Dog food "Wolfsblut" - review of the line

Wolfsblut dog food, whose name in Russian sounds quite scary - Wolf's Blood, is produced in England. The creators of the unique recipe are German veterinarians; it is under their supervision that the food is produced in a modern factory. The manufacturer claims that this food represents a step forward in the prepared food industry. Almost every type of food contains at least half of the meat component. In addition to meat, the food contains as many ingredients as are available to animals in nature.

About the manufacturer

The philosophy of the manufacturing company is to create a diet whose components are as close as possible to the nutrition of a wild wolf. The company's scientists have found that the digestive systems of a modern dog and a wild wolf are identical. In this case, the food must take into account the living conditions of a modern domesticated dog.

The basic principles of the company observed when creating Wolfsblut diets:

  • environmental friendliness - production should not harm nature;
  • the use of the most gentle technologies, allowing ingredients to be subjected to minimal processing;
  • purchasing the most natural raw materials all over the world;
  • absence of harmful components: soy, corn, meat production waste, etc.

Wolfsblut feed composition analysis

Products of the German manufacturer appeared in the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2010. There was no special advertising campaign; information was passed on by word of mouth among breeders and owners. Currently, Wolfsblut can be found on the shelves of specialty stores. Let's find out what is included in the product intended for puppies (“Wild Duck Puppy”):

  • protein (more than 50%) - muscle and dehydrated duck meat, fat (about 3%);
  • sweet potato - 12%;
  • fiber - a mix of vegetables;
  • Wild berries;
  • medicinal and spicy herbs: marjoram, amaranth, oregano, sage, dandelion, etc.;
  • green mussels;
  • chondroitin and glucosamine;
  • vitamins and microelements.

The dog food manufacturer assures that each individual product contains a list of the essentials. The specified composition has increased the content of elements to strengthen joints, protect them from wear and tear and protect against inflammation. The food contains no by-products, processed cartilage or other production waste.

What the owners say

Reviews of Wolfsblatt among dog breeders are moderately positive. What customers love most is that they put “natural food” for wolves in their pet’s bowl. This formula for marketers fascinates those who don't read labels.

Healthy dogs show an improvement in coat color. However, better results can be expected when switching from economy class: literally after a few days, increased gas formation disappears, eye secretion normalizes ("tears" disappear in those breeds for which they are not typical). The stool becomes healthier in color and smell.

In very critical cases (after the transfer of the Chinese Crested Puff from Chappie), serious problems with dermatitis disappeared.

Pros and cons of Wolfsblut

Not a single manufacturer has a food that does not have disadvantages. Let us highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of Wolf's Blood food.

  • natural, balanced composition, close to natural nutrition;
  • no unnatural or harmful ingredients;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • wide range.
  • high price;
  • low availability in stores in small towns.

The main disadvantage of dog food is its cost, which stems from the naturalness of the ingredients. Including this food in your dog's diet will ensure healthy digestion and help avoid many health problems in the future.

List of ingredients

  1. The first thing that catches your eye is that it is not the duck that opens the list, but the potato. This root vegetable is primarily a supplier of starch and carbohydrates. Yes, they do not contain gluten, but it is strange to see it in a dog’s diet with gastrointestinal nuances. (Remember also Wolfsblut's original marketing message: to incorporate the diet of wolves into its recipe.) What do potatoes do? Convenient, cheap filler and high fiber content (of which I would like more here).
  2. In second place is duck meat. As we know, fresh meat consists of approximately 80-85% liquid and fat, so after cooking it will remain several times less than the indicated 22.5% in the final product. Let's say 9%?
  3. The highest quality ingredient in Wolfsblut Wild Duck food is dehydrated duck meat. More than 22% is a very good figure, and if you add it to the previous line, you get an impressive 30%. Despite the fact that duck is quite fatty, and its fibers are not easy to digest and are not completely digested, it is an excellent source of amino acids and vitamins A, E, E, and especially group B. It also contains Omega-3.
  4. The origin of duck fat, which came in fourth place, is most likely associated with the preparation of raw meat from item 2. Despite the unappetizing name, this is also a very high-quality position. This type of fat is rich in linoleic acid (omega-6), which is necessary for the good functioning of cellular metabolic processes.
  5. Peas contain up to 25% proteins, as well as a lot of carbohydrates. As an additive to the recipe (not at the top of the list) it is quite acceptable.
  6. Pea protein is obtained by chemically purifying the original product from starch. It contains more than 80% protein, which is much less valuable for a dog’s digestion than animal protein.
  7. Chicken liver is an offal that negates all the advantages of Wolfsblut dry food. The fact is that chicken is perhaps the most common cause of allergies and food intolerances (read more about this here). And this composition claims to be hypoallergenic and is intended for pets with digestive problems. Accordingly, the presence of chicken liver in the recipe immediately makes switching to it pointless when eliminating allergens. Plus, modern industrial chicken farming has become, in fact, a chemical process, using hormones and a huge amount of antibiotics, which accumulate in the liver of the bird. Therefore, given the high cost and stated almost veterinary nature of these granules, the presence of even a small portion of chicken is a huge minus.

Why Wolfsblut is better than other foods

The food belongs to the super-premium and holistic class.


The NOW FRESH food line has a balanced formula and grain-free composition. Includes natural ingredients and selected meats. But the meat component, compared to Wolfsblatt, is much lower - on average 25%, while in German food this component exceeds 30%.


The rich composition of the food allows you to normalize the animal’s digestion. Large percentage of natural meat. However, Grandorf's products are represented by a rather poor line and variety of flavors. Additionally, this dog food contains a small percentage of grains.


The main advantage of Holistic Gou is its low cost. However, this leaves an imprint on the composition. It includes grains, chicken meat is often used (the dog has a high risk of developing allergies), and there are no medicinal diets in the line. These are the main disadvantages of the food that Wolfsblut does not have.

Vertikt Tiny

Wolfsblut Wild Duck dry food for small breed dogs is an excellent choice for those who want to switch from regular premium food such as Eukanuba, Arden Grange, Canide, etc. However, to solve digestive problems associated with allergies to food, it can be recommended with caution due to the presence of chicken in the composition. It is also not suitable for animals whose veterinarian has prescribed a diet low in fat and protein.

Taking all this into account, gives Wolfsblat's Wild Duck a 4.5 star rating and recommends it with the above reservations.

Reviews from visitors about this food

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Wolfsblut food line

The manufacturer has provided a wide range of products, taking into account the needs of the animal in each depending on its age, physiological condition and health.

For adult dogs

Black Bird Adult

Average protein and fat components. Suitable for everyday nutrition, suitable for obese dogs after illness. Designed specifically for weak stomachs and those suffering from food allergies. It is based on turkey meat, which is easier to digest than other types. In addition, yams contain sweet potatoes, which are a diabetic product. It regulates blood glucose and insulin levels and is suitable for dogs suffering from diabetes.

Wide Plain Senior Wolfsblut

The feed has a reduced content of protein and fat components. Horsemeat is used as a meat component, which is easily digested by older animals without overloading their digestive system. Contains taurine, essential for the heart muscle and retina.

For puppies

Wild Game Puppy

The diet is based on partridge and wild pigeon meat. For the children, game meat was specially selected, which was not kept in conditions of artificial cultivation. This meat is of high quality. Jerusalem artichoke and Yucca Schidigera, as well as natural probiotics, prebiotics and nucleotides, are the basis for the construction of a young organism.

Medicinal food

The manufacturer has provided a wide range of medicinal products, distributing them according to problem areas: kidneys, teeth, skin, excess weight.

Healthy kidneys (VetLine Renal)

A complete diet for dogs with renal failure, containing protein and phosphorus. The food contains turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. The manufacturer warns of the need to consult a veterinarian if, after 3 months of using the food, there is no improvement in the pet’s health.

Reviews from veterinarians and buyers

Many dog ​​owners buy Wolfsblut food for their pets and willingly share their impressions.

  • Alena, owner of the Yorkie:

“I bought the food “Grey Top” with goat meat for adult dogs. I liked the protein and fat content. The package smelled pleasantly of herbs, very appetizing to me, but my Yorkie refused to eat it. Apparently he didn't like the smell. I mixed Wolfsblut food with ours. A week later the dog ate it with pleasure. In three months we ate 4 kg. Two weeks ago I decided to try Alaskan salmon. Eating. The dog feels well. The feces became perfect. The smell from the mouth has also changed.”

  • Victoria:

“My dog ​​is severely allergic to almost everything, grains, vegetables, milk. I can’t feed meat, I’m also allergic. The pancreas does not accept protein. The food is not suitable for us because it contains more than 21% protein. The dog itches to the point of ulcers, and often has loose stools and vomiting. Wolfsblut recommended “Dark Forest” and “Cold River”. "Dark Forest" smells terrible, but the dog eats. After a week and a half, positive changes are noticeable: the coat is shiny, ulcers are healing, gas formation has decreased, stool has returned to normal.”

  • Veterinarian Igor Ivanovich, 10 years of experience:

“I always recommend Wolfsblut food for dogs with allergies and joint diseases.”

Reviews from people on the forums:

Owner reviews

Irina K. At first things didn’t work out for us with food. I saw some interesting packs and bought a dachshund. But she still didn’t eat. I don’t know, maybe the smell scared me away. Then the fur and bald spots began to fall off. They treated her, but the veterinarian ordered her to stop eating because she had an allergy. We returned to medicinal - for skin health. She ate it for three months, then stopped. Now I buy Wolfsblut Wild Duck.

Oleg L. Very dear, of course. But what can you do to keep your pet healthy? We have an older dog (12 years old) and a young dog (1 year and 4 years old). I buy Wolfsblut for everyone. True, you have to order online, it’s difficult to find in the store.

Daily norm

The manufacturer made sure that customers knew how much food to give their pet. After reviewing the daily norms given below, you can understand how much food is needed for large breed puppies, and how much for small animals.

Correspondence of daily norm to weight:

  • 1-5 kg ​​– 30-100 g;
  • 5-10 kg – 100-170 g;
  • 10-15 kg – 170-230 g;
  • 15-20 kg – 230-285 g;
  • 20-30 kg – 285-390 g;
  • over 30 kg – more than 390 g.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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