Miniature Schnauzer dog: all about the characteristics of the breed, character, upbringing

Raising a dog is about developing correct behavior. This is the basis for successful training. Training is a set of activities aimed at training specific teams. It is necessary to start raising a puppy from the very first days of his appearance in the house. If you work with your pets from a very early age, then you are on the right track.

Miniature Schnauzers (Medium Schnauzer, Standard Schnauzer) were originally bred to be watchdogs and farm helpers. Their medium size, watchdog qualities and love of family make them a versatile dog breed. They have strong territorial ownership, stubbornness and high intelligence. If you are an active and experienced dog owner looking for a companion, then this is the breed for you!

  1. Country of origin : Germany
  2. Height at withers : male: 47–50 cm, female: 44–47 cm
  3. Weight : male: 14–20 kg, female: 14–20 kg
  4. Lifespan : 13-16 years
  5. Use : watchman, shepherd, rat catcher, companion dog
  6. Other names : medium schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer dog - a brief description of the breed

The Schnauzer dog is very sociable. By bringing this four-legged miracle into the house, a person automatically agrees to constant communication and interaction with the pet, and to long walks in any weather. The Miniature Schnauzer will do everything possible so that his beloved owner does not get bored; he will try to ensure that the person simply does not have time for boredom.

If a schnauzer is entrusted with an important task, he will be able to carry it out, restraining and controlling his innate emotionality. The animal sees the meaning of its existence in serving man.

The Miniature Schnauzer breed is one of the smart breeds. An inquisitive dog will be interested in everything new. At the same time, the animal vitally needs human attention; the proud and strong breed does not tolerate indifference. Although what kind of indifference can we talk about when it comes to the midfielder! In everyday life next to its family, the dog is very playful and affectionate; it treats children with love and patronage. The animal is restless and simply radiates positivity.

A dog needs an owner who has a backbone and is distinguished by firmness of spirit. The breed requires patient and persistent training.

It is not recommended for beginners to own a Miniature Schnauzer.

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Miniature Schnauzer training specialists

Alexander Chaplygin Dog psychologist-zoopsychologist

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Ekaterina Panova Dog psychologist-zoopsychologist

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Miniature Schnauzers are the patriarchs of the bearded breed branch from Germany, working dogs of universal use. The purebred Medium Schnauzer is a polished gentleman with impeccable exterior, serious character, good health and amazing drive. Modern midgets are strong, resilient and exemplary hard workers. These extravagant beauties were created for work - mittels are easy to train and are suitable for participation in all types of pet competitions.

Social adaptation, education and training of “toothed servicemen” is a difficult but very interesting job: the Schnauzer breed is famous for its highest intelligence and complex character.

History of appearance

The history of the origin of the Miniature Schnauzer is not known with certainty. However, there is information that this is a very ancient breed, the ancestors of which are turf dogs that lived before our era.

Germany is considered to be the homeland of the mittels.

Many artists depicted small dogs in their canvases, completely similar in appearance to modern miniature schnauzers. The paintings date from the 15th to 17th centuries.

There is still debate about which breeds were directly involved in the creation of the Schnauzer. Some suggest that a German poodle, a wire-haired pinscher and a Wolfspitz were present here. Others argue that bulldogs and terriers, griffons and pugs contributed to the creation of the breed.

Be that as it may, initially the Mittels lived in the stables, taking an active part in ridding the owner’s property of small rodents. They were taken with them as companions when going on walks and on errands. People quickly appreciated their intelligence, loyalty and watchdog qualities. But they were in no hurry to separate the dogs into a separate breed, calling them “stable pinschers.”

At the exhibition in 1879, the miniature schnauzer not only took an active part, but also managed to win.

This event brought attention to the dog, even though the participant was presented as a wire-haired pinscher.

The breed standard was developed by 1880. At the beginning of the 20th century, the breed came to the States, where the dogs were initially classified as pinschers and only in the mid-40s were transferred to the working group.

In Russia, targeted breeding of mittels began only in the second half of the 20th century.

What can you teach a bearded patriarch?

Often the owners of mittels do not imagine the full volume of happiness that has befallen them. Amazing versatility, physical and personal talents open any doors for the average schnauzer: general obedience commands, all service classes, circus tricks, skills of searching and carrying objects.

Small dimensions prevent the fighters from shining in the field of bodyguarding, but medium-sized bearded men perform security and guard duty to the fullest.

Magnificent Schnauzers can do absolutely everything: bearded dogs perform excellently on sports fields, achieving top awards in agility, freestyle, Frisbee and flyball.

Any training and development of multiple skills and abilities: the miniature schnauzer is an icon of the service dog breeding style, the ideal of a modern working dog.

Dog appearance (standards)


The standard average representative of the breed weighs from 14 to 20 kg and height 45-50 cm.


The animal's coat consists of outer coat, which is quite coarse and hard, and a softer, shorter and thicker undercoat.

The fur is longest on the face and paws; on the body it is much shorter.

The animal's face is decorated with long eyebrows, mustaches and a beard.


Only two colors are recognized as the standard:

  • black;
  • salt and pepper.

The second color is quite unusual; it combines shades of silver, as well as steel and gray.


Not only are black and pepper dogs not bred together, they also compete on different show grounds. Only the United States and England are exceptions, where dogs of different colors are exhibited together.


The dog's head is quite large and massive, and has an elongated shape. Characterized by a flat forehead and wedge-shaped muzzle.

Teeth and jaws

Representatives of the breed have white, rather large teeth and a scissor bite.


The eyes of the mittel are oval, shades of dark color predominate. The look is open and inquisitive.

Body and limbs

The Schnauzer dog breed has a square build. The chest of the animals is deep and wide, the back is short and strong, and the belly is tucked.

Moderately wide-set limbs are straight. The hind ones are slightly pulled back.


A natural crescent-shaped tail is encouraged.
The updated standard prohibits tail docking. But in Russia, most breeders still practice this procedure.


Rock defects

Defects that may stand in the way of a dog receiving a champion title include the following:

  • deviations from sexual type;
  • poorly developed muscles;
  • rough bones;
  • short limbs;
  • soft wool;
  • decorative hair is overdeveloped or underdeveloped;
  • yellow-brown shade of guard coat;
  • non-standard height (deviation up to 3 cm);
  • bite other than scissor bite;
  • cow legs;
  • various deformities;
  • behavioral deviations.

Character of the Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is suitable for active and self-confident people. For those who only need a dog for show, it is better to abandon this breed. Mittel cannot be pushed to the margins of life and left there forever; he requires constant attention and communication. At the same time, the dog calmly endures forced loneliness if it knows that it will still wait for its loved one, who will definitely give it maximum attention.

The character of this breed often shows stubbornness; for this reason, the owner of the dog should be a firm and experienced person.

The animal's hunting instinct does not allow it to find a common language with representatives of the cat family.

For a dog, this is primarily prey. The mittel will only get along with the cat with which it grew up. The pet will treat any rodent that the owner decides to place nearby as prey.

Males are characterized by aggressive behavior. To avoid this, your pet needs to be socialized from an early age.

There is an opinion that the Miniature Schnauzer has an excellent memory. You shouldn’t offend your dog, he will definitely remember this someday in the future.

A dog with excellent mental abilities quickly gets tired of monotonous and frequently repeated activities.

But she will take a variety of events and new physical exercises with pleasure. The pet will play any game with great zeal, entertaining both itself and its owner. Routine is not for Miniature Schnauzers.


The breed is very smart, even cunning.

Dogs use these qualities without a twinge of conscience in communicating with other four-legged animals, and with humans too. Therefore, you should prepare for the fact that in your life you will have to compare your intelligence and ingenuity with your own dog more than once.

An animal develops intellectually throughout its life. This is why communication between owner and pet is so important.

The Schnauzer dog has a pronounced desire for leadership. Throughout her life, she will test her owner’s “strength,” and if at least once she finds a weakness or crack, she will try with redoubled effort, trying to nominate herself for the leading position. You shouldn’t give in to a dog, even in small things.

Mittel is an optimistic person; he takes everything from life, enjoying every moment of it. But he should enjoy any activity. If a dog is not interested in something, it can become deaf right in front of its owner or pretend to be sick and weak.

Representatives of the breed have a lightning-fast reaction. They can get involved in any business so quickly that the owner does not even have time to blink an eye.

Attitude towards the owner

The Miniature Schnauzer becomes quite attached to family members and its owner. He will doze on his own bed only when no one is home, but the rest of the time he will follow his loved ones as a shadow.

Obsessiveness is not typical for a dog.

It is simply important for her to be close to family members and her beloved owner.

The dog’s love will not have to be won; it will be given to the person right away. But authority will have to be asserted.

Miniature Schnauzers love to express their affection very vigorously. Moreover, they do this at any moment, even when no one is waiting for her.


It is also worth preparing for the fact that stubborn and cunning dogs will try to achieve concessions in everything from the first days. Having conceded only once, you will have to concede constantly; the animal does not give back the conquered territories. If you let your pet lie next to you on the sofa, you shouldn’t be surprised if the next morning you wake up in the same bed with him.

Attitude towards children

The Mittels easily find a common language with children. Perhaps this is love, but most likely the dog is simply protective of the baby, knowing that children are one step lower than her and must be protected and protected. The animal loves to play with children, forgiving them of minor mischief.

The Miniature Schnauzer will not allow his person to be disrespected and will not tolerate bullying.

Therefore, children need to be taught to treat their four-legged friend correctly and not to violate the boundaries set by the dog, especially in those moments when it is eating or resting.

Attitude towards strangers

The Schnauzer dog breed is very suspicious of strangers. Even guests whom she sees for the first time make the dog wary. Until the mittel is convinced that strangers come with good intentions and are accepted into the family, he will not let his guard down. And the dog will not allow visitors who for some reason cause a surge of negative feelings in the owner.

The Miniature Schnauzer is an excellent watchman and guard for his family.


Experienced breeders try to breed dogs in late summer or early autumn so that puppies are born in the autumn-winter period. It is believed that this way the dogs will be stronger and more resilient. They begin to breed animals after full puberty (at 20-25 months). At this time, the female begins her third heat. Favorable days are 13-15 from the beginning of the cycle.

Experienced girls themselves know when to let a dog in. The owner needs to watch for signs. When the discharge becomes lighter and the loop loosens, ovulation begins. Even after mating, the owner must record the duration of pregnancy or pause (if mating did not take place).

A few days before the heat, the female is registered at the club in order to find an advantageous match (the male complements the female’s shortcomings and vice versa). Owners fill out paperwork, set a meeting date, and set a specific price.

The animals are brought together in a spacious neutral territory (or at the male’s house). They are given time to get to know each other. It is best to walk the dogs together in advance. When the girl is ready and the boy is ready, the owners should help the pets sit comfortably and steadily. The females are held under the belly, and the males are directed into the loop. Repeat knitting every other day.

The first signs of pregnancy appear after a couple of weeks. The dog becomes restless, goes to the toilet more often, and asks for more food.

Specialists will be able to confirm the status only in 3-4 weeks using an ultrasound or test. At this time, it is important to avoid false pregnancy and not confuse the fetus with peometra (inflammation of the fallopian tubes).

Read a detailed article on the topic: “Everything you need to know about breeding dogs: appropriate age, what to do if it doesn’t work out, rules and tips.”

Care and maintenance

Having small dimensions, the Miniature Schnauzer easily gets along in any apartment. But if the dog were allowed to choose its own place of residence, it would happily go to a private house with a garden or lawn. Moreover, the thick undercoat protects the animal from the cold, which makes it an excellent watchman.


Representatives of the breed are very active; they just need movement and regular exercise. For a person who is far from sports, it will not be easy with these dogs. You need to walk your pets twice a day.

The walk should be eventful and include outdoor games, exercises and tasks for ingenuity and endurance.

It’s easier for owners of private houses with spacious yards. You can walk the dog less often, it’s just advisable to make him some equipment on which he could throw out his energy.


Miniature Schnauzers love fresh air and can stay outside for a long time, while they can easily tolerate both heat and cold.


Mandatory procedures when caring for a medium sized schnauzer will be the following:

  • ear examination;
  • eye care;
  • teeth cleaning;
  • trimming nails;
  • bathing;
  • combing and cleaning wool;
  • a haircut;
  • trimming.

To care for your eyes and ears, you should purchase special hygiene lotions. Your pet's nails should be trimmed with scissors or a nail clipper. Teeth brushing is only necessary if the dog does not eat solid food or chew bones.

It is better not to get carried away with swimming. If the time has come for this procedure, you should definitely use a special shampoo for dogs. After bathing, it is recommended to thoroughly wipe and dry your pet's coat. More often you will have to wash your paws, which the breed will definitely get dirty during a walk, and your beard and mustache if the animal eats natural products.

Teach your Miniature Schnauzer to be calm about the procedure of wiping its face after each meal, otherwise the Miniature Schnauzer will very quickly turn into an unkempt and bad-smelling dog.


Schnauzer eats both dry food and natural products with equal pleasure, so both types of feeding will be acceptable for him.

If the owner prefers natural food, he should include the following products in the pet’s diet: lean meat, sea fish, cereals, offal, dairy products, boiled eggs, vegetables, herbs.

With this type of feeding, you should not reduce the importance of vitamin and mineral supplements. They are vital for the animal.

It’s easier with dry food: it’s already balanced and includes vitamins. You just need not to save money and purchase high-quality premium or super-premium food.


The coarse long coat combined with a thick undercoat requires attention. You will have to comb it every other day to prevent tangling and tangles.


It is recommended to immediately comb the coat in the direction of hair growth, and then against hair growth. This will help you pay more attention to the undercoat.

It is better to use a metal wire brush and comb for this purpose. You will also need to purchase a comb with finer teeth to care for your dog’s beard.

Does it make sense to cut a Miniature Schnauzer's haircut? Many owners cut their dogs' hair to make them easier to groom. But grooming has a negative impact on the dog’s coat, it changes its structure, and the undercoat falls off. It is recommended to trim Miniature Schnauzers, that is, pluck their hair. Experienced owners carry out this procedure on their own, but beginners can always go to a salon where they will be assisted by specialists.

Summing up

Training a Miniature Schnauzer dog at home is hard, but very fruitful work. A well-bred and demonstrably obedient Mittel is a worthy companion, friend and protector of the family, the beauty and pride of the owner.

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These dogs are simply the smartest. They approach training with great desire and passion. Miniature Schnauzers are great at learning new commands and are eager to go to training with their owner. Based on this, we can conclude that raising a Schnauzer is quite simple due to its inherent character qualities.

Education and training

You need to start training the breed from the very first days. Initially, it is worth showing the puppy who is boss in the house; the animal should perceive the owner as the leader.

You shouldn’t be fooled by the puppy’s touching look and indulge him.

It is unlikely that you will be able to catch up with these omissions or re-educate your pet later.

It is necessary to suppress any manifestations of aggression towards people.

Miniature Schnauzer puppies can bite when playing. They should definitely be prohibited from doing this. You may not feel the bite of a baby, but the bite of an adult will definitely be sensitive.

You should not use physical methods of influence when raising a breeder.

Of course, you shouldn’t ignore the fact that an angry puppy is destroying the house. You can shake it or lightly hit it with a slipper. But nothing more. A pet that has gone into a rage may perceive more painful punishment as a signal to action and will defend itself or attack.

Punishing a dog for something it did a few hours ago is completely useless.

Even a smart worker would not think of connecting a broken wire or a chewed shoe with the current rage of the owner.

The baby needs to be socialized as early as possible so that he is not afraid of animals and people. If you need a guard, you do not need to introduce the puppy to a large number of people. But you shouldn’t instill aggression in your puppy; he should treat strangers with caution and distrust.

Intelligent Schnauzers learn various demands quite easily. Training will only become a problem for the owner if he cannot diversify the process and captivate the four-legged pet. The dog will quickly find a way to evade boring activities. A competent owner is able to quickly and quite successfully raise a breeder. Representatives of the breed make very good search dogs, easily picking up a scent and not losing it in any conditions.


Under no circumstances should you buy a Mittel to train your child.

A dog will never listen to someone he considers lower in rank. And the child for her is at the lowest level.

Basic moments

  • The name of the breed is translated from German as “medium-sized muzzle”: from Mittel - medium size and Schnauze - muzzle.
  • Miniature Schnauzers are typical leaders who want to dominate everything that moves, so when getting such a dog, be prepared to periodically remind it who is boss.
  • Despite their innate suspicion and mistrust of strangers, in the family circle animals behave very emotionally, vigorously expressing their own affection for the owner and the rest of the household.
  • The Miniature Schnauzer is an active breed, hooked on regular exercise and long walks, so before buying a puppy, really evaluate your own capabilities. If you realize that a sofa and TV are still closer to you than daily jogging in park areas, there is no point in getting a standard schnauzer.
  • All Schnauzers are very intelligent and quick-witted, which sometimes hinders their learning. During training, the dog may become cunning or lose interest in the process, so it will have to be constantly stimulated with something.
  • The Miniature Schnauzer is able to get along with cats and other dogs, provided that he grew up with them. But at the sight of small animals, including rodents, the four-legged “bearded man” may not be able to restrain himself - the instinct of the hereditary rat catcher turns out to be stronger.
  • With proper training, Schnauzers make wonderful service dogs capable of participating in search work. In particular, the keen sense of smell of militias allows them to quickly pick up a scent and not lose it even in not the most favorable conditions.

How to choose a Miniature Schnauzer puppy

If you need a healthy baby that is definitely a Schnauzer, you need to go to the nursery for him, ignoring advertisements that do not give any guarantees.

The puppy must meet the requirements of the standard, have a well-groomed appearance, be active and communicate well.

Before buying, you should at least get to know the mother of the puppies, look at her behavior and temperament. It is quite possible that babies will take some character traits from their mother. The ideal option would be to meet the father, but often breeders cannot provide this opportunity.

Good nurseries have litter inspection reports. You can read it to find out the results of the puppy examination.

Appearance usually speaks volumes: both about the health of the little breeders and about the responsibility of the breeder. Untidy babies with matted fur and an unpleasant odor indicate that the breeder did not care much about them.

Take home the baby you like, at the sight of whom your heart skips a beat or at least trembles.

Such a puppy will definitely become a full-fledged member of the family and will firmly establish itself in your life.


The breed is quite healthy. The life expectancy of Miniature Schnauzers ranges from 13–15 years, but with proper care and good genetics, dogs live longer. It is worth understanding that potentially healthy Miniature Schnauzer puppies are sold in nurseries and have documents confirming the absence of genetic diseases. Also, choosing a puppy involves studying the pedigrees and documents of the parents and the third generation, since ailments that occur in the breeders can be hereditary. Diseases typical for the Miniature Schnauzer are:

  • Atopic dermatitis is an allergic reaction that has an autoimmune cause. The cause of the disease is an autoimmune disorder, resulting in the body's inability to perceive irritants from the external environment. Atopy is rarely the result of a reaction to food.
  • Cataract is clouding of the lens of the eye, most often a sluggish disease that progresses to glaucoma, partial or complete blindness.
  • Volvulus of the stomach or intestinal fragment is a life-threatening condition, accompanied by impaired blood flow in the organ, necrotic process and sepsis.
  • Joint dysplasia, most often the hip, is a hereditary or acquired disease, expressed by the slow renewal of articular tissues. As dysplasia progresses, deformation of the joint occurs, which causes pain, to the point that the dog cannot walk.
  • Hypothyroidism is a chronic disease characterized by dysfunction of the thyroid gland and, as a consequence, insufficient amounts of one or more hormones.
  • Diabetes is a deficiency of the hormonal system, accompanied by low production of insulin produced by the pancreas.
  • Pancreatitis is a condition indicating inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Lipoma is the formation of so-called wen, benign tumors.
  • Melanoma is an oncological tumor that develops when skin cells degenerate.
  • Cryptorchidism is a pathology in male dogs, diagnosed when one or both testes are incompletely descended into the scrotum. The problem is solved promptly.
  • Epilepsy is a neurological disease characterized by recurrent seizures.

Pros and cons of the breed

The advantages of the breed are the following:

  • high intellectual indicators;
  • nice appearance;
  • good watchman qualities;
  • excellent search abilities with proper upbringing;
  • ability to get along with children;
  • the ability to protect the owner;
  • self-esteem;
  • love for all family members.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • desire to dominate;
  • cunning;
  • stubbornness;
  • excessive suspicion.
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