Yorkshire terrier dog. Description, features, types, care and price of the breed

The Yorkshire Terrier is one of the smallest decorative dogs. Its homeland is considered to be the county of Yorkshire, located in the northern part of England. Now this is the most popular breed among lap dogs. The size of the Yorkshire Terrier is so small that there are no limiting criteria for its minimum height and weight. The main condition of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) standard is that the dog should not weigh more than 3.2 kilograms.

Cutie Yorkie

Description and features

The homeland of this small but very cute dog is England, or rather one of its counties - Yorkshire. It is known for sure that it was born as a result of crossing several varieties of the Maltese, as well as miniature pinschers.

According to local legend, the dog’s ancestors were formidable rat-catchers, distinguished by their courage and bloodthirstiness. But is it true? Looking at a modern representative of the Yorkshire Terrier breed , it is difficult to believe that his ancestor was a dog with such a set of qualities. But we still will not completely reject this version.

Rodents have always annoyed people, so they fought them in all ways, and training small, nimble dogs was, perhaps, the best of them. One way or another, most of the dogs from the group under consideration have proven themselves to be friendly and not at all evil. So it’s difficult to believe that they were once aggressive towards rats and mice.

Yorkies are a very cheerful and good-natured breed.

The representative of the breed is of a decorative nature. He is not a security guard, and certainly not a bodyguard. The doggie represents an affectionate friend and companion. He is able to cheer up anyone, even a very sad person. In return, he will require tenderness and love. Very sensitive and vulnerable.

Interesting fact! We should thank the English sailors who took them on board with them for the wide distribution of Yorkies around the world. The Europeans and then the Americans liked the animals so much that they wanted to buy them. After this, breeders from around the world began to breed these dogs.

The first representative of the breed entered Russia only at the end of the 20th century. So Yorkies have been bred here relatively recently. At first, they were owned only by celebrities, which is why the dogs acquired great prestige, but nowadays they are adopted by people of different social status and income.

Most members of families who have such a pet consider it unique and almost ideal. This is understandable, because he has a huge number of positive qualities. It is suitable for an experienced hunter, an elderly person, a socialite and even a child.

It can serve as a companion, a home “toy”, a comforter-psychologist and just a loyal friend. The dog tolerates changes of environment well and is easy to carry. Thanks to this, you can take it with you anywhere, even on a sea holiday. The main thing is not to leave her alone for a long time.

Yorkshire Terrier haircuts

The fur of these dogs is often compared to human hair. But the similarity lies not in the structure of the hairs, but in the fact that wool grows, like hair, constantly and falls out only when combed or damaged. Yorkies have no undercoat, which means there is no shedding period. On the one hand, this is great, as it becomes a solution for people with allergies to animal fur. In addition, the pet will not leave fur everywhere in the apartment, on carpets and sofas, which means there will be less cleaning.

But on the other hand, this imposes certain responsibilities on the owners. Yorkies, unlike most other dogs, need to be trimmed, and do it regularly. Only dogs that participate in exhibitions are not cut. Their body turns out to be completely overgrown with fur, from head to toe. It flows down the body in soft cascades all the way to the floor, and the longest “curls” grow, as expected, on the head.

For most Yorkie owners, such beauty is not necessary. If a dog is bought simply as a pet with no claims to a show future, it needs to be trimmed. They do this once every two to three months. Haircuts are chosen at the discretion of the owner. Typically, less fur is left on the body, while funny “cheeks” are cut off on the face, and bangs are left on the head, which are tied into a cute ponytail.


Breed standard

The Yorkshire Terrier dog is a miniature dog. The standard weight of an adult male is 3 kg, and an adult female is 2.5 kg. Error – 100-200 grams. The height at the withers of the first is up to 24 cm, and the second is up to 21 cm. The dog’s physique is proportional. He has a rectangular body, a well-defined lower back, and a flat belly without sagging.

The limbs are small. At the tips of the legs there are black and very soft pads. The claws are sharp and dark. Like all terriers, Yorkies are nimble and fast. They are able to run more than 5 km without getting tired at all. Their tail is set high. It is very thin and stays straight.

Shouldn't be wrapped in a ring! Usually, in the first week of birth, a representative of the breed has his tail docked in half. However, individuals who do not have a pedigree, that is, who will not participate in dog competitions, do not need to undergo such an operation.

The animal has a small head, flattened at the tip. The transition from forehead to mouth is well defined. The skull is rounded. The eyes are large, with a black, less often brown, iris. Eyelashes are very short. The nose is large and dark. The nostrils are wide. The ears are triangular, medium in length. They are in a standing position. A drooping or bent ear is considered a defect.

The main feature of the dog is its hypoallergenic coat. It does not have an unpleasant odor and is easy to clean and comb. The structure of the Yorkie's fur is soft and smooth. Interestingly, puppies are born with curly fur.

They somewhat resemble little sheep. After the first haircut, their coat straightens and then grows evenly. The most popular dog color is golden-silver or red-blue. It is important that the animal's fur shines in the sun.

How to choose?

It is better to purchase a puppy from a specialized nursery from trusted breeders.

You should pay attention to the following signs:

  • limbs should be straight and the back flat;
  • the coat and skin are clean, there are no bald spots or bald spots;
  • nose, eyes, nose and ears without damage or inflammation;
  • each jaw has 6 teeth, scissor bite;
  • the inside of the ears is pale pink;
  • breathing is smooth and free, no wheezing or whistling can be heard;
  • movements are confident and coordinated.

A healthy puppy should be active and inquisitive.


The standard type of Yorkshire Terrier was discussed above. Experts also identify less popular varieties, such as the Biewer Yorkie. It was developed by the Germans in the 80s. It is distinguished by larger dimensions, an elongated neck and a different coat color.

Biewer fur 3-color. There are black, white and light brown hairs on its body. There may be golden veins on the muzzle. A representative of this breed is distinguished by stronger bones and a developed musculoskeletal system.

The Biewer Yorkie is easily distinguished by its tricolor color.

There is another variety of Yorkie that differs from the standard - the Shoko-York. The main feature of this dog is its bright fur the color of melted chocolate. She is very beautiful and pleasant to the touch. An important requirement for a representative of the breed is that the color on its body must be uniform.

For gourmets, specialist breeders have bred the third representative of the breed - the Mini Yorkie. It differs from the standard one only in its smaller size. The weight of this dog should not exceed 2 kg. Very rarely, so-called super-mini Yorkshire terriers are born. Their weight is 1.5 kg.

Russian salon

Another name for this breed is “mermaid”. This is a recently bred variety native to Russia. Among the characteristic features are the following:

  1. The long, soft coat is predominantly red in shades: wheat, dark brownish, and also red.
  2. Some representatives of the “mermaids” have an admixture of white or black on their ears, tail and paws.
  3. The dog's ears are triangular, erect, covered with short hair.
  4. The coat is thick, distributed evenly over the body, paws, head and tail.


Almost all lap dogs are distinguished by a strong attachment to their owner, and the dog in question is no exception. He is incredibly gentle and affectionate. Always strives to accompany the owner, but if he is absent, he sleeps or is sad.

Raising and training a decorative dog is a great pleasure. She is flexible, flexible and well controlled. She dotes on the people who love her. The Yorkshire Terrier in the photo is interested, playful and loving. Many people consider it an ideal pet due to the presence of these and other positive traits in its character.

Among the main advantages of a representative of the breed are: a cheerful and good-natured disposition, an affectionate attitude towards people, good learning ability, goodwill, moderate curiosity, tenderness, and sociability.

She loves spending time with her owner, especially when he leaves the house. Due to natural curiosity, he strives to learn new things about the world: he digs in the ground, runs after insects, sniffs passing people and animals.

It is worth noting that not all representatives of the fauna are treated kindly by the baby Yorkie. He likes to communicate with dogs, some birds, and turtles, but he openly despises rodents and cats. He never misses an opportunity to demonstrate his hatred to them.

He has excellent teamwork skills. Of course, it is useless to demand high-quality guard service from such a small dog. Due to his nature, he is practically devoid of suspicion and aggression. However, when keeping company with, for example, a German Shepherd or a Doberman, it can bark at people passing by, trying to scare them away.

Most owners are touched by how cute Yorkies are, imitating large guard dogs. They have a loud bark, but few can be truly frightened by it. However, among the representatives of the breed there are real aggressors who can even bite a person. But you should know that such individuals are considered low-breed.

This dog will never leave its owners in trouble. Despite her diminutive size, she is very brave! The animal will defend its loved one if someone threatens. But he definitely won’t rush into battle; he’ll rather start barking loudly at the potential aggressor from a safe distance.

Representatives of the breed are very active. Sometimes it seems that their bodies have small batteries that provide energy around the clock. Dogs love to play, run and bark. When the owner devotes time to them, they become happy, and when they ignore them, they become stressed. They prefer to always be close to people. Loneliness saddens and frightens them.

Care and maintenance

If you decide to purchase such a pet, then remember that he is kind and gentle, and also needs a lot of attention. You should not leave him alone at home for more than 2 hours. Since the Yorkie is perfect for apartment living, there is no need to bother creating special conditions for it.

The dog will be happy if you let it sleep at your feet. Usually, she prefers to share a bed with her owner. But, if he offended her with something the day before, he will go to the lounger or bed of another person. Loves to cover himself with a blanket. We recommend purchasing a separate blanket for her.

Prefers warmth to coolness. He also does not disdain colorful toys. The dog likes to fetch a rubber ball thrown by its owner. He also enjoys walks in the fresh air. Needs a long leash and collar. But that is not all.

It should be remembered that this animal does not tolerate frost, mostly due to the lack of undercoat. Therefore, he needs warm clothing. If you accustom your dog to it from childhood, it will not feel completely comfortable. An excellent option is a cotton overall with a hood.

The Yorkshire Terrier's coat requires regular brushing.

Now let's look in more detail at caring for such a pet. In this regard, it is quite problematic. Firstly, the dog’s fur regularly gets dirty, even if he spends little time outside. Secondly, food debris often sticks to its face, which over time begins to smell bad. All this indicates the need for frequent bathing.

It is better to use tar shampoo for dogs. It is ideal for the delicate fur of a decorative dog. After you have bathed your pet, wipe it dry with a towel. The last stage is combing. You should carefully comb all areas of his body so that the fur does not get tangled. It is recommended to resort to such procedures at least once every 3-4 months.

Advice! To make sure your pet smells good after a bath, we recommend spraying a special moisturizing scent for dogs on him. You can buy it at a pet store or order it online.

Mandatory care measures:

  • Washing the face with warm water. This removes food particles stuck to the fur on the face, and also removes tear fluid.
  • Haircut or sharpening of claws.
  • Regular brushing of fur.
  • A haircut. There are a huge number of options for cutting haircuts for representatives of this breed (we advise you to take into account that dogs are hot in the summer, so it is better to remove their fur as much as possible at this time of year).
  • Flea treatment. It is recommended to buy your dog a special collar, the smell of which repels parasites.
  • Antihelminthic therapy. Every year, your pet dog should be given medication containing an active substance that kills worms.

Is it worth getting a Yorkshire Terrier?

A dog of this breed will become a good companion for an elderly person, will brighten up his loneliness and allow him to go outside more often. But if regular walks are a burden, a trained baby can go to the litter box in the apartment.

Yorkies are often chosen by middle-aged women whose children are already grown up and have no grandchildren yet. The pet becomes another child requiring care and attention. And the opportunity to buy hairpins, elastic bands, beautiful overalls for the winter, do his hair and periodically take him for a haircut is captivating and addictive.

This cute baby is also suitable for families with children over six years old and teenagers. Yorkies' unpretentiousness and excellent health make them an almost problem-free first dog. But it is important to remember that these dogs would rather be in the company of an adult than a child. Therefore, it’s hardly worth expecting children to have fun playing with their pet.



The issue of organizing a menu for such a pet should be approached very responsibly. The stomach is its weak point, therefore, from improper nutrition, the animal can get sick and even die. It is important that your Yorkshire Terrier puppy eats a balanced diet.

His food should be varied, fresh and of high quality. It should be fed 5, or preferably 6 times a day in very small portions (100-150 grams). When he turns 5 months old, he should be switched to 4 meals a day, and when he turns six months old - to 3 meals a day. He should eat protein products, mainly of animal origin:

  • Meat.
  • Eggs.
  • Milk.
  • Butter.
  • Cottage cheese.

Also in its menu it is necessary to include boiled buckwheat, semolina porridge, vegetables and fruits. Sometimes the dog can be pampered with meat broth or fish, but without bones. What should not be given to a young or adult representative of the breed? Firstly, pork. This meat contains many parasites, moreover, it is difficult to digest and assimilate.

Secondly, sweets, any kind: cakes, pastries, biscuits, sweets, etc. Thirdly, some raw foods, especially eggs and potatoes. If you are afraid of making a mistake and giving your dog something that could harm it, we advise you to play it safe and completely switch it to a ready-made diet. Yorkies do well with dry food for small dogs.

What to feed your dog

Yorkies have a delicate digestive system, so it is very important to choose the right diet. There are three types of dog food:

  • dry food;
  • canned food;
  • natural (homemade food made from natural products).

Each of these types must be given separately. Dry food contains the vitamins and microelements that dogs need, so if you mix it with natural products, the balance of nutrients will be disrupted. In addition, the combination of dry food and meat porridge has an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Veterinarians strongly recommend sticking to the chosen course of feeding for the rest of your life.

The benefits of dry food include:

  • rich vitamin composition;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • this is a completely finished product;
  • easy to give on trips and long journeys;
  • hygiene;
  • a wide range of brands and veterinary lines.

The disadvantages often include adverse effects on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. But in fact, modern premium and super-premium food includes useful ingredients and does not harm the dog’s health.

Yorkies should not be fed cheap food. This can lead to irreversible damage to internal organs and even death.

Owners who feed their pets homemade meals note the following advantages:

  • confidence in the quality of ingredients;
  • varied menu;
  • natural composition without dyes and fragrances.

Disadvantages include:

  • long cooking time;
  • the need to supplement the diet with a complex of vitamins and minerals;
  • feeding a dog on a trip can be a real problem;
  • You need to fit as many nutrients as possible into a small volume.

The dosage of vitamin supplements is selected individually and only with the help of a veterinarian.

Natural products

If the owner has enough time and desire to prepare homemade meals for his pet, he will have to think about a balanced and varied menu.

Natural foods suitable for Yorkies include:

  • veal, rabbit, chicken and turkey;
  • offal: lung, heart and liver (no more than once a week);
  • buckwheat, rice, millet, millet;
  • boiled flounder, herring, tuna;
  • egg yolk;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, spinach;
  • fresh herbs: green onions, parsley, dill;
  • watermelon, apples, melons.

Is it possible for Yorkies:

  1. Milk. This product can be given pure or diluted to puppies only. In adult dogs, the digestibility of milk deteriorates. Its consumption deprives one of appetite, stretches the stomach and causes digestive problems.
  2. Apples. Can be finely chopped, in small quantities.
  3. Bananas. No. They can cause an allergic reaction and contain large amounts of sugar.
  4. Nuts. No. Nuts do not provide the same benefits to dogs as they do to humans. In addition, they are very high in calories and hard on the stomach.
  5. Pear. It is served sliced ​​like an apple.
  6. Cheese. This product can be given in small portions once a week. Cheese should be low-fat and unsalted. It is often used as a treat while learning commands.
  7. Boiled potatoes. It is given both raw and boiled, but rarely and in small quantities.
  8. Raw meat. Opinions on this issue have long been divided. Of course, during the cooking process, meat loses most of its vitamins, but without heat treatment it will not be completely safe. Before serving, you need to at least pour boiling water over it.
  9. Cottage cheese. Yes, cottage cheese is very healthy. It should be non-greasy, without fillers. Before feeding a mini and super mini Yorkie, it is recommended to dilute the cottage cheese with fermented baked milk or kefir so that the pet does not choke.
  10. Chicken liver. Yes, but in limited quantities (1-2 times a week). Frequent use causes vomiting and diarrhea.
  11. Fish. Yes, but only sea and boiled. River species cause poisoning and disorders. Hake, pollock, haddock and whiting slow down the absorption of iron, so they should not be given frequently.

The ideal proportion for the daily diet is 0.5:0.25:0.25. Most of it comes from meat, fish or cottage cheese, the rest from cereals, vegetables or fruits.

Food for Yorkies should be prepared without salt or other seasonings. Salt is poison for dogs, and aromatic seasonings deprive the animal of its sense of smell.

The portion is calculated based on the size: 20 g of feed per 1 kg of weight. Food is served warm. Freshness is very important: natural products are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator for more than one day. Puppies from 2 to 4 months are fed 5 times a day, from 4 to 2-3 times, after 10 - 2.

Dry food - review

Dry food provides a balanced and convenient diet. His choice must be approached extremely responsibly. Very often the composition of the food differs from what is stated on the packaging. The feed market is filled with all sorts of brands, and choosing from them is not so easy.

The most popular super premium foods include:

  1. Akana. This is a Canadian premium food, known for its natural composition. Manufacturers use real chicken meat and a whole list of healthy ingredients. Acana does not contain dyes or fragrances and does not cause allergic reactions.
  2. Bosch. This is a German super premium food. It is prepared using fresh and dehydrated poultry meat. Bosch is also known for its balanced vitamin composition and not very high price. Among the disadvantages: the food contains more rice than meat.
  3. Grandorf. Italian super premium food, which can only be purchased via the Internet. It contains dehydrated lamb and turkey meat. Grandorf is rich in beneficial substances that strengthen cartilage and ligaments. The food contains no dyes or fragrances. In addition, Grandorf is a renowned holistic practitioner.
  4. Farmina. Holistic, produced in Brazil, Serbia and Italy. The composition of the feed is distinguished by the variety and quality of the components. The main part comes from whole natural meat. The only drawback is the high cost.
  5. Eukanuba. This super premium food is produced in the USA, Russia and the Netherlands. It consists of 30% natural meat. Eukanuba also includes egg, fish oil and a lot of useful substances. The Russian analogue does not have such high performance, so it is better to order Eukanuba on the Internet.

The described foods have been tested more than once in laboratory conditions and have many positive reviews. Unfortunately, due to the high price, they are being replaced by lower quality products:

  1. Purina Proplan. Premium food made in Russia. The composition states that it contains 20% salmon, which loses all its liquid during processing, so the actual fish content is limited to 4%. Proplan is replete with flavors and fragrances, and most of the protein is of a chemical nature. It causes allergies and digestive problems.
  2. Royal Canin. Manufacturers: Russia and France. Belongs to the premium class. It is filled with corn, and the whole meat content is not specified. The food contains a substance that irritates the stomach, so it is not recommended to feed Yorkies Royal Canin. French-made food still meets the stated standard, so it is better to order it online.
  3. Hills. American premium food. It has a rather poor composition and does not provide accurate information about the meat content. Fillers – wheat and corn. Hill's has become popular due to its range of flavors and low price.

Despite the fact that the choice of food is a subjective thing, it is worth listening to the opinions of doctors and breeders, as well as reading reviews.

What can I feed besides dry food? Nothing. It is strictly forbidden to mix dry food with natural food. This can upset the balance of nutrients and affect the dog’s gastrointestinal tract. Also, you should not mix dry food with canned food in the same bowl.

At what age should food be given? The puppy can be given food from three weeks of age in addition to its mother's milk. It is pre-crushed and mixed with milk or water. Soaking is stopped by one and a half months.

How to get used to dry food? If the dog does not eat food after switching from homemade food, it means that it was carried out incorrectly. The transfer should take place gradually, over the course of a week. On the first day, the share of dry product is 1/7 of the volume of the usual portion. In addition, the dog may refuse food due to oral diseases and unpleasant odor. In this case, you should check the integrity of the packaging or offer her another food.

What should not be in the diet

Yorkshire Terriers are known for having a weak gastrointestinal tract, so do not neglect food restrictions.

They cannot:

  • fatty meat (lamb and pork);
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • natural bones;
  • oatmeal and pearl barley (may cause allergies);
  • smoked meats and almost all types of hard cheeses;
  • milk;
  • radish, potatoes, cabbage, legumes (cause flatulence and are difficult to digest);
  • grapes and raisins (disturb kidney function).

It is necessary to control the amount of protein consumed. Its excess leads to allergic reactions and kidney diseases.

You need to ensure that your dog does not eat seeds and fruit pits: they may contain cyanide.

Reproduction and lifespan

Small dogs often live longer than large ones. The Yorkshire Terrier faithfully serves its owner from 13 to 15 years. There are individuals that live up to 16 years. The breeder must be well aware of the standard of this breed. Dogs that meet the following requirements should be selected for mating:

  • Their ears are V-shaped and stand erect.
  • The coat is straight, very smooth (and if the dog has not been cut, then curly).
  • Their weight should not exceed 3 kg.
  • The male and female must be sexually mature - no younger than 1 year and no older than 7 years.

On the 3rd day of estrus, the bitch can be taken to the male. He will sniff her and begin to try to woo her. Sometimes, due to her health worsening during menstruation, the bitch can push him away. Then the breeder will have no choice but to postpone their mating.

The birth of a female Yorkie should be performed by a professional, as it is often problematic. The mother dog is very affectionate and caring. She must feed her offspring for at least 1.5 months.


This is a very rare and very impressive variety of Yorkshire Terrier. Its distinctive feature is the “golden” shade of the coat: from light wheat to rich golden. The coat is soft and very long, and therefore requires especially careful care.

Another name for the rock is “gold dust”. Such puppies are quite difficult to obtain, because... this variety only appears if both parents are of the "Goldust" subspecies.


Yorkie lovers can rejoice, because today there are kennels where these dogs are bred in almost every post-Soviet capital, including Moscow. When going to the kennel for such a dog, be sure to take into account all future expenses, especially food and vaccinations.

The price of a Yorkshire terrier with a pedigree is from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. You can safely take such a pet to competitions and exhibitions. But be sure to study his veterinary passport before purchasing.

Yorkies are one of the smallest breeds, perfect for living in an apartment.

A more budget-friendly option for purchasing is from your own hands. A representative of the breed in question can be purchased cheaper, for 10-15 thousand rubles, from a private breeder. But by cooperating with him, you are unlikely to get a high-breed terrier.

Education and training

Despite lacking the working potential of traditional service dogs, Yorkies are highly trainable. They are smart and obedient, and are not at all prone to destructive behavior. But, the owner of such a pet must organize play training for it.

A decorative dog will never follow a command if it is scared or upset about something. It is important to make sure that when she is at home, she feels comfortable and calm. Before you invite her to learn to sit or spin around her axis, invite her to play. When the animal becomes playful, start training.

It is recommended to teach such a dog to go to the toilet in the right place as early as possible. If you live with him in a private house, he himself will ask to leave when he feels a natural need. Well, apartment residents will have to purchase a tray for their pet.

Some tips for raising small dogs:

  • Tell your puppy his name often so that he remembers his name and responds to it.
  • Never call him by name during a verbal reprimand.
  • Always reward efforts.
  • Demonstrate your leadership skills whenever the opportunity arises. This will allow the animal to respect you.

Answers to questions - what you need to know

Before buying a puppy, responsible owners try to find out everything about the breed, but over time, practical questions arise, the solution of which will require patience and skill.

How to toilet train at home

Diaper training begins immediately after the baby moves to a new home. For a comfortable and safe life for a puppy, you need to fence off a small space through which he can move without the risk of injury. A waterproof diaper is laid in the enclosure and the baby is carried on it every time after sleep and 15 minutes after eating.

If the Yorkie makes a puddle in the wrong place, then it is blotted with a diaper, which is taken to the enclosure. The stain is washed away and all odors are destroyed so that the dog does not return to this place. After the Yorkie gets used to the diaper, he is trained to use the tray. The used diaper is placed in the tray for several days and then removed. At first you will have to watch the dog and take it to the toilet.

How to toilet train outdoors

This process requires patience and persistence. Yorkies are taken outside every time after sleep and meals. The dog is not taken home until it has done all its work. York is made to understand that he must go to the toilet first and then play games. After several weeks of repetition, the baby will understand what the owner wants.

How to trim your Yorkie's nails

Before the procedure, you need to purchase a nail clipper of a suitable size, cotton swabs and dry potassium permanganate to treat the living part of the claw. This is a clearly visible blood vessel. If you touch it, the dog will be in great pain and will refuse to continue the procedure.

Therefore, it is recommended to cut the claw from the very tip. If necessary, the incision is repeated. After this, the edges of the cut are lightly rubbed with a file. While grooming, you need to talk to your Yorkie all the time in a gentle voice and reward him with a treat at the end. It is best to carry out the procedure when the dog is as relaxed as possible.

Possible diseases and methods of treating them

Unfortunately, it is difficult to call these adorable dogs healthy. Even a weak virus can easily undermine their immune system. Therefore, it is very important to vaccinate dogs on time. Vaccination dates for them: at one and a half, two, two and a half months, at six months and at a year. Also, as a preventive measure, veterinarians recommend vaccinating dogs against rabies annually.

Your Yorkshire Terrier may get a stomach ache from improper feeding. Symptoms of gastric dysfunction in a dog: nausea, vomiting, loose stools, refusal to eat, severe thirst, weakness. If you notice any of the above in your pet, do not hesitate and take him to the hospital.

Sometimes, to remove the toxin, it is enough to rinse the animal’s stomach once. Also, a bone can easily get stuck in the thin esophagus of a decorative dog. It is extremely important to inspect any fish or meat product for bones before giving it to your dog.

Yorkie is a wonderful pet that will give joy to everyone who is imbued with tenderness and awe. He is very grateful for care and feeding, becomes very attached to his owners and needs their care.

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