Grandorf dog food - a complete review of the food line with reviews from dog owners, the benefits of the food

The difference between Grandorf dog food

All Grandorf lines are created without the use of hazardous components; they do not lead to allergies in dogs. This was the result of eliminating the use of cereals with gluten and plant proteins.

But unpolished rice grains are used because they are considered safe for the dog.

Any type of Grandorf canned food is approved for feeding dogs with food allergies.

  • No rice is added to this line. Therefore, its components are completely absorbed and have a positive effect on the skin and fur of the animal.
  • It does not suffer from indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, which allows it to form a strong immune system.

Many people think that such quality costs a lot of money? In fact, thanks to the development of production, the price of Grandorf feed is at the level of competitors, which has become the reason for its enormous popularity in Russia.

Types of dog food Grandorf

Unfortunately, the composition of Grandorf dog food does not change depending on the breed. But lines are offered based on the size and age of the pets.

Types of Grandorf food by age

  1. For puppies 3 - 18 weeks old.
  2. Line (Junior) for puppies from 4 months.
  3. For adult dogs.
  4. Universal type of nutrition.

These lines have almost identical contents of the main nutritional components. But the size of the croquet is taken into account. This is necessary to create an obstacle to swallowing. The dog is forced to chew the food.

Grandorf food type by size

  1. Mini. Suitable for the smallest breeds. Added essential dietary fiber and active substances.
  2. Medium. Ideal for high-quality nutrition of dogs weighing 10 - 30 kg.
  3. Maxi. Complete nutrition for large breed dogs. Chondroprotectors have been added, which are necessary to improve the condition of ligaments and joints, since they bear a very heavy load. This helps maintain the health of the cartilage surfaces in the joints.

Composition of dog food Grandorf

Many are distrustful of what is written on the packaging and description. But in fact, the composition corresponds to the characteristics and effect on the dog. Let's look at this issue using the example of types with lamb and brown rice.

The portion includes dried lamb and turkey meat. This ensures the ideal combination of amino acids.

  • The brown version of whole grain rice ensures the correct production of digestive enzymes, ensures proper peristalsis, and food moves through the intestines just enough to absorb nutrients.
  • In other words, it does not cause too rapid progression (diarrhea) with subsequent damage to the mucous surface and loss of fluid.
  • And also it does not stagnate with the formation of gas and intoxication of the body. This is facilitated by the slow breakdown of carbohydrates.

Important: These results are guaranteed only in a healthy dog.

In addition, the dog receives enough vitamin B. The food shell is formed by soluble fiber. It promotes complete cleansing of the intestinal walls and replenishes the supply of beneficial microorganisms in the large intestine.

  • In addition, taurine has been added. This sulfoamino acid improves vision and heart function.
  • Chicory extract is used as a source of prebiotics. Beneficial microbes help create lactic acid to sanitize the intestines.
  • Carob pods are used to strengthen the immune system and prevent intestinal disorders because they contain gum, a soluble type of fiber.
  • To reliably remove toxic deposits, apples are added to the composition, since pectin substances help cleanse the intestines.

This is not a complete list contained in this form, but without it it is clear that the positive reviews about Granddorf dog food are well deserved and are based on an objective assessment.

Feed overview

All types of dry food do not use components that can cause an allergic response. The manufacturer has excluded cereals that contain potentially dangerous glutens - plant proteins. The exception was unpolished grains of rice. All canned food is intended for dogs with diagnosed food allergies. The product does not contain grain feed, not even rice. The components of the food are easily digestible, do not have a negative effect on the condition of the coat and skin, do not cause digestive disorders and contribute to the development of a strong immune system.

Choose the following types depending on age and breed:

  1. For puppies from 3 to 18 weeks.
  2. Food for puppies over four months (Junior).
  3. Food for adults
  4. Universal nutrition.

Manufacturers of ready-made food do not produce specialized food for certain dog breeds. However, they offer options according to the size of the pets. The difference in the content of the main nutritional components is minimal. The manufacturer takes into account the size of the croquettes. So that the dog can chew them and not swallow them. Choose the following types of food according to the size of your pet:

  1. Mini food for small dogs that are prone to plaque formation. Special dietary fiber and surfactants were included in the feed mixture.
  2. Medium - food for medium-sized animals (10-30 kg).
  3. Maxi is a special food for giant dogs. In dogs of heavy breeds, the load on the joints is increased. Therefore, chondroprotectors were included in the feed mixture - substances involved in the formation of ligaments, tendons and bones. In adult pets, the cartilaginous surfaces of the bones rubbing in the joints are restored.

Feed composition

Let's look at the component-by-component composition of food for puppies of all sizes with young lamb and brown rice.

In the first positions are dehydrated (dried) lamb meat, as well as turkey. These are high quality components characterized by an optimal amino acid composition.

Brown (brown) whole grain rice promotes the secretion of digestive enzymes, stimulates peristalsis, and enriches the diet with B vitamins. Carbohydrates are broken down slowly, preventing bloating. The membranes consist of soluble fiber, which cleanses the walls of the esophagus and nourishes beneficial microorganisms in the colon.

Fresh turkey and lamb were included for advertising purposes. The manufacturing technology involves dehydration, which reduces the weight of the meat by three times. Turkey fat, as well as other poultry fat, is a source of fatty acids and energy.

Chicory extract and brewer's yeast were used as sources of prebiotics FOS and MOS. From both polymers, nutrients are extracted only by beneficial microbes, which secrete lactic acid and sanitize the intestines.

Carob fruits (pods) contain soluble fiber - gum, which strengthens the immune system and prevents intestinal disorders.

Apples are rich in pectin substances, which clean the intestinal walls and remove toxic deposits.

Krill contains chitin, a prebiotic and chondroprotector at the same time.

EPA and DHA are essential fatty acids that have a positive effect on the health of mucous membranes, hair, and skin.

Taurine is a sulfoamino acid responsible for visual acuity and contractility of the heart muscle.

Glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM are chondroprotectors that an intensively growing body needs.

Thanks to cranberries, which acidify urine, stones do not form. The prerequisites for the development of urolithiasis disappear.

Yucca has the property of absorbing ammonia and other foul-smelling nitrogen-containing gases. Therefore, the puppy's feces have almost no smell.

Clove oil (Sigizium) is an excellent antiseptic and preservative.

Rosemary, Grapefruit and other components are powerful natural antioxidants. They are familiar to housewives as culinary seasonings.

Food for puppies over 3 weeks old.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • in addition to dry food, they produce canned food;
  • the completeness of the protein is ensured by components of animal origin;
  • Hypoallergenic ingredients are used in the food; there are no vegetable protein additives;
  • no grains except brown rice;
  • there are prebiotics, chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins and minerals come from natural ingredients;
  • judging by consumer reviews, the cost is lower than feeds of similar quality; super premium food is sold for the same price.


  • recipe in % is not indicated;
  • low protein content for holistic nutrition;
  • little fiber;
  • not suitable for service dogs under high physical activity;
  • not available in some pet stores.

Canned food for dogs.

Daily norm

Read about the daily serving size on the back of the package. The actual feeding rate may differ from the average and depends on the conditions of detention and physical activity. In cold weather and with increased activity, increase the portion. The table shows the approximate amount of daily ration depending on the dog’s weight:

Dog weight, kgAverage serving size, g/day.
5-1080+11 g/kg
10-20135+10 g/kg
More than 20235+7 g/kg

Approximate feeding rates for puppies of different ages and weights are here:

Feeding rate

Pros and cons of Grandorf food

We have already realized that Granddorf food types are offered for small dogs and of different ages, which is very positively received by consumers. But there is no gradation by dog ​​breed, which is considered a minor omission.

Advantages of Grandorf dog food

  • Dry and canned lines available;
  • Protein for dogs is provided thanks to substances based on animal origin;
  • A hypoallergenic composition without herbal additives is used;
  • Almost no grains are included, but brown rice is used;
  • Prebiotics and chondroprotectors included;
  • Added minerals, vitamins based on natural origin;
  • The cost remains reasonable.

Cons of Grandorf dog food

  • No percentage based recipes offered;
  • Not everyone is happy with the low fiber content. Just 3%;
  • Ineffective food for service breeds during periods of increased workload;
  • Sometimes food is not available in specialized stores.

However, the food is created on the basis of natural ingredients. It does not contain chemical additives, which is its main advantage.


The reviews included both approval and negative assessments. This is fine. One dog is not suitable for holistic, but feels great on economy class food. If you want to get an idea about the product, consider the opinion of the specialist and dog owners. A veterinarian can analyze the composition of the food, but unless he has conducted an experiment on his own dog, the nuances will slip away.

Dog breeders can make mistakes and violate feeding rules. For example, they combine natural food with ready-made food. The dog develops indigestion. The dog owner concludes that the food is of poor quality.

A sudden change in diet or additional intake of vitamins can lead to hair loss. On this basis, it is alleged that the dog was poisoned with ready-made holistic food.

Veterinarian review

Evgeniy, veterinarian. I analyzed the composition of food mixtures, assessed the assortment taking into account different tastes, found out the opinions of dog owners about the food, and made the following conclusions:

  1. The food meets the requirements for ready-made holistic food.
  2. The relatively low protein content is compensated by a balanced amino acid composition.
  3. With regard to fiber content, an outdated research method played a cruel joke. When determining the crude fiber content, pectin substances and soluble fibers, which in this feed are sufficient to ensure normal digestion, are not taken into account.

Watch your pet. If he is cheerful, active, his coat is shiny, the feeder is empty, his stool is regular without digestive disorders, then the food is adequate. It cannot be ruled out that your pet may be intolerant to certain components. Overall, I think Grandorf foods are high quality and recommend them for your dog.

Customer Reviews

Dog owners expressed different opinions about the food:

Evelina, Dolgoprudny. I have a poodle, nine years old. The fur has become dull. An unpleasant odor appeared from the mouth; upon closer examination, I discovered a yellowish coating on the teeth. I took her to the clinic and spent money on cleaning my teeth. It helped for a while, but then the unpleasant symptoms returned. I changed the food, there was an improvement, then it got even worse. Skin rashes appeared, hair fell off, and the pet was constantly itching. The clinic advised me to try the Lamb with Rice Mini food for small dogs. At first the pet did not eat willingly and begged. Showed willpower. She gave nothing but dry food. After a month, my pet was unrecognizable. It stopped itching, the fur became thicker and shinier. I have an appetite. We have been eating Grandorf food for 4 months now. I am happy with the food and recommend it to other dog breeders.

Dosage rules for Grandorf dog food

Many dog ​​owners believe that they can go without feeding their pet for a long time, and then fill the bowl full, because, “It will do, what will happen to him?” In fact, a dog is a living organism in many ways identical to a human.

Maintaining health requires regular and balanced nutrition.

  • But it is necessary to take into account the age, weight and way of life of the animal.
  • For example, a dog living in a kennel should eat more because it needs a lot of energy to maintain a normal body temperature.
  • More food should be given to pregnant or lactating bitches.

Tip: When eating dry food, full access to water is ensured. Adding a wet look will not solve the problem, in fact, combining is not recommended.

It is very important to feed the appropriate type of food. If the food is intended for an adult dog, it can harm the puppy.

The approximate serving quantity is written on each package. But in some cases, you can consult a veterinarian.

Now we understand why Grandorf food is very popular in Russia. This became possible thanks to the convenient release form. It can be given to pets with allergies and digestive problems. Owners are pleased to see how their pet consumes food with pleasure and is always in a great mood.

Grandorf cat food: reviews and composition analysis

Lyudmila, you must understand, I am not a veterinarian and I cannot say what is happening to the cat. I began to understand the topic of animal nutrition, food and id... only when 5 years ago my cat started having liver problems from RK. Everything I will say is my speculation. But I strongly recommend finding a good, experienced veterinarian who would figure out why the cat has high calcium, maybe some small benign tumor, maybe an autoimmune process, maybe some kind of pathology of the liver or kidneys, it’s difficult to say what to do without an idea of ​​the reason. By the way, a high level of calcium in the blood can be from taking vitamin D; one of the manifestations of an excess of vitamin D in people is a high level of calcium in the blood. By the way, there are human studies of vitamin supplements. D where it is shown that those who drink Vit. D has much more problems with bones than those who do not drink, and the higher the dose, the worse the bones, on the contrary, bone mineral density drops - link to the study here But I don’t know how suitable human studies are for people. If you were prescribed Vit. due to skeletal problems. D and/or calcium, then you need to cancel or greatly adjust the dose so that calcium in the blood is normal. Complete feeds, especially good ones, already contain vit. D and an adequate amount of calcium, excess is always harmful. But this is if you were prescribed Vit. D (maybe in the form of fish oil) and/or calcium. By the way, from excess vit. D and the kidneys may suffer, but I’m not sure about the liver. Here I described my experience, and how I have been keeping a cat with xp for 5 years now. liver problem so that liver tests do not increase. By the way, I’ll add that when I didn’t understand food in general, I tried Grandorf, and it was this food that had the highest liver indicators. As for nutrition, proteins probably need to be limited (quantity but not quality), but as for fats... All medicinal foods for cats with liver problems contain a lot or quite a bit of fat, fats have no effect on the kidneys, again, buy food where little fat - there will be a lot of carbohydrates, and this is much worse for the liver, especially for carnivores. Therefore, I would not limit fats. I would feed Oven-Baked Tradition Cat Duck Grain Free, it has 32% protein, good composition, low carbohydrates + the food takes a long time to cook in the oven but at low temperatures, that is, the food is not as fried as many other dry foods, and in theory this is a plus, since fried foods don’t have a very good effect on the liver either. That's all I can say for now. If you have additional questions or want to ask something personally, write to me. I am not sure that I will help with everything, but I will answer to the best of my knowledge.

Photos of the entire line of Grandorf dog food

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