We're going to get our pet vaccinated - here's what you need to do

Regular vaccinations are an important part of caring for your pet. Vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of many diseases, and are also a prerequisite for participation in exhibitions and competitions, when traveling on public transport.

A seemingly simple manipulation is a serious intervention that has certain contraindications. It is necessary to take into account the dog’s condition and properly prepare it for vaccination so that the vaccination is beneficial and no complications arise.

What vaccinations do cats need?

It is recommended that your pet receive its first vaccination when it reaches 8-10 weeks of age. The kitten is given a vaccine against calcivirosis, rhinotracheitis and panleukopenia. The rabies vaccination is given when the kitten reaches 12 months of age. Most often it is performed simultaneously with revaccination, carried out 3-4 weeks after the first vaccination (consult your veterinarian. - Ed.

). Adult cats are vaccinated against the same infections as kittens. Revaccination is carried out annually, once every 12 months throughout life.

Vaccine purpose Description Revaccination for adult cats
  • Vaccination against panleukopenia (feline distemper)
A viral disease that affects the digestive system, respiratory organs and heart. The disease is especially dangerous for kittens and older cats. annually, at intervals of 12 months
  • vaccination against calcivirus
A viral infection that affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract. The disease can be transmitted from sick animals, through the air or through human clothing/footwear. annually, at intervals of 12 months
  • vaccination against rhinotracheitis
A respiratory disease caused by feline herpes. An animal can be infected by a sick cat or a cat carrying the virus. annually, at intervals of 12 months
  • rabies vaccination
A fatal disease, dangerous including for humans. The risk group includes cats that regularly visit the street - the disease can be transmitted through the bite of an infected animal or through infected rodents that the cat eats. annually, at intervals of 12 months

Expert opinion

Imported vaccines outperform domestic ones

Marina Lebedeva, chief veterinary doctor:
- In my opinion, foreign-made vaccines still have advantages over their Russian counterparts. Such drugs are considered less allergenic and provide more intense immunity (that is, more stable and long-lasting. - Ed.). Based on my work experience, I can say that animals vaccinated with Russian vaccines subsequently become ill more often. But again, my colleagues and I did not conduct any special research on this topic.

The only situation in which an animal should be vaccinated with the domestic rabies vaccine “Rabikan” is after being bitten. If your pet has not been vaccinated and has been bitten, then within two days you must contact the Animal Disease Control Station (animal disease control station. - Ed.). Regular veterinary clinics do not give this vaccination.

Dog vaccination rules

The vaccine contains a completely or almost completely suppressed strain of pathogenic microorganisms and is not capable of causing disease, and modern manufacturers guarantee a high degree of safety of the drugs used. However, the owner must follow a few simple rules for vaccinating dogs. This is necessary for the formation of strong immunity and the absence of side effects.

The first rule: vaccinations are given only to completely healthy animals. The dog should not be exhausted. An obstacle to vaccination is a recent serious illness, injury, or postoperative period. It is not recommended to vaccinate dogs that are preparing for or have recently (within two weeks) undergone ear cropping. After vaccination, it is necessary to wait a certain period before mating - otherwise there is a risk of having weak offspring.

The second rule: your dog's annual vaccinations must be performed by an experienced veterinarian. It is not recommended to vaccinate an animal yourself. Only a specialist can correctly assess the dog’s health status and select the optimal vaccination regimen based on age, breed, and medical history. The veterinarian will also give the necessary recommendations for post-vaccination care for dogs.

How to prepare your pet for vaccination?

The procedure for preparing for vaccinations is similar for cats and dogs. First of all, you need to pay a visit to the veterinarian and make sure that the animal is completely healthy - you cannot vaccinate a sick pet. The same applies to pregnant cats and dogs, as well as those who are undergoing a rehabilitation period because their immunity is weakened.

10 days before vaccination or a little earlier, deworming is required. This rule does not apply to animals that are treated for worms every month; they can be vaccinated any day. It is better to check with your doctor for the exact regimen - everything is individual. If you do not worm your pet, even a timely vaccination will not protect it from the disease. In addition, various allergic reactions may occur.

Dog vaccination scheme

Another important issue that concerns many owners is the vaccination schedule for dogs. And especially when it is necessary to give the puppy the first vaccination.

In the first weeks after birth, puppies are protected by the mother's antibodies, which enter their body along with colostrum. That is why it is so important to vaccinate bitches before mating (but not immediately before it) - then the animal’s strong immunity will be passed on to its offspring. However, even in this case, “maternal protection” may not be enough. Therefore, there are two approaches to vaccinating dogs: the first of them involves the first vaccination at the age of 8-10 weeks, when the puppy is already quite strong. After this, a month later, repeated vaccination is carried out to consolidate the effect. Dogs are then vaccinated annually. The same vaccination schedule is recommended for adult dogs.

The second approach involves vaccinating dogs at one month of age (4-5 weeks of life). However, in this case, it is necessary to use special vaccinations designed for puppies.

This is why it is so important to have your pets vaccinated at a veterinary clinic: only a specialist can recommend a reliable vaccine and develop a safe routine vaccination schedule.

What to do after vaccination?

After vaccination, your pet’s body is especially vulnerable, so in the first few days it needs to be given maximum of your attention and care. The animal may experience drowsiness, apathy, and decreased appetite. These symptoms usually resolve within 2–3 days and do not require veterinary intervention. A couple of weeks after vaccination, your cat or dog develops stable immunity, which lasts for 12 months (depending on the type of vaccine. — Ed.

.), Then the level of protection will gradually begin to decrease. That is why vaccination is not a one-time event, but a cyclic procedure that is carried out throughout the life of a four-legged friend.

Expert opinion

Tell your doctor if you notice side effects

Marina Lebedeva, chief veterinary doctor:

Vaccination schedule

Vaccination of dogs is carried out according to a schedule, i.e., in compliance with a certain frequency and time frame. This is due to the peculiarities of the formation of the animal’s immune status. The first vaccination is carried out no earlier than three months from the birth of the puppy. Until this age, immunity is given to the baby through mother's milk. If for some reason breastfeeding was not carried out, then the start date for vaccination may be slightly adjusted.

Vaccination of children against COVID-19

Table of contents

  • How is children vaccinated against coronavirus in Russia?
  • Pros and cons of vaccinating children against covid
  • Is it mandatory to vaccinate children?
  • At what age is vaccination required?
  • Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Vaccinations against coronavirus infection are currently underway. More than several tens of millions of people have already completed the procedure in Russia. For now, vaccinations are only available to people over 18 years of age.
This is due to the fact that clinical trials on minor patients have not been completed.

Will children be vaccinated against COVID-19? When will it start? Will procedures be carried out in kindergartens and schools? We'll look into all the issues.

How is children vaccinated against coronavirus in Russia?

Vaccinations against coronavirus infection in our country began in January 2022. At the moment, the procedure is carried out only for adults. Vaccination of children and adolescents from 12 to 18 years of age against Covid has not yet begun. This is due to the fact that clinical trials are still ongoing and will last about a year. However, adolescents can begin to be immunized as early as September 20. This is due to the fact that they plan to register the special Sputnik V vaccine by September 15, 2022. In parallel with this, vaccination of schoolchildren will most likely begin. It is possible that the timing of mass procedures will be shifted.

Important! Vaccination of children and adolescents against Covid will be carried out exclusively with the approval of parents. At the same time, it is important for mothers and fathers to understand that a timely procedure will significantly reduce the incidence of coronavirus infection, severe complications after it and mortality. This is due to the fact that children, although they do not get severely ill (as a rule), are carriers of the disease.

Pros and cons of vaccinating children against covid


  • The developed drugs increase the body's resistance to the infectious agent and help in the formation of artificial immunity. They are the most important means of protecting children from disease
  • Vaccination reduces the risk of infection. After vaccination, even a sick child will more easily survive the infection.
  • Complications after vaccinations are always less significant than complications after the disease


  • Vaccination leads to the formation of artificial immunity, which can reduce natural
  • Vaccination does not guarantee 100% protection against the disease.
  • After the drug is administered, the child may feel unwell for several hours or days.

Is it mandatory to vaccinate children?

The parents or legal representatives of the child themselves answer this question. But everyone should understand that vaccination allows you to protect your child from complications or even death. It ensures that even if the child gets sick, he will survive the infection in a milder form than he could without the vaccine.

In addition, one should take into account the bans on entry into a number of countries without prior vaccination (providing a certificate or a special certificate about it).

At what age is vaccination required?

Vaccinations are possible from a very early age. On the first day of a newborn’s life, for example, a drug against viral hepatitis B is administered. As for the vaccination of children against covid, its timing has not yet been determined; perhaps it will be carried out in schools and kindergartens.

Advantages of contacting MEDSI

Attention! At the moment, vaccination of children against coronavirus is not carried out at MEDSI clinics. As soon as this opportunity becomes available, we will notify you about it. However, clinics perform other vaccinations: in accordance with the National Calendar or an individually compiled schedule.

  • Experienced specialists.
    Vaccination is carried out by paramedical personnel (nurses) with the necessary knowledge and skills
  • Diagnostic capabilities.
    Before getting vaccinated, you can perform the necessary examinations, undergo examinations by doctors and consult with them.
  • Immunization preparation programs
  • Comfortable conditions for the procedure.
    Vaccination is carried out without queues or long waits, on a convenient day. To undergo the procedure, each patient can choose the clinic closest to him

If you want to clarify the specifics of vaccination against coronavirus for children and adolescents or sign up for vaccination, call +7 (495) 7-800-500. Our specialist will answer all questions. You can also register for a clinic using the SmartMed application.

Allergy to vaccination in a dog

One of the most dangerous and unpredictable side effects that can occur after vaccinating a dog is the development of an allergic reaction to the components of the drug. It is impossible to predict such a situation, since the body of each animal is unique. If an allergy develops, the veterinarian will prescribe a course of medications to relieve the symptoms. This is another reason why only specialists, and not the owners themselves, should vaccinate dogs: in the event of an immediate allergic reaction (for example, swelling), only a veterinarian can help the animal.

However, such side effects occur extremely rarely if vaccines from proven and reputable manufacturers are used.

Required documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (to confirm personal data and registration in Moscow)
  • Compulsory medical insurance policy (optional)
  • Phone number linked to the State Services portal

For foreign citizens

  • Citizen's passport (with translation)
  • Registration in Moscow
  • Phone number linked to the State Services portal or mos.ru
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