Pekingese haircut: how to cut it at home

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home: preparatory procedures

To cut a Pekingese haircut at home, as a rule, you start with bathing.
If there are tangles in your dog's fur, remove them first. For the convenience of bathing your dog, use a regular sink. Afterwards, dry the fur with a hairdryer, paying special attention to the ears of the Pekingese. At the same time with this tangle cutter or a regular slicker comb, we comb the wool

Before cutting your Pekingese's hair at home, you should tidy up its paws, as shown in the video. Any excess between the pads is shaved and the nails are trimmed. The inside of the ears should be wiped with a soft cloth with a special cleaning solution, hydrogen peroxide or saline.

Pekingese haircut technique

You can always watch the video to see how to cut a Pekingese haircut at home. But there are certain tactics for performing a simple hygienic haircut. It will require hairdressing scissors and a machine designed for grooming dogs. It's better to start with the intimate area. The most important thing is to remove the length of hair evenly throughout the entire body. To do this, we go over the back, sides, chest and legs with the nozzle of the machine.

The bottom of the legs is processed with scissors. Gradually, excess hair is cut off in a circle. Periodically, it is worth sorting through your hair to detect any unevenness. It is especially difficult to treat the area under the elbow. At the end of this stage, you can thin it out to make the paws look neater. Using rounded scissors, we set the shape of the back of the thigh, getting “pants”. Using the same scissors, we create a clear outline of the breast and continue along the entire tummy. We move on to the head: we thin out the hair hanging from the ears with thinning scissors. At the beginning of the ears the length remains, at the tips - to a minimum. The top of the neck is carefully trimmed, creating a smooth transition from the head. The tail is trimmed at the owner's discretion. At the end of the process, the hairs under the tail are cut.

If you still have questions about how to cut a Pekingese haircut at home yourself, then you should check out the video. Video tutorials will definitely help you in such a difficult task as cutting a Pekingese.

There are several model options. A classic haircut includes a well-trimmed muzzle without touching the ears, shortened fur on the tummy, back and legs of the same length; the tail is fluffy. This Pekingese haircut is shown in the photo. The Pekingese puppy cut resembles the classic version, but the length of the fur is short, maximum 3 cm, and the ears are rounded.

The lion haircut of the Pekingese is extremely popular. With the help of a clipper, the dog's body and paws are trimmed very short with a clipper. And the front part remains decorated with a thick mane, slightly leveled. The ponytail is cut short, leaving a small tassel at the end. A short-haired Pekingese with such a hairstyle looks impressive not only in photos, but also in life.

There is an interesting option for cutting Pekingese boys. Long hairs from the muzzle and tail are trimmed with scissors, and from the body - with a clipper. And on the hind legs they make a smooth transition from top to bottom from short to long hair. The result is “flared trousers”. For Pekingese girls, a similar variation is performed, but instead of “pants” they make a “skirt”.

A Pekingese haircut like the one in the photo can be done quite easily at home. Grooming a Pekingese is not just your desire

It is important to track your pet’s reaction to the new image. If no changes are noted in the pet’s behavior, then everything is normal.

But if the Pekingese is nervous, reluctant to walk, hides, and his skin is irritated, then you have chosen the wrong haircut option. Next time, try a less radical hairstyle.

How often is the procedure performed?

The frequency of going to a professional salon or performing a home procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the pet. Pekingese grooming is carried out as soon as the dog has acquired a new “fur coat”.

Representatives of the breed show patience and calmness during a session with a hairdresser. But this is only if the owner promptly began to accustom his pet to mandatory procedures.

Already at 6 months, the baby’s fur is quite long and requires the intervention of a groomer. At first, your puppy may be afraid of strange-sounding or unfamiliar objects.

The Pekingese develops the habit of cutting his hair gradually. He needs to be treated affectionately, kindly, without raising his voice, and with treats. Over time, the animal will understand how to behave correctly, and the procedure will become commonplace.

How to cut a Pekingese haircut at home - step-by-step instructions

In order to trim the Pekingese yourself, choose the right time when the pet is calm. You should not frighten your dog with tools. It is advisable to stroke it so that the animal relaxes and accepts the procedure as caress.

When the shaggy prankster is in a playful, high spirits, it is better to postpone the haircut for a while so as not to injure the pet.

Preparing the site and tools

Choose a comfortable, well-lit, elevated place, such as a table. It is recommended to cover the surface with a mat - regular or rubber - so that the dog's paws do not slip. This will make both the animal and the hairdresser more comfortable.

All tools for cutting a Pekingese should be at hand:

  • animal clipper (silent, not very vibrating, high quality);
  • a set of scissors (large, small, curved, thinning);
  • several types of combs (soft brush, slicker brush, comb with sparse long teeth);
  • nail clipper for nail care.

After each use, instruments are thoroughly washed, dried and disinfected.

Grooming an animal at home includes the following steps, compliance with which will facilitate the grooming procedure and help achieve the desired result:

Comb the animal and remove any matted fur. Bathe with shampoo, being careful not to get water into your eyes and ears. Wipe with a towel and dry with a hairdryer. Brush the fur with a soft brush and treat the ears with hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to trim your Pekingese using the area trimming method.

Haircut by region

Begin the procedure with the paws, cutting off the hair between the pads with curved scissors or a machine. Everything must be done slowly, carefully, so as not to injure the animal. Next, the claws are shortened with a special nail clipper.

The groin and tummy are shaved next, leaving at least 1.5 cm of hair. When starting on the body, start from the base of the tail and work against the fur along the back. Next they cut the sides. To do this, use a 22 mm nozzle.

The paws, neck, and chest are processed using curved scissors, removing all long hair sticking out to the sides. If the owner does not like the excessive fluffiness, it can be removed by thinning.

Fine hairs on the ears are removed. Interfering hairs on the head are lightly trimmed. A uniform smooth transition is made from head to neck.

The hair under the tail is cut off, leaving about 1 cm in length. The tail itself, at the owner’s request, can be left fluffy or shaved with the exception of the tassel at the end.

After cutting, it is advisable to rinse the Pekingese in the shower to remove the small hairs that have been clipped. You can wipe your pet with a soft towel soaked in herbal infusion. This will soothe the skin and have a bactericidal effect.

Washing and combing

The short-haired Pekingese also needs regular bathing and brushing. It is enough to wash the animal once a month, using a special shampoo and conditioner. After bathing, wrap the animal in a towel to absorb moisture from the fur.

Then be sure to dry it with warm air from a hairdryer, without bringing it too close, so as not to burn your pet. At the end of the procedure, you should comb the dog.

After spraying the fur with the product, they begin to comb the belly, back, sides, and paws. The tail is combed from base to tip.

Self-care between salon visits

the washing up

The dog can be washed once a month. In a family with small children, this procedure is best done weekly.

The cover needs to be thoroughly wetted, and only then apply shampoo. After bathing, you need to soak the dog in two towels and dry it.

Eye and ear care

Ears should be cleaned with cotton pads soaked in a special product. The use of cotton swabs is prohibited.

The eyes are the weak point of the Pekingese. Mucus constantly accumulates there, since due to the structure of the muzzle it cannot drain naturally.

Hair often gets into the eyes, and animals rub their faces against the carpet, wanting to get the annoying hair. Because of this, ulcers appear. Therefore, this area should be wiped daily with cotton pads soaked in boiled water.


They must be pruned regularly. Frequency depends on the activity of the dog and the characteristics of the body. If a dog walks on asphalt, the claws do not grow as quickly as those of those who only walk on the ground.

Nails that are too long can grow into your fingers, which is very painful. It is best to trim after bathing - they become softer and easier to give in. Cut at an angle of natural growth. The main thing is not to touch the vessel.

How to brush a Pekingese

The dog needs daily brushing. The long and thick fur gets tangled, so it is important to look after it carefully.

To make the procedure easier, you can use a product designed for hard and coarse hair. Then you need to comb your pet with a metal comb, starting from the chest and head against the height. The tail is combed last.

You can't pull out tangles. They must be carefully disassembled by hand or, in extreme cases, cut off.

Stages of cutting a Pekingese at home

The calm and reasonable Pekingese allows you to cut your hair with ease, but do not forget that you need to speak kind words to your pet and give him a treat if he starts to grumble or tries to dodge the clippers. The most important thing when working with tools is accuracy and slowness.

Advice! Wear a cotton T-shirt when grooming your dog to prevent the hair from becoming electrified.


To groom a Pekingese dog at home on a regular basis, you will need the following minimum set of tools:

  1. A special dog clipper, such as a Moser or Andis. You will need a set of attachments, including knives with a width of 10, 15, 22 mm, etc.
  2. A rubber mat on which the pet will stand during the procedure.
  3. Scissors with rounded ends for trimming the face and paws. You can also purchase thinning (professional, with serrated) scissors if you are fully proficient in the art of hairdressing.
  4. Three types of combs: a soft brush, a slicker brush (has small iron teeth) and an iron one with sparse long teeth.
  5. A nail clipper, with which you need to trim the overgrown nails of a dog that does not go outside once a month. If your pet wears its claws down on the asphalt, then you don’t have to buy this accessory right away.

Haircut at home

First of all, the dog is combed with a slicker brush and the mats are cut off. The next stage is bathing the Pekingese. To prevent water from getting into the ears, put cotton wool in them, if the animal does not mind. The dog is washed in a bathtub or large basin - the body is soaped, then the head, and the shampoo is washed off, starting from the head. Afterwards, the dog is dried with a towel so that most of the water is absorbed, and dried with a hairdryer, while combing it with a soft brush. The ears are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Important! Pet stores sell special hair dryers designed for drying dogs; they have gentle modes that supply only warm air. If you are using a household appliance, be careful that the air flow is not too hot

We cut by region

You need to start cutting from the paws - the overgrown hair between the pads is cut off with a clipper. After this, the claws are cut off with a nail clipper.

It is important to remember not to touch the pulp! If the dog does not resist further haircut, then continue, otherwise you should postpone salon procedures for a week

The groin and belly are shaved first, leaving hair 1-1.5 cm long. To remove hair from the body, take a 22 mm nozzle and work against the animal’s hair, starting from the croup. Having shaved the back to the shoulders or neck, shave the sides. If you want to leave long hair on your paws, use scissors with rounded tips. Fluff it up and cut everything that sticks out in a circle, leaving neat “columns”.

We don’t shave the long hair on the chest, but carefully cut off the protruding hairs and do this all the way down to the dog’s belly. We begin to cut the head from the ears - we remove thin, breakable hairs along their entire length, and reduce the hairs towards the ends. Using scissors, we give a rounded shape to the head of the Pekingese, the hair from the neck to the shoulders is also cut by 5-20 millimeters. Make a smooth transition from head to neck to make the haircut look aesthetically pleasing.

At the end, we cut the tail, shaving it (except for the tassel at the end) or leaving it thick. We cut the area under the tail using scissors; here the length of the fur is no more than 1 cm.

Important! After grooming, be sure to wash your dog! You don't have to use shampoo

Preparing the site and tools

Spitz cut like a bear cub: how to cut it at home

If the pet owner has decided to cut his hair at home, you need to purchase a minimum set of tools:

  • A special machine designed for grooming dogs. Devices from Andis or Moser are very popular. The kit should include a set of attachments, including knives with a width of 10, 15 and 22 mm.
  • A rubber mat on which the dog will be comfortable to stand throughout the entire procedure.
  • Scissors with rounded ends, designed for trimming paws and face. As an analogue, you can buy thinning scissors, but provided that you have experience using them.
  • Three types of combs: an iron comb with sparse long teeth, a slicker brush and a soft brush.

Note ! A nail clipper must be purchased if the pet is indoors and does not go outside.

Types of Pekingese haircuts

A true owner sees a personality in his pet. For others to notice this, the four-legged pet must be distinguished externally. A professional, timely haircut for your Pekingese will help make him look special, well-groomed and cute.

In the grooming industry, there are 3 main types of Pekingese haircuts:

  • hygienic;
  • standard;
  • model.

In any case, the dog's muzzle should remain uncut. The nose of an animal without hair overheats greatly in the heat, and the dog can get heatstroke.


This dog haircut helps maintain a neat appearance of the Pekingese. Hygienic grooming is carried out only with scissors.

The fur on the paws, elbows and belly is trimmed to a certain length so that it does not touch the ground.

In the area of ​​the butt and groin, the fur is cut a little shorter. Individual hairs are removed from the ears. The mane is cut so that the head is round in shape. The Pekingese remains completely fluffy.

The hygiene procedure necessarily includes cutting the hair between the fingers and trimming the claws with special scissors.

The purpose of a hygienic haircut is to make the dog’s life more comfortable and his care easier.


There are three standard types of grooming:

  1. The “puppy” model involves cutting hair up to 2 cm over the entire body. The paws are left fluffy, just trimmed. The tail may not be trimmed. The face is cut in a circle, leaving medium-length hair. This is how girls usually get their hair cut.
  2. A lion haircut turns a dog into a little lion cub with a luxurious mane. The main part of the body is cut short - up to 2 cm. Long hair is left on the head, making an even transition to the shoulders and neck. The fur on the paws is slightly shortened. The tail is cut completely, leaving a tassel at the end, like a natural predator. Too long hairs on the muzzle are trimmed. This look suits Pekingese boys.
  3. “Flare pants” is a haircut that resembles the first style, but is distinguished by a special curly shape of the legs. This option is used for doggies, and the “skirt” of female dogs is cut.


Model haircuts of various types are often complemented by coloring and hairstyles. They are performed by professional groomers. In model variations, everything depends on the preferences of the dog owner and the skill of the dog groomer.

Clippework is a haircut using a special clipper that allows you to carefully remove the hair all over the body, making it the same length. The model gives the pet a “plush” look.

Top-Knot is a model haircut option that leaves several long strands. Later, these strands are used to make pigtails and ponytails for the Pekingese girl. This hairstyle is suitable for those dogs whose owners like to decorate their pets with all kinds of elastic bands, bows, and hairpins.

Blanding is a multi-level haircut with smooth transitions from short to long hair. It is performed with thinning scissors and provides special care for the dog’s coat.

Cut it yourself or leave it to a professional

Modern poodle haircut: how to cut it at home

Grooming a Pekingese has its own characteristics that must be taken into account during the haircut. On the one hand, grooming is hard and not easy work, especially if the owner wants the pet to have complex haircuts. On the other hand, after several lessons you can practice the skills yourself on your pets.

At home, owners often give Pekingese dogs hygienic haircuts. With it, the animal looks more well-groomed and, most importantly, will not “die” from the heat in the summer months.

Poodle haircut: hairstyle options

Poodle haircuts are always a must. It is a matter of health, convenience and hygiene. The coat of this breed is very thick, long, more like a sheep's than a dog's. Moreover, the hairs between the toes or in the ears can grow to the same length as the hair on the rest of the body.

The coat does not fall off during shedding, but remains in the undercoat. Because of this, a large number of mats are formed. If your pet is not groomed, he will become very unkempt and may develop a skin infection.

Despite some inconveniences, poodle hair is an excellent material for creating works of hairdressing art. Groomers love this breed: the dog is easy to work with, it tolerates procedures calmly, and its coat allows you to create beautiful hairstyles.

Many people do not like the frilly appearance of the breed. In the past, poodles were used as hunting dogs, and their hairstyle had specific functions:

  • The short fur on the paws allowed them to swim quickly.
  • A thick covering on the chest protected the lungs from the cold.
  • Pompoms on the tail and paws protected the delicate skin from thorny plants.
  • Long bangs covered her eyes from the rain and branches.

a lion

Poodles with this hairstyle look luxurious. To give the appearance of a lion, you need to cut the back of the body short and trim the front a little. Hair is left on the paws and tail to create pompoms.

Some possible variations:

  • English lion: the limbs have short pants, and a belt of short-cropped wool 1 cm wide is created at the waist.
  • Scandinavian Lion: Suitable for animals with less than ideal proportions. The hair at the front is cut in a semicircle. A cap is created on the top of the head, and pompoms on the paws. If the procedure is performed successfully, you can hide some of the pet’s shortcomings.

Puppy or "Pappy"

Show dogs can wear this hairstyle for up to a year. The fur on the face is shaved short, and on the body it is only slightly shortened. The head is cut to give it the shape of a helmet.

"English" or "English saddle"

This hairstyle also makes the poodle look like a lion. The front cover is slightly equal, the length of the hair on the back half of the body should be no shorter than 2 cm. A large pom-pom is created on the tail, and two on the hind legs. The hair on the head is collected in a topknot.


Will look good on royal poodles. The body is divided into 4 segments and then processed with scissors. Feature: cut belt in the middle of the body or at the “waist”.

teddy bear

This is almost a copy of the puppy hairstyle, only without processing the paws. It makes the poodle look like a teddy bear.

Hygienic grooming

Implies two types of processing. The first is maintaining the current hairstyle and decent appearance of the dog.

The second type is tidying up a neglected animal. In this case, the entire coat is cut off. Often wounds and abrasions are found underneath, so the master must carry out all manipulations very carefully.

Is it possible to cut a poodle's hair yourself?

It is better to entrust a show dog to a specialist. Any mistake will not allow the pet to take part in the competition.

It is not recommended to cut your poodle's hair yourself. This haircut may turn out to be unsightly, since the poodle's coat is very specific and requires special training.

In addition, it is dangerous because haircuts are performed using a sharp instrument, which requires certain skills.

In our salon we currently give poodles a home-style haircut.

Haircut features

  • Your dog needs to be groomed at least twice a year.
  • Between main haircuts, the fur on the paws and face should be trimmed approximately every 3-4 weeks.
  • Complete processing of the cover of this breed takes approximately 3 hours.
  • Regular care is needed, otherwise the pet will quickly get a sloppy appearance.

the washing up

You can wash your dog once every 3-4 weeks. The procedure requires shampoo and conditioner. The latter must be washed off thoroughly. Human cosmetics can be used. Any shampoo for dry hair is suitable.

The poodle requires careful and regular grooming. But in return you will receive a luxurious dog that even passers-by will compliment. Poodles are very smart dogs and, believe me, they know how to thank you for care.

Why and how often are Pekingese cut?

A Pekingese with a short haircut looks neat. Since the long coat constantly mats and needs frequent combing, the Pekingese requires significantly less grooming after grooming:

  1. The dog won't get as dirty outside and will be easier to wash. Drying after washing will also not take so long, which means your pet is less likely to catch a cold.
  2. Short hair is not only practical. It can save your pet's health, especially if the dog is often outdoors - it is easier to find attached and crawling ticks in short hairs. But you shouldn’t shave your dog’s head. It may seem that this way you will save her from the heat, but in reality, the guard hair protects the Pekingese from overheating and the scorching sun, so you should not remove it.
  3. In older dogs, the coat becomes gray and faded, often patchy and of varying lengths. A short-haired old Pekingese will be a neat, handsome dog with regular grooming.

The frequency of the procedure depends on the rate of hair growth of each individual dog, but on average they are cut once every 3-4 months.

Do I need to cut my hair?

According to some Pekingese owners, they do not want to cut their pets' hair so that they do not lose their uniqueness. Arguments that dogs are hot in the summer do not work. Because wool creates a special microclimate and the pet’s body does not overheat. However, long hair needs to be constantly monitored.

It is important to comb it regularly with special brushes. It constantly crumbles, covering carpets, furniture, clothes

Only uncut dogs are accepted to participate in exhibitions. But you can still bring beauty. Only a light haircut of the Pekingese is done in the form of trimming the edges.

For those who do not plan to show their pet at exhibitions and do not have enough time for animal hygiene, it is better to shorten its fur. Groomers can create a stylish appearance for your pet.

Photos of the Pekingese "before" and "after" haircut



Do you give your dog haircuts?

Information about Pikineese exhibitions on the zoo portal website

Breed standards on the RKF website

Caring for a clipped Pekingese

A trimmed four-legged friend causes much less trouble than a full coat, but this does not mean that he does not require any care at all. Your pet needs to be brushed daily, as even short but soft fur readily becomes tangled.

In especially slushy weather, put on your animal a mud-proof overall so that you don’t wash it completely, but limit yourself to wiping its paws. Dogs of this breed are thoroughly washed every 1.5-2 months, or in case of heavy contamination.

If your pet eats natural food, you can put a bandage on the ears that will not allow them to dip into the bowl, and the face should be wiped with a damp cloth after eating.

If you have learned to cut your four-legged friend's hair yourself, he will always look neat, and you will feel proud of your work.

Pekingese content

The maintenance of the Pekingese is not very different from the maintenance of other decorative breeds. The main criteria are:

Complete diet

Toilet organization

It is required in the first months of the baby’s life, until the veterinarian allows walks. You can use special dog litter boxes or simple absorbent diapers.

Normal room temperature and humidity

Walk at the same time every day

For Pekingese, it is preferable to use a harness rather than a collar.

Place for the animal to rest

Should be in a place protected from drafts, away from electrical appliances and heating radiators

Regular examination by a veterinarian, at least twice a year

Types of Pekingese haircuts at home

There are several options for cutting a Pekingese haircut at home. The most common:

  • hygienic haircut;
  • "under the lion";
  • "like a puppy."

Modern poodle haircut: how to cut it at home

The rest of the haircuts are just their variations. If a dog takes part in exhibitions, then it cannot be cut like a lion. This rule applies to both sexes. Typically, boys have their hair cut like a lion, while girls have their hair trimmed to make them look more like a stuffed animal or a puppy.

Note! Pekingese tolerate haircuts quite calmly and are not afraid of getting their hair cut, do not try to escape and stand quietly on the groomer's table

Hygienic haircut

Animals that take part in exhibitions can only be trimmed with scissors. The fur on the paws, elbows and belly is trimmed so that the dog does not collect all the dirt from the ground.

The mane is trimmed so that the muzzle has a round shape proportional to the body. Split ends and sparse hairs must be removed from the tips of the ears. Otherwise, the dog's entire body remains fluffy.

Hygienic grooming of the Pekingese

The only place where you can remove almost all the hair is under the tail. Despite the haircut, the owner will still have to comb the pet daily, otherwise the formation of tangles cannot be avoided.

Puppy style (Flatwork)

When cutting a Pekingese of any age to look like a puppy, the belly, chest, sides and body are cut short (up to 2 cm). The fur on the paws is left fluffy, but trimmed.

Pekingese Flatwork Grooming

The muzzle is cut in the shape of a circle, the hair should be of medium length. The length on the ears is the same as on the muzzle. The genital area is trimmed with a machine, the length of the nozzle is no more than 10 cm. Thanks to this haircut, the pet will have a very neat appearance.

Under the lion

In this case, a special machine is used, with which the hair on the body is cut off (with a nozzle up to 2 cm), the hair on the paws is trimmed, but left fluffy. The mane is left only on the head. On the neck, thick fur is cut off to create a smooth transition.

The hair on the ears is not cut off, but trimmed taking into account the shape of the muzzle. The tail is cut short and only a small pompom is left at the tip, like a real lion.

Pekingese haircut like a lion

Where is it better to get a haircut - at home or in a salon?

If the problem - to cut it or not to cut it - has already been solved, then the next one arises - where is the best place to groom your pet? Some owners prefer to invite a professional dog groomer to their home rather than take their animal to a salon.

This is explained by the lower price when calling a specialist to your home or the lack of appropriate establishments near your place of residence.

Naturally, the decision on where and how to cut the pet’s hair remains with the owner. But there are some advantages of salon grooming:

  • availability of special equipment (table, lighting, all necessary tools);
  • compliance with hygiene standards when cutting;
  • in unfamiliar territory and in the absence of the owner, the behavior of the dog itself is more calm and balanced; At home, the animal can be restless and even aggressive;
  • the owner has free time: while the four-legged fashionista is getting a haircut, you can mind your own business.

Grooming is not a simple procedure. An owner with some courage and determination can take several lessons on grooming his pet from a specialist and then carry out a small hygiene procedure at home on his own.

However, before you cut your Pekingese's hair at home, it is recommended to have the first full haircut done at a grooming salon. The master will give the desired shape to the coat and give advice on care.

The cute dog will be given a suitable and unique haircut.

Why is grooming needed?

If a luxurious “fur coat” is one of the main characteristic features of the breed, is it worth removing it?

Pekingese fur is fluffy and loose. It requires great attention, careful care, and the use of special cosmetics. Otherwise, such fur is prone to matting, matting, it quickly loses its appearance and causes a lot of inconvenience to the pet. If you can’t devote a lot of time and effort to your dog’s hair, it’s better to do grooming.

In old age, the quality of the coat may deteriorate, so trimming will become necessary to keep your pet looking well-groomed. Only show class dogs do not get their hair cut.

Pekingese eyes

Pekingese eyes are one of the most susceptible organs to injury. Pekingese are also susceptible to such pathologies as eye loss. This feature is explained by the anatomical structure of the skull. This breed has a flat face and very small eye sockets, as a result of which the eyes are supported almost exclusively by the eyelids. Even with slight pressure or tissue rupture, eyeball prolapse can occur. Another reason may be some serious diseases that weaken the muscles in the eye area. How to prevent: Examine your dog's eyes daily;

  • constantly wipe them from accumulations;
  • try to prevent your pet from fighting with other animals;
  • Visit your veterinarian twice a year to examine your animal;
  • Walk only with a leash to keep your dog under control and prevent spontaneous behavior that could lead to eye injuries;

Pekingese eye care is quite simple; just morning and evening, remove dirt from the corners of the eyes and eyelids with a cotton pad soaked in hygiene lotion for veterinary use. This simple procedure will allow you to monitor the condition of the eyes every 12 hours.

This is interesting: Short sports haircuts for men 2022

Pekingese haircut

Coat care includes regular bathing, thorough combing and the actual haircut of the Pekingese (see photo of haircuts in the article below). True, experienced Pekingese owners believe that if you plan to participate in exhibitions, there is no need to cut the animal: long, smooth hair adorns the dog and is a sign of the breed. Only the paw pads, the inside of the ears and the nails need to be trimmed regularly.

Important! Dogs of this breed need a hygienic haircut from time to time.

If you don’t do this, your pet’s fur will begin to gather in tangles; besides, it is long and gets dirty quickly. In addition, a dog that has not been groomed for a long time may develop dermatological diseases, and in the summer season mites may appear.

In addition, a groomed dog feels much more comfortable. Because of the thick fur, the animal is hot even at home; there is nothing to say about walking outside in such weather.

Advice! Pekingese should not be cut too short as this can cause skin irritation.

When cutting, you need to consider some recommendations:

  • First, the dog must be washed, dried and combed;
  • Pekingese are cut in the direction from the tail to the head: doing it against the grain is much more convenient;
  • To prevent the hair from flying to the sides, it is recommended to cut the dog by laying a rug or oilcloth under it;
  • The muzzle, tail and paw pads are trimmed with scissors;
  • After the procedure is completed, a lot of hair remains on the dog, so it is advisable to wash it again or at least wipe it with a damp cloth.

As for the cutting tool, it is better to purchase a special clipper. You should not use devices for humans: a dog's fur is coarser and you can cause pain to it. If you can’t buy a machine, buy scissors: they won’t cause suffering to you or the animal.

Haircut "Lion"

The original haircut of the Pekingese - Leo, suits such a dog unusually. It consists of alternating untouched and bare areas of fur. It is performed in several stages:

  1. The hair on the body is trimmed with a clipper (only about one and a half centimeters are left of the entire length). Everything unnecessary is also removed from the face;
  2. Using scissors, the pet is shaped into a lion's mane. It needs to be trimmed in a circle along with the hair on the ears so that it looks like a single whole. The size of the mane depends on your taste: you can leave only a small strip of fur or make your baby a real lion;
  3. After this, the tail is processed. The fur is removed along its entire length, leaving a brush at the end;
  4. The hair between the paws is removed, which will give the animal a well-groomed appearance.

This haircut option for fluffy fashionistas can be made in two types: classic (without pants) or Scandinavian (lion cub in pants). It is suitable for the summer period, and it will become much easier to care for your pet.

Video of Pekingese haircut “like a lion”

Puppy haircut

With this type of haircut, the hair is removed evenly on the stomach, back and sides. It is not cut on the ears and paws, or it is cut so that it is longer than on the whole body. Then, using scissors, they shape the tail and muzzle.

In the process, about two centimeters of fur are left on the animal’s body, which is optimal for it: this length can protect the body from irritation and discomfort in hot weather.

Many owners love this haircut because it makes the animal look neat, and the house will become noticeably cleaner: in bad weather, the Pekingese's long coat gets very dirty. It is more difficult to perform, so at first it is better to have it done by an experienced master.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How quickly does fur grow back?

Everything is individual. Growth is affected by the condition of the animal, nutrition, age, and vitamin intake. Hair grows quickly on the back and slowly on the head. On average, a new fur coat grows in 4 months.

Does the color change after a haircut?

Yes, the coat becomes lighter and softer. But this is only if you cut your dog's hair frequently. If the procedure is carried out 1-2 times a year, nothing will happen.

How to relieve your dog's condition in the heat?

To make it easier for your dog, you can spread wet towels around the house. It is also necessary to leave the bathroom doors open so that the dog can lie on the cool tiles.

You should not completely wet your pet’s body in order to cool it down. This can cause ulcers to form. It is better to spray a little on the head, paws and belly.

It is advisable to transport a dog in a car in hot weather if the air conditioning is running.

Trust your pet's haircut only to professionals. This will help preserve the beauty of the breed and prevent harm to health.

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