Small indoor dog with fluffy fur 4 letters

Fluffy dog ​​breeds are especially popular among dog breeders. They are rightfully considered the most desirable for most people who are just planning to have a furry pet, as well as the most beloved for those owners who have already managed to do so.

Note that the list of fluffy breeds includes not only small and medium-sized dogs, but also large ones. It is also important to emphasize that fluffiness does not depend in any way on the length of the coat: it can be either medium, but growing thickly, or long, but growing sparsely. In both the first and second cases, the dog can rightfully be called fluffy.

Australian Shepherd

Otherwise known as Aussies, this fluffy breed is extremely beautiful. Australian Shepherds have crisp, clear and expressive eyes. They belong to the class of medium breeds. Aussies have somewhat elongated bodies, relatively large heads, which, thanks to their long hair, look neat and light.

The length of the muzzles of Australian Shepherds is average, the nose lobes are pigmented, and the pigment depends on the color of the coat. Thus, black pigmentation can most often be found in blue and dark Australian Shepherds, and brown pigmentation can be found in red ones, including marbled ones.


Small fluffy dogs belong to the class of indoor and decorative breeds. They are often also called companion dogs.

The history of their origin goes back to ancient times. Paintings of duchesses and other nobles often featured little furry creatures. They were often depicted sitting on the laps of their owners, for which they received the nickname “kneelings.” They were bred for a specific purpose - for the entertainment of their owners.

The presence of a decorative dog indicated a person’s high status. Fluffy babies accompanied their owners everywhere, following them inseparably. There is an opinion that dogs “lured” fleas that overcame their owners.

The Pekingese is recognized as the oldest decorative dog breed. The Chinese emperors had just such dogs and no one else was allowed to have a similar breed. However, such small dogs were bred not only for entertainment. There was also a specific practical meaning to this. Thus, hunting breeds were reduced to catch small rodents. And miniature copies of guard dogs were bred to make them easier to maintain.

Currently, decorative fluffies are selected for 2 characteristics:

  • attractive exterior, that is, appearance;
  • kind, affectionate character;

In such dogs, hunting instincts, aggressiveness, and harshness of character are deliberately suppressed. They require affection for their owner and emotional openness. And also the availability of education, because their behavior must comply with certain social norms. They should get along easily with people and behave appropriately towards other dogs.

Afghan Hound

A fluffy breed like the Afghan Hound is one of the oldest long-haired breeds. Outwardly, Afghan hounds are rather aristocratic: they have long paws and literally shining satin hair, which creates the effect of bell-bottom trousers at the tips of their paws. The peculiarities of the head position and the same aristocratic posture create the impression of extraordinary sophistication.

When the Afghan Hound runs, its thick fur flutters in the wind like a magical robe. This long-haired breed often has an elongated, wedge-shaped head. The muzzle is emphasized and elongated. The eyes resemble triangles and are set obliquely.

White Swiss Shepherd

Literally the personification of beauty - the white Swiss shepherd. In general, the breed resembles a German Shepherd, but there is one difference: the color and relative density, fleshiness of the White Swiss. The breed can be either long-haired or have medium-length hair, but at the same time thick: hair on the body and limbs grows frequently.

The muzzle of the White Swiss Shepherd is proportional to the body, clear and wedge-shaped. Erect, slightly forward ears in the shape of an inverted Latin V are unlikely to leave indifferent a lover of man's faithful friends - dogs. The breed is also characterized by the presence of slanted, almond-shaped eyes with a brown color.


Among all small dogs, there are the most common breeds that arouse more interest and are highly popular among both professional breeders and ordinary dog ​​lovers. These breeds include: Chihuahua, French bulldog, pug, lapdog, American cocker spaniel, Welsh corgi, beagle and Yorkshire terrier. Next, we will take a closer look at the breeds of decorative dogs, their photos with names.


They live up to 20 years. They often tremble when they are cold, scared or excited, so you need to provide your pets with clothes for walking. It is not recommended to have these dogs in families with small children under 10 years of age.

The Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world. Its weight ranges from 1.5 kg to 3 kg, and its height is up to 30 cm. One of the healthiest breeds. The price for a show class puppy is from 50 to 200 thousand rubles, breed class – from 45 thousand, pet class – about 20 thousand rubles.

French Bulldog

A companion dog that loves children and contact with people in general. They cannot live on the street, but in the house they require a lot of care - combing out shedding fur and removing drool. Can't stand heat.

A small dog with large ears is a breed of French bulldog. Its weight reaches 13 kg, and its height is 35 cm. They live up to 12 years. They suffer from problems with the spine and eyes. They can only give birth by caesarean section.

The price of a puppy is from 20 thousand to 120 thousand rubles.


Belongs to the short-haired breed. He has a very friendly and kind disposition and gets along well with children. Easy to learn commands. Has a tendency to be overweight and has breathing problems.

Pugs weigh up to 10 kg and height up to 30 cm. Shedding is frequent and quite severe.

Representatives of the breed cost from 15 thousand for a pet class, from 20 thousand for a breeding class and from 35 thousand for a show class.


There are both long-haired and short-haired. They don't shed. They get along well with children and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. They weigh up to 5 kg and height up to 30 cm. They have a calm disposition.

The price varies from 20 to 70 thousand rubles.

American Cocker Spaniel

Very kind and loyal pets. It takes a lot of time to care for long-length fur. Height is 35 cm, and weight is 12-13 kg.

They live up to 12 years and are susceptible to the following diseases: cancer, heart disease and immune system disease, inflammation of the ears and eyes, anemia.

The price varies from 7 to 30 thousand rubles.

Welsh Corgi

Very kind and loyal dogs. But in a family where there are children under 7 years old, it is better not to have them. They have a tendency to be overweight. They have high intelligence. Wool has the effect of repelling moisture. Height – 30 cm, weight – 16 kg.

The price for puppies ranges from 25 to 70 thousand rubles.


He is difficult to train and often barks for no reason, but he is a great friend for children and adults.

Beagles are prone to obesity. They have an incredible sense of smell and are considered good guards. Height – up to 40 cm, weight – up to 16 kg. They live for about 15 years.

How much a small Beagle dog costs depends on the class of the pet. On average - about 30 thousand rubles.

Yorkshire Terrier

This breed of pocket dog should not be owned in a family with small children. This is due to their miniature size - up to 18 cm in height and up to 3 kg in weight.

Dental and digestive problems are common. Despite their small size, they have a courageous disposition and can attack other dogs, even if they are much larger.

The price for a Yorkshire Terrier puppy ranges from 12 to 50 thousand rubles.

French lap dog

Many dog ​​breeders call French lap dogs miniature plush antidepressants. And for good reason! Their literally airy fur and small size make lapdogs look like soft toys. An adult individual often does not exceed a length of 0.3 m, reaching a maximum weight of no more than 5 kg.

The base of the muzzle of French lap dogs is wide; it gradually tapers towards the nose. The transition is not clearly expressed. Like the whole body, the tail of French lap dogs is covered with thick hair, its length does not exceed half the length of the body. The average coat length is 8 cm, the undercoat is very thick.

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Volpino Italiano

Does not exceed 4.5 kg in weight, the color is always snow-white.
It belongs to the Spitz-type species and resembles a fox in appearance. It has long fur, eyes small and round, dark in color. Volpino Italiano is considered an Italian Spitz and has long served as a symbol of wealth for rich ladies. They decorated them with ivory bracelets as a sign of affection.

Representatives of the breed have an excellent character. Volpino is easy to train and lends itself well to training. They are attached to their owners and do not tolerate loneliness, they are very kind, but they always try to become leaders in relation to other pets.


The Bobtail breed is characterized by the presence of abundant, dense and curly hair. Adults resemble rather medium-sized wooly clouds, which either gracefully or randomly fly towards their owners. When Bobtails gallop, they resemble springs, and when they walk or trot, it seems like they are ambling a fluffy foal.

Medium-sized oval eyes, harmoniously set, as well as developed brow ridges and relatively short paws - this is what makes such a fluffy pet like the Bobtail a real favorite of any dog ​​breeder.

Little fluffy dogs

Representatives of miniature breeds are ideal for keeping in an apartment; the street is not for them. Despite the fact that they have fluffy fur, it is often not able to warm the pet in cold weather.

Pomeranian Spitz

The puppy, which looks like a fox, is especially popular. These positive, energetic and restless pets will brighten up the life of their owner.


  • elongated muzzle;
  • compact body;
  • thick coat;
  • short legs.

The color can be different: white, red, wheat. The distinctive features of a fluffy dog ​​are its height; they do not grow more than 30 cm at the withers, and the average weight of an adult dog varies within 3.5 kg.

Despite their small size, the Spitz has a very brave, decisive character; they can be wayward and stubborn.

Coton de Tulear

Representatives of this breed are considered hypoallergenic, so they will be a real boon for people with allergies. Their fur grows constantly, so they require regular trimming, otherwise they will resemble a round ball of fur.

Most often, the lapdog is painted white, less common are lemon, gray and black. Pets grow up to 25 cm, and their weight is about 5 kg.

Note! In the past, Coton de Tulear dogs were used to catch rats on ships and lived in the holds. The love for water remains to this day, so they enjoy taking a bath.

Bichon Frize

The puppy is a snow-white miracle with small curls. This pet is one of the most prominent representatives of miniature fluffy dogs. He is active, curious and very friendly with children and adults.

He loves affection, care, and requires increased attention from his owners. May make sounds for a long time, asking to be picked up or stroked

Tibetan Spaniel

This dog shows the best dog qualities. Tibbies have very tiny sizes, even an adult animal will not grow more than 25 cm, nor will it be heavier than 4 kg.

You can rarely hear him bark, but there is one drawback: the baby loves to climb to heights, so you will have to close access to cabinets and window sills.

Yorkshire Terrier

The terrier is also famous for its fluffy, steel-colored coat. These active, inquisitive and sociable pets barely reach 25 cm at the withers.

The Yorkie is easy to train, but the process can be complicated by his restlessness and playful nature. Also, do not forget that external attractiveness is created through constant care of the fur.

Important! You need to raise a Yorkie from childhood, otherwise he will turn into a spoiled animal that will be impossible to cope with. Distinctive features of the Chihuahua are sharp erect ears, a strong body and bulging eyes.

Chihuahua (long-haired)

Originally from Mexico, they existed back in the days of the Mayan tribe. Fluffy dogs played the role of guides to the afterlife; the Indians treated them with trepidation and respect.

The species was practically exterminated by the colonialists. They managed to survive due to the fact that several representatives settled in the forest. Today this miniature breed is perhaps the most famous. Photos of dogs appear in magazines and are featured in films.

Miniature dog breeds are ideal for owners of small apartments. Small pets will not take up much space, but they will add new colors to life and become family members.

Welsh Corgi

Squat, miniature and at the same time unusually strong, Welsh Corgis have straight and thick hair (which is never wavy or soft) with a good undercoat. The coat color of the breed is often red; there may be individual spots of dark or white color. According to the breed standard, ash-red tan marks on the head or muzzle are acceptable.

The Welsh Corgi's paws are often short, but straight. Oval in shape, with strong toes and dense pads, they help the dog move quickly enough regardless of the terrain over which it moves.

Character and appearance

The choice of dog is determined by several parameters:

  • Health indicators
  • Character
  • Appearance of the animal

Also, some breeders are guided by the origin and class of the dog. The Mini Spitz has a very unusual appearance - small, pointed ears, a slightly flattened muzzle and large, expressive eyes. The bear type is also characterized by thick fur, which adds volume and significance.

The breed standard for the height of an adult dog is 22 cm, and the weight should not exceed 3.5 kg. The peculiarity of dogs of this breed is their fluffy tail. Naturally, the coat should be soft and shiny - this indicates the good health of the animal.

It is important to remember that a mini dog will not cause trouble in cleaning up its fur, just as it will not cause allergies to it - seasonal shedding does not exist. The color that a mini bear has can be very different - it can be white, red, black and even blue

Characteristics make it possible to have a dog in a house where a large family lives. Pomeranians are created for communication, they are companions by their psychotype, calm and affectionate. They are distinguished not only by their playfulness and mobility, but also by the fact that they can adopt some of the habits of their owners. So the bear cub will be calm and imposing if he is in the same company. It does not require special care, which allows you to enjoy the dog’s company without experiencing negative emotions.

Accordingly, in the company of active and active people, the dog will grow up to be an energetic and loud member of the family, who will warn about changes at the first opportunity, be it other dogs near his home or guests who come to the apartment.

Experts say that the Spitz “does not know” that he is a dwarf dog, therefore he behaves as befits his ancestors. All basic instincts and behavior correspond to a guard dog; for example, on the street, a bear cub will actively manifest itself as a protector if suddenly a stranger approaches its owner. That is why it is necessary to teach the dog to remain calm if there is no obvious threat.

Russian greyhound

Sophisticated and elegant, Russian greyhounds are lean, incredibly beautiful and at the same time fluffy. They move easily and gracefully, waving their long thin tails with lush fur. The body is covered with long, often wavy hair. On the ears and on the muzzle, as well as on the head, the fur is much shorter, but on the neck there is a lush and thick dewlap, which easily allows you to distinguish the breeds from others.

The coat color of Russian greyhounds is often spotted and piebald. This rule does not apply to blue and chocolate greyhounds.

Other meanings of this word:

Random riddle:

And at the dacha sometimes trouble may occur. You'll break your knee if you don't find something more useful! Even if it burns a little, it will help.

Random joke:

The era of Western exploration. The visitor gets out of the carriage. Station house. Pure steppe. He asks the caretaker on the platform: - How far is it to the city? - Yes, it will be six miles. — Why didn’t you think of building a station closer to the city? — At first we wanted it that way, but we decided that it would be better to build it closer to the rails.

Did you know?

In March 1989, while working at the European Council for Nuclear Research (French Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire, CERN), Tim Berners-Lee proposed a project that involved the publication of hypertext documents linked by hyperlinks. This was supposed to make it easier for CERN scientists to collect and search information. To implement the project, Tim Berners-Lee (together with his assistants) invented URIs, the HTTP protocol, and the HTML language. Without these technologies it is impossible to imagine the modern Internet. Between 1991 and 1993, Berners-Lee refined the technical specifications of these standards and published them. But, nevertheless, the official year of birth of the World Wide Web should be considered 1989.

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The last letter of the beech is “c”

Answer for the question "Lap dog with fluffy fur", 4 letters: Spitz

Alternative crossword questions for the word Spitz

m. German spire on a building, island, wit, arrow. Spitz breed of lap dogs, mutt, kosmatka

Arctic Spitz

Harmoniously built, medium-sized Arctic Spitz have thick, fluffy fur. They also have a soft, short undercoat with straight outer hair. A characteristic difference between most representatives of the breed is the presence of a collar in the shoulder area that fits the neck.

The front legs are covered with short fur, and the back of the thighs are literally shrouded in thick pants. Between the toes of the paws, like most domestic cats, there are abundant hair growths.

Japanese Chin

Small, elegant and fluffy, Japanese Chins resemble woolen squares with short necks and triangular ears covered in fur. The breed's coat is silky, long, and literally flows like a lush cloak as the chin moves.

The breed is characterized by a virtual absence of undercoat. At the same time, hair grows more abundantly on the ears, tail and hips than on other parts of the body. Japanese Chins are often black and white in color. There are individuals with red spots. You can also find Japanese Chins with chocolate and fawn spots on their coats.


Any of the poodles has incredibly thick and lush hair. It is she who is considered the advantage of the named breed. At the same time, you can find poodles with both curly and corded hair. As for the first type of wool: in general, it is naturally curled, fluffy and has volume and elasticity. Corded wool is also thick, but at the same time it is thin and delicate, pleasant and soft to the touch.

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Oval, small, but at the same time strong paws of poodles are covered with hair right up to the heels. The same applies to all other parts of the poodles’ body: they are completely covered with literally airy fur.


This breed is a cross between a Husky and a Spitz (Pomeranian). Pomskies are not officially recognized by dog ​​handlers, but most dog lovers and experienced dog breeders consider them to be a completely independent breed. Let us note a characteristic feature of the Pomsky: they are characterized by odd eyes.

Among the variety of Pomsky types, dog breeders and simply dog ​​lovers who prefer fluffy breeds value the plush husky and white Pomsky the most. Precisely for its thick and soft-to-touch fur. The brown blue-eyed Pomsky is in less consumer demand.

Chow chow

Perhaps one of the most recognizable dog breeds is the Chow Chow. The reason for this is the incredibly thick, amazing coat, as well as the presence of another characteristic feature - a dark tongue, which Chows show to everyone when they run somewhere. As for the wool specifically: it is distinguished by its thickness, and also by the fact that it stands straight. The outer coat of the breed is often hard, while the undercoat is, on the contrary, soft.

Around the Chow Chow's neck grows thick hair, very similar to a lion's mane, and the pants on the back of the thighs are very long and just as thick. For this, as well as for its dark tongue, the Chow Chow dog is simply adored by many pet lovers.

Karelo-Finnish Laika

This breed differs from other brothers in the relatively small amount of hair on its paws. But there is more than enough of it on the body, tail and hips! The guard cover on the shoulder blades of males deserves special attention: it is distinguished by its rigidity and also by the fact that it stands upright, giving the impression of sharp needle-like armor.

The fur color is most often red or red-golden. In this case, parts of the muzzle and ears, paws and tail may be slightly lighter, usually a tone or two. Individuals of Karelian-Finnish huskies may also be found with white spots on their paws, light stripes and elongated spots on their chest.

Brussels griffin

A breed such as the Brussels Griffon is distinguished by the fact that its guard hair is often medium, but it is incredibly thick and resembles a thin wire to the touch. It is believed that the rougher it is, the more valuable the individual. However, unlike dog handlers, amateur dog breeders do not find any special value in this.

The following is also noteworthy: around the eyes, nose, as well as on the cheeks and chin of the Brussels Griffon, the fur is much longer. It forms thick eyebrows, mustaches and beards, so this breed will certainly appeal to absolutely all lovers of fluffy dogs.


This breed was created by crossing a poodle with a golden retriever. The result was very sweet, affectionate, intelligent and easy to train dogs. The Goldendoodle dog is also known for its high sociability and love for children and other pets. The animal is generally calm and balanced, but still needs exercise and walking, since it is very active.

The coat of this dog rarely causes allergies and practically does not shed, especially if it is very curly. The fur requires care only after it is fully formed. You won't have to go to the groomer often; you can mostly handle the hair yourself. Brushing should be done a couple of times a week. With a trimmed dog, this can be done less often - only twice a month.

A white fluffy dog ​​gets dirty faster than other colors. Therefore, light-colored dogs need to be washed more often. However, everyday bathing can destroy the natural protective layer on the skin and coat. It's worth keeping a close eye on your ears, as your Goldendoodle is susceptible to ear infections.


Dog lovers, especially connoisseurs of fluffy dog ​​breeds, often call Papillons butterflies. Exactly butterflies! The reason for this is simple and lies in the fact that the breed has incredibly fluffy ears, raised and such, the hair from which falls down in the form of wings.

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As for the hair in general: it is long, fluffy, and soft to the touch. The color is often bicolor: white fur predominates, on which red or brown spots may occasionally be found.

Tibetan mastiff

The largest fluffy, whose weight reaches 78 kg. The dog is more than serious, but, despite its size and strength, it is quite good-natured. Only an experienced dog breeder should deal with Tibetan mastiffs; a mastiff is clearly not suitable as a first experience in keeping a dog.

A mastiff cannot turn around in standard apartments, so most often owners of private houses get them. A reliable protector of his family, a fearless watchman, the mastiff is not without self-esteem, stubbornness and self-will. It will not be easy to cope with such a giant, so training and socialization begin literally from the first day the mastiff appears in a new home.

The Mastiff requires respectful treatment. Not as a pet, but as a friend, a full-fledged member of the family. The mastiff is dominant over other domestic animals, but not if they grew up together. The mastiff perceives even a cat, with whom fate brought him together at a tender puppyhood, as an equal member of the pack.

Before getting a puppy, plan your time. The bear cub should not be left at home alone for a long time, because his energy is overflowing and destroying the apartment for this plump baby is a matter of a couple of minutes.

Longhaired Chihuahua

Perhaps the smallest breed of fluffy dogs. It's a matter of size - adult individuals easily fit into the hands of their owners during walks. The breed should not be confused with the smooth-haired Chihuahua: it is less fluffy.

The incredibly soft and long coat throughout the body of the longhaired breed can be either brilliant white or chestnut. This Chihuahua will definitely appeal to those who like dogs to have long fur. And so that they fit under the arm!

Other meanings of this word:

Random riddle:

A white cat climbs into the window.

Random joke:

If you go to the right, you will lose your horse. If you go to the left, you will lose your life. If you walk straight, you will crash on a stone.

Did you know?

The World Wide Web (WWW) or World Wide Web is a global information space based on the physical infrastructure of the Internet and the HTTP data transfer protocol. The World Wide Web is made up of millions of Internet web servers located around the world. Tim Berners-Lee and, to a lesser extent, Robert Cailliau are considered the inventors of the World Wide Web. Tim Berners-Lee is the originator of HTTP, URI/URL and HTML technologies.

Scanwords, crosswords, sudoku, keywords online

Japanese Akita

The wool standard, so to speak, for Japanese Akitas is the presence of dense and thick, but medium-length wool (6-7 cm). At the same time, the fur on the neck and tail is longer; it can reach 10-11 cm.

The cover is erect and consists of guard and needle-like hairs. The undercoat is thick and literally resembles fluff. As for color, representatives of the breed can be white, red with white fragments. A little less often you can find brindle Japanese Akitas (considered rare), as well as red ones with black tips of fur.

Other meanings of this word:

Random riddle:

She sits on white pebbles. Don't come close - he'll scream.

Random joke:

My aunt’s husband has been practicing black magic all his life. Before his death, he tells her: “I’ll die tomorrow, but if I find out that you’re sleeping with another man after my death, I’ll dig myself out of the grave, come to you and strangle you!” Died. The next day, his wife slept with everyone she had time with. They ask her: “Aren’t you afraid?” After all, he will really dig himself out - he will strangle him! - Let him dig! I buried him with his belly down!

Japanese Spitz

A small dog with surprisingly fluffy fur. The breed standard assumes an exclusively white color; other colors, inclusions or blots are considered disqualifying for the breed. The undercoat of the Japanese Spitz is very, very soft, while the outer coat is stiff. The fur stands up and gives the dog an airy appearance.

The distribution of hair over the body of the breed is uneven. There is less hair on the pasterns, ears, and forearms than on other parts of the body. However, in general, Japanese Spitz look quite fluffy.

How to choose a decorative breed?

Such breeds are ideal for living in the city, even in a small apartment, and require minimal experience from the owner. The decision to choose one breed or another should be deliberate - despite its small size, the dog needs good nutrition, walks and even training.

When choosing, you should pay attention to the exterior and behavioral characteristics. For those who care about cleanliness in the house, breeds with hard hair and no pronounced shedding are suitable. If you plan to use your pet as a walking companion, then you should pay attention to active dogs. In addition, small dogs are not very suitable for families with children - they can unknowingly injure the pet during play.

When purchasing a puppy, you should check the pedigree and health of the animal. It is best to contact specialized nurseries, where parents are selected correctly and mating conditions are observed.

Lion dog

Otherwise known as the Shih Tzu, the lion dog has long outer hair as well as a soft undercoat. Most often, the outer hair of a lion dog is straight, but you can find individuals with wavy hair.

On the muzzle and head of the Shih Tzu breed, long and thick hair grows, figuratively speaking, a mane. It is for this reason that the breed in question was nicknamed lion dogs. The following is noteworthy: the fur on the dogs’ faces grows in such a way that it does not in any way affect the vision of the lion dog. In other words, Shih Tzus are literally thick clouds with clear and distinct eyes.


The Sheltie breed is often also called the Shetland Sheepdog. This is due to the dog’s extraordinary resemblance to its “ancestor” (the most common shepherd dog): the breed has a straight back, a graceful curve of the lower back, a deep-set chest and well-arched, tapering ribs.

Shelties are covered with long fur. As the individual grows older, it drops down to the hock joint, and a little less often it can grow even lower. The breed's hips are shrouded in wide pants, and in the neck area the outer hair grows so that it seems as if the Shetland Sheepdog has a real mane.

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