Grooming a miniature schnauzer: trimming at home

Representatives of the Miniature Schnauzer breed are the type of dogs that practically do not shed on their own. Their fur also dies off, but does not fall out on its own. This is why Schnauzer owners have to contact professional groomers at least 2-3 times a year. There the dog undergoes a procedure called trimming. This is plucking out old, dead fur. It is impossible to cut the mittens, as in this case they cease to meet the approved standard.

Features of the Schnauzer's coat

Dogs of this breed have very coarse hair with a dense undercoat. Nature dictates that all pets shed several times a year, and the Mittel is no exception. However, dead hairs do not fall out of the animal's hair, remaining in place and irritating the pet's skin.

Important! If loose hair is not removed promptly, it can lead to serious skin irritation, scratching and inflammation.

This causes a lot of inconvenience for dogs. For healthy and proper care of your pet, you must take him to an appointment with a groomer. This is a special dog groomer who can help and carry out the trimming procedure as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Maybe just cut it?

The Miniature Schnauzer is not suitable for a full haircut . The structure of his coat is disrupted when the hairs are cut. The color also suffers (especially if it is “pepper and salt”): the color becomes inexpressive, dull, and color transitions disappear.

Schnauzers' hair does not fall out without human help. In order for a new guard coat to grow, it is necessary to rid the dog of the old, dying one. If it is not plucked, but trimmed , the new one will not be able to fully grow, and the dog’s body will be covered with a thick undercoat, which is difficult to comb, tends to fall off and does not have the shine characteristic of a Schnauzer .

Rules of care

It is noteworthy that the coat of schnauzers, if cut with a regular dog clipper, loses its quality and ceases to meet the standard approved by influential canine communities.

In particular wool:

  • becomes thinner;
  • changes color;
  • becomes softer;
  • thins out.

All this cannot but affect external data. If the dog has a show career and is expected to continue to participate in breeding, such care is unacceptable. Even attempts to remove dead hair on your own can lead to loss of wool quality.

A haircut

Caring for schnauzers is quite difficult. Here, combined methods are used to give the dog a show look. Haircuts with scissors and clippers are used, but only in strictly defined places.

Important! The haircut must be done against the pet's fur. Every groomer should know this.

A haircut with a clipper is carried out in the area of ​​the dog’s neck and “pants”. Use scissors to straighten the fur on the animal's face, legs and belly. The rest of the coat is subjected to a trimming procedure. Each groomer himself chooses the number of procedures for this operation. Not all dogs can handle the lengthy process at one time. Often, owners have to bring their pet to the salon several times in a row.


Trimming is the plucking out of dead fur. Be sure to do this according to hair growth. For this, a small special knife is used, which is clamped with the master’s right hand. The left hand holds the skin on the treated area.

Important! After treatment, the dog's skin remains almost bare. During the cold season, you need to take care of warm clothes so that the dog does not freeze.

It should be noted that pinching is very unpleasant for the pet and the procedure can become a real test for the master and the schnauzer. But if it is carried out regularly, from about 6 to 8 months of age, the puppy should get used to it over time.

Preparations for a haircut

Grooming miniature schnauzers at home, on your own, is not difficult; for it you will need: a clipper, hairdresser's (groomer's) scissors, a comb and, of course, the dog itself. Before you start working, you need to brush your dog thoroughly so as not to be distracted by it during the process.

A table can serve as a good place for grooming a Miniature Schnauzer, so that it is possible to comfortably move around it and the dog has a comfortable, flat surface, but if the table slides, then it is necessary to cover it with suitable material so that the dog’s paws do not move apart. When all the preparations are completed, you can start grooming the dog.


Beginners or processing with trimmers at home can end very badly. A carelessly or unevenly cut “skirt”, too bare areas of the body and non-compliance with the timing and seasonality of procedures are just the most common mistakes.

Experienced Schnauzer owners note that the best solution is to go to a professional groomer at a dog salon. Only an experienced hairdresser will be able to do a competent haircut and provide the animal with an attractive appearance.

To prepare for exhibitions and competitions, there is a special range of services that includes all the necessary procedures. The dog is fully prepared to be shown to experts, taking into account all the important nuances in the pet’s appearance.

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Stages of work

It is better to start work by determining the cutting area of ​​the Miniature Schnauzer; first, let’s start with the body; to do this, we will determine the lines where the fur transitions into the “skirt” and shave all the hair of the body with a clipper to this line, then smoothly move to the paws, leaving the decorating hair. On the hind legs we leave about a couple of centimeters of hair from the edge along the dog’s paws, and from the inside of the hocks and behind we leave as little hair as possible, but do not shave off all of it, since in the future a cosmetic haircut will be performed. On the front paws we remove the hair exactly to the beginning of the elbow. We trim the tail carefully, removing all the hair completely.

Price for trimming a Miniature Schnauzer at home in Moscow?

Our pet hairdressing salon offers the most affordable prices and the highest quality of service, as our many clients can confirm. Our groomers have extensive experience and work exclusively on-site in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The moderate cost allows all pet owners to provide their pets with the care they need. Our masters offer a full range of hygiene and hairdressing services for dogs, cats and rabbits.

You can invite our specialist to cut or trim your Miniature Schnauzer, and in addition to the main procedure, the master will clean the ears and trim the nails. The price depends on the type of procedure, for example: a hygienic grooming of a schnauzer is cheap, but plucking old hair will cost more, since it takes more time and is a more labor-intensive process.

The price includes the visit of a specialist, work and the use of professional cosmetics for animals. Our prices are modest, without compromising the quality of animal grooming. Our team includes the best groomers in Moscow; the minimum experience of employees is three years.

Miniature Schnauzer head trim

The head of a Miniature Schnauzer's haircut is a rather complex and important part. It determines the appearance of the dog and its characteristic breed traits. Trimming the muzzle of a Miniature Schnauzer takes quite a lot of time, as it requires attention to small details.

First, we shave the hair from the dog’s neck and smoothly move onto the head. We shave exactly to the beginning of the bangs, to the brow ridges! Next, we comb the dog’s bangs up and use a clipper to shave a triangle on the nose, smoothly starting from the nose and moving up along the back, slightly expanding the range of motion of the clipper. After this, we shave the cheek area, strictly until the long hair of the dog’s beard begins to grow, and then we remove the hair on the inner corners of the eyes approximately until the eyebrows begin to grow. Next, we proceed to the ears, using a clipper smoothly, against the hair growth, and shave the hair towards the head. First, from the outside, and then we turn the dog’s ear inside out and begin to trim the hair from the dog’s ears, and only after that we shave off the remaining hair on the inner surface of the ear with a clipper. We trim the shape along the edges of the ear with scissors and that’s it, the main work is finished - we go with the dog to the bathroom to wash off the fur and then dry it. Everything comes with experience and in the course of work you will be able to discover for yourself what pace of work is most suitable for you, what tools you need to purchase for grooming a Miniature Schnauzer and see improvements as a result of your work.

Price of puppies

The price of miniature schnauzer puppies varies between 10-15 thousand rubles (without pedigree) and 20-40 thousand rubles (with all passports and licenses).

The cost of puppies whose parents were champions of various exhibitions starts from fifty thousand rubles.

At the end of this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with photographs of miniature schnauzers.

Health and diseases of miniature schnauzers

The list of hereditary diseases in the breed is impressive, which, however, does not make middle schnauzers regular clients of veterinary clinics. It is also important to understand that not all dogs have genetic diseases that make themselves felt. Moreover, if a puppy was born from healthy parents, its chances of a long and happy life are quite high.

Typical diseases of miniature schnauzers:

  • pancreatitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • diabetes;
  • bladder infections;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • allergy;
  • melanoma;
  • epilepsy;
  • lipoma;
  • cataract.

Description and features

The Schnauzer breed has excellent working abilities. It has wide functionality. The main purpose of such a dog is to fight pests. During an attack, he is driven by a specific instinct.

On the one hand, he wants to destroy the creature that causes problems for the owner, and on the other, he strives to please people. It is human approval that is the main incentive for this dog.

According to experts, representatives of this breed are one of the best guard animals. Yes, the lack of large dimensions is, without a doubt, a big obstacle to providing serious resistance to suspicious strangers. But there is a trait in these animals that people call charisma. She is their main weapon.

The dog loves people so much that he follows them constantly, no matter where they are: in the house, on the street, in a store or in nature. He feels like their 24/7 bodyguard. Does his job well.

His love for his two-legged owners made him an indispensable assistant during the war. During the period of hostilities, the Miniature Schnauzer served as a signalman and even an orderly. No, of course, he did not treat the soldiers, but he brought them a bag of medicine.

But that's not all. This four-legged animal has an excellent sense of smell, which is why it has been used for a long time to help police officers. The main mission of the dog is to search for drugs.

The owners of the affectionate one call their pets “mittels.” Modern representatives of the breed are rarely used for their working purpose. People love mittels for their good nature and loyalty, so they get them for companionship.

Let's delve a little into the history of dog selection. It's hard to say that his ancestors had an exquisite appearance. However, what they lacked in visual appeal they made up for in superior stamina and courage. The then version of the Miniature Schnauzer (bred in the 15-16th century) was not much like the modern one. He was often confused with a pinscher.

Important ! Until the 18th century, a miniature schnauzer with whitish spots on its body was not considered a purebred. Breeders actively “took” this breed only in the 19th century. Then they determined its standard. The dog appeared in Russia only in the 80s.


Miniature Schnauzers have something special. Some people think they are pretty, others think they are charismatic. It's hard to say what makes such a dog stand out. One thing is known, he embodied the best features of working and decorative dogs.

Such an animal is moderately playful, cute, friendly and very curious. There are breeds for which the search for new experiences is not a priority, but the Miniature Schnauzer is not one of them. There are situations in which even a very cute dog can become serious - a threat to the owner.

He quickly and strongly becomes attached to a specific person and always strives to take care of him. The owners of such pets claim that they are endowed with some special charm. Now the dog sits next to you and looks tenderly into your eyes, and after half an hour, he moves away and thoughtfully looks out the window.

Raising such an animal is a fascinating and interesting task. It always strives to bring a smile to the face of its loved one, so it does not become obstinate during training and does not refuse to obey. Pride is practically not characteristic of such dogs. They are very friendly and caring.

They react in a peculiar way to strangers coming into the house. Waiting for the owner's reaction. If she is hospitable, they adapt to her and cheerfully approach the guest. But if the dog’s owner is wary of the stranger, he will stand next to him and bark loudly at him. Thus, we can conclude: the Miniature Schnauzer always focuses on the emotions of the owner and behaves, adapting to them.

By the way, the dog sincerely becomes attached to every member of the household, even to kids. She especially loves them. The mittel builds trusting relationships with children almost from the first minutes of interaction. However, he tends to set boundaries.

For example, if a baby wants to touch a dog's bowl, she will probably scare him away with a roar. Representatives of this breed are owners. They clearly divide all living creatures into their own, those who are part of the flock, and others who are not included in it. But even if the owner’s child wants to violate the boundaries outlined by the dog, this will cause his anger.

When communicating with unpleasant people, the Miniature Schnauzer behaves with restraint. But when interacting with cats - aggressively. These animals cause true anger in the dog. Therefore, cat lovers should think carefully before bringing such a dog into their home.

Advantages of our salon

When bathing pets, only proven cosmetics without harmful ingredients are used: in particular, shampoo for coarse fur. The product allows you to make your hair moderately soft, elastic and shiny, while simultaneously strengthening it.

Also available to visitors:

  • convenient modern equipment;
  • sterile instruments;
  • favorable discounts and promotions.

The joint efforts of the “Milord” team will give schnauzers a special aesthetics, and their owners will not have to make extra efforts to take care of the attractiveness of their charge.

Paws and finishing touches

Let's move on to the dog's paws. We trim the decorating fur on the hind legs, and give the front legs the shape of columns. Next, we shave the hair under the armpits and on the chest. That's it, the haircut is over. Grooming of the Miniature Schnauzer is usually done once every 5-6 months, depending on the degree of fouling of the dog.

In many salons, miniature schnauzer haircuts are performed, the price varies depending on the complexity of the work, the condition and type of coat, as well as the purpose of the implementation. If you feel that you can’t handle it on your own, it’s better to go to a salon. It would be more advisable to go to a salon for your Miniature Schnauzer's first haircut. There you can watch the work and gain experience, as well as learn all the features of how a Miniature Schnauzer is cut according to all the rules.

Breed standard

The Miniature Schnauzer dog is medium in size. Its maximum height at the withers is 49-50 cm. The height of a medium-sized bitch is 44-46 cm. The bones of the animal are very wide, which is why it appears larger. The weight is in the range of 13-19 kg. An overweight of a maximum of 2 kg is allowed.

A distinctive feature of the breed is its large head. It stands out significantly against the background of other parts of the body, which are in good harmony with each other. It has a wedge shape. The occipital protuberance is well defined.

The muzzle is not straight, it has a convexity between the nose and forehead. The dog has “eyebrows” in the form of skin folds above the eyes. The gums are pressed very tightly to the jaw. They have a brown color. According to the standard, they cannot be light.

The bite is correct, without pathologies. The nose is large, painted black. The eyes are also dark. The ears are set high, triangular in shape, and semi-recumbent. The back of the breed is straight and wide. Well developed chest. The neck is slightly oblong. The scruff is clearly visible.

Interesting ! The withers area in dogs is insensitive. For this reason, it is customary to give injections there. The animal will not even understand that a needle has entered its scruff.

The dog also has a bump on his lower back. But on the stomach, on the contrary, there is a bend. This part of the body is a little dry. The tail is almost always raised up. It has a straight shape, not thickened. The animal's legs are wide. His pads are quite hard. There are long black claws on the tips of the legs.

The Miniature Schnauzer in the photo is depicted as confident and charismatic. There is something special in his gaze that attracts attention. The dog looks neater after a haircut. Therefore, according to the standard, its owners regularly have to use the services of professional animal hairdressers.

There are a large number of options for mittel haircuts. Some owners want to see their pets more gentle, while others want them to be brutal and as natural as possible. This is a matter of taste.

The fur of these dogs is very thick, beautiful and noticeable. There are guard hairs on the muzzle, they are straight, so it seems that the animal was born with a neat mustache. Its fur is medium in length. At the base it is more tender. There is also a dense undercoat. The fur on the muzzle is shorter.

Negative sides

  • The desire to dominate;
  • Excessive persistence;
  • Difficult care;
  • Excessive tendency to hunt;
  • Increased suspicion;
  • Excessive walking time.

Despite these shortcomings, there are a huge number of positive reviews about Schnauzers on the Internet: people appreciate this breed and give it preference.

Education and socialization

Since such a dog performs many functions, it needs training from an early age. It is important that the animal clearly understands who its owner is, what territory should be protected and what rules of behavior to follow.

It is necessary to socialize your Miniature Schnauzer from the first seconds of contact with him. Already on the first day of settling into a new home, he should get to know all the household members and their pets. Do not prevent your dog from sniffing any object in the house.

This is how she collects information about the world around her, this is normal. But if she decides to climb on the sofa, say: “You can’t.” Dog handlers do not recommend that owners allow their dogs to lie down next to them. The exception is small ornamental breeds.

A disciplined working dog must understand the household hierarchy. Yes, there are definitely prohibitions in his mind. But this does not mean that your pet should be raised exclusively on them. Don't forget about approval! If a dog brought you slippers or stood up for you on the street, pat it on the head, it will appreciate this gesture and be grateful.

From the first days of walking, we recommend that the animal be toilet trained. Let it sniff the area looking for a “latrine.” This should not be prohibited. Also give him the opportunity to bury his excrement. At this moment, the dog is driven by instincts, so we do not recommend ignoring this need.

The Miniature Schnauzer learns traditional commands very quickly. Experts say that by the age of 4 months he can perform about 17-20 commands. This is amazing! But to ensure that your dog always enjoys training, we recommend turning the exercise into a fun game. For example, if a command is successfully completed, give him a treat or a cheerful pat on the head. Be sure to smile while doing this.

Mittel is a very cheerful and hardy breed. The dog will be very happy to train with you not only at home, but also on the training ground. You can run with it to strengthen your muscles every day, the main thing is not to overdo it.

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