Description of the Yorkshire Terrier mini breed: pet’s character traits and reviews from owners

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the most popular small breeds in the world.

Currently, there are many varieties of it, one of which is the mini Yorkie.

These dogs, distinguished by their tiny size and almost toy-like appearance, are nevertheless real terriers: active, courageous and persistent.

These are cute and loyal pets, but their small size requires especially careful and caring treatment.

Origin story

All Yorkshire Terriers, including their miniature variety, trace their history back to dogs bred in the north of England, in the county of Yorkshire.

Their original purpose was to exterminate rats and mice, which infested all of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries and became a real scourge of both farmers and city dwellers..

Modern Yorkshires were the result of crossing several terrier breeds, including a special long-haired variety of the black and tan Manchester terrier and Scottish terriers.

Some researchers believe that Maltese dogs also contributed to the origin of the modern Yorkie breed..

Such a variety of breeds used in the breeding of Yorkies could not but lead to the fact that puppies of various sizes appeared in the litters, including very small ones - those that are today considered a miniature difference of this breed.

Mini Yorkies have never been an artificially bred breed: they have always appeared and continue to be born from standard dogs.

Interesting Facts

  1. The Mini Yorkie girl is registered in the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest dog in history. Silvia weighs only 113 grams with a height of 6.35 cm at the withers.
  2. From these dogs a new breed emerged - the Yorkshire Terrier Biewer. It differs from the standard Yorkie in its white wavy strands.
  3. Mini Terrier is the first dog to become a doctor. During World War II, Smokey the dog helped in hospitals and entertained soldiers.
  4. All individuals of the breed have a feature - reverse sneezing. The process sounds like lung spasms, but in reality this is how doggies clear their noses of dust, pollen, and debris.
  5. Yorkie puppies sleep most of the day (90%).

Description of the pet's character

Like other Yorkshire dogs, Mini Yorkies are cheerful, active and lively dogs.

They are distinguished by their friendly and affectionate character , devoted, loyal to other pets and very fond of children .

Due to the fact that these dogs are smart and quick-witted, they are easy and enjoyable to train.

However, these dogs do not tolerate loneliness very well, so that they need either constant attention from the owner, or in the company of other dogs, preferably Yorkies.

In addition, when walking, mini Yorkshire dogs tend to bark at other, much larger dogs, which can also pose a problem for their owner.

If raised incorrectly, a Mini Yorkie can grow up to be hysterical, aggressive towards strangers and animals and stubborn.

To avoid this, you need to treat the dog as a living being, and not as a toy: in particular, socialize and train it in a timely manner.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

“The Mini Yorkie is no different in character from its slightly larger standard relatives. He is as brave, tireless and curious as they are. However, people who want to breed with their Mini Yorkie need to remember that these dogs are too small to bear puppies and give birth. It is also necessary to handle the Miniature Yorkie very carefully, regardless of its gender, and closely monitor its health.”

Owner reviews

Our Yorkie is a source of good mood. The dog loves all members of the household, but especially me as the owner. Jack is very affectionate and lively.

The Yorkshire Terrier is a sweet and easy to train breed. Doesn't shed at all. And these dogs can have absolutely any hairstyle. I have three Yorkies living with me, they are always together, like a friendly team.

I have dreamed of a Yorkshire terrier since childhood. And now the dream has come true. Caring for Katie is a real pleasure. The dog is friendly, loves to play, and it doesn’t matter even with whom, even with a turtle. I advise everyone to get pets like Yorkies.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Friendly, balanced and very devoted animals to their owners.
  • They are smart and easy to train.
  • They are easier than even a standard Yorkie to train to a litter tray or diaper.
  • They get along well with people of all ages, including children.
  • Non-aggressive towards other animals kept in the house.
  • So small that they can easily fit into even the smallest apartment.
  • They don't shed or leave fur everywhere.
  • You can take a Mini Yorkie with you on vacation or travel, even on shopping trips, if dogs are allowed there.
  • Unpretentious in food, unless you pamper him.

Despite its tiny size, a mini Yorkie is quite capable of standing up for its owner or his property..

These tiny dogs can scare away a thief with their loud bark, making them good watchmen.


  • Caring for the coat of any Yorkie, including mini ones, is a difficult and quite expensive task.
  • Miniature Yorkies have a fragile build and require careful handling.
  • It is not recommended to take Mini Yorkies into families where there are very young children or very elderly, visually impaired and hard of hearing people, as they can inadvertently cause harm to the dog.
  • Miniature Yorkies need high-quality, nutritious food, and the amount of food for them will have to be calculated almost to the gram.
  • Despite its dwarf size, the Mini Yorkie needs proper training, without which he will grow up to be a capricious and aggressive dog.
  • Like all non-standard varieties of the breed, Mini Yorkshires cannot take part in exhibitions, and only males can participate in breeding.

Choosing a puppy

As already mentioned, in Russia today there are many kennels and clubs where you can buy mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies. Moscow and St. Petersburg today lead in the number of offers of Mini Yorkies from the parents of international and Russian champions with a pedigree longer than most English Lords. Accordingly, the price for such dogs will be more than high. If you are buying a puppy as a pet and companion and do not plan to participate in exhibition activities with it, you should take a closer look at the offers in your city or region.

So, you have decided to get a mini Yorkshire Terrier dog. How to choose it? We'll tell you. First of all, you need to collect information about the origin of all animals for sale. The breeder must provide a pedigree of the dog confirming its purebred, or provide you with complete information about the puppy’s parents, showing all available certificates and diplomas confirming the declared ranks and titles. It is advisable to see adult dogs, since as the puppy grows up, it will become more and more like them. After communicating with the seller, if everything suits you, you can choose a pet. What should you pay special attention to?

  1. First of all, study the appearance of the animal you like. If the puppy himself is smaller than his brothers or his limbs are more miniature, then he will most likely grow up to be more fragile and small.
  2. The dog's nose should be cold and moist, without any plaque or rim around the edge. If the puppy is not yet two months old, then his ears will not stand up, since in Yorkies and other terriers they rise at 2-2.5 months. Examine the ears: there is no discharge, scratches or scratches, as well as an unpleasant odor.
  3. Look and evaluate the correctness of the bite, it should be a “scissors” type. If you are not good at this, then invite an experienced dog handler or dog breeder with experience.
  4. Small Yorkies should be quite strong, with a close-fitting and shiny coat. Damages, scratches and scratches on the puppy’s body are not allowed. The fur near the anus should be clean, which indirectly confirms that the dog is not infected with helminths.
  5. Observe the behavior of the kids. Mini Yorkshire Terrier puppies that sit on the sidelines and do not play with others may have health problems and should not be purchased. If you are purchasing a pet for yourself, then it is better to take a closer look at the ringleaders and leaders who dominate others. Just remember that such leaders will have to be taught discipline and make efforts to educate and train. Shy and willing to obey the leader, puppies will be able to get along well with older people.

That's all you need to know about the Mini Yorkshire Terrier breed. We figured out how to choose a pet. After you have selected a puppy and paid for it, the owner of the kennel must provide you with written recommendations on feeding, raising, maintenance and care.

Dimensions, weight and other distinctive features

The height of mini Yorkies is not regulated by the standard, nor is their weight.


Among breeders, it is customary to call dogs whose weight ranges from 1.6 to 2.2 kg mini Yorkies.

Dogs whose weight is 1.5 kg or less are classified as so-called super-mini or micro Yorkies .

Mini Yorkies are distinguished by long and silky hair, which, if the dog is not cut, grows to the floor.

The Mini Yorkie has a compact body, a gracefully curved but not too long neck and a small head with an elongated muzzle. The look of a miniature Yorkie with a standard skull shape expresses the alertness and high intelligence inherent in this breed.

And the widely spaced, convex and rather large eyes of Mini Yorkies with a baby-face head type give them a curious and surprised expression..

Mini Yorkies' ears are erect and triangular in shape.

The tail is of natural length, not docked, covered with long hair, forming a kind of plume.

The limbs are straight and even, the paws are small and round in shape, and the claws are dark.

From whom did they come?

There is no exact documentary information about which specific breeds of British terriers made their genetic contribution to the appearance of the mini Yorkshire terrier dog. Scientists have only been able to establish that the ancestors of Yorkies were the extinct breeds of Paisley, Clydesdale and Black and Tan Toy Terrier. The Maltese was inherited with excellent long hair, and the Skye Terrier was inherited with an unusually beautiful steel-blue color. Having looked at the paintings of painters of the late 18th – early 19th centuries, you can see that the exterior of Yorkies of that time is quite similar to the familiar appearance of modern representatives of this breed.

Popular colors

The most popular color of Mini Yorkies is considered steel-gray with reddish-red, characteristic of the standard variety of the breed (shown in the photo).

With this color, the body from the withers to the tail is painted steel gray. The head and paws are brownish-red, and the chest is golden or ash-colored.

The boundaries of these colors must be clear; the inclusion of hairs of other colors in places not provided for by the standard is a serious drawback.

There are mini Yorkies with colors characteristic of Biewer Yorkies and Biro Yorkies : that is, black or brown spots with reddish tan on a white background .

Miniature Yorkies can also be chocolate or fawn in color. But, considering that there are not too many standard-sized Yorkies with this color yet, mini Yorkies of these colors are extremely rare.


The average lifespan of a mini Yorkie is 8-9 years, and a super mini is 3-4 years .

However, how many years a mini Yorkie will live directly depends on the conditions of its maintenance, care and diet.

Diseases of Mini Yorkshire Terriers

Mini Yorkies are predisposed to the following ailments:

  • Ear diseases.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity and constant formation of tartar.
  • Irregular growth of teeth or delayed replacement of baby teeth with permanent ones.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Injuries.
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Obesity.


In Mini Yorkies, all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, which is why diseases occur rapidly.

And due to reduced general immunity, they are more susceptible to infections than their standard relatives.

Care and maintenance

You can only keep a mini Yorkie in a house or apartment, and you need to make sure that the pet does not freeze or catch a cold in drafts.

During the cold season, it is necessary to put clothes on it, since the Yorkie's coat is devoid of undercoat.

The coat should be brushed daily to avoid tangling.

It is not recommended to bathe your Yorkie too often, as this negatively affects the condition of its hair . When bathing, it is best to use special detergents designed specifically for Yorkies.

Ears and eyes should be examined daily, but cleaned as needed - in case of contamination or discharge from them.

Claws are also trimmed with a nail clipper as needed, but not more often than 2 times a month.

Yorkie's teeth require special attention . They need to be cleaned periodically using a special toothbrush and toothpaste for dogs, or by giving your pet toys designed for this purpose.

Due to the fact that caring for a Yorkie's coat is a very labor-intensive and expensive task, experts recommend cutting short hair for dogs of this breed and renewing the haircut every 2-3 months..


An adult dog's diet should include 25% fruits and vegetables, 25% cereal and 50% meat. It is necessary to feed only fresh food of good quality. It is not recommended to give ready-made dog food and homemade food at the same time; the interval between such feedings should be at least 3 hours.

Food products:

  • beef;
  • chicken egg omelette;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • liver;
  • fish (once every 7 days);
  • cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat);
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • banana;
  • apple.

Important! Make sure that your pet does not overeat and does not consume unhealthy foods or sweets.

What is the difference between Mini Yorkies and the breed standard?

The external difference between mini and standard is only in size. But there are much more differences related to conditions of detention :

  • Mini Yorkies have very fragile bones, so you need to make sure that he does not jump from heights, jump over high curbs in the street or rush around rooms.
  • It is not recommended for people with small children to have a mini one.
  • Mini Yorkie girls cannot be bred.
  • In Mini Yorkies, the fontanel on the crown of the head sometimes does not heal, which makes them even more fragile and vulnerable.
  • Minis get sick more often and live shorter lives than the standard variety of the breed.

The main difference is that standard Yorkies do not need constant care and that they are stronger and more durable than mini ones..

A person who decides to take a miniature Yorkie into their home must understand that careless handling of these dogs is unacceptable, and that they need to be extremely careful and careful.

Man's best friend

The Yorkshire Mini Terrier is a wonderful pet. He will not only become a family friend, will respond and resort to his name, but will also faithfully serve the people who love him all his life. These dogs are often bought by older people as a companion because they always cheer them up and brighten up their loneliness.

You need to try to devote a lot of time to your mini friend, play with him, go for walks - and then he will always be healthy.

Nutrition is also an important aspect of proper care. There is no need to purchase cheap and dubious food and canned food. This can only harm your pet.

Proper feeding

Experienced breeders recommend feeding Mini Yorkies exclusively with super-premium and holistic food intended for small dogs, ideally for Yorkshire terriers.

It is these foods that will provide the dog with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, and will relieve the owner of the need to carefully calculate the energy value of foods.

If you decide to feed your pet natural food, then you need to remember that the Yorkie’s diet should consist mainly of protein products.

It is better to give the meat with veins, after cutting it into small pieces.


Fermented milk products whose fat content does not exceed 3.5% are beneficial for dogs: kefir, natural yogurt, low-fat fermented baked milk, yogurt.

Your dog should also be given low-fat cottage cheese - preferably 5% fat.

Seasonal vegetables and fruits, as well as herbs, will be a healthy and tasty addition to the diet of a mini Yorkie..

But it’s better not to give exotic fruits other than bananas: allergies may develop.

It is also recommended that when feeding the dog naturally, it is recommended to give the dog supplements that replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals in its body.


Vaccinations for dogs are given according to the following schedule:

VaccinationAge in months
From hepatitis and enteritis1,5
From the plague2
Repeat vaccinations3
Revaccination (after changing teeth)6
For rabies8

2-3 weeks before vaccination, the puppy must be rid of worms. Adults are dewormed every six months. You also need to promptly treat your Yorkie's fur against fleas and ticks.

So that the owner knows what the normal body weight of his pet should be, veterinarians have developed a table of average weight by month.

This is interesting: 10 best holistic foods for small breed dogs

Yorkies have a very sensitive digestive system. In order for your dog to always be healthy and in a good mood, you need to choose a balanced diet for him.

Allowed products for Yorkies:

  • boiled meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef);
  • offal (udder, heart, lungs, liver, offal);
  • lean sea fish;
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, millet);
  • dairy products;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini);
  • greenery;
  • eggs.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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The Yorkshire Terrier's diet should consist of 50% protein foods, 25% carbohydrates and vegetables.

Prohibited foods for Yorkies:

  • sweets;
  • salt and spices;
  • bread, pasta;
  • fatty meat, fish;
  • bones;
  • onions and green onions;
  • mushrooms;
  • sausages;
  • milk.

The volume of the dog's portions should be proportional to the energy expended. You cannot make your pet become obese or overfeed your Yorkie. It is also worth paying attention to the terrier's nutritional discipline. As for food, the following brands are popular: Orijen, Purina Pro Plan, Mera Dog, Hills's, Acana, ROYAL CANIN.

How to choose?

Despite the fact that the Mini Yorkie is outside the breed standard, it is best to buy a puppy from a kennel or from a reliable breeder.

The main thing you should focus on when choosing a puppy is its health and temperament . A healthy Yorkie baby is active and playful, but not aggressive: he willingly plays with littermates and shows keen interest and curiosity in people.

The puppy must be well-fed and well-groomed: with clean fur, shiny eyes and healthy skin.

His nose and ears are also clean, with no signs of discharge. Since mini Yorkies are sold at least 3-4 months old, the puppy’s ears should ideally already be erect.

When choosing a puppy, it is also recommended to pay attention to how well-groomed and healthy its parents and other dogs living in the kennel look, as well as the conditions in which the animals are kept there.

Selection rules

A healthy Yorkie puppy should have:

  • dark-colored wool with a golden tint;
  • gums and tongue pale pink;
  • correct bite, straight teeth;
  • smooth abdomen, without abrasions and dermatitis;
  • breathing without wheezing or whistling;
  • paws are straight, without bulges.

If there is a lump in the terrier's abdominal area, this indicates an inguinal hernia. Bloating indicates digestive problems or the presence of worms.

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