Russian Toy Terrier: everything about the characteristics of the breed, character, education

05/22/2019 Irina Malinina 0 comments

The Russian Toy Terrier is a dog that can be found almost everywhere today. The small decorative pet is in demand among couples and single people, young people and the elderly due to its gentle character, friendliness and obedience.

But still, the biggest advantage of the toy is its miniature size, which allows you not to be separated from your pet even for a minute. The Russian Terrier will keep company on any walk; it will gladly go with its owner to the store and will not even resist traveling in a bag, as long as the trip brings pleasure and variety.

Russian Toy Terrier - a brief description of the breed

Seeing a representative of the breed for the first time, many consider it a cute toy and are fundamentally mistaken. You should always remember that this is a terrier, whose doll-like appearance hides fearlessness and enthusiasm.

This terrier considers himself a big dog, or at least a shepherd.

Inflated self-esteem very often leads to trouble. Especially at such moments when an animal, protecting its owner, rushes at a dog several times its size, without thinking at all that the big dog can knock the wind out of him with a blow of one paw.

The Toy Terrier is a very active pet. A lap dog has a huge supply of energy, which it directs towards active pastime: walks, jogging, outdoor games.

The inability to throw out energy makes Toya disobedient. He can become aggressive and even damage things in the house.

In general, the Toy Terrier dog is very smart and quick-witted, it lends itself well to education and training. Moreover, not only an experienced dog breeder, but even a beginner can handle this task. All these qualities, coupled with its miniature size, make the toy a very popular pet.

Periodic tremors running through the animal's body should not embarrass the owner. Its cause is mild excitability of the dog’s nervous system. This type of trembling is observed in almost all small breeds.

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Video about the Russian Toy Terrier breed:

2018-12-09DescriptionPhoto gallery

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None. Hello everyone!
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History of appearance

The Toy Terrier is considered a relatively young breed, because its history began only in the middle of the 20th century. This statement is partly correct if it applies to the Russian toy.

The ancestors of Russian toy terriers are English, but their history is much longer and goes back to the beginning of the 18th century. At first, these dogs were bred to help fight hordes of rodents. But the four-legged pets were not only excellent hunters, but also the cutest cuties who invariably attracted attention. The breed began to rapidly spread throughout the world, even royalty turned their attention to it. English toy terriers came to Russia by the end of the 18th century.

At that time, dogs cost incredible amounts of money; they were a sign of good taste. But not everyone could afford such luxury.

The 1917 revolution caused irreparable damage to the breed. Toy terriers, considered the dogs of the nobility, went out of fashion, their numbers were rapidly decreasing every day. At the same time, in Russia there was an emphasis on breeding large service breeds; in the new country there was no place for decorativeness and pretentiousness. Enthusiasts who were partial to the breed helped save the Toys; it was this small stock that was used for further dog breeding.

The animals obtained as a result of crossings differed from English toy terriers, so the word “Russian” began to be used in their name.

In 1958, the world saw the first long-haired dog, which appeared as a result of the union of short-haired dogs. The puppy had such a spectacular appearance that the dog handlers decided to fix the long coat option in the breed.

The breed standard was approved in 1965, and it has survived to this day in almost unchanged form.

Despite the fact that the homeland of cute babes is Russia, they are widely known in other countries. Domestic breeders have done a great job creating such a popular breed in difficult conditions for the country.

Distinctive features

The Norwich Terrier has the following breed standards:

  • The head is round in shape and quite wide.
  • The stop is clearly defined.
  • The muzzle is wedge-shaped, slightly elongated, and short relative to the skull.
  • Lips tightly fitting.
  • The jaws are powerful.
  • The teeth are strong, scissor bite.
  • The eyes are dark brown, almond-shaped, relatively small, with a lively, perky, well-recognized shine.
  • The ears are erect, high set, triangular in shape.
  • The neck is short and massive.
  • The body is strong, lean, and the structure is athletic.
  • The back is short, the top line is straight.
  • The limbs are short, muscular, and the stance is straight; paws - cat type.
  • The tail is of medium length, tapered at the end. Moderate docking is acceptable (no more than 2/3 of the tail length).
  • The coat is short and harsh; There is a collar in the neck area.
  • The color is gray, solid black, fox or grizzly color.
  • Movements are fast and energetic.

Dog appearance (standards)


An adult dog weighing 3 kg has a height of 20 to 28 cm. Deviations in height varying within 1 cm are acceptable.

There is a mini toy terrier whose height does not exceed 20 cm and weighs no more than 1.5 kg.


Russian Toy can be short-haired or long-haired. The first variety is distinguished by the presence of short hair and a complete absence of undercoat. The dog's coat, which does not have bald patches, lies tightly to the body. Long-haired dogs are characterized by having an elongated coat that can be either straight or slightly wavy. A feature of these dogs is longer hair on their paws, tail and ears.



The characteristics of the breed include the following colors: brown and black and tan, lilac and tan, red and black, fawn, chocolate, blue and tan, cream, any shades of red.

Solid white, brown and black are not acceptable. The only acceptable color of the English Toy Terrier, unlike the Russian, is black and tan.


The head, small compared to the body, has an elegant shape. It is dry and moderately wide in the cheekbone area.

Teeth and jaws

Small teeth stand out white. The dog has a scissor bite.


The eyes are round, large, slightly protruding. Planted quite wide and straight, the main color is dark.

Body and limbs

The dog's loin is short, its chest is oval and deep, and its belly is tucked. The croup is slightly sloping.

The forelegs are straight and parallel, rather dry. The hindquarters are also straight and parallel, but set a little wider. The thighs are dry and muscular.


The tail is usually docked, leaving only 2-3 vertebrae. In countries where docking is prohibited by law, the tail remains natural and crescent-shaped.


Rock defects

The following deviations are considered defects:

  • straight bite;
  • lack of a large number of teeth;
  • drooping ears;
  • the presence of bald patches in smooth-haired breeds;
  • Long-haired animals lack longer hair on their ears;
  • white color or many white spots on the animal’s body;
  • height exceeding 30 cm;
  • very short height, below 18 cm;
  • weight less than 1 kg;
  • male cryptorchidism;
  • aggressiveness;
  • cowardice.

Varieties of colors

Representatives of the Russian terrier breed can come in all sorts of colors. The variety of shades is due to the intricate genetics of the breed. To determine what color the offspring will have, you need to follow the history of the origin of the toy.

Standard Toy Terrier colors with tan:

  • black;
  • brown;
  • lilac;
  • blue;

The same colors listed above and two more tones can alternate with red, such as:

  • pale yellow;
  • cream.

Saturated shades are considered more preferable, as in the photo. Non-standard toy terrier colors include marbled, spotted, gray, and white.

But owners often care about the character of the pet, not its color.

Character of the toy terrier

The Russian Toy Terrier is a smart, but at the same time cunning dog. She does not lose hope of finding the owner’s weakness in order to take advantage of it for her own purposes. At the same time, the animal does not strive to take the position of leader in tandem with a person. The dog will not lose the ability to assess the situation and make the only correct decision even in difficult times.

The toy's excellent memory allows him to remember even those friends whom he saw a long time ago.

The Toy Terrier has a hot character; he often even shakes from overwhelming emotions, which he cannot express out at the moment. In this respect, they are similar to choleric people, who, against their will, were dragged into a boring lecture and required to sit until it ended, not paying attention to the emotions overwhelming the person and the thirst for movement.

At the same time, the dog is very peaceful; it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to force it to show aggression towards someone close to you. The pet's friendliness also manifests itself towards other animals.

A lively and sociable temperament helps the dog find an approach to different people. At the same time, excessive intrusiveness is unusual for them.

Willfulness is a distinctive feature of the breed.

They will bark at passers-by without hesitation, and if they are dissatisfied with something, they can cause damage to interior details.

Lack of education, excessive love and treating the pet as an expensive toy spoil the dog. She begins to demonstrate disobedience and allow herself a lot of unnecessary things.

Attitude towards the owner

Toy terriers are perfect for any owner: experienced or not, with or without a family. They will easily fit into the image of a business woman and will look charming on the lap of a pensioner.

Photo: Devoted Toys who love all family members will very quickly become excellent companions and true friends. They are kind and friendly towards people, they will never impose themselves and demand unquestioning fulfillment of their desires.

Attitude towards children

People with small children in the house are always wary of dogs, fearing that the four-legged animal will harm their beloved child. In the case of toy terriers, fears are in vain: an intelligent dog will become an excellent friend to the baby and will not cause him any harm.

Dogs, and not just small ones, are unlikely to refuse to eat baby’s baby food, so it is better to put it in hard-to-reach places.

A child, even a tiny one, can cause harm to the health of a miniature toy. From an early age, you need to teach your child to take care of a fragile family member.

Attitude towards strangers

In relation to unfamiliar people, the toy terrier shows wariness and fear. It seems that the dog's fearless nature was given to him in order to compensate for his small size.

The Russian Toy Terrier has excellent hearing and is able to hear any noise, reacting to it immediately. The dog's watchdog qualities are excellent. Naturally, a formidable guard is unlikely to tear apart an uninvited guest or cause him significant harm, but the loud barking of a dog can scare away an intruder. Or at least warn the owner about the intrusion.

Attitude towards children

This breed is quite wary of children. Some representatives, of course, may not perceive the baby as a threat, but most toys will never tolerate being grabbed by the tail.

For this reason the dog is not suitable for small children. It is worth getting one for a child only if he is already at least 8 years old and he fully understands the fragility of the animal.

There are often cases when children, unknowingly, could offend a toy terrier, and he would bite in response. Also, very young children can somehow harm it.

PLEASE NOTE! Play between a dog and a child should always be supervised by an adult. This way you can explain to him how to behave with a pet and how not to.

Care and maintenance

The Toy Terrier is not suitable for outdoor living. This dog was born to decorate any apartment.

The pet should initially be given a place where it will rest. It is recommended to put a soft mattress or a special bed there. The dog should also have food dishes and personal toys.


A Russian Terrier can easily be trained to relieve itself in a litter box. But this does not mean that you need to give up walking altogether. Representatives of the breed simply need daily walks where they can breathe fresh air and burn off their energy. Dogs love to run and move, so the best place for walking is a park.

You can let your dog off the leash only when it learns to obey the owner’s commands.

First you need to make sure that the place for walking is safe: there are no cars or large dogs nearby. The pet will be happy if the owner takes part in a joint walk. He will happily fetch a thrown stick, go for a run, or even run after a person's bicycle.


You should not overload the dog, because this is a small animal, not a huge shepherd. Your pet can quickly become overtired. It is recommended to alternate physical activity with rest.

Problems with walking can only arise in severe frosts. These days it is not recommended to walk the dog, and the dog itself will not show much zeal. If it is raining or autumn cold outside, it is better to dress your pet in a warm overall.


The toy terrier is undemanding in care; you don’t have to spend a lot of time on the animal every day.
Long-haired dogs need to be brushed several times a week and bathed 3-5 times a year, using special shampoos. Short-haired representatives can be bathed even less frequently. If they get very dirty during a walk, the dogs' fur can be wiped with a damp terry towel. It will help remove both summer dust and autumn dirt.

It’s worth checking your dog’s ears weekly, removing natural secretions, and his eyes, wiping them too. For these procedures, it is best to use special hygiene lotions, which are available in a large selection in veterinary pharmacies.

To prevent the formation of tartar, hard treats are suitable, chewing which the dog will remove soft plaque from the teeth. You can also purchase toothpaste for this purpose.

Your pet's claws will need to be trimmed only if he rarely walks and does not have the opportunity to sharpen his claws naturally outside.

You should not leave them, the dog will experience discomfort.

From a young age, your pet needs to be taught hygiene procedures, not skimping on praise and treats for good behavior.

In the future, the dog will calmly relate to various kinds of manipulations.

The Toy Terrier has very fragile bones!

If handled carelessly, it is very easy to injure a dog. You need to make sure that the animal does not jump from the sofa or chair, and also move with caution if there is a four-legged friend next to you.


If you have mastered caring for your toy, then the issue of feeding should not pose any difficulties at all. The good stomach of these dogs tolerates both natural and dry food well.

When feeding your pet naturally, you need to include lean meat (beef, chicken, lamb), offal, fish, egg yolk, cereal, vegetables and fruits in your pet’s diet.


The Russian Terrier will happily enjoy pears and apples, bananas and peach.

Vegetables such as cabbage and tomatoes should be given with caution. But beets will be a help if your pet is constipated.

Still, nowadays, most owners prefer super-premium dry food. They have a good composition, are fully fortified and balanced. Toy is a small dog that eats very little. The costs of good food will not be that high, but the positive results from quality nutrition will not take long to arrive.


Shorthaired Toy Terriers do not require professional grooming. But long-haired dogs, especially those who participate in exhibitions, periodically require a haircut. You can learn the basics yourself by looking at step-by-step photos on the Internet or watching a video.

If you don’t want to do a haircut, you can always turn to a professional for help; fortunately, nowadays there are plenty of them.

Peppermint treat


  • 1 medium overripe banana.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey.
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of liquid coconut oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil in the same amount).
  • 1/2 teaspoon mint flavoring.
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder.
  • A quarter cup of carob (roasted carob powder). A small amount of cocoa can be substituted, but this is not recommended for animals. Therefore, try to find an original product.
  • Oat flour.

Cooking procedure.

1. Mash the banana in a bowl.

2. Beat eggs into the resulting mass, add honey, baking powder, cinnamon and coconut (sunflower) oil.

3. Add oatmeal to the mixture to form a firm but slightly moist dough.

4. Divide the resulting volume into 2 equal parts.

5. Pour 1/4 cup of carob powder into one half, and add the same amount of flour to the second half. A hard lump should form that does not stick to your hands.

6. Roll out 2 rectangles, 9-10 mm thick.

7. Place the layers of dough on top of each other and roll along the long side. Wrap the resulting sausage in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

8. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

9. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper.

10. Remove the film and cut into 3-3.5 cm rounds.

11. Place on a baking sheet. During cooking, portions of dough will not increase in volume, so you can place them close to each other.

12. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

If you want to please your pet with a crunchier treat, cut the rolls into thin slices (about 1 cm), and after cooking, additionally dry them in a warm oven or even in a non-stick frying pan.

The finished product is stored for a long time in a dry place. So, by baking peppermint rolls once, you can treat your four-legged pupil with them for a long time.

Bon appetit to your dog!

I like it I don't like it

Education and training

Hot temper and mischief are inherent in all toy terriers, but proper upbringing can shape the character of dogs. You shouldn’t think that kids don’t need education, just as much as they do. Indifference will lead to the fact that the pet will certainly develop a “Napoleon complex”, which is expressed in the demand to serve, in causeless and uncontrollable barking and outbursts of aggression.

Initially, it is worth establishing certain rules: do not allow the dog to sleep in the owner’s bed, jump on people and climb on people’s laps, bark for no reason, bite and growl. If a person puts forward reasonable demands and always adheres to them, the education process will go faster. It is imperative to make the animal understand that the owner takes the place of the leader and needs to be obeyed.

Punishment as a method of education usually leads to negative consequences: the dog becomes cowardly or, conversely, angry.

A person should express his displeasure, as well as satisfaction, with intonation. A smart pet will definitely understand everything.

There are usually no difficulties with training the breed; the dogs are very smart and quickly understand what their owner wants from them. The animal remembers basic commands right away and can carry out even more complex ones.

You should try to ensure that the dog follows the command the first time, without expecting repeated repetitions from the person.

It is advisable to carry out the same commands both in the house and on the street. This is done so that the animal develops a strong habit of listening to a person, regardless of where he and his owner are.

Experts say that even a child who has reached the age of 8 can train and raise a toy terrier.


Active walking will help achieve greater obedience. You can safely leave a pet that has released its energy at home without fear of its inappropriate behavior when alone.

Dog health

The most common diseases of toy terriers are the following: eye diseases, dental problems, knee dislocation, food allergies, ear diseases, instability of the cervical vertebra.

The miniature toy has a long life expectancy and excellent health. But this is due not only to the geneticists who developed the breed. Proper care, balanced feeding, and timely vaccination play an important role.

Your pet should be vaccinated annually to protect it from common diseases.

Quarterly worming should be a regular procedure. It is recommended to rid the animal of external parasites using acaricidal shampoos or drops on the withers. During the season when ixodid ticks appear, your four-legged pet can be protected with the help of special collars.

Traditional plastic carrier

Perhaps the most common way to move small animals. Very well suited for long-distance travel, but in a car (and especially on a bicycle) a bulky plastic box is not very convenient.

Among the advantages, we note excellent breathability, ease of cleaning and maintenance, the ability to organize meals while traveling, hygiene, strength and durability.

The disadvantages are determined by the need to allocate space for storing this box and, of course, the outdated design. It is necessary to have such a device in stock, but it is not very suitable for short-term forays outside the city.

Cost – 1,146 – 2,137 rubles.

How to choose a toy terrier puppy

You need to go to the nursery to pick up a future family member; it is better to avoid announcements in this important matter. After all, no one can guarantee that a puppy bought secondhand has a stable psyche and is not the center of a bunch of diseases.

If you need an exhibition copy, it is better to seek the help of a specialist. A professional will give advice and make sure that the baby does not have developmental disabilities and fully complies with the requirements of the standard.

If exhibitions are not for you and the main goal is to purchase a baby for your soul, you can make the choice yourself. The main criterion in this choice should be the health of the toy and its excellent appearance.

Toy terrier puppies are cute and funny. They all seem to be the same, but at the same time completely different. You just have to try to make contact with them, and you will see for yourself. Someone will happily rush forward, someone will approach slowly, studying the stranger with a gaze, and someone may get scared and hide in a far corner. Take a curious, sociable baby, whose look will make your heart beat joyfully.

The appearance of the puppy should not raise doubts about its health!


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the breeder. He will definitely help you and give you a lot of useful advice. It is very important for a responsible specialist that his “children” fall into good hands.

Is it difficult to care for?

This breed does not require special care , but it is important that it is correct:

  • you need to bathe once every two weeks;
  • Long-haired toys should be combed once a week, and more often during the shedding period. For short-haired dogs, brushing takes place after bathing;
  • Clean your ears once a week and inspect your mouth at the same frequency;
  • every day, wipe your eyes with a cotton swab or disk moistened with warm water or a weak tincture of tea;
  • in cold weather, walk in special clothes; sometimes walks can be completely neglected;
  • The place for the dog should be in a warm place, where it is not overheated or overcooled, without drafts.

How much does a dog cost?

The Toy Terrier is a common breed and can be purchased almost anywhere.

The following factors influence the cost of a puppy:

  • coat length (long-haired ones will be a little more expensive);
  • gender of the puppy (females cost more than males);
  • presence of titled parents;
  • the puppy’s appearance and potential;
  • fame of the nursery.

A hand-me-down baby costs a couple of thousand rubles. A pet with a pedigree that is not suitable for further breeding will have a price from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. Puppies suitable for participation in exhibitions cost from 12 thousand, and for babies from champion parents you will have to pay from 20 thousand rubles.

Pros and cons of the breed

Advantages of the breed:

  • long life expectancy;
  • cheerfulness;
  • devotion;
  • excellent security qualities;
  • good looks;
  • high intellectual abilities;
  • ability to get along well with both adults and children;
  • ease of care;
  • mobility and activity.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • fragility;
  • in the absence of training, prone to excessive barking;
  • require regular active walking.

Reviews for analogues:

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Many city residents choose small dogs as pets. They most often have a cute appearance and a friendly character. These dogs make great friends for both adults and children. A toy terrier that combines all these qualities is perfect for this role. But, before you run to the breeders for a puppy, you need to know the intricacies of care, as well as the pros and cons of this breed.

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