German Jagdterrier: everything about the characteristics of the breed, character, education

06/14/201906/14/2019 Irina Malinina 0 comments

The German Jagdterrier is a small hunting dog bred in Germany and is a versatile hunter. The dog is used in burrow hunting and also works well in water and on land.

A Jagdterrier dog will never become a fully indoor and “sofa” dog. This is a strong and strong-willed animal, has a hot temperament and is distinguished by amazing working qualities.

German Jagdterrier - brief description of the breed

The Jagdterrier, also called the German hunting terrier, is a very popular dog among hunters. Determined, courageous and completely fearless, the dogs are among the best hunting dogs. The smart dog is practically in no way inferior to its larger brothers.

The breed even bore the unofficial name “German devils”. She received it due to the fact that she was distinguished by a ferocious character and was able to pursue the victim to the bitter end.

Representatives of the breed are quite difficult; they are characterized by independence. Carried away by the pursuit of the beast, they may not hear human commands or may not respond to them. For this reason, it is not recommended for inexperienced and weak-willed people to own a dog.

The Jagdterrier needs serious training.

In the absence of this, the dog can become angry and aggressive towards other people.

History of appearance

The history of the origin of the breed is not that long; the dogs were bred only in the 30s of the 20th century. They appeared thanks to the focused work of breeders, whose main goal was to breed hunting dogs that have good working qualities and do not qualify for participation in exhibitions.

Fox terriers were taken as a basis, which lost some of their working qualities after improving their external data.

The breeders realized that it would not be possible to combine performance, aggressiveness towards game and attractive appearance; they had to give preference to one thing. Several puppies were selected from a litter of fox terriers, previously discarded for their black and tan color.

They were crossed with each other, and a little later the resulting representatives of the new breed were bred with Welsh Terriers. As a result, the world saw the Jagdterrier breed, which had natural flair and endurance, as well as anger towards the beast. Having excellent hunting qualities, the yagd was not particularly beautiful in appearance.

There were a number of requirements for dogs. They must work enthusiastically in the hole, chase game in the field and be able to overcome water obstacles.

The breed standard was approved in 1922. The dogs were classified as terriers. The first hunting club was created.

In Russia, the breed was initially appreciated by hunters, and only later did it attract the attention of ordinary citizens who were not averse to finding a reliable guard.

Where can I buy

A purebred and healthy puppy can only be purchased from trusted nurseries. You should not contact random sellers. Only professional breeders care about their charges and their working qualities. The following nurseries have good reviews:

  • “Round Lake” ( is a national breed club located in the Moscow region, the kennel’s wards are participants in exhibitions and champions of competitions;
  • “Jaws on Legs” - Tver;
  • St. Petersburg Jagd Terrier Kennel;
  • “Universal Soldier” - St. Petersburg.

Dog appearance (standards)



An adult burrow dog has a height of 33 to 40 cm and a weight not exceeding 12 kg. Bitches are usually a couple of kilograms lighter than males.


There are two types of Jagdterrier dogs: smooth-haired and wire-haired. Representatives of the first type have coarse, smooth hair and give the impression of neat pets. At the same time, wire-haired dogs with thick and coarse hair resemble disheveled dogs with a beard and eyebrows, as well as longer hair on the belly and paws.

Both types have a well-developed undercoat.


The most common colors are:

  • black and tan;
  • brown and tan;
  • black and tan with graying.


Dogs have a long head, slightly wedge-shaped.

Teeth and jaws

Powerful jaws, large teeth in the amount of 42 pieces, correct scissor bite.


The eyes are oval shaped and dark in color. They are small and deep-set.

Body and limbs

The body of the animal resembles a square. The dog stands out for its massive and short back, rather deep chest and tucked belly.

Limbs straight and parallel. The front ones are located under the body, while the rear ones are slightly pulled back.


The dog's tail is horizontal or saber-shaped.

The tail cannot be carried over the back.

In most countries, the tail is docked by 1/3 so that the owner can, if necessary, pull the reckless hunter out of the hole.

Rock defects

Serious disadvantages include the following:

  • narrow jaw;
  • pointed muzzle;
  • shallow bite;
  • light or bulging eyes;
  • hunched back;
  • short back;
  • twisted elbows;
  • hanging or tilted on the back;
  • shorthair.

Bull Terrier

The first version of the breed was used for dog fighting and rat baiting, but later the white bull terrier was bred and became a favorite of English aristocrats. The dog has short hair, a noticeable head of an elongated ovoid shape, flat in the upper zone, and triangular small eyes. The color can be pure white, colored (except for liver and bluish); for colorful ones, brindle markings are desirable.

The breed has a miniature variety. Small dogs fully comply with the conformation standards required for standard dogs, with the exception of height. The height at the withers should not exceed 35.5 cm. Regardless of size, the Bull Terrier is energetic, hardy, fearless, trainable, and keen on contact with people. The price of a dog is 20,000-60,000 rubles.

Character of the Jagdterrier

You can find many reviews about German Jagdterriers, including negative ones. The thing is that the animal has a difficult character and a hot temperament. Temperament manifests itself even in puppyhood, the dog tries to dominate the person. Growing up, she does not lose hope of taking the reins of power into her paws. For this reason, inexperienced owners consider the dog to be angry and disobedient and cannot control it.

A more experienced owner understands that the basis of obedience is proper education and responsible training. It is they, together with love for the animal, that will help reveal all its best qualities: devotion, discipline, professionalism in hunting.

The owner must have a strong character and be consistent and unwavering in his demands.

Then the yag will definitely turn out to be a real family dog, which will support you in difficult times, keep you company during outdoor games, and even give your life for your loved one, if necessary.

Aggression towards people is a consequence of improper upbringing.


The Jagdterrier is primarily a hunter. Strong, brave, fearless, stubborn. Often, stubbornness does not appear due to a desire to dominate, but because the dog has an insane hunting passion. Having succumbed to him, she stops seeing and hearing everyone and everything.

The German Jagdterrier does not like a quiet and measured life. The hunting instinct makes the dog aggressive towards other living creatures; it will definitely hunt the neighbor's cats, poultry, and will even happily start a fight with the first dog it comes across.

You can force jags to coexist peacefully next to a cat if they grew up together.

But a dog is unlikely to be able to make friends with birds; after all, the instinct inherent in nature has a greater influence on the animal. And all small animals - hamsters, rats and the like - will certainly become the prey of a German hunter.

Yagd is a perpetual motion machine, a hurricane that sweeps away everything in its path. As he gets older, he calms down a little, but does not lose his mobility.

Throughout its life, the owner’s attention and approval are of great importance to the animal. The absence of these simple signs of attention makes the dog unsociable and withdrawn.

Attitude towards the owner

The Jagdterrier is an animal that recognizes only one owner. It is this person that the dog will obey, fulfilling his demands and commands. Proper upbringing will make the pet loyal, and it will treat its owner with love and respect.

Attitude towards children

Small children and a puppy that appears in the house should be immediately taught to interact with each other.

A Jagdterrier dog will never be a nanny for a child.

Children and dogs will find a common language only when the little person treats their four-legged friend with respect, without violating the boundaries of his personal space.

Attitude towards strangers

Burrowing dogs are known for their wary attitude towards strangers. This feature makes them good watchdogs. They know the boundaries of their own territory very well and protect it from strangers. If they decide that the peace of the family is in danger, they will definitely warn about it.

An indispensable assistant

When your friend grows out of puppy diapers, acquires the first socialization skills, and completes the “young fighter course”, which consists of mastering the basic commands for controlling a dog, it will be necessary to enroll him in a “second-level” school. It's time to develop the skills that were instilled in him with his mother's milk - hunting and, once again, hunting. The yagdts go through this part of their training lightly. Serious and hardy, not knowing what fear is, insensitive to pain in battle, tireless and agile, savvy and moderately aggressive - wouldn’t such a dog accept the science of fighting animals, especially since its foundations are laid in him at the genetic level.

Problems may arise, perhaps, with working under arms. But, believe me, the innate passion for mining will do its job. When you see a pet moving its paws in a dream, chasing another trophy, all doubts about the dog’s purpose disappear by themselves.

It is impossible to imagine a better assistant for hunting lovers. Its versatility and versatility opens the doors of the most elite hunting clubs to it. Even Eric Honecker, the then Secretary General of the GDR, known as an avid lover of hunting, warmly recommended these dogs to Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, whose hunting amusements are still legendary.

Interest in this breed of dog among professional huntsmen is steadily increasing, which leads to the fact that the Jagdts are rapidly winning the hearts of lovers of this ancient royal entertainment, which, unfortunately, is available to few today, and for which, in fact, these unique animals were created, by all the fibers of their small body are devoted to this activity. Its name is hunting!

Care and maintenance

The small size of the Jagdterrier allows it to be successfully kept both in an apartment and in a private house. Both options have their own nuances. When keeping a four-legged pet in an apartment, you need to provide it with a sufficient number of toys and walk it daily.

Keeping it in an enclosure requires fences with a good deep foundation, as the dog loves to dig. If this case ends successfully, the dog will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to explore the surrounding area and more.

It is also advisable to fence the vegetable garden and flower beds.


If you got a yagda to take a leisurely walk with it under the canopy of chestnut trees, this idea will end in failure. A hunting dog needs active walks; it simply needs to throw out pent-up energy.

The walk should be long. The dog needs to run for a couple of hours.

It is recommended to take your pet to the forest or to a pond, at least from time to time.

A dog that has been walked at home behaves calmly. An animal that cannot release energy begins to damage things and furniture. There are often cases when a dog is simply tied to a radiator in the absence of its owners to prevent it from destroying the house.

The German Jagdterrier has a number of features that need to be taken into account when walking the dog:

  • a pet may begin to ignore commands if it sees a cat or bird;
  • the animal is capable of barking at strangers and even lunging at some;
  • the pet will definitely start fights with dogs even larger than itself;
  • Quite often the yagd even preys on any moving vehicle.


Yagdas are very unpretentious in care. Bathing dogs is often not recommended. This procedure is performed several times a year, and it is mandatory to use a special shampoo for dogs. After washing, the wool should be thoroughly dried and dried with a hairdryer.

It is enough to examine your pet's eyes and ears once a week. If the need arises, they need to be wiped with a swab pre-moistened in a special lotion in order to remove natural discharge.

All necessary items and care products can be purchased at a pet store.

Once a month, trim your pet’s claws. If the dog is well exercised physically and walks often, the need for this procedure may completely disappear, since in this case the claws are worn down naturally.

You should not experiment by adapting personal hygiene items to care for your dog. In special stores you can buy combs for dogs, nail clippers and even toothpaste with a brush.

You need to brush your teeth to avoid the formation of tartar. If the animal receives solid food or toothpick treats, this procedure can be omitted.

It is necessary to teach hygiene procedures from early childhood. If you decide to clean the ears of a two-year-old dog for the first time, he may not react as you would like. An unaccustomed animal will not understand what they want from it, and is unlikely to agree to stand obediently while the owner performs all the manipulations.

A yagd that participates in hunting needs to regularly inspect its paws. In the excitement of the chase, the dog may injure itself and not notice.


The Jagdterrier can be fed both dry food and natural food. Everyone decides for themselves what is better and more convenient for them, based on their financial capabilities and availability of free time.

Dry food is completely balanced and ready to eat, but with natural feeding, you need to create a menu yourself, so that the dog’s nutrition is correct and, if possible, contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

If the owner chooses natural food, he must include meat, cereals, offal, dairy products, seasonal fruits and vegetables, sea fish, and cartilage in the dog’s diet.

With the second feeding option, vitamin supplements are required.

There should always be a bowl of clean water within the dog’s reach.


There are no difficulties in caring for the fur when keeping a berry. It is enough to brush your pet once a week, using a natural hair brush or a rubber glove. This procedure will not only help remove dead hair, but will also add shine to the coat and clean it of dust.

At what age do you start training?

Puppy training must begin from the very first days

the presence of a dog in your home. Because already from infancy, the puppy must learn the rules of behavior in your house, what is allowed and what is forbidden, how to behave with all family members, even the smallest and oldest, what he can play with and what he can’t, where to go. toilet and much more.

And we are talking, first of all, about the proper upbringing of a Jagd Terrier puppy, and you can start training and learning commands when the puppy is completely comfortable in your home. As a rule, one week is enough. By this time, the puppy is already filled with curiosity and is diligently exploring the world around him. If, after this time, the puppy remains fearful and does not make contact well, then it is better to seek help from a dog handler-animal psychologist, because This behavior is not typical for puppies of this breed.

Education and training

Don’t think that a small compact dog can become a “sofa dog” and does not need training at all. It still needs it, and its upbringing must be literate. Early socialization of the puppy and subsequent training are also required.

In general, representatives of the breed are very smart and quite quick-witted; they quickly begin to understand what the owner wants from them, learning both simple and complex commands.

Commands must be given confidently and demandingly.

The dog will not tolerate lisp; it will simply ignore demands and orders. A self-confident person who is able to prove his leadership to his pet usually does not experience any problems or difficulties in training.

At the same time, one should not expect complete submission and servility from the yagda. A dog working underground in a hole acts independently, not expecting commands from a person and not at all relying on his tips. It will not be possible to turn a Jagdterrier into a service dog; a highly intelligent animal with excellent reactions will not blindly follow commands.

The explosive nature of a fighting dog can only be smoothed out by competent upbringing. And yet, no matter how obedient a dog may be at first glance, you only need to walk it on a leash. Carried away by another chase, she may die under the wheels of a passing car.

There is no need to feed your pet treats as a reward. Jagd will play with great pleasure, looking for the hidden toy.

Cruelty in relationships with yagd is unacceptable. The result will be an aggressive and uncontrollable dog. Proper training can make a dog a loyal, friendly and obedient pet.

Hunting with a Jagdterrier

The Jagdterrier is a universal hunter that is suitable for both professionals and amateurs. Working with this dog brings only pleasure. The pursuit speed of the yagda is even greater than that of greyhounds. With it you can go after any prey: birds, waterfowl and even large animals, but the dog is very good at hunting animals that live in burrows. She is not afraid of bites from burrowing animals due to her hard fur. The fearless dog is able to climb into a hole and pull out the prey on its own.

The German Jagdterrier has proven itself excellent in wild boar hunting. This is where all his cunning and agility are revealed, as the dog understands that meeting an animal head-on can end very sadly for it.

If you need a dog for hunting waterfowl, special attention should be paid to breeding selection. It will not be possible to drive an animal that is not accustomed to extreme situations into cold water.

Males make the best hunters; females are not so angry towards game.

In a snowy winter, the dog is of little use for hunting, as it falls into deep snowdrifts.


According to the regulations on breeding work published on the website of the Russian Cynological Federation, completely healthy individuals who have reached the age of 18 months are allowed to breed. In females, this is usually the third estrus.

A prerequisite for mating is to meet a male on the territory; females often behave aggressively on their reservation.

Mating is prescribed on days 9–14 of estrus; depending on the characteristics of the body, ovulation does not occur on a specific day. To obtain reliable information about readiness for mating, it is recommended to take a special ovulation test (the male is ready for mating all year round). Before mating, both individuals need to be treated against parasites and vaccinated.

Dog health

The Jagdterrier has no hereditary diseases and is considered the healthiest dog. It is characterized only by the presence of injuries that it can receive in the process of chasing the beast.

But yagd also requires timely worming and vaccination. By frequently contacting a wild animal, he may become ill with something.

Vaccination will be the key to the health of your pet.

Mandatory attention must be paid to protecting the dog from fleas and ixodid ticks, which live in large numbers in the forest and can pose a threat to the pet’s life.

Possible diseases

The Jagd Terrier breed is one of those lucky breeds that do not carry virtually any genetic diseases. Of course, this does not mean that the owner has the right to calm down and forget the address of the veterinary clinic. Even these “tough nuts” can sometimes catch a cold, get hurt, or be poisoned by something. In any case, if your pet suddenly becomes uninterested in the world around him, he lies down and refuses to eat, you need to contact a specialist.

Self-medication and indifference to the dog’s health will sooner or later lead to its death. Like any other dog, the Jagdterrier requires timely vaccinations, deworming and preventive examinations. Particular attention should be paid to your four-legged friend after returning from hunting. It is necessary to examine his skin for the presence of parasites, scratches and wounds. If the owner notices something serious, there is no point in delaying a visit to the veterinarian.

How to choose a Jagd Terrier puppy

Before buying, you need to decide for what purpose the puppy is needed in order to pay attention to certain qualities. Jagdterrier puppies, as well as other breeds, are all completely different. Even in one litter, no two are alike. A more lively and aggressive baby, who will bite and break out of your hands, should be taken only if you need a hunter. Such and such will definitely not let the prey out of his clutches.

If you need an easy-going pet, it is recommended to pay attention to quieter babies. The ideal option would be the one who made contact himself, ran up to the person and sniffed him.

In the future, you need to examine the puppy. A healthy baby is usually well-fed, has clean ears and eyes, and a correct bite. A feral and thin puppy may have health problems.

You definitely need to get to know the puppy’s parents and make sure they have a healthy psyche.

If it is not possible to see both parents, you can ask for photos of previous litters in order to have an idea of ​​what your strong little one will be like in the future. If everything is satisfactory, you can take the baby home, having previously specified information about worming and vaccinations.

Only a proven nursery with a good reputation will guarantee quality. Purchasing through an ad will help save money, but will not give you confidence that the puppy is healthy and belongs to the right breed.


  1. Yuri 08/11/2015 at 18:18 And prepayment for the first and last month
  2. Anton 08/11/2015 at 18:18
    I personally had such an experience in my life... I trained two puppies. Despite the fact that the training was the same, one puppy turned out to be much smarter than the other... I don’t even know why this is so...


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Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed include the following:

  • versatility as a hunter;
  • courage;
  • devotion;
  • determination;
  • independence;
  • good health;
  • ease of care;
  • good security qualities;
  • small size.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • aggressiveness towards dogs and other animals;
  • explosive character;
  • stubbornness.

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