Grooming a miniature schnauzer at home inexpensively. Price 1390 rubles in Moscow.

We will tell you about the miniature schnauzer, a dog breed that we especially love, smart and practical for city and country life. We know almost everything about them, because they are members of our family and consultants! However, these dogs never cease to amaze us every day. When we walk with them, we attract the attention of passers-by, especially when the miniatures are well-groomed. To a greater extent, the male part of the population pays attention to them, but also many women are touched andmi!
AND why are there so few of these dogs in the city? Not fashionable, perhaps?!
The main advantages of the Miniature Schnazer:
  • The Miniature Schnauzer is a small dog, undoubtedly suitable for apartment living.
  • Miniature Schnauzer is a companion dog, with a capital “C”, loves children
  • The dog does not shed and its fur does not cause allergies!
  • The Miniature Nauzer is a smart dog and highly trainable.
  • Caring for a miniature schnauzer is easy, especially if there is a professional grooming salon near your home!
  • Any image - haircut style - suits a miniature schnauzer, a pet that does not attend exhibitions! This handsome guy suits everything! The statement that show grooming is mandatory for all miniature schnauzers is an outdated Russian stereotype!

About the dog breed miniature schnauzer, or miniature schnauzer, dwarf.

Origin and history.
Country of origin: Germany, 15th century.
The ancestors of the miniature schnauzer were large and medium sized schnauzers and pinschers. Miniature Schnauzers were originally bred as rat catchers, but now they are excellent companions and watchdogs. Miniature Schnauzers are classified as Group 2 dogs, Pinschers and Schnauzers sections according to the FCI classification. Varieties of Schnauzers.
There are 3 varieties of schnauzers.
This dog will please both lovers of large dogs (Giant Schnauzer), and adherents of medium-sized dogs (Middle Schnauzer) and people who want to have a real dog - a friend, a guard, a loving pet of small size (Miniature Schnauzer). Height and weight according to breed standard.
The miniature schnauzer should have a height at the withers of 30-35 cm and a weight of about 6-7 kg.
General form.
The Miniature Schnauzer is a small, strong, stocky dog ​​of a square format, but without signs of dwarfism.
The Miniature Schnauzer has a large head, decorated with bushy eyebrows, mustache and beard. Dark, large eyes have a cheerful and intelligent look. The nose is black and large. The ears are cropped, set high, erect. Uncropped ears are of medium length, raised on cartilage. The falling part of such ears is turned forward. The tail is docked to the 3rd vertebra and set high. The undocked tail is curved saber-like upward. Features of behavior and character.
A true miniature schnauzer is a brave, intelligent, active dog with a balanced temperament and independent character.
Easy to train, education is necessary. The main thing for a Miniature Schnauzer is to take as much part as possible in the life of the household; he gets along well with children! Health.
The Miniature Schnauzer is a healthy dog ​​breed.
Life expectancy is about 15 years. There are problems with the mouth cavity - periodontitis, as in small dogs, the appearance of tartar from the 2-3rd age, if you do not take care of this and do not brush your teeth. Other problems that occur in early and middle age are usually hereditary. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right puppy and carefully study the kennel and pedigree. Wool.
All true schnauzers are wire-haired dogs. Their coat consists of a thick, short, soft undercoat and a coarse, hard, loose outer coat. On the face, schnauzers have a thick mustache and beard, as well as bushy eyebrows that shade the eyes. The natural hair on the legs is longer than on the body. Coat color: “pepper and salt”, “black and silver” - unique colors characteristic only of schnauzers. There are also black, white and fawn coat colors. Natural shedding is not typical for schnauzers; it is replaced by grooming with elements of trimming/stripping, but the dog can also be cut.

Standard miniature haircut

Used for show animals. The standard haircut is carried out according to exhibition standards. But, at the request of the owner, this option can also be used for an animal that is not exhibited. In this variant, the hair on the ears is cut short in a circle, right to the very tips of the ears. The inside of the ear is also trimmed. The dog's forehead is trimmed from the back of the head to the level of the eyebrows, the cheeks are cut from bottom to top. The front of the chest, neck and throat are cut at the same level, quite short. Hair is removed from the lips to the outer corners of the eyes. The fur in the groin is shortened.

Breed Features

The Miniature Schnauzer is one of three varieties of Schnauzer and is also the smallest of them all. This breed is originally from Germany, its representatives usually weigh from 5.5 to 7 kilograms, and their height at the withers is about 30-35 centimeters. Their lifespan is approximately 14-15 years. Of course, this breed has a specific appearance, including the typical bushy beard and thick, long eyebrows that slightly overlap his eyes.

A common feature of this family is also a muscular, slender figure. The dog's coat is coarse, with abundant woolly undercoat. By type, it has four options: pepper and salt; pure black with undercoat; black, silver; white.

Miniature Schnauzer puppy grooming

Puppies have their first haircut at the age of 4 months. The puppy version involves cutting the body, head and ears as short as possible, since all puppy hair should be gradually removed. This is done so that the miniature subsequently has an even color. The price of a Miniature Schnauzer haircut varies from 800 to 1500 rubles, depending on the salon and the haircut option.

In addition to haircuts, dogs of this breed need trimming. Trimming (pinching) – removal of old fur. The procedure is carried out with a special instrument and is absolutely painless for the dog. Typically, miniature schnauzers are trimmed 2-3 times a year. The colors of miniatures have their own subtleties that must be taken into account when trimming. So, the “pepper and salt” color after an incorrect plucking will lead to the dog’s coat growing unevenly, with tan marks and spots. Therefore, it is better to entrust trimming to specialists.

First grooming

Before you carry out the trimming procedure, you should find out its timing. So, before preparing for a dog show, the coats are processed:

  • for the first time - 2 months before the show program;
  • again - 14 days before the event.

Trimming will help ensure the correct length of hair in the back area and ensure the preservation of the breed's aesthetics. Black dogs with brown undercoat have hair that grows much faster, so they will have to be trimmed 8 times during the year, that is, every month and a half. The first trimming of a miniature schnauzer is best done in late spring or summer, when the pet reaches four months of age. Then manipulations are recommended once every 3 months, the process depends on many factors, including:

  1. type of dog color;
  2. wool growth rate;
  3. completion of the replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.

Professional breeders say that the dog matures on a psychological and physiological level for a long procedure in about six months or 10 months. There is no need to rush through the first procedure, since the young dog still has fluff growing on his body, and not normal hair. You need to wait until the first shedding is complete, and then perform the necessary manipulations on the dead hairs.

The softer the pet's coat, the later it will be necessary to visit the groomer. It is important to remember that the main requirement for the breed standard will be a hard coat. This means that a miniature with soft and weak guard hairs will be disqualified from the dog show or receive low marks. To obtain sufficient rigidity, you need to completely pluck out the guard hairs for a couple of years.

After trimming, a Miniature Schnauzer is able to acquire the correct body lines. During a visit to a professional salon, the masters will teach the novice groomer the intricacies of cutting ears, processing the muzzle or skull. After the procedure, the dog will be more well-groomed in appearance, ready for display at the exhibition.

Step-by-step haircut instructions

  1. Place the dog on a table with anti-slip rubber coating.
  2. Comb the wool from tangles, remove them using a tangle cutter or thinning scissors.
  3. Then wash the dog and dry thoroughly.
  4. The body is trimmed with a clipper, the hair is kept short, but the dog is not completely exposed.
  5. A body haircut is carried out against the growth of the hair, starting from the tail and ending where the bangs grow. The hips are cut from the outside in the shape of a pointed triangle.
  6. The hair on the belly, chest and limbs is not cut, but combed out and trimmed along the contour with scissors.
  7. The ears are trimmed on both sides.
  8. The beard and bangs are trimmed with scissors.
  9. The paw pads are trimmed to remove excess hair with a trimmer, then the fur on the paws is given a rounded shape using scissors.

Application of the machine

The Miniature Schnauzer clipper is used for zonal trimming of the coat, as well as for complex and model haircuts. The machine must be highly professional, powerful, high quality, equipped with sharp steel knives.

Models of clippers of various types (category ZOO) from leading manufacturers can easily cope with the coarse coat of Schnauzers and their thick undercoat.

Using a comb

For daily care of the Miniature Schnauzer, the owner should have various types of combs in his arsenal. They are a basic tool. Only high-quality combed wool can be further trimmed and subjected to rolling and trimming procedures.

  1. Combs must be metal, have blunt tooth ends, and be more than 1 cm long.
  2. The frequency of the comb teeth depends on the dog’s coat, thickness and stiffness.
  3. It is advisable to have 2-3 combs. One with long and rare teeth for preliminary work, and the second with more frequent teeth for control combing.
  4. Rake-type combs with rotating teeth help to better cope with the task of combing wool.
  5. Combs with curved tips add extra volume to the hair.
  6. The slicker is not large in size, the length of the sides of the head is 5-7 cm, and is also important in caring for the Miniature Schnauzer.

The need for a furminator

For owners of Miniature Schnauzers, there is a clear need for weekly use of the Furminator.

Having such a useful, strong and high-quality tool in your arsenal, you can easily remove dead undercoat without damaging the dog’s outer coat.


The procedure of trimming (plucking) hair for all representatives of the Schnauzer family is a mandatory event. Trimming has a number of positive factors:

  1. Emphasizes the advantages of the breed.
  2. Helps the dog get rid of dead hair faster.
  3. Deprives the owner of the problem associated with dog shedding.
  4. After professional trimming, the new fur grows silky and elegant.

When trimming, hard hairs are schematically and carefully plucked from the neck to the base of the tail, and then the area of ​​the shoulder blades is worked on. At the end, the sides and chest, hips and tail are trimmed.

Trimming is carried out using a trimming knife. The work is carried out as follows:

  1. A small section (tuft) of fur is lifted with the thumb, while the remaining fingers hold the skin.
  2. The tuft of wool is pryed off with a special knife (trimmer), and then it is pulled. In this way, all the necessary areas on the dog’s body are worked out.
  3. After trimming, the dog’s skin is treated with antiseptic agents, and in the cool season it is advisable to walk in protective overalls.

How to choose?

The choice of haircut for a miniature schnauzer largely depends on whether the pet plans to participate in exhibitions or whether the dog belongs exclusively to the category of pets. In addition, the type of coat matters. Normally, it is tough and not prone to forming tangles. But in some dogs, the hair is either completely resistant to plucking or changes slightly. In this case, you have to remove the excess volume with a clipper, losing the breed's awns (the growing hairs will be soft).

A short haircut is also a solution for owners of dogs with defective coats. Additionally, if you have allergies or other skin problems, using a machine to treat your body can help make treatment easier. In this case, there is no choice. If the owner of a miniature schnauzer has a choice between trimming and rolling, the need to maintain show condition is of great importance. If you pinch twice a year, this condition will not be achieved; after some time, the dog will still look disheveled.

Properly organized rolling solves this problem.

Rolling and its secrets

The main task of rolling is to create the appearance of the Miniature Schnauzer in such a way that he is ready to appear before the audience and judges at any moment. In this case, the owner will not have to miss the exhibition due to the pet’s fur not being ready.

Rolling has a unique specificity. It is recommended to accustom a puppy to it at the age of 3-3.5 months, and if desired, you can also transfer an adult who has previously been trimmed to rolling. However, this will be a little more difficult to do.

The purpose of rolling is to form a three-layer coat in the Miniature Schnauzer. This will require not only skill, but also patience. Let's look at the rolling procedure step by step.

Stage 1 - Formation of the 1st layer of wool (top)

At this stage, the puppy hair that sticks out in different directions is removed. The pinching procedure is carried out throughout the body by hand and evenly. After trimming, you need to remove the undercoat using a furminator. Next, the undercoat is combed and removed weekly.

Stage 2 - Formation of the 2nd layer of wool (middle)

28-35 days after the first plucking, it is time to work with the 2nd layer of wool. Don't be alarmed that the coat will be unsightly and patchy at this time. At this stage, it is important to be patient and pluck stray hairs evenly.

During the work, you will be able to observe short and spiky hairs on the dog’s body - this means that the growth of new guard hair, removed at stage 1, has begun. This means everything is going according to plan, and soon your little schnauzer will shine with dazzling beauty. Don't forget to remove the undercoat once a week.

Stage 3 - Formation of the 3rd layer of wool (bottom)

After 28-35 days, it’s time to remove the remnants of old and long hair. Having removed it, you can see the beautiful young, hard guard hair, which has grown safely since the first plucking. It is still quite short and consists of 2 layers, top and middle.

The dog looks quite neat at this time, but it still needs some time to build up the 3rd (bottom) layer. In about 1 month it will be safely formed.

Thus, if you roll every 4-5 weeks, you can achieve perfection. In this case, the Miniature Schnauzer will always look elegant and well-groomed.

Trimming, rolling, muzzle trimming and grooming a Miniature Schnauzer at home

The Miniature Schnauzer is an original and charismatic breed of dog. It is distinguished by a luxurious exterior. He boasts long bangs and an impressive beard, and his thick, wiry coat is a delight to look at.

The impeccable beauty of the Miniature Schnauzer is not a gift from nature, but the result of the long and painstaking work of the groomer. Be sure to study the basic rules for caring for a small representative of this breed and remember the golden truth that a dog is a mirror image of its owner.

What tools to cut hair with

Before you figure out how to trim your miniature schnauzer at home, you need to purchase all the tools necessary to carry out the work. If the owner decides to cut his pet's hair on his own, he should first take several lessons from professionals.

Grooming a miniature schnauzer is not an easy procedure. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to use quality tools. The following professional devices will be used:

  • nail clipper;
  • at least three types of combs - with curved ends to give volume to the coat, for styling after bathing and with fine teeth;
  • knives with short and long teeth for capturing hair and undercoat of different lengths;
  • a special machine designed for cutting “hairy” breeds, the kit should include high-quality and sharp blades;
  • furminator - a device necessary for combing out the undercoat, provided that the guard hair has grown strongly;
  • pumice, equipped with a porous surface, is necessary for cleaning the undercoat after trimming a miniature schnauzer;
  • stripping allows you to partially remove dead skin cells from its surface (used mainly during rolling).

Basic set of dog grooming tools

Inexpensive tools will also have appropriate quality. You can buy everything in beauty salons for dogs or order it in specialized stores, directly from equipment manufacturers.

Using the machine

Breed-specific clippers are used for zonal cutting of wool, to create model and complex haircuts. It is important that the device is of high quality, powerful and professional. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the quality of steel knives.

Using a comb

A pet owner should have a wide variety of different brushes, since they are a basic tool and are intended for daily use. Only after high-quality combing of the wool can it be trimmed and subjected to trimming and rolling.

Combs must be made of metal, equipped with teeth with blunt ends, the length of the teeth no more than 1 cm.

Important! Combs-rakes with rotating teeth allow you to cope with the tasks more efficiently.

A little about the Miniature Schnauzer breed

Miniature Schnauzer after trimming
The pedigree of the Miniature Schnauzer breed goes back almost a century and a half. It was registered in Bavaria in the late 80s of the 19th century, and 10 years later miniature schnauzers began to take full part in international dog shows.

It is believed that the ancestors of schnauzers were pinschers, whose offspring sometimes produced puppies with coarse, long hair. To develop a mini-breed, schnauzers were crossed with poodles, German Spitz, and Affenpinscher. As a result of selection, dogs appeared of a more miniature size with a specific coat color (black, white, black with a silver tint, and salt and pepper colors). A special feature of this breed is its unique ability to make facial expressions.

Due to its small size, the breed of these dogs received the prefix “zwerg” (from the German zwerg - midget) to the main name schnauzer.
Despite their relatively small size (weight - up to 10 kg, height - 35-40 cm), miniature schnauzers have developed intelligence, an extroverted character, a highly developed protective instinct, lightning-fast reaction and good physical qualities. Thanks to these abilities, miniature dogs are often used by customs and police officers - currently they are the smallest service dogs in the world. On a note! The main requirement of the breed standard is a hard coat structure, which can be achieved by completely plucking the hair over a period of 2-3 years.

The secret to the perfect hairstyle

In addition to trimming, the Milord salons provide the following services:

  • washing and drying schnauzers;
  • combing and removing tangles;
  • a haircut;
  • trimming nails;
  • cleaning ears.

Separately, you can order teeth cleaning and additional services, the cost of which will be confirmed with the manager. The price of service depends not only on the type and complexity of manipulations, but also on the size of the animal. At the same time, we guarantee the safety of the service and an excellent final result, which consists in the beauty of your pet.

Our masters know what kind of haircut a schnauzer needs if it is preparing for a show. The dog's head and hind limbs are clipped by hand or with a machine. The groomer works on the front paws and face exclusively with scissors. The remaining areas are processed with a trimming knife: body and hips 6-8 weeks before exhibition events, ears, chest and neck - 10 days. A protrusion is formed on the chest - a “keel”.

Hygienic trimming is performed in the area of ​​the anus and paw pads. In summer, a clipper haircut is possible.

Grooming rules

It is very important to brush your dog daily, and only in the direction of hair growth. Carefully work out areas with tangles. It is advisable to spray the wool with conditioner before the procedure. Then combing will be easier. The brush should be wide and not sharp.

Intimate places are also treated monthly. Using scissors, carefully trim the fur around the anus. Sticking hairs in the ears should be plucked out. Don't forget about the claws. They need to be cut carefully, since blood vessels run through the center of the claw. If you bite off more, blood will bleed and the dog will be in pain.

Listen to the recommendations of experts, and your beloved miniature schnauzer will be the healthiest and most beautiful dog.

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