How long do Russian spaniels live or how to extend the life of a little hunter?

The Russian spaniel is considered the pride of Russian dog breeders. He has an expressive appearance, a sociable and friendly character, and excellent instincts.

The average life expectancy of the breed is longer than that of other hunting dogs. Despite this, owners always want their dog to live even longer.

We will tell you in detail how to properly care for your pet in order to prolong its life, and we will also look at how to avoid the accidental death of a dog.

Description of the English Cocker Spaniel breed

Popularity 143rd among 263 dog breeds


13-15 years old

Breed group:



males: 39-41 cm, females: 38-39 cm

Country of origin:

Great Britain

Average price:

15-20 thousand rubles


13-14.5 kg
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Life expectancy of dogs at home

When choosing a puppy for your family, you should definitely pay attention to the spaniel. Their life expectancy with proper care is about 15 years, but there have been cases when the dog lived up to 20 years. Not many animals are capable of such a long life; the Chihuahua is considered the record holder among all.

Cocker spaniel dog

Note! The main feature of Russian spaniels is reduced wear and tear on the body.

Key facts

Get used to the noise, cover your apartment with soundproofing foam or buy earplugs and be patient - your new pet loves to bark. With proper upbringing, you will not feel any inconvenience - the wallpaper and furniture will be intact, and even the theft of food from the table will not affect you. In return, be sensitive - the breed is sensitive and nervous, do not go too far in the educational process.

Sweet spaniels are the number one friend for security forces. The brilliant instincts of the British help to accurately track down drugs and other illegal substances. In other words, the performance characteristics of the English Cocker Spaniel breed are impeccable.

The cocker loves hunting and physical activity, and can be trained quickly. Regardless of the conditions in which the pet lives - in a spacious house or a small apartment - you need to walk the dog at least twice a day with daily exercise for the dog. Otherwise, from an athlete, hunter and simply handsome, the cocker will turn into a capricious, lazy and fat animal.

The description of the English Cocker Spaniel breed suggests that boys are more stubborn and dominant, while modesty and shyness are characteristic features of the fairer sex.

The English Cocker can be confused with the Field Spaniel, although the second species is impressively larger in size, long-legged and with dark hair. The larger counterpart has a uniform color with sparse markings, and there is no undercoat.

Also, the English cocker differs from the American one - it is larger in volume and lighter in character. The American Spaniel can be too serious and is called more of a decorative breed than a hunting breed.

The life expectancy of the English Cocker Spaniel is encouraging: with proper care, the dogs live up to 15-16 years. Health

Long-lived dogs

Despite statistics and calculations, nature never ceases to amaze; the Guinness Book of Records confirms this. On its pages there is data about long-lived dogs that have outlived their required age by more than 2 times:

  1. The first record-breaking pet was the Austrian shepherd, whose lifespan was more than 29 years. All his life the dog guarded sheep flocks and was active until his last days.
  2. Terrier Max is approaching his 30th birthday. The dog never received any care and ate regular food.

The length of a dog's life is individual, but the owner of the dog can make it long enough, happy, colorful!

Among some breeds there are real long-lived dogs. All other things being equal, a border collie, for example, will live longer than, say, a boxer or a great dane.

The Dachshund is the most famous, friendly hunting breed. The dachshund, despite its appearance, is a courageous, courageous, serious, purposeful, and independent dog. These funny little guys live up to 17 years on average, but sometimes reach the 20-year mark.

The main “danger zone” is a long spine, problems with intervertebral discs are possible; tend to be overweight, more often when they begin to age. These problems can be prevented by balanced exercise and a healthy diet.

Yorkshire Terrier: representatives of this, at first glance, small and weak decorative breed live on average 14-16 years, which is longer than huskies. The Yorkshire Terrier weighs 2-3 kilograms, but it is not fragile - they were previously used to exterminate rats.

This fact does not prevent their owners from decorating their pets with various bows and ribbons. The diseases to which Yorkies are susceptible are caused by “smallness.” This list includes non-overgrowth of the fontanel, cryptorchidism, Perthes disease, distichiasis.

An active and smart Beagle will not let its owner get bored. These cheerful and noisy pets live an average of 15 years. They have a good appetite, especially in adolescence (they eat whenever they see food), so they do not need to be overfed.

Obesity will not benefit the Beagle. Epilepsy is relatively common, but it can be successfully treated. Typical diseases of beagles are boils, glaucoma, and cataracts. Due to the long, flexible ears, the inner cavity does not receive sufficient ventilation, which will lead to infections.

History of the origin of the English Cocker Spaniel

In ancient times, cockers were especially famous for hunting birds, which is where the name came from. "Cocker" is short for "woodcock", which means woodcock.

Scientists suggest that spaniels accompanied people back in the Bronze Age. Another version: the ancestors of spaniels lived on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, since the French “espaigneul” is translated as “Spanish dog”.

The breed was recognized in 1893, but dogs appeared in Russia much later - the public and breeders were not delighted with cockers. Therefore, they began to be bred no earlier than 1970.

History of the breed

The creation of the ideal representative of the armed race began in the early 19th century. The cocker spaniel owes its name to its original hunting target: the woodcock, also called the cocker. The breed was artificially bred in England, and then quickly spread throughout the world.

In 1902, Cocker Spaniels were recognized as an independent breed and the first fairly strict standards were established. Over the years, these requirements have undergone a number of important changes and are now formulated less strictly.

Appearance of an English Cocker Spaniel

General impression

Touching beauty is just one of the advantages of the English Cocker Spaniel.
He is strong, smart, agile - these are the qualities of an exemplary hunter. The breed is harmoniously built, and you can admire the dog running forever because of the incredible grace in its movements. The breed is a mixture of the Field Spaniel and subsequent bred species. This is noticeable in the photo of an English Cocker Spaniel.


The Englishman is distinguished by a square muzzle, not stretched in width, a powerful jaw with a classic bite.
The breed's brilliant sense of smell is achieved through a nose with wide nostrils. Large oval eyes are not protruding and have brown shades. The ears hang down and are covered with hair, reaching to the nose.


The neck should not be long, but not short, pumped up and without folds.


True breeds have a small body, wiry and muscular. The back does not bend, it is straight. The chest is without bulges, deep.


The spaniel's paws are sinewy and straight, moderately elongated. For the greatest freedom of movement, the cocker's knees are bent, due to this the dog's running is not constrained. The swing is achieved by elastic repulsions from the ground with round paws. The fingers are close to each other.

Hind limbs

According to the standard, the hind legs should be identical in length to the body. The back is balanced with the front.


Cockers' tails are docked, but not in all countries. Dogs with undocked tails also participate in shows. Allowable length is up to the hock joints. The tail should not look runny.


The spaniel moves with sweeping steps, the step is fast and light. Large webbed paws help the dog swim. The spaniel runs energetically and sweepingly.


The texture of the coat is somewhere between wavy and straight.
It feels silky and very pleasant to the touch. Present on all limbs, body and abdomen. In the lower part of the body, the fur looks like a skirt, and on the paws it looks like a fringe. Long hair forms a fringe. According to the standard, the coat should not be fluffy, curly or harsh.


English Cockers come in solid, mixed, tri-color and speckled varieties.
Of the solid colors, red, brown-chocolate, spotted, black, and golden are allowed. Of the mixed colors, the following colors of English Cocker Spaniels are found: red, liver, fawn, black - all of these shades contain white specks. But pets of these colors do not participate in exhibitions. The standard recognized only four colors: black, marbled blue, marbled red, red. As the dog grows, the coat darkens. Lips must be depigmented.


When standing, a cocker boy reaches 41 cm at the withers, a girl – 39 cm, the maximum and minimum height of an English Cocker Spaniel is regulated by standards.
The weight of an English Cocker Spaniel does not exceed 14.5 kg. The size of the English Cocker Spaniel is compact, but it still needs space, as the dog is energetic and active.

How old do dogs grow?

Intensive growth in dogs is observed until 6 months of age, then the rate decreases. The further development of healthy dogs kept in appropriate conditions depends on the breed and size. Let's look at the growth characteristics of small, medium and large dogs.

Small dog breeds include:

  1. Yorkshire Terrier - growth lasts up to 8–9 months.

Pekingese - up to 9 months, sometimes up to 12 months.

Chihuahuas grow in height for up to 8 months, then gain strength.

Pug - up to 6 or up to 9 months with active weight gain.

Toy terrier - up to 180 days.

Toy poodle - growth continues until 7-8 months.

Pomeranian Spitz - its growth ends at 6 months, after which the bones become stronger.

Dachshund - up to 8 months in height, then gets stronger.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier - up to 7 months, growth stops by 10-12 months.

Shih Tzu - grows at 4-6 months.

Medium breeds

Medium breeds of dogs grow until about 12 months of age; in terms of breeds it looks like this:

  1. Spaniel - about 8 months, matures up to 1.5 years. Cocker Spaniel

French bulldog - up to 8-9 months, then grows in breadth.

Basset hound - up to 8-10 months, until about 15 months it gains muscle mass.

Laika - up to about 9-10 months.

Chow chow - up to 11 months.

Husky - grows in height up to 1 year, in muscles - up to 1.5–2 years.

Pit bull terrier - up to 9 months, the end of growth occurs up to 1.5 years.

Cocker Spaniel - up to 8 months in height, fully formed at just over 12 months of age.

Bull Terrier - grows in height up to 10 months; the appearance of an adult animal is formed up to 1.5 years.

Golden Retriever - grows by 1 year, bones and muscle mass gain shape by 1.5 years.

Large (large) breeds

Large breeds take the longest to grow and by the age of 3 years they take on the appearance of an adult dog. The growth of large breed dogs is as follows:

  1. Rottweiler - grows in height up to 1 year, gets stronger up to 2 years.
  2. German Shepherd - growth occurs up to 1 year, muscle mass increases up to 2 years.
  3. Labrador Retriever - grows up to 1.5 years, fully matures up to 2.5 years.
  4. Saint Bernard - grows up to 12 months, by the age of 3 it gradually gains shape.
  5. Caucasian Shepherd Dog - growth in height occurs up to 1 year, formation of muscle mass - up to 2 years.
  6. Mastiff - grows up to 1 year, the exterior is formed up to 2.5 years.
  7. Irish Wolfhound - up to 1.5–2 years.
  8. Great Dane - at the withers it grows up to 1.5 years, in weight - up to 3.
  9. Moscow Watchdog - height growth stops at 14 months, sometimes at 1.5 years of age, formation stops at 3 years of age.
  10. Alabai - up to 1 year, gets stronger up to 3 years.

Character of the English Cocker Spaniel

English cockers know their worth and are curious. Only one family member will be obeyed, who will be chosen as the owner - the rest of the family will not be pushed around. The dog respects not only its owner, but also its beloved. The dog tolerates children until they begin to cause him inconvenience. Spaniels are so smart that they can talentedly act like a fool, so it’s not always possible to force a pet to do something.

At home they get along with four-legged animals. He has a weakness for other pets, for example, birds - and not in a good way. It is better not to leave the hunter alone with the birds, otherwise instinct will work.

Cockers are phenomenal bloodhounds, they find lost objects even when there is no need to look for them. On the street, the dog will excavate the well-groomed flower beds of neighbors and sandboxes.

English dogs are the biggest party animals in the world, they are happy to have any communication and travel. Don't yawn while walking, otherwise your puppy will have no problem getting away from you on a bus or other public transport. Give your pet a ride in the car - he will appreciate it, and his face will catch the wind in the open window. The dog also loves music and will not miss the opportunity to sing along with his howls.

If you have a pet, then give it an outlet for its energy, otherwise life in the apartment will turn into hell. Outside in the heat, your four-legged friend will get tired quickly, and in winter, due to his thick double coat, he can walk for a long time.

The four-legged friends of this breed have an incredible thirst for water. If you don’t take your pet to a normal body of water, he will be content with a puddle. In warm seasons, pamper your cocker with a trip to the beach - many dogs relieve stress through swimming.

In general, the character of the English Cocker Spaniel is described as open, friendly, full of boundless energy and excitement.

How long do purebred animals live?

According to veterinary experts, there is a clear relationship between the breed and the years measured to the animal. It has been scientifically proven that the smaller the dog, the longer its life.

The vitality of representatives of different breeds varies. This is due to human breeding activities. When developing standards, dogs develop and reinforce features that are often unnatural.

Breeding a breed is fraught with complications, which are expressed in hereditary diseases:

  1. Chihuahua. These cute little creatures are genetically prone to medial dislocations of the kneecaps, elbow joints, and various dysplasias.
  2. Dachshund. Natural hunters, with a funny long body on short legs, pay with health for such a body structure. Hereditary pathology in dachshunds is intervertebral disc disease.
  3. Shar-Pei. Not only in this breed of dog, but in all pets with skin folds, the disease entropion, which is essentially an entropion of the eyelid, is common.
  4. Rottweilers. Strong, brave, fearless, smart. But they are also susceptible to hereditary diseases - aortic stenosis, Rottweiler leukoencephalopathy, follicular lipidosis.
  5. Pikines. This ancient breed is distinguished by a special eye structure, for which it suffers from a tendency to eversion of the eyelids, cataracts, and corneal ulcers.

Education and training

You won't be able to force a cocker to do exercises unless you get him interested. Think about training in a playful way. It should not be long and without the same commands, otherwise the dog will quickly get bored. With proper training, you will not spend a lot of time raising a cocker puppy.

At three months, teach your puppy etiquette around strangers. If you don’t know how to stop your child from asking for food, then the method is simple - ignore the pitiful hungry look. Otherwise, respect for you will end. Is it possible to be tough and tyrant? No, either, maintain a middle ground between excessive lisp and screaming.

At four months they will try to dominate you and take a leadership position in the house. Don't let your puppy drag you on a leash. How to train him to wear a collar - wear it discreetly while playing or eating.

At eight months, it is time for your spaniel to become well-mannered and trained. Classes are needed regardless of whether you are a hunter or not. The call command is required to be trained. Choose one of the commands "Ugh!" and “You can’t!” Teach your dog not to be afraid of gunshots if you plan to go hunting with him.

In the same case, start by training wading birds from childhood and teach them to search for objects at four months. Hide the game and offer to find it. In the summer, try hunting ducklings. During warm seasons, even in spring, do not practice in the heat. And in the fall and winter, exercise in any adequate weather. Let the student do his chores and take a walk first.

For inexperienced dog breeders, raising and training an English Cocker Spaniel can create difficulties - in this case, you can contact an instructor. This will solve all the problems that have arisen.

Looking for an English Cocker Spaniel? Find your pet from 2 offers As a gift

How to extend the life of your pet?

If you love your pet and want him to be with you for a long time, try to follow a few simple recommendations.

  • Give him attention, play with him, walk him more often. Let him run around the yard, if possible, go out into nature with him on the weekend.
  • Monitor your pet's diet. Dog food should be healthy and rich in biologically active substances that a spaniel needs. Consult your veterinarian for proper portion sizes for each meal to help prevent malnutrition or obesity.
  • Equip your spaniel's sleeping area in such a way that it is protected from drafts.
  • Check your dog's well-being regularly. Comprehensive vaccinations play a very important role in the spaniel’s health. Don’t forget to vaccinate your pet every year at your next veterinarian checkup. Unfortunately, there are currently constant mutations in the direction of strengthening pathogens of various diseases, and vaccinations are practically the only way to protect your dog.

Cocker Spaniel Health and Diseases

Possible diseases

Dogs of this breed cannot avoid vaccinations as a means of preventing certain diseases.
The British are susceptible to eye diseases - cataracts, ectropion, urolithiasis, epilepsy, hepatitis, and deafness. If your tailed friend is inactive and lethargic, whines, suffers from shortness of breath, limps, and his face is sad, it’s time to find a competent veterinarian. If you suspect a fever, gently touch your pet's nose. A wet tip will indicate that the dog is healthy.

Obesity is a common disease in cockers, so do not overfeed your dog or subject it to physical activity - the dog will enjoy the exercise itself. Walking will eliminate the likelihood of hysterics that may occur in spaniels due to improper upbringing.

Reproductive health

The first heat of English cockers occurs late - between a year and a year and a half. But all the same, a bitch cannot be bred for the first estrus - this must be done upon reaching two years of age.

Mating is carried out under the supervision of the dogs' owners, since the bitch will need body support during the mating of the dogs. Mating is repeated after a few days.

The first birth in spaniel girls can be complicated, requiring a caesarean section - so it is advisable to invite a veterinarian to your home.

Causes of premature death

The owner of a Russian spaniel must know the main reasons why his pet can die at a fairly young age:

  • poor quality nutrition;
  • insufficient physical activity and short walks;
  • lack of vaccinations;
  • untimely treatment against parasites;
  • excess weight and overeating;
  • hunting injuries;
  • poisoning with toxic substances;
  • untimely treatment.

It is important! Curious and active Russian Spaniels, unfortunately, often get hit by cars. To avoid a tragic situation in the city, representatives of the breed are only walked on a leash.

Features of feeding and diet

Feed your cocker porridge - rice, buckwheat, and stringy raw or boiled boneless meat - beef, lamb and poultry. Diversify your diet with sea fish and vegetables.

It is forbidden to feed legumes, pasta, bread, sweets, sausage, bones, broccoli and dishes containing tomato paste.

Eggs can be given soft-boiled or scrambled eggs, fruit - rarely. Mix garlic once a week.

If it is impossible or unwilling to feed natural food, switch to dry food - it is better to take a premium one. Before purchasing, consult your veterinarian: he will help you calculate the exact daily portion.

Watch your pet's ears while eating - they fall into the bowl and get dirty. To do this, there are bowls with a narrowed top - or use elastic bands as ear mounts. It looks funny, but it gives the dog the opportunity to eat properly.

Puppy Feeding Guide

For babies from three to seven months after birth, it is recommended to add grated chalk or calcium tablets to their food.

A one-month-old puppy eats five times, two tablespoons of food in each serving. At six months, feeding is reduced to three times.

Adult Feeding Guide

Feeding standards are calculated not by age, but by body weight: no more than 50 grams of meat per kg of weight. Monitor the temperature of the food and its consistency - it should not burn your hands. Remove food that your pet has not eaten within 15 minutes.

Have meals at the same time every day. Your pet's dining area should be clean and ventilated.

Nutritional Features

You can feed Russian spaniels with natural products or industrial food; it is only important to follow a few important rules:

  • do not mix both types of nutrition;
  • ensure that your diet is balanced and contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals;
  • strictly control the volume of portions consumed by your pet - 40 g/kg weight of dry food and 30/60 g/kg of natural products;
  • Give your dog fasting days twice a month, reducing the daily amount of food by 60%.

IMPORTANT! The portion can be increased only for animals after illness, lactating bitches and in winter for dogs living in an enclosure.

With a natural diet, the owner has the opportunity to independently choose fresh and high-quality food for the dog, but such a diet requires a lot of time for daily food preparation. In addition, creating a balanced menu is quite difficult.

The pet must be given:

  • lean meat;
  • offal;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy products;
  • greens as natural dietary supplements;
  • eggs.

Representatives of the breed should not be fed:

  • animal fats;
  • bones;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • pickles, marinades;
  • pork;
  • citrus fruits;
  • potatoes;
  • sweets, baked goods;
  • spicy, fried foods.

If we are talking about industrial feed, then their advantage is a much more convenient method of storage and use, as well as a composition enriched with vitamins and minerals.

In addition, a wide range of food allows you to choose a diet for your pet in accordance with its age, health and physiological state.

You should choose only high-quality premium, super-premium or holistic food.

Products from the brands Go, Hills, Royal Canin, Probalance, Pro Plan, Savarra, Acana have proven themselves well.

Menu for the week

Day of the weekMenu
Monday500 g meat, 100 g greens, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g yogurt, 100 g vegetables
Tuesday600 g boiled fish, 100 ml natural yogurt, 100 g vegetables, 50 g cottage cheese, 150 g buckwheat porridge
Wednesday50 ml kefir, 50 g herbs, 550 g offal, 100 g cottage cheese and 100 g vegetables, 150 g oatmeal
Thursday150 g cottage cheese, 50 g greens, 1 egg, 500 g beef, 150 g vegetables, 150 g rice porridge
Friday50 ml kefir, 50 g greens, 550 g offal, 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g vegetables, 150 g rice porridge
Saturday600 g of boiled sea fish, 100 ml of natural yogurt, 100 g of vegetables, 50 g of cottage cheese and 150 g of buckwheat porridge
Sunday500 g meat, 100 g greens, 200 g oatmeal, 100 g cottage cheese, 100 g vegetables

Care and maintenance

Cockers love space, and this is not surprising. Look at the photo of your pet - what an energetic little creature he is. If possible, arrange frequent outings or walks for at least two hours a day - otherwise the pet’s unrealized energy will not manifest itself in the best way at home.

A long-haired breed should not be allowed to breed. Make it a habit to brush every other day, and daily when shedding. Buy a brush, a slicker brush, a tangle cutter and scissors. After your haircut, the spaniel should not look as if it has changed its image. Experienced owners advise cutting the hair between the toes, shortening the feathers on the paws, plucking the hair on the body and head - and nothing more.

To care for the coat of spaniels, they use a type of technique with fashionable names:

  • stripping (pinching fur using a special knife; an ideal technique for processing the head and body of a pet);
  • plaking (plucking hair with fingers);
  • clippervek (ultra-short clipper haircut);
  • flatvec (regular haircut with a clipper);
  • blending (cutting with scissors).

Carry out washing once a week.
Frequent baths will cause dandruff and skin irritation. Trim your nails once every two weeks, otherwise they may become ingrown or damaged and fester. For the oral cavity, purchase brushes and pastes, bones from the pet store to remove plaque from the teeth.

Bad smell from the ears can occur due to poor air circulation - long, abundant hairs complicate ventilation and attract dirt. It is recommended to pluck the fur in the ears and clean the ears with cotton swabs and pads. Place a 3% peroxide solution in your ear and remove the wax after half a minute.

The maintenance and care of the English Cocker Spaniel must be of high quality and regular. Then the dog will not only look beautiful, but also remain healthy.

Pros and cons of the breed

Cocker spaniels have their good and bad qualities. The advantages of these dogs include:

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Agility and ability to learn quickly.
  • Good will.
  • Absolute devotion.
  • Impressive hunting instincts.
  • Good health.
  • Force.

The disadvantages are presented:

  • Excessive attachment.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Noise.
  • Tedious grooming.
  • Nervousness.
  • Dominant trend.

Tips for choosing a puppy

Funny English Cocker Spaniel puppies make you fall in love at first sight. For this purpose, dogs have an arsenal of cuteness - a smart face, a movable tail and friendliness. As the cocker grows older, it remains affectionate only with its loved ones.

A healthy puppy should have silky hair and a dense, well-fed body. Eyes and ears are clean, without discharge. The puppy can be taken from its mother in the first month of birth. Excessive volume and constant barking are not a very good sign, so decide for yourself whether to take a dog with a defect, even despite the reasonable price.

A hunter puppy's parents must have diplomas in game catching - a first-degree document is valued.

Choose trusted breeders, and watch videos and pictures of puppies before your trip. Learn about screening dogs for eye and other diseases.

Attitude towards children

Spaniels have a positive attitude towards children and love to play with them. Such a dog will gladly brighten up the time for active activities with the child. With no less pleasure, she will keep the baby company while resting or sleeping. In addition, the dog will faithfully lie next to you while the child does homework or sits at the computer.

How much does an English Cocker Spaniel puppy cost?

There is no fixed price - the cost using the RKF (Russian Cynological Federation) metric varies from 20,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Save money and buy a non-show breed with minor defects from the nursery for an amount from 12,000 to 18,000 rubles. Mestizos can be found cheaper - for a maximum of 8,000 rubles.

The price of an English Cocker Spaniel depends on the availability and number of vaccinations, the reputation of the kennels, pedigree, documents and the seller himself.

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Potential Health Problems

Owners of cocker spaniels should take into account that their pet has a genetic predisposition to certain diseases:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Formation of stones in the organs of the urinary system.
  • Joint dysplasia.
  • Epilepsy of any form.
  • Ear infections.
  • Eye diseases (cataracts, degenerative changes in the retina or its atrophy, glaucoma).
  • Deafness.
  • Formation of tumors such as melanomas, lipomas, adenocarcinomas.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Discopathy (damage to intervertebral discs).
  • Demodectic scabies.
  • Inversion or inversion of the eyelids.
  • Dwarfism.
  • Hydrocephalus.

How long do Russian spaniels live or how to extend the life of a little hunter?

The Russian spaniel is considered the pride of Russian dog breeders. He has an expressive appearance, a sociable and friendly character, and excellent instincts.

The average life expectancy of the breed is longer than that of other hunting dogs. Despite this, owners always want their dog to live even longer.

We will tell you in detail how to properly care for your pet in order to prolong its life, and we will also look at how to avoid the accidental death of a dog.

Photo gallery

The number of years lived together with this “cheerful little animal” directly depends on how responsible the owner is in caring for a puppy of this breed.


The name makes it clear where this breed was bred. The meaning of the word “cocker” is translated from English as “woodcock” - a type of game bird, for the sake of hunting which the breed was created. The cocker had to smell the bird, scare it, find it and bring it to the owner.

The meaning of the word “spaniel” is not so unambiguously interpreted; there are discrepancies. One version traces the origin of the word to the ancient Phoenician language, in which “spani” meant a rabbit or a long-eared dog. This hypothesis also seems very convincing because the ancient Phoenicians had dogs that were used to hunt birds, and then brought to Western Europe and England.

The first cocker spaniels were larger than the current ones until they were crossed with Japanese ones, presented to the Queen of England. The mixing of blood led to the appearance of small individuals with a characteristic color - chestnut-red spots on a white background.

The British have done a lot for this breed. They improved the spaniel's hunting characteristics, taught him to use his voice, warning him about found game. Cockers could get through dense thickets, tall grass and thorny thorns, and were distinguished by their efficiency and balanced, friendly disposition, intelligence and quick wit. This took more than one decade of the 19th century.

At the end of the 19th century, the first English Cocker Spaniel club appeared, but the breed standard was described only at the beginning of the 20th century.

Until the breed was officially recognized, English cocker spaniels were called “field spaniels” at shows, and “jolly cockers” among themselves.

How to extend the life of a dog

Even though spaniels live longer than other hunting dogs, living conditions can affect how many years a pet will live.

Every owner of a Russian spaniel wants his four-legged pet to live as long as possible. This is what will happen!

True, provided that the dog eats right, walks a lot, spends time actively and visits the veterinarian.

The right diet

A properly selected diet has a huge impact on the life expectancy of a Russian Spaniel.


A female English Cocker Spaniel can have from 3 to 10 puppies.

Breeding puppies for sale is a labor-intensive process that requires knowledge, skills, abilities, time and financial investments.


Before mating, a genetic test of the bitch is done and tests are carried out to confirm that the dog is healthy. Physiological readiness for mating is determined by the number of heats, the norm is 2 times a year. The time before the next estrus is chosen - the most favorable for fertilization.

The mating process takes place under the control of breeders. The animals are given time to get used to each other. During mating, the bitch is held by the head and under the belly until the “lock” moment, which lasts about 10 minutes. After 2-3 days, it is recommended to repeat mating.

Pregnancy in Cocker Spaniels lasts about two months. The time of onset of labor is determined by measuring rectal temperature. A drop to 37°C indicates that you need to prepare. The first birth requires the presence of a veterinarian in case a caesarean section becomes necessary.

Giving birth to a Cocker Spaniel is quite a long process. The interval between the first and second puppy is 3 hours. The next ones are born faster.

Caring for puppies

If the mother does not have milk or there is not enough milk, the puppies will have to be bottle-fed with warm milk every two hours, including at night.

The first vaccination is done at 2.5 months; before that, the puppies do not leave the apartment.

In the access area of ​​mobile and active children, you will have to remove all objects that could harm or spoil themselves - electrical wires, detergents, cleaning products, medicines, books, newspapers, etc.

Small cockers need to be picked up with both hands and held firmly. These creatures are very nimble and nimble and can fall out.

Cocker spaniel puppies are sent to a new home at 1.5 months of age. By this time, they have already stopped suckling their mother and switched to solid food. This can be premium ready-made food or homemade food specially prepared for the puppy.

Boiled turkey, chicken, beef, beef liver, homemade cottage cheese, boiled sea fish without bones, omelets, porridge cooked in meat broth (oatmeal, buckwheat) are suitable for a puppy.

How to choose the right puppy?

Before buying an American Cocker Spaniel puppy, you need to sensibly assess your strength. The breed requires high maintenance costs; with show-class individuals, you will have to regularly travel to exhibitions.

Find out how to name a Cocker Spaniel “Choosing a nickname for a puppy.”

It is recommended to buy puppies from reliable nurseries that guarantee the health and breed of the animals. Upon visual examination, babies should not have:

  • obvious deviations from the standard;
  • ulcers and wounds on the skin;
  • unpleasant dog smell.

American Cocker Spaniel puppies are cheerful and playful, willing to make contact. You should ask the breeder to show the parents, their documents and the results of tests for hereditary diseases.

Character traits

Cocker spaniels are playful, responsive and cheerful dogs . Being active and sharp hunters, at home they are the embodiment of kindness and tenderness. They need love, attention and care.

Representatives of this breed are very good-natured and affectionate towards all family members, but, as a rule, they choose one person as the owner and remain faithful to him throughout his life, trying to always stay close and participate as much as possible in his life.

Such excessive attachment can lead to a loss of independence and an absolute inability to be alone.

Quiet and timid individuals are extremely rare among cockers; most often these dogs are sociable and inquisitive. At the same time, they are wary of strangers and loud barks notify their owners about the visit of strangers, which indicates a good guard instinct.

Despite the stubbornness inherent in these dogs and the habit of acting independently, they are smart, flexible and strive to please the owner, so there are no problems with their upbringing and training.

Expert opinion

Kozhevin Semyon Kirillovich

Expert dog handler.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by a strong attachment to their owner. They need his undivided attention and constant communication. If these traits are encouraged, the pet may completely lose independence and even a short stay alone will cause him suffering. It is important to remember this when raising a cocker, and to train him to have self-control and understanding that the owner cannot be around all the time.

How much does it cost and where to buy?

There are quite a few American Cocker Spaniel kennels in Russia:

  • "BEAUTIFUL" (Moscow);
  • "Evelveis" (St. Petersburg);
  • "Bonisher" (Nizhny Novgorod);
  • “Elena’s Chocolate Fantasy” (Ekaterinburg)

A pet-class American Cocker Spaniel puppy will cost approximately 20,000 rubles, a breeding-class puppy – 30,000–40,000 rubles. The cost of show class dogs starts from 50,000 rubles.

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