Wet dog food: rating of the best, review of compositions

Proponents of ready-made industrial diets in dog nutrition are faced with another difficult choice - dry food or wet food. Many mix these products, while others remain faithful to one of them. Of course, wet food has a number of advantages over dry food: they are closer to natural nutrition, which forms the basis of the predator, and do not require additional water. However, when choosing such food, you need to focus on its composition. Many unscrupulous manufacturers include ingredients in the recipe that can do more harm than good. From the article you will learn: what advantages wet food has over dry food, what to look for when choosing a particular product, what the dog’s daily intake is depending on its weight, what veterinarians and owners think about ready-made canned food and spiders.

Advantages and disadvantages of wet food

Like any food product, canned food and pouches have pros and cons. Among the main advantages:

  • balanced composition. The recipe is close to the nutrition of predators, which are dogs, under natural conditions. A high protein content with a minimal proportion of carbohydrate component is the key to the harmonious development of the animal and a way to avoid the accumulation of excess weight. In premium-class and higher products, the share of the meat component reaches 80%, the rest is useful substances;
  • Ease of use. There is no need to cook porridge with meat for your pet, doing this every day, because the dog needs fresh food. It is convenient to take canned food and pouches with you on trips and to the countryside. No need to calculate the number of servings. As a rule, the manufacturer has already calculated the norm for a dog of a certain weight and placed advisory signs on the packaging. For small dogs, pouches can be one serving;
  • high moisture content. A good product will protect your pet from developing urolithiasis;
  • wet diets are better and faster absorbed by the dog’s body, unlike dry food. Let us remind you that food from the owner’s table is digested even worse and only brings harm to the health of the four-legged pet;
  • attractive aroma and taste. Manufacturers of premium and higher grade wet food do not contain flavorings. The attractive taste and aroma are the merit of the meat that is included in the composition and is not subject to deep processing, unlike dry food. Meat in dry diets undergoes crushing, dehydration and high-temperature treatment;
  • soft consistency is suitable for dogs with problem teeth or puppies during their change;
  • variety of products. The owner is offered a variety of flavors, options for different weights and breeds, dietary and medicinal foods;
  • price variety;
  • durable packaging that prevents product damage during transportation;
  • Possibility of storing unopened packaging outside the refrigerator. After opening, you must strictly observe the expiration dates, otherwise the dog will get poisoned or have gastrointestinal upset.

Even the highest quality wet food has disadvantages:

  • short shelf life after opening the package. Refrigerated storage required. If the conditions cannot be met, it is better to give preference to portioned products - spiders;
  • The soft consistency is also a disadvantage of the food. Dogs that do not have dental problems and constantly consume soft food do not clean their teeth and gums. This leads to the formation of tartar and gum degradation. In addition, there may be problems with cleansing the paraanal glands due to the soft consistency of the stool;
  • canned gourmet foods may have a deficient composition;
  • high moisture content leads to the fact that the nutritional value of the portion is reduced;
  • the price of the product compared to dry food, the cost of canned food is approximately 20% higher;
  • addiction and refusal of other foods. Constant feeding of wet food leads to the fact that the dog may refuse other food.

Professional advice on choosing

If you take pet nutrition seriously, then you shouldn’t pay attention to economy class. The product contains meat production waste, offal, cheap grains, preservatives, dyes, as well as all kinds of additives that enhance the smell and taste, promoting addiction. But you should also be wary of the premium class, since careless manufacturers often label their worthless products as high-quality goods.

Basic tips for choosing are as follows:

  1. It is advisable to choose a dry product between holistic and super premium. In the first case, the product is filled with the best components and can be used for medicinal purposes.
  2. Do not discount the age and parameters of the animal. All packages contain labeling indicating which dogs this food is suitable for.
  3. Conditions for keeping a pet. Nutrition for active and sedentary individuals should be different.
  4. Pay attention to your dog's needs, especially if she is pregnant or nursing puppies. Stomach problems and the need to eliminate hair from the gastrointestinal tract are of great importance.
  5. Before purchasing a product, carefully read the information on the packaging. The list may contain an ingredient that is contraindicated for your dog and is very dangerous for him.
  6. If you have purchased a small puppy, it is better to find out from the previous owner what food was used and continue to feed it with the same composition.

Which brand of food should I choose?

Wet formulations should be selected based on the composition of the product and the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Well-advertised brands may be inferior to little-known but high-quality products. In addition, well-known brands include advertising costs in the price of food. The food market has long had a rating of leaders known to dog breeders.

When choosing wet food, you need to focus on:

  • feed composition;
  • price category - frankly cheap food cannot be considered high-class;
  • class - it is better to give preference to premium composition and higher;
  • age, breed and weight of your four-legged friend;
  • pet breeds;
  • purpose of the product – everyday, medicinal, gourmet;
  • type of packaging – jar, pouch (bag), lamister (box);
  • Availability – is there enough food available on store shelves?

If the owner buys wet food for the dog, it is worth remembering that it is better to use it in combination with dry granules or natural food. This will help clear plaque, improve digestion and prevent inflammation of the anal glands.

For small breeds

Food for small breeds of dogs must meet the needs of pets, namely, give them enough energy so that it is enough not only for their own heating, but also for activity.

The food ratings are based on popularity and owner reviews:

  • 1st place - Grandorf - more expensive, but better quality than Royal Canin and Pro Plan.
  • 2nd place - Royal Canin - a confident leader in terms of price-quality ratio.
  • 3rd place - Purina Pro Plan - an equally popular food and the closest competitor to Royal Canin, slightly inferior in quality.

A diet of exclusively soft food is recommended for most small dogs until teeth are completely replaced and the bite is corrected, if necessary.

Small dogs are also prone to early tooth loss, so many owners have to switch their pets to soft food at 5-6 years of age.


Holistic products are quite expensive. The composition is as natural as possible. cVeterinary experts do not recommend using them on an ongoing basis. Consultation with a veterinarian is required before purchasing. Most often, food of this class is prescribed to dogs with:

  • overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • urolithiasis - treatment and prevention;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Let's consider the best brands of holistic food.


Grandin wet canned food has a rich meat content. It contains no additives that are not inherent in a dog’s natural diet – grains, vegetables and fruits. The packaging says "single protein". The additives are: meat broth and flaxseed oil.


  • grain-free;
  • there are products for different ages;
  • no additives, only meat;
  • the percentage of products is indicated on the packaging;
  • cost - from 130 to 180 rubles per jar.

The manufacturer did not indicate substances used as antioxidants in the composition.


The diet is suitable for dogs of all breeds. Introducing it into the dog’s diet will help slow down the aging of the body. The pet will remain healthy and strong, and the coat will be healthy and shiny. Peculiarities:

  • grain-free;
  • suitable for pets with sensitive digestion and a tendency to allergies;
  • is not therapeutic, prescribed for prophylactic purposes;
  • contains a mix of natural meat, vegetables and minerals;
  • cost - from 300 rubles per 400 gram jar.

Barking Heads

The manufacturer offers food containing 70% natural meat. It undergoes minimal processing. The manufacturer's line includes products suitable for dogs of different ages, weights and breeds. Features of Berking Heads:

  • natural meat, including fish;
  • composition rich in vegetables;
  • seaweed, basil, brown rice;
  • no synthetic flavors or dyes;
  • cost - from 150 to 240 rubles per pack.

Buyers note the high cost of the brand’s products and the high percentage of fat in the composition.


The food is available in cans and bags. The manufacturer offers various flavors: chicken, fish, beef, lamb. duck, turkey. The meat component of canned food can reach up to 90%. Peculiarities:

  • the most gentle processing of components;
  • exclusively natural dyes and flavors, preservatives;
  • no GMO products, soy protein, processed products;
  • cost - from 190 to 400 rubles, depending on packaging.

Buyers note the low prevalence of food in offline stores. You have to order it online.

Super premium

The super premium class of feed differs from the previous one in composition and price. The main difference is the reduced concentration of meat - up to 50%.

Hills Ideal Balance

The food is produced with poultry meat: chicken or turkey with vegetables. The manufacturer has provided food for puppies and miniature breed dogs.


  • In addition to poultry, the composition contains pork;
  • vegetables and bran included;
  • fatty acid balance;
  • no GMOs, soy protein or chemical additives;
  • grain-free;
  • cost - from 160 to 400 rubles per 400 gram jar.

The product is criticized for its low protein (8%) and fat content.

Almo Nature

The meat component of the feed is 50%. The second half of the diet consists of broth, rice, and a small percentage of food additives of exclusively natural origin. Peculiarities:

  • natural composition;
  • no GMO, no corn;
  • various forms of release: jars, pouches, lamisters, tetra packs;
  • cost - from 90 to 250 rubles, depending on packaging.

The manufacturer claims that the product is completely natural, but does not indicate the origin of the antioxidants on the packaging.


The product offers not only food with the usual flavors of poultry and beef, but also exotic ones - elk, venison, wild salmon. Available in the form of pates and stews in jelly. Peculiarities:

  • composition rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • convenient packaging;
  • no GMOs, soy protein, corn;
  • grain-free, flour-free;
  • cost - from 200 to 400 depending on packaging.

Veterinarians do not recommend Bozita food for dogs prone to food allergies. The composition almost always contains chicken, rice is the only source of carbohydrates.

Premium class

The purchase of premium wet food must be approached with special attention.

Some manufacturers artificially inflate the class of the product, although when studying the composition they can only be classified as economy class. A distinctive feature is that the recipe contains by-products.

Royal Canin

A brand of canned dog food that is very common in our country. The manufacturer has created a recipe with a rich composition. The line includes several options for medicinal feeds, which are affordable and widespread.


  • contains meat and offal;
  • rich vitamin and mineral supplement;
  • cereals are present;
  • therapeutic diets for obesity and gastrointestinal problems;
  • cost - from 90 to 250 rubles, depending on packaging.

Buyers note the attractive smell.


The manufacturer has developed specialized formulations for various age groups. There is a special category for dogs whose weight is less than 2 kg. The ingredients are selected in such a way that such babies do not suffer from obesity.


  • meat and offal in the composition;
  • corn is present;
  • the food has a high nutritional index;
  • available in stores;
  • special recipes for special animals;
  • cost - from 90 to 300 rubles.

Monje is not suitable for every animal - you need to carefully study the composition.

Royal Canin Chihuahua for Chihuahua puppies

Dense granules with a pleasant color and smell are small in size, suitable for Chihuahua puppies from 2 months and older. For production, meat products, cereals, minerals and fats necessary for the growing body are used. A balanced composition promotes proper development, improves immunity, and normalizes the digestion process. Croquettes are packed in durable sealed bags weighing 500 g, 1.5 and 3 kg. To prevent the granules from winding up, there is a fastener on the bag. When switching to “drying,” dogs become more playful, their stool improves, and the unpleasant odor disappears.

When choosing which food is best for a Chihuahua, it is better to buy Royal Canin, which is created specifically for puppies aged 2 to 9 months. The high-calorie composition, rich in vitamins and minerals, promotes the proper formation of internal organs, vision and the development of the pet’s intelligence.


A good option for a daily diet from a trusted manufacturer. The puppies eat with pleasure and are very rarely capricious. Teeth, skin, fur, mucous membranes look healthy. Digestive problems disappear within a few days.


  • optimal for puppies;
  • the manufacturer and stores often hold promotions;
  • removes tartar.


  • Grains sometimes cause allergies.

Allowance of wet dog food per day

Each manufacturer provides an information table or recommendations for choosing the rate of feeding your dog wet food.

Dog weightDaily feed intake (in grams)
up to 5 kgabout 450 gr. (divided into 2-3 parts)
6-8 kg470-580 gr.
9-11 kg635-745 gr.
12-19 kg790-1070 gr.
20-24 kg1100-1300 gr.
25-32 kg1350-1600 gr.
33-40 kg1650-1900 gr.
41-50 kg1950-2200 gr.
more than 50 kgup to 2600 gr.

The table contains approximate data. The owner needs to consider:

  • the dog's activity level;
  • health status;
  • individual needs.

Veterinarian recommendations

Veterinary experts recommend a mixed diet so that using exclusively wet food does not lead to health problems:

  • combination of natural food and wet canned food - 75% to 25%;
  • dry granules and canned food - 75% to 25%;
  • it is possible to alternate types of meals (morning and evening);
  • if gourmet food is used, its share should not exceed 10% in the dog’s diet;
  • if the dog refuses other types of food, it is necessary to buy him specialized bones rich in minerals and vitamins. This will help clean plaque from your teeth and massage your teeth.

Owner reviews

Irina K. I buy Royal Canin for my dog. We switched to it from Bozita due to the high cost of the latter. Dachshund dog, there are many. it was too expensive for a super-premium class. Combine with cereals and vegetables. Our dog is very active. I can note that there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the coat is fine. The dog eats with pleasure and always runs to the bowl. But he still wasn’t used to dry food.

Oleg R. We were on medicinal food due to urolithiasis. The dog was elderly and had difficulty chewing dry granules, especially since he had problems with sore gums. We switched to canned food - Grandin. I took the new food with pleasure, there was no addiction or unpleasant consequences. It’s a little expensive, but we order online through joint purchases - it’s cheaper.

Essential vitamins

It is worth understanding that your pet may not receive enough vitamins from natural or special food. This can be especially true in cases where they follow a certain diet or are recovering from an illness or surgery.

The owner must control all this by providing the pet with a sufficient amount of vitamins.

  1. Vitamins of group A ensure normal growth and development of the body physically, and also affect the formation and maintenance of immunity, resistance to diseases and illnesses.
  2. Vitamins of group E are responsible for reducing hormonal problems. This vitamin is especially important for pets during puberty.
  3. Group D vitamins are responsible for the proper metabolism of macroelements in the body, have a positive effect on feed absorption and strengthen the animal’s bones.
  4. Vitamins of group K affect the proper formation of blood structure, increases coagulation and protection against various types of bacteria

If your pet lacks any of the vitamins, he will develop vitamin deficiency. As a result, a number of disorders occur in the pet’s body, which can lead to more serious diseases.

All food is divided into several age and special groups: for puppies; for adult dogs; for elderly pets; for sterilized animals.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Wet food is a food that can be combined with other types.
  2. You should not make canned food the only source of nutrients.
  3. The dog needs additional “hard” types of food for teeth cleaning and the functioning of the paraanal glands.
  4. Delicate types of wet food should not make up more than a tenth of the diet.
  5. It is better to choose food from the super-premium class: premium products are often disguised as economy products, and holistic food is not suitable for constant nutrition.

Do you buy wet food for your pets? How do you combine them with other types of food? Share your experience in the comments, please.


When switching to holistic nutrition, owners have many questions and anxiety about how much the costs are really justified. We do not take into account economy class.

The difference between super premium and holistic food for dogs

Among high-quality diets there are: premium, super-premium, holistic. The table clearly shows the main characteristics.

Feed class/compositionPremiumSuper premiumHolistic
Meat, poultry20-30%50% raw materials from by-products100% without ground bones, tendons, offal
Dyes, flavor enhancers, ballast substances+
Vitamin and mineral supplementsArtificial originNatural originOnly from fresh vegetables, fruits, root vegetables
AssimilationUp to 70%95%100%

Holistic nutrition excludes artificial additives. It can be called "organic", natural, akin to how a person would prepare high-quality food for himself.

Features of the transition to holistic

Having decided to use holistic food to feed your dog, you should not make sudden transitions. This is especially true if the diet included premium mixtures. The body will begin to experience stress, and eating disorders are possible. Veterinarians recommend gradually adding some holistic food to your usual food, first once a week, then every day. This lasts from a week to 10 days.

Attention! If you experience loose stools or constipation after changing your diet, administering probiotics can help. They help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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