Pro Plan dog food review with veterinarian reviews

Every owner, regardless of the breed of the animal, wants their four-legged friend to be healthy and cheerful. Nutrition plays an important role in this. But how can you make the right choice among the variety of products?

Thanks to good quality, reasonable price and thoughtful advertising, Pro Plan dog food from Purina has become widespread.

This brand offers a line of concentrates that take into account the size, breed, age characteristics and physiological state of the animal. Depending on your taste preferences, you can purchase dry food or a wet preservative.

This is interesting: Basic rules when switching from natural food to dry food

Detailed composition

This food is positioned as belonging to the super premium class. However, judging by the structure, it would be correct to classify it as a Premium class, since the percentage of meat components in it is no more than 20%.

About 30 types of Pro Plan food are produced for all breeds with different tastes: beef, chicken, turkey, salmon, lamb. Depending on the variety, the composition also varies. As an example, one of the new options is Pro Plan Duo Delice with beef for adult dogs.

Judging by the description on the manufacturer’s website, the product is 100% balanced, has an excellent taste and has a positive effect on the health of the dog’s teeth and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it is mixed, that is, one package contains dry granules and soft pieces.

So, the composition of the feed:

  1. Beef – 17%. Moreover, this does not mean that pure meat is used. By-products can also be used in production.
  2. Dry poultry protein. The ingredient is obtained by chemically treating chicken waste, during which the beneficial properties are lost.
  3. Wheat, corn. These crops increase the nutritional value of the product, but their nutritional value is zero. They are an inexpensive source of carbohydrates, which reduces the cost of feed.
  4. Dry beet pulp is a good ingredient. Normalizes the amount of sugar in the dog's blood.
  5. Wheat gluten, corn grits, and malt flour are sources of inexpensive vegetable protein. They add calories to the feed, but do not bring much benefit.
  6. Rice – 4%. A carbohydrate that is easily absorbed by the body.
  7. Animal fat. Nothing is said about the origin, so the quality is difficult to determine.
  8. Egg powder is a food additive, a dry semi-finished product from chicken eggs. The set of microelements is identical to that observed in the raw product.
  9. Vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants. They help strengthen the body, normalize digestive processes, and improve the condition of the coat.
  10. Flavor enhancer. Makes dry food more attractive to dogs, but can cause allergies.

The manufacturer guarantees the following percentage of the main indicators of the product:

  • protein – 25%;
  • fats – 16%;
  • ash content – ​​8%;
  • fiber – 2%;
  • Omega-3 and 6 acids – 0.3 and 1.6%, respectively.

The amount of carbohydrates in this product is about 40%. The coefficient is high, which once again proves that Purina food belongs to the Premium class.

This is interesting: Composition of Purina One food

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the product include:

  • wide selection for all ages and breeds;
  • medicinal, dietary, hypoallergenic food options;
  • accessibility and affordable cost;
  • the presence of meat and fish as the main source of protein;
  • the presence of vitamins and minerals in the feed;
  • the development of the composition is carried out under the supervision of professionals;
  • granules are not of a hard consistency;
  • packages of various weights.

Interesting article: Hypoallergenic dog food: rating of super premium food for puppies and large breeds

The Pro Plan food has some disadvantages. The most significant are:

  • it is not indicated what ingredients are used, natural meat or offal;
  • presence of flavoring additives;
  • a large number of grain components;
  • lack of berries and fruits, as in super premium food;
  • the presence of components that do not provide any particular benefit to the dog’s body;
  • similarity of compositions, despite diversity.

As you can see, the pros and cons are almost proportional. Product evaluation is controversial, however, reviews from veterinarians and buyers are in most cases positive. As a premium product, Pro Plan is quite good and is suitable for a dog’s daily diet.

Dosage and consumption rate

The rate of food consumption for Chihuahuas depends on 2 factors: the weight of the dog and the time of activity per day..

WeightActivity less than an hour a day - daily portion in gramsActivity 1-3 hours a day – daily portion in grams
1-5 kg35-11045-125
5-10 kg110-175125-200

The main thing is not to overfeed. Even balanced food in large quantities can be harmful to the health of a Chihuahua.

Pro Plan food line

The range of food products of this brand is quite large. During production, age, body weight and breed characteristics are taken into account.

A veterinary line of food has also been developed - Pro Plan Veterinary diets for dogs with health problems.

For large breeds

The larger the animal, the more balanced food it needs. Therefore, he needs nutritious nutrition that allows him to maintain muscle mass and not gain weight.

The following types of dry food are available for large breeds:

  1. Large Adult Optibalance with chicken - for adult dogs from one year old. Depending on the body type, this product is divided: Robust - with a powerful constitution, Athletic - athletic. The price of a package weighing 3 kg is 1390 rubles.
  2. Medium & Large Adult 7+ with Optiage complex is suitable for both large dogs and medium breeds. The food is recommended for pets who have crossed the 7-year mark. It improves brain activity and keeps you active. Cost – 1200 rub. for 3 kg.
  3. Medium Adult Optibalance with chicken – for adult pets of medium build. Price category within 1300 rubles.

For large breeds of dogs with vulnerable skin, Pro Plan Optiderma with salmon and rice is intended, and for those with a delicate digestive system, Adult Sensitive Digestion food based on a high content of lamb. Price – 1300 rub.

For small breeds

Small four-legged friends need a proper diet with a predominance of protein. For dogs of medium and small breeds, it is important that the food meets the daily requirements for essential microelements and vitamins.

Dry products for this category:

  1. Small & Mini Adult Optibalance based on chicken (20%) and rice (7%) is produced for adult animals of small breeds. Helps maintain healthy joints, gastrointestinal tract, teeth and gums. A package weighing 3 kg costs 1350 rubles.
  2. Small & Mini Adult 9+ Optiage. This food is suitable for small breed dogs aged 9 years and older. It allows you to maintain brain activity, gives you vigor, and slows down aging. Contains 14% chicken and 4% rice. Cost (700 g) – 390 rubles.
  3. Small & Mini Adult Sensitive Skin with Optiderma complex containing salmon (20%) and rice (18%). The food is hypoallergenic because it contains no gluten. It improves the condition of the coat and minimizes the reaction of the skin to food components. Suitable for all four-legged friends, regardless of breed. Price – 390 rub. for 700 g.
  4. Small & Mini Adult Optidigest with lamb for small dogs with vulnerable digestive systems. This product restores the microflora in the intestines, eliminates discomfort, and normalizes stool. The price category is the same.

Duo Delice food, the composition of which is discussed above, is suitable for pets of all sizes and breeds and differs only slightly in the ratio of components. The double texture of the pieces may appeal to picky eaters.

For puppies

Puppies need increased nutrition to stimulate normal growth and development. The first year of their life is fundamental and requires a scrupulous approach when choosing a diet.

Manufacturers competently approached the creation of Pro Plan food for puppies and released a line with the Optistart complex, the recipe of which includes colostrum. It is rich in antibodies, helps strengthen the dog’s immunity and reduce the risk of intestinal infections.

Product types:

  1. Large Puppy with chicken and rice – food for large breed puppies. Robust or Athletic – depending on the dog’s build. Cost – 1390 rub. for 3 kg.
  2. Medium Puppy is created based on the same components. Intended for feeding medium-sized puppies. The price is identical.
  3. Small & Mini Puppy is suitable for babies of dwarf breeds. The composition and cost are similar to the above feeds, the difference is only in the percentage of components.

The company took care of cubs with gastrointestinal and skin problems, just like adults. Dry granules with Optiderma and Optidigest complexes also exist for this line.

Proplan for dogs - dosage

Most of all, a pet needs nutritional control from a person during puppyhood. The manufacturer of Proplan for dogs informs owners in great detail about the serving sizes for babies of different breeds through the packaging - everything is accessible and clearly indicated on it. With an adult dog that has already gained normal weight for the breed and gender, everything is a little simpler. Throughout adult life, portion sizes should not change for a healthy dog. The saturation factor of the dog is also important - there is no need to force your pet to finish the entire portion if he is full, as this will negatively affect his health.

  • The Proplan norm for small breed dogs weighing 2 kg will be 40-60 g;
  • a large animal weighing about 60 kg. You may need from 450 to 650 g of feed.


, which is a manufacturer of Pro Plan food from the USA. This major developer of food for cats and dogs is known all over the world. The company is also the owner of the Nestle brand, which is a sign of the quality of the product.

Purina branches are located in France, Italy and Russia. Products mainly produced in Russia are presented on the domestic market.

However, the highest quality food is considered to be French food, which is practically not available in pet stores. Alternatively, goods can be ordered online on specialized websites.

Price and where to buy

The average price of a 3 kg dry food package is RUB 1,300*

Note! Purina Pro Plan food for dogs is sold in veterinary clinics, pet stores, grocery supermarkets, and online stores.

It’s not for nothing that feed is in good demand. The quality of the products produced corresponds to the stated price. The choice from the range presented by the company will satisfy the needs of any breed of dog. At the same time, the manufacturer does not stop there and is developing new options.

In general, reviews of Purina Pro Plan food for dogs (sometimes you can hear the name Paraplan, but this is a mistake) are positive, both among dog owners and among veterinarians.

Regular consumption of Purina Pro Plan® food helps maintain your dog's health, well-being and activity, and significantly reduces the likelihood of developing diseases.

*Prices are as of December 2022.

Why is Pro Plan better than other foods?

One of the main advantages of this premium product compared to others is the wide selection. Depending on the individual characteristics and breed of the dog, the developer has selected the optimal daily diet.

And the feeding table on the package will help you avoid making mistakes with the dosage. Another advantage is the reduced phosphorus content, which reduces the load on the kidneys.

A huge advantage is the presence of a treatment line. You can choose nutrition in accordance with the existing disease, and thereby improve the condition of your pet.

Medicated food should be given to a dog only after consultation with a veterinarian.

An undoubted advantage is the availability of the product. It is available in any pet store, and packages of different weights will help you make a choice in favor of one product or another at the lowest cost.

Briefly about the company

Ralston Purina was founded in 1984 in the USA . She is the one who produces this food.

Purina Pro Plan food is a large line that is suitable for feeding not only dogs, but also cats.

Among the food from this company you can find specialized ones for puppies or kittens, active or lazy pets, young or old.

The company also presents a large range of both dry and wet food..

The company not only produces food for animals, its specialists and employees also provide advice to the public on the proper care and maintenance of animals.

Feeding table

Each package contains a table in which the manufacturers indicate the dosage of the Pro Plan food. It details how much food to give your dog depending on weight, breed and activity.

As you grow, your diet should change. When reaching a year, you need to use food for adult dogs, after 7 years - for aging dogs.

Approximate dosage:

Dog weight, kgAmount of feed, g/day
from 1 to 5from 30 to 100

For puppies, regardless of breed, slightly different food intake requirements are needed. A growing body requires nutrients, so its daily need for food is greater than that of an adult dog.

Amount of feed, g/day, divided into 5-6 doses:

  • for young dogs of small breeds – 200-450;
  • average kids – 450-600;
  • large – 600-900.

Expert opinion

Anna Abramenko

An avid dog lover. Experience in veterinary medicine since 2009.

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Puppies should only be given food formulated for their age group.

Features of the food

Main features of ProPlan food for small breed dogs:

  1. The right balance. The dog will receive plant and animal products, as well as necessary minerals, vitamins, macro- and microelements.
  2. The high quality is due to the fact that even humans can consume the components.
  3. The products do not contain by-products or semi-finished products; they contain only high-quality raw materials.
  4. The food is made in such a way that the pet needs a small portion in order to replenish the body's reserves and remain full.


When feeding dry granules, it is important to adhere to the drinking regime. On average, an animal needs 50 g of liquid per 1 kg within 24 hours. You should not force your dog to drink water. It is enough to provide her with constant access to clean water.

It is advisable to soak dry food for babies whose teeth are not yet strong, pets with gastrointestinal problems and aging dogs. It is diluted with clean warm water to a pasty state.

You can use low-fat kefir, and for puppies up to 5 months old - boiled milk. Uneaten food remains are immediately disposed of to avoid souring.

Conclusions: Feeding an allergic dog. It's forever?

When switching your pet to a new dry hypoallergenic food, do not forget that this must be done gradually, over 5-7 days, adding an increasing dose of the new product to the usual menu. The dog should always have clean, fresh water freely available.

When choosing an anti-allergenic diet, it is necessary to take into account her individual characteristics, dietary preferences, age and lifestyle. Feed should be changed periodically. The diet must be followed daily to avoid exacerbation of the disease.

Reviews from veterinarians

Nikolay Sergienko: “As a doctor, I can say that Pro Plan food can be confidently classified as premium. A balanced composition will keep your pet active.”

Olga Zaitseva: “This food should be given with caution to animals prone to allergies, as it contains grains. The answer is gluten-free food for dogs with sensitive digestive systems.”

Makarov Pavel: “Regarding this food, questions arise regarding the quality of meat products. In addition, it contains flavoring and a high percentage of carbohydrates. It cannot be said that Pro Plan food belongs to the super premium class, however, if it is not possible to buy elite food, this option is temporarily suitable.”

As you can see, reviews of the product are mostly good. By purchasing it, you can be sure that it will not harm the dog. But when purchasing, it is better to give preference to an imported manufacturer in order to get a quality product.

Reviews from dog breeders about ProPlan food

Violet. I can only say one thing about ProPlan food - wonderful food. My Dogue de Bordeaux dog really likes these diets and eats with great pleasure. This food was recommended at a kennel club when my dog ​​was still a puppy. Therefore, we have been loyal to this brand since childhood. I would like to note that there have never been any problems with health and activity. Wool and leather are in excellent condition. The only negative for me is the price of the food. We tried to switch to a cheaper option, and immediately problems with the fur appeared. Therefore, I will no longer experiment and will remain on the ProPlan diet, which has been proven over the years.

Dogs of all breeds enjoy eating ProPlan food.

Anton. My American Akita dog has sensitive digestion, so choosing food for him is a real challenge. We used to feed them ProPlan puppy food and had no problems. But as soon as they switched to the adult diet Sensitive Salmon & Rice, everything changed radically. The dog began to suffer from allergies, he was constantly itching, his eyes began to run, his bowel movements were abnormal, and eczema formed on his paws. We consulted a doctor who confirmed an allergy to ProPlan. He advised not to buy Russian-made ProPlan food, but rather to look for French ones or order them online.

Reviews of Pro Plan food for small breed dogs

Owners of small dogs are satisfied with ProPlan food.
Catherine. For more than a year now, we have been feeding our Yorkshire Terrier with ProPlan Sensitive food for small pets with sensitive skin. My dog ​​is very picky and eats only those kibble that are convenient for her. Sensitive has oblong granules, and the dog eats them with pleasure. I recently bought a new pack and noticed that the size of the granules has changed. Because of this, my dog ​​refuses to go to the bowl. As far as health is concerned, everything is fine. No violations were detected, except for the strong smell of excrement.

Maria. Our dog is small, a Chihuahua breed. From birth he was fed natural food, but over time his breath began to smell terrible. Veterinarians advised choosing ready-made food for your pet or going on a diet. After trying a huge number of foods, we finally settled on Pro Plan food for dogs with sensitive digestion. The food suited us perfectly: the foul odor from the mouth has disappeared, the dog eats enough, and goes to the toilet regularly. Now I wouldn't change this food for anything.

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