Proper care for small Yorkshire Terrier dogs

Yorkshire Terrier, York. About the breed.

York, Yorkshire Terrier or Yorkshire Terrier is a small, decorative, long-haired companion dog, which according to the FCI classification belongs to the group of terriers, section of Toy Terriers (2011).
The breed was developed in Yorkshire, England, in the late 19th century. Dimensions.

According to the standard, Yorkie males should reach no more than 23 cm at the withers, and females should be even smaller - up to 20 cm, and weigh, respectively, up to 3.1 and 2.7 kg. Smaller dogs are referred to as mini-Yorks.


The body is strong, compact, balanced. The tail is docked or not, but both are richly decorated with hair. The ears are V-shaped, with sharp tips, and stand straight. The eyes are dark, looking straight ahead, the rim of the eyelids is dark. The claws are black. Scissor bite, teeth straight.

Psyche, character.

York, despite his size, is a smart, active, balanced, courageous and devoted dog, unless, of course, we spoiled him with our upbringing, or some life circumstances did not leave imprints on his gentle psyche.


This is the pride of all Yorkies! According to standards, a dog's coat should be long, flowing, especially on the head and muzzle, completely straight, thin, silky and shiny, and have no undercoat. The parting goes from the nose along the back to the tail. It resembles human hair - it constantly grows and does not shed.

The coat color, again according to the standard, is a rich golden-red-brown color on the head, up to the occipital protuberance, on the chest, paws, and along the body - dark steel color to the base of the tail.

Breed standards are of course important, no one argues, especially for show or breed-class dogs that show off at shows to participate in breeding. Their fur is strictly monitored, protected, not cut, but carefully wrapped in curlers so that it does not get damaged.

But we will not love our pet less if the color or structure of its coat is somewhat out of the standard. They are undoubtedly Yorkies, only the pet class - pets, i.e. especially favorite)

Yorkies are one of the most common dog breeds in Russia and Moscow, in particular.

Currently, there are varieties of Yorkshire terriers (photo at the top of the page) differing in coat color and size, for example, mini Yorkie (dog weight less than 2 kg), Biewer Yorkie (3-color Yorkies), St. Petersburg Orchid is also very similar to the Yorkshire terrier and size and type of coat, however, the hairstyle of these dogs is strictly individual - something between a spaniel's hairstyle and an Asian haircut style. We also have a Russian salon dog or “Rusalka” with a red coat color. There are two-color Yorkies and golden and brown (chocolate) colors.

Where can I get my Yorkie cut in a salon or at home?

You can ask the salon for help. Of course, your pet will be given a good haircut there, but you need to pay attention to the fact that Yorkies are nimble and nervous animals. It is very difficult for them to remain calm in an unfamiliar environment. And another very important point is that the hair of this breed grows quite quickly, so haircuts must be done quite often. Now there are specialists who can come to your home at a time convenient for you and give a high-quality haircut. It's more convenient. Such services are provided by ours.

How to cut a dog's hair at home?

In most cases, experienced breeders groom their dogs themselves. The only exception is the period before exhibitions, when the dog needs to be tidied up and given a really beautiful haircut.

How to cut a dog's hair at home:

  • Special scissors with sharp blades
  • Pukhoderka
  • Metal comb with fine teeth
  • Soft massage comb
  • Typewriter
  • If necessary, wedge cutter

All these devices can be purchased at a pet store. Of course, the initial cost of such a set will be equal to approximately one haircut in a dog salon, but over time such an acquisition will justify itself.

Haircut geometry

How does the classic Yorkie haircut differ from other types of haircuts for dogs of this breed?

The classic haircut is intended for show dogs. The animal's coat should be long and shiny. With the apparent ease of such a haircut, you can’t do without a hairdresser. It is quite difficult to trim growing fur beautifully. One wrong move with the scissors and the hairstyle will be ruined. Other haircuts for your beloved dog can be of any type and color. Usually the neck, as well as the body, is cut very short, but sometimes part of the hair is left and braids are made from it. The hair on the head and paws is cut differently. Hairstyles come out in a variety of different ways.

How to cut a dog's hair with scissors at home?

If you plan to cut your hair using scissors, since you don’t have a clipper, then you need to follow exactly the same rules.

How to cut a dog's hair with scissors at home:

  • The haircut begins from the back and sides, gradually moving to the abdomen and muzzle.
  • It is necessary to grab strands of wool, pulling them through the comb, grabbing them with your fingers.
  • Try to measure the same distance from your fingers to the tips of the hairs.
  • In the area of ​​the anus, as well as the paws, the hair is trimmed almost completely, leaving up to 1 cm.
  • The situation is exactly the same with the eyes; it is necessary to direct the blade of the scissors away from the eyes.

Haircut scheme

The appropriate haircut for Yorkies often depends on the size of the dog and the owner's preferences.

Yorkie classification by weight:

• standard – from 2kg to 3kg; • super-mini – up to 2 kg; • mini – 1.5 kg.

Large dogs are usually given a classic haircut, although this is not necessary. Owners usually cut their dogs this way because they take them to shows. Smaller dogs, which can be seen in the arms of very famous or simply famous people, can be seen with the most unusual types of haircuts. They are typical for both Yorkies and other breeds, for example: Chinese Crested or Spitz. Dogs can have the most fantastic appearance, and at the same time look healthy and happy, being next to their owner. The smaller the animal, the less fur is usually left behind.

How to trim an aggressive dog's hair at home?

There are several tips that will help you trim a dog, even of an aggressive nature, without loss or problems. Under no circumstances should you do this by force or force the dog. What can be done? You need to try to calmly explain that he needs a haircut.

How to trim an aggressive dog's hair at home:

  • As soon as the dog begins to growl or get angry when tools or clippers touch him, you need to lightly press on the withers and, as it were, press him to the bottom, continue cutting.
  • This way, the dog will understand that you are in charge here. Under no circumstances should you finish the haircut on the dog’s initiative, so the dog will understand that dissatisfaction, grinning or aggression towards the owner will not stop the owner’s work. Accordingly, the leader in this process is the owner and only when he wants will the haircut be completed. Very aggressive dogs are muzzled during grooming.
  • If the dog resists strongly, ask one of your close relatives to help you. Under no circumstances should this be a stranger, but an exclusively well-known person for the dog.


Popular haircut for Yorkies

Often the price of a Yorkie haircut in Moscow can be quite high. In the cabin it may even be too heavy to lift. It is better to call a specialist to your home. You can do this with us. Our prices are quite reasonable. To do this, you just need to call the phone number to order. We perform haircuts of any complexity, for example, a chinchilla-style Yorkie cut. She is popular among Yorkie owners. It is important to know that the length of the coat for this haircut must be more than 13 mm. Your dog will look good and well-groomed. The fur will continue to grow in beautiful waves, and the chinchilla pattern will delight you.

Is it difficult to change one model haircut for another?

Sometimes it’s quite difficult to find out how much a Yorkie’s haircut costs, as it can depend on many factors:

• how long ago the previous haircut was done; • what type of haircut the dog currently has; • dog size; • for an exhibition or everyday haircut.

It is quite difficult to change one haircut model to another. If your dog had a Korean haircut, then you need to wait quite a long time to replace it with a new one. This is due to the fact that the fur is cut very short and for another haircut you need to wait until it grows back. Any other features of old haircuts may be obstacles to creating new ones. A specialist will tell you when you can change one hairstyle to another and how the price of a Yorkie haircut will depend on this or on any other factors.

It would be better if complex haircuts were maintained throughout the life of the animal, but this depends only on the desire of the owner. Today there is one haircut, and tomorrow the haircut of Yorkshire terriers is Bagrationovsky. The variety of hairstyles for the Yorkshire Terrier breed is another advantage.

Yorkie's first haircuts

Sometimes you want your dog to be your sweet, beloved puppy for a long time, that's when a puppy cut for your Yorkie comes in handy. This fluffy little bundle will melt any heart. In general, when do Yorkies start getting their hair cut? Opinions differ on this matter. Their dark fluffy and soft coat can be trimmed at 3 months. If the dog is very small in size and weight, then it is preferable to start cutting + for a Yorkie puppy 4-5 months old. Once you get used to it, your little pet will be able to handle the puppy-style Yorkshire Terrier haircut well. People often ask the question: how much does it cost to trim a Yorkie? They are looking for an answer to this question on the Internet. Next to this question, another arises: where to cut a Yorkie’s hair in Moscow?

How to trim a large dog's hair at home?

You need to take a coarse, fine-toothed comb and comb your dog. Next, you need to take a slicker brush and completely remove any down that sticks out or gets in the way. Next you need to use a tangle cutter to cut off the resulting clumps of wool that have become tangled.

How to trim a large dog at home:

  • After these procedures, it is imperative to wash the dog. No matter how clean the dog is, very often after a walk dust particles, songs, particles of earth and leaves remain on its fur. All these small mechanical particles can cause the machine to break down and make the scissors dull.
  • It is best to wash your dog with anti-matt shampoo. It usually contains special components, oil and balm, which make hair slippery and more manageable. This prevents the formation of tangles.
  • After this, you need to dry the dog's fur. The best way to do this is with a hairdryer. If the dog is not afraid of the machine, most often it will not react to the hair dryer either. After all, the noise is approximately the same. If your dog is worried, rub it with a towel and wait until the fur is completely dry. Once it's dry, be sure to brush the strands with a fine-toothed brush to even out the fur. After that, start cutting.

Before and after

Haircut for a dog's face

Grooming a Yorkie's muzzle requires special patience from a specialist. The dog is very nimble, and therefore it is very difficult to cut its bangs or chin. Haircut styles suggest different lengths of hair on the animal's face. Our craftsmen skillfully trim off excess hair from the animal's face, taking great care not to disturb it. Their tools are high quality and always clean. Depending on the type of Yorkie haircut, the cost may be more or less. Nowadays it’s easy to cut a Yorkie’s hair in Moscow, there are plenty of offers on the Internet and in newspapers, but it’s better to contact trusted specialists. A high-quality haircut for Yorkie dogs will save you time and your nerves.

What haircuts are possible for Yorkie boys?

In addition to the standard haircut intended for show dogs, such haircuts are often done for Yorkie boys, when the paws are cut in the form of flares or peculiar pants are made. The muzzle is cut shorter than that of Yorkie girls. The Yorkshire Terrier breed is very popular, which is why there is such a frequent request on the Internet: Yorkie haircut in Moscow. The haircut of a Yorkie boy's head can have various configurations, according to the owner's wishes. Our masters will cope with any wishes. As you know, Yorkies come in different colors, from yellow-brown to black. All of them fit well into the breed standards. Black Yorkie haircuts are no different from haircuts for dogs of other colors. You can find cheap Yorkie haircuts in the Prospekt Vernadsky metro station. Some are attracted by the low price, others by the quality. Excellent Yorkshire Terrier grooming price depends on the complexity of the work.

Grooming and its importance for the Yorkshire Terrier breed

Grooming includes many procedures - this includes trimming the Yorkie's muzzle, trimming the entire dog, trimming nails, trimming and cleaning the ears, and hygiene care. The unique grooming of the Yorkshire Terrier is the creation of a standard image of the animal. The standard appearance involves a long, flowing, silky coat. An important part of grooming is caring for the ears. Yorkie ears are often trimmed to give them the appearance that is characteristic of the breed. Although increasingly, Yorkie grooming, intended for everyday use, is increasingly becoming part of our lives. A beautiful Yorkshire Terrier haircut is inexpensive. Our company provides discounts. Grooming is very important for the health of this little dog, it keeps him fit and healthy.

Variety of haircut models

It could be a Japanese-style Yorkie haircut, or something in the anime style. Any other style is also welcome. They often order a service such as a comprehensive Yorkie haircut, which includes trimming the dog’s body, proper ear trimming, and a hygienic haircut. Whatever the haircut of Yorkshire Terrier dogs, it should always be beneficial for the dog itself. She must feel comfortable, then she will be cheerful.

A very interesting Asian Yorkie haircut. They also do it very willingly. There are a huge variety of haircuts. The main thing is to accustom your pet to grooming from a very early age. It is useful when grooming a Yorkie puppy not to distract him with extraneous sounds. This is a guarantee that he will focus on cutting. It is important to keep your Yorkie's paws trimmed regularly, which also helps to care for their claws and see if they are growing properly. This is a significant part of caring for a Yorkie, grooming a Yorkie. That is, we have already found out that you can cut your Yorkie’s hair inexpensively. So, the cost of cutting a Yorkie in Moscow will depend on the complexity of the work.

The question: how much does it cost to groom a Yorkshire Terrier? Price is often asked by people who have only recently acquired a pet. Another question: where to cut your Yorkie’s hair is also no less important. People are starting to look for a good hairdresser to cut their Yorkie's hair. In the cold season, the third question arises: is Yorkie grooming necessary for the winter or not, and if necessary, what kind. A sore point: the cost of grooming a Yorkshire Terrier. I want the price and quality to be acceptable. And at the same time, so that the York Terrier's haircut is original and beautiful.

When to start?

The question of when scissors first touch a puppy's fur is quite important. If you do this too early, you can harm the animal, but you shouldn’t delay the necessary procedures.

Due to the nature of their coat, Yorkshire Terriers are trimmed much more regularly throughout their lives than other breeds. On average, scissors and trimmers touch them once a month, and sometimes much more often. Therefore, it is very important to begin accustoming the puppy from the first weeks to the sounds and sensations that accompany grooming procedures.

A Yorkie should not be afraid or dislike the haircut. This will complicate life for him and future owners and reduce the possibilities for creating styling and hairstyles. That is why the puppy is introduced to the tools and the sensations of the process from the first weeks of life.

Most often, the schedule for the first care procedures is as follows:

  • At five days the claws are trimmed for the first time.
  • At 3 weeks, the ears are shaved for the first time, removing the hair to the middle of the auricle.
  • At one and a half months, excess hair in the groin is removed.
  • The first full hygienic haircut is done before moving to a new home. Most often at 3-3.5 months.
  • You can start doing model hairstyles from 5 months.

In addition, the animal is introduced to the sounds of a running machine and hair dryer, clicking scissors in advance, allowing it to get used to and realize that no danger comes from them.

Yorkie ear grooming

As they say, cutting and caring for the ears is very important for this breed. They must stand straight according to the standards. Sometimes this is difficult to achieve due to medical reasons. The dog has weak muscles. Often the ears are bandaged for a short period of time. It is very important to cut the fur on time so that they do not put pressure on them either. Basically, Yorkshire terriers' ears are trimmed on a portion of each ear, in the form of triangles. The correct haircut of a Yorkie at the right angle, namely, the ears should be cut in the direction of hair growth. After cutting the ears, they start cutting the dog's head; the short haircut of the Yorkie's head is very popular. This is especially true for puppies. It is important for them that grooming a Yorkie puppy for 4 months helps them develop well.

At what age can a Yorkie be cut?

A Yorkie's first grooming usually occurs at three months of age. However, there is one caveat. You can take your dog to a specialist only after 10 days have passed since the basic vaccinations. You can't cut your puppy's hair with a clipper for the first time. The baby may be frightened by unusual sounds and unusual surroundings.

In addition, his fur has not yet formed, like that of an adult dog. Therefore, the master does only hygienic treatment with scissors. Further, Yorkies can be cut at any age at the owner's request.

For your information. A hygienic puppy grooming is necessary. If this is not done, the hair in the groin and ear area may grow, which will cause discomfort to the pet.

Master class on caring for a Yorkie

The basis for proper care of a Yorkie is a Yorkie grooming master class. Our specialists master all aspects of grooming this breed of dog. Their ability to do a variety of haircuts allows them to tailor the haircut to your liking. This could be haircuts such as the winter Yorkie haircut. Their qualifications allow them to groom your dog from an early age, so they can give your Yorkie his very first haircut.

Those who love dogs with a shorter muzzle will like the baby-face Yorkie haircut. Sometimes, a difficult mini Yorkie haircut is done by our hairdressers with success. It's good when the Yorkshire Terrier's mini haircut looks great. Masterfully crafted haircuts for mini Yorkie boys always attract a lot of attention from others. Prices may vary, Yorkie haircut is inexpensive up to 1000 rubles and more.

So how much does it cost to trim a Yorkshire Terrier? The price often depends not only on the complexity of the work, but also where it was done: in a salon or by a specialist at home. Whether it’s a Yorkie cascade haircut or some other, it’s important to find a good specialist. Such a master will do with equal skill a simple haircut, like a regular short York haircut, and a more difficult one. Our company provides good discounts, we go to clients within an hour. Contact us and you will be guaranteed a cheap, but at the same time high-quality, Yorkie haircut. A bright and sophisticated Japanese Yorkie haircut will make your dog stylish and fashionable. How much a Yorkshire Terrier haircut costs will depend not only on us, but also on you. We have low prices, we meet your wishes halfway, everything can be negotiated. Our groomers will select haircuts for a girl's Yorkshire Terrier if you can't decide. It is advisable to meet with a specialist as early as possible so that grooming your Yorkshire Terrier puppy is an easy procedure.

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