How to train a puppy to wear a diaper: quickly and easily

Photo: A new four-legged friend is not only a joy, but also a huge responsibility. Problems especially begin when an adorable puppy leaves not-so-cute puddles all over the apartment. With cats, this issue is solved with a tray, but what to do with a dog? The same! You just need to accustom the puppy to the diaper so that he does not follow all the rooms. We'll tell you how!

Why accustom your puppy to a diaper or litter box?

It is better not to walk your dog outside until the post-vaccination quarantine is completed.
Otherwise, the puppy may contract a dangerous infection. It is better to allow him to relieve himself at home. If your pet learns to use a diaper or litter box, it will be easier for you to maintain cleanliness. A few New puppy FAQs / The People's Dispensary for Sick Animals weeks after the last vaccination, you will be able to remove your pet from the premises. Please note that until the age of four months, dogs have poor urge control. They will go to the toilet every 2-3 How to Train Your Puppy to Go on Potty Pads / The Spruce Pets hours.

How often should you change a diaper and what else can be used as a toilet?

Disposable diapers are designed to be thrown away immediately, rather than needlessly washed and cleaned. However, for the first 4 months of a dog's life, it is best to leave one dirty with urine. This will help train the puppy, the smell is not as strong as a human scent now and you can tolerate it for a bit. Stool should be removed immediately to avoid coprophagia (eating of feces), which is common in dogs.

With reusable diapers, everything is the same, but the difference is that they need to be washed with hypoallergenic or baby powder. You should have at least four sheets to give them time to dry.

Another option is a dog tray. It looks like a feline, but is often larger and has a column in the middle. Filler is optional. There are even models with imitation lawn grass. For a puppy, it is best to choose a simpler plastic option and put a diaper there for the first time. The most affordable option in an apartment if the dog is small and you are not always going to go outside.

What to do before accustoming your puppy to a diaper or tray

Buy a diaper or tray in advance

There are two types of diapers: disposable and reusable. The bottom layer of the former consists of polyethylene, which does not allow moisture to pass through, the top layer is made of fabric resembling cotton wool. This product is thrown away after several uses. The average cost of a package of 10 pieces is 150 rubles. They are sold in pet stores, pharmacies, supermarkets and online platforms.

Keep in mind: the puppy may start playing and tear the disposable diaper into small pieces. This behavior will have to be stopped.

Reusable diapers also consist of several layers. The upper one is made of fabric that allows moisture to pass through and dries quickly. Next, a fabric is sewn in to absorb and hold a large volume of liquid. The lower part of the product is a waterproof membrane. After several uses, the diaper is washed, so there should be at least one more in stock. Products are sold in pet stores. The cost starts from 250 rubles.

If it is expected that the dog will relieve itself at home all the time, you can buy a tray for the diaper. This is a plastic container with small sides. The bedding is placed under the frame and fixed tightly. There are structures with columns or walls. These are usually taken for males.

Pet stores also sell trays with imitation lawn. As a rule, these are three-level structures. The top tier is artificial realistic grass, the middle tier is a lattice that allows liquid to pass through, the bottom tier is a container where urine accumulates. Such products are thoroughly washed under water.

The dimensions of the diapers and trays depend on how big the puppy is. For example, products measuring approximately 40 × 60 cm are suitable for dwarf breeds, and 60 × 60 or 60 × 80 for medium breeds.

What to buy

  • Disposable absorbent diapers from “Clean Tail”, 30 pcs, 313 rubles →
  • Reusable absorbent diaper from OSSO Fashion, 840 rubles →
  • Toilet with sides and column from Homepet, 1,112 rubles →
  • Toilet with sides from SAVIC, 1,540 rubles →
  • Toilet with imitation lawn from Pet Park Potty Patch, 3,240 rubles →
  • Toilet with a wall from ZooOne, 1,864 rubles →

Stock up on cleaning supplies

The puppy will not immediately learn to hit the diaper accurately. Therefore, it is better to prepare hand gloves, rags or paper towels, and cleaner in advance. The latter should not contain ammonia. This compound is found in animal urine. If you add the substance to the contaminated area, the smell will become even stronger. It is better to stock up on baking soda, vinegar or odor remover.

What to buy

  • Hand gloves from Vileda, 379 rubles →
  • Three viscose cleaning napkins from Celesta, 46 rubles →
  • Spray-eliminator of animal odors Iv San Bernard, 1,200 rubles →

Prepare the house

Remove carpets, shoes, bags and other items from the floor. The dog may confuse them with a diaper or tray. If there is carpet in any of the rooms, it is better to temporarily not let the animal there. Wait until the dog learns to control his urges and relieve himself in the designated area.

We sew on our own

To save a little money, you can try sewing a diaper yourself. Of course, this option will not have the same properties as the store-bought one, but your dog may really like it. We provide a master class with photos on how to sew reusable diapers for dogs with your own hands.

Materials and tools

Reusable diapers usually have as many as four layers. For them we will need:

  • face fabric - linen or cotton fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • viscose;
  • medical lining oilcloth;
  • ruler or meter;
  • scissors;
  • threads, needles;
  • sewing machine;
  • other tools as needed.

Step-by-step instruction

When sewing, we focus on the size of the tray if the litter will be placed in it.

  1. We cut out a piece of padding polyester and viscose of the required size - they will form the inside of our rug, and we baste them together.

    Cut out the layer of viscose and padding polyester

    Let's take note of each other

  2. Now we apply the top, front layer to the padding polyester. This must be done so that there is a small allowance left, which we will wrap around the edges. Baste the fabric.

    Marking the fabric

    Apply the front side

    Leave allowance for fold

    Sew on

  3. At this point you can topstitch all three layers to secure them. You can also stitch the middle for attractiveness, for example, with squares.

  4. Apply oilcloth

    Leave allowance for fold

    Sew all layers

  5. We fasten the last fourth layer of oilcloth from below, also leaving a centimeter of allowance for turning the edge. Place a stitch, securing it, and you're done!

How to accustom a puppy to a diaper or litter box

The training may take some time. The timing depends on the age, breed and individual characteristics of the animal. It is important to be consistent and be patient. Here are some How to Train Your Dog to Use a Pee Pad/Bond Vet tips to help you.

Choose an angle for the diaper or tray

The toilet must be in the same place. Surfaces that are easy to clean work well. For example, tiles, laminate or linoleum. If you have chosen bedding and are afraid that the dog will miss, you can put several pieces next to each other.

The point of the training is to show the dog a specific place in the house to defecate. Therefore, you shouldn’t put a lot of diapers in different rooms. This will confuse the puppy. As a result, the animal will think that the toilet is almost everywhere.

Watch your pet's urges

Most often, puppies want to How to Train Your Puppy to Go on Potty Pads / The Spruce Pets to go to the toilet within 15 minutes of eating, drinking, sleeping and playing. At this time, it is better to be close to the dog to observe its behavior. The dog may begin to fuss, whine, sit down, or sniff the floor. When these signs appear, take the animal to a diaper or to a tray and patiently wait for the right moment.

Reward good behavior

Don't forget to praise your pet if he uses the tray or diaper as intended. You can affectionately say that the puppy is doing well and pet him. Some owners give their dogs treats. This also reinforces the positive reaction.

Features of training different breeds

The training technique is the same for everyone, but sometimes it is necessary to take into account some breed characteristics. The owners will have to master these nuances:

  1. Yorkshire Terriers. Yorkies are initially limited in their free space. Otherwise, training will be greatly delayed. Cover a small enclosure with diapers and equip it with everything you need.
  2. Husky. Puppies of this breed take a long time to learn on their own. They are raised by their mother until they are six months old. With earlier weaning, all worries are assigned to the owner. Breeders recommend accustoming them to newspaper, since otherwise any soft surface will be affected.

What to do if you can’t accustom your puppy to a diaper or litter tray

Gently discourage misbehavior

If you notice that the puppy is relieving itself past the diaper or tray, interrupt the process. For example, softly clap House Training Your Dog or Puppy / American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Try not to scare the animal. After this, take your pet to the place that he should consider the restroom.

Do not shout or poke your dog's nose into a puddle or excrement. Even if you did not find traces of the crime immediately, you are tired or very angry. The dog will not understand why he is being punished. In the worst case, the puppy will be afraid of you and will begin to defecate in hard-to-reach places.

Change the place for diapers or tray

Observe the puppy to see what the problem is. If the dog simply does not have time to get to his toilet, move the litter box or lay out diapers closer to the place where the animal plays, eats or drinks. This method can also work when your pet persistently relieves itself in the same place.

Why did the puppy stop wearing a diaper?

If the breeder has already accustomed the puppies to a diaper, but something went wrong in the new home, this is just stress from the move. The dog needs to get used to it and get used to it in a new place, because it simply gets lost. If you have an old diaper or rag that has already been used to clean up puddles, put them in the place of the future toilet to attract attention!


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1. Choosing an accessory and a place for it 2. Some tips for training a dog to use the litter box 3. Why did the dog stop going to the litter box?

When choosing a dog and planning to purchase it, carefully study its habits, habits and characteristics of the breed. If it is small in size, then it is likely that you will have to train the dog to use the tray. This process is difficult and painstaking, but fundamentally important. With a competent and adequate approach, it will not take much time, and the result will be guaranteed.

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