If this is a small breed dog, then it is quite possible to use a basin for washing.

For larger dogs, washing in a bathtub or shower is more suitable.

Photo: iesse

Before bathing, place a rubber mat or towel at the bottom of the container in which you plan to wash your pet to prevent paws from slipping and prevent injury.

Step-by-step instruction

If we talk about hygiene procedures, then after a walk or a haircut it is correct to bathe the dog not in the bathroom where children will wash, but in a basin. For medium and small breeds, buy a large plastic container or a baby bath slide. Bathe large dogs outside in the summer from the shower or in a shared bathroom.

Dogs are washed approximately once a month using shampoo and other detergents. But look at how dirty it is. If the animal has gotten very dirty before or smells bad, then you can bathe it several times a month.

How to take a bath

If the dog is very dirty and there is no other option other than your bath, wash your pet according to the instructions.

  1. Close the windows and doors in the house so that there are no drafts and the rooms are warmed up.
  2. Place a rubber mat on the bottom of the container to prevent your dog from slipping.
  3. Bring your pet into the room.
  4. Wear a muzzle if your dog is aggressive about being washed.
  5. Turn off the tap. The noise of water flowing into the bathtub irritates and frightens the animal.
  6. Encourage your dog to get inside the tub with affection and treats.
  7. Gently pour the ladle over the dog and thoroughly wet the fur all over the body. Don't wet your ears and face.
  8. Do not splash water harshly on your pet, it may become frightened. Direct the stream slowly.
  9. Lather the dog's body with shampoo and rinse the fur.

  10. Wipe the anus with a napkin or sponge.
  11. Rinse your dog several times.
  12. For easy combing, apply balm or spray to the coat. Depending on the type of cosmetic product, it needs to be washed off or left on the hair until completely dry.
  13. Dry the fur with a towel and squeeze out the water.
  14. Take the animal out of the bath and place it on the floor. Never leave your pet alone in the bathroom during or after bathing. He may accidentally jump out of the container, slip, or get injured.
  15. If the animal shakes itself off, move away or avoid screaming from the spray.
  16. Dry your paws thoroughly, otherwise the dog will slip in the hallway and other rooms.
  17. Comb the coat and dry it naturally with a hair dryer.
  18. You can go for a walk in 2-3 hours.

To prevent your dog from slipping after bathing on the tiles, cover the bathroom floor with old sheets or large towels.

Shower rules

The shower stall is more suitable for washing small dogs, but large dogs can also be carefully bathed with a watering can.

  1. Place an anti-slip rubber mat on the floor.
  2. Drain the water and check its temperature. According to your feelings, it should be slightly cool.
  3. Pour water over your pet. Do not direct the jet at the head, groin or armpits. Pour water from head to tail.
  4. Lather your dog with shampoo. To make it foam better, dilute it with water.
  5. Massage the fur, paying special attention to the paws.
  6. Rinse off all the foam from the watering can.
  7. Rinse the wool several times if the dirt is heavy.
  8. Wet a rag or sponge and wipe the dog's face.
  9. Bathing is completed, you can wring out the fur and dry your pet with a towel.

Use the shower more often in the summer. In winter, this procedure is dangerous: it is easier to catch a cold under the stream.

How to wash a dog

If you decide to give your pet a bath, it’s certainly for a reason. The reason for this may be pollution, bad odor or various diseases, so simply warm water will not cope with this.

You can learn more about the types of dog bathing products from our article.

Types of shampoos

Various products for dogs will come to your aid, depending on the problem you have:

  • cosmetic shampoos and liquid soap - used to remove dirt, suitable for frequent use; also used before exhibitions to give the coat the proper appearance, can be used in combination with wool conditioner (shampoo and soap Pchelodar, Agrobioprom, Shoe, Espree and ISB conditioners for various breeds and types of wool);
  • hypoallergenic shampoos - for pets with a severe allergic reaction to conventional cosmetics (Perfect Coat, Mr. Bruno, Gentle shampoos);
  • medicated shampoos - against fleas and ticks, against fungus and antibacterial - are best used as prescribed by a doctor and strictly follow the instructions for use from the manufacturer (Api-San, Doctor, Elite, Chlorexiderm, etc.).

If it is necessary to treat your pet with a medicated shampoo, first wash it with a cosmetic product to remove dirt.

Tar soap

Tar soap

To get rid of fleas, tar soap is also often used to bathe dogs. However, remember that this remedy does not kill skin parasites, but repels them. When treating with tar soap, it is necessary to keep it on the fur for at least 5 minutes, then comb out the parasites intoxicated by the smell. The procedure will need to be repeated several times every three days. By the way, the specific smell of tar will remain on the dog’s fur for quite a long time after bathing.

How to choose a cosmetic shampoo

To keep your pet looking good and healthy, you need to not just bathe him, but bathe him with the right product. To do this, you need to consider several aspects:

  • for the best effect, the shampoo should be selected in accordance with the type and length of your pet’s coat;
  • if you often bathe your dog, then the shampoo you choose should be suitable for frequent use;
  • it is necessary to monitor the animal’s reaction to shampoo and, in case of allergies, choose a hypoallergenic shampoo;
  • for the safety and effectiveness of the shampoo, you should choose products from well-known manufacturers;
  • Never use detergents intended for human use, including laundry soap. “Human shampoo” can cause negative consequences - itching, hair loss, and an allergic reaction.

If you use shampoos and other products to bathe and care for your pet’s coat, they must be of high quality, well-chosen and safe for the animal.

Features of washing depending on the size of the pet

Small dogs are easy to bathe and can be easily held with one hand. Some small breed pets do not need frequent washing at all.

Large dogs are more difficult to restrain, but if the animal is trained, it will accurately carry out all spoken phrases and commands.

Additional Information. Many people are interested in how to wash a puppy. It is generally not recommended to bathe babies; the fur just needs to be carefully combed out. In extreme cases, the procedure is carried out very carefully so as not to harm or frighten the puppy.

Knowing how to properly wash a dog at home, the pet owner will be able to turn the procedure into pleasure and not torture. The question requires care and accuracy. It is recommended to accustom the animal to water procedures from early childhood, always reward it for correctly performed tricks, and do not try to force it into water or a river. For the procedure, it is better to choose specialized shampoos and balms, otherwise allergic reactions may develop after some time.

Washing the dog

When you have already chosen a detergent, a container and placed your dog in it, you should:

  1. Wet your pet's fur with warm water (approximately 35-37º) so that there are no dry areas.

  2. Photo: Christopher Connell

  3. You should start from the tail and move towards the head. Avoid getting water into your ears.

  4. Photo: Christopher Connell

  5. Apply shampoo, previously diluted in a small amount of water, to the coat and lather with massaging movements. Avoid contact with eyes and ears.

  6. Photo: Christopher Connell

  7. Rinse thoroughly with warm water, don’t forget the areas behind the ears and armpits.

  8. Photo: Christopher Connell

  9. If necessary, apply conditioner to the ends of the coat, without rubbing into the skin, and rinse with warm water.

Remember that everything is good in moderation. Do not get carried away with excessive use of pet skin and coat care products, this can lead to negative consequences.

When bathing, you need to protect your dog from jumping out of the bath without permission to prevent injury.

While bathing, you can treat your pet with a treat, stroke it and talk to it affectionately, this will help prevent negative emotions from the process.

Washing the dog

After completing the preparatory procedures and preparing the necessary conditions and means for washing, you can proceed directly to bathing your pet.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to properly bathe a dog:

Initially, a comfortable temperature is selected. Dogs do not like hot and cold water, so you need to first create normal conditions. Before dousing the dog, you need to make the water warm enough so that the animal does not freeze; this is especially important when bathing a puppy who has not yet developed immunity. If washing is performed in a vessel (bathtub, sink), you must immediately draw water up to your knees;

Wet the pet's body. You should not wash the face, otherwise water will get into the ears and eyes, which will cause discomfort to the animal. It is recommended to wet the dog up to the neck so that the fur in all layers is saturated with water. If the dog has thick hair, this will take some time. You should not use strong pressure for washing, this will frighten the animal, it is better to set a steady flow of water, and use special nozzles on the faucet, which will allow you to wash your dogs more efficiently and simply;

Shampoo is applied. Modern shampoos foam well, but if your pet has long hair, the liquid still does not penetrate deeply. For better results, it is worth foaming the washing liquid in advance in a small container with a small addition of water. This approach will allow the shampoo to be evenly distributed throughout the coat. For a short-haired dog, simply apply the detergent to the body and rub it all over the body. If shampoo is used, then a washcloth and sponge are not needed; it is enough to manually foam the substance and apply it to the animal. The advantage is that the owner will know about the condition of the animal and will detect growths or seals, if any. You need to wipe the detergent off the fur along the hair growth;

  1. After rubbing the shampoo in, you need to leave it for the time indicated on the package;
  2. You need to wash the soap off the wool thoroughly, pouring water until it becomes transparent;
  3. You should not wash the face, as this can lead to fear in the animal, and it may begin to break out. To remove dirt from the muzzle, you need to use a damp cloth and use it to remove dirt;
  4. Dry the animal with a microfiber towel;
  5. Brush the fur while it is wet to avoid tangling;
  6. Giving your dog a treat will help pacify the animal and accustom it to future washing.

How to wash a dog who doesn't like it

Not all dogs like water treatments. However, bathing cannot be avoided - sooner or later it will happen that there will be a need to bathe your pet.

It is optimal for your pet to be accustomed to bathing from early childhood, but this is not always the case. Therefore, if the dog resists when trying to bathe it, there is no need to put pressure on it or force it. It is necessary to accustom him to water gradually, starting with washing his paws, then rinsing with warm water, and only then to a full wash.

Dogs that are reluctant to be washed can be lured and distracted with treats. And don’t forget to praise if the dog sits quietly and tolerates your manipulations.

Photo: Carlos Guzman

If the dog reacts quite aggressively to washing and even tries to bite, then carry out this procedure by putting a muzzle on it.

And remember, under no circumstances scold or yell at your pet for resisting in an attempt to bathe him, even if he tried to bite you. This will only frighten the dog and further discourage it from water procedures.

If you are unable to cope with washing your pet on your own, especially if it is a large breed dog, then you can contact a groomer. He will find an approach to your pet and do everything to the highest standard.

How to bathe a puppy

If all the vaccinations are up to date and the dog is already more than six months old, then it’s definitely time to introduce him to bathing activities. In fact, it is very important to teach it from an early age so that the dog is not afraid of water in the future, so that bathing does not bring inconvenience to you, and does not put the animal into a stressful state. But you still have to bathe them, because the cute little ones will definitely get dirty in the mud. Even if the dog lives on the street, it also needs to be washed. You yourself won’t like how she smells like a dog a mile away. You need to approach this issue thoroughly with all your heart, so let's look at everything point by point.

Before water treatments

Young dogs are always on the move and exploring their environment. Therefore, the day will come when the baby gets into a pile of dirt and wiping with a damp cloth will not be enough. But before you begin bathing procedures, you need to clearly outline an action plan, prepare and practice so that the process is calm and harmless. The first time is always very important. How bathing will happen in the future depends on it. If you scare the puppy, cause physical or mental pain, he will remember for the rest of his life and will be afraid of water, and water procedures will be hard labor for him.

How to care for your puppy's coat before bathing

A good dog breeder knows that you need to take care of your pet's coat every day. It is necessary to have special accessories in an accessible place, namely a comb and a fur brush, which can be bought in specialized stores for animals, a clean cloth that absorbs water well, a small basin to wash the paws, and a special shampoo for daily use in case of heavy soiling. Daily dog ​​care reminder:

  1. After each walk in dry weather, you need to wipe your paws with a cloth soaked in water.
  2. After a walk in rainy weather, wash your paws in a basin of clean water, then wipe them dry. If the paws are very dirty, you can add a special shampoo to the basin.
  3. The puppy's body also requires care. Dogs with long hair, such as the Yorkshire Terrier, need to be brushed every day with a special comb.
  4. Dogs with short hair, such as short-haired Chihuahuas and French Bulldogs, should be brushed daily with a special brush.
  5. Wipe the puppy's fur with a damp cloth, just do not rub against the grain.
  6. If there is dirt in the ears, you should carefully wipe the ears with a damp cotton pad.

Preparing to bathe a puppy

For everything to go smoothly, follow each step and do not neglect the advice.

  1. Workout in a dry bathroom. It is advisable to introduce the animal to the bathroom a few days before the first bath. A great way to train your puppy is to sit in an empty bathtub. Play with him in it, give him a treat, let him smell everything around him. Then the baby will not be afraid of the objects around him. If the baby is a small breed, then it is better to wash it in the sink.
  2. Rushing will not do you any good. A couple of days after taking a dry bath, begin to slowly turn on the water. First, you should turn on a small stream when the baby is not in the bath, so that he gets used to the sound of the water. Then pour a little water so that the puppy's paws get a little wet. Play with him again for a day, sprinkle him with some water.
  3. You can wash only with a special shampoo for puppies. Purchase detergent in advance. Human shampoo is not suitable for dogs, don't risk it. Using a human product will cause dandruff and skin irritation.
  4. Set up a swimming area. Place a rug or rag on the bottom to prevent your paws from slipping. Then the dog will feel more confident.
  5. Don't forget about yourself. Wear old, comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting wet and dirty. Tie your hair up, you should be comfortable and there should be no distractions. Throw rags on the floor, as water will most likely spill.
  6. All attention to the pet. Make sure your family is aware of the upcoming event. Children and other animals should not disturb you. Doorbells or phone calls should not distract you either.
  7. Everything is in its place . All bath accessories must be prepared in advance. You need to have shampoo, a ladle; for the first time, it is better to water the baby from a ladle rather than from the shower, several towels, and favorite treats to calm a nervous pet.
  8. The coat must be combed. Wet fur cannot be combed, so this must be done in advance. If you don't do this before bathing, dirt will remain in tangled hair.
  9. Provide comfortable conditions. The dog must be walked before the procedure. The apartment must be warm, otherwise the animal may catch a cold. The water should be slightly warm, you can measure the temperature with a thermometer, or you can put your elbow in the water, if you have children, then you know how to do this. When you dip your elbow into the water, you should feel barely warm water. The amount of water should be enough to cover the dog by half its height.
  10. Only peace. Behave calmly and measuredly. Talk kindly and praise your baby. Animals always feel the mood of the owner. It is best to bathe a puppy when there are no other people in the apartment, especially children who like to make noise.

How to bathe a puppy for the first time

Now we know at what age a baby puppy can be washed, how to prepare for the water procedure, but we haven’t figured out exactly how to bathe a puppy, so let’s figure it out. For those who have children, it will be easier, because a small pet is like a helpless child. It must be handled gently and carefully, as they say, without sudden movements. The main task on the first bathing day is not to scare the dog, otherwise next time it will be difficult for you and the dog. Your four-legged friend will remember this negative experience, and retraining is always more difficult than teaching from scratch. Therefore, approach this issue responsibly, prepare, study all the nuances.

How to properly wash a puppy - the secrets of dog cleanliness

Carry out the process step by step and you will definitely succeed, and the puppy will be grateful to its owner.

  1. Pick up the puppy and take him to the bath. You should not call any pet to come over yourself if you want to do something unpleasant to it, for example, trim its claws or comb it, until it gets used to these activities; bathing also applies here. If you call your dog to you, and then do something with him that he doesn’t like, he will be afraid to approach you in the future, and may even run away. - Commands must be used correctly. This is especially true for the phrase addressed to me. Having called the dog at the right moment, it will not go, and this can be life-threatening, for example, if it does not listen to the owner, it will get hit by a car. — If you couldn’t immediately pick up the puppy, and he ran away and hid under the sofa, you don’t need to force him out or run after him. Wait until he comes out and calmly take him, there is no need to scare the baby in advance. - Speak to your pet in a confident, but at the same time gentle, calm voice; haste is not appropriate here.
  2. The bathing area must be closed. Be sure to close the door when entering the bathroom, otherwise the baby will see the escape route. When the door is open, he will constantly try to escape.
  3. Place your dog in the filled bath. Pour some water in advance. If you put him in an empty bathtub and turn on the faucet, he will be afraid of the sound of water and will try to get out. You need to lower it into the water gradually, starting with your hind legs. The water level should not exceed half the height of the dog. The head should always be above the water. It is not advisable to use the shower, at least until he gets used to water procedures. It's better to use a ladle. Slowly pour it over the body, wet all areas, while talking and praising it like a little child. You can give him some treats to calm him down.
  4. Lather the puppy with shampoo. Once completely wet, you can start washing. Apply a small amount of product to your hand, and then distribute it over your entire body with massaging movements, don’t forget to lather your ponytail. Do not overdo it with shampoo, otherwise you will be exhausted in washing it out of your thick coat.
  5. Limit your dog's movements. Of course, you shouldn’t grab your four-legged friend with a strong grip, but it’s worth holding. Feeling free, he can begin to jump out of the bath. Therefore, with light guiding movements it is necessary to indicate the place. Do not scold or yell at him under any circumstances if he suddenly tries to break free and spills water on the floor or wets you. Calmly bring him back and continue talking in the same gentle voice as at the beginning.
  6. Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly. It will take a long time and meticulousness to wash off the foam of the detergent. Pour more water to ensure that everything is thoroughly washed without any residue. If you wash the shampoo poorly, itchy skin will develop. When you start rinsing out the shampoo, open the plug in the bathtub to allow the soapy water to drain out. But at the same time, always pour water on the body so that the baby does not freeze. You can open the faucet in the sink and draw water from there into the ladle. Or turn on the shower with low pressure. Pour in such a way as not to wet the puppy's head. Water should not get on your ears.
  7. If there is no strong need, then you don’t have to wash your hair. There are several ways to wash dogs' hair. You can choose the one that suits you best. - Wash only the back of the head. To do this, lift the muzzle up and pour it onto the back, while the water will flow onto the body and not get into the eyes and ears. - Cover your ears and eyes with your hand. In this version, water also pours onto the back of the head, but the dog’s head is lowered down, the hand closes the eyes and holds the ears, which cover the holes themselves. — Using cotton swabs. You can use special ear swabs for bathing, which can be purchased at a pet store. — Wet cleaning. Just use a damp cloth without shampoo, and then there is no need to wash your hair while bathing.
  8. Dry well with a towel. Throw a towel over the wet baby and wrap it completely, leaving only the face. Pick up and carry the puppy into a warm room. Dry your body with gentle movements so that the towel absorbs moisture. Then lower the animal to the floor so that it can shake itself off, but at the same time leave a towel on it so that the splashes do not scatter throughout the room. Give treats and praise.
  9. You can dry your dog with a hairdryer. If you decide to dry it with a hairdryer, then only at low speed. The usual power that you use will not be suitable for the animal; the hair dryer will burn its skin. The air stream should not be directed at the face, it will scare you.
  10. Make sure there is no draft. It is better to keep the dog in one warm room until completely dry. Make sure all windows are closed. The slightest draft and the animal, which has not yet fully developed immunity, will become one hundred percent sick. Although an adult dog most likely does too.
  11. Use the services of a groomer. If the animal is not yet familiar with water, then for the first time you can take it to a professional. But in this case, all vaccinations must be completed. Ask the groomer for permission to be present during the wash so you can see with your own eyes how it is done.

Tips for proper bathing - what is important to remember

  1. When can you wash a small puppy for the first time? After reaching three months of age, and only after vaccinations.
  2. Use water procedures only when the animal is very dirty.
  3. Frequent bathing will harm the animal. Do not deprive it of its natural protection by washing the special lubricant from the coat.
  4. Talk kindly and praise your pet while bathing, and treat him with a treat.
  5. Maintain the correct water temperature level, namely 37°C.
  6. There is a chance that dandruff will appear, there is no need to panic about this.
  7. If the dog misbehaves while bathing, you should not scold him or shout at him.
  8. You can’t leave him alone in the water; a foolish child may choke.
  9. It is best to bathe your pet during the molting period.
  10. You can't walk your six-month-old baby for at least a couple of days after washing.

Drying process

After the bathing procedure is completed, wring out the fur as much as possible with your hands.

Next, remove the dog from the container and let him shake himself thoroughly - this is an instinctive action that cannot be avoided. Then dry your pet's fur thoroughly with towels made from highly absorbent fabrics. This should be done with gentle movements.

Photo: Christopher Connell

While drying, you should comb your pet's fur for a smoother and neater appearance.

The fastest way to dry your pet's fur after bathing is to use a hairdryer, but not all dogs tolerate this well. If your pet doesn’t like it, don’t force it, the noise of the vein can be very frightening and cause aversion not only to the hair dryer, but also to bathing and drying with towels.

If the dog is accustomed to blow-drying (usually this is done during puppyhood), then feel free to use this device. The hair dryer's air should not be hot or too intense. The direction of the air jets is along the hairline.

Photo: Christopher Connell

Remember that you should not let your dog outside until the fur is completely dry to avoid hypothermia.

Swimming restrictions

In some cases, bathing dogs using water and special means requires restrictions or is completely contraindicated.

Is it possible to bathe a dog during heat?

During heat, you should refrain from bathing your dog. At this time, there is a high risk of infection in the uterus, and the bathing procedure will cause additional stress, which may be stronger than usual due to a hormonal surge.

During this period of time, only necessary hygiene procedures should be carried out.

Is it possible to bathe a dog during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you should also not bathe your dog to avoid unnecessary stress.

However, if such a need arises, then you should be careful when bathing, use hypoallergenic shampoos, movements should be softer and more careful, and when drying it is better not to use a hairdryer.

But you should definitely refrain from using anti-flea and tick products - such treatment should be carried out before mating.

Is it possible to bathe a dog after vaccination?

You should not bathe your dog immediately after vaccination. This is due to the fact that after the injection the pet experiences stress, and its body temperature may rise in the next few days.

You should not bathe your dog in the first days after vaccination. Photo: Rayya The Vet

Water procedures should be started no earlier than a week after vaccination.

When not to bathe a dog

There are also cases when bathing a dog not only requires a special approach or special means, but is generally prohibited:

  • the animal has been diagnosed with eczema or lichen - water procedures contribute to the spread of the disease;
  • surgical intervention - moisture getting on the sutures extremely complicates the healing and recovery process;
  • advanced age - older dogs have a much higher risk of becoming hypothermic after swimming, which will lead to colds and complications;
  • banal intolerance to bathing - it happens that animals hysterically do not want to bathe and behave inappropriately in this situation.

In such cases, so-called dry bathing will help you eliminate dirt and unpleasant odors.

Bathing water temperature

Separately, it is worth mentioning the temperature of the water for bathing the dog. This issue causes a lot of controversy among animal owners. Do not be guided by your own feelings and preferences. Remember that the body temperature of dogs is 37-38°C. If you bathe your pets in water heated to these levels, the animals will receive a thermal burn.

Veterinarians advise washing dogs at home in water at temperatures up to 31-33°C. This is the most comfortable mode.

If your dog likes to swim in natural bodies of water (river, lake), beware of hypothermia. Do not allow your pet to get into the water if it has not warmed up to 17-18 °C.

Dry bathing

When bathing is contraindicated for a dog, but hygiene procedures must be carried out, you can use special means. Dry bathing will not replace full-fledged wet wool treatment, but it will allow you to postpone it for some time.


Cleansing sprays ( 8 in 1 Perfect Coat , Elite , Pchelodar , etc.). Application is simple - apply a small amount of spray to the coat, comb through and let dry.

Dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is a product in the form of powder or powder that, when applied to wool, can bind the oil and dust accumulated on it.

Apply a generous amount of product ( Espree , Showtech , or just unscented baby powder) to your dog's skin and coat, then rub in for 10 minutes. After this, comb the dog thoroughly along the coat to remove any remaining product. If your pet wants to shake himself off, don’t stop him, this will help him quickly get rid of the dry shampoo and the dirt it has absorbed. Using the warm air flow of a hairdryer will speed up the process of removing product residue.

Get your dog used to bathing so as not to encounter problems like those in the video:

Bathing is a mandatory hygienic event for dogs, because dogs love to run around in the mud, and sometimes roll around in something nasty and foul-smelling. Therefore, the dog should be accustomed to the process of washing from puppyhood, so that this procedure not only does not frighten the pet, but also becomes a joint entertainment with the owner.

Important aspects of the procedure

There are a few simple rules to consider:

  • To bathe a dog, use special products that can be purchased at pet stores.
  • After the products are applied to the coat, it is important to rinse them off completely and thoroughly to avoid various manifestations of allergic reactions.
  • It is not recommended to use products intended for humans for the procedure. Their acid-base balance is not entirely suitable for the animal’s skin, so the development of dermatological diseases is possible.
  • You can bathe your dog for the first time at the age of four months. In this case, it is necessary that the pet has all the necessary vaccinations, and it must be treated against parasites.
  • It is allowed to use special dry shampoos intended for animals.

Some pets enjoy bathing

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