How long do spaniels live at home - how to extend the life of a pet

One of the most popular dog breeds is spaniels, which are distinguished by their friendly and cheerful character, active behavior and curiosity. When getting a pet, owners rarely think about the animal's lifespan. It is important to understand that pets have a much shorter lifespan than humans. If there are children in the family, it is necessary to explain to the kids why their pet cannot be with them all their lives. This article will talk about how long spaniels of different types live, what are the features of this breed, and how to extend the life of a pet.

Representative of the Cocker Spaniel breed

Spaniel: features of the breed

Common features of all spaniel varieties:

  • long hair, in most cases wavy;
  • long drooping ears;
  • harmonious physique;
  • various colors (black, red, brown and others);
  • friendly and cheerful character;
  • belong to the category of hunting dogs (with the exception of several decorative species);
  • animals swim well;
  • high intelligence and learning ability;
  • presence of empathy;
  • excellent companions for both adults and children;
  • can live comfortably both in a city apartment and in a country house (the second option is preferable).

This is interesting! Spaniels are often used to treat children with autism.

Interesting Facts

Cocker spaniels are significantly different from other representatives of hunting dogs. To make sure of this, you should find out interesting facts about this breed.

Dogs have a unique talent for begging for food from the table. They do it so cutely that sometimes their owners can’t stand it and treat them with treats. But doing this is strictly prohibited. Sometimes even the smallest piece of human food can end disastrously for the health of the animal.

Many are inclined to believe that the Russian spaniel is a hunting dog, whose main task is to pick up a bird or chase some animal, but this is not entirely true. When hunting, spaniels pick up a bird and point it at the shot, then run and pick it up and carry it to its owner. There is no need to worry if a shot bird falls into the water. Spaniels are excellent swimmers, so they can easily get game from even a small lake or river.

Spaniel on the hunt

If the spaniel sees a duck or other possible game, he makes a warning stance, rising on his hind legs, after which he sharply jumps forward.

Cocker spaniels are so hardy that they can run after ducks and various animals through the forest and swamp all day long.

On a note! During the hunt, their strength increases several times.

Another very interesting fact is that spaniels are often used by the police or customs service. This is because dogs have a well-developed sense of smell, thanks to which they can find narcotic or explosive substances, even if they are in hard packaging.

Another important fact is their height and weight. They can get into places where large dogs, such as shepherds, cannot get through. People are less afraid of them than shepherds and therefore are able to let dogs get as close to them as possible, and this is sometimes of great importance.

Wherever the pet lives, in an apartment or in a country house, it must be carefully looked after, monitored for health, and then it will live much longer than expected.

Life expectancy at home

On average, spaniels live 12-14 years, but the variability of the period is determined by belonging to a particular breed. Each of them has a number of characteristics, including average life expectancy.

Lifespans of different types of spaniels

The spaniel family consists of more than ten varieties. The most popular (the approximate life expectancy of the breed is indicated in parentheses):

  • American cocker (13-15 years old);
  • English cocker (12-14 years old);
  • Russian spaniel (14-15 years old);
  • Irish Water Spaniel (10-12 years old);
  • Clumber (13-15 years old);
  • field (12-13 years old);
  • King Charles (10-12 years old);
  • Cavalier King Charles (12-13 years old);
  • English springer (can live about 14 years);
  • German Wachtelhund (about 13 years old).

On a note! Russian spaniels live longer than most hunting dogs, since the body of these animals wears out very slowly (this is a feature of the breed).

Irish Water Spaniel

Causes of premature death

An owner's life may be darkened by the premature death of a beloved pet. The causes of premature death of a dog are usually:

  • Injuries. Since the breed is a hunting breed, the dog can get injured when trying to catch game. Also, no one has canceled random accidents (being very active, spaniels often get hit by cars, and they also have a risk of falling from a height).
  • Overweight.
  • Poor nutrition (unbalanced, poor quality, stale).
  • Poisoning (food, toxic, chemical).
  • Untimely treatment.
  • Lack of vaccinations.
  • Low physical activity (few games, walks).
  • Lack of antiparasitic treatment (or its untimely implementation).

Color variations

In accordance with the breed standard, the coat of Russian spaniels can be one-color, two- or three-color.


The coat is solid black, without white markings or with their presence in clearly defined places (forehead, muzzle, throat, chest, belly, paws, tip of tail).


This color appears in the absence of black pigment; the eyes and nose are also brown.


The color of the coat varies from light fawn to dark red, the nose is black or brown, and the eyes are dark brown.


This color can be of 2 types:

  • contrasting - spots of the primary color are located on the white coat, puppies are born with a pink nose and paws with several specks;
  • speckled - almost black coat with blurry, barely visible specks; puppies have dark noses and paw pads.

Both contrasting and speckled puppies have large white markings at birth; the presence of speckling can be predicted by the color of the nose and paw pads.


This color includes the coat of black-piebald and brown-piebald contrasting with tan or speckled colors.

What does life expectancy depend on?

Factors that affect a pet's lifespan:

  • Dog health. It is important to conduct regular (at least 2 times a year) preventive examination by a veterinarian. This becomes especially important when the pet reaches 7 years of age.
  • Hereditary predisposition to diseases, the presence of genetic abnormalities.
  • Quality of keeping and care of animals.
  • Food quality.
  • Force majeure situations. It is recommended to walk your dog on a leash.

It is better to walk your dog on a leash

Vaccinations and susceptibility to disease

Among the most common diseases of spaniels it is necessary to highlight:

  • otitis media (ear inflammation);
  • obesity;
  • leptospirosis;
  • demodicosis;
  • piroplasmosis, the main carrier of which is the tick;
  • ringworm;
  • allergies.

How long do mongrel dogs live at home?

To avoid the manifestation of many of these diseases, it is necessary to get vaccinations on time and visit a veterinarian for a preventive examination. As for nutrition, you should either buy high-quality ready-made super-premium food or natural products. Take care of the fur, monitor the growth and weight of the animal.

Important! By following all the recommendations for caring for an animal, you can not only maintain its health, but also extend its life to 18 years.

The healthy weight of a Russian spaniel is from 15 to 18 kg; exceeding this indicator indicates obesity, so the animal must be urgently put on a diet.

Animal vaccination

Ear diseases

The most vulnerable place is the ears of spaniels. They are quite long with wavy hair and must be carefully groomed. Since the ears are covered, it is not immediately possible to see whether they are dirty or not, so a number of diseases may arise, for example, otitis media. The cause of its appearance can be parasites, fungal infections or viral ones. To avoid this problem, you need to take care of your ears every 2-3 days.

How to find out the age of a pet

You can determine the age of a spaniel in various ways:

  • In the teeth. The degree of tooth wear is taken into account. The latter change up to 7 months. If it is clear that the changes have occurred recently, then the animal is no more than 1.5 years old. If there is a yellow coating on the enamel, then the dog is approximately 2 years old. The presence of tartar indicates an age of 3 to 5 years. If several teeth are missing, it can be said that the spaniel is more than 5 years old.
  • By wool. The hair of young animals is softer and silkier. Over time it becomes rough and greasy. If the dog is older than 7 years, then bald patches and gray hair may appear on the coat.
  • By the eyes. With age, the eyes become cloudy and the pupil dilates.
  • By muscle mass. Young individuals have more muscle mass than bone mass, since the dog is highly mobile.

Tips for choosing a puppy

It is better to purchase a baby Russian spaniel from official breeders. Here you can get acquainted with the pedigree of the parents, their achievements, diplomas from exhibitions and more.

Before purchasing a puppy, it is recommended to visit the nursery several times and evaluate the living conditions. Be sure to watch how your baby eats. If he has no appetite, it means he has health problems. A healthy dog's bowl always remains empty.

At 2 months of age, the spaniel stands well on its feet, runs quickly, and takes part in what is happening around it with great interest. Choose a Russian Hunting Spaniel puppy with a clearly visible hump on the nose - this is evidence that over time the muzzle will stretch to the desired size. Individuals with straight or snub noses usually grow up with a short muzzle, which is considered a defect.

Among the pack of puppies, it is easy to spot future leaders. Such dogs become excellent hunters and loyal friends. Children are tested for courage by clapping their hands strongly in silence or by turning them over on their backs and holding them in this position for several minutes. Puppies with the makings of a hunter will react calmly to noise, but will perceive physical impact with obvious anger and will try to get back on their feet.

When choosing, another “test” is also appropriate - waving a rag in front of the puppy’s nose. The potential leader will immediately sense the “prey” and will not let it pass, clinging to it with his teeth.

How to extend the life of a pet

In order for the dog to please its owners for as long as possible, it is necessary to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • Walks should be frequent and long (2 times a day for at least 30 minutes). It is recommended to combine them with games and swimming.
  • You need the right diet. It is better to consult a veterinarian on this issue.
  • The sleeping area should be arranged so that it is inaccessible to drafts.
  • Get regular preventative check-ups with a veterinarian and get vaccinated.
  • Before buying a puppy, find out about the health of its parents (if they have diseases that could be inherited).
  • You should not allow your dog to become obese.
  • Let your pet off the leash only in proven and safe places for walking.
  • Treat your dog's skin against ticks and fleas.
  • Carry out regular deworming.
  • Give your pet enough attention.

Signs of aging

The dog matures by the age of 3-4 years (by this age the animal is fully formed to lead an active lifestyle). After 7 years, the period of aging begins, the main signs of which are:

  • dull, rough-to-touch coat (bald patches and gray hair are also present);
  • cloudy, faded eyes;
  • yellow teeth;
  • decrease in muscle mass (replaced by fat);
  • decreased physical activity;
  • deterioration of hearing, smell, vision;
  • sensitivity to cold;
  • slow gait.

Care and hygiene

Caring for a spaniel involves the following activities:

  • feeding;
  • walks;
  • washing (once every 3 months), blow-drying and combing (every day during the molting period);
  • visiting a veterinarian;
  • cleaning ears, eyes, teeth (once a week), claws (usually grinded down independently);
  • hygienic hair cutting (1-2 times a month) – hair in the groin, ears, and between the toes is shortened.

On a note! Your dog's paws should be washed after every walk. In winter, the soles are lubricated with protective cream or vegetable oil.

Spaniel haircut

The right diet

The best option is premium or super premium balanced dry food. Instead of ready-made food, you can give your pet natural food, but under no circumstances mix the two types of food.

The diet should consist of 75% lean meat and offal and 25% cereals, vegetables, fruits, fish (boiled without bones), and dairy products.

Important! You should not give your pet fatty, smoked, salty, or sweet foods.

Timely treatment and deworming

The dog is predisposed to diseases such as:

  • otitis;
  • obesity;
  • demodicosis;
  • piroplasmosis (infection carried by ticks);
  • leptospirosis;
  • allergy;
  • ringworm.

It is important to notice the symptoms of the disease in time and take your pet to the veterinarian.

Internal parasites negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract and the pet’s entire body as a whole, as they poison organs and tissues with their waste products. Deworming is carried out in autumn and spring. It is also necessary to treat your dog for fleas and ticks in the spring and summer.

Popular nicknames

The choice of a nickname for a pet should be approached responsibly. It is important that the dog’s name is easy to pronounce, sonorous and short - animals quickly remember such words and begin to associate themselves with them.

The male can be called:

  • Alan;
  • Archie;
  • Butch;
  • Barney;
  • Thunder;
  • Wild;
  • Kai;
  • Kevin;
  • Muffy;
  • Matt;
  • Noah;
  • Oscar;
  • Pirate;
  • Robie;
  • Roy;
  • Raf;
  • Roni;
  • Ren;
  • Falcon;
  • Sebastian;
  • Sparky;
  • Hoshi;
  • Charlie;
  • Chance;
  • Eric.

Names suitable for girls:

  • Amba;
  • Arina;
  • Amur;
  • Boni;
  • Snowstorm;
  • Dory;
  • Dolly;
  • Dekla;
  • Christie;
  • Lika;
  • Laura;
  • Molly;
  • Mary;
  • Nika;
  • Naida;
  • Puma;
  • Sparta;
  • Arrow;
  • Cynthia;
  • Secret;
  • Ula;
  • Frida;
  • Chara;
  • Yula;
  • Clear.

In order for the puppy to quickly remember his name, you need to pronounce it as often as possible and call your pet by name, treating him with a treat - this contributes to better perception and consolidation of positive associations.

Long-lived dogs

The record holder for longevity is the Russian spaniel, whose life expectancy is 14-15 years (the maximum lifespan of a Russian spaniel is 20 years). Second place is occupied by American cockers, who live about 13-15 years (the record number of years is 17). It is known how many years English cocker spaniels live - from 12 to 14, but sometimes they live up to 15 years.

Elderly spaniel

The owner should have an idea of ​​how many years a spaniel can live with proper care. It is important to understand that a person is responsible for the dog and is obliged to provide it with the best living conditions.

History of the origin of the species

The idea to develop a new hunting breed came to Russian breeders at the end of the 19th century, when European Spaniels, which were good at hunting, but were not suitable for the climate, began to be imported into the country. Active work began, the long-legged Cocker and Spring Spaniels were crossed.

The Russian Spaniel is considered one of the youngest Russian hunting breeds. The breed took its final form in the mid-20th century; a standard was developed in 1951 1966 . But before this, the breed line was not perfect. Dogs no longer resembled their ancestors, but still did not constitute a single new type. Since 1972 , dogs are no longer modified.

The animals are still not recognized by the International Canine Organization, although in Russia they are highly valued for their versatility. Russian spaniels hunt any feathered game, hares and small fur-bearing animals.

Gene therapy

Spanish scientists from the National Cancer Research Center (Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncologicas, CNIO) in 2012, under the leadership of director Maria Blasco, proved in practice that in an adult mouse, after a single injection of the drug they developed, which acts directly on the genes of an adult animal, the duration of life.

Further studies on mice showed the safety and effectiveness of this method. Mice that received the "longevity shot" at one year of age lived an average of 24% longer. At the age of two years – 13% longer. In addition, the use of the drug generally improved the health of the study mice, delaying the development of characteristic aging diseases (insulin resistance, osteoporosis) and increasing other important indicators of aging, such as neuromuscular coordination. The study authors claim that "... it may be possible to develop telomerase-based anti-aging gene therapy without increasing the risk of cancer." Based on this study, it can be argued that modern methods of gene therapy are one of the most promising areas of currently emerging therapy to stop aging and radically prolong life.

What to feed

The owner chooses the type of food (natural, industrial) for his pet. Both varieties are suitable; each owner decides what is more acceptable and convenient for him. The main thing is to monitor the volume of daily portions and avoid overeating.

Industrial feed

The daily ration is calculated using the formula: 40 g. feed for 1 kg. live weight.

Recommended brands of food:

  • Acana Adult Dog Heritag;
  • Orijen Adult Dog;
  • Bosch Light;
  • Brit Care;
  • Royal Canin Adult Cocker.

Natural nutrition

Daily norm: from 30 to 60 g. per kilogram of animal weight.

A dog's diet should include:

  • lean meat;
  • beef tripe;
  • lean sea fish fillet;
  • quail egg;
  • vegetables, greens;
  • dairy products;
  • bran;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice).

Important: game caught during hunting is not included in the diet, so that the dog does not want to spoil the prey.

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To main

Many people have pets - cats, dogs, parrots, etc. However, we should not forget that the life of our smaller brothers is much shorter than that of a human, it is worth finding out in advance how long it will last so that it does not become a shock, especially for children. This article talks about spaniels, the characteristics and varieties of the breed, their average life expectancy, and also provides advice on the optimal care and maintenance of such dogs.

Ways to extend life

To prolong your pet's life, you need to provide it with proper care.

It is important to devote time to the dog’s psychological state. Pugs are very sociable and friendly, so owners should give their love and affection in return.

Take care of your nerves

When taking home a pug, you need to remember that dogs are peaceful and very sensitive. They cannot be scolded or beaten. A negative attitude is bad for your pet's nerves. The dog becomes intimidated.

It is important to show care, play and pet your pet

Avoid stress

Stressful situations can happen if a person does not pay attention to the dog or is away from home for a long time. When going on a long business trip, your pet should not be left alone

Pugs begin to worry and feel sad. Against this background, various pathologies can develop.

It is also worth protecting a small dog from communicating with large dogs, which can scare the pug.

Cryonics or cryopreservation

Cryonics, or cryopreservation (from the ancient Greek κρύος - “cold; frost”) is a technology that allows you to preserve the bodies of people and animals in a state of deep cold in order to wait for the future, when defrosting technologies become available to revive them, and if a frozen person was now ill with an incurable disease - cure. Now during cryopreservation it is possible to freeze not the whole body, but only the head or brain.

At cryogenic temperatures, there are no significant changes in a biological object (for hundreds and thousands of years) - this fact serves as the basis for supporters of cryonics as a method for achieving life extension.

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