Grooming and trimming a miniature schnauzer: features of procedures

A little about the Miniature Schnauzer breed

Miniature Schnauzer after trimming
The pedigree of the Miniature Schnauzer breed goes back almost a century and a half. It was registered in Bavaria in the late 80s of the 19th century, and 10 years later miniature schnauzers began to take full part in international dog shows.

It is believed that the ancestors of schnauzers were pinschers, whose offspring sometimes produced puppies with coarse, long hair. To develop a mini-breed, schnauzers were crossed with poodles, German Spitz, and Affenpinscher. As a result of selection, dogs appeared of a more miniature size with a specific coat color (black, white, black with a silver tint, and salt and pepper colors). A special feature of this breed is its unique ability to make facial expressions.

Due to its small size, the breed of these dogs received the prefix “zwerg” (from the German zwerg - midget) to the main name schnauzer.
Despite their relatively small size (weight - up to 10 kg, height - 35-40 cm), miniature schnauzers have developed intelligence, an extroverted character, a highly developed protective instinct, lightning-fast reaction and good physical qualities. Thanks to these abilities, miniature dogs are often used by customs and police officers - currently they are the smallest service dogs in the world. On a note! The main requirement of the breed standard is a hard coat structure, which can be achieved by completely plucking the hair over a period of 2-3 years.

Features of the coat

The official breed standard states that the Miniature Schnauzer's body is covered with two-layer hair. A thick undercoat is hidden under the not too short awn. True, it does not indicate that dog spines are divided into 3 types:

  • young (shortest);
  • ripe (medium);
  • old (longest, hardest and dullest).

Dead hair does not perform any important functions other than protecting the dog from pollution. The old coat worsens the dog's appearance and begins to fall out over time. As a result, without appropriate grooming, the dog looks unkempt and does not receive high marks at shows.

On a note. The Miniature Schnauzer's hair grows in layers. But only part of the fur falls out on its own. The rest is carefully removed, trying not to touch the bottom layer.

Hair care, features and nuances

Different dog breeds require different specific care. It depends on the structure, length and degree of hardness of the coat, as well as its tendency to shed. Miniature Schnauzers have a short, wiry coat with a dense and dense undercoat that requires frequent brushing using professional tools and products.

Important! Trimming or removing all hair is contraindicated for this breed of dog. Sometimes, as a complication after such a procedure, follicular arrest occurs - slow hair growth for 2-3 years.

To keep the feet clean and dry, the hair between the pads and toes should be trimmed regularly. This prevents tangles and subsequent damage. The procedure is traumatic and requires a professional approach.

Clipped schnauzer in nature

Features of the coat

The main feature of the miniature schnauzer's coat is its two-level structure. The first layer consists of the wool itself, quite stiff, of medium length, similar to wire.

The second level includes a thick and dense undercoat. A characteristic external feature of miniatures is a beard on the muzzle and long thick eyebrows; on the lower limbs the coat is shorter and softer than the main coat.

For good growth and constant renewal of the undercoat you need:

  • remove dead hairs of the awn and undercoat;
  • carry out constant care of the hair around the ears, eyebrows and beard (it is recommended to pluck dead hair monthly, and trim the beard and eyebrows once every two months;
  • Periodically sanitize the groin and anal area.

To ensure high-quality performance of miniature schnauzer coat care procedures, it is necessary to determine the quality of the undercoat. The method of removing it depends on this:

  • The well-plucked undercoat is removed along with the dead hair.
  • The difficult-to-remove undercoat is cut with a clipper without removing the hair root.
  • The short and poorly “coming off” undercoat is grown over the course of 2-3 weeks and plucked after that.

Note! Miniature Schnauzers practically do not shed, and their fur does not shed on its own. Therefore, their fur must be plucked manually; a positive point is the absence of strong allergic manifestations and reactions in people living with dogs of this breed in the same apartment.

Miniature Schnauzer grooming rules by breed

The main and unchangeable rule when cutting a miniature haircut is the presence of bangs and a beard. The muzzle of a miniature schnauzer is trimmed with scissors; the fur on the ears can be trimmed using a clipper. There are some generally accepted techniques for grooming Schnauzers:

  • When cutting, the eyebrows and bangs are given a triangular shape; the width of the bangs should be proportional to the height of the forehead (equal to or slightly less). During trimming, the beard is trimmed so that the dog's muzzle looks like a regular rectangle.
  • The neck (inner side, anal and groin area, ears) is treated with a machine. If a miniature schnauzer is trimmed using an electric clipper, the work is done in the direction of the coat. A manual clipper cuts against the growth of the coat.
  • A distinctive feature of the grooming procedures for dogs of this breed is the obligatory combination of haircut and trimming. This is due to the two-layer structure of the wool, for which surface treatment with scissors will not be enough.

Grooming a miniature dog for an exhibition differs from everyday haircuts in the frequency of execution and the requirements for compliance with breed standards. This procedure is recommended to be performed in grooming salons.

Grooming a miniature dog - preparation plan for an exhibition

Treatment frequency

Initial grooming of a miniature schnauzer is carried out at the age of at least 4-5 months. It is possible to postpone the procedure to the warm season. Professional groomers recommend cutting, trimming or stripping a miniature schnauzer after the first shedding and change of the dog’s teeth.

The most optimal age for a miniature dog to begin full-fledged care is the period from 7 to 9 months, the fur acquires a permanent structure, and infant fluff is removed after the first molt.

Subsequently, the haircut or grooming procedure is performed at intervals of 2-3 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the dog (length and degree of hardness of the coat). If necessary, light trimming can be done once a month, and the hair on the face and tail area can be processed once every 2 months.

On a note! The exhibition regime provides for preparatory grooming 1.5-2 months before the event.


The procedure of trimming (plucking) hair for all representatives of the Schnauzer family is a mandatory event. Trimming has a number of positive factors:

  1. Emphasizes the advantages of the breed.
  2. Helps the dog get rid of dead hair faster.
  3. Deprives the owner of the problem associated with dog shedding.
  4. After professional trimming, the new fur grows silky and elegant.

It is recommended to start accustoming your Miniature Schnauzer to trimming at 3.5-4 months. This is necessary so that the dog quickly gets used to the atypical sensations and manipulations of the groomer.

When trimming, hard hairs are schematically and carefully plucked from the neck to the base of the tail, and then the area of ​​the shoulder blades is worked on. At the end, the sides and chest, hips and tail are trimmed.

Trimming is carried out using a trimming knife. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. A small section (tuft) of fur is lifted with the thumb, while the remaining fingers hold the skin.
  2. The tuft of wool is pryed off with a special knife (trimmer), and then it is pulled. In this way, all the necessary areas on the dog’s body are worked out.
  3. After trimming, the dog’s skin is treated with antiseptic agents, and in the cool season it is advisable to walk in protective overalls.

Basic rules for grooming a miniature schnauzer

The main grooming procedures are trimming, stripping and rolling:

  • stripping – is carried out mainly during the dog’s molting and involves removing dead hairs with a special knife;
  • rolling – gradual, regular removal of undercoat manually or using special tools;
  • trimming is the removal of dead outer hair with fingers or special tools.

In addition, regular washing (at least once every 2-3 months) is mandatory when caring for a Schnauzer. Bathing is carried out at a stable air temperature of at least +20 °C, water temperature +30-35 °C. Proper care of an animal's fur allows the pet to look decent and get rid of the characteristic "dog" smell.

Important! A light brown or brownish tint to the undercoat indicates that the best procedure would be plucking it rather than cutting it. In the future, this will significantly improve the color, stiffness and structure of the dog’s coat.

Miniatures need full grooming once every 3-4 months (with the exception of show grooming). This is a set of procedures that includes trimming, sanitary treatment of the tail area, trimming the muzzle and treatment of the intra-ear space.

Trimming a white miniature

Types of haircuts

A schnauzer's haircut depends on the length, structure, and hardness of the coat and can be:

  • Everyday. Regular shortening of the entire length of hair.
  • Hygienic. Hair clipping in certain areas (anal and groin area) is strictly for hygienic purposes.
  • Exhibition. Preparing a dog for an exhibition in accordance with breed standards.
  • Seasonal. It is carried out in the autumn-spring period and depends on the dog’s molting period.

What tools to cut hair with

For haircuts usually used:

  • scissors;
  • machine (electric or mechanical);
  • knife for trimming or stripping;
  • antiseptic;
  • wipes for treating the skin after trimming;
  • comb.

Haircutting tools

Typical mistakes in trimming

Trimming a Miniature Schnauzer at home is quite difficult to do. Beginner groomers often make the following mistakes when cutting a miniature dog at home:

  • Incorrect timing of the first trimming. Veterinarians recommend performing this procedure after changing baby teeth.
  • Incorrect use of tools. Scissors should only be used professionally; using stationery items may lead to undesirable results.
  • Incorrect determination of the structure of the coat and undercoat. It is necessary to determine the consistency of the coat in order to find out how to properly cut a miniature schnauzer.

On a note! The trimming procedure can be divided into several stages and completed in 2-3 days. In winter, you should take care of a comfortable temperature for the miniature after trimming, and if necessary, purchase warm clothes for it.

What is rolling and how to do it

Rolling (from the English word rolling - “rolling down”) is regular step-by-step plucking of the undercoat. During this procedure, the coat is manually separated (using a special hand plucking technique) into several layers (usually 3-4). After this, each layer is processed and removed manually or using tools.

Rolling a miniature schnauzer requires specialized knowledge and equipment; it is a traumatic procedure and is recommended for professional performance in a grooming salon.

Haircut at home

The following parts of the dog's body are subject to mandatory haircuts: neck, muzzle, paws, belly. It is these places that are trimmed along the contour of the body. In theory, everything seems simple, but in practice it is not.

If you decide to cut your four-legged friend’s hair at home, then you should adhere to a certain pattern.

Grooming a Miniature Schnauzer begins with plucking the coarse hairs from the base of the neck to the end of the tail. Next, the withers, shoulder blades, elbows, sides and chest are processed using the same method. At the last moment, the thighs are plucked. It is very important to pluck the hairs against their growth, otherwise you can touch the young fur, and this will lead to the formation of bald spots. The remaining hairs can be removed using a machine.

Similar article: Breed standard and description of the miniature schnauzer

Next, with the thumb of one hand, the hair is pressed tightly to the knife blade, and the fingers of the other hand hold the skin. A tuft of hair is removed with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth. It is advisable not to capture a large volume, but to separate a small pinch. It is best to use a trimming knife for this. The rest of the hair is smoothed with a machine. If the procedure is performed in the cold season, then it is better to walk the dog after a haircut in clothes.

If the animal's fur is dirty before cutting, it is recommended to bathe the animal.

Exhibition grooming

Exhibition grooming for a miniature schnauzer
Exhibition grooming for a miniature schnauzer includes a step-by-step set of grooming procedures to prepare for exhibition. It includes:

  • Rolling. For show miniature dogs, to maintain the maximum level of coat condition, it must be performed at least once every 1-1.5 months. Puppies should be taught to roll at the age of 3-4 months; later the dog learns the lessons more difficult and gets used to uncharacteristic pinching and twitching. Regular implementation of the procedure contributes to the formation of a multi-layered coat in accordance with breed standards.
  • Trimming. The breed requirements of show dogs are mandatory trimming of the schnauzer in the body area (dorsal area - from the back of the head to the croup). Unlike miniature schnauzers and giant schnauzers, the coat length of miniature schnauzers should not exceed 1.5 cm. In the process of preparing for an exhibition, two trimming procedures are performed - one 2 months before the event, the other at least 2-3 weeks before the start of the exhibition. The main goal of an exhibition miniature schnauzer trimming scheme is the correct length of coat, breed hardness and fulfillment of aesthetic requirements in accordance with the breed standard.

Note! The black color of the coat and brown undercoat in miniature schnauzers signals an increased intensity of hair growth. Such dogs need more frequent trimming - at least 8-9 times a year.

Grooming a miniature schnauzer will not only preserve the beautiful appearance of your pet, but will also prolong its youth and health. Regular implementation of hygienic salon procedures is an effective prevention and prevention of the development of pathological changes in the coat and skin of dogs.

Expert advice

The first trimming and rolling procedures for Miniature Schnauzer puppies are the most painful. It is important not to yell at the puppy, but to gently and decisively finish the job you started. Time will pass and the dog will get used to these sensations.

Rolling has undoubted advantages over trimming. With the rolling method, the schnauzer's coat is always in perfect shape and in the right condition.

To determine which hair to pluck, you need to lift the hairs and look through them into the light. The spine of the top layer will be the longest; it is this that should be plucked out first.

Plucking of mature wool is carried out against its growth, which allows not to affect the young (immature) and avoid bald spots.

Trimming powder helps strengthen the adhesion of the fur and the blade.

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