Grandorf food for dogs: reviews from veterinarians, review of the range, composition

The choice of ready-made food for your pet must be approached responsibly. The composition of Grandorf dog food and reviews from veterinarians about its quality attract the attention of professional dog breeders and pet lovers. But, of course, there are no ideal feeds.

It is important to understand the features of the Grandorf dog food line, the geography of production, the pros and cons of nutrition in comparison with analogues of the same price group. And not only instructions, but also reviews from the customers themselves should help with this. All this together will allow you to correctly determine whether this food is suitable for your dog or not.

Range of products offered

Choosing a balanced diet for your dog depending on its age is not so easy. Feeding natural food is not convenient for all owners, since it requires a significant investment of time.

Therefore, experts have developed a line of products taking into account the different needs of dogs. In total, there are 4 categories of produced food of this brand: with probiotics, low-grain, grain-free and wet. Let's look at each in more detail.

Briefly about the main thing

  1. Grandorf is a rather controversial dog food. It has both disadvantages and advantages.
  2. The advantages include the absence of harmful components and allergens. There is no wheat, dyes, soy, beets, GMOs, corn, or artificial flavors.
  3. The food consists of 60% meat and satisfies all the dog’s protein needs.
  4. The disadvantages include a small amount of fiber.
  5. The line includes high-quality grain-free and low-grain foods.

Choosing what and how to feed your dog is your task. And the health of the dog depends on your choice. In order to choose the right diet for your pet, you may have to conduct more than one experiment. Tell us in the comments about your food experiments.

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Food with probiotics

The product contains natural microorganisms Enterococcus faecium, they help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Feeding your dog daily with food of this type allows you to restore the intestinal microflora and maintain it in a healthy state. As a result, nutrients are better absorbed, the deficiency of micro- and macroelements is leveled, the animal’s condition improves, and the coat becomes silky and shiny.

Probiotics are added to the feed in the form of intestinal acid-resistant capsules at the end of the preparation cycle. This allows you to keep them in the feed.

The product is packaged in bags of 1, 3 and 12 kg and is available in two versions - for adult dogs of any size and for small ones. Estimated cost of feed:

  • 1 kg for all dogs costs 680 rubles, for miniatures - 740 rubles;
  • 3 kg for small breeds - 1849 rubles, small - 1700 rubles, any - 1400 rubles;
  • 12 kg - suitable for any dogs, its cost is 5500 rubles.

Price and where to buy

You can buy this food in online pet stores:

  1. "" (link):
      Dry food Grandorf 1 kg - from 670 rubles;
  2. Dry food Grandorf 3 kg - from 1680 rubles;
  3. Dry food Grandorf 12 kg - from 5350 rubles;
  4. Canned food, 400 g jar - from 170 rubles.
  5. "Yandex Market" ().

Prices shown are indicative, current as of October 2022 and may change over time. For the exact cost, see the pet store websites using the links above.

Low grain

This food is based on brown rice, lamb or white fish. Due to the absence of gluten, the food is suitable for puppies and pets with sensitive stomachs. Rice contains B vitamins, mineral components, and is a unique source of energy.

One of the foods in the line, “Lamb with Rice,” is available in six versions for different breeds of dogs:

  • Food for pregnant and lactating females of small and medium breeds and for puppies.
  • “Juniors” - for puppies from 4 months of age, as well as females of medium and large breeds during pregnancy and nursing.
  • “Mini” is Grandorf food for small breed dogs (reviews of the product note its unique composition, which has a positive effect on the well-being and health of pets).
  • "Medium" - for medium-sized four-legged animals.
  • "Maxi" - for large breed pets.

In the same category, the food “White Fish with Rice” is produced, intended for adult dogs. The cost of feed is 600-5000 rubles.

Grandorf dog food - reviews

This food has been sold on the Russian market for a long time, and it is quite widespread, has a good composition and is not the highest price. Therefore, many dog ​​owners managed to offer it to their pets. Below we have collected some reviews from those who shared their feeding results.

Reviews from veterinarians

We could not find direct reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf dog food. However, there are customer reviews online that indicate that their veterinarian spoke positively about this food.

Customer Reviews

Dasha writes:

We tried many different foods, not because they weren’t suitable, but because over time the dog got bored with them. Now we are buying Grandorf holistic, we have already taken duck with sweet potato, white fish with rice, lamb with rice, rabbit with sweet potato. In my opinion, a dog eats best food with lamb and rice.

The food granules are dark, hard, and have a distinct meaty odor. You can also taste the meat (I tried it myself). It contains a large percentage of dried meat and many vitamins. Consumption rates are approximately the same as those of other holistic practitioners we have tried.

After this food, the dog has a formed output, there is relatively little of it. This means that the food is well digested. Until the dog begins to eat worse, we will remain on this food, unless prices rise significantly.

*The photos above are not a direct illustration of the reviews presented in the review.

Sofia writes:

I have a Yorkie, 4 years old, weighs 3 kg. Previously I ate Eukanuba, then I developed an allergy to chicken and had to change the food. I chose Grandorf as a replacement; I was attracted by the good composition and reasonable price. I took 4 types of meat for small breed dogs.

The dog liked the new food and eats it even better than the previous ones. Despite the sudden transition, the stool is normal, the smell has not become stronger. After a couple of weeks of feeding, the coat also improved and became shinier.

Overall, I am very pleased with the choice; I recommend Grandorf food! I also ordered canned food, we’ll try it!

Anton writes:

I bought Grandorf for my dog, he ate it very well. But then the food became too expensive, so he switched from it to porridge. As a result, the dog began to lose weight and feel unwell, so he had to be switched back to dry food. He chose Brit, he eats it, but not as well as he ate Grandorf. So Grandorf is the best, but as they say, you have to pay for quality.


The reviews included both approval and negative assessments. This is fine. One dog is not suitable for holistic, but feels great on economy class food. If you want to get an idea about the product, consider the opinion of the specialist and dog owners. A veterinarian can analyze the composition of the food, but unless he has conducted an experiment on his own dog, the nuances will slip away.

Dog breeders can make mistakes and violate feeding rules. For example, they combine natural food with ready-made food. The dog develops indigestion. The dog owner concludes that the food is of poor quality.

A sudden change in diet or additional intake of vitamins can lead to hair loss. On this basis, it is alleged that the dog was poisoned with ready-made holistic food.

Veterinarian review

Evgeniy, veterinarian. I analyzed the composition of food mixtures, assessed the assortment taking into account different tastes, found out the opinions of dog owners about the food, and made the following conclusions:

  1. The food meets the requirements for ready-made holistic food.
  2. The relatively low protein content is compensated by a balanced amino acid composition.
  3. With regard to fiber content, an outdated research method played a cruel joke. When determining the crude fiber content, pectin substances and soluble fibers, which in this feed are sufficient to ensure normal digestion, are not taken into account.

Watch your pet. If he is cheerful, active, his coat is shiny, the feeder is empty, his stool is regular without digestive disorders, then the food is adequate. It cannot be ruled out that your pet may be intolerant to certain components. Overall, I think Grandorf foods are high quality and recommend them for your dog.

Customer Reviews

Dog owners expressed different opinions about the food:

Evelina, Dolgoprudny. I have a poodle, nine years old. The fur has become dull. An unpleasant odor appeared from the mouth; upon closer examination, I discovered a yellowish coating on the teeth. I took her to the clinic and spent money on cleaning my teeth. It helped for a while, but then the unpleasant symptoms returned. I changed the food, there was an improvement, then it got even worse. Skin rashes appeared, hair fell off, and the pet was constantly itching. The clinic advised me to try the Lamb with Rice Mini food for small dogs. At first the pet did not eat willingly and begged. Showed willpower. She gave nothing but dry food. After a month, my pet was unrecognizable. It stopped itching, the fur became thicker and shinier. I have an appetite. We have been eating Grandorf food for 4 months now. I am happy with the food and recommend it to other dog breeders.


These are canned goods weighing 150-400 grams. These products contain 80% meat. In reviews of Grandorf canned food for dogs, consumers note the pleasant smell of the product. A jar costs 100-170 rubles. The consistency of the food resembles a pate; this option is suitable for dogs with allergic reactions. Available in the following types: “Veal”, “Rabbit”, “Lamb”, “Chicken with rice”, “Turkey”. According to reviews, Grandorf dog food from this line can be given as a separate dish or alternated with dry granules.

Grandorf food line

It is difficult to independently provide your pet with a balanced, satisfying and healthy diet at different age stages. Therefore, taking into account the needs of dogs, the Grandorf line was developed.

It includes 4 categories:

  1. Food with added probiotics. Beneficial natural microorganisms Enterococcus faecium help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Daily inclusion of this species in the diet of dogs allows not only to restore the intestinal microflora, but also to maintain it at the proper level. As a result, the digestibility of food increases, the deficiency of various micro- and macroelements is eliminated, which means that the external and internal condition of the animal improves.

Probiotics are introduced into the feed in the form of acid-resistant enteric capsules after the preparation cycle has ended.

This product is produced in bags of 1, 3 and 12 kg in two variations - 4 Meat & Brown (for adult dogs of any size) and “Mini” (for small animals).

The cost of food depends on the weight of the package and composition:

  • 1 kg for all types costs 680 rubles, for small ones 740 rubles;
  • price per 3 kg for small dogs 1849 rubles, small adult animals 1700 rubles, all types – 1400 rubles;
  • 12 kg – suitable for all dogs and costs 5,500 rubles.
  1. Low grain. The basis of this type of food is brown rice, lamb or white fish. Due to the absence of the vegetable protein gluten in the cereal, the food is perfectly digestible even by very young puppies and those pets whose stomachs are hypersensitive to foods. At the same time, rice is a valuable supplier of various mineral components, B vitamins and energy. For example, “Lamb with Rice” is available in six varieties, suitable for dogs of different sizes and ages:
  • food "Grandorf" for puppies from three weeks, for pregnant bitches and during lactation for small and medium breeds;
  • “Juniors” - for 4-month-old individuals, as well as for medium or large females during gestation and feeding;
  • “Mini” - food for adult small animals;
  • “Medium” - for medium-sized pets;
  • "Maxi" - for large dogs from 1 year to 3 months.

“White fish with rice” for feeding adults also falls into this category. All these foods cost from 600-5000 rubles.

  1. Grain-free. In this type of food "Grandorf" instead of cereals, sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes are included in the composition. Experts have developed 2 recipes containing a record amount of meat. But at the same time, the food is ideal for dogs prone to allergies, digestive disorders, hair loss and hypersensitive skin. For example, food with sweet potatoes and rabbit or duck meat, which are suitable for dogs older than one year and cost from 600 to 5 thousand rubles.
  1. Wet. Available in canned food of 150-400 g. The composition contains 80% meat, the rest is rice. The cost of the can is 100-170 rubles. The consistency of the product is similar to pate, smells delicious and is suitable for dogs prone to allergies. Available in the following varieties:
  • "Veal";
  • "Lamb";
  • "Rabbit";
  • "Turkey";
  • Chicken and Rice (ideal for puppies).

These foods can be given as independent food or alternated with dry granular supplements.

The cost of rations is average. It all depends on the promotions, bonuses offered and other personal conditions.

Feed composition

All types of food produced belong to the premium class of the holistic category. These are the highest quality products available on the market today. The food contains exclusively high-quality natural ingredients. The meat part occupies at least 40% of the total composition of the feed. These are lamb, duck, turkey, rabbit and fish.

The meat in the feed is present in a dehydrated state; water is removed from it during processing, so the components do not deteriorate for a long time. In addition, the ingredients are hypoallergenic and suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion and allergies.

The meat component has a low calorie content and at the same time an optimal amount of amino acids and vitamins. Fish pulp has the same indicators, and also contains a large amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid.

In addition to meat (fish), the feed contains:

  • krill is a seafood rich in iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  • carob, which includes tannins, proteins, trace elements, vitamins, pectin;
  • rice is a source of calories and fiber;
  • extracts of fruits, vegetables, herbs with antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial effects;
  • chondroitin, glucosamine - chondroprotectors that preserve the health of bones and ligaments;
  • vitamins and minerals - the proportion of these components is increased compared to dry food of other classes from other manufacturers.

Thanks to this thoughtful composition of food, the dog daily receives the norm of nutrients, macro- and microelements for its health and full life. Reviews of Grandorf food for small dogs, as well as medium and large ones, confirm these characteristics.

The food does not contain components that cause allergies:

  • wheat;
  • salt;
  • artificial additives;
  • soy;
  • corn;
  • beet;
  • eggs;
  • GMO;
  • chicken and its fat.

Grandorf dog food review

Grandorf dry dog ​​food is produced in Belgium at the United Petfood Producers NV plant, and wet dog food is produced in Italy at the MONGE & C. SpA plant.
The official website is there, there is information important for consumers (ingredients, recommended feeding rates, etc.). This food is suitable for holistic people. In addition to dog food, there is also Grandorf cat food.

Composition of Grandorf feed

Let's look at the composition of the "Grandorf" food using the example of the "Rabbit with Sweet Potato" option, for adult dogs of all breeds. You can see it in the photo below, click on the image to enlarge it for easier reading:

On the right is a photo of the composition from the packaging, on the left is data from the official website.

In first place is dehydrated rabbit meat. Then there is also dehydrated turkey meat and fresh rabbit meat. These are all good sources of protein, of which the analysis shows 25%. There are no plant sources of protein, so all this 25% is animal proteins (better absorbed than plant proteins).

Sweet potatoes (dried sweet potatoes) are a source of carbohydrates (in non-grain-free formulas, white or brown rice is the source of carbohydrates). Turkey fat is a good source of fatty acids. Dried spinach and dried apple are sources of fiber.

Chicory extract is a source of FOS and inulin (good for digestion). Carob flour is a natural flavoring and thickening agent. Dried Antarctic krill (crustaceans) are a source of many vitamins and minerals. Flax seeds are a source of fiber and are also rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

Glucosamine and chondroitin are substances that are beneficial for joints. DL-methionine, MCM and a complex of natural antioxidants are also beneficial substances. After the list of ingredients, it is indicated that a mixture of tocopherols (essentially vitamin E) is used as a preservative.

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of Grandorf dog food:

  • source of protein - meat, vegetable protein is not used;
  • rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances;
  • only natural antioxidants and preservatives are used;
  • wide range, there is grain-free food, canned food;
  • relatively low price (food is cheaper than many analogues).

Disadvantages of this food:

  • You can't buy it in every pet store.

Note that even regular (not grain-free) dry food of this brand does not contain corn or wheat. There is only rice, which is a good source of carbohydrates.

Feeding standards

Only the dog owner himself can determine the correct diet after consultation with a veterinarian. But, in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer, standard portions must be calculated taking into account the weight of the animal. In order not to harm your pet, provide him with constant access to drinking water, do not violate age standards when choosing food (for example, give teenage puppies only Grandorf Junior) and do not mix different types of dry or wet food.

Approximate dog weight, kgDaily value, grams
From 65520-575

You can increase the norm if you are caring for an underweight dog, as well as if you need to feed a pregnant dog, a working or sports dog, or an animal that constantly lives on the street. When comparing with the serving standards of other companies in the same class, the question arises: “Which dog food is better - Akana or Grandorf?” It is worth more carefully analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Grandorf in order to compare it with its main competitor.

Feeding tips

The food should be beneficial - this is what dog owners need to take into account.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

Ask a Question

In order not to harm your pet, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the animal should always have clean water freely available;
  • do not mix food;
  • The puppy should receive food intended only for its age.

An increase in the norm is indicated for pregnant and lactating females, working, sporting and constantly outdoor dogs.

Product benefits

The food of this brand contains an optimal set of natural nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They contain a large amount of high-quality meat and fish. Thanks to feeding such products in dogs:

  • the balance of the microflora of the digestive tract is maintained;
  • bones and joints are strengthened;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • immune defense increases;
  • digestion improves;
  • the risk of allergies is reduced;
  • muscles grow correctly;
  • the risk of developing pancreatic inflammation is reduced.

Biological properties

The food manufacturer claims that Grandorf has a lot of useful properties due to its high-quality and thoughtful composition:

  • prevention of urolithiasis;
  • positive effect on the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • positive effect on digestion;
  • prevention of food allergies;
  • normalization of the balance of beneficial microflora;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • positive effect on metabolism;
  • maintaining good physical shape;
  • prevention of oral diseases;
  • positive effect on coat and skin;
  • strengthening muscles, joints and bones;
  • positive effect on the visual organs.

Indeed, if you believe the reviews, Grandorf generally has a positive effect on the dog’s entire body. At least the coat looks great, and the digestive system is working at its best. These effects are observed largely due to the correctly selected composition, because all the ingredients in the food are very healthy.

For example, krill is a source of bioactive proteins, phospholipids and is a natural antioxidant. Carob fruits are a digestive regulator and an additional source of proteins. However, it is important to remember that this ingredient has fixing properties, that is, dog feces will be more dense - reviews from owners confirm this.

Meat is, of course, a source of protein and other nutrients, and rice is a source of carbohydrates. Grandorf also contains chondroitin, glucosamine and methylsulfonylmethane - substances that have a positive effect on the condition and function of cartilage and joints.

Cons of feed

Among the disadvantages of the products under consideration, it is worth highlighting the small amount of fiber - only 5% of the required norm. This may cause bloating, diarrhea, or constipation.

Some owners do not like the fact that the food is distributed only via the Internet and is not available in regular pet stores. Negative reviews of Grandorf dry food for dogs are associated with this feature.

Veterinarian advice

Reviews about “Grandorf” for dogs are mostly positive, but in order for the food to bring only benefits to your pet, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • your four-legged friend must have access to clean water at all times;
  • You should not mix different types of food - for example, dry food and natural food, otherwise an imbalance in the dog’s body simply cannot be avoided, digestive problems will make themselves felt instantly;
  • you cannot feed food from the owners’ table, sweet, spicy, smoked, salty food;
  • The puppy must be given food intended exclusively for its age.

If the dog becomes overly active or is pregnant or nursing puppies, the daily food intake will be increased in this case.

It must be said that not all veterinarians these days support the idea of ​​feeding dogs with prepared foods. They are of the opinion that nothing can replace natural food, no matter how high-quality industrial food is. Perhaps they are right. However, owners who choose ready-made products for their pets are guided not only by the lack of time to prepare daily meals for their pet, but also, above all, by the balanced composition of the food produced. And if you have already chosen the option of feeding your dog dry food, you should prefer the highest quality items offered by modern companies producing products for four-legged animals. And of course, the food brand discussed in the article deserves the highest positions in the ratings.

Food Manufacturer

Grandorf dry dog ​​food appeared on the Russian market more than five years ago. And the price category suggests that it should belong to the elite class of dog food. But we can’t help but warn you about a snag with the manufacturer. The official manufacturers on the Russian website are the well-known European brands “MONGE & C. SpA” and “United Petfood Producers NV” from Italy and Belgium, respectively.

However, it is impossible to find information about Grandorf on the official websites of these companies. We can’t talk about some kind of industrial conspiracy, it’s just that companies are quite legally selling their services for packaging a product manufactured elsewhere using an alternative recipe. Therefore, the real manufacturer of Grandorf remains anonymous. This deprives the buyer of information about the conditions of production and storage of the goods.

You can try to find out something about the manufacturer through the Russian representative office. But the site is registered to a legal entity, the details of which are hidden. The official Grandorf LLC is registered in Moscow, and the main activity of the company is considered to be “wholesale trade in pet food.” All this raises unpleasant suspicions about the origin of this dog food. But in fact, Grandorf dog food is quite high quality.

Grandorf feed class

All varieties of Grandorf dog food are classified as holistic. This is a hypoallergenic super premium food with the best quality proteins. Grandorf food contains up to 80% high-quality meat from veal, rabbit, lamb, turkey or salmon. Its advantages:

  • contains a lot of whole meat;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • relatively low price (compared to similar products in its class).

The disadvantages of this diet include:

  1. Not sold in all stores (but can be purchased online).
  2. It is produced for the domestic market, which means that the quality is possibly worse than in Europe.

Where and by whom is the product produced?

was founded in France more than 50 years ago. Veterinarians, technologists and breeders took part in the development of the recipe.

Today, food is produced in Belgium, Italy and Thailand.

In Russia, food of this brand can only be purchased via the Internet; unfortunately, there are no other methods of purchase yet.

The products are manufactured using modern high-tech equipment at low temperatures, which allows preserving vitamins and all useful substances.

Experts' opinions

Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf for dogs are mostly positive. Experts characterize it as the highest quality product out of many currently available on the market. Doctors cite a balanced composition, high digestibility and nutritional value as advantages. In their opinion, this is an ideal food option for four-legged friends of any age.

Dog trainers recommend purchasing Grandorf food, despite the fact that the product is not considered cheap, but when it comes to the health and mood of the dog, all the costs are worth it.

Judging by reviews from veterinarians, Grandorf dog food stands out significantly among other pet products on the market. The food has a unique composition and is therefore recommended by experts.

However, there are also isolated negative reviews. Consumers, wondering about it, found out that in Europe there is simply no such brand. And although the product is produced in European countries, it is not registered there; the product is released on the basis of a concluded contract. That is, any plant provides its equipment for the production of feed, but is not responsible for the composition of the products. That is why reasonable doubts arise about the quality of the product, and many veterinarians and dog handlers stop recommending the purchase of food to pet owners.

Reviews from veterinarians

Svetlana Skolkova: “I recommend Grandorf dog food as one of the highest quality products. Balanced composition, high digestibility and nutritional value - an ideal find for pets of any age.”

Igor Zhurbin: “Knowing the composition and range of dry dog ​​food “Grandorf”, I advise animal owners to purchase products from this manufacturer. I agree that the product is not cheap, but it is worth it.”

Oleg Ivanov: “Of course, every dog ​​owner decides for himself whether to purchase Grandorf food for his pet or not. I can only say that since the appearance of this company’s line of food on the market, I have not found any alternative options.”

Recently, a diverse range of pet food has been produced, but among them, due to its unique composition, the Grandorf brand stands out noticeably.
Considering reviews from veterinarians and dog owners, we can confidently say that its beneficial properties are highly appreciated, and therefore are in high demand.

“Grandorf” food for dogs: reviews from veterinarians, review of the range, composition (8 photos)

The health of pets largely depends on the quality of their diet. The ideal solution is to choose holistic food. Hypoallergenic dog food “Grandorf” belongs to this category. Reviews from owners and veterinarians about it, its composition, advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the article. What kind of product?
The presented product is produced in Italy and Belgium and meets all European quality standards.
The production provides for strict control at all stages of production, so the consumer can be confident in the choice of food made from natural ingredients. It’s no wonder that Grandorf dog food receives positive reviews - both from the owners of four-legged dogs and from veterinarians. Line of products offered
It is not so easy to choose a balanced diet for your dog depending on its age.
Feeding natural food is not convenient for all owners, since it requires a significant investment of time. Therefore, experts have developed a line of products taking into account the different needs of dogs. In total, there are 4 categories of produced food of this brand: with probiotics, low-grain, grain-free and wet. Let's look at each in more detail. Food with probiotics
The product contains natural microorganisms Enterococcus faecium, they help normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Feeding your dog daily with food of this type allows you to restore the intestinal microflora and maintain it in a healthy state. As a result, nutrients are better absorbed, the deficiency of micro- and macroelements is leveled, the animal’s condition improves, and the coat becomes silky and shiny. Probiotics are added to the feed in the form of intestinal acid-resistant capsules at the end of the preparation cycle. This allows you to keep them in the feed. The product is packaged in bags of 1, 3 and 12 kg and is available in two versions - for adult dogs of any size and for small ones. Estimated cost of feed:

  • 1 kg for all dogs costs 680 rubles, for miniatures - 740 rubles;
  • 3 kg for small breeds - 1849 rubles, small - 1700 rubles, any - 1400 rubles;
  • 12 kg - suitable for any dogs, its cost is 5500 rubles.

Low grain

This food is based on brown rice, lamb or white fish. Due to the absence of gluten, the food is suitable for puppies and pets with sensitive stomachs. Rice contains B vitamins, mineral components, and is a unique source of energy. One of the foods in the line, “Lamb with Rice,” is available in six versions for different breeds of dogs:

  • Food for pregnant and lactating females of small and medium breeds and for puppies.
  • “Juniors” - for puppies from 4 months of age, as well as females of medium and large breeds during pregnancy and nursing.
  • “Mini” is Grandorf food for small breed dogs (reviews of the product note its unique composition, which has a positive effect on the well-being and health of pets).
  • "Medium" - for medium-sized four-legged animals.
  • "Maxi" - for large breed pets.

In the same category, the food “White Fish with Rice” is produced, intended for adult dogs. The cost of feed is 600-5000 rubles. Grain-free

These Grandorf foods contain sweet potatoes instead of grains.
Experts have developed two versions of the product, which contain large amounts of meat. The food is suitable for dogs prone to allergies, digestive system disorders, hair loss and skin sensitivity. The food is intended for furry pets older than a year, their cost is from 600 to 5000 rubles. Wet
This is canned food weighing 150-400 grams.
These products contain 80% meat. In reviews of Grandorf canned food for dogs, consumers note the pleasant smell of the product. A jar costs 100-170 rubles. The consistency of the food resembles a pate; this option is suitable for dogs with allergic reactions. Available in the following types: “Veal”, “Rabbit”, “Lamb”, “Chicken with rice”, “Turkey”. According to reviews, Grandorf dog food from this line can be given as a separate dish or alternated with dry granules. Composition of feed
All produced types of food belong to the premium class of the holistic category. These are the highest quality products available on the market today. The food contains exclusively high-quality natural ingredients. The meat part occupies at least 40% of the total composition of the feed. These are lamb, duck, turkey, rabbit and fish. The meat in the feed is present in a dehydrated state; water is removed from it during processing, so the components do not deteriorate for a long time. In addition, the ingredients are hypoallergenic and suitable for dogs with sensitive digestion and allergies. The meat component has a low calorie content and at the same time an optimal amount of amino acids and vitamins. Fish pulp has the same indicators, and also contains a large amount of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid. In addition to meat (fish), the feed contains:

  • krill is a seafood rich in iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium;
  • carob, which includes tannins, proteins, trace elements, vitamins, pectin;
  • rice is a source of calories and fiber;
  • extracts of fruits, vegetables, herbs with antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial effects;
  • chondroitin, glucosamine - chondroprotectors that preserve the health of bones and ligaments;
  • vitamins and minerals - the proportion of these components is increased compared to dry food of other classes from other manufacturers.

Thanks to this thoughtful composition of food, the dog daily receives the norm of nutrients, macro- and microelements for its health and full life. Reviews of Grandorf food for small dogs, as well as medium and large ones, confirm these characteristics. The food does not contain components that cause allergies:

  • wheat;
  • salt;
  • artificial additives;
  • soy;
  • corn;
  • beet;
  • eggs;
  • GMO;
  • chicken and its fat.

Product benefits

The food of this brand contains an optimal set of natural nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements. They contain a large amount of high-quality meat and fish. Thanks to feeding such products in dogs:

  • the balance of the microflora of the digestive tract is maintained;
  • bones and joints are strengthened;
  • the functioning of the cardiovascular system is normalized;
  • immune defense increases;
  • digestion improves;
  • the risk of allergies is reduced;
  • muscles grow correctly;
  • the risk of developing pancreatic inflammation is reduced.

Cons of feed

Among the disadvantages of the products under consideration, it is worth highlighting the small amount of fiber - only 5% of the required norm.
This may cause bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. Some owners do not like the fact that the food is distributed only via the Internet and is not available in regular pet stores. Negative reviews of Grandorf dry food for dogs are associated with this feature. How much to give?
Considering that the nutritional value and saturation of vitamins and beneficial elements in the presented products is higher than in any others, manufacturers recommend a significantly lower feed rate per meal.
Tables of daily volumes are located on the packages. But you should keep in mind that the approximate serving sizes are indicated there. It is necessary to calculate the amount of food for a particular pet based on the weight, age and behavior of the animal. Advice from veterinarians
Reviews of Grandorf for dogs are mostly positive, however, in order for the food to bring only benefits to your pet, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  • your four-legged friend must have access to clean water at all times;
  • You should not mix different types of food - for example, dry food and natural food, otherwise an imbalance in the dog’s body simply cannot be avoided, digestive problems will make themselves felt instantly;
  • you cannot feed food from the owners’ table, sweet, spicy, smoked, salty food;
  • The puppy must be given food intended exclusively for its age.

If the dog becomes overly active or is pregnant or nursing puppies, the daily food intake will be increased in this case. It must be said that not all veterinarians these days support the idea of ​​feeding dogs with prepared foods. They are of the opinion that nothing can replace natural food, no matter how high-quality industrial food is. Perhaps they are right. However, owners who choose ready-made products for their pets are guided not only by the lack of time to prepare daily meals for their pet, but also, above all, by the balanced composition of the food produced. And if you have already chosen the option of feeding your dog dry food, you should prefer the highest quality items offered by modern companies producing products for four-legged animals. And of course, the food brand discussed in the article deserves the highest positions in the ratings. Where and by whom is the product produced?

was founded in France more than 50 years ago.
Veterinarians, technologists and breeders took part in the development of the recipe. Today, food is produced in Belgium, Italy and Thailand. In Russia, food of this brand can only be purchased via the Internet; unfortunately, there are no other methods of purchase yet. The products are manufactured using modern high-tech equipment at low temperatures, which allows preserving vitamins and all useful substances. Expert opinions
Reviews from veterinarians about Grandorf for dogs are mostly positive.
Experts characterize it as the highest quality product out of many currently available on the market. Doctors cite a balanced composition, high digestibility and nutritional value as advantages. In their opinion, this is an ideal food option for four-legged friends of any age. Dog trainers recommend purchasing Grandorf food, despite the fact that the product is not considered cheap, but when it comes to the health and mood of the dog, all the costs are worth it. Judging by reviews from veterinarians, Grandorf dog food stands out significantly among other pet products on the market. The food has a unique composition and is therefore recommended by experts. However, there are also isolated negative reviews. Consumers, wondering about it, found out that in Europe there is simply no such brand. And although the product is produced in European countries, it is not registered there; the product is released on the basis of a concluded contract. That is, any plant provides its equipment for the production of feed, but is not responsible for the composition of the products. That is why reasonable doubts arise about the quality of the product, and many veterinarians and dog handlers stop recommending the purchase of food to pet owners. Feedback from owners
Feedback from owners about Grandorf dog food is not always enthusiastic. Some owners note its disadvantages:

  • the dog did not eat the recommended portion;
  • allergies appeared;
  • the fur began to fall out;
  • the volume of excrement has increased unreasonably;
  • high price for one pack.

Reviews like this are rare, but they do exist. No one has canceled the individual reaction to the product, and what is good for one dog may not be suitable for another. In any case, it is important to consult a veterinarian before introducing a new type of food into your pet's diet. The majority of owners, having purchased Grandorf dog food, left extremely positive reviews about it. The owners of their four-legged friends emphasize that the products of the presented brand simply have no drawbacks. After consuming it, the pet’s stool, disturbed by the diet of other manufacturers, returned to normal, allergies disappeared and hair stopped falling out. Reviews about “Grandorf” for dogs of small breeds and others are mostly positive. Pets consume the offered product with pleasure, are in a great mood, cheerful and energetic. The animal's fur acquires a pleasant shine, and the immune system becomes strong. The owners emphasize not only the high-quality composition of the food, but also the convenient packaging of the product, which is also important. Considering reviews of Grandorf for dogs from owners and veterinarians, we can confidently say that the food is of high quality, and therefore the demand for it is increased. Material taken: Here

Grandorf - types of feed

All Grandorf products are divided into 4 groups: three are dry rations, and the fourth are wet canned ones. The composition of Grandorf dog food is as follows:

  1. Formula with live bacteria and probiotics - menu “4 meat & bown rice”. It includes two types of food - for mini breeds and for all breeds. Their composition is almost identical, the difference lies in the size of the granules. Both diets are designed for pets over a year old and are based on four types of meat: juicy turkey, lamb, rabbit and duck combined with rice.
  2. The second line is a low-grain formula, including 6 types of food for dogs of all ages and sizes. Five of the six recipes are positioned as lamb and turkey with rice, the sixth is Grandorf food with fish and rice.
  3. The third line is a grain-free diet, in its composition cereals are replaced with sweet potatoes. It is available in two recipes: with rabbit and duck for adult pets.
  4. The last segment of nutrition is the wet diet. It contains canned food in containers of 150 and 400 g with four flavors for mature animals and one (with chicken and rice) for puppies.

Grandorf food for small dogs

For adult dogs of small breeds from 1 year old, the company has developed two types of food. It is suitable for four-legged animals with sensitive digestion who are prone to allergies. The special structure and size of the granules help mechanically clean dogs’ teeth and get rid of plaque. Grandorf food for Yorkies, Chihuahuas and other small breed dogs:

  1. Four meats with brown rice (with probiotics)
    . Contains beneficial probiotic bacteria, promotes the restoration and support of intestinal microflora. Contains 60% meat (turkey, duck, lamb, rabbit), 27% proteins, 15% fats. The food has a natural taste, without flavorings.
  2. Lamb with rice for mini breeds
    . The food contains up to 60% turkey and lamb, 27% proteins, 15% fats. The hypoallergenic formula is designed to promote your pet's health and energy.

Hypoallergenic Grandorf dog food

The entire line of Grandorf food is hypoallergenic, since the company places special emphasis on this quality of products. To prevent allergies and dermatological reactions from occurring in animals with a sensitive digestive system, the diet does not contain wheat or corn, offal or soy, dyes or flavors. The excellent formula is designed for the sensitive digestive system of dogs, contains dietary meat, which satisfies the natural nutritional needs of a picky pet.

Grandorf dog food - beneficial properties of the diet:

  • supporting the immune system;
  • protection of the cardiovascular system;
  • maintaining ideal weight and good metabolism;
  • reducing food allergies and improving digestion;
  • destruction of pathogenic microflora;
  • muscle development and joint strengthening;
  • prevention of tartar;
  • improvement of the coat.

Grandorf food for sterilized dogs

To prevent obesity for sterilized dogs, a line with probiotics and a reduced fat content “4 types of meat with brown rice” has been developed. Grandorf food contains 65% meat (duck, turkey, rabbit, veal), 25% protein and 15% fat. Enteric-soluble bacteria contained in the granules improve digestion, intestinal microflora, and help the animal maintain optimal weight. Maintaining a low level of urine acidity helps reduce the risk of urolithiasis. Natural antioxidants prevent the aging of the body.

Grandorf food for puppies

Young animals always need care and adequate, delicate nutrition. The company has developed several foods for puppies:

  1. Grandorf puppy food with lamb and rice
    . Its formula is designed for babies from 3 weeks of age, ideal for first feeding and long-term feeding. This food is suitable for pregnant and nursing mothers. The menu guarantees the correct development of the skeleton, muscle mass of puppies, the harmonious formation of the fragile nervous system and the entire body. Contains 70% high-quality lamb and turkey, 25% protein, 18% fat, fruit, brewer's yeast, glucosamines, hodroitins.
  2. Grandorf food for large breed and junior puppies with lamb and rice
    . Suitable for growing pets such as Labrador, St. Bernard, Doberman, Bullmastiff and others (from 4 months of age). The menu contains up to 28% protein, 70% meat, the formula provides the body with successful growth and development.
  3. Wet food Grandorf chicken with rice for puppies
    . This meat is tender and quickly digestible; the delicate cooking method preserves all the nutrients in it. A diet with chicken is excellent for primary complementary feeding and introducing babies to meat, of which 80% is canned. The diet is rich in linoleic acid, which stimulates the immune system, and vitamins.

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