Description and characteristics of the Border Collie herding dog

The Collie is a fairly old and well-known breed: its representatives were known as early as the 1800s. It is known that these cute dogs were loved and popularized by Queen Victoria.

Collies are relatively large dogs with an average lifespan of up to 14 years. Their coat needs good care: both long-haired and smooth-haired representatives. Collies are active pets that require mandatory daily exercise. They are admired as friendly, sociable, obedient and very intelligent dogs.

But no less popular than collies themselves are hybrids with representatives of other breeds. They inherit the beautiful fur, health, intelligence and easy-going nature of the collie along with the wonderful characteristics of the other parent.

Mixed Collie and Afghan Hound

Afolli is a hunting hybrid breed with a beautiful and smooth coat. If a mestizo has inherited long, silky fur, then he requires special care: daily brushing, periodic bathing. These hybrids grow into medium to large sized dogs. Like their parents, they need daily exercise and jogging. The Afghan hound can have a strong hunting instinct - the puppy must be constantly walked on a leash so that it does not run away after the “prey”.

Afolli is an intelligent and cunning animal. Why a dog may be prone to excessive independence and dominance. That is why early socialization is so important for her: upbringing will turn the puppy into an obedient and faithful pet.

Keep in mind that the estate may have health problems:

  • bloating;
  • sensitivity to anesthesia;
  • hip dysplasia.

Photo of Afghan Hound and Collie mix:

With a German Shepherd

In cynological circles, the name Shepski is usually used to refer to a mixture of a husky and a German shepherd. In appearance, half-breeds are similar to their European relatives. The presence of Asian blood is revealed by the slanted shape of the eyes and blue pupils.

From their wild relatives - wolves, Shepskis inherited a love of howling. Against the background of strong noise, they make loud howling sounds.


Valuable advantages of the variety:

  • short hair that does not require special care;
  • physical endurance;
  • tendency to train;
  • adaptability to living in an apartment and on the street.

Experienced dog handlers recommend using Shepskies as watchdogs. They have a strong sense of possessiveness. The pet will zealously guard the entrusted territory from encroachment by strangers and animals. If a threat arises in relation to household members or the owner's property, the dog will immediately show the qualities of a protector.

Mixed collie and boxer

The Boxer Collie is a powerful and muscular medium-sized dog. She will most likely have short and shiny fur. This cross does not require special care, but the energetic dog needs constant physical activity. To ensure that this strong pet does not harm anyone, its upbringing and training begins as early as possible.

The Boxer Collie is an agile, intelligent and well-trained dog. He loves his owner, tries to please him, which should be used when raising him.

A representative of this hybrid breed may have health problems:

  • degenerative myelopathy;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • deficiency of thyroid function;
  • cardiac pathologies.

Photo of a cross between a boxer and a collie:

Education and training

The breed is inquisitive, trains well, carries out commands with lightning speed, without thinking. At the same time, she quickly gets bored with monotonous training and begins to shirk and look for a new activity.

The dog may feign fatigue, begin to yawn and limp. You should not succumb to provocations - the animal will notice this and will constantly be cunning.

The owner is required to organize the process in such a way as to unlock the pet’s potential: conduct training in a place where there will be no distractions; encourage with words and treats; conduct training in a playful way.

Mixed Collie and Doberman

The Doberman Collie is an intelligent and loyal dog, a large crossbreed. The animal does not need special care - it is enough to brush its fur daily. This hydride is an active, energetic animal that is perfect for those who follow a healthy lifestyle. It is best to get a Doberman Collie in a private house with a spacious area.

This large dog must be raised and trained so as not to expect destructive behavior from him. The hybrid breed may have the following health problems:

  • bloating;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • progressive retinal atrophy;
  • enlarged heart;
  • von Willebrand's disease.

Photo of Doberman and Collie mix:

Recommendations for choosing a puppy

A potential buyer of a puppy who ends up in a collie nursery should initially take a closer look at the activity of the kids shown. Healthy puppies offered by famous border collie nurseries in Russia are active, curious, and friendly. They are well-fed, their noses are cool and wet, have thick fur, and have an excellent appetite.

It is advisable to contact a well-known border collie nursery - this will ensure that you get a purebred puppy from good parents. You will definitely need to study the description of the collie dog, a variety of collie, so as not to fall for the bait of scammers offering dogs with a similar color of the wrong breed. For example, you need to know: what is the difference between a border collie and a sheltie, since despite some external similarities, these animals represent different breeds.

Today the price for a border collie without documents starts from 500 USD. Often, the cost of an animal that does not have a pedigree can be increased due to the presence of traditional coat color and demonstrated excellent learning abilities. To the question: how much does a border collie cost with documents, the answer can be: 700 - 800 USD. The most expensive will be the price of an individual with a chocolate color. For such a dog they can charge from 1 thousand USD.

If finances do not allow you to purchase a purebred dog, do not despair. A wonderful mixed-breed border collie will definitely cost its future owners much less. Such a dog will certainly be smart and will not be inferior to its purebred relatives in intelligence and activity.

An active, intelligent Border Collie will certainly win the love of its owners. Communication with this dog will give its owners daily positive emotions. The four-legged pet will become a faithful friend, an excellent helper for adults, and a cheerful playmate for children. Read the article about dog pregnancy day by day.

Mixed Collie and Golden Retriever

The Golly is a medium-sized dog that may inherit the wonderful golden coat of the Golden Retriever. In any case, the fur of such a hybrid should be given special care. Golly is an active animal that needs periodic exercise. This is an ideal companion for long walks and runs.

Agile and obedient, gollies show excellent results in training. It also allows you to avoid unwanted behavior if you start education from a very young age.

Possible health problems for a hybrid include the following:

  • eye pathologies;
  • dysplasia of the elbow and hip joint;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • heart diseases.

Photo of a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Collie:

Other collie mixes

Dog handlers also know the following collie crosses.

Photo of a cross between a collie and a Labrador:

Photo of a cross between a collie and a German shepherd:

Photo of a cross between a collie and an English springer spaniel:

Photo of a cross between a collie and an Australian shepherd:

The Border Collie is rightfully considered one of the most obedient, intelligent and hardworking dogs in the world. However, experienced owners often prefer crosses with other breeds over purebred Borders. There are several reasons for this:

  • Border collies are very energetic and active animals: they have no equal in endurance. Such dogs “work for the sake of work” - they need almost round-the-clock activity. Not every owner will be able to provide this to their dog: crossing with a representative of a calmer breed will only be beneficial.
  • Borders are the smartest dogs. It sounds unexpected, but highly intelligent animals are not suitable for every owner: such pets need special training to develop intelligence, a special approach. Otherwise, the cunning animal begins to show excessive independence and strives to become the leader in the “pack.”

Barks but doesn't bite much

Border collies are irreplaceable shepherds who are capable of acting intelligently and harmoniously even without the participation of the owner, but they are poorly suited for the role of a watchdog. When the sheep do not obey, the “Einsteins” even lightly bite their legs in order to wean the oaky mammals from stubbornness or to move the inhibited thinking of their charges.

Being chained to a booth with a short piece of chain is a fate that can turn a cheerful and active dog into a melancholy and gloomy creature that has lost the meaning of life.

These lively creatures cannot live without movement, but aggression is not their style either.

If it concerns a herd, and the intruder is a wolf, fox or other animal, then there will be no mercy for him, but gaping at people is not quite in the rules of the border collie, although setting off a shrill “dog alarm” is quite within his power.

On a three-point scale, the watchdog qualities of this breed can be assessed as a two with two pluses, however, with the caveat that a chain is strictly contraindicated for a border collie, that is, serving as a guard is by no means its strong point, because hostility towards humans is absolutely absent in the “Einstein” genome!

Border collie: photo of the dog, price, description of the breed

Border Collie and Australian Shepherd mix

"Aussies" and Border Collies are quite similar: they are considered the best herding breeds in the world. The only difference is that collies are trusted to herd sheep, and Australian Shepherds are trusted to herd other farm animals. Their crossbreed has a lively character, a pronounced personality and irrepressible energy. This makes the hybrid not only an excellent human assistant, but also a tireless companion on walks and jogs.

Photo of a cross between an Australian Shepherd and a Border Collie:

How much does it cost and where to buy

A border collie puppy is expensive. In the nursery, babies are exhibited at an average price of 60-70 thousand rubles; they are suitable for breeding and participation in exhibitions. But the nursery also offers puppies that have a small defect; they will not be able to win medals and are not suitable for further breeding. Such a baby will cost an average of 40-45 thousand rubles.

You can also purchase an animal from private breeders; it will cost from 20 to 30 thousand. But in this case, there is a risk of buying a puppy that is defective or has genetic diseases that are not yet visible.

Mixed Border Collie and Jack Russell Terrier

The Border Jack is a medium-sized dog characterized by great energy, cunning, lightness, athleticism and a strong personality. These are animals whose appearance varies depending on the dominant gene: some Border Jacks have straight ears, while others have floppy ears. However, almost all crossbreeds have a cute, sharp face with almond-shaped eyes.

These are energetic and intelligent animals that need both physical and intellectual training. However, they have a calmer and quieter disposition than purebred Borders.

Photo of a hybrid Jack Russell Terrier and Border Collie:

Varieties, standards and appearance

Border Collies are medium in size. This dog is suitable for keeping not only in the yard, but also in the apartment. The height at the withers of an adult male varies between 48-56 cm, the height of females - from 46 to 53 cm. The height at the withers must fully comply with the standards; any deviation is considered a fault.

The weight of a border collie depends on gender, as a rule, boys are larger and reach 14-20 kg, girls - from 12 to 19 kg.

The dog looks graceful, proportional and harmonious. Despite the simplicity of appearance, the standards of the Border Collie breed are clearly defined:

  1. The head is wide, the top of the skull is smoothed. The length from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the muzzle and the length from the back of the head to the transition to the muzzle should be approximately the same.
  2. The cheeks are medium, not fleshy, but not dry either.
  3. A scissor bite, any other bite is considered a clear fault. The teeth are straight and white.
  4. The nose is small but wide, the nostrils are developed. The color depends on the coat.
  5. The eyes are oval-shaped, attentive. The color is usually brown, but light colors come with blue eyes or mixed eyes (one blue, the other brown).
  6. The ears are triangular, erect and drooping, with a break in the middle. Movable, medium size.
  7. The body is muscular, not too elongated. The neck is wide, expanding even more as it moves to the chest. The chest is powerful and wide. The back is strong, sloping towards the tail. The croup is wide, muscular and elongated.
  8. The paws are strong, the shoulder blades are tilted back - due to this, the border collie can move on semi-bent paws. The hind limbs are more powerful than the front ones, the claws are short, and the pads are colored the same color as the nose.
  9. The tail is of medium length, with a slight curl at the tip. When the dog is calm, the tail hangs down or is held at the level of the back. When excited or when working, the Border Collie's tail is held up, but it should not fall over its back like a husky's.

The standards of the International Canine Federation, valid in America and throughout Europe, are presented. In Australia, the standards are adjusted to suit the local population, since their dogs are related to kelpies.

Color and coat type

Dog fur deserves special attention. The standards provide two types:

  1. The smooth-haired type is often confused with the short-haired type.
  2. Wire-haired or moderately long type, with pronounced breeches on the limbs and a collar on the neck.

Both types have wool that is elastic, strong and heavy. There is abundant undercoat. The hair on the muzzle and lower paws is shorter, and “feathers” may be present on the back of the limbs.

Breeders do not distinguish the main color; the coat can have any color (but white should predominate):

  • red border collie;
  • black and white;
  • dark brown and plain brown border collie;
  • marble color.

The ancestor of the Hamp breed was tricolored, but today the tricolor is very rare. The most common Border Collie color is black and white.

Mixed Border Collie and Poodle

Bordoodles are one of the most popular border collie hybrids. The crossbreed is prized because its parents are the smartest dog breeds in the world. Hence the conclusion that the Bordoodle is one of the most obedient mixed breeds.

Such a dog will always want two things: to learn new things and to please his owners. This pet has no equal in hard work and determination - he loves to engage in useful activities.

Photo of a hybrid of a poodle and a border collie:

Maintenance and care

The best place to keep border dogs would be a private house. Keeping them in an apartment is only possible if it is spacious.

Border collies are very active and energetic. It is recommended to walk them 3-4 times a day. Short, infrequent walks can lead to depression and unwanted behavior in the animal.

Since the ancestors of these dogs were engaged in herding and driving livestock for a long time, working for several hours at a time, representatives of this breed are not picky in their care.

Long hair requires special attention - the dog needs to be brushed three times a week, especially during shedding. Also, if necessary, collie care includes trimming nails, cleaning ears and eyes. Frequent bathing is undesirable; the dog is washed no more than three times a year.

Border collies are unpretentious eaters. It is advisable to feed the dog twice a day. With a natural type of feeding, the pet's diet should consist of half meat products. In addition to meat and low-fat varieties of sea fish, you can give cereals, boiled fish and vegetables. It is important to exclude fatty, salty, smoked foods, baked goods, chicken and pork bones from the diet.

When feeding an animal with dry food, you need to provide it with plenty of clean water. Vitamin and mineral supplements should be added to the puppy's diet to strengthen bones and teeth.

The lifespan of a border collie is 13-15 years.

Mixed Border Collie and Labrador Retriever

This mix is ​​the result of crossing Borders with the most popular dog breed in America. This crossbreed surprises with its intelligence and intelligence: this is the heritage of both the border collie and the Labrador. From the last parent, the hybrid also inherits amazing friendliness: the dog quickly finds a “common language” with strangers and gets along well with small children.

Boradors strive with all their hearts to please their owners, which makes them wonderful to raise and train. The main thing for a person is to find an incentive to train his dog.

Photo of a Labrador and Border Collie hybrid:

Einsteins on four legs. What are they?

The blood of the border collie is a real explosive mixture: representatives from different parts of the world took part in the formation of the characteristics of the breed, from Viking dogs, which the harsh northerners used to hunt deer, to lowland shepherd dogs originally from Poland. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) has given the Border Collie the honorary number 297 of the organization's 343 recognized breeds.

“Einsteins on four legs” received official registration quite recently - in 1915, despite the fact that their pedigree goes back centuries, when English and Scottish cattle farmers used the services of this unrivaled shepherd.

What's so special about these cuties?

  • Gracefulness. Anyone who has at least once seen this dog in motion, when it catches a Frisbee or slaloms in an agility competition, certainly froze in rapturous silence. When jumping, the Border Collie is absolutely inimitable.
  • Strength and proportionality. The endurance of this breed is simply enviable. The Border Collie can be “on” literally 24 hours a day. And the proportionality of all the members of her muscular body! The big bulldog with his awkward waddling gait, rough bones and the face of a retired official who stole was not even close!
  • Energy. They can't sit still. Border Collies are constantly on the move. This breed seems to have the secret of perpetual motion, maybe that's why border collies are called Einsteins and Newtons?
  • Loyalty and intelligence. If Fortune smiles on the owner and he is lucky enough to win the love of a dog of this breed, then his doubts about telepathy will completely disappear, because border collies catch everything in a half-turn!
  • Pronounced herding qualities. This breed does not show aggression towards strangers, but it also does not show timidity - it simply does not trust people with an unfamiliar smell. Therefore, the border collie is not suitable for the role of a watchdog, whose destiny is to sit forever on a chain, snarling at the whole world. Excellent instincts and a close, hypnotizing gaze are the qualities that make this clever girl an ideal shepherd.

Border Collie - description and characteristics of the breed

External characteristics

Border collie males are not too different from females; their height at the withers reaches 55 cm, while the maximum height of female dogs does not exceed 53 cm.

The weight range ranges from 13 to 23 kg.

According to FCI standards, the coat color of a Border Collie can be any color, as long as the white color does not dominate. The most common color is black with or without tan; specks are allowed on white areas.

The average life expectancy of these funny cuties is 13 years, but their very beloved friends can live up to 17 years.

Unfortunately, the Border Collie is not a hypoallergenic dog breed.

The foundations of a pet’s character after weaning from its mother are laid in the first half of the year. The first month is the most dangerous for life, because the risk of losing your baby due to violation of feeding rules is extremely high. The main component of food during this difficult period of adaptation should be protein, but it is important to maintain balance and adhere to the golden mean, because too much food will also not bring health. A feeding schedule of four times a day at 2–3 months is acceptable.

Mixed border collie and pit bull

It is a big mistake to consider pit bull terriers to be one of the most terrible and dangerous dog breeds. They are actually very friendly animals, and their Border crosses make wonderful family pets.

Another feature of the hybrid breed is its versatility: guard, housekeeper, walking and jogging companion. Border Pits are energetic, friendly, intelligent and alert animals.

Photo of a hybrid pit bull and border collie:

Between England and Scotland

If the second part of the name of this breed comes from the Celtic word that the ancient Western European people used to call any herding dog, then the first part “border” is still used in English and is translated as “border”.

Researchers of the history of the origin of breeds suggest that it was in the border areas of England and Scotland that the first representatives of the “four-legged Einsteins” appeared.

The shepherds who became pioneers in the selection of border collies did not attach much importance to the exterior and did not adhere to the principles of blood purity; for these people, the professional qualities of the dogs were much more important, which would make them worthy partners in the cattle breeding business. Contrary to expectations, spontaneous artificial selection led to amazing results: the Border Collie cannot be denied either the stature or the skill of herd management!

Border Collie dog breed: characteristics, photos, character

Mixed Border Collie and Corgi

The Borg is a cross between the Border and the Welch Corgi (Welsh Corgi). It's the perfect balance between intelligence and charming looks. Both parents are representatives of working herding breeds. Therefore, both physical activity and mental stimulation are equally important for the hybrid.

All Corgi mixes will have adorable short legs. This is due to the fact that the dominant gene is responsible for this feature.

Photo of a hybrid of a corgi and a border collie:

Walk, walk like that!

The Border Collie's need for physical activity is not just high, but super high! He is literally dying without the opportunity to frolic. Twice a day for 45 minutes is the minimum time that every Einstein owner is required to devote to walking their pet. On a three-point scale, the need for physical activity in a border collie is a three with a lot of pluses.

Walks can be not only on foot, but also by bicycle: a faithful friend will not refuse either a run behind or in front of the owner’s vehicle, or the burning sensation while riding on a trunk.

And keep in mind: these “crazy cars” run at the speed of thought!

Playing games while walking is a proven way to quickly satiate your dog's thirst for willpower, especially if you are a good slingshot shooter and can throw a tennis ball quite far.

Mixed Border Collie and Boxer

The Boxolly is a cheerful, cheerful and sweet animal, a real family dog. And besides, he is a brave and loyal protector, a descendant of a representative of the guard breed. In any case, the mestizo will amaze with its extraordinary affection for a person.

Boxolli is distinguished by simple care and simple maintenance. These are active animals, but they require less physical activity than border dogs.

Photo of a boxer-border collie hybrid:

A child is a border collie's best friend

If you have a child and want to get a border collie, that's good, but if you have several children, then a dog of this breed will be absolutely delighted. A sociable jumper who loves to have fun and play catch-up will be appreciated by the children's team!

Many border collies find their calling in agility, and since this canine sport requires the same daredevil, partner and trainer all rolled into one, children are the best candidates for this role. And “four-legged Einsteins” get a kick out of water treatments, just like human babies! Twelve-year-old children can already be trusted to train a darling collie.

The nurturing nature that encourages the Border Collie to herd literally anything that moves is completely safe for families with little ones.

On a three-point scale, the border collie gets a two plus for its attitude towards children.

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